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6 Short Test A 6 Short Test B


Lesson 2 Lesson 2

Imię i nazwisko: Klasa: Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

1 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają poniższe zdania. 1 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają poniższe zdania.

I know it sounds impossible, but I could / can already swim when I was

1 1 X: What are you doing, Mark? You shouldn’t / could get out of bed.
three. You’re still very weak.
2 X: There’s an athletics event next Saturday. I think you can’t / should Y: Oh, come on! I’m sure I couldn’t / can go to the toilet on my own.
take part in it. You’re such a fast runner. 2 I won a tennis competition last week and I still can’t / should believe it!
Y: I’m afraid I could / can’t because we’re visiting our family in London 3 Pity I couldn’t / can’t see you taking part in the marathon last Friday.

next Saturday. I was out of town.

3 I pulled a muscle while I was playing football. The pain was so bad I can’t / 4 In order to win the next game, Frank should / couldn’t practise more,
couldn’t move my leg. not just from time to time.
4 What are you eating, Harry?! Footballers should / shouldn’t eat fast 5 Maybe it is hard to believe, but my brother could / can ski when he was

food before a match! only four!
5 Mum, can / can’t I go to the ice rink with Mary after school tomorrow? /6
2 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach na język angielski.
2 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach na język angielski.
1 (Czy powinienem spróbować) to change
1 It was a good game. (Czy możemy zagrać) my diet? What do you think?
again tomorrow? 2 We (nie mogliśmy kupić) tickets for

2 (Czy ona umiała jeździć) a bike when she the game because they were already sold out.
was only four years old? 3 (Czy oni mogą wygrać) the game? I’m not
3 Remember that you (nie powinieneś jeść) very optimistic.
much before swimming. It’s dangerous. 4 You (nie powinieneś zaczynać) your
4 It wasn’t very good, was it, coach? (Czy powinienem poćwiczyć) practice if you haven’t warmed up first.
my technique again? /4
Total: / 10
Total: / 10

Photocopiable Brainy klasa 7 © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable Brainy klasa 7 © Macmillan Polska 2020

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