Acid Base and Salt

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One hundred and Fieteen diererent clement Knows 40 be present. +chese elements combine +0 form aompounds. « ON the basis oF ther chemical properties all the compound can be closcify inka three groupe @ Acid * Bases Salts @ What is Indicator? eAn indicator is a’dye’ Yhat changes colour usher itie put into acid oF base. © Indicator tellus whether the aubstance we are Hestidg are acid ar base by changing ite colour © B most common indicators — « Litmus e Meinyl Orange Phenalphthalein, « Litmus can be used in the FOrM of litmus eclulian ce litmus paper © To types 4. Blue litmus 2. Re litmus © An acid tume blue litmus +0 red, © An Soe (or alkali)’ ims Ted \litmus +0 blue: @ SO, #18 a convenient way +O Find out whether aeolutian ie acidic arbasia js 40 test i with litmus ancl observe toe change in cotaur which takes place. @.3F adm ofMhe given solution tums blue litmus +0 red +hen glen sol will be acidic iN gature. for ex- Orange Guice tums blue +O red litmus , SO orange juice is aidic in nature. That is, orange Guice containé an acid. b. de a deop oF 4he given solunon +ume red litmus +o blue men given gotution uaill be pasta in Nature For @X- NaH salutian (caustic Soda aotution) tums ved litmus to blue ,So godium hydroxide soliton 1S base IN Nature. therefore NadH ie a bose. e What is an alkali A water Soluble base iS cared alkali. ~— Litmus , Turmeric Red cabbage Exampe- eaAndicatore which ean be e Inelicators which cao Found nakucatly- prepared FrOm aftifical source The colour change which +akeS Place in Metnylorange are as follows — |. Dadlcator gives red colour in aod solution. |2. Andicator givee yellow colour in basic solution. [he neutral colour of methyl orange is ~ Orange | y ‘ '@ dhe colour change Which +akes place 1 Phenolphihalein are aS FOLOHS - 1. Phenolphtalein’ indicator i coloutiess in add soution 2. Phenelphtaleia indicator gives pink colour in basic soluhon ewhat fs Universal indicator? Acid —base indicator 1S called universal indicator. * at 18 a PH indicator made af a GaltiOO oF Several compounds that exhibit Several smooth colour chagges over a wide range PH valle © St indiade +he addity or alkalinity of solutions. - * Litmus - © dt is a Natural indicator. « Litmus selatio? is a puple dye which is extraciad froma tyes of plant catled lichen. ( Beleng +0 division Thallophyta) * Agidic - Red eBasic- Blue Red Cabbage - Hee Cobeage © Arie also an natural indicator. eAcidle - Red’ Basie- Green * Hydrangea - a elowering Pant Wwhidr are usally blue hich tums pink io | presence oF @ base. Batt + Hydrogen gas Exomple- When dilute sulphuric acid read with zinc metal, shen zincsulphale and hydrogen gas are Formed - Zn D+ HpSO4ca—F-_ZnSoytactr Hy (3) Zine Sulphuric acid zine sulphate ydregen * CA metal) Corlure> CA salt) (e@Most of the acide reacks with metal +0 Form salt and evoNe Hesas. Experiment - + Take a Few pieces OF zn granules in a boiling sube and add about Sm\ oF dil. #804 add +oi4. * | © Formation OF gas bubble on Me sulFace of ZN granules . : © Pass tne 9a being Formed -Wnrough Soap aawtiod taken in a trough. '€as Filled bubble are Formed in Me soap solUtON Lohich ise into Me Gir. « Bring a burning candle Near Q gas: Filled Soap bubble. She gas Present | in soap bubble burns with a ‘pop sound’, | a | babble bums and react unth ailuie sulphunc aid unth zinc meral. (@ Dilute hydeenione acid reacts with zinc +o form zine chloride and | hydrogen gas. ‘ Rubber co SN Bee deieery “=e a ike | > Pop sound with litle explosion 2 3tand = —> F “ Buting esndie > Baling sube 2 Soap bubble 4 Filled with © Hys04 diute — Hydypgen «zinc granie —||_* 5% = Po —l = = hy trovgh Experiment xo @how the EACHoN oF dil-Hy8d4 acid with zinc. jetty the crcl and other cour Food sluspr@heudld Not be Kept iO metal vessel [© dhe curd and other food stuee should not be Kept ia metal vessels Sich — (as copper vemels because” Curd contains acide which read with Metal oF | vessel to FOrM palsOnas meta). compound Which can cause Food ipoisoning and damage to health. |B. Acid reach with) metal carbonate Cand metal hydrqgencatbonate) to Form Cog gas. Metal camonale + Acid ——> Salt + carbondioxide + woler | | | «Metal hyditagericatbonate + Acid ——> Salt + Cartondioxide + water Pexample ~ 4. When dilute hydmnchiorlo acid reacts wit) Sodium earbonaie , ten | sodium chloride , Mrbon dioxide and woler are Formed | © Nay C03 (8) + 2Hei(agy——>_ 2Nad\(a}e Cogl6)+ H,0(D aodum caroonale hydmchioric acid sadiumchioride carhondioxide water edhe carbondictide gas ie formed oF Brisk eFFervescence (the rapid escape (oF small ubbles of gas From +he liquid. Lexample 9 = The carbory AIOXA! gas TEAS WHO lime water (Calcium bnydroxide) =Cdor2+ 26s) ——> CALDAL* + HOG | ainyiraxide —carbondioxide aaicium cafbopale = water ace) Cushite ppt) | edhe \ime Walker 4u0ns milky when Co21S PASS to Form cacos 7 co b. de excess of Carbon dioxide gasis passed through lime waler, 7 ne 3 je water, +neo “he white precipitate formed First dissowes Mat aorine esialbted of Soluble Salt CaICUM hydrogen cafoonate. eCaCog? + ytd) + 4,00) ——> Ca (Hed,) 694) ealciurt cateonale cathefedioxide water calcium hydrogen carbonate (white ppt) (soluble in water) le JE someone is sur fering From +he problem of acidity oFter Sver eating lughu iF 18 recommended +o take baking aoda a8 a remedy? C2m) —Thia is because bgkIAg Soda is sodium hydragen carbonate, which react with excess hydrochtavie aad in +he stomach and neukralises it. Thie give |retleF +o the perecd eurrenng gom acidity. | a NaHcOg+ Hel —> Nacl(s cogs HO Sodium hydro gen Hydrochloric Soda earbon = wate? eatbonate - add chioride cioxide Why is Carbon - dioxide gas used +o extinguish ire? |e dH is because carbon dioxide does not GAPPor combustion. when sprayed on buming Okied ik Foes the apy dF OAIIEN and extiqguish F1S- 6. Acids react woth bases (or alKali) to Form Satt and water — eAcid + Base ——> Salt .+ water eActually here, when acid ie *tealed witha base, ne base neutralices: +e add and destmy He acidity. |sNeutraliogtion reaction - edhe reddion bendeen ang acid Gnd base +40 Foi salt and wate is called. Neutralisation reason. sBxample- sNadH(ag+ Hel(ad——> Nadlod+ HOLD Sodiumhydmxide — Hysrochlorc sodium water add chloride edhia te an example of neutralisation reaction. Here Nadl is neutral. o &xperiment of neutfalisation reaction ~ @ WE Wil) USE Phenolphthalein solution ad indicator in thie |Expedment. © dhe Solutoo ie q cacuness Indicator which gree pink colour in Basie Solutiod (oF alkalife souitian) - © Phenciphtalein indicator remains colourless i? acidic golution as we) a iO Neutral solution. «Take about Sm! of dilute Naod ealution in teed Hibe. Add 2 oF 3 drops oF phensiphiMleio indicator, the sclutiad vail) +a pink. ehdd dilute Hoi +0 tne above sodium hydroxide solution dmpwise and shake tne tesi tube arter addition. at *Now ddd a Fen dmpe OF Sodium hydroxide Solution +0 above cdlouriess MOI Xue - edhe mixture becomes pink in colour, that is , +he phenolpthaleia indicator change it colour FOM aojoutiess 40 pink these 1S beoz aFteradding a Few drops oF NadH sdutioh the Ceadion enixtuce become basic Acid reacts usith meta oxide +0 IM salt and water - eMetd oxide + Acid ——~> Salt + Woler «copper oxide(!l) is a metal oxide, Dil Hal react with asaler coppel oxide (ii) 40 Form copper (i) chloride and water. - CuO + QHCK—> Cua godt HO copper (yoxide — Hydrochtoric copperQN) water Black) add enionde CeWuegteen) * dhese seaman between acid and metal oxide +ovfoim eatt ald wales 18 Similar +O +he neutralisation reanan. sNate- a shawe the basic nature of metdhOxides . 12. Acid ceacto with metal hydroxide +o Foi salt Andusdler— « Metalhydroxide beAcid ——— > Sait“ +» Water 2 Tt aleo shane Ane nextitalicatin reaction. eo Asubstance X which is Used GS antacid reads with dilHel to predce a gas Y ulltich Used in One +UPE of Ace exnngniches, Mame ne eubstance X and gas Y. Natea walanced equaricn Fof chemical Xx which -rakedipieces C2418) a - dhe substance }X! whic used +0 as antacid, ie Sodium hydraged car konate (NaHeD4), and 'Y'Sas is Corbandloxide- = The amada 13 carted ‘Milk OF Magnesia uslyich 1S used +o etiota Indigeation.Ccaused by +00 much hydroahiartc acid 40 Me Srornee) ). ~ Magnesium hydroxide is basic iq Nakure. SE reacrs ith Hel odd pres! in Me StomMady and eurmiises 1. “ NaHCogedr HCUSAH—> Nad H,0O+ 60,Ts> sodium hyimgey HYdrechlore Sodium — anjer —cattborioxide carbonate acid enionde " y = C@aking sode) (Neutralises) “ye - This io on example oF metalhydroxide which react with acid to Form GO| basic compound. | &.Aads have corroave natuve- - 3 eahe minefal acide cauces Severe bums oy Skin and attack and edtup material like cloth, wood, metal strucure So they GPE carrasive in nature, © Example - * conc. Sulphuric acid « conc. hydrochloe acide conc. niteacd @ Example - IF cong. Sulphuile anid Falls of skid it cuts We holes in the cloth and skin and totally buine the sureace and produce blacg apors. ewhy adds never stored in metal container because ~ ¢ Acids have cotrosive nature, So +hey gradually eorrode and eat up she meka\ container. . «Acid should akcays store in container made Up oF dass and ceramics becouse they Are Not attacked by adds - eNote- he mineral acide are strong bases, a hazard sign are usually printed or mark on it @.A solution reacts with crushed egg shetle 40 give a.gae that +usna lime water milky. She Bolutian conrains 2 a. Nad b- Ha e. Kel a. Lick gclution- The ©99 shell are madeupiSF Calcium carbonate and gae Uohich urns lime water milky dis cateandioxide - carpondioxide sas | ean be Formed: by The adkioN OF AN atid solution of calcium carbonate, 80, the Solution contain Hel <@prien BD (e\WHAT 00 ALL BclBS HAVE \NiGoMmon” ¢ All the adda have or contain hydrogen - * An acide is a sulbslance which dissodales Cor ionieee) on diseaving in water +0 produce Hydrogen ions. [Htiong) e When add is diesdve in water, it septales our as positively charge hydragen ions- o For Example= An aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid -ro rotm hydragen ions by dissociation. e Heled——} WTOD# CU cany Hyclrochione acid ByAmgen ion — chloride ion edt isthe presence oF hydregen ione in hydrexhloric acid solstice unich makes it behave like an acid. Note- Hydmgen ions do not exist as Htion i soluticd , they attach them selves to We pdlar Water molecules 40 Fart? hyavonium ions Hato. o HY + Ho —> ry0r Hydrogen fof water Hydronium jo - # A common -thing in all the acids i folie Wn deaen h afi 3 wives didedived ta vanken, is hdl they produce hydragen ions LH ions] *Roidic behaviour oF a0 acid edlution is due 40 presence of hy —— in it. sree © Hydochloric acid (Hei) Shows acidic characte? becouse it ionses | . ‘ : 0 aq. ro FOIM hydmragen IONE | HAF alongwith (cniovide son) it Lapis 10 iaqyschtior HCLeg—>_ Hed CUCoa) ° Acene ati hy id ie teal . Reet a “ Congenar) 2 te lt characlet because it ionises in aq. CH,CooHIAR——> CHC” Tad+ ut (aa) Acete acid © Sulphune acid (4,804) shaws acidic character because \e ionises | aq. sokition to give hydrogen ions - a Hys04¢e——$) QUT AR S04 Cad) | | [que- Why the aqueots solution OF glucose and alecho! 46 Vor show acidic character ‘eBecause their hydragen does act Separate out as nydeage® ions LH ion] | Lon digesiving 19 water. | le The hydrogen esNtaining edmpouinds aich as gMKcoSe and ales) do! act benave as acide because they donot dissocicle i Water to produce Htion. eFrom this we conclude -that 4nougn ail the adds comain hyatogen bur all the hydrogen cogActifing cameound are gor olds + To show yiene” compound —Coniears\ ig, ayarogen e Take at ce eV eon gnoee nd atcainch , anese are [Comaiidtifig com@eound. j p eixnao Won Aas on uDbE cat ancl Hae “AES * Connect the AGIS +o We 400 Femina oF 6 VO Gnd butlos. , © Pour Some dilute hydro chiorc acd solwricn in Awe beaKer and Seite) on ane Current. dhe ‘bal stare glowing . Tris shass “Mak garantie ci Saker ih Reaver Gonducr Sedrvicthy, IP Fack , aii-wne ocd ecluions coriduct eveckricity: # Lets Us now rake gluse solution in the beaker and auwitch onthe current The bulb does not glow in the case. dhie chowe hat glucnee dees not eqnducr elgckcity , infack alcangl solution also does Qt conduct elercity. e Due to “Me absence OF ioe glucase and alechal sctution do aot eomduct ayectricitys eqgandusion- We conclude *nat the hydrogen containing COMPOUNS gych aS glucose and alcohs! are not eategorieed as adds because *ey do not dissociare in uIGteT 40 produce hydrOgen tons. or Gads = are qaaroge ook in a beaker. artery Boag) a switch | Suntech Beater | Avon Noll Re a. HCL add solution in water conduct electricity, G-Why does distilled water not conduct electricity anexeas Tain coaier does? b. Glucage golution in water does Mot Conduct elecincly - ~eDietilled water does not conduct electricity because it does Not conrad ‘any ionic compound (like acid, bases of aaite) diissowed in ik-and aio add init. eRaN water conduct ele Crricity due to presence oF carbo! he rain usater May also diceaWe some of acids gases Such OS S02 | Nop etc present in ait toform acids wich Hees Rronducting electricity. Q- Why does GN aqueous soluhae SF aD acid condiienclectity % = dhe qquecuS Solution OF an acid eanducte’ elecincity due to pr*eSeNCe OF changed particle satied iohe Which ave present init- Acids do fot show acidic behaviour in Aesence of ware 2 . » The Acidie behaviour oF Atid is due rome presence oF pudeagen ‘oS. ThE acids produces hydrogen tons oly io +e grESeNes OF water, ¢ Tn +he absence oF Worer G Subsrance Wil not Form hydeagen ‘one and heme will Nor Rha ike acidic beNaviaur. Exped ment - | o Take about 4g Solid sodium eloride (Nact) in a cleqn and dry boiling tube and add conc. sulphuric acid to tt careFully. and Fit the mubber cork over glass *+ube . econc- sulphuric acid reads with Sodium chloride -to FOrM hydlrtgen chiorde gas: Ihe hydrogen chionde gae starts coming out oF the open encl *Hald a ‘diy’ blue litmus paper if Hel gas. so +here i* no change in he colout of dvy blue jitmus paper. this shawS +nar pei ade does not behave as an add imme absence of Ware: eWe naw hold @! moist’ blue litmus paper iN Hel gas. Now we will see ahat ‘the moist’ blue litmus paper to red. Dhis Shows +hat Hel gas show acidic behaviour in the presence oF water. © conculsion ~ Hel gas does not shod adidic behaviaur in abeence oF water but itis shouss acidic behav our iN presence of Water. ® Why does dry Hel gas nat Change Me corcur oF dy litmus Paper 2 * The diy Ha gas does not Change -me calout oF dry blue litmus Paper because iHhas no hydmgen ion S THt iong] in it. eWhen Ha gas dissolve in water it Form hyarmaget iaNs and hence how acidic behaw aut: : o Held He lg)+ et” cad in water edhe separation af Ht ions FroM Hcl molecule cannot occur i absence of water, i+ only Occurs in presence oF water. 2 HO gas reacts, With water in Which hydragen ions WHTKEN iN the fom oF hydvenium isns - | owe ° + = Has*+ H,0,45 ——> gd + oie Hydmoium ion detivey tu = Melons Hogs Gs by & k v { "ie bry blie OB vicics wwe venus PORES litmus PAREC headisiie “ane red gos: He! 99S (wochange) Weclouer Nock tm ' q. Prepacation oF bb. Testing Hal 99% with ©. Testing Hel gas with Hei gas dry litmus paper wey + Strong Acids eWeak Acids ¢An acd which complerety igpjeed 10 /¢ AN aad which 16 partially ionised | watef and +hus produce a large ip water and +hus produces aemall atnount oF hydrogen ions . amount oF hydvo gen fons . «Sulphuric acid (Hy804) and nitric acid —_» Carbonic add (hts) and eu\ehuras (HINoa) ore also SH0ng acide because Cid (HySdeare aleo weats acids 4hey Ate fully ioniged in water +0 because they fonise Partially in water produce q large amount of Ht ions. “40 Form a email amount oP Ht ian. |. gtrong acide reacts with other eulss. * Weak acids reacts with otner subs. very rapidly - Very slowly. « strong acids aleo have a high eledria * Weak acids aldo have a lou electrical conductivity bcoz of high conc. of — conductivity bcoz oF the low com. | Htions in solurian . of Htions in solution. eAll atf0ng Acids are Sting elechulyles ° All Weak acide are weak electolyle, eo rorexample- Hel complelely ionisad in * Acetic acid partially toniesd in waler lwarer, ao Wis song acid 1804 is Weak acid. *Uses OF Mineral Acids ig Todugty - «Sulphuric acid- Manuracture of Feitilisers (like ammonium auiphate) , paints dyes , chemical, plastics , detew@ens. ‘ «Nitric acid - Making FeMilsers, ex glosive Ciike TNT - Winitro Taluene) eHyelrothioric adid- Removing oxide Film From steel akjedts and removing | ecale’ deposite from ineide the boilers , dye sturFs | textile an! [leather industry. * BASES « © Boses are +nose Chemical aubstance which have bitter taste. * Bases are bitter in taste and soapy to +ouch- | * All the bases ahange +he colour of red litmus 40 lhe. | « Bases are -the chemical apposite of acide. when bases are added 40 dcids, they neutralise he eFFect oF acids. | * All the metal oxides and metal hydroxide are bases. | * Metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonate are also considered | +obe base bcoz Mey neutraliees the adds. « Example - Sodium carbonate (nageag) , Calelum carsonate (Cocoa) and eodium hydMgen carbonate (Nati¢og) arevalso_ bases | /e later Galuble Bags = Alelis~ | (eh Base which 1S galuble in water is catted Alvali. bur most oF the base ido'nt diasoWe id water but Gome eases dissolve 11 water. |. some common water Ssolyible bases - | ® godium hydOxide (NAOH) + Potassium hydroxide (Kor!) « ealciuen hydroxide (cao) ¢ Magnesium hydroxide CmgoH2) @ Why Soluble bases are much more useful than incoluble bases? i When the chemical reaction +akes , it Usually Takes in aqueous aalution 180, the soluble bates ate much more UseFul +han insoluble bases. ewhat Al Rases Have i common « A DASE ie the substance whicd diasowe in water to Preduce hydroxide jans Coxions) in solutian - «fot example- Sodium hydroxide ie a base because it dissolve i9 water +o produce att ions. ° Naov water Nat + OH” sodiuin ya Oxide sodium ion — Hydroxide ica CAlkali) Shows basie behaviour due +d presence _O a rere ; se ere a! * Potassium hydOxide is a base Which disE0WE in water 4 give ae ions. e KOH(S)——> K*tad+ OH tad Potassium hydOxide — pojassium Hydroxide sons 10ns Presence of OH jane indicates +hat it has basic or alkaline Properties . Note- When solution of atbase ie diluted by mixing more water init, eo the concentration of (ort ions) per unit volume decreases . « gtrmng Base~ eA base Which completely ionises in water and thus produce a large ‘amount of (oH ione) is called strong base. * Sodium hydroxide (NaoH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) are strung bass. bcoz -they completely ionise on diacalving in usater 10 produce O lage amount of OH” ions. |eWeak Base - «B® base which is patally fofleed in Water and Yhus produce O emai) amount of Cor tong). Ammonium hydroxide (NHgor) , calcium hydroxide co LOH), ana [Magnesium hydroxide (mg, y—- Aissoie «in, water 40 producea lemon amount of an ions. + Properties SF Bases- Reack with some’ tretal | Bitter ctaate Ho FOI He gas | | conduct elecinicity in Solution Turns red litmus +o blue React with acide +0 React with nonmetal oxide +o Form salle © We will Now discuss in detail - * Bases react with Some metal to FOIM hydrogen gas- « For example~ When sodium hydmaxde olution 16 heated with zine , er sodium izincate and Hydrogen gas. are Formed QNadH Cat ZN(sX—>_ Na,ZNOg¢aa)+ Hg (2) a a \4 — *Note ~All the metale do not react with bases +o FAM sQqite and bydrgen gas. Bases reacts with acid& +0 FOIM salt and Water (| Ex- When eodium hydroxide feacte with sulphuric acid, 4+neo sodium Sulphate and water ate Fotmed . + 2NQOH (ag) H,$04Cai}—> Nag 804 Cer 2r0 (OD) | Sodium bydroxde aulphuric acid Zodiu® auignate Water | ¢ Base) sat) “echie ie an example of neutralisation reaction. “eWhen an acid and base combine ten whe real neutralisation reactio® occurs due to 4ne combinahian of bydragen ione present in acid and hydroxide jane present iM base +o Form water. Neutralisation + e © Htoad+ OH (a)? #00) wart Hydrogen ion Hydeoxide er ion * Bases react with nonmetal oxides jo FM Salt Sind water~ | | sNoo-metol oxide + Base ——} Sait + Water « calcium hydwxide is base and carbon dioxide io a HoNMerd oxide. seolclum hydroxide eolution reade With caswendioxide +o produce ealgum caronate and water- \* Calo, (+ cots? ——¥ Cacos(s)+ H,0 (D | | Calcium hydroxide catmondicxide — CAlduMcaybonate water e The Non - metal oxide are adidic in nature. |e Uses of Bases - | Sodium hydroxide- manutacture of soa, paper and rayon: | |* Calcium hydroxide also cated slaked lime , monyracsure of bleaching powder. 2 Magnesium hygraxide - used as‘antacid' +o neutralise excess acd in the stomach and cure indigestion. §e BodiuM carbonare~ Used aS Washing Se hard warer : . / e Sodium hydrogadearbonate- used AS baKing nar in eae eae. asan antacdd +o aire indigestion and iM Soca oct ehers. | dade ana For softneing “strength QF Acid ond Rage eqlutiod - tH ecsle IS Jn 1909 gorenson devised a Scale (knowd as PHécale) oo which the | EWM OF add aalution as Well aS Basc sclutich could bE feet by making use of te hyarogeo Ton concentration. e He linked the hydroged ion cofcentmahod of acicl and base soluhan +0 the Fgimple Number O 4014 of his PrHscale Jo 4. Linversay proporhonal) , _ ae | «PH of Solution © H+ ion concentration © Saliib ee igh een eiat ot sae nei tee * Solution has low concentmiion of hydragen ione Ras high PH vaue- «# Term pH -«p Stands ~ ‘Potenz’ - means ' power” | eH stands ~ ‘Hydrogen ion concentration’ -TH]* eVhe strength oF an acid or base ie medeyred on a Seale OF Numbers | eaned PH scale. \° «Neutral aubstance == PH of exactly F eRcidic solutions - PH oF 485 than + | * Basic solutions >PH of more toanF | » Pure water ias@ Heutral eubstatice Cit Neier is aciclletor basic). | | « Susar solution and sodium chloride solutioA are also Neural. | |e Neutral eubbstance” ham ge eparae In \itimus paper: | Note- More acidte a solution, lower wsit\ oe we PH. 4 © Solution de PHA is Much more acidic han qnotner Solution oF PHA © Solution PH of O,4,2 and 3- Strong acide — Aci — | ® golution PH of 4,5 ands — Weer acide Note- solutions having PH less than are Acidic ia nature , hence they 4ums blue litmus +0 red. e Bases of basic Solution have a PH more thant. © She mare basic q solution is, Me higher will pe lis PH. @ Solution PH of 8,9,10 - Weak bases — BASE — | |e Solution PH of 11,12,18 and 14- Sifong bases | fe dhe higher the PH, Ame Stronger Whe base. asic 9 nature and hey © eubetance having PH more than F are turns red litmus +e blue. | eo Dhe PH oF solution decreases From FtOO the Htion concentration \ncreaees, Strength also increases. js. lt - __ AG # dhe PH OF SOlution increases From F tO14 the HtioN cementation in the Scluton goes on increasing , tne strengtn of base also goes Of increasing, Neutral value €or acids 4 Value For bose (CT | ee ee | | i o9 8 4 5 © 4 g 9 do tfap as 44 |) weak —)4—— akrong acid pase |X—Strong acid > <—weak acid >| <—— i © ancieasing acidic nature |g anereasing bacle nature P | © Ancreasing Han cone. | eaneeasing OH” \on cone 2 Decreasing OH ian exne. 2 Decreasing Ht ion conc 2 PH Scale o 7 ® Universal Indicatar— [ARN AAAS eo Ttisa mixture of many dipferent inditcatare which gives difrerent PH | value of entire PHscale. © Stis Q common method of measuring the \PH of eniution. @ dhe indicator shacedieFerent colours at dieeerenPiaanc. oF HTio0. * When an acid andybase eoluticd 18 added 4o the Universal indi cator » the indicator produces anew colour. © Uhe colour produced by indiaqtor ieused +o Find the eH value of (Acid of bass Solution by Marehing the colour chart. ° By these, we Can Make our Whether +he given Solution Is a strong acid, weakacid , SHON base of weak base. ° common indigater— ‘The Indicator can tellus whemner the given eubelance 1s AN acid or base. ¢ adhe common indicator cannot teil uS the Telativ® strengih oF add and base . eolour PH | eolour | | Pk colour | PH | toler PH | Ok a) Dark red SG Greenish yell 13 Nove | | as Red | * Green v4 | squat | 2 Red g Greenish Bue | 3 Orange red | Blue | 19 Navy Swe | 4 Orange M Purple | 5 Orange yellas \2 Dark Purple wt 0423.45 67 8 9 10111213 14 aia neutral ataline e Water vill Gree © QEEN colour with Universal iMdicator- . For example - if of putting he dp oF a solution of the universal indicator Paper, the paper tums dark red , hen ert wits around © and hence ix ie |trong acid . anhen Ye coloat voit be orange , Ae PH UI be 4 and Will be weak acid eAMPORTANCE OF Prt IS EVERYAAY LIE atalam adhe PH plays an important role in Many activites OF OUT evEeyday life. A prin Que vigee BENE Our Stornadh prodwes Hel. shies dil. usitnour harming he exomach - e sometimes excess OF adds produce instemach being by overeatiog cause ind\gession wkd pregCe Pain and. inntation. e dnoder +O cure the WAigeStION , WE CaN TOKE bases like Antoctd) * Antacid are gioup of mild aces ushiih donot have toxle efFects on body. * Being bacie i+ reack With Hol and neutralses he errect OF EXCESS acid . Magnesiutn hydroxide Ssdium hydrogen carbohate CMYK of , MANES) ( Baking soda) Q.Exploin Ye Pri changes aS +he equse of tooth decay. How can Jootn decay Caused by PH Change Can prenentes & Cam) pacteriad Present in cur ~ eWheN we eat faod eonraining eagar, *he mouth break Ane SAgars +o Form acids. ; fe acid Formed in *he e Tooth decay Form OF skaiis When ne Pio or me ia : bcoz OF *nese stTONg acid pie enougd mouth Falls Below 5.5. 4 +o a une enamel oF *0O% and corrode it. Unie leads +0 Foot decay - e Tooth enamel is made of Calcium pho: in curbody bur erarts getting cared ds «dhe beat way +0 prevent soo decay is to clean He moun eating Food. . CPrevecion) Fe ea wihicd contain basée +o Neutraliee she EF ect of Hel help in digesting she Food. sphate (usheh 16 hardest material) ed when PH is lower +nan 55. ae ter - _ B) 3. Plame and Agimale are SensiNe +o Pr changes~ e Soil PH and Plant grawth- (2m) Reoson Based *« Moat the plante gro best when +ne PH oF Soil is close toF. e the soil Pig dso affected by te USE OF chemical Fert licet-in the Field. ¢ The PH of the adidic asil can reach as\owas4 and wat oF basic Sail ean go upto 8.2 * chemical are added +o-rhe Gil +o Make plants aiitable for growth. @ DF the scilia +00 acidic Charing low Pri) then itis treated win material | like Quicktime (cao) of Stared lime Cea (ori),)) of chalk (eacds) ° Au+ne materiale are bases they react with soil and decrease its acidity « Thus a, Farmer add quicklime , slaked lime or chalk if there fields to decrease the acidity. * However, the soil ig too basic having high PH, then itean bereduced by adding organic of decaying cmatier which camtain acidic maternal. © PH change ong urvival oF Onimale~ | @ ane PH plays an impottant role ify she eurvival oF animals inaudiag | human beings. ° Our body Works Wellin or withid a Nate tange PH- + 1074-3. 2 Que- Ax plain (how PH change in the Jeike water can endanger the les oF aquate animals . What can be done +o lessen tne danger to WFE LCF qquatic animal id lake? = The aquahe Qnimadle aumive iM 4he Narrow Cange oF PH value * When too much adid rain edn lower the PH oF the lake water to Such extent that. Survival chances of Me aquatic animal are being LdifFicult- dhe PHF acid rain is about 5.6. - * ahe nigh acidity of lake water can kilthe aquatic animals. | * To prevent nese Cacog 18 FEN Added +o adidic jake water +6 Neutra) 4ne acid that comes From acid rain. ° Hence these prevents the Fich ia the lake being Killed- * Self Defence by Animal and Plant *roug chemical werrare~ @. What happens during a bee sting? whai is HS remedy 2 i it i jdic Viquid Into ski Lehi - When a honeybee stings a perecn, i+ injects an acidic liq causes immense pain ‘and irritation. ~ Remedy- Rubbing a base like baKing sodq overa sting area , ushich gives relief ond Neurralise *he areq and cancels its efrecy. Q. what happens during a Wasp Stina 2 What He remedy2 - -ewhen wasp sting it injects an alkaline Liquid into aneskio. * Remedy ~ Rubbing a mild acid like vinegar oN +H area oF the BK Qivee felieF because being an addic Sibsranc?, we vinegar on the sting area feutrallees the eFfect. | Note- Bee sting is acidic innature and wesp stingi® basic in nature. Q What happens during 4 an ating % what its remedy? ~¢ dhe ant sting injects yhe methanole Acid ike the Skin oF person Causing burming pain. . | © Being acidic , an ant Sting can be Neuira\ised by MUbsing a mild base like baking Soda on +he affected area. @ What hageene during a Neve plant akiag % unal preremedy? - @ When a person happane +o touch the Leaves oF MeMe Plant +he | stinging Nair oF nette leaves my ect methancic Cid into the sKiN of, causing buming pain. e theag Neutralies by TUbbINg bakingeoda:overtne STNG area , even a Nature jteeie provided remedy for ich is odaK'plan. * She dock plant contain some basic chemical iin themibhich Meuitalises ane sting * A Salt is a comPound Farmed FPOM aN atid by the replacement oF Hydrgen in acid by a metal. | Je sate are Formed wien adds reacts With bases . | He satis has +we patents- an add and an base * The First part oF the name oF ear derived Prom tne name of base . e dhe second paw aF Me YONP OF Salt comes FrOM He Name oF acid. a Rorewnniee dhe name of A satt cailed ‘sodium chloride’ comes From | sodium hyd@xide base and He odid- | 2 dhe sate of ‘hydmehioric odd’ are canted ‘ chigrides. * dhe salts OF ‘ aulphuric ocid? are cated eulphore’ | 2 dhe salts of ' gible acid’ are called ‘mittee , 2 dhe sate of | carbonic add’ are eaied * carbonates ene sore of | acetic acid’ are cailed acetates - (8 Salts are mostly solids, Mey are Mos" Nigh meting ond boiling Pair, ® SaltS are usually scluble in water and conduct electneity- © Sans conduct ions elediicity due to Presence of ions in them. | (© Salts are ionic compounds , every salte consist posviively charge iat Cearion) and negate cnarge iad called anion. Saal Family oF Salte- —_ «dhe salte having +ne same positive ions are said +0 belong +a a Family oF salts: 2 For example - sodium chloride (Nac) and sodium sulphate (Na,so4) belong +0 the aame Family OF saite caied sodium salts Cbecause they both acntain the eam€ positvely charged ioNS, sodium ions Nat) e Similiay- Sodium chloride CNaci) and potassium chionide LKci) belong bo +he same Family of saite caied ‘chloride sairs!.( because +ney both contain +he sam } jae tt -) e Negatively charged ions, chloride ions Ck amporrant Family of sate - oie scaldum sate * zine sake ea © Sodium Salt oa! : Bare © Catponate Sats e Chionde Galt e Magnesium aarts « AAMinum eThe Pi QF Salt solutions — She aq. solution oF Many calrs OFS neutral, but some salts ate produce acidic of asic solutions WHEN dissoned MM Water. +The PHvalue OF eome oF the salt solution — 2 Salk eolwtiae 2PH ee edodium chloride goiuho? 3 ° " 5 6 © Reid eAmmonium chloride ac\uto . ee eSodium carbonate Seetor- |e the acidic ands Basle naturé OF some, sal Fon basla of hyamysis) of salty a ahe sats of Strong acide and Weax bases gives acidic sol.~ ¢ Example - Ammonium chlo de Cwriga) ia catt of suns acid He} and weak base aMynonium hyd mxide (NtH4or) 89 an aqueus scl oF ammonium hloree 1S acidic i Nature . LPH less #nen +) «When ammonium chloride 1S dissolved in woier it gets hydra yeed -4o Perm ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid- 2 Ng + HO SEES nun goricadt Het (aq? Reamentumchtoride Water Ammonium hydroride Hy Asvchloric acig (weak pase) “Strong acid) Now Hal acid 18 a strong acid unich is Fully tonised and gives a large amount OF Wtiond.and NH4oH ie aweak Base due +o OH" ions. *ghe Salte OF weakacids and strong bases give basic soluhons- * Example- Sodium carbonate (Na l0s) 1 the Sait of a weak acid carbonic acid LH,¢o3) and strong base sodium hydroxide (Nach), soa aq. Solunon OF Najtag ill basic in Nature. \t solution an be explained . Na, 00a (9) + Uig0 LD usm’ QNadti ladtt HgCOa (aa) | Sodium eavdonate water Sodium hydxide carbone acta. (strong ase) Cweatr decid)

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