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Open access Protocol

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 on 5 February 2024. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on February 6, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Beating the empty pelvis syndrome: the
PelvEx Collaborative core outcome set
study protocol
PelvEx Collaborative

To cite: PelvEx Collaborative. ABSTRACT

Beating the empty pelvis Introduction The empty pelvis syndrome is a significant
syndrome: the PelvEx source of morbidity following pelvic exenteration surgery. ⇒ The study intends to internationally recruit diverse
Collaborative core outcome groups of patient representatives and healthcare
It remains poorly defined with research in this field being
set study protocol. BMJ Open professionals.
heterogeneous and of low quality. Furthermore, there has
2024;14:e076538. doi:10.1136/
been minimal engagement with patient representatives ⇒ Patient representation has been sought from an
following pelvic exenteration with respect to the empty early stage to ensure this project captures patient
► Prepublication history for pelvic syndrome. ‘PelvEx—Beating the empty pelvis perspectives.
this paper is available online. syndrome’ aims to engage both patient representatives ⇒ The protocol proposes to generate core outcome
To view these files, please visit and core descriptor sets that are measurable.
and healthcare professionals to achieve an international
the journal online (http://dx.doi.​ ⇒ Recruitment of international non-­ English patient
consensus on a core outcome set, pathophysiology and
mitigation of the empty pelvis syndrome. representatives may be challenging as this study
Methods and analysis A modified-­Delphi approach has been designed in the UK with chiefly UK-­based
Received 16 June 2023 will be followed with a three-­stage study design. First, patient advocacy groups.
Accepted 20 December 2023 statements will be longlisted using a recent systematic
review, healthcare professional event, patient and public
engagement, and Delphi piloting. Second, statements EPS was first defined in 1993 by Barber, as
will be shortlisted using up to three rounds of online ‘A flulike illness with malaise, elevated tempera-
modified Delphi. Third, statements will be confirmed and ture, and increased discharge from the perineal
instruments for measurable statements selected using
sinus that may continue for many years, particu-
a virtual patient-­representative consensus meeting, and
larly among those undergoing heavy irradiation’.2
finally a face-­to-­face healthcare professional consensus
meeting. The same condition has also been labelled
Ethics and dissemination The University of Southampton as ‘the empty pelvic syndrome’ or ‘pelvic
Faculty of Medicine ethics committee has approved this burn syndrome’.3 There is presently renewed
protocol, which is registered as a study with the Core interest in EPS, with 5 publications making
Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials Initiative. reference to it between 1993 and 20142 4–7
Publication of this study will increase the potential for and 24 papers between 2015 and 2022.1 3 8–29
comparative research to further understanding and prevent These citations give inconsistent definitions
the empty pelvis syndrome. and outcomes for EPS. As a result, there is
Trial registration number NCT05683795. limited scope for meta-­ analyses that may
help guide prevention and management of
this syndrome. A recent systematic review on
INTRODUCTION reconstructive techniques for EPS cited low
Pelvic exenteration encompasses radical, quality evidence with small patient numbers,
multivisceral surgery for locally advanced precluding the ability to provide evidence-­
primary and locally recurrent pelvic malig- based recommendations as to the most
© Author(s) (or their nancies. It is hypothesised that the empty appropriate reconstructive technique.1
employer(s)) 2024. Re-­use space created following pelvic exenteration The anatomical and pathophysiolog-
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
can result in a sequelae of complications ical mechanisms behind EPS are largely
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published by such as infected pelvic collections, prolonged undefined. Major bone or nerve resections
BMJ. ileus, mechanical bowel obstruction, peri- have been shown to result in surgical inter-
University of Southampton neal sinus and enteroperineal fistula. This vention for complications related to EPS.
Faculty of Medicine, pathological process has been termed, ‘the These factors may be surrogate markers for
Southampton, UK empty pelvis syndrome’ (EPS). Morbidity more extensive surgery.25 In recent years,
Correspondence to
relating to EPS is estimated to be responsible more radical pelvic exenterations have been
PelvEx Collaborative; for up to 40% of complications following performed along with the addition of intra-
​c.​t.​west@​soton.​ac.​uk pelvic exenteration.1 operative oncological strategies such as

PelvEx Collaborative. BMJ Open 2024;14:e076538. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 1

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 on 5 February 2024. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on February 6, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
intraoperative radiotherapy, in an attempt to improve COMET handbook, Consensus-­based Standards for the
oncological outcomes for patients.19 30 The degree of selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN)/
morbidity and the number of patients affected by EPS COMET guidance, COS-­ STAndardised Protocol Items
are, therefore, likely to increase. The formulation of statement and COS-­ STAandards for Reporting Guide-
a consensus definition for EPS, with a measurable core lines.32–36 It has been registered on the COMET data-
outcome and core descriptor set would limit hetero- base37 and ​ClinicalTrials.​gov (NCT05683795).
geneity of data reporting, enhancing the quality of the
evidence base, with the aim of improving outcomes for Patient and public involvement
patients undergoing pelvic exenteration. Two separate expert groups were formed for this study,
Patients are key stakeholders in this process, however, patient representatives and healthcare professionals. PPI
to date, they have not had an active role in design and using local networks was established during the design
participation in any research on EPS. The UK National stage of the study with patient representatives joining the
Cancer Research Institute and James Lind Alliance part- project steering committee. Further PPI engagement was
nership have defined the Living With and Beyond Cancer established by involving the Bowel Research UK People
Top 10 Priorities, and this study dovetails with several of and Research Together (BRUK PaRT) programme,
these priorities31: CommunitiesFirst, and World Federation of Inconti-
► The consequences of EPS can be implicated in the nence and Pelvic Problems. This ensured patient facing
persistent late effects of cancer treatments. study materials were appropriate, and that patient repre-
► Patients eligible for pelvic exenteration have complex sentatives contributed directly to creating the longlist of
needs with often several surgical and oncological statements. Patients will be invited to participate in the
teams involved in their care. study using these networks, with BRUK PaRT also adver-
► The psychological impact of EPS is under-­ reported tising the study for patient representatives through social
with no data captured in this area. media.
► The pathophysiology of EPS currently is poorly
understood, and addressing this will lead to improved Expert groups
treatments. The PelvEx Collaborative is a diverse international group
► A defined core outcome set (COS) and core descriptor of healthcare professionals from 140 hospitals across 5
set will enable better prediction of which patients are continents that provide pelvic exenteration services. The
at risk of developing EPS postsurgery. PelvEx Collaborative has previously undertaken Delphi
The Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials studies, therefore, this is an ideal, motivated and logis-
(COMET) database was searched on 14 July 2022 and tically convenient platform to undertake a Delphi study
there were no references to pelvic exenteration, complex due to its expertise, access to patients as key stakeholders,
pelvic cancer or EPS. A three-­stage study design using and the opportunity to undertake a face-­to-­face consensus
healthcare professionals and patient representatives as meeting at the PelvEx Collaborative annual scientific
stakeholders will be followed: meeting.38 39
1. Longlisting statements through systematic review, In a Delphi study, there is no agreement on how a group
healthcare professional event, patient and public in- of experts should be selected, and there is no need for
volvement (PPI) and piloting. a statistically representative sample to be obtained.40 An
2. Shortlisting statements using up to three rounds of on- inclusive convenience sampling strategy will be used for
line modified Delphi. both healthcare professionals and patient representatives
3. Confirming statements with a patient-­ representative with no upper limits set on sample size, this will avoid bias
virtual consensus meeting, and a face-­to-­face health- from selecting participants. All members of the PelvEx
care professional consensus meeting. Collaborative will be invited to be involved in the study,
generating, multiprofessional and multinational repre-
Aims and objectives sentation. Members of the PelvEx Collaborative will also
The primary aim of this study is to define a measurable be encouraged to engage their individual institutional
COS for EPS involving both healthcare professionals and PPI networks to participate in the project.
patient representatives as stakeholders.
Secondary aims include: Stage 1: creating an EPS statements longlist
► Establishing consensus on the pathophysiology of EPS Statements were divided into three domains:
with a view to forming a written definition and a meas- 1. An EPS COS.
urable core descriptor set. 2. Pathophysiology of EPS.
► Exploration of consensus on the reconstructive tech- 3. Mitigation of EPS.
niques that can be used to mitigate the effects of EPS. A recent systematic review and subsequently published
literature on EPS were searched for statements in keeping
METHODS AND ANALYSIS with these domains.1 25 26 The PelvEx Collaborative held
This study has been designed in accordance with Guid- an international face-­to-­face meeting in Amsterdam in
ance on Conducting and REporting DElphi Studies, the 2022 where an empty pelvis initiative was presented, and

2 PelvEx Collaborative. BMJ Open 2024;14:e076538. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 on 5 February 2024. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on February 6, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
further statements were generated based on formal and Potential participants will be emailed invitation letters
informal discussions at this meeting. The study steering along with a link to the Qualtrics first Delphi round.
committee was then formed from an international group Before voting on statements Qualtrics will present partic-
of nine healthcare professionals, three patient represent- ipants with an informed consent form that must be
atives who had undergone pelvic exenteration and PPI completed first. Qualtrics will use the ‘Force Response’
professionals from BRUK PaRT—further statements were function, therefore, participants must complete all of a
then generated from opinions of this committee. Delphi round before being able to submit. This will elim-
The study is sponsored by the University of South- inate missing data from the study.
ampton who provide institutional access to the Qual- The first Delphi round will include all longlisted state-
trics Survey software package. A pilot of the first Delphi ments generated from stage 1 arranged in alphabetic
round was produced based on the statements generated order to reduce leading questions or researcher bias.
above and trialled with the study steering committee. This These will be scored by participants from 1 to 9 on a
included open questions to generate further statements. Likert scale, as recommended by the Grading of Recom-
The time taken for individuals to complete the pilot study mendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
was also timed to allow an approximation of the burden of working group.41 With 1–3 representing ‘not important’,
time required by participants to be included in invitation 4–6 representing ‘important but not critical’ and 7–9
letters. Following piloting, the study steering committee representing ‘critical for inclusion.’ A score of ‘0’ will also
met to confirm the longlist of 70 statements for the first be included, which will mean ‘unable to comment.’ The
Delphi round, the number of statements for each domain final questions on each domain will be open in order to
was as follows: avoid early closure of ideas among participants, so that
1. An EPS COS—19 statements. further insight not anticipated in stage 1 of the process is
2. Pathophysiology of EPS—17 statements. gathered with the intention to generate new statements
3. Mitigation of the EPS—34 statements. for the second round of the Delphi.
It was decided that patient representatives would only There is no recognised formal way of defining
be invited to participate in the COS domain, as it was consensus in Delphi studies, however, it is specified here
felt they would be unlikely to have the experience in the a priori that in order for statements to progress they must
other domains to provide helpful input into forming obtain stricter consensus between subsequent rounds. To
consensus. Statements in the COS domain will, there- progress from the first round to the second round state-
fore, be presented in lay terms with technical language ments must be rated 7–9 by 50% or more of participants,
following this in parentheses. and by 1–3 by no more than 15% of participants in at least
one stakeholder group. Beyond round 2 retained items
must be rated between 7–9 by over 70% of respondents,
Stage 2: creating an EPS statement shortlist and by 1–3 by less than 15% by at least one stakeholder
Three Delphi rounds are likely to be required with two group. This method reduces the chance of dropping
separate stakeholder groups taking part; patient repre- statements that may be rated more highly in subsequent
sentatives and healthcare professionals. Members of the rounds once participants have received feedback that may
PelvEx Collaborative are experts in providing pelvic exen- indeed reach consensus, in addition separating analysis
teration with experience of EPS, the healthcare profes- for patient representatives and healthcare professionals
sional stakeholder group will be recruited by contacting reduces the chance of statements deemed very important
this group. The inclusion criteria for patient representa- for one group being excluded. From piloting there was
tives are any individual who has undergone pelvic exen- concern that a large proportion of statements for the COS
teration, which is defined as surgery to remove multiple were rated as essential, therefore, it was decided a priori
organs from the pelvis, including beyond total mesorectal that if there are 10 or more COS statements reaching
excision plane operations. This will include patients with consensus by the end of a second round then a third
any cancer (i.e., primary or recurrent colorectal, gynae- Delphi round will take place, with higher level consensus
cological, urological and connective tissue malignancies). required, defined as 95% participants voting 7–9 that the
Patient representatives will be sought through BRUK statement should be included. This would avoid the inclu-
PaRT, CommunitiesFirst, World Federation of Inconti- sion of too many statements that could place increased
nence and Pelvic Problems, and by encouraging members time constraints on the consensus meetings process, and
of the PelvEx Collaborative to approach their individual potentially limit the overall focus of the final COS. These
institutional PPI networks. Patient representatives who consensus agreement approaches are based on previous
do not speak English are also eligible to participate with surgical COS studies.42 43
translation of patient facing materials to be provided by Responses to open questions from the first round will
Language Insight, and healthcare professionals from the undergo thematic analysis and will be used to formulate
PelvEx Collaborative able to appropriately translate infor- new statements for addition to subsequent rounds. Any
mation. In order to be able to describe the diversity of comments that apply to particular statements, which
the stakeholder groups demographic information will be are not able to be formulated into new statements will
sought in the first Delphi round. be presented verbatim in subsequent rounds alongside

PelvEx Collaborative. BMJ Open 2024;14:e076538. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 3

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 on 5 February 2024. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on February 6, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
relevant statements. Open questions will not be included diversity. Any statements retained from the final Delphi
from the second round. round for the COS will be included and participants will
It is anticipated that each round will be open for 1 be asked to anonymously vote on whether the statement
month with personalised email reminders issued to should stay in, be removed, or whether they are unsure.
participants at 2 weeks and 48 hours from the deadline Where there is no consensus or participants are unsure,
to encourage responses. Any participants wishing to drop then further discussion will take place with an effort to
out will be asked to give a reason for doing so, to facil- capture dissenting views to determine the nature of a
itate recognition of any systematic attrition bias. Only polarised response, also considering whether statements
individuals who completed the previous round will be overlap and can be combined. Further voting will take
contacted to take part in a subsequent round; if attrition place, followed by further discussion; if there is persistent
leads to participation dripping below 70% of a previous disagreement a final round of voting will take place using
round, the Delphi study will be terminated as below this a majority rule.
level, rigour cannot be guaranteed. The study would then For the COS statements felt to be important, possible
proceed directly to stage 3. instruments to measure these statements will be presented
Analysis for patient representatives and healthcare for approval. It is anticipated that selection of instru-
professionals between rounds will take place separately. ments for patients will be difficult as the evidence on their
It is anticipated that more healthcare professionals methodology is likely to be challenging to understand,
will participate, therefore, analysis of these two groups however, it is hoped that with support from research
together would potentially reduce the importance given facilitators that patients will be able to judge relevance,
to the patient voice. There will be presentation of this comprehensiveness and comprehensibility of the avail-
separate analysis for subsequent rounds using medians able instruments. This meeting will be recorded for anal-
and IQRs, with how individuals voted in a previous round ysis and potential presentation of patients speaking at
also disseminated. Histograms will also be included to PelvEx 2023 to help healthcare professionals understand
facilitate understanding for patient representatives unfa- patient experiences.
miliar with descriptive statistics. Prior to PelvEx 2023, the results of the final Delphi
If progression of the Delphi rounds deviates from rounds, statements for voting and the patient virtual
the presented protocol, decisions on whether to stop consensus meeting will be sent out to participants,
or continue to the Delphi will be taken by the Delphi including how individuals who participated voted in the
steering committee. final Delphi round. A list of delegates at PelvEx 2023 will
be obtained along with demographic information, and
Stage 3: finalising EPS statements whether or not they were involved in stage 2 of the project.
Any statements reaching consensus by the end of stage Anonymous voting will be across all three domains and
2 that are measurable will have options for instruments will follow the same pattern as the patient representative
prepared in accordance with COSMIN/COMET guid- meeting.
ance.34 All potential instruments for measurement will be Measurable statements that are included will have their
selected using the opinion of the study steering committee predetermined instruments presented for voting. If there
and reviews of the relevant literature, which will include is only one possible feasible instrument then partici-
instrument feasibility assessments. These options will pants will be permitted to vote either for this instrument,
then be presented at consensus meetings. or that a recommendation is made for development of
PelvEx 2023 is the international meeting of the PelvEx new instruments or that additional validation studies are
Collaborative and would be an ideal time to hold a face-­ required. It is difficult to predict how many statements
to-­face consensus meeting for participating healthcare will be voted on and discussed. A further round of online
professionals. It was felt this meeting would not be appro- voting or virtual consensus meetings following PelvEx
priate for patient representatives as it will involve signif- 2023 may be required. This will be at the discretion of the
icant travel, patients may be heavily influenced by the study steering committee.
opinions of healthcare professionals and may not feel as By the end of stage 3, the following should have been
able to voice their opinions in front of a large audience. achieved for each domain:
To increase the number of involved patient represen- 1. A measurable COS for EPS.
tatives a virtual consensus meeting for patient repre- 2. Statements on pathophysiology of EPS generating a
sentatives will be held prior to, PelvEx 2023 which will measurable core descriptor set and contributing to a
be supported by BRUK PaRT. Participants will be sent written definition of EPS.
results from the final round of the Delphi including their 3. To have established where there is consensus on cur-
individual final votes. Any non-­English-­speaking patient rent reconstructive techniques used to mitigate EPS,
representatives will also be invited to participate with an which will be graded by strength of recommendation
appropriate multilingual healthcare professional from and level of evidence.44
the PelvEx Collaborative joining the meeting to allow It is unclear what the anatomical and pathophysiolog-
translation. At the start of the meeting demographic ical causes of EPS are, how it can be prevented and how
information will be requested to allow reporting of its sequelae can be measured. EPS can be life-­threatening

4 PelvEx Collaborative. BMJ Open 2024;14:e076538. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 on 5 February 2024. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on February 6, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and its consequences difficult to manage. This represents Lyons A, Lynch AC, Mackintosh M, Mann C, Mantyh C, Mathis KL, Margues CFS,
an ongoing, urgent, unmet clinical and research need in Martinez A, Martling A, Meijerink WJHJ, Merchea A, Merkel S, Mehta AM, McArthur
DR, McCormick JJ, McDermott FD, McGrath JS, McPhee A, Maciel J, Malde S,
this growing patient population. Through the longlisting Manfredelli S, Mikalauskas S, Modest D, Monson JRT, Morton JR, Mullaney TG,
process, this consensus study will be grounded in previous Navarro AS, Neeff H, Negoi I, Neto JWM, Nguyen B, Nielsen MB, Nieuwenhuijzen
published work, expert opinion and PPI. The modified GAP, Nilsson PJ, Nordkamp S, O’Dwyer ST, Paarnio K, Palmer G, Pappou E, Park J,
Delphi will be as inclusive as feasible, giving the oppor- Patsouras D, Peacock A, Pellino G, Peterson AC, Pfeffer F, Piqeur F, Pinson J, Poggioli
G, Proud D, Quinn M, Oliver A, Quyn A, Radwan RW, Rajendran N, Rao C, Rasheed S,
tunity for diverse groups of international stakeholders Rasmussen PC, Rausa E, Regenbogen SE, Reims HM, Renehan A, Rintala J, Rocha
to suggest further statements and vote with an a priori R, Rochester M, Rohila J, Rothbarth J, Rottoli M, Roxburgh C, Rutten HJT, Safar B,
consensus definition that will identify the most impor- Sagar PM, Sahai A, Saklani A, Sammour T, Sayyed R, Schizas AMP, Schwarzkopf
tant aspects of EPS. Finally, by undertaking consensus E, Scripcariu D, Scripcariu V, Seifert G, Selvasekar C, Shaban M, Shaikh I, Shida D,
Simpson A, Skeie-­Jensen T, Smart NJ, Smart P, Smith JJ, Smith T, Solbakken AM,
meetings there will be an opportunity to highlight and Solomon MJ, Sørensen MM, Spasojevic M, Steele SR, Steffens D, Stitzenberg K,
address nuances that cannot be easily approached using Stocchi L, Stylianides NA, Swartling T, Sumrien H, Swartking T, Takala H, Tan EJ,
an online survey platform. Obtaining agreement on core Taylor C, Taylor D, Tejedor P, Tekin A, Tekkis PP, Teras J, Thanapal MR, Thaysen HV,
outcome and core descriptor sets that are measurable Thorgersen E, Thurairaja R, Toh EL, Tsarkov P, Tolenaar J, Tsukada Y, Tsukamoto
S, Tuech JJ, Turner G, Turner WH, Tuynman JB, Valente M, van Rees J, van Zoggel
will generate consensus that can be immediately used to D, Vásquez-­Jiménez W, Verhoef C, Vierimaa M, Vizzielli G, Voogt ELK, Uehara K,
reduce research heterogeneity in this field. Wakeman C, Warrier S, Wasmuth HH, Weber K, Weiser MR, Westney OL, Wheeler
JMD, Wild J, Wilson M, Wolthuis A, Yano H, Yip B, Yip J, Yoo RN, Zappa MA, Winter
Contributors PelvEx Collaborative members contributed to the design of this study
Ethical approval for this protocol has been given from Funding The study coordinator, Mr Charles West, is a PhD candidate in Cancer
the University of Southampton under the ERGO II refer- Sciences at University of Southampton, and has received charitable funding from
ence number 77306. Further ethical approval from other Bowel Research UK to run this study (BRUK SG23109). He is also sponsored by
institutions may be sought to approach respective patient Penguins Against Cancer and PLANETS Cancer Charity.
representatives as required. Competing interests None declared.
Any deviations from this protocol will be described Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were involved in the
and justified. Once stage 3 of the project is completed design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research. Refer to
the Methods section for further details.
the project will be reviewed by an external board prior
to publication and dissemination. This will be paper by Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
the PelvEx Collaborative as per previous work, with utili- Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
sation of CRedIT taxonomy to encourage collaborators to Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
engage with the process.38 39 45 Publication will be in peer-­ Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
reviewed journals and dissemination through professional permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
collaborators and associated networks to ensure interna- properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
tional adoption. In addition, the patient advocacy groups is non-­commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
involved will also assist in dissemination of the research.

Collaborators PelvEx Collaborative: West CT, West MA, Drami I, Denys A, Glyn T,
Sutton PA, Tiernan J, Behrenbruch C, Guerra G, Waters PS, Woodward N, Applin S,
Charles SJ, Rose SA, Pape E, van Ramshorst GH, Mirnezami AH, Aalbers AGJ, Abdul REFERENCES
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PelvEx Collaborative. BMJ Open 2024;14:e076538. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538 5

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6 PelvEx Collaborative. BMJ Open 2024;14:e076538. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076538

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