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Solutions to address the identified problem.

The root cause analysis has identified multiple factors contributing to the utilization of low-quality
materials in the construction of the Ratmalana/Moratuwa water treatment facility. To effectively
address this issue, a comprehensive solution is required, targeting various aspects of the project:

1. Training and Expertise Enhancement:

 Implement specialized training programs for project team members in procurement

and decision-making, focusing on material specifications and quality requirements.
Encourage continuous learning through workshops, certifications, or industry
partnerships to stay updated on best practices and advancements.

2. Establish Clear Decision-Making Processes:

 Establish clear project team roles, establish accountability protocols for material
quality assurance, and prioritize objective quality parameters over personal
relationships or cost considerations.

3. Revamp Material Selection Criteria and Supply Chain Management:

 Develop detailed material selection criteria and specifications based on industry

standards and project requirements, strictly follow during procurement, strengthen
supply chain management, and implement robust monitoring and verification
systems to prevent fake or uncertified materials.

4. Modernize Machinery and Technology:

 The text emphasizes the need to upgrade water treatment facilities to meet modern
material standards, introduce advanced monitoring systems for identifying flaws or
pollutants, and ensure regular maintenance and calibration.

5. Revise Construction Techniques and Handling Practices:

 Adopt industry-standard construction techniques for water treatment projects,

emphasize proper handling, storage, and installation methods to prevent material
damage, and enforce adherence to guidelines to ensure correct material integration
and minimize quality issues.

6. Continual Quality Checks and External Expertise:

 Regular quality checks and audits are essential to ensure project compliance with
established standards, with external specialists providing comprehensive
assessments and unbiased feedback.

7. Timely Response to Challenges:

 Develop a swift response mechanism for unexpected challenges like material defects
or supply chain disruptions, with contingency plans in place to source high-quality
alternatives when needed.
8. Cultural Emphasis on Quality:

 Foster a culture of quality over expediency and cost-cutting, emphasizing the long-
term benefits of using high-quality materials for project sustainability and public

Certainly! Here's a structured approach to address the issue of low-quality materials in the
Ratmalana/Moratuwa water treatment facility construction project:

Action Responsible Party Timeline Measurement

Number of staff
Enhanced Training Project Management trained progress in
Programs Team Start immediately knowledge
Establish Decision- Project Management Established protocols,
Making Protocols Team Within 1 month adherence rate
Project Management
Revamp Material Team, Procurement Revised criteria,
Selection Criteria Department Within 2 months adherence rate
Enhance Supply Chain Department, Quality Improved monitoring,
Management Assurance Team Within 3 months supplier quality
Upgrade Machinery Department, Quality Installed machinery,
and Testing Systems Assurance Team Within 4 months testing efficiency
Engineering Adoption of new
Update Construction Department, techniques, adherence
Techniques Construction Team Ongoing rate
Continuous Quality Quality Assurance Team, Frequency of checks,
Checks External Specialists Ongoing compliance rate

The action plan aims to improve the Ratmalana/Moratuwa water treatment facility by enhancing
training, refining decision-making processes, and upgrading technology and construction methods. It
also establishes continuous quality checks for ongoing improvement. Each action item has a clear
responsible party, timeline, and measurable indicators.

Collaborative efforts from all stakeholders are required for implementation, with regular monitoring
and continuous improvement strategies integrated into the project management framework. The
goal is to ensure the facility functions and becomes a beacon of excellence in providing safe, clean
water for future generations.

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