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Inertia Moment

1. Theoretical Principles

Energy of a moving object is possible to divide into two parts, kinetic energy and
rotational energy. Kinetic energy of an object is
1 2
E k = mv , (1)
where v = speed of the object and m = is a mass of the object.
Rotational energy has a formula
Er = J  ,
ω = the angular velocity and J = the inertia moment of the object with respect to
some determined axis. By comparing equations, we noticed that the inertia moment
is a quantity analogical to mass.

If the object has a certain symmetry it is possible to determine the formula of

inertioa moment. For example the inertia moment of a round disk with respect to
axis perpendicular to disk plate and through the center of mass is
J = mR2 , (3)
where R is the radius of the disk and m is the mass of disk. Notice (equation (3)),
that the magnitude of the inertia moment depends on the mass of the disk and also
what is the displacement of the mass from the axis.

It is possible to measure inertia moments of different objects using a device shown

in Figure 1. A metal wire is suspended from one end and on the other end of the
wire is fixed a gage. In to the gage it is possible to put different objects and deter-
mine their inertia moments. If you turn the gage and also the wire about the axis
and let it free, the system starts to oscillate around its equilibrium state. The period
of oscillation is

T = 2 , (4)

where J is the inertia moment of a whole system and D is constant depending on

the elastic properties , length and diameter of the wire. The restoring torque of the
wire is directly proportional to angle τ = Dθ, the oscillation of a torsion pendulum
is close to harmonic oscillation. The period of the pendulum depends only on the
inertia moment and on the constant D. Using the same wire in all measurements,
the period depends only on inertia moment.

2. Measurements

Consider the measurement system shown in Figure 1. To measure the inertia

moment Jk of the unknown object, put the object in the gage so that the axis of the

object is at the center point of the gage. Then measure the period Tk of the torsion
pendulum turning the pendulum at a small angle and let the system to oscillate
freely. Measure time at least for 20 full oscillations and calculate the period. Re-
peat the measurements twice. Since in equation (4) the inertia moment J contains
both the inertia moment of the gage Jo and the inertia moment of the unknown ob-
ject Jk, the total inertia moment of the system is
J = Jo+ Jk . (5)

Since there are three unknown quantities (Jo, Jk and D) in equation (4), you have to
do at least three different measurements to determine the inertia moment J k of the
unknown object. At first measure the period To of the empty gage

T o = 2 . (6)

Secondly put an object of known inertia moment J1 in the gage (the inertia moment
of the unknown object is possible to calculate e.g. using the equation (3)). Measure
period T1. According to equations (4) and (5) the period of the system is now

Jo+ J1
T 1 = 2 . (7)
Calculate the inertia moment J1 by measuring the diameter of the disk and weigth
the mass of the object. Using equations (6) and (7) you can calculate Jo and D.
These are the measurements to define the unknown constants of the measurement
system. From now on you are able to measure inertia moments of any object.

The next step is to measure inertia moments of two objects by measuring periods
in each case. The other of the unknown objects has symmetry and it is possible to
determine its inertia moment by determining its mass and diameter.

In your report express a short theory of the inertia moment and its physical proper-
ties. Explain also the principles of the measurement and calculation method and
one numerical example of calculations of one inertia moment. Show the results of
D, Jo, J1, J2 and J3 and determine the absolute error of those quantities. Use suita-
ble units for quantities to show the final results and their absolute errors. Finally
present your conclusions of your measurements and results.

A gage


Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the measurement system.

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