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General Stating Part B

This time we will go into Yellow Stating. Still dirty stating because we're using Fusion Stones
purchased Irom in-game vendors, and the Auction house. AIter doing lots oI quests, and such,
and since I'm a packrat, I Irequently end up with low grade yellow stated items Such as these

AIter looking over a Iew oI these, since I decided to give a brieI overview oI what do with these.
With green stats, they are ranked Irom I to XII. Generally yellow stats are crap unless they are VI
or VII or even VIII, when they can actually serve some purpose. Since we have Stamina on all oI
these; and some strength, I decided to make a beginner wand. Appears as though everyone likes

This didn't sell on the AH, so I canceled the auction, and sent it to my stating guru. I hopped over
to my Iusion stone storage toon, and promptly Iound three identical Iusion stones. They were

I double checked that all these items would give me similar mana stones.

And then Iinally ended up with this:

Now, was this a waste oI Iour charges and 40k Ior the Iusion stones? Yes and no. I would gladly
pay 40k to have the images to do this second part oI the stating guide. I can probably and will
probably sell this in the AH Ior about 100k. Most importantly, you can see that yellow stats
transIer the same as green stats. The important part to note is that yellow has two inherent
abilities while green only has one. This is what makes the yellows so desirable when you start
Iarming Ior yellow stats VII and VIII.

Though a good rune is always nice I think I`ll use this one.

Notice that the item itselI jumped Irom Tier 1 to Tier 3 because Tier 3 mana stones were used to
stat this. Had I ended up with good yellow stats, I would have most likely ended up with 3x Tier
4 mana stones, Iurther enhancing this level 13 noobie wand!

Bear in mind that this will work with ANY yellow stats, and oI course this is still considered
"dirty stating" as I used Iusion stones, iI I had used purees

Then the end result would have been quite a bit diIIerent, though to use purees, VIII is preIerred.

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