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A Detailed lesson plan in English 10

Lesson 2: Techniques in Public Speaking

I. Objectives

After going through this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. describe the techniques in effective public speaking (EN10OL-lc-3.16)

B. employs techniques in public speaking in a sample public speaking situation


C. applies acquired knowledge about the techniques in public speaking.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Techniques in Public Speaking

References: English10-Q1-MOD14: Overcoming Challenges in Public Speaking-

first edition, 2020

Materials: Visual aids

III. Procedures


A. Preliminary Activities

I. Routine
1. Prayer
“Can we all stand for a prayer?” “Classmates let us pray. In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Amen….Our Father….

“Good morning, class?” “Good morning Ma’am Aires, it’s nice to see
you today.

3. Seating Arrangement
“Before you take your seats, kindly arrange
your chairs properly.”

4. Checking of Attendance
“Now, let me check your attendance, say
present when your name is called.”
Please give yourself “Aling Donesia”
applause for being present today.1 2 3! 1 2 3!
very good! Very good! Very good!

B. Motivation
Class do you experience giving speech in
front of an audience? Or do you give (answers may vary)
message to someone in public? Have you
experience or try doing like that?

That’s good. Before we move on to the next

lesson what was the last topic being discuss,

What are the different factors of public Visual Factor

speaking? Mental Factor
Vocal Factor
Verbal Factor

Very good! What are the different ethics in

public speaking? 1. You should show respect to your audience.
2. Respect their time.
3. You must prepare your speech.
4. Honesty will always be the best policy.
5. Avoid Plagiarism.
6. Ensure your objective is ethical.
7. Be yourself.

Excellent! You have remembered the entire

lesson yesterday and I know you’re ready for
the next topic.

C. Lesson Proper

Today, we will going to discuss a new lesson

about “techniques in public speaking”. But
before anything else, please take a look at
these pictures.
1. What do the actions in the picture tell?
(answers may vary)
2. What do you think of the hand gestures,
(answers may vary)
the presentation, and the reactions from the
audience mean?
3. Do you think these are effective techniques
(answers may vary)
in public speaking? Explain.

Please read the writings on the board. The

The Basic Public Speaking Techniques.
basic public speaking techniques go!.
1. Appeal to your Audience – you need to
Yes, Appeal to your Audience – you need to
know your crowd’s needs and put them first
know your crowd’s needs and put them first
because they are your top priority in your
because they are your top priority in your
talk. This means that you have to give a
valiant effort to make an interesting and
informative speech that your audience expect
from you.

Please read the 2nd one.

Use nonverbal Communication – your speech

2. Use nonverbal Communication – your
must be well organized and logically
speech must be well organized and logically
presented but these are just part of your
presented but these are just part of your
preparation to a well communicated speech.
preparation to a well communicated speech.
Nonverbal communication consists of your
gestures or actions, your facial expressions,
body language, eye contact and emotions or
the feelings you want to convey to your
audience. Your nonverbal communication
technique will keep your audience’s attention
to you.
Please read.
Add Actionable Examples – the stories or 3. Add Actionable Examples – the stories or
examples that you will make your audience examples that you will make your audience
feel good. Lines from stories, songs, pictures, feel good.
pickup lines, and other best activities that
you can share to your audience will also
capture their interest in your talk. Next!

Emphasize key Moments – this technique 4. Emphasize key Moments – this technique
will let you have an eye contact to your will let you have an eye contact to your
audience for a moment while you are at audience for a moment while you are at
pause, you can also call the attention of your pause, you can also call the attention of your
audience using appropriate expressions. The audience using appropriate expressions.
change in the volume of the speaker’s voice
give emphasis to the feelings or importance
of the point presented. Fifth?

Hook your Audience – you make your 5. Hook your Audience – you make your
audience look forward to what you are going audience look forward to what you are going
to say next. You also let your listeners want to say next.
more from the topic you are talking about.
This will let your audience discuss what your
talk was about even after you delivered your
speech. Sixth?
6. Always remember your Public Speaking
Always remember your Public Speaking goals – know the purpose and the expected
goals – know the purpose and the expected outcome of your talk
outcome of your talk. Focus on these purpose
and goals. Seventh?

Practice your Speech – you have to 7. Practice your Speech – you have to
familiarize your speech to avoid adding familiarize your speech to avoid adding
filters and unnecessary moves and words. filters and unnecessary moves and words.
Consider to practice tone, volume of the
voice, pauses and gestures. Eighth?

Relax – public speaking jitters are normal but 8. Relax – public speaking jitters are normal
for as long as you are prepared everything but for as long as you are prepared
will fall into place. Stay composed and calm. everything will fall into place.
Add Visual Aids - materials like charts, 9. Add Visual Aids - materials like charts,
graphs, and pictures can help your audience graphs, and pictures can help your audience
understand the topic more. It will help you understand the topic more.
send exact message to them. It will serve as a
powerful illustration of your speech.

Public speakers whose purpose is to let the

audience enjoy and learn at the same time
should always remember to use these
appropriate techniques at all times.
Employing these techniques contributes to a
successful presentation.

IV. Application/Evaluation
Put a check (/) mark if the statement is about
techniques in public speaking; then put an
(X) mark if the statement is not about (do the task)
techniques in public speaking. Write your (answers may vary)
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
____1. Keep an eye contact.
____2. Use everyday situations as an
____3. Banging of the microphones.
____4. Calmness and composure.
____5. Shouting and name calling
____6. Hand movements and nodding of the
____7. Honesty and avoid plagiarism.
____8. Use of language fillers.
____9. Respect for the audience time.
____10. Knowing the needs of your

Are you done class? Please pass your papers

in front, Diane please collect the papers.

Again, class. What are the 9 techniques in

public speaking? 1. Appeal to your Audience
2. Use nonverbal Communication
3. Add Actionable Examples
4. Emphasize key Moments
5. Hook your Audience
6. Always remember your Public Speaking
7. Practice your Speech
8. Relax
9. Add Visual Aids
Is there any clarification, questions?

V. Assignment

With your learnings about the factors, ethics

and techniques in public speaking you are
now equipped with the knowledge on how to
go on with a public speaking task. With this,
you are going to prepare a 5-minutes speech
about the COVID-19 Pandemic. We will start

These are the rubrics of your Public

Content – 50%
Delivery – 50%

In the content you must state the purpose,

organized contents, incorporate stories and
examples, and summarizes the main idea.

In the delivery, there must be awareness of

the audience needs, speaks with appropriate
vocabulary, appear comfortable with the
audience and lastly, uses tone variation.

Is there any questions? How about None, Ma’am.

clarifications, class?

If none, please stand up. That’s all for today Goodbye and thank you, Ma’am Aires.
class. See you tomorrow and goodbye!

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