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Contemporary Reviewer:

Lecture 5: (Role of financial institution)

IFI’s (International Financial Promoting gender equality – IFIs may
Institution) promote gender equality by funding projects
that empower women and girls and
Providing development assistance – Many IFIs addressing gender-based discrimination.
provide loans, grants, and technical assistance to
help developing countries promote economic Facilitating debt relief – IFIs may provide
growth and reduce poverty. debt relief to countries facing unsustainable
levels of debt.
Promoting economic stability – It may also
provide financial assistance to help stabilize Supporting research and knowledge-sharing:
national economies in times of crisis. Some IFIs support research and knowledge-
sharing in order to promote evidence-based
Supporting international trade and
policy making and improve development
investment – IFIs may facilitate international
trade and investment by providing Blue Chip Stock – Blue Chips came from a
guarantees, insurance, and other financial poker game, which means highest value.
services. Stock in the company known for its long-
established record of making money and
Providing financial regulation and
paying dividends.
supervision – Some IFIs help regulate and
supervise financial systems in order to
prevent financial crises.
Facilitating regional integration – IFIs may
also promote regional economic integration
by providing loans and technical assistance
to support cross-border infrastructure Benchmark – Generally accepted or standard
projects and trade agreements. unit used for the basis of comparison.
Encouraging sustainable development – Closed Corporation – A corporation owned
Many IFIs promote sustainable development and controlled by few persons usually
by providing funding for environmentally belonging to the same family
friendly projects, such as renewable energy EX: Gokongwei Family.
and sustainable agriculture.
Providing humanitarian assistance – IFIs
may also provide funding for humanitarian Collateral – Stock or property that a
and emergency relief efforts, such as disaster borrower is obliged to turn over to a lender
response and refugee assistance. if he cannot repay a loan.
Encouraging good governance – Some IFIs EX: Pang-ibig, SSS, BDO, BPI, AND
provide funding and technical assistance to LANDBANK
Conglomerate – A corporation composed of
support good governance, anti-corruption
companies engaged in a variety of
efforts, and the rule of law. businesses.
EX: San Miguel Corp, Jollibee Food Corp, - Backward- combination of sources of
Ayala Corporation, SM Investments and supply
- Example: cignal and cignal entertainment
Countertrade – A form of barter in which the Conglomerate Integration - a combination of
buyer requires the seller to accept goods (of
agencies or activities not directly related to
the buyer’s choosing) instead of currency.
each other may operate under a unified
management. - Example: San Miguel Corp
Market Integration’s roles (Petron, Slex, Purefoods, Magnolia, Bank of
Commerce and Gin)
Market integration provides a number of
social benefits, including broadening the
range of financial services and investment
opportunities available to consumers and
increasing competition in the provision of Globalization has had a significant impact
those services. on governments around the world. Some of
the key effects include:

 Increased economic
LESSON #6 (Market Integration)
Integration shows the relationship of firms Globalization has led to
in a market. The extent of integration increased economic
influences the market conduct of the firms interdependence between
and consequently their marketing efficiency. countries. This means that
governments are more
Market Integration is a process which refers likely to be affected by
to the expansion of firms by consolidating economic developments in
additional marketing functions and activities other countries. For
under a single management. example, if a country's
main export market
Types of market integration: experiences a recession,
this could lead to job losses
Horizontal Integration - in this type of and economic hardship in
integration, some marketing agencies the exporting country.
combine to form a union to reduce their  Increased pressure to
effective number and the extent of actual liberalize trade:
competition in the market. Globalization has put
pressure on governments to
- Example: facebook and Instagram
liberalize trade. This means
Vertical Integration - occurs when a firm that governments are more
performs more then one activity in the likely to remove barriers to
sequence of the marketing process. trade, such as tariffs and
quotas. This can lead to
- Forward Integration- takes activities close increased competition for
to the consumption function domestic businesses, but it
can also lead to lower governments are
prices for consumers. increasingly focusing on
 Increased pressure to providing public goods and
protect intellectual services, such as education
property: Globalization and healthcare.
has also put pressure on  Globalization is leading to
governments to protect a convergence of
intellectual property. This government policies. As
means that governments are countries become more
more likely to enforce laws interconnected, they are
that protect copyrights, also becoming more similar
trademarks, and patents. in terms of their
This can help to ensure that government policies. This
businesses can recoup their is because countries are
investments in research and increasingly competing for
development. investment and trade, and
 Increased challenges to they are finding that they
national sovereignty: This need to adopt similar
means that governments are policies in order to attract
less able to control their foreign businesses.
own economies and  Globalization is creating
societies. For example, new challenges for
multinational corporations governments. One of the
can now move their biggest challenges facing
operations to different governments is how to deal
countries in order to take with the increasing flow of
advantage of lower taxes or people, goods, and
less regulation. This can information across borders.
make it difficult for This flow can bring new
governments to implement opportunities, but it can
their own economic also pose new challenges,
policies. such as security threats and
environmental problems.
Here are some additional thoughts on the
effects of globalization on governments: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE
 The role of governments AND GLOBALISM
in the global economy is
changing. In the past, Internationalism deals more on political,
governments played a more economic and cultural cooperation between
active role in regulating the nations, while globalism focuses more on
economy and protecting the ideas or belief that people, goods and
domestic businesses. information free of restrictions.
However, globalization has
led to a decline in the Internationalism refers to the cooperation
power of governments to and coordination among different countries
do this. As a result, to achieve common goals. The focus is on
the relationships between nations and the  The risk of cultural homogenization
promotion of mutual understanding and and loss of diversity
respect for each other's cultures and values.
Some pros of globalism include:
Globalism, on the other hand, refers to the  Encouraging cooperation and
connection of the world and the increasing collaboration in addressing global
interdependence of nations on each other. It challenges
emphasizes the need for a global perspective  Facilitating the exchange of ideas
and the recognition that many issues facing and knowledge across borders
the world today, such as climate change,  Promoting economic growth and
require a collective effort to address. development through increased trade
and investment
Internationalism and globalism are two
concepts that are often used interchangeably, HISTORY:
but they have different meanings.
Internationalism refers to the cooperation HISTORICAL CRITICISM
and coordination among different countries Historical criticism is a method of
to achieve common goals. The focus is on examining and analyzing historical texts,
the relationships between nations and the documents, artifacts, and events in a critical
promotion of mutual understanding and and systematic way.
respect for each other's cultures and values.
It is a fundamental approach used by
Globalism, on the other hand, refers to the historians to assess the reliability, accuracy,
interconnection of the world and the and significance of historical sources and
increasing interdependence of nations on narratives.
each other. It emphasizes the need for a
global perspective and the recognition that The Historical criticism of the sources is one
many issues facing the world today, such as of the most important duties of a historian in
climate change, require a collective effort to research. It is part of the analytical operation
address. in the historical method.
Some of the advantages of internationalism
include: Source criticism helps the historian to find
 Promoting peace and stability by out a reliable account of the past. The aim of
encouraging countries to work historical criticism is to establish the
together towards common goals authenticity and reliability of a historical
 Fostering cultural exchange and document.
 Facilitating trade and economic There are two levels of source criticism
growth by removing barriers and namely:
promoting cooperation External Criticism- aims to find out the
Some cons of internationalism include: authenticity of the document.
 The potential for countries to -also called lower criticism, determines the
prioritize their own interests over the authenticity of the source.
common good
 The possibility of unequal power -The method of external criticism is also
dynamics between nations known as heuristics. The term heuristics is
derived from the Greek word ‘heuriskein’, assess the origin, authorship, date, and
which means to find or discover. Heuristics context of historical documents or artifacts
is a technique to detect, trace and locate to determine their credibility and
historical evidence. authenticity.

-External criticism generally conducts 2. Bias and Perspective: Historians are

examinations of documents like keenly aware of the potential biases present
manuscripts, books, pamphlets, maps, in historical sources.
inscriptions and monuments.
3. Corroboration: Historical criticism often
-The problem of authenticity of documents relies on corroboration, which means
arises more in the case of manuscripts than comparing and cross-referencing multiple
the printed documents because the printed sources to validate historical claims.
document has already been authenticated by
its 4. Contextual Analysis: Historians place
author or publisher. historical sources within their broader
historical, social, and cultural contexts.
Internal Criticism aims to establish the Understanding the context for dating
credibility of the content of the document. artifacts, textual analysis, and assessing the
-Internal criticism is applied to check the reliability of eyewitness accounts.
credibility of the document whether the
contents given in it are believable or not. It 5. Historical Methodology: Historical
is because; many writers will not have criticism follows a systematic and
adequate knowledge of the given situation. methodical approach to analyzing historical
evidence. It includes techniques for dating
-Some will write on the situation, with artifacts, textual analysis, and assessing the
motivation or prejudice. Sometime they will reliability of eyewitness accounts.
not reveal the truth for fear of consequences.
6. Interpretation and Reconstruction:
-Internal criticism involves a scientific Historians use historical criticism to
examination of the relevance of the data. interpret and reconstruct past events and
Correction of errors rejection of unwanted narratives. They aim to provide a coherent
information is important. and evidence-based
understanding of historical periods and
 Internal criticism are of 2 kinds – developments.
negative and positive.
Negative criticism is to examine that if 7. Revisionism: Historical criticism can lead
he was in a position to tell the truth. to revisionist interpretations, where new
Positive criticism is to find out whether evidence or perspectives challenge
he has said the truth. established historical narratives.

KEY ASPECTS OF HISTORICAL 8. Ethical Considerations: Ethical questions

CRITICISM: are often part of historical criticism,
1. Source Evaluation: Historical criticism especially
involves the evaluation of the sources used when dealing with sensitive or controversial
to construct historical narratives. Historians topics from the past.
the San Antonio, the Conception, the
Victoria and the Santiago.
The First Voyage Around the World
The Account of Magellan’s Expedition They were the first known Europeans to see
(1519-1522) the great ocean, which Magellan named Mar
Antonio Pigafetta (1491 – 1531) was a Pacifico, the Pacific Ocean, for its apparent
Venetian scholar and explorer. He joined the peacefulness, a stark contrast to the
Spanish expedition to the Spice Islands led dangerous waters.
by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan,
the world's first circumnavigation, and is The fleet reached the Pacific Island of Guam
best known for being the chronicler of the in March 1521, where they finally
voyage. Pigafetta's surviving journal is the replenished their food stores
primary source for much of what is known
about Magellan and Elcano's voyage. Ferdinand Magellan, called Guam “Isla de
Ladrones” (Island of Thieves) because
The Voyage around the World manuscript in islanders took whatever they could
the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana is the from his ship as payment for the food and
only surviving Italian-language manuscript water they had given the crew.
of Antonio Pigafetta's detailed eyewitness
account of the first sea voyage to Magellan’s fleet then sailed on to the
circumnavigate the globe. Created in Philippine archipelago and befriended the
1523-1525, the manuscript dates from the locals. Magellan ordered his men to anchor
years immediately following Pigafetta's their ships on the shores of Homonhon
return from the adventure. Island. He told his Malay slave, Enrique, to
assure the natives that they came as friends
Ferdinand Magellan or Fernando de not as enemies.

Magallanes, in Spanish (1480 – 27 April There, Magellan befriended Rajah Kolambu

1521) was a Portuguese explorer best known and Rajah Siagu, king of Limasawa, who
for having planned and led the 1519 Spanish also guided
expedition to the East Indies across the him to Cebu. On March 30, 1521, the first
Pacific Ocean to open a maritime trade Easter Sunday Mass was celebrated in
route, during which he discovered the Limasawa.
interoceanic passage Rajah Humabon, welcomed the Spaniards,
thereafter bearing his name and achieved the gifts were exchanged, and two
first European navigation to Asia via the parties sealed their friendship with a blood
Pacific. compact in a traditional ritual called
On September 20, 1519, five ships carrying
about 270 men left the Spanish port of
Sanlúcar A cross was erected to signify this important
de Barrameda sailing west — and kept event. This place is now known as Magellan
going. Cross in Cebu.

Magellan commanded the lead ship Trinidad Magellan’s voyage was the first recorded
and was accompanied by four other ships: trip around the globe.
were influenced by writing systems from
The other ship, the Victoria, continued India and Indonesia.
west under the command of the Basque
navigator Juan Sebastian de Elcano. The Laguna Copperplate- precolonial Philippines
vessel sailed across the Indian Ocean, artifact that contains writing from 900 AD
rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and -This plate bears what appears to be an
arrived at Seville on September official inscription written in a script
9, 1522, becoming the first ship to used across Maritime Southeast Asia at the
circumnavigate the globe. time. This script was ultimately
derived from an Indian script. It also
The Earliest Humans in the Philippines references a date using a lunar calendar
that was common across Southeast Asia.
Skeletal remains of an extinct rhinoceros -The Laguna Copperplate demonstrates that
dating to the mid-Pleistocene have been the islands were not isolated
found at an archaeological site on the and suggests that they had significant
island of Luzon. The bones show evidence contact with the rest of Southeast Asia
of having been cut
with stone tools. Animism- the predominant religious system
in the Philippine archipelago before the
Paleontologists think that the makers of the foreign religion.
tools were most likely related to Homo
Erectus , one of the earliest human species. Bathala,- who created earth and man, was
Bones were analyzed and presented in the superior to these other gods and spirits.
article "Earliest known hominin activity in
the Philippines by 709,000 years ago” Every village or town had shamans and
by Dr. Thomas Ingicco, et al. priests who were believed to wield power
over the supernatural world.
Based on archaeological knowledge, Homo
erectus considered unlikely that these early Buddhist and Hindu Influences in the
humans arrived there by intentional Philippines’ History
navigation. They more likely
reached it by way of a natural raft, expelled The first foreign religions to make a mark on
into the open ocean by a typhoon, that the archipelago may have been
happened to wash up on the island. Buddhism and Hinduism
Fray Juan de Plasencia was born in the early
16th century as Juan Portocarrero in
Ancient Interactions Between the Plasencia. He was a Spanish friar of the
Philippines and Southeast Asia Franciscan Order and among the first group
of Franciscan missionaries who arrived in
Beginning in the first millennium AD, the Islands on July 2, 1578.
indigenous chiefdoms emerged on the
islands and had regular trade contact He wrote the Customs of the Tagalogs to put
with Southeast Asia and China. an end to some injustices being committed
against the native by certain government
Writing was also prevalent in the officials.
Philippines, The scripts used on the islands
Customs of the Tagalogs was one of his
writings that tackles about everyday living
of the ancient Filipinos, their social status,
customs, traditions and beliefs of the
Tagalogs. It also provided the first form of
Civil Code used by local governors to
administer justice.

most notably the Doctrina Cristiana

(Christian Doctrine), the first book ever
printed in the Philippines.

Customs of the Tagalogs was written on the

year 1589 during the Spanish Colonial
Period. “Customs of the Tagalogs” was
written through the eyes and hands of a

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