Ohana Means Family

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Ohana Means Family

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/53560573.

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Other
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Dracule Mihawk, S-Hawk &
S-Lion, S-Hawk & Dracule Mihawk, S-Lion & Dracule Mihawk, S-
Hawk & Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, S-Lion & Akagami
no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Uta & S-Hawk
Characters: S-Hawk (One Piece), S-Lion (One Piece), Akagami no Shanks | Red-
Haired Shanks, Dracule Mihawk, Benn Beckman, Uta (One Piece),
Marines (One Piece)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hugs, Sleepy Cuddles,
Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD,
Trauma, rope burns, Chains, Parent Dracule Mihawk, Parent Akagami no
Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Nightmares, Flashbacks, Kids need a hug
from the parents, but kids are mad at the parents, that feeling when your
kids are mad at you because of their own trauma, Childhood Trauma,
does it count as childhood trauma if they are only a year old?
Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Kat's Febuwhump 2024
Stats: Published: 2024-02-06 Words: 2,218 Chapters: 2/4
Ohana Means Family
by BlackKat2907


Mihawk stormed out of the brig and Shanks carefully moved toward the Seraphim. He
stopped in front of Sebastian and knelt down. His eyes widened at the dried blood from the
scratches across Sebastian’s right eye. “Hey,” he murmured softly, reaching to touch
Sebastian’s shoulder, worried that if he touched his face that the child would panic. The
Seraphim jumped and stared at Shanks in shock. His mouth gaped and Shanks shushed him.
“We’re here. It’s okay. I’m going to get you out of here.”

Febuwhump Day Five: Rope burns

Febuwhump Day Six: "you lied to me"
Febuwhump Day Seven: suffering in silence
Febuwhump Day Eight: "why won't it stop?"
Chapter 1

“What do we do with them?” Peregrine snapped at the gloved hand, teeth sinking through
fabric and into flesh. The coppery tang of blood hit his taste buds followed by the marine
screaming in pain. Peregrine’s head snapped to the side, pain erupting across his cheek.
Golden eyes widened in shock and fear. “Muzzle them,” the captain ordered, shaking his
bleeding hand.

A frantic burst of Conqueror’s Haki washed over the marines. “And get that monster under
control!” the captain roared in anger as a few marines dropped like flies. “They want them
back to the base for decommissioning and a complete reset.” Peregrine’s eyes widened and he
lunged forward in the sea stone chains, teeth snapping.

Sebastian shook his head frantically, signaling for Peregrine to stop. “Pippin, it’s okay,” he
promised. Both knew he was lying, but Peregrine's wings forcefully relaxed. The Mihawk
Seraphim stiffly moved back against the cold metal wall. Sebastian grit his teeth and fought
to keep his haki under control. “It’s okay,” he whispered to himself.

On top of being chained in sea stone the chains were reinforced with ropes from Sabaody.
The ropes itched and rubbed the skin raw. The chains were too tight and cut into the skin
around their wrists. The slave collars around their necks were just loose enough for them to
barely breathe…barely. The brig was dank and smelled of mold. Water dripped down from
the corner, rats scurried across the floor, and the crates in the brig jostled with each wave that
hit the ship.

The marines left the two Seraphim in the dark. Two sets of golden eyes stared at each other in
the darkness, a soft glow emanating from their irises. The flames on their backs burned into
embers. What was usually a bright flame was nothing more than hot embers. The ship lolled
with the waves. Sebastian hissed as he head smacked against the wall. Peregrine kept
thrashing and hissing. The muzzle didn’t budge.

“You’re going to strain your neck if you keep that up,” Sebastian sighed, grimacing as water
dropped on him. The wet floor made his clothes an uncomfortable damp.

His skin crawled and Sebastian fought the urge to rip the wet clothes off. Though being cold
seemed more appetizing than being wet.
“Whng ough,” Peregrine tried to say something through the muzzle to no avail. His wings
drooped and he tried to pry the muzzle off. The strap dug into the back of his head and he
groaned in frustration. He turned to pulling his wrists out from the ropes and chains. The
tender flesh rubbed raw.

“Just stop!” Sebastian snapped, eyes flashing with anger. “It’s not going to give, Pippin. Stop
making a commotion.” He sagged in his chains and closed his eyes. “If we want to escape,
we need a plan.”

Peregrine scowled at Sebastian, but he did listen to him. He tapped the ground, glaring at
Sebastian. Better hurry up then.

“You don’t think I’m trying?” Sebastian snapped harshly. I didn’t say that. “No, but you
meant it.” He winced as his head ached from the earlier outburst of haki. Peregrine had the
decency to look guilty. The two sat in silence for who knows how long. Peregrine dozed off
a few times, jolting awake at each voice he heard. Sebastian tried to relax and sleep. He really
did. But he was too uncomfortable. His skin felt wrong. He was slowly going crazy from the
feeling. He shivered, his damp clothes keeping him too cold. His teeth chattered, driving
Peregrine mad.

“No! Please! STO–AHHHH!”

The door was cut in two and kicked open by Akagami no Shanks. Next to him was the
former warlord Dracule Mihawk. Mihawk’s lips curled into a cruel sneer. Seeing the kids
chained, tied up, and bloody made him see red. Shanks firmly grabbed Mihawk’s arm, giving
him a warning look.

“Don’t you dare, Red Hair,” Mihawk growled, rage boiling. “Don’t you dare ask me to have

“I’m hurt you’d assume I’d tell you to be merciful,” Shanks drawled, eyes narrowing. “GIve
‘em hell, Taka. Make them suffer.” He fought to control his anger and in turn his haki. “I’ll
get them out of here. Don’t leave any survivors, Marine Hunter.”
Mihawk’s lips curved to a cruel smile, golden eyes wide and manic. “Get them out of here
safe, Shanks. Make them feel safe again.” His knuckles turned white from gripping Yoru’s
hilt too tightly. With each passing moment spent looking at the two small Seraphim, his blood
boiled. The rage manifested itself as a burning bloodlust. Yoru’s blade hummed in
anticipation, craving the blood of the marines.

“Don’t worry about us, Taka,” Shanks smiled warmly, putting his hand on Mihawk’s
shoulder. “Just give those marines hell. The kids will be on the Red Force in a few minutes
where Hongo can treat them, and we’ll keep them safe.” He nudged Mihawk toward the door.
“Go. I got them.” He dipped his head, eyes full of kindness and muted anger. His mind
flashed back to Uta. No, he wasn’t going to fail his children again.

Mihawk stormed out of the brig and Shanks carefully moved toward the Seraphim. He
stopped in front of Sebastian and knelt down. His eyes widened at the dried blood from the
scratches across Sebastian’s right eye. “Hey,” he murmured softly, reaching to touch
Sebastian’s shoulder, worried that if he touched his face that the child would panic. The
Seraphim jumped and stared at Shanks in shock. His mouth gaped and Shanks shushed him.
“We’re here. It’s okay. I’m going to get you out of here.”

“Pippin!” Sebastian called out to his brother. “I told you it was going to be okay,” he smirked
smugly, head tilted up in satisfaction. Peregrine scowled at Sebastian, narrowing his eyes. If
the muzzle was off of him, he’d be cursing Sebastian out. He opted for flipping him off
instead. Shanks chuckled and used Mihawk’s Kogatana to cut the chains and ropes off

“Help me free your brother,” Shanks benignly requested, moving toward Peregrine. “It’s
okay, Pip.” He reached behind Peregrine’s head with the knife. “I’m going to cut the strap
and Seb–”

“Sebastian!” Sebastian interrupted with a scowl. He hated nicknames.

“Sebastian,” Shanks corrected, “is going to break the chains, and I’ll cut the ropes.” He
smiled brightly to calm Peregrine’s nerves. Peregrine sat deathly still, eyes facing forward.
The strap was cut in one clean motion and Peregrine stretched his jaw. The muscles ached
and he frowned. Sebastian ripped off the sea stone, grimacing as the stone irritated his hands.
Shanks cut the ropes and helped Peregrine up. “I got ya,” he murmured softly.

“I wanna go home,” Peregrine mumbled, flexing his fingers. His fingers turned to little
knives before returning to normal. Shanks ruffled Peregrine’s hair. “We’re going home,” he
promised, pulling Peregrine close and gesturing with his head for Sebastian to get closer.
Times like these were where he longed for both arms. He wanted to scoop up both of his kids
and smother them with love and affection.

“We’re going home.”

Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

Febuwhump Day Six: "you lied to me"

Hongo finished taping the gauze and bandages to Sebastian’s face. The doctor of the Red
Hair Pirates smiled warmly, catching himself before he ruffled the Seraphim’s hair. Sebastian
hated when people touched his hair. “You’re lucky. Any deeper and you would have lost your
eye.” Sebastian shifted on the bed, frowning deeply. “You’re all set. Pippin is in the crow’s
nest.” The doctor returned to his desk to write up the injury report and check on the medical
supplies. A restock would be needed soon.

Sebastian hobbled out of the sick bay. His footsteps echoed on the wood. The sun hit his eyes
once he arrived on the main deck. The marine vessel was in flames, quickly sinking below to
deep blue sea. His lips morphed to a gleeful smirk, eyes gleaming with malicious happiness.
But, when a blood-soaked Mihawk noticed him, Sebastian quickened his pace and climbed
up to the crow’s nest. He rolled his eyes at the claw marks in the wooden mast.

“Did you really have to climb up here like some feral animal?” Sebastian drawled, plopping
down next to Peregrine.

“I was bored and the ladder rope would have gotten cut,” Peregrine shrugged, blinking
owlishly. His wings curled around his small body, nails digging into his knees. “How’s your

“Hongo said I was lucky,” Sebastian cracked his neck and stretched out. “Mihawk is down
there.” He pointed downward. “Where’s Shanks?”

Peregrine peeked over the edge of the nest, looking down at Mihawk, taking note of the
blood. He pulled himself back up and settled back into a ball. “Shanks is with Beckman in
the captain’s quarters. Something about making this all disappear. They don’t want more
marine attention.”
“Shoulda thought of that before they allowed us to get captured,” Sebastian bitterly scoffed,
eye narrowing. “That brought marine attention. Killing and sinking the ship will bring marine
attention.” The flame on his back burned with irritation.

Peregrine swallowed thickly and curled up tighter. His fingers flexed and scratched at the
wood, leaving behind claw marks. The shipwright wouldn’t be happy about having to repair
the planks. “It’s…” Was it their fault? Could the capture have been avoided? He didn’t know
and he was too overwhelmed to think of a defense for Shanks and Mihawk.

Sebastian grunted and touched the bandage covering his right eye. “Damaged goods,” he
mumbled, angry tears welling in his eyes. Peregrine’s head shot up, wings flaring. “NO!” he
shouted at Sebastian. “Don’t say that,” he pleaded. “We aren’t goods. We aren’t just
weapons! We’re people. We’re…” he trailed off, unsure of what else to say. He swallowed
back tears. “Please…don’t say that,” he whispered, voice shaking. Memories of being
decommissioned and reconditioned flashed through his already overwhelmed mind.

Almost immediately guilt pooled in Sebastian’s gut. He closed his eyes and heavily sighed. A
gloved hand reach for Peregrine. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean that…” Peregrine
didn’t even spare Sebastian a glance. “I’m sorry, Pippin. I really am!” He crawled over to
Peregrine. “I…I wasn’t thinking. Please, Pip…” His hand hovered over Peregrine’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, voice cracking.

Peregrine looked back at Sebastian and swallowed thickly. Tears began to well in Sebastian’s
eyes. “I know,” Peregrine murmured, leaning over to rest his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. “I

“No, you reacted the way anyone would have if they had gone through what you did,”
Sebastian replied, managing a small smile. “You’ve been reconditioned so many times, and
I’ve never experienced that.” He clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth. “It could have
happened again…”

“But it didn’t,” Peregrine pointed out, stretching out little by little.

“Pippin! Sebastian!” Both peaked their heads out of the crow’s nest, looking down at Shanks
and Mihawk. The former shichibukai had changed his blood stained clothes for a cleaner pair.
Shanks waved for them to come down. “Come on down,” he smiled brightly. Yet, neither
Seraphim made a move to get down. Shanks’ smile faltered. “Is something wrong?” Mihawk
inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Peregrine ducked back behind the wood before his facial expressions could rat him out.
Sebastian just gave a Mihawk-esque scowl. “We’re fine,” he said, ducking back down. “You
don’t need to worry.”

“Then why are you avoiding us?” Shanks sighed, looking up at the crow’s nest. “You haven’t
spoken to either of us and only Hongo has seen you. What’s wrong?” Shanks didn’t want to
let his kids spiral and slip through his fingers like he allowed Uta to. “You can talk to us. You
can trust us.”

“Go away,” Peregrine snarled, wings flaring. In an uncharacteristic move, he glared down at
the two pirates, golden eyes full of anger and fear. Mihawk swore he saw Peregrine morph
back into S-Hawk for a moment. Shanks’ smile faded completely.

“Peregrine. What is wrong?” Mihawk asked calmly, not wanting to come across as angry or
cold to scare the Seraphim. Sebastian gripped Peregrine’s arm. “You lied to us,” Sebastian
accused, tears brimming his eyes.

“We—what?” Shanks’ tilted his head, eyes wide in shock. Mihawk remained silent, the only
sign he was surprised was the slight clench in his jaw. “Wha–what are you talking about?”
the yonko stammered.

“Just leave us alone,” Sebastian growled and dragged Peregrine back into their hiding space.
The two managed to sneak around and slip down into one of the smaller spaces in the ship
below deck. Peregrine used to hide in the small spaces of the ship, watching from the
shadows. The two refused to talk to Shanks or Mihawk, no matter how much the crew tried
to get them to talk.

“Can you at least tell me why you think they lied to you?” Sebastian glowered at Beckman
and shook his head no. The First Mate sighed and sat down on the wood planks. “They would
never mean to hurt either of you. Sometimes, bad things happen that we can’t control.”
Peregrine and Sebastian glanced at each other. “Don’t blame them for something they
couldn’t control. Blaming will only hurt others and yourselves.”

Beckman got to his feet and smiled down at the children. “Think about it. Don’t let this
accident ruin the relationships you have now.”
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