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SECTION II Clinical Pharmacology


Pharmacological Principles


1 Drug molecules obey the law of mass action. nonionized (uncharged) fraction of drug is
When the plasma concentration exceeds reabsorbed in the renal tubules, whereas the
the tissue concentration, the drug moves ionized (charged) portion is excreted in urine.
from the plasma into tissue. When the
5 Elimination half-life is the time required
plasma concentration is less than the tissue
for the drug concentration to fall by 50%.
concentration, the drug moves from the
For drugs described by multicompartment
tissue back to plasma.
pharmacokinetics (eg, all drugs used in
2 Most drugs that readily cross the blood– anesthesia), there are multiple elimination
brain barrier (eg, lipophilic drugs like half-lives.
hypnotics and opioids) are avidly taken up in
body fat. 6 The offset of a drug’s effect cannot be
predicted from half-lives. The context-
3 Biotransformation is the chemical process sensitive half-time is a clinically useful
by which the drug molecule is altered in concept to describe the rate of decrease
the body. The liver is the primary organ of in drug concentration and should be
metabolism for drugs. used instead of half-lives to compare the
4 Small unbound molecules freely pass from pharmacokinetic properties of intravenous
plasma into the glomerular filtrate. The drugs used in anesthesia.

The clinical practice of anesthesiology is directly con- misuse of pharmacokinetic principles and measure-
nected to the science of clinical pharmacology. One ments suggests that this is not yet the case.
would think, therefore, that the study of pharmacoki-
netics and pharmacodynamics would receive attention
comparable to that given to airway assessment, choice PHARMACOKINETICS
of inhalation anesthetic, neuromuscular blockade, or Pharmacokinetics defines the relationships among
treatment of sepsis in anesthesiology curricula and drug dosing, drug concentration in body fluids and
examinations. Sadly, the frequent misidentification or tissues, and time. It consists of four linked processes:


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140 SECTION II Clinical Pharmacology

absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and drug absorption bypasses the liver and first-pass
excretion. metabolism. Rectal administration partly bypasses
the portal system, and represents an alternative route
Absorption in small children or patients who are unable to toler-
Absorption defines the processes by which a drug ate oral ingestion. However, rectal absorption can be
moves from the site of administration to the blood- erratic, and many drugs irritate the rectal mucosa.
stream. There are many possible routes of drug Transdermal drug administration can provide
administration: oral, sublingual, rectal, inhalational, prolonged continuous administration for some
transdermal, transmucosal, subcutaneous, intra- drugs. However, the stratum corneum is an effec-
muscular, perineural, peridural, intrathecal, and tive barrier to all but small, lipid-soluble drugs (eg,
intravenous. Absorption is influenced by the physical clonidine, nitroglycerin, scopolamine, fentanyl, and
characteristics of the drug (solubility, pKa, diluents, free-base local anesthetics [EMLA]).
binders, and formulation), dose, the site of absorp- Parenteral routes of drug administration
tion (eg, gut, lung, skin, muscle), and in some cases include subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intrave-
(eg, perineural or subcutaneous administration of nous injection. Subcutaneous and intramuscular
local anesthetics) by additives such as epinephrine. absorption depend on drug diffusion from the site
Bioavailability defines the fraction of the adminis- of injection to the bloodstream. The rate at which a
tered dose that reaches the systemic circulation. For drug enters the bloodstream depends on both blood
example, nitroglycerin is well absorbed by the gas- flow to the injected tissue and the injectate formula-
trointestinal tract but has low bioavailability when tion. Drugs dissolved in solution are absorbed faster
administered orally. The reason is that nitroglycerin than those present in suspensions. Irritating prepa-
undergoes extensive first-pass hepatic metabolism rations can cause pain and tissue necrosis (eg, intra-
before reaching the systemic circulation. muscular diazepam). Intravenous injections bypass
Oral drug administration is convenient, inex- the process of absorption.
pensive, and relatively tolerant of dosing errors.
However, it requires cooperation of the patient, Distribution
exposes the drug to first-pass hepatic metabolism, Once absorbed, a drug is distributed by the blood-
and permits gastric pH, digestive enzymes, motility, stream throughout the body. Highly perfused organs
food, and other drugs to potentially reduce the pre- (the so-called vessel-rich group) receive a dispropor-
dictability of systemic drug delivery. tionate fraction of the cardiac output (Table 7–1).
Nonionized (uncharged) drugs are more readily
absorbed than ionized (charged) forms. Therefore,
an acidic environment (stomach) favors the absorp-
TABLE 7–1 Tissue group composition,
tion of acidic drugs (A– + H+ → AH), whereas a more relative body mass, and percentage of cardiac
alkaline environment (intestine) favors basic drugs output.
(BH+ → H+ + B). Nevertheless, in most cases, the
Tissue Body Cardiac
greater aggregate amount of drugs is absorbed from Group Composition Mass (%) Output (%)
the intestine rather than the stomach because of the
greater surface area of the small intestine and longer Vessel-rich Brain, heart, 10 75
liver, kidney,
transit duration. endocrine
All venous drainage from the stomach and glands
small intestine flows to the liver. As a result, the bio-
availability of highly metabolized drugs may be sig- Muscle Muscle, skin 50 19
nificantly reduced by first-pass hepatic metabolism. Fat Fat 20 6
Because the venous drainage from the mouth and
esophagus flows into the superior vena cava rather Vessel-poor Bone, ligament, 20 0
than into the portal system, sublingual or buccal

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CHAPTER 7 Pharmacological Principles 141

Therefore, these tissues receive a disproportionate to transfer into the tissue to produce an effective free
amount of drug in the first minutes following drug drug concentration.
administration. These tissues approach equilibration Albumin has two main binding sites with affin-
with the plasma concentration more rapidly than ity for many acidic and neutral drugs (including
less well perfused tissues due to the differences in diazepam and warfarin). Highly bound drugs (eg,
blood flow. However, less well perfused tissues such warfarin) can be displaced by other drugs compet-
as fat and skin may have enormous capacity to ing for the same binding site (eg, indocyanine green
absorb lipophilic drugs, resulting in a large reservoir or ethacrynic acid) with dangerous consequences.
of drug following long infusions. α1-Acid glycoprotein (AAG) binds basic drugs (local
1 Drug molecules obey the law of mass action. anesthetics, tricyclic antidepressants). If the concen-
When the plasma concentration exceeds the trations of these proteins are diminished then the
concentration in tissue, the drug moves from the relative solubility of the drugs in blood is decreased,
plasma into tissue. When the plasma concentration increasing tissue uptake. Kidney disease, liver dis-
is less than the tissue concentration, the drug moves ease, chronic congestive heart failure, and malignan-
from the tissue back to plasma. cies decrease albumin production. Major burns of
The rate of rise in drug concentration in an more than 20% of body surface area lead to albumin
organ is determined by that organ’s perfusion and loss. Trauma (including surgery), infection, myo-
the relative drug solubility in the organ compared cardial infarction, and chronic pain increase AAG
with blood. The equilibrium concentration in an levels. Pregnancy is associated with reduced AAG
organ relative to blood depends only on the rela- concentrations. None of these factors have much
tive solubility of the drug in the organ relative to relevance to propofol, which is administered with its
blood, unless the organ is capable of metabolizing own binding molecules (the lipid in the emulsion).
the drug. Lipophilic molecules can readily transfer
Molecules in blood are either free or bound to between the blood and organs. Charged molecules
plasma proteins and lipids. The free concentration are able to pass in small quantities into most organs.
equilibrates between organs and tissues. However, However, the blood–brain barrier is a special case.
the equilibration between bound and unbound mol- Permeation of the central nervous system by ionized
ecules is instantaneous. As unbound molecules of drugs is limited by pericapillary glial cells and endo-
drug diffuse into tissue, they are instantly replaced
2 thelial cell tight junctions. Most drugs that
by previously bound molecules. Plasma protein readily cross the blood–brain barrier (eg, lipo-
binding does not affect the rate of transfer directly, philic drugs like hypnotics and opioids) are avidly
but it does affect relative solubility of the drug taken up in body fat.
in blood and tissue. When a drug is highly bound in The time course of distribution of drugs into
blood a much larger dose will be required to achieve peripheral tissues is complex and is best described
the same systemic effect. If the drug is highly bound using computer models and simulation. Following
in tissues, and unbound in plasma, then the rela- intravenous bolus administration, rapid distribu-
tive solubility favors drug transfer into tissue. Put tion of drug from the plasma into tissues accounts
another way, a drug that is highly bound in tissue, for the profound decrease in plasma concentration
but not in blood, will have a very large free drug observed in the first few minutes. For each tissue,
concentration gradient driving drug into the tissue. there is a point in time at which the apparent con-
Conversely, if the drug is highly protein bound in centration in the tissue is the same as the concentra-
plasma and has few binding sites in the tissue, then tion in the plasma. The redistribution phase (from
transfer of a small amount of drug may be enough to each tissue) follows this moment of equilibration.
bring the free drug concentration into equilibrium During redistribution, drug returns from tissues
between blood and tissue. Thus, high levels of bind- back into the plasma. This return of drug back to
ing in blood relative to tissues increase the rate of the plasma slows the rate of decline in plasma drug
onset of drug effect, because fewer molecules need concentration.

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142 SECTION II Clinical Pharmacology

Distribution generally contributes to rapid of the other body tissues. For drugs with two periph-
emergence by removing drug from the plasma for eral compartments, the rapidly equilibrating com-
many minutes following administration of a bolus of partment comprises the organs and muscles, while the
an induction agent. Following prolonged infusions slowly equilibrating compartment roughly represents
of lipophilic anesthetic drugs, redistribution gener- distribution of the drug into fat and skin. These com-
ally delays emergence as drug returns from tissue partments are designated V1 (central), V2 (rapid dis-
reservoirs to the plasma for many hours. tribution), and V3 (slow distribution). The volume of
The complex process of drug distribution into distribution at steady state, Vdss is the algebraic sum of
and out of tissues is one reason that half-lives provide these compartment volumes. V1 is calculated by the
almost no guidance for predicting emergence times. above equation showing the relationship between vol-
The offset of a drug’s clinical actions is best predicted ume, dose, and concentration. The other volumes are
by computer models using the context sensitive half- calculated through pharmacokinetic modeling.
time or decrement time. The context-sensitive half-time A small Vdss implies that the drug has high
is the time required for a 50% decrease in plasma drug aqueous solubility and will remain largely within
concentration to occur following a pseudo steady- the intravascular space. For example, the Vdss of
state infusion (in other words, an infusion that has vecuronium is about 200 mL/kg in adult men and
continued long enough to yield nearly steady-state about 160 mL/kg in adult women, indicating that
concentrations). Here the “context” is the duration of vecuronium is mostly present in body water, with
the infusion. The context-sensitive decrement time is a little distribution into fat. However, the typical
more generalized concept referring to any clinically anesthetic drug is lipophilic, resulting in a Vdss that
relevant decreased concentration in any tissue, par- exceeds total body water (approximately 600 mL/kg
ticularly the brain or effect site. in adult males). For example, the Vdss for fentanyl is
The volume of distribution, Vd, is the appar- about 350 L in adults, and the Vdss for propofol may
ent volume into which a drug has “distributed” (ie, exceed 5000 L. Vdss does not represent a real vol-
mixed). This volume is calculated by dividing a ume but rather reflects the volume into which the
bolus dose of drug by the plasma concentration at administered drug dose would need to distribute to
time 0. In practice, the concentration used to define account for the observed plasma concentration.
the Vd is often obtained by extrapolating subsequent
concentrations back to “0 time” when the drug was Biotransformation
injected (this assumes immediate and complete
3 Biotransformation is the chemical process by
mixing), as follows: which the drug molecule is altered in the body.
Bolus dose The liver is the primary organ of metabolism for
Vd = most drugs. One exception is esters, which undergo
Concentration time0
hydrolysis in the plasma or tissues. The end products
The concept of a single Vd does not apply to of biotransformation are often (but not necessarily)
any intravenous drugs used in anesthesia. All intra- inactive and water soluble. Water solubility allows
venous anesthetic drugs are better modeled with at excretion by the kidneys.
least two compartments: a central compartment and Metabolic biotransformation is frequently
a peripheral compartment. The behavior of many of divided into phase I and phase II reactions.
these drugs is more precisely described using three Phase I reactions convert a parent compound into
compartments: a central compartment, a rapidly more polar metabolites through oxidation, reduc-
equilibrating peripheral compartment, and a slowly tion, or hydrolysis. Phase II reactions couple (con-
equilibrating peripheral compartment. The central jugate) a parent drug or a phase I metabolite with
compartment may be thought of as including the an endogenous substrate (eg, glucuronic acid) to
blood and any ultra-rapidly equilibrating tissues such form water-soluble metabolites that can be elimi-
as the lungs. The peripheral compartment is composed nated in the urine or stool. Although this is usually

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CHAPTER 7 Pharmacological Principles 143

a sequential process, phase I metabolites may be Excretion

excreted without undergoing phase II biotransfor- Some drugs and many drug metabolites are excreted
mation, and a phase II reaction can precede or occur by the kidneys. Renal clearance is the rate of elimi-
without a phase I reaction. nation of a drug from the body by kidney excretion.
Hepatic clearance is the volume of blood or This concept is analogous to hepatic clearance, and
plasma (whichever was measured in the assay) similarly, renal clearance can be expressed as the
cleared of drug per unit of time. The units of clearance renal blood flow times the renal extraction ratio.
are units of flow: volume per unit time. Clearance
may be expressed in milliliters per minute, liters per 4 Small unbound drugs freely pass from plasma
into the glomerular filtrate. The nonionized
hour, or any other convenient unit of flow. If every (uncharged) fraction of drug is reabsorbed in the
molecule of drug that enters the liver is metabolized, renal tubules, whereas the ionized (charged) portion
then hepatic clearance will equal liver blood flow. remains and is excreted in urine. The fraction of
This is true for very few drugs, although it is very drug ionized depends on the pH; thus renal elimina-
nearly the case for propofol. For most drugs, only a tion of drugs that exist in ionized and nonionized
fraction of the drug that enters the liver is removed. forms depends in part on urinary pH. The kidney
The fraction removed is called the extraction ratio. actively secretes some drugs into the renal tubules.
The hepatic clearance can therefore be expressed as Many drugs and drug metabolites pass from the
the liver blood flow times the extraction ratio. If the liver into the intestine via the biliary system. Some
extraction ratio is 50%, then hepatic clearance is 50% drugs excreted into the bile are then reabsorbed in
of liver blood flow. The clearance of drugs efficiently the intestine, a process called enterohepatic recircu-
removed by the liver (ie, having a high hepatic extrac- lation. Occasionally metabolites excreted in bile are
tion ratio) is proportional to hepatic blood flow. For subsequently converted back to the parent drug. For
example, because the liver removes almost all of the example, lorazepam is converted by the liver to loraz-
propofol that goes through it, if the hepatic blood epam glucuronide. In the intestine, β-glucuronidase
flow doubles, then the clearance of propofol doubles. breaks the ester linkage, converting lorazepam gluc-
Induction of liver enzymes has no effect on propofol uronide back to lorazepam.
clearance, because the liver so efficiently removes all
of the propofol that goes through it. Even severe loss
of liver tissue, as occurs in cirrhosis, has little effect Compartment Models
on propofol clearance. Drugs such as propofol have Multicompartment models provide a mathematical
flow-dependent clearance. framework that can be used to relate drug dose to
Many drugs have low hepatic extraction ratios changes in drug concentrations over time. Concep-
and are slowly cleared by the liver. For these drugs, tually, the compartments in these models are tissues
the rate-limiting step is not the flow of blood to the with a similar distribution time course. For example,
liver, but rather the metabolic capacity of the liver the plasma and lungs are components of the central
itself. Changes in liver blood flow have little effect compartment. The organs and muscles, sometimes
on the clearance of such drugs. However, if liver called the vessel-rich group, could be the second,
enzymes are induced, then clearance will increase or rapidly equilibrating, compartment. Fat and skin
because the liver has more capacity to metabolize have the capacity to bind large quantities of lipophilic
the drug. Conversely, if the liver is damaged, then drug but are poorly perfused. These could represent
less capacity is available for metabolism and clear- the third, or slowly equilibrating, compartment. This
ance is reduced. Drugs with low hepatic extraction is an intuitive definition of compartments, but it is
ratios thus have capacity-dependent clearance. The important to recognize that the compartments of a
extraction ratios of methadone and alfentanil are pharmacokinetic model are mathematical abstrac-
10% and 15% respectively, making these capacity- tions that relate dose to observed concentration. A
dependent drugs. one-to-one relationship does not exist between any

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144 SECTION II Clinical Pharmacology

a few seconds, the instantaneous concentration is 0,

because the drug is all in the vein, still flowing to the
heart. It takes a minute or two for the drug to mix
in the central compartment volume. This misspecifi-
Plasma concentration

phase cation is common to conventional pharmacokinetic
models. More physiologically based models, some-
times called front-end kinetic models, can character-
ize the initial delay in concentration. The additional
Elimination complexity that these models introduce is useful
phase only if the concentrations over the first few minutes
are clinically important. After the first few minutes,
front-end models resemble conventional compart-
Time after dose mental models.
In the first few minutes following initial bolus
bolus administration of a drug the concentration drops
very rapidly as the drug quickly diffuses into periph-
FIGURE 7–1 Two-compartment model demonstrates eral compartments. Concentrations often decline by
the changes in drug concentrations in the distribution an order of magnitude over 10 minutes! For drugs
phase and the elimination phase. During the distribution with very rapid hepatic clearance (eg, propofol) or
phase, the drug moves from the central compartment to
the peripheral compartment. In the elimination phase
those that are metabolized in the blood (eg, remi-
the drug returns from the peripheral compartment to the fentanil), metabolism contributes significantly to the
central compartment and is metabolized and excreted. rapid initial drop in concentration. Following this
very rapid drop there is a period of slower decrease
in plasma concentration. During this period, the
“mathematically identified” compartment and any rapidly equilibrating compartment is no longer
organ or tissue in the body. removing drug from the plasma. Instead, drug
Many drugs used in anesthesia are well returns to the plasma from the rapidly equilibrat-
described by two-compartment models. This is ing compartment. The reversed role of the rapidly
generally the case if the studies used to characterize equilibrating tissues from extracting drug to return-
the pharmacokinetics do not include rapid arterial ing drug accounts for the slower rate of decline in
sampling over the first few minutes (Figure 7–1). plasma concentration in this intermediate phase.
Without rapid arterial sampling the ultrarapid ini- Eventually there is an even slower rate of decrease in
tial drop in plasma concentration immediately after plasma concentration, which is log-linear until the
a bolus injection is missed, and the central compart- drug is completely eliminated from the body. This
ment volume is blended into the rapidly equilibrat- terminal log-linear phase occurs after the slowly
ing compartment. When rapid arterial sampling is equilibrating compartment shifts from net removal
used in pharmacokinetic experiments, the results of drug from the plasma to net return of drug to
generally support the use of a three-compartment the plasma. During this terminal phase, the organ
model. Thus, the number of identifiable compart- of elimination (typically the liver) is exposed to the
ments reported in a pharmacokinetic study may be body’s entire body drug load, which accounts for the
more a function of the experimental design than a very slow rate of decrease in plasma drug concentra-
characteristic of the drug. tion during this final phase.
As previously noted, in compartmental mod- The mathematical models used to describe
els the instantaneous concentration at the time of a drug with two or three compartments are,
a bolus injection is assumed to be the amount of respectively:
the bolus divided by the central compartment vol-
ume. This is not correct. If the bolus is given over Cp(t) = Ae-αt + Be-βt

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CHAPTER 7 Pharmacological Principles 145

and the pharmacokinetic properties of intravenous

drugs used in anesthesia.
Cp(t) = Ae-αt + Be-βt + Ce-γt
where Cp(t) equals plasma concentration at time
Pharmacodynamics, the study of how drugs affect
t, and α, β, and γ are the exponents that character-
the body, involves the concepts of potency, efficacy,
ize the very rapid (ie, very steep), intermediate, and
and therapeutic window. Pharmacokinetic mod-
slow (ie, log-linear) portions of the plasma concen-
els can range from entirely empirical dose versus
tration over time, respectively. Drugs described by
response relationships to mechanistic models of
two-compartment and three-compartment models
ligand–receptor binding. The fundamental pharma-
will have two or three half-lives. Each half-life is cal-
codynamic concepts are captured in the relation-
culated as the natural log of 2 (0.693), divided by the
ship between exposure to a drug and physiological
exponent. The coefficients A, B, and C represent the
response to the drug, often called the dose–response
contribution of each of the exponents to the overall
or concentration–response relationship.
decrease in concentration over time.
The two-compartment model is described by a
curve with two exponents and two coefficients, Exposure–Response Relationships
whereas the three-compartment model is described As the body is exposed to an increasing amount of
by a curve with three exponents and three coeffi- a drug, the response to the drug similarly increases,
cients. The mathematical relationships among com- typically up to a maximal value. This fundamental
partments, clearances, coefficients, and exponents concept in the exposure versus response relation-
are complex. Every coefficient and every exponent is ship is captured graphically by plotting exposure
a function of every volume and every clearance. (usually dose or concentration) on the x axis as the
5 Elimination half-time is the time required for independent variable, and the body’s response on
the drug concentration to fall by 50%. For the y axis as the dependent variable. Depending on
drugs described by multicompartment pharmaco- the circumstances, the dose or concentration may be
kinetics (eg, fentanyl, sufentanil), there are multiple plotted on a linear scale (Figure 7–2A) or a logarith-
elimination half-times, in other words the elimina- mic scale (Figure 7–2B), while the response is typi-
6 tion half-time is context dependent. The off- cally plotted either as the actual measured response
set of a drug’s effect cannot be predicted from (Figure 7–2A) or as a fraction of the baseline or maxi-
half-lives alone. Moreover, one cannot easily deter- mum physiological measurement (Figure 7–2B). For
mine how rapidly a drug effect will disappear sim- our purposes here, basic pharmacodynamic proper-
ply by looking at coefficients, exponents, and ties are described in terms of concentration, but any
half-lives. For example, the terminal half-life of suf- metric of drug exposure (dose, area under the curve,
entanil is about 10 h, whereas that of alfentanil is etc) could be used.
2 h. This does not mean that recovery from alfent- The shape of the relationship is typically sigmoi-
anil will be faster, because clinical recovery from dal, as shown in Figure 7–2. The sigmoidal shape
clinical dosing will be influenced by all half-lives, reflects the observation that often a certain mini-
not just the terminal one. Computer models readily mal amount of drug must be present before there
demonstrate that recovery from an infusion lasting is any measurable physiological response. Thus, the
several hours will be faster when the drug adminis- left side of the curve is flat until the drug concentra-
tered is sufentanil than it will be when the infused tion reaches a threshold. The right side is also flat,
drug is alfentanil. The time required for a 50% reflecting the maximum physiological response of
decrease in concentration depends on the duration the body, beyond which the body simply cannot
or “context” of the infusion. The context-sensitive respond to additional drug. Thus, the curve is flat
half-time, mentioned earlier, captures this concept on both the left and right sides. A sigmoidal curve
and should be used instead of half-lives to compare is required to connect the baseline to the asymptote,

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146 SECTION II Clinical Pharmacology

100 Cγ
Effect = E0 + ( Emax − E0 ) γ
C50 +Cγ
% of maximal response

In both cases, E0 is the baseline effect in the
absence of drug, C is drug concentration, C50 is the
50 concentration associated with half-maximal effect,
and γ describes the steepness of the concentration
versus response relationship (and is also known as
25 the Hill coefficient). For the first equation, Emax is
the maximum change from baseline. In the second
equation, Emax is the maximum physiological mea-
10 20 30 40 surement, not the maximum change from baseline.
Dose (mg) Once defined in this fashion, each parameter
of the pharmacodynamic model speaks to the spe-
B cific concepts mentioned earlier. Emax is related to
the intrinsic efficacy of a drug. Highly efficacious
drugs have a large maximum physiological effect,
characterized by a large Emax. For drugs that lack
% of maximal response

75 efficacy, Emax will equal E0. C50 is a measure of drug

potency. Highly potent drugs have a low C50; thus
small amounts produce the drug effect. Drugs lack-
50 ing potency have a high C50, indicating that a large
amount of drug is required to achieve the drug
effect. The parameter γ indicates steepness of the
25 relationship between concentration and effect. A γ
value less than 1 indicates a very gradual increase
in drug effect with increasing concentration. A γ
1 10 100 1000 value greater than 4 suggests that once drug effect
Dose (mg)
is observed, small increases in drug concentration
produce large increases in drug effect until the maxi-
FIGURE 7–2 The shape of the dose (or concentration)– mum effect is reached.
response curve depends on whether the dose or plasma
concentration is plotted on a linear (A) or logarithmic (B) The curve described above represents the rela-
scale. tionship of drug concentration to a continuous
physiological response. The same relationship can
be used to characterize the probability of a binary
which is why sigmoidal curves are ubiquitous when (yes/no) response to a drug dose:
modeling pharmacodynamics.
The sigmoidal relationship between exposure Cγ
Probability = P0 + ( Pmax − P0 ) γ
and response is defined by one of two interchange- C50 +Cγ
able relationships:
In this case, the probability (P) ranges from 0
Cγ (no chance) to 1 (certainty). P0 is the probability of
Effect = E0 = Emax γ
C50 + C γ a “yes” response in the absence of drug. Pmax is the

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CHAPTER 7 Pharmacological Principles 147

maximum probability, necessarily less than or equal when the antagonist competes with the agonist for the
to 1. As before, C is the concentration, C50 is the con- same binding site, each potentially displacing the other.
centration associated with half-maximal effect, and Noncompetitive antagonism occurs when the antago-
γ describes the steepness of the concentration ver- nist, through covalent binding or another process, per-
sus response relationship. Half-maximal effect is the manently impairs the drug’s access to the receptor.
same as 50% probability of a response when P0 is 0 The drug effect is governed by the fraction of
and Pmax is 1. receptors that are occupied by an agonist. That frac-
The therapeutic window for a drug is the range tion is based on the concentration of the drug, the
between the concentration associated with a desired concentration of the receptor, and the strength of
therapeutic effect and the concentration associated binding between the drug and the receptor. This
with a toxic drug response. This range can be mea- binding is described by the law of mass action,
sured as either the difference between two points which states that the reaction rate is proportional to
on the same concentration versus response curve the concentrations of the reactants:
(when the toxicity represents an exaggerated form of k
the desired drug response) or the distance between 
[D][RU ] ← 
→ [DR]
k  off
two distinct curves (when the toxicity represents a
different response or process from the desired drug where [D] is the concentration of the drug, [RU] is the
response). For a drug such as sodium nitroprus- concentration of unbound receptor, and [DR] is the
side, a single concentration versus response curve concentration of bound receptor. The rate constant
defines the relationship between concentration and kon defines the rate of ligand binding to the recep-
decrease in blood pressure. The therapeutic window tor. The rate constant koff defines the rate of ligand
might be the difference in the concentration produc- unbinding from the receptor. According to the law of
ing a desired 20% decrease in blood pressure and a mass action, the rate of receptor binding, d[DR]/dt is:
toxic concentration that produces a 60% decrease
in blood pressure. However, for a drug such as lido- d[DR]
= [D][RU ]kon − [DR]koff
caine, the therapeutic window might be the differ- dt
ence between the C50 for suppression of ventricular Steady state occurs almost instantly. Because the
arrhythmias and the C50 for lidocaine-induced sei- rate of formation at steady state is 0, it follows that:
zures, the two drug effects being described by sepa-
rate concentration versus response relationships. [D][RU ]kon − [DR]koff
The therapeutic index is the C50 for toxicity divided
by the C50 for the desired therapeutic effect. Because In this equation, kd is the dissociation rate con-
of the risk of ventilatory and cardiovascular depres- stant, defined as kon/koff. If we define f, fractional
sion (even at concentrations only slightly greater receptor occupancy, as:
than those producing anesthesia), most inhaled and
intravenous hypnotics are considered to have very
[DR] + [RU ]
low therapeutic indices relative to other drugs.
then we can solve for receptor occupancy as:
Drug Receptors [D ]
Drug receptors are macromolecules (typically pro- kd + [D]
teins) that bind a drug (agonist) and mediate the
drug response. Pharmacological antagonists reverse The receptors are half occupied when [D] = kd.
the effects of the agonist but do not otherwise exert Thus, kd is the concentration of drug associated with
an effect of their own. Competitive antagonism occurs 50% receptor occupancy.

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148 SECTION II Clinical Pharmacology

Receptor occupancy is only the first step in hyperreactivity and increased sensitivity. For exam-
mediating drug effect. Binding of the drug to the ple, after spinal cord injury nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor can trigger myriad subsequent steps, receptors are not stimulated by impulses in motor
including opening, closing, or inhibition of an ion nerves and proliferate in denervated muscle. This
channel; activation of a G protein; activation of an can lead to exaggerated responses (including hyper-
intracellular kinase; direct interaction with a cellular kalemia) to succinylcholine.
structure; or direct binding to DNA.
Like the concentration versus response curve,
the shape of the curve relating fractional receptor SUGGESTED READINGS
occupancy to drug concentration is intrinsically Ansari J, Carvalho B, Shafer SL, Flood P. Pharmacokinetics
sigmoidal. However, the concentration associated and pharmacodynamics of drugs commonly used in
with 50% receptor occupancy and the concentra- pregnancy and parturition. Anesth Analg. 2016;
tion associated with 50% of maximal drug effect are 122:786.
not necessarily the same. Maximal drug effect could Brunton LL, Knollman BC, eds. Goodman & Gilman’s The
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 13th ed. New
occur at very low receptor occupancy or (for partial
York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2017: chap 2.
agonists) at greater than 100% receptor occupancy. Bailey JM. Context-sensitive half-times: What are they
Prolonged binding and activation of a receptor and how valuable are they in anaesthesiology? Clin
by an agonist may lead to hyporeactivity (“desensi- Pharmacokinet. 2002;41:793.
tization”) and tolerance. If the binding of an endog- Shargel L, Yu ABC, eds. Applied Biopharmaceutics &
enous ligand is chronically blocked or chronically Pharmacokinetics. 7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-
reduced, then receptors may proliferate resulting in Hill; 2016.

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