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Detailed School: AGUSAN DEL SUR Grade Grade 10 MACAPAGAL

Lesson NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Level/sections:

Plan Student MARIA CRISELYNE L. Learning Area: English 10
Teacher: DURANGO
Date/Day NOVERMBER 28, 2023 Quarter: 2
and time: 11:00-12:00 AM

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how would literature and other
text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals or groups, also how to use strategies in critical reading, and
viewing and affirmation and negation, markers to deliver impromptu and
extemporaneous speeches.
B. Performance The learners proficiently deliver an argumentative speech emphasizing how to
Standard resolve among individuals or groups.
C. Learning At the end of the period, the learners are expected to:
Competencies/ a. explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme (EN10LT-
Objectives 11a-14-2);
(Write the LC code) b. explain the literary devices/elements of the story used (EN10LT-11d-
c. share insights about betrayal and its consequences to human life and to
the community;
d. discuss the function of the elements in building the theme of the
selection; through and a role play and a letter of advice.
II. CONTENT Subject Matter: The Song of Roland

Language Focus: The Elements Building the Theme (Characters, Conflict,

A. References The Song of Roland
Elements Building the Theme
1. Teacher’s Guide Celebrating Diversity through World Literature pp.152-157 (English 10, TM)

2. Learner’s Materials Celebrating Diversity through World Literature pp.152-157; Reading Materials
pages (Transcriptions), Headdresses (Nametags) (English 10, TM)
3. Textbook pages pp.152-157
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Power Point Presentation, Visual Aids, teacher-developed materials



D. Subjects/

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities


Good morning, everyone.

May I request Ms. Shiroma to lead us a

b. Greetings

Good morning once again Grade 10 Good morning, ma’am we are glad
Macapagal! to see you this morning.

How are you today? We are great ma’am.

That is really great to hear because this

morning, you will be exposed again to
another meaningful learning

c. Checking of Attendance
May I request the class monitor to
please give me names of the absent if None ma’am
there’s any.

d. Setting of Standards

Now, I believe as learners, you must

know the directions you are heading, to
achieve what are the learning
objectives to be tackled today.
Learning Competencies/Objectives

At the end of the period, the learners

are expected to:
a. explain how the elements specific
to a selection build its theme
b. explain the literary
devices/elements of the story used
c. share insights about betrayal and
its consequences to human life and
to the community;
d. discuss the function of the
elements in building the theme of the
selection; through and a role play and
a letter of advice.

Please be reminded of our classroom

▪ Listen attentively.
▪Avoid using gadgets while the class is
going on.
▪ Respect one another.
▪ Engage in all classroom discussion
and lastly
▪ HAVE FUN as we learn.

Now, let us reveal your identity. As you

have noticed, your headdresses are of
different colors and you are seated
according to your color. These will mark
your grouping as we go back to the
Medieval Period.

We have here the group boys as the

Team Vikings and group girls as the
Team Crusaders.

Remember your respective groups

come with a responsibility that is to
answer whatever is asked.


A. Review Previous Last meeting, you learned great values. Yes, ma’am.
Lesson/ Initial Am I right?
Tasks/ Establishing
a Purpose for the So what have we discussed last Ma’am, we discussed about the
Lesson meeting? song titled “Imagine” by John
(1 min) Lennon and the values it reflects.

That's right. We talked about “Imagine”,

a song by John Lennon. From the song,
is there anybody who can share at least
one value you’ve learned?

Yes, Amparado. I learned the value of peace. Peace

is what the world really needs to end
battles and provide the peaceful life
that everyone deserves.

Very well said! Other than peace, we

learned the importance of kindness,
love, and unity which all transform the
world we live in beautifully. Imagine
how heavenly the earth would be.
Although it seems impossible, but it will
be possible if we are going to apply the
values we’ve learned from the song.
We can start even in the small ways
that we can.

Am I right class? Yes ma’am.

I can see that you understood our last

topic. Let us now move on.
B. Instances of New MOTIVATION
Lesson/Presenting So, to give you a glimpse and the
Examples/ energy to start our new lesson, I have
Discussing New prepared a game called:
Concepts and
“The Race of the Empires”
Practicing New Skills
Get set for the game! A picture with
clues will be shown, and the first group
to raise their banners gets the first shot
to answer. If they don't get it right, the
other group gets a turn. It's a fun race.
The first group to guess all the pictures
earns a badge of armor.

H_ _ _ 1. Horn


2. Betrayal

B _ _R _ _ AL


3. Sword

A resounding applause to everyone for
a game well-played. Congratulations!
Team _____ you just earned a badge.
Now, these may seem random words
but they play a role in our lesson.

Who can share his/her thoughts about

what these words depict? I think the words depict war.

We will see if what you said is correct

as we continue with the poem/text.
C. Discussion/ In the story of life, we learn about
Developing Mastery trust and betrayal. Just like in the
poem that we are going to discuss,
where loyalty is important, betrayal
teaches us important lesson about
people and relationship. Its like
understanding both good and bad
sides of the story. This helps us see
life in a complete way.

Motive Question:

Have you been betrayed? Yes ma’am.

Can we hear an experience of being

betrayed? (Volunteer)

After hearing the experience, it is

clear that many of us felt the sting of
betrayal at some point in our lives.

I will show you a video and you will

be provided with its transcription.
Everyone is encouraged to take
note, observe, and listen carefully
for there will be questions asked
Emperor Charlemagne has the majority
of Spain except for Saragosa where King
Marcillion still rules. The king sent a letter
through Blancandrin falsely promising that he
will be a Christian if the Emperor leaves Spain.
But, Charlemagne did not trust him and
desired an envoy must come to the king. His
nephew Roland offered to go, but the emperor
refused. So Roland suggested Count Ganelon,
Roland’s step father, to go.
Despite obeying the Emperor, Ganelon
was enraged accusing Roland to have planned
for his death. As he rode on, he caught up with
Blancandrin who fled from Charlemagne just a
while ago.
While resting, Blancandrin asked why
the Emperor would want Spain despite having a
vast Empire. Ganelon said it was because of
Roland’s influence. Thus, they plotted against
Roland to eventually desert Charlemagne.
As soon as they arrived, Ganelon
introduced himself and insolently told the king
that he will have the half of Spain if he converts
to Christianity, otherwise he will be executed in
Aix. He falsely added that Roland, the
emperor’s count, will have the other half.
With what Ganelon said, the Saracens
attacked the Emperor’s rear guard led by
Roland. Outnumbered by the King’s warriors,
Roland decided to sound his horn for help. But
his friend, Oliver objected telling him it is an act
of cowardliness. But, Archbishop Turpin
convinced him to blow the horn to call
Charlemagne and be given proper burial in case
they die. Roland blew his horn Olifant.
It reached the Emperor. The Duke of
Nalmon said it must have been blown by a
desperate man. While the traitor Ganelon told
him that it was just Roland showing his hunting
skills. However, he believed the Duke so they
galloped toward the battlefield.
Charlemagne ordered his master cook,
Besgun, to chain and put Ganelon upon a
packhorse. As they sped on their way, the
trumpetors kept blowing as a sign of a coming
Roland was the last among his
comrades. One of the Saracens who thought
he’s dead tried to steal his sword. But he failed
as Roland smashed him with his horn.
The Sarcarens fled. The Duke saw a
cloud of dust and headed to it to pursue and kill
the remaining enemies.
Back in his palace, King Marsillion lay
dying. Soon, Charlemagne went to Saragosa
with triumph and treated the king’s widow with
He then returned to France where
Ganelon was tried. By law, if he could find a
champion who could defeat any challenger in a
single combat, he’d be spared. Count Thierry
who volunteered in his behalf was defeated by
Pinable. So Ganelon paid the penalty.
Charlemagne was set off to wars again,
but without Roland, who now belonged to a
legend and a song.
After watching the epic poem, how
would you briefly describe the character Ganelon is a traitor ma’am.
of Ganelon.
I think ma’am, because he lied to
Why did you say Ganelon was a traitor? Emperor Charlemagne that Roland
was just showing his hunting skills.

Charlemagne is greedy for

What about Charlemagne? conquering other lands.

It is because he wanted to conquer

Why did you say so? the land of where King Marcillion

Roland is brave and loyal to

And What about Roland? Charlemagne until his last breath.

In the part where he could blow the

In which part of the story is Roland horn for help but he didn’t because
showing his bravery? he doesn’t want to be a coward.

Indeed. These are the outstanding

qualities of the three men who worked
under one empire but are composed of
different characteristics.
I feel sorry about Roland’s tragic
How did you feel about Roland in the death and also with a feeling of
text? regret that he did not immediately
blow his horn to ask for help.

We do share the same feelings.

I think ma’am it is because of Oliver
Why do you think Roland did not blow who told Roland that it is an act of
immediately his horn for help? cowardness if he will blow the horn.

Oliver is the best friend and also the

Who is Oliver in the story? brother of Roland’s fiancé.

What do you think will happen if Roland If Roland had blown the horn earlier,
had blown the horn earlier? Charlemagne might have arrived
soonest, and that might possibly
save him from death.
Now, you mentioned that Ganelon was
a traitor, How does the betrayal of
Ganelon lead him at the last part of the It leads him of being punish and
story? chained by a Master Cook.
What condition did Emperor If Ganelon can find a champion who
Charlemagne said to spare Ganelon's could defeat the challenger in single
life? combat Ganelon’s life would be
spared by the Emperor.

Yes ma’am.
Did Ganelon pay the penalty?

Indeed your answers expressed that

you all really understood the piece and
ready to unravel more learning.
D. Developing Mastery Let me emphasize in the story the
(leads to formative existence of opposition.
In the text who do you think is the
opposition of Roland? It is Ganelon ma’am.

In what way did Ganelon stand in

opposition against Charlemagne
and Roland? Through betrayal.

Correct. How did you know that it is

betrayal? As portrayed in the epic ma’am,
Ganelon was upset with Roland,
so he schemed to put him in
danger by using his name when
speaking to King Marsillion.

You are right. It is observed in the

epic poem.

The selection or the epic poem is

just like any other story as it
contains a theme. I know you have
an idea of what theme is, can you
define theme in your own words? It refers to the main message of
the story, ma’am.

That is good. A theme is the

controlling idea or as you said the
main message or the central point of
the story.
What do you think is the theme of
the epic poem “The Song of I think ma’am it is betrayal.

Yes, it is. Why did you say its I think ma’am it is because
betrayal? Ganelon’s betrayal to Roland
significantly influences the story.
“The Song of Roland” may be
considered an epic that deals with
the themes of betrayal, greed, and

But, today we will focus more on the

theme betrayal as it has the greatest
weight especially during the
Medieval times. This is because
betrayal to one’s lord or vassal was
considered the greatest violation of
the feudal code. Thus loyalty is the
highest honor a Count can give to
his King or Emperor.

Now, you’ve said that the theme

betrayal is discovered as it is
emphasized in the epic poem. But
also, it is with the help of other

I know you have discussed already

the elements of the short story, can Characters, setting, plot, conflict,
you name them again? denouement, point of view and

Definitely Correct! However, today

we will just tackle three of them
particularly the Character, Conflict
and Plot because these elements
help in building the theme.

1. Character:
The characters’ feelings, goals,
personalities, and even experiences
are factors to consider in
discovering the theme.

In the story we had discussed today, It is Roland, Emperor

who are the characters identified? Charlemagne, Ganelon, King
Marsillion and Blancandrin
Who do you think is the main Roland is the main character
character and who is the villain in ma’am while Ganelon is the
the story? villain.


The next element is Conflict.

2. Conflict creates the tension which
help unfolds the theme of the story.

In the “The Song of Roland” what is

the conflict of Ganelon to Roland? It is the jealousy of Ganelon
Yes, Villariez? towatds Roland ma’am.

Now what did that Jealousy leads

Ganelon to do? It makes him plotted a betrayal
against Roland ma’am.

What is the conflict between them?

Yes, Muanag? It is Ganelons betrayal to Roland

Let us proceed to Plot.

3. Plot. Is the series of events
gradually reveals the theme.

Who can recall the 5 different parts

of the Plot?
Yes, Tesalona? Ma’am it is the Exposition, Rising
Action, Climax, Falling Action
and Denouement (Resolution).

Now In which part of the plot

(Exposition, Rising Action, Climax,
Falling Action, and Denouement)
have you found the theme of the It is evidently in the climax
text? ma’am.


These three elements worked

together to help us discover and
understand the theme. They are all
connected, each one contributed to
the overall idea. This connection is a
like how things work in our own
lives, where different aspects often
come together to reveal a bigger
picture. We also recognize how
betrayal is serious with its
consequences to personal lives and
to the society as a whole.
E. Finding Practical Indeed, we had an interesting
Applications of discussion about the poem.
Concepts and Skills
in Daily Living
Any questions or clarification class? None ma’am.
We’ll have another activity.
With the same grouping the Team
Crusader and Team Vikings. Here is
what you are going to do.

Role play or act out the scene when
Ganelon made a plot against

Write a letter of advice to Ganelon
not to betray Roland.

Each group will be given 2 minutes

to do this task. I will be grading your
work based on these criteria.

Criteria for the Role play

Immense in the Character 50%
Presentation 30%
Use of the language 10%
Teamwork 10%
Total 100%

Criteria for the Letter Writing

Coherence/Organization of ideas50%
Grammar/Punctuation 20%
Presentation 20%
Teamwork 10%
Total 100%

--------Presentation of Outputs-------
F. Making
Generalizations and
Abstractions about
the Lesson

What do you see in the picture? The picture shows gold, ma’am.

Yes, isn’t it appealing? Yes ma’am it is.

But, there is more than gold that you

should learn.

The first circle is a gray inside

Now, how would you compare these and gold outside. While the
two circles? second is purely gold in color.

Exactly, in jewellery, the first is gold-

plated, the latter is solid gold.

In choosing gold jewellery, you must

learn what is gold and what is gold-
plated. The solid gold offers better and
even best quality worth the price. The
same thing with people, discern those
who are gold and those who are gold

What makes a person who is solid

When someone is really exceptional
and always by your side no matter
Know the characteristics as we did with
the characters. Know what he/she
would do when in a conflict or know the
conflict that person is in, and how
he/she has been genuine throughout
the events in your life. In short, he or
she is loyal to you no matter what.
G. Evaluating To further evaluate what you have
Learning/Additional learned, we will have a short quiz. You
Activities for are given 2 minutes to finish answering.
Application or Direction: Read each item carefully.
Remediation Choose the correct answer.
1. This refers to the central message
of the selection.
a. Moral of the story
b. Theme
c. Conflict
2. He [Charlemagne] was never
a. Feeling of the character
b. Goal of the character
c. Personality of the character
3. However, the Emperor after
doubting for a while, believed the
Duke so they galloped to the
a. Man vs. Man
b. Man vs. Society
c. Man vs. Himself
4. The following are a theme, except:
a. Betrayal is a self-destruction, so
never betray.
b. Betrayal is a self-destruction.
c. Betrayal is never happiness.
d. Betrayal never triumphs.
5. The three elements that help build
the theme are:
a. Plot, setting, and conflict
b. Characters, conflict, and theme
c. Characters, conflict, and plot
Answer Key:
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C
H. Agreement Assignment/Agreement
Have you been betrayed? Does
someone you know been betrayed?
Reflect and write down your or
someone’s story of betrayal with the
theme built by the characters, plot, and
conflict through a photo essay. Provide
your photo essay a creative title and a
comprehensive narration.
For you to be guided of the criteria:

Elements building the theme----40%
Creativity------------------------ 20%

Do you have other concerns, queries,

or clarifications before we end this
session? If there is none, let us call it a

Good bye and Thank you Grade 10


Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked and reviewed by:

Cooperating Teacher

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