Practical Work No.5

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Practical work No. 5.

Enter Project Tasks

The list of tasks in the project is usually determined by the persons responsible for monitoring the
project implementation. The level of detail of the project tasks must be agreed with the project owner
(project manager) and the general director of the company. Decompositions, as already written, should be
based on the principle of sufficiency, otherwise such an operation as, for example, "manual excavation of
soil" (i.e. when the pit needs to be dug), you can split into elementary operations such as: "search for a
shovel," "smoke break," etc.

Create a custom text field

Since we will have construction work in the project, it would be nice to indicate opposite the work
in what units the amount of work will be measured.
To do this, we display before (right mouse button - insert column) with the field
“Duration” text box “Text1”.
To rename this field, right-click it in the menu, select "Custom Fields" and in the "Custom Fields"
window, click "Rename" and enter the name of the field "Unit of Measure."
The next step is to create a lookup table (“Lookup” button). We will need it so that we can once
create it, in the future choose the necessary values from it.
In the “Modify Lookup Table for “Text1” window, enter the unit of measure values for the work
according to the following list:
– %;
- m3;
- m2;
– tons;
– pcs;
– m.p.
After creating the list, click on the plus "Display order for the lookup table" select "Increase" and
click the "Sort" button to get a list of units alphabetically.
If we are sure that this list is complete, then you can press the buttons sequentially "Close" and "Ok,"
and if not, then you need to click on the plus "Data input parameters" and check the box "Allow
additional elements to be entered in the fields." Otherwise, if we forgot to write a particular unit of
measure by entering a new value in the "Unit of measure (Text1)" field, the system will issue a
warning about an invalid substitution value, Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 - Creating a field with a lookup table

Creating a View for Data Entry
To create tasks and enter data, it is recommended that you always create special views with the
fields/columns required for a particular case, so that each time you do not display the necessary fields and
hide unnecessary ones. In order to create a new view, you need:
1. Go to the standard view from which you want to create a new one. In our case, this is the “Gantt
Diagram” view. To navigate between views, you can:
A) or select the desired one by right-clicking
on the name of the existing view;
B) or go to the "View" tab and in the "Task Views" section click on the button
"Gantt Chart" and select "Other Views," Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2 - Selection of the desired view

2. On the “View” tab, select “Gantt Chart - Save View” and i n t h e

"Save View" enter view name "PR_ Entering_Task_Data"

It is recommended to write a prefix before the name of the created views, tables, filters, groups, so
as not to get confused in the views and easily distinguish created from built-in ones.

3. In the created view, display the required columns, leave the necessary ones and hide the key
"Del" are unnecessary.
In our case, there should be the following columns:
– Task mode;
– SWD;
– Task name;
– Unit of measure (Text1);
– Duration;
– Labor costs;
– Type;
– Fixed scope of work;
– Task calendar;
– Deadline.

After extracting the necessary columns, we fix their order, saving a new table. To do this, in the
"View" menu, in the "Data" area, click "Tables - Save fields as a new table" and enter the name of the
table "PR_ Entering_Task_Data", Figure 5.3.
So, the view saves the settings for text formats, Gantt lines, timeline details, and the binding of a
specific table, and the table stores a selection of columns and their names. If you accidentally switch to
another table in the saved view and save the file, the view you created will already be associated with the
new table.

Figure 5.3 - Saving a new table

TEJ Project Objectives

The TEJ stage of the Project consists of the tasks given in Table 5.1 and Figure 5.4.

Table 5.1 - Operations of the TEJ phase of the project

Units of Duration, Labor,
SWD Stage/Task Name1 Deadline 2
measure days hours
KTD_INV_TEJ TEJ of the Project
Decision made
KTD_INV_TEJ_001 % 0 0
to start
Project TEJ
KTD_INV_TEJ_002 Legal Analysis % 10 30
KTD_INV_TEJ_003 Marketing Analysis % 6 20
KTD_INV_TEJ_004 Drawing up a business plan % 4 16
KTD_INV_TEJ_005 Project Decision Making % 2 4
KTD_INV_TEJ_006 Decision to start the project % 0 31.03.2018

All tasks of this stage with automatic planning, type "Fixed duration," with an unfixed scope of
work and with a standard project calendar, that is, in the calendar column, the calendar is not selected.
You can also set the deadline for the “Project Start Decision” task in the task properties, in the
“Advanced” tab in the “Restriction” area. The deadline is the target date indicating the directive time for
the end of the task. You can also set a deadline for summary tasks.
To assign a standard calendar to all the tasks of the TEJ project stage at once, you need to select
all the tasks of the stage, right-click, select "Information" in the menu, go to the "Advanced" tab and
select a standard calendar.

To create tasks in the project with the default type "Fixed duration," you need to select "Default
task type - Fixed duration" in the menu "File - Parameters - Schedule."

To select a task type (fixed duration, fixed work, fixed work scope), you must change the task
scheduling type from manual to automatic.

To create a summary task from the "TEJ project" task, you need to select this task and click on the
"Summary task" icon on the "Task" tab in the "Insert" section.
We rename the old task "TEJ of the Project" to "A decision was made to start the stage "TEJ of the
Project, "and transfer the resulting total in the "TEJ of the Project" to a manual type of planning to control
the timing of the attached tasks and set its duration for 20 days, Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4 - Objectives of the TEJ phase

The next action with the tasks of this stage is to define their relationships. We highlight all tasks of
this stage and associate them with links of the type "End - Beginning," Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5 - Time lapse visualization

As can be seen in Figure 5.5, there was a delay in the timing of the directive duration of the TEJ
phase of the project and a disruption in the directive date of the decision to start the project. If you move
the mouse cursor to the red line at the project stage, an information window will appear in which it will be
written what is the duration of the nested tasks.
To eliminate the failure of deadlines, you can, or:
1. To increase the duration of the stage to 22 days, or;
2. Reduce the duration of nested tasks by a total of two days, or;
3. Assign an automatic planning type to the summary task so as not to track the target date, or;
4. Review link types and set advances, i.e. review work execution procedures. For example, in
this case, you can make the “Legal Analysis” and “Marketing Analysis” tasks parallel. It is also necessary
to create a link between the tasks "Legal Analysis" and "Business Plan Making." As we do, Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6 - Calculated stage of "TEJ of the Project"

Now, if you move the mouse cursor to a segment of the project stage, an inscription will appear
about the nesting of tasks (16 days), which indicates that the nested tasks have a reserve of 4 days for
execution delays, so as not to disrupt the directive period of the stage.
In the event of a failure of the directive date for planning on the start of the project, it is necessary
either to revise the key date itself, or to reduce the duration of the tasks of the stage.

Tasks of the "Land Allocation" stage

The “Land Allocation” phase will consist of the operations listed in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 – “Land Allocation” Operations

Units of Duration, Labor, Deadline
SWD Stage/Task Name1
measure days hours
KTD_INV_LA Land allocation
Development of land
KTD_INV_LA_001 % 15 3
management documentation
Approval of the land allocation
KTD_INV_LA_002 % 10 2
KTD_INV_LA_003 Conclusion of the lease % 5 3
agreement 2
KTD_INV_LA_004 Land Lease Agreement % 0 0 19.05.2018
All tasks of this stage with automatic scheduling, type "Fixed duration," and with an unfixed scope of
work and with a standard calendar

The next step with the tasks of the “Land Allocation” stage is to determine their relationships. We
highlight all the tasks of this stage, transfer them to automatic planning and associate them with links like
"End - Start."
After that, we remove the connection between the task "It was decided to start the stage of the " TEJ of
the project "and "Development of land management documentation," and instead of it we create a new
one between tasks "Decision on the start of the project" and "Development of land management
documentation," Figure 5.7. Stage "Land allocation" is transferred first to automatic planning, and then
to manual planning.
Figure 5.7 - Tasks of the "Land allocation" stage

Engineering Tasks
The “Design” stage shall consist of sub-stages (summary tasks) and works given in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 - Sub-stages and works of the Engineering stage

Units of Duration, Labor, Deadline
SWD Stage/Task Name1
measure days2 hours
KTD_INV_PRO_001 Start of Engineering Work % 0
KTD_INV_PRO_002 Draft Design
KTD_INV_PRO_002_1 Draft Design % 3 40
KTD_INV_PRO_002_2 Stage "P"
KTD_INV_PRO_002_2_1 Development of stage "P" % 4 20
KTD_INV_PRO_003 Detailed Design Documentation %
KTD_INV_PRO_003_1 Working Drawings Study % 7 24
Handover of working
KTD_INV_PRO_003_2 % 1 16
drawings to the
General Contractor
KTD_INV_PRO_003_3 RD adopted % 09.06.18
All tasks in this phase with “Fixed Work” type and project calendar.
First, the directive duration of the task is set to have some kind of schedule, then when allocating
resources, the duration of the task will be recalculated depending on the number of allocated resources.

Before creating tasks, we immediately put the total task "Design" into manual planning mode.
We change the type of task as follows, select the necessary tasks using the "Ctrl" key, right-click
and select in the "Information" menu. In the "Information about several tasks" window, go to the
"Advanced" tab and select the type of task.
Once you have defined the task parameters, you must associate them. We associate all the tasks of
the design stage with the “End – Start” links.
We also establish the link "End - beginning" between the tasks "End stage
"Land allocation" and "Development of draft design," Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8 – “Design” Phase Tasks

If, when detailing a stage into tasks, the total duration of the nested tasks exceeded the specified
directive duration of the stage, you simply need to revise the duration of the stage by increasing it by
the required number of days.

“Construction” Phase Objectives

The “Construction” phase will consist of sub-stages and operations listed in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 - Sub-stages and works of "Engineering" stage

Units of Duration, Labor, Deadline
SWD Stage/Task Name3
measure days2 hours1
KTD_INV_SMR Construction
KTD_INV_SMR_001 Start of construction works % 0 FD
KTD_INV_SMR_002 Above ground works FD
Brickwork of
KTD_INV_SMR_002_1 m3 7 FD
external walls
Brickwork of internal walls
KTD_INV_SMR_002_2 m3 5 FD

KTD_INV_SMR_002_3 Roofing sq.m 6 FD

KTD_INV_SMR_003 Finishing works FD
KTD_INV_SMR_003_1 Installation of windows piece 4 FAR
KTD_INV_SMR_003_2 Installation of doors piece 4 FAR
KTD_INV_SMR_003_3 Plastering works sq.m 10 FAR
KTD_INV_SMR_004 Construction completed % 0 FD 09.06.18
FD - fixed duration, FAR - fixed amount of resources. Works of the sub-stage
"Above-groundwork" will be modeled through the activities of contractors. Therefore, the type of task
selected is a fixed duration. We will use this type since the contractors work under the contract. For
installation and plastering, we will model the involvement of our own teams, so we will use the type of
"fixed resources" with a fixed amount of work.
All tasks of this stage with the calendar "Worker."
The "Labor" field has been removed on purpose, since at the planning stage it is difficult to
imagine the amount of work in the hours to be done.
We associate all tasks with the links "End - start," we use the same type of connection between the
tasks "RD accepted" and "Start of construction work," Figure 5.9. From the task "Brickwork of internal
walls" to the task "Roofing" the connection "Beginning - beginning" with a delay of 60% of the scope of
work, we associate the work on the installation of doors and windows in parallel, and also establish the
connection "End - beginning" between the installation of windows and plaster works, otherwise without
the last connection, plaster work can be started without waiting for the completion of the installation of
windows, which does not correspond to the work technology.

Figure 5.9 - Tasks of the "Construction" stage

Tasks of the "Deliveries" stage

Initially, this step was not created, as it did not carry any load in terms of deciding whether to start
the project in this example. But, if you expect many supplies of critical equipment and/or materials in the
project, then, of course, this factor should be considered when initially analyzing the feasibility of the
project in accordance with the requirements stipulated in its charter.
As a rule, it is recommended to simulate deliveries through control events with an indication of the
person responsible for each delivery, so that it is possible to track the execution in the context of done/not
done, and not how much done.
Unfortunately, Microsoft Project does not know how to operate with negative labor costs, which
would be very convenient for tracking the difference between how much materials/equipment came to the
project and how much was spent.
The "Deliveries" phase will consist of the operations given in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5 - Operations of the "Deliveries" stage

SWD Stage/Task Name1 Units of
KTD_INV_MTS Deliveries
KTD_INV_MTS_001 Window delivery
KTD_INV_MTS_001_1 Vendor selected %
KTD_INV_MTS_001_2 Contract signed %
KTD_INV_MTS_001_3 Prepayment made %
KTD_INV_MTS_001_4 Delivered %
Final payment
KTD_INV_MTS_001_5 %
carried out
KTD_INV_MTS_001_6 Deliveries contract closed %
Selecting a type has no meaning for control events if they are of zero duration. Also, in this case, it
makes no sense to set a unique calendar for delivery, although if it is important for you in your projects
that the delivery is made on a day off from the point of view of the project calendar, then you need to
consider the task calendar.
All relationships between the tasks of this stage are "End - Start."
But between all the tasks of the "Window Delivery" sub-stage, we indicate delays of three days
since everything cannot be completed on the same day.
Let's imagine in the project that we model the supply of windows, in connection with which we
establish a connection "Finish-Start" between the tasks "Delivery performed" and "Installation of
windows" with a delay of three days, Figure 5.10.
In addition, we establish a "Finish-Start" link between the "Window Installation" tasks and
"Final payment" with a delay of three days.

Figure 5.10 - Deliveries modeling

As you can see from Figure 5.10, the delivery tasks did not move to the installation of the window.
This is because tasks have a default constraint type of “As Early As Possible”. As previously described,
tasks with this type tend to be performed as early as possible, in our case, this is at the beginning of the
project. In order for these tasks to move to the installation, it is necessary for all tasks of the "Deliveries"
stage to select the restriction "As soon as possible," Figure 5.11, and for the summary task - the limitation
"Ending no later than."

Figure 5.11 - Tasks of the " Deliveries" stage

Objectives of the "Mutual Settlements with Contractors" stage

The situation with this stage is similar to the situation with the stage "Deliveries," that is, it was not
taken into account at the initiation of the project, but in some cases it is necessary to understand how
mutual settlements with suppliers will go, especially in terms of dates, quantities from the amount of
There are several options for simulating settlements. You can track the very fact of payments,
conclusion of a contract, etc., or you can track, in addition to all this, receivables and payables.
The "Settlements with Contractors" stage will consist of the tasks given in Table 5.6. All
relationships between the tasks of this stage are "End - Start" with a delay of three days.
We associate the task "Contract signed" with the task "Brickwork of external walls," and the task
"Construction of the roof," respectively, with the task "Final
settlement under the contract was carried out" by the ties "End - beginning"
with a delay of 3 days.

Table 5.6 - Operations of the phase "Mutual settlements with contractors"

SWD Stage/Task Name1 Units of Labor,
measure hours
KTD_INV_DKZ Settlements with contractors
KTD_INV_DKZ_001 Wall Laying Contractor
KTD_INV_DKZ_001_1 Contractor selected % 0
KTD_INV_DKZ_001_2 Contract signed % 0
Final Contract Settlement
KTD_INV_DKZ_001_3 % 1
carried out
KTD_INV_DKZ_001_4 Contract closed % 0
Selecting a type has no meaning for control events if they are of zero duration. Also, in this case, it
makes no sense to set a unique calendar for delivery, although if it is important for you in your projects
that the work is carried out on the days of the working calendar, then you need to consider the task

In order for these tasks to move to above-groundwork, all tasks of the stage need
"Settlements with suppliers" select the restriction "As soon as possible," Figure 5.12, and for the summary
task - the restriction "End no later than."

Figure 5.12 - Tasks of the phase "Mutual settlements with contractors"

Objectives of the "Cottage Implementation" stage
The "Cottage Implementation" phase will consist of the operations shown in Table 5.7.

Table 5.7 - Operations of the "Cottage Implementation" stage

Labor, Deadline
SWD Stage/Task Name Units of Duration,
measure days
KTD_ERK Implementation of the cottage
Agreement with
KTD_ERK_001 % 4 16
Signing a contract with
KTD_ERK_002 % 2 8
KTD_ERK_003 Payment under the contract % 1 4
End Deadline
KTD_ERK_004 % 0 0 13.08.13

The task "Implementation of the cottage" is renamed to "Agreement with the client." We associate
all the tasks of this stage with each other with the links "End - beginning." Task
"Agreement of the contract with the client" begins after the task "Construction is completed," Figure 5.13,
and the old connection that went to the task "Agreement of the contract with the client" (renamed
"Implementation of the cottage") is removed.

Figure 5.13 - Tasks of the "Cottage Implementation" stage

The last stroke is to remove the link between the “Customer Agreement” task and the “Project
Complete” task. To the "Project Complete" task, we stretch the connection from the "Project Complete"
The result of work decomposition is shown in Figure 5.14.

Figure 5.14 - Training Project Schedule

1. Create a custom “Unit of Measure” text
field as described in the guidelines.
2. Create a custom view based on the Gantt chart in
in accordance with the instructions in the guidelines. Add what you want
fields in the table and save it.
3. Enter data on the tasks of the stages in accordance with tables 5.1-5.7.

1. What do I use custom fields for? How do I create a custom field?
2. How is a custom view created? How is a custom table created?
3. How to display information about exceeding the target dates
performing tasks? How can you eliminate excess?

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