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for Lower-Extremity Child Amputees


o NE OF THE most important fact­

ors in evaluating the function of children wearing
port on the child, and on his roentgenograms and
their summaries.
lower extremity prosthetic devices is an objective
The Prosthesis
and critical analysis of the patterns and deviations
of their gaits. The information derived from such In the second evaluation procedure, the pros­
an evaluation may serve as the basis of recom­ thesis must be considered without the patient. It
mendations for more training, repair or revision of is imperative that the mechanical parts of the
the prosthesis, or the need for a new device. prosthesis function adequately, and that the com­
ponents are in proper alignment. The set angles
of the socket in the prosthesis will be determined
METHOD by the presence of any contractures involving
joints proximal to the stump. Standards of vertical
There are three aspects to be considered in this
alignment of prosthetic parts to the body must be
evaluation procedure. The first two provide back­
met for each type of prosthesis. The socket fit is
ground information for the third. critical.
The Patient It is good practice to maintain a history or
record of the prosthesis, beginning at the time of
First, the patient must be considered without his
check-out following fabrication, and augmented
prosthesis. The strength of the musculature in­
at each check for fit and function during the serv­
volving the stump should be determined. Informa­ ice life of the prosthesis.
tion concerning the bony structure of the joints
Listed below are the essential criteria of pros­
related to prosthesis control is also very important. thesis fit which should be considered: 1
The presence of contractures will affect not only
the gait pattern but also design criteria for the I. Alignment of the prosthesis to the amputee:
prothesis. An assessment of the child's general A. Standing position:
physical condition will provide an index to his 1. Lateral vertical alignment—(greater
endurance during periods of training, and his trochanter, knee center, and ankle center)
ability to build his tolerance to wear. His level —or stability of the knee joint.
of motor development will also indicate the profi­ 2. Posterior vertical alignment—ischial
ciency and developmental level of his gait pattern. tuberosity to heel center.
Such data are commonly found on muscle-testing 3. Alignment of the foot in horizontal
records, range-of-motion charts, the historical re-
4. Level of the pelvis—leg length.
5. Alignment of the spinal column—
Child Amputee Prosthetics Center, University of Cali­
fornia, Los Angeles. scoliosis; lordosis.


D. The following should be considered:
1. Level of the top of the ischial wall.
2. Contour of the socket brim.
3. Vertical alignment of the shin to the foot.
4. Position of rotation of the knee bolt.
5. Durometer of the heel cushion for the SACH
6. Appropriate sizing of the prosthetic foot in
the shoe.
All items on this list may not be applicable to
all prostheses.

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Compatibility of Patient and Prosthesis

The observation of the compatibility of the

prosthesis and the patient is the final and most
important aspect of an analysis of gait patterns.
The information gathered as a result of observation
of the child without his prosthesis, plus a critical
analysis of the status of the prosthesis itself, form
the basis for judgment concerning the function of
the two together. Gait defects are numerous and
occur in complex combinations: they include the
swing of the arms, movement of the trunk, and
actions of both the sound limb and the prosthesis
during the swing and stance phases. These can
best be preserved on movie film, augmented by a
6. Angle of the alignment of the foot to written record.
the shin—15-degree limit.
7. Comfort of the stump in the socket— COMMON GAIT DEVIATIONS
pressure; motion.
8. Proper position of bony prominences Most of the terms used in describing gait devia­
in the socket—ischial tuberosity, tibial pla­ tions are self-explanatory. Table 1 illustrates a
teau, condyles, patella. convenient way of recording these deviations.
9. Level of knee axis relative to the op­ However, some are less clear and are defined in
posite side. Table 2.
10. Proper placement of prosthetic sus­ It is necessary to be able to identify major gait
pension. defects visually and rather quickly. This in­
volves observing the patient with an amputation
B. Sitting position:
from three points of view: laterally, anteriorly,
1. Length of the prosthetic shin relative and posteriorly. Observation also involves know­
to the opposite side. ing at what point during swing or stance phase
2. Allowance of 120-degree knee flexion deviations will be most apparent.
for the kneeling position.
3. Length of the prosthetic thigh relative Stance Phase
to the opposite side. Those that commonly occur during stance phase
4. Comfort of the patient in upright sit­ are piston action, hyperextension of the knee, and
ting and forward lean. uneven timing—all of which can be seen from
5. Stump security in the socket. the lateral aspect. Those to be observed from an
II. Static alignment of the prosthesis: anterior or posterior point of view are lateral
A. There should be a proper relationship be­ trunk bending, lateral pelvic tilt, broad walking
tween the angle of flexion of the prosthetic socket base, medial-lateral motion of the stump in the
and the angle of extension of the patient's stump. socket, and bearing weight on the medial or lateral
border of the prosthetic foot.
B. The angle of adduction of the prosthetic
socket and the patient's stump should also have Swing Phase
a proper relationship. During the swing phase, and from the lateral
C. When socket fit is questionable, a tension view, one may see terminal impact, excessive heel
analysis should be made from corresponding cir­ rise, unequal step length, or unequal timing of
cumferential measurements of the patient's stump steps. An anterior-posterior view of the patient
and the socket of the prosthesis. may reveal an abducted gait during swing phase.





Stance Phasa Swing Phase

Date: Date:

Lateral View Age: Lateral View Age:

Lordosis Slow shin swing

Drop-off Terminal impact

Piston action Unequal step length

Excessive heel rise

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Double knee action 1
Hyperextended knee Insufficient toe clearance 1
Excessive knee flexon Uneven timing !
Vaulting A-P socket motion I
Foot siap 1
Uneven timing I

Anterior-Posterior View Anterior-Posterior View

Lateral trunk Dending Abducted gait | j )

Lateral pelvic t i l t Circumduction

Medial-lateral socket Internal rotation of

motion prosthesis

Unstaole knee Whip-lateral

Broad base Whip-medial

Rotation of foot at
heel strike
Weight on medial
border of foot

"Hill-rise" sensation


The patient may complain of pain; or one may Hip D isar+iculafion Prostheses
hear noise, which indicates improper function of The Canadian hip disarticulation prosthesis is
the mechanical parts. perhaps the most difficult to fabricate and align
of all the lower-extremity devices. The infant
Causes of Gait Defects or toddler does not yet have well-defined bony
The major causes of deviations in walking pat­ structures for anchor points for the socket, and the
terns are changes resulting from growth, or the residual '"baby fat" of small children compounds
wear of parts from use. Any of the gait devia­ the problem. Adjustable hip joints for children un­
tions can occur as a result of faulty alignment der the age of eight or nine years are not commer­
of the limb during fabrication; however, some de­ cially available, and knee joints are not available
viations of gait must be accepted as maximum for those under two to three years of age. An adjust­
performance because of a physical problem of the able mechanism for aligning the hip joint is also
patient. These are most commonly related to not available. These problems make proper align­
the presence of contractures or the malformation ment much more difficult, and are a common
of joint structures which cause hypermob ; lity or source of gait defects. It is very important for
instability. the physical therapist to recognize alignment prob-


lems, in order to avoid imposing unrealistic train­
ing goals upon the child or to ask him to expend
excessive energy in the attempt to correct a gait
defect caused by malalignment. For example, in
Figure 1, the horizontal placement of the hip joint
and the knee joints are at an angle to the floor
line, although they should be parallel to the floor
line. In addition, the foot is outset too far from
the hip and knee centers in relation to the vertical
line in the illustration.
When this youngster walks (Fig. I), he vaults
excessively, circumducts his prosthesis, bends his

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trunk laterally over the prosthesis during stance
phase, and exaggerates his uneven arm swing. He
is not able to utilize the basic control motion of
pelvic tilt to initiate the swing phase of the pros­
thesis. These defects are all directly related to



Deviation Description

1. Lordosis Accentuation of the lordosis during

mid-stance on the amputated side.

2. Drop-off Excessive dipping of the pelvis on the

prosthetic side, occurring during the
last half of stance phase.

3. Piston action Vertical movement of the stump

within the socket during stance and
swing phase.
FIG. 1. This shows improper alignment of hip and knee
4. Double knee action Rapid flexion, extension flexion se­
quence of knee action on the pros­
thetic side at mid-stance phase.

5. Vaulting Rising rapidly on the ball of the foot

during stance phase on the sound the improper alignment of the hip and knee joints,
and would disappear with optimum adjustment of
6. Terminal impact A jarring impact of the prosthetic the prosthesis. It is not feasible to correct these
shin as i t terminates the swing phase.
defects through training.
7. Excessive heel rise Rise of the prosthetic heel during A new prosthesis of any type may pass check­
swing phase in excess of the sound out with excellent alignment and function on the
side or to the extent that i t retards
patient. One to three months later the patient
the swing phase.
may return with the same prosthesis and exhibit
8. A-P socket motion Movement of the socket in an an­ a number of gait deviations which are primarily
terior-posterior direction.
the result of normal physical changes in the child.
9. Abducted gait Maintenance of the prosthesis in an
abducted position during swing and Above-Knee Prostheses
stance phase.
Prosthetic parts for children wearing above-knee
10. Circumduction Circumduction of the prosthesis dur­ prostheses are becoming more readily available,
ing swing phase with return to a nar­ and adjustable legs for the alignment of these limbs
row base during stance phase.
also exist. If the prosthetist is expert, and familiar
11. Lateral whip Heel swing in a lateral direction, with the unique problems involved in fitting chil­
noted at toe-off at the beginning of dren, initial malalignment should not occur.
swing phase.
Changes in gait pattern are more apt to be a re­
12. Medial whip Heel swing in a medial direction, sult of rapid spurts of growth, wear of parts from
noted at toe-off at the beginning of
vigorous activity during play, and the constant
swing phase.
threat of increasing contractures if these have been
13. "Hill-rise" sensation The amputee has the sensation of as­ present prior to fitting.
cending an incline during stance
The boy in Figure 2 shows evidence of shortness
phase on the prosthesis.
of his prosthesis. This was observed one month


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FIG. 2. Evidence of shortness of prosthesis is illustrated. FIG. 3. Gait defects appeared concurrently with early

following the satisfactory check-out of the pros­ can expect certain gait defects to appear concur­
thesis. Two months later, movies of his gait were rent with early independent walking.
taken. At that time, he was noted to have increased The boy in Figure 3 was plagued with all of
lateral trunk bending and lateral pelvic tilt be­ these problems. When he began to walk inde­
cause of the shortness of his limb. Hyperextension pendently, he exhibited uneven timing of steps and
of the knee was present during the mid-stance uneven step length, because of tenderness and pain
phase because he had begun to wear tennis shoes in the stump during full weight bearing. The
without a hard heel wedge to compensate for the weakness of his entire right lower extremity, par­
change in heel height. He had terminal impact ticularly in the quadriceps muscles, contributed to
of the shin sufficient in intensity to jar the extrem­ the instability of the knee joint and to lordosis
ity at the end of the swing phase. This was because during the mid-stance phase. There was an ob­
of the loss of the friction which was originally vious exaggeration and unevenness of arm swing
set in the constant-friction knee unit. Because of which was caused by all of the above deviations.
these deviations, this boy had an exaggeration of
his normally present uneven arm swing. Pylons
The use of pylon extension prostheses is com­
Below-Knee Prostheses mon practice for replacement of leg-length dis­
Optimum performance of a below-knee am­ crepancy in lower-extremity phocomelia.
putee, when wearing a patellar tendon-bearing The amount of instability of the hip joint is
prosthesis which is adequately aligned, is very primarily dependent upon the degree of loss in
close to the normal gait pattern of an individual the structure of the femur. Also, the strength of
with two normal extremities. the hip flexor muscles varies with the malformation
If there is localized weakness from prolonged of the femur.
disuse, pain or tenderness of the stump, and gen­ A child with a special phocomelia prosthesis
eral lack of good general physical condition, one will have a pylon gait. He can be expected to


of gait taken from lateral, anterior, and posterior
points of view, together with specific records of
observation, yield valuable information as the basis
for recommendations for treatment, prescription
for a new limb, or major repairs.


1. Setoguchi, Yoshio, Assistant to the Medical Director,

Child Amputee Research Project, UCLA. Personal
C ommunication.


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1. Anderson, Miles H., Clinical Prosthetics for Physicians
and Therapists. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C Thomas,
2. Anderson, Miles H„ John J. Bray, and Charles A. Hen-
nessy, Prosthetic Principles: Above Knee Amputations.
Springfield, Illinois, Charles C Thomas, 1960.
3. Blakeslee, Berton, ed., The Limb-Deficient Child. Berke­
ley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1963.
4. Brunnstrom, Signe, and Donald Kerr, Training of the
Lower Extremity Amputee. Springfield, Illinois, Charles
C Thomas, 1956.
5. Hampton, Fred, A hemipelvectomy prosthesis. Artif.
Limbs, 8:3-27, Spring 1964.
6. McGraw, Myrtle B., The Neuromuscular Maturation of
the Human Infant. New York and London, Hafner
Publishing Co., 1963.
7. Radcliffe, C. W., and J. Foort, The Patellar Tendon-Bear­
ing Below-Knee Prosthesis. Berkeley, Department of
Engineering, University of California, Biomechanics Lab­
oratory, 1961.
8. Radcliffe, Charles W., The biomechanics of the Canadian
hip disarticulation prosthesis. Artif. Limbs, 4:29-38,
Autumn 1957.
9. Saunders, M. B., Verne T. Inman, and Howard D. Eber-
hardt, The major determinants of normal and patho­
logical gait. J. Bone Joint Surg. (Amer.), 35:543-558,
FIG. 4. Although standing on a broad base, the child walks
on a narrow base.

have some lateral trunk bending and piston action

of the hip joint, and he may vault somewhat in
order to shorten the prosthetic side for swing-
through of the limb in a straight line. of the |
Although the boy in Figure 4 is standing on a
American Physical Therapy Association
broad base, he walks with the narrow base com­
mensurate with his age of five years. He has none Compiled by the Editorial Board and staff,
of the common gait deviations seen in these chil­ the Manual presents the preferred word
dren—such as excessive lateral trunk bending, in­ usage and style for preparing manuscripts
ternal rotation of the socket during swing phase, and articles for the JOURNAL.
or gapping of the lateral socket wall during the
stance phase. Among the topics covered in the section on
style are capitalization, abbreviation,
SUMMARY punctuation, use of numerals.

In summary, there are several important factors Specific helps in preparing original manu­
which must be considered in an adequate gait eval­ scripts, case reports, suggestions from the
uation: range of motion, muscular strength, bony
structure, and the developmental level of the pa­ field, clinic notes, and Annual Reports,
tient's gait pattern must be known. The general and other contributions are included.
condition of the prosthesis, its static alignment, Reserve your copy now!
and the alignment of the limb relative to the pa­
tient are pertinent to gait patterns. The pros­ American Physical Therapy Association
thesis and its function on the patient are the final 1790 Broadway, New York, New York 10019 |
aspects in consideration of the problem. Movies


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