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Monkey D.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Dracule Mihawk/Original Male Character(s), Akagami no Shanks | Red-
Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, ASL Trio (One Piece) & Original
Character(s), Gol D. Roger/Portgas D. Rouge, Monkey D.
Dragon/Original Female Character(s), Monkey D. Garp/ Original Female
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Gol D. Roger, Original Female Character(s),
Monkey D. Garp, Monkey D. Dragon, Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D.
Ace, Silvers Rayleigh, Sabo (One Piece), Dracule Mihawk, characters to
be added - Character, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Action, Tags Are Hard, Other Additional
Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon,
Found Family, Slow pacing ???, I Tried, Reincarnation, Original Devil
Fruit, oc is kinda cracked, Canonical Character Death, everyone is a little
ooc, Canon-Typical Violence
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Monkey D. Scarlett
Stats: Published: 2023-11-19 Updated: 2024-02-06 Words: 131,832 Chapters:
Monkey D. Scarlett
by Rosie09


What if Garp had another son who is from another world?

Reincarnated in the One Piece world, what will the future hold now that a new player enters..

Join Monkey D. Scarlett on his journey through this world along with everyone he meets
along the way…

(I suck at summaries)


Content warmings

Character death …
I was reborn into One piece?!
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Buzz-buzz. ‘Oh food is here.’ The man walks over the many boxes though his new apartment
as the bell keeps ringing. “I'm coming! hold on!” Finally making it to the door “sorry for the
wait, here is your tip.” Taking in the bag of food and heading back to his living room pushing
the boxes out of the way in front of the new coffee table. As he takes out his food he notices
they forgot his drink. He sighs moving to grab a pair shoes and head out with only the new
apartment keys and wallet in his pocket. The man starts to walk to a nearby gas station,
making way down the dark road and heads into an alleyway. He thinks it leads to the gas
station after all it's a new city only to take two steps in and fall down the stairs. The man
rolled and rolled hitting his head, slowly everything started to fade away. ‘Can’t believe this
is how I go out.. damn I didn’t finish one piece…. It’s cold….’


* It felt like I was sleeping, then it was cold, then it was warm and so bright I couldn't even
open my eyes and then this loud sound just kept going and then low sounds then it stopped. I
felt like I was being moved and a new sound just barely reached my ears and opened my
eyes. It was just blurry. I couldn't really see clearly. It's weird why I can't see. I try to reach
for this dark mass. It looked like it was moving and I couldn't tell what was happening until I
reached the mass and touched something soft and like skin. The light was no longer so bright
and the mass was a little clearer and it looked like a woman. It clicked that I was reborn and I
felt really tired. Damn it, I just want to know what is happening.

* I tried to stay awake to see what was happening, tried to see who these people were but it's
hard to see. Still super blurry and still just shapes ugh its super hard why didn't people talk
about how hard it is to be a baby. All I know is we have moved out of the building we were in
and we are going somewhere else and time is moving.


* It felt like weeks before I could finally see what was in front of me I had woken up from
my sleep to someone holding me. Opening my eyes more I could not believe who was in
front of me, I couldn't hear his voice but I knew just who this man was. Monkey D Garp.
What am I doing in One Piece?! Why is he holding me! gosh dammit! Fuck baby hearing, I
can't hear him all. All I can do is stare up at him in shock. I died and was reborn in One
Piece. What in the world am I going to do now?

* All I can do is stare up at this man and wonder how I ended up here. He looks so much
younger than I remember from the show. I wonder how far back in the story I am now based
on his looks alone. I can tell I am back in time probably when he still runs into Roger the
Pirate King. As he stares back and started to move his lips but I couldn't hear him just yet
before he moved me into someone else's arms and I look to see a beautiful woman with wavy
black hair, fair skin, beautiful brown eyes and a smile so bright.She kissed me on the
forehead and I knew that this was my mom then she kissed Garp and it clicked my dad is
GARP! These are my parents. It is chaos in my head. As she held me it seemed they were
just talking before I fell back to sleep. The next time I woke I could see the Sun for the first
time since I've been reborn. It was so bright turning my head I noticed the vast blue sea. It
looked so beautiful it reminded me of my childhood in my past life.I turned my head back up
to see the face of Bogard, Garp’s right hand man and the one holding me. I was never the best
at reading lips and I still can't hear what people are saying to me but I know he was talking.
Before turning to just look out at the sea and feel the wind and the sun on me.

*~~~~~ five months later~~~~~

* It felt like months passed before I could start to see farther and hear for the first time. Oh
what a joy it was to hear the loud laugh Garp had and the soft giggles that followed causing
me to stop messing with the little toy on the play mat. I would say I'm about five months with
how much I hear now and understand now. I tried my best to move where my mother was
sitting in front of me just to hear her again. I worked my little arms and legs and started to
crawl my way to her so focused I didn't notice how quiet the adults got until I made it to her
and smiled at her and giggled. Both seemed stunned before I was picked up and in my
mother's arms as she laughed “Scarlett! you did so good honey!” “HaHa he is going to be a
fine Marine one day if he started to crawl this early haha” it took me a moment before i
realized they meant me. My new name was Scarlett, a lot better than my old name and I was
a boy again. It was nice just the three of us and the old man’s crew but something was telling
me this would not last very long.

*~~~~~~ one month later~~~~~~~~

* And it didn't, another month had passed and one day on deck with my mother as she read a
book to me in her lap sitting facing the sea did the first cannonball hit. There was a scream
from the crew “ it's Pirates!”And soon another boat appeared next to ours with a gangplank
connecting both ships. The Marines ran to defend my mom and me before we tried to run
back into the cabins to hide from the invasion. Just before we made it to the door that led to
the cabins, a sword slashed my mother in the back as she held me close to her chest. I could
hear the old man yell as my mother fell to her knees hiding me in her chest. For a moment the
world went still before chaos happened once again the Marines were fighting back the Pirates
and winning, the old man was running towards my mother and me. I looked up to see her
with a sad smile. She knew she wasn't going to make it out. Old man picked us up and ran to
the med bay followed by the doctor. Uncle Bogard pulled me out of my mother's arms then
placed me into my old man's. After being locked out of the med bay for what seemed like
hours sitting in the hallway waiting the sounds of fighting stopped when uncle Bogard
approached the old man and me “ We got the Pirates. how is she?”

* “We don't know yet but she might not make it. Can you hold Scarlett while I change my
shirt? I need to get rid of this Blood." Just before he was leaving the doctor walked out of the
room. “ I am sorry but she doesn't have a lot of time. The sword was laced with poison and
there is nothing I can do on this ship. I can only make her as comfortable as possible, I am
sorry. It is best if you and your child say your final words to her, she will not live through the
night.” At that moment I realized I would lose my mother and tears started to fall. Uncle
Bogard took me to my mother while the old man went back to changing his clothes. He
placed me in her arms and I stopped crying when she started to speak “Hush my love. I am
sorry that I can’t watch you grow. I'm sorry I can’t be there for you and your brother but do
know that I do love you both very much and I need you to take care of each other while I'm
gone. My little Scar know that I love you very much and I am so happy I was able to bring
you into this world.” Tears once again filled my eyes as I stared up at my mother as she
traced a moon shape under my right eye wiping my tears as they fell. She turned to her left
where the old man was with tears in his eyes. His eyes told all the words he wished to say as
did hers, she brought him closer into our hug. They whisper their I love yous before resting
further on the bed and we stayed in each other's arms and I fell asleep once again.

* Once I woke I was back in my old man's arms as he stood looking down at the bed we went
slept on. That I knew my mother had passed while we slept together. The tears started once
again as I brought myself closer into my father's arms. I cried and cried until I fell asleep
once again. The next time I woke up I was alone in my crib. The old man must have been in
the bathroom where I could hear his soft crying. I realize that I not only lost my mother but
he lost his partner, the love of his life. I thought of her last words to me, I had a brother, I can
only assume who he will be. Time seemed to pause when Garp walked out of the bathroom
dressed in a black suit and tie with his Marine coat, red around his eyes. Sadness was coming
off him in waves despite his small smile as he looked at me.

* “ Come here brat, let us change your clothes and say Goodbye one last time.” My old man
put me into simple clothes and put me back in his arms a little closer to his heart. He took one
last deep breath before moving out the door and heading to the main deck. As we walked to
the deck the ship was really quiet and it seemed all the crew gathered on the main deck. The
crew was split in two and led a path down to the middle mast. There my mother laid on a
small boat covered by white sheets. Surrounded by the small flowers she kept in the
bedroom, yellow daisies . Father walked us to the boat, looking with tears in our eyes did he
speak “till we see each other again my love.” Uncle Bogard came forward with a torch taking
me from my father and placing the torch in his hands. “Move the boat to the rails” my uncle
spoke as my father kept looking where my mother laid. The crew was able to move the boat
and load it up the rail once done. Then my father threw the torch on the boat, sending it
blazing. “Lower her.” My father walked back to me and uncle Bogard, took me back into his
arms as we watched the boat be lowered and put on the sea. We all stayed on deck and
watched as the waves carried her further and further before the boat sank. What seemed like
an eternity did the crew start to move again, back to their duties while my father, Uncle
Bogard and I kept looking out at the sea. “Come it’s best you two eat and get some sleep
after. ” Uncle Bogard gave my old man a little push to the dinner hall before we started to
move one again.

Chapter End Notes

Hi! This is my first fic ever, I honestly don’t know what I am doing but I had this idea
and decided to post it. It was collecting dust in my google docs, so here it is. I hope you
can enjoy the story. It may not be the best but it is something new for me to do.
So I hope we can have a good time here. If something is confusing or you have a
question feel free to ask, I will answer.

I will try my best to update three or four times a week as I have this most of this book
done besides some editing.

Also Im doing this from my phone so I can only hope everything looks okay..
So till next time.
Welcome to Dawn Island
Chapter Summary

After months at sea Scarlett finally makes it to his new home.

Chapter Notes

Contant warning : none

Scarlett age 8 months

Dragon age 10 years old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Two months have passed since that day and the crew is doing better and so is the old man. I
had come to learn new things about us as time went by.First, I was born deep in the new
world side of the grand line on a small island during a mission,not the best place to give birth.
My birth led to my parents wanting to return to their home island after the mission was
complete.They started to head to Dawn island making the trip extra long taking back routes
to try and avoid conflicts now that i was born. Then we lost my mother making things a little
harder but now we are hours away after months on the sea.

I also learned that indeed I have an older brother named Dragon. I started to plan just how
crazy things are going to be as I grow in this timeline. I plan to change things around and
help some people if I can but most of all I started to plan to care for the ASL brothers. I loved
the trio during the show and the bond they shared. so I will do my best to care for all of

As the time passed by I started to notice many things started to change to myself. My
eyesight and hearing grew a lot and so did my height. I had learned to stand up on my own,
surprising most of the crew that day. They all cheered and celebrated with me. I also learned
what I looked like finally looking in a mirror. I have black hair kinda shaggy with dark brown
eyes and a moon shaped birthmark under my right eye. It was an old scar from my old life
with still a lot of baby fat of course.
Time seems to move slower now that I am awake more often. I'm still learning to get used to
being a baby and not a 28 year old adult and it's been a process but I think I'm getting the
hang of it. Today is the day we reach Dawn island. I'm excited to get off this boat as I love
the crew and the sea but being on land is just as fun plus I can finally see my big brother. I
have a plan for him knowing the old man is going to tell him what happened to our mother. I
want to do something special for him so I want my first steps to be to him. I got really good
at holding my balance and standing for a long time for a baby. I'm sure that would be nice for
him plus I get to see a young Dragon before he becomes the head of the Revolutionary

Uncle Bogard brings me to deck when the island is closer and places me in the play area the
crew made once we were out of the paradise side of the grand line as a way for me to be
outside more and not at risk of falling off the boat. I start playing with the little toys and
listen to the waves crash into the boat. The sun is now high in the sky and a large shadow
falls on top of me. It's not hard to guess it's the old man who gets down right in front of me “
Scar, are you ready to meet your big brother?” I stare up at him before making noises that
sound like a yes. He lets out a laugh before picking me up and starts making his way down
the plank now connected to a deck. I didn't even notice we docked as I looked around.

It looks a little different from when i saw it in the show but not a big difference, truely a
sleeping village. When we made it to the main road we were stopped by a man who looked a
little older than the old man and a young boy with black hair, rich brown eyes that match
mine with a green shirt and brown shorts with tenny shoes on. It wasn’t hard to know who
was in front of me, my big brother Dragon and Mayor Woop Slap.

I started to wiggle and make noise to get down before the old man finally let me stand after
whatever staring contest he had with the mayor. I stood tall and looked right at my big
brother and took my first step followed by another and another making two more steps before
tripping and hearing the sound of feet moving in the dirt before I got up again standing tall
still with a little dirt on my shirt now. I stared at Dragon as he was closer now I gave him
what I thought was a big smile the best I could do for an 8 month old baby but I could see his
shock and kept walking just four more steps before letting out what seems like a loud laugh
and I reached Dragon and held his legs turning to look up at him with a big smile on my face.
I heard the old man’s laugh followed by uncle Bogard “I can’t believe he took his first steps
haha!” pride filled me as I stared up at my big brother Dragon who was still looking at me
“Dra!Dra!Up!” And the reaction that followed was priceless. I have never seen someone’s
eyes get so big and I could hear the old man complain about him not being my first words but
I paid no mind. My focus was Dragon, wanting him to be close cause the old man is not as
soft and comfortable as Dragon looks for a nap. One thing I still can't get used to is how tired
I still get. All those steps really made me sleepy. I could really use a nap and Dragon’s arms
was going to be the best place. “Dra!Up!” I said once more before Dragon finally picked me
up. Reaching out my hands I grabbed at his face and gave him a small pat on the cheek
before making myself comfortable in his arms with my head on his shoulder and arms around
his neck letting out a yawn as i closed my eyes and fell asleep and i was right Dragon was
going to be my new sleeping spot.


Dragon has been excited to see his parents after they have been away for so long. He stayed
with uncle Woop Slap when his parents were away and loved his uncle but he missed his
parents too and was ready to see them since last night. After eating breakfast with his uncle,
they made their way through the village talking about random things when they reached the
docks to see a marine ship and a man holding a baby getting off. Now with his family in his
line of sight, does he and his uncle move faster and meet the two at the entrance of the road.

Both sides stand and just look at each other. His father looks a little older but nothing new. As
he looks over the duo he knows something is wrong, he sees it in his father’s eyes and before
he can ask. The baby his father is holding starts to wiggle and make noises that sound like
laughter before being put on the floor to stand.

Dragon looked at this small baby and knew he saw his mother's face. Her black shaggy hair,
her dark brown eyes and her sweet smile. He watched as the baby began to move its little feet
one step,two steps, 3,4 and then it tripped. Moving a little closer but he didn’t pick him up it
seemed to want to reach him on its own. Back up again the baby looks straight at him again
with a big smile it seems and takes four more steps finally reaching Dragon’s legs and lets
out a laugh. Dragon hears his uncle Bogard's voice but doesn’t hear what is said because he is
listening to this baby say some form of his name stunning him. “Dra!Dra!Up” stretching its
little arms with a big smile.

Dragon eyes go wide and just looking at this baby ignoring his father something about first
words before the baby talks again “Dra!UP!” Dragon finally moves and picks up the baby
holding him in front of himself. The baby grabs his face and stares at him before giving him a
sweet smile and a pat on the cheek before making itself comfortable in his arms, wrapping its
arms around his necks and a small head on his shoulders does a yawn leave the little thing.
Getting a better hold on it does Dragon move them a little closer to him.

Once he is sure the baby is comfortable, does he look at his father and uncles and see them
all with smiles “What?” “ little Scarlett just took his first steps and said his first words for
you it’s great!” Said uncle Bogard, a small blush rises to Dragon’s cheeks. “Ah! I see, cool.”
trying his best to not get so excited and wake the baby.

The grown ups let out little laughs “so whose baby is this?” Dragon looks to his father not
wanting to get his hopes up. “Haha! To even ask that question when he looks so much like
your mother, Haha! this is Scarlett, your baby brother!”

“ That's awesome! I’m a big brother now!” Dragon eyes were shining with stars. He can't
wait to teach his baby brother all kinds of things. “ And where is mother?still on the ship or
something?” The joy leaves the grown ups and the air turns to ice. Father and uncle Bogard
share looks before his father spoke “ It’s best we talk at home, and it’s best you join us Woop
Slap. Bogard can you carry-”

“No, I can hold him.” Dragon cuts off his father, he just got his brother and he is not letting
him go just yet. “Haha! okay! let’s head to the house.” Everyone makes their way up the
main road til the dirt turns to grass as they hit the entrance of the forest. Turning right and
walking down a small path of stones and shells Dragon finds around the village and forest
when he goes out and plays.
Dragon with little Scarlett in his arms still leading the group up the path before reaching his
home. A two story country house with a wrapped around porch with many flowers growing
around the house. Dragon makes his way to his favorite chair, a porch swing carefully trying
not to wake his little brother who is still in his arms as he fixes the pillows behind him when
he hears the adults come up and start to sit.

His father joins him on the right side of the swing with a look Dragon can't place and Uncle
Woop Slap in front of him in a small blue couch and Uncle Bogard sits to his left on the old
rocking chair his Uncle Woop Slap made for his mother when she was pregnant with him.
“What is going on dad? Where is mom?” Dragon asks once again now looking at his father's
eyes. He knows what he is going to hear is going to break his heart. So his father takes a deep
breath and begins to tell the story of Dragon mother's end.

How they set sail nearly a year ago making it to the new world side of the grand line when
they found out they would be having another baby, how excited they were to tell Dragon. The
further along his mother got, the more dangers were coming for Garp and his ship. How Garp
took a dangerous mission leaving some of his crew, a doctor, and his mother on an island
away from the mission for a few days only to return to his mother giving birth to a baby boy.
How they had a few scares with his mother losing some blood before they could leave but
that baby was in perfect health. It was only when his mother got better did they decide to
head back to the east blue.

Taking longer routes to avoid most pirates and some storms, six months into the journey
home we were attacked by pirates, when his mother picked up little Scarlett and was running
to hide in the cabin as the crews started to fight. A pirate made his way to his mother and
swung his sword laced in poison, cutting her back, and how she would not make it through
the night.

By the time Garp was done not a eye was dry, Dragon had learn the true of what happened to
his mother, Woop Slap would learn the truth of his baby sister, Bogard will relive those
moments when they said their last goodbyes to his close friend, Garp felt as his heart was
gone once again watching his children cry over the lost of his beloved,and Little Scarlett
would relive those moments before the pirates before his mother was gone once again with
tears rolling down his face after waking up to hear his father tell what happened to his
Trying his best to give Dragon a hug as he broke down and started to cry, still holding
Scarlett a little tighter before Garp brought them both into his arms as they continued to cry..

Chapter End Notes

Scarlett and Dragon finally meet! It’s a bittersweet meeting but Dragon and Woop slap
know the truth… it better than lying you know.

Now for the brothers to have some time together. Happy times are coming.

Till next time which should be Thursday with a new chapter!

Time moves
Chapter Notes

Contact warning : None

Scarlett: 8-9 months old

Dragon: 10 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After the news of their mother's death and everyone was mourning her, Dragon and Scarlett
moved inside and the old man, uncle Bogard, and uncle Woop Slap stayed outside to talk
while the kids laid in Dragon’s bedroom and both fell to sleep. The news was a lot for
Dragon and Scarlett was reliving the moments again was too much for the duo. By the time
the duo were awake they just laid next to each just staring at each look. Memorizing each
other’s faces, “Scarlett, I will protect you as best as I can.” Dragon says in a soft whisper as
he traces the moon birthmark under Scarlett's right eye just like their mother did before.

The duo layed in bed for a while before Dragon decided to move them back down stairs and
into the kitchen. “Come on Scarlett, let's get some food yeah.” Dragon placed Scarlett on the
floor sitting him up and moved around the kitchen putting together some fruits for the both of
them. While Scarlett takes in his surroundings noticing that the old man and everyone were
still on the porch and the rest of the house is empty and it's now dark outside.

By the time Dragon is done with a plate in each hand. He places them on the floor next the
Scarlett and moves to sit next to him. “Here Scarlett, have a strawberry.” handling him a big
strawberry. Scarlett makes a loud giggle and excitedly takes the strawberry and starts to eat.
Dragon can only look at Scarlett with so much fondness while Scarlett’s eats. Dragon had
always wanted a little sibling and couldn’t be happier that his brother survived the attack. He
loved his mother very much and losing her is very hard but the thought of losing his little
Scarlett would hurt much more. Dragon moves out of these thoughts when a small sticky wet
hand lands on his face and a grape is pushed up against his lips. All Dragon can do is giggle
and take the grape “thank you Scarlett.” Scarlett lets out more giggles and goes back to
eating. What Dragon did not notice is the adults had moved into the house and his uncles and
father watched the whole exchange with small smiles.
~~~~~One Month later~~~~~~~

After that first day on Dawn island Scarlett was now landlocked and is going to live with big
brother Dragon. The old man and his crew of marines stayed for a whole month after. Garp
started to train Dragon into a marine while Dragon didn’t want anything to do with training,
Scarlett was always tag along to the training while Dragon was learning so was Scarlett.
Scarlett was now 9 months old and doing very well after a check up on his health and Dragon
starting to learn for his baby brother.

After Garp left and it was just the duo and uncle Woop Slap the duo were pretty much on
their own. Still living in their family home, Dragon and Scarlett would start to head to the
woods to hunt for meat and use the skin of their kills to sell in Hightown. Most of the time
Dragon would hide Scarlett in the bushes as he takes care of the animals. Once the animal is
down Dragon just picks it up then gets Scarlett and moves back towards their house. On the
way back Dragon tries to say new words hoping Scarlett would pick up new words and hope
they stick. Both move through the woods,Dragon chatting away and little Scarlett copying
him the best he can, both make it back to the house as the duo make it to the front of the
porch Daragon sees uncle Woop Slap.

Uncle Woop Slap has been coming once a week since the old man came back, he comes to
check up on the brothers and make sure they are doing ok and have everything they need. “Hi
uncle, Scar say hi” “HI!” Scarlett follows and answers in a loud voice that has Dragon almost
cringe away from him. Placing Scarlett down on the steps of the porch while he lays his catch
on the grass starting to work on it. He trusts that Uncle Woop Slap would watch over little
Scar if something happens. “Hello brats, I see he has learned a new word.” Dragon can’t help
but be proud at how fast Scarlett is picking up words. “Yeah, he is really fast at learning and
he has gotten really better at walking.” Dragon can’t help but be proud when he tells his
uncle and everyone about how much Scarlett can do. Everything is so new to Dragon and it’s
a lot of fun for Dragon.

The two chat about things happening in the village while Dragon cuts and cleans the hide
while Scarlett plays with the small toys Dragon leaves for him to play with when they sit on
the porch at night just before they go to bed. Before Scarlett knows it Uncle Woop Slap is
picking him up “come little Scar let’s get started on lunch while your big brother puts
everything away.” And that’s how things have been going for the duo at least until the next
time Old man Garp comes to visit once again.

Chapter End Notes

A little bonding time with dragon.

Next chapter in a time jump

I just realized there are many time jump in the story so I’ll let you know when they
happen. Also sometimes chapters will short and some are long just a heads up for the

Till next time.

What happens when you don’t watch..
Chapter Summary

A winter day at the shore takes a turn that no one really expects

Chapter Notes

Time skip ahead

Content warning : None

Ages :

Scarlett : 4 years old

Dragon : 14 years old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It has been four years now since the first time Scarlett’s arrived to Dawn island to live with
his big Brother Dragon who is now 14 and Scarlett just had his fourth birthday on December
29. It is still winter and January is now here and the boys are having a blast playing in the

Today was a lazy day for the duo, after breakfast Dragon thought it would be a good day to
walk along the shore and collect shells. Dragon's little hobby is now Scarlett’s too, after the
duo are done building snowmans they start to move down to the beach. As Scarlett grew,
Dragon and Uncle Woop Slap noticed how well he walks now and just how much more
talkative he is. “Then the big tiger and little rabbit became the best of friends at the end.”
“Wow Scar that was a good story.” Scarlett had just finished some story he learned from
Mrs.Francis an old teacher who is teaching the smaller children in the village while Dragon is
out during the day.
Finally making it to the small beach behind their house at the bottom of the cliffs. Scarlett
takes off towards the water, almost wetting his new boots. “ Careful, don't get wet.” Dragon
tries to scold Scarlett “okay big brother! look at this pretty rock!” Scarlett crouches down to
pick up a small piece of blue sea glass quickly showing it to Dragon before putting it in his
small bag. The duo start to walk along the beach both picking up small shells and rocks.

As both move along the shore Scarlett is further ahead of Dragon when he sees a little chest
sticking out of the sand. Scarlett lets out a little gasp and moves closer to the chest, blood is
rushing to Scarlett’s ears. The moment Scarlett’s hand lands on the chest the world around
him falls silent, as he opens the chest he sees a pear shaped fruit colored in gold and brown
with swirls all around it. Scarlett knows this is a devil fruit and it is his. It is calling him,
pulling him into a trance, Scarlett looks it over and takes a big bite. It tastes horrible like
rotten eggs but he pushes through and eats the whole fruit.

Scarlett thinks he will probably never eat eggs again in his life. The world comes back
together, he hears a loud gasp and a call for his name. Turning to see his big brother looking
so shocked. When Scarlett tries to speak it comes out as chirps instead. Scarlett is shocked
himself; he quickly tries to look at his body only to see feathers and talons where his feet
were. As he tries to move his arms around he sees they are replaced with brown and gold
wings. Dragon can only watch in shock as he saw his little brother somehow standing still
then turned into this small creature that he has only seen in books.

After noticing that Scarlett is starting to panic, Dragon makes his move to care for his brother
“Scar, you need to calm down, follow my voice, I am right here you need to take deep
breaths, ok follow my voice.” Scarlett hears his brother and follow what he says taking in
deep breaths and tries to come himself. Slowly he starts to feel the change as the talons
change into his boot cover feet, the wings change back into arms and the rest of his body
follows. It doesn’t hurt or feel weird, it feels normal like he has always done this.

Finally Scarlett is sure he is normal once again he looks at his brother “Come, it's best we
talk to Uncle Woop Slap and call the old man to find out what happened okay?” All Scarlett
can do is nod along and allow his brother to pick him up. Scarlett knows exactly what
happened, he ate a devil fruit and now things are going to be a wild ride from out.
The duo make it to Uncle Woop Slap’s house on the opposite side of the village near the
windmills. Dragon knocks and waits and the snow is starting to come back down again, when
the door opens Uncle Woop Slap looks to the two in shock and worry quickly fills him the
boys don’t come to his home often unless one of them is sick which is rare. “What
happened?” He asks moving aside to allow the brothers to enter his small home.

“ I don't know either. One minute Scar and I were on the beach looking at the shells when he
went very quiet. The next thing I know he had wings, a beak and talons. I don't know what
happened then he started to panic and I got him to calm down then he changed back. But I
don't know how it happened.” Dragon gives himself a second to breathe as his little brothers
speaks up.

“ I ate a devil fruit.” Scarlett answers, causing both Dragon and his uncle to stop and stare at
him. Quickly Dragon sets Scarlett on the floor to stand on his own and ask again for him to
repeat what he said. “I said I ate a devil fruit.” Scarlett says with a smile, “and how do you
know what a devil fruit is?” his uncle asked, now making them all hot chocolate to warm up
knowing they are going to be here a while.

“I found it in a book at home.” Dragon tries to remember when his brother could have found
that at home. He doesn’t remember having one. “It was sitting on a box when we went to the
place above the stairs.” Scarlett answered, seeing as Dragon was trying to figure out where
the book was. It clicks in Dragon’s mind they went into the attic just before winter to grab the
winter clothes and Scarlett followed him up. He remembers seeing Scarlett leave with a book
but he didn't think anything of it.

“Oh I see, sigh I can’t believe the fruits are real. But then again the grand land is full of
things we don't know. It's not too crazy for things to slip through the Red Line and into our
waters.” Uncle Woop Slap says now sitting next to Dragon after passing the kids their
drinks. “I think we should call the old man since we won't see him till the summer again,”
Dragon says “Maybe he can tell us what kind of fruit Scar ate.” Woop Slap agrees and heads
into his bedroom and quickly grabs the long distance snail and white snail so no one can
listen as they used to call Garp when he is away.
Purpur~ purpur~ purpur~ clank “what it is Woop Slap?” Garp's voice answered after only a
few rings “it's best we talk when you can be alone if you can.” Woop Slap answered his tone
caused Garp to raise an eyebrow, he had never heard his brother-in-law sound so serious.
Garp simply nods even if Woop Slap can't see it and moves into Sengoku’s office.

He was heading that way anyways and he trusts his friend to keep quiet about whatever
Woop slap is about to say. Garp just closes the door and makes a gesture to Sengoku to keep
quiet and points to the snail he places on the desk. “Okay i'm alone, what happened Woop
Slap?” There is some rustling on the other side before the voice of his youngest brat answers
“ I ate a devil fruit!” with a big smile that transfers on the snail. Garp and Sengoku eyes grow
wide not believing the words that are said. “What happened?” Garp asked now concern for
his youngest when his oldest answered telling the same thing he told his uncle.

Once done everyone was silent not knowing what to say when little Scar took it upon himself
to break the silent “okay bye old man see you in the summer!” hanging up the snail that was
still in Dragon’s hand.

All the others can do is look at the snails in shock. And once again it starts to ring once again
“Hello this is Monkey D. Scarlett what do you want?” Scarlett answers by trying to not laugh
as he answers his old man's call again. “ Brat, don't hang up on me!” Garp yells and Scarlett
can’t help but let out his laughter falling against Dragon still laughing when his old man
speaks again. “ What fruit was it?” “We don't know one moment he was standing then
the next he had wings,talons and a beak and his whole body had feathers but he started to
panic so I had to calm him down before he got worse.”

Garp looks to his friend hoping he had an idea of what the fruit was because he had no clue
but Sengoku had no clue either “sounds like a zoan fruit but i haven't heard one like this.”
“So devil fruits are real then.” Woop Slap asks next Garp takes a deep breath “yes, they are
very common here on the grand line but they are not common in the blues” Sengoku answers
finally making his presence known. “UNCLE SENNY!!” Scarlett yells in glee. “UNCLE
SENNY!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!” “Scar, stop yelling please.” Dragon grumbles
“Ah ha ha! I can't wait to see you Scarlett.” Scarlett pouts and it shows on the snail now
sitting on Sengoku desk “why are you pouting brat?” Garp asks “Don’t call me Scarlett Uncle
Senny, call me Scar okay.” Scarlett says in a pout while trying to glare into the snail.
All the adults started to laugh, releasing the tension that happened when Scarlett first hung
up. “Of course little Scar haha!” a big smile makes its way to Scarlett’s face. “Well there isn’t
much to do until the next time you see us old man, so don’t worry we will watch Scar with
the fruit.” Dragon says, trying to move the conversation back on track. “ We called just to see
if you knew anything but I will look into it and let you know till next one old man.” Dragon
nods for Scarlett to say his goodbyes “Bye old man! BYE UNCLE SENNY SEE YOU!!”

Both brothers just laughed at the snail and soon Woop Slap followed. Yes things are going to
be different but the brothers will figure things out.

Chapter End Notes

Look at that little scar already giving Garp a headache. It’s great :)

Til next time

Scarlett leaves home…
Chapter Summary

Time for a family trip ??

Chapter Notes

Content warning : minor downing??


Scarlett: 4 years old

Dragon: 14 years old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Winter has passed and summer has returned to Dawn Island. The set of Brothers are working
harder today readying the house for the return of the old man. After the call back in January
Scarlett has gotten better at transforming in his other form he has learned not to panic as
much and is slowly learning to move while transformed.

The brothers finished cleaning and headed to the docks to wait for the old man and his crew
as they made it for their six month check in. While Scarlett hasn’t left Dawn island since he
first arrived, Dragon has. Dragon won’t say where he goes so Scarlett doesn’t ask, but
something tells Scarlett he will leave soon. Just as they make it to the docks, Scarlett takes off
running up the plank and straight to his Uncle Bogard who was surprised to have a small
human run into his legs as they just landed.

“HI UNCLE BOO!!” Scarlett yells with a big smile on his face looking at his uncle. “Scar
you can't run without me!” Dragon huffs after running after his little brother looking around
for their old man. Bogard can’t believe how much the baby has grown. “Hello little Scar, are
you causing your brother much trouble?” He says crouching down to the little boy's level to
get a good look at him. All Scar does is give a feral smile looking at his brother. “Where is
the old man?” Dragon asks his uncle, glaring at anyone who is staring at his little brother.
“Ah about that, it's best we talk in the office okay. Come one Scar.” Bogard said now looking
a little nervous now Dragon thinks it is a little weird for his uncle but still follows him and
Scar as they walk through the ship into the office.

On the desk is a snail and nothing else is notable in the room. Bogard walks to the snail and
dials a number and someone answers on the first ring. “You got the brats already?” It’s Garp
on the other side. “Hi old man, where are you?” Scar decides to answer just to annoy the guy.
“I’m at Marineford, I wasn’t able to make the trip so I asked Bogard to bring you two to
base.” Scarlett felt as if the wind was knocked out of him. He remembers the war, the loss of
Ace and Whitebeard and most of all Luffy’s scream when Ace dies. Scarlett really wanted to
avoid the war as much as he can and change the outcome but that doesn’t mean he wants to
go there now.

Dragon notices how still Scar has been since the old man said he wants them to head to base.
Giving Scar a pat on his head Scar comes out of whatever funk he was in and gives his
brother a smile though Dragon is sure Scar will be sleeping with him tonight after that freeze.
Scar still has trouble sleeping on his own or doesn’t sleep at all which isn’t good for him at
his age.The local doctor said he could have insomnia but Dragon doesn’t mind though as
long as he sleeps Dragon will be with him. “Alright let's get some things and we will stay for
a while.” Dragon steps up after he realized his uncle was looking at him waiting for an
answer “alright see you brats.” Clank “Uncle, we will get our things and let Uncle Woop Slap
know we will be back. Come on Scar, we have to pack.” holding out a hand so his brother
doesn’t run off on his own now that they have plans. Scarlett waves bye and follows along
with Dragon all the way back to their house.

After packing two months worth of things the brothers are ready to head to the grandline. It
was Scarlett’s first time and he was excited to see the many islands along the way. Having
said goodbye to their Uncle Woop Slap and letting him know they would be gone. They are
shown to their cabin and they set sail to the red line.


The first day goes off without a hitch. Scar slept most of the day after not sleeping well the
day before Dragon tried not to worry too much as the doctor said it would happen and other
than that Dragon kept to himself only coming out to grab food for him and Scar to end up in
their room.


The second day was more interesting. Scar was out on deck when they passed by Loguetown
and headed straight into the calm belt. Scarlett was amazined to how quiet the waters were
and what lays under the water surface. That is when he first heard it, A voice. “A new king
will be crowned soon.” and then it disappears. Scarlett can only see a few people on deck but
no one has a deep and raspy voice like that. Looking around and finding no one, Scarlett lets
it go and continues to stare at the open waters when another voice speaks “yes a new king but
not our king yet.” and once again Scarlett looks around hoping to find who is speaking when
Scar’s head starts to hurt and he loses his footing and trips off the boat falling into the bed of
the sea kings.

Dragon was sitting on deck under the shade reading a book when he heard a splash and his
brother was not where he was standing a moment ago. Jumping to his feet and running to
where his brother was “MAN OVERBOARD!!” The crew who were on deck yell, quickly
the men get into their positions while Dragon takes off his shoes and jumps straight into the
waters. Scarlett was sinking trying to move his arms screaming for help in his mind for
someone, anyone to save him. And Someone did answer “I will help you.” Scarlett was
losing his vision when something was pushing on his back, bringing him closer to the

Dragon looks around the deep dark water for any sign of his brother when he sees a large
mass slowly come up from under him. As it gets closer, Dragon sees Scar laying on top of a
sea king with his eyes closed. Quickly, Dragon swims as fast as he can and picks his brother
up fast and moves to the surface hoping the sea king won't follow him up. Breaking through
the surface Dragon takes a deep breath and catches onto the float that was thrown at him
pulling on it,they are lifted back on board.

Quickly the ship doctor begins CPR on little Scar and all watch after a few pumps to the
chest Scar coughs out the sea water and starts to breathe. Everyone lets out a breath they were
holding and Dragon is quick to pull his brother in his arms. Scarlett takes in his surroundings
and he knows he is in Dragon’s arms, who is holding him tight with the crew all around them.
Scarlett puts it together he drowned and almost died, that realization made him move closer
into Dragon hold. “Dra, cold.” Scarlett manages to tell his brother something to get off this
deck and into warm clothes.

Dragon simply picks him up and moves them into their cabin letting the doctor know that
after he can do a full check up. They weren’t even out the calm belt and things were already
crazy. Dragon isn't sure how many crazy things he can take when it comes to his little

Chapter End Notes

I have nothing to say really…. So till next time which should be Tuesday.
Marineford welcomes Scarlett
Chapter Summary

Dragon and Scarlett make it to Marineford.

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett: 4 yrs old

Dragon: 14 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After the drip in the water Scarlett was now clean and had another check up by the ship’s
doctor. Dragon thought it was time to get him some food and found out just how he ended up
in the water. Scarlett really hasn’t said much lost in his mind, remembering his first death,
remembering the fall down the stairs and the darkness and the cold feeling. It was the same as
the sea and it terrified him, that was something he never wanted to feel again now after this
Scarlett knows he is going to have some fucked up nightmares in the coming nights, for sure
he will be in Dragon’s bed a lot more and he knows Dragon won’t mind one bit.

As Dragon and Scarlett walked back to their room after dinner and ready for bed Dagon
decided this would be the time to ask about what happened today, he know talking like this to
a four year old would be weird to most but Dragon knows his brother is different with the
way he progresses with learning things and talking but still it can’t hurt to try. “Scar, can you
tell me how you got into the water today?” Dragon asks while helping Scarlett fix buttons on
his night time shirt.
“I was looking at the waves when I heard a voice but I didn't see anyone around. Then I heard
a different one then my head hurt a lot and I lost my footing and fell into the water.” Scarlett
says in a calm voice but his eyes tell he was scared. Dragon was quick to pull his brother into
his arms and layed down while rubbing circles on Scarlett's back, offending as much comfort
as he could. “Then when I was down I was screaming in my head for someone, for anyone to
help as I got deeper then I heard it again so loud and clear someone said they would help then
I woke up to you holding me again. Dra, did you see who helped me?” Dragon was thinking
over what his brother told him, sure it sounds crazy but Dragon thinks back to the way the
sea king could have killed Scarlett the moment he was in front of him but it didn’t and it
seemed to try to be careful while Scarlett laid on top of it.

“I think the sea king saved you little Scar.” Dragon thought it was best to tell him what he
saw even if it was strange it felt right to him. He watched as Scarlett’s eye grew wide and let
out a gasp. In Scarlett's mind he knows Dragon is probably right about what happened but he
can’t believe he would have that ability. Scarlett was already planning to train hard but now
he knows he will have to take things further than he originally thought out. Dragon watches
his brother slowly work things out in his mind before Scarlett lets out a yawn, the day has
caught up to him finally “come sleep little Scar, let’s get some rest.” Scarlett just nods along
and slowly falls to sleep Dragon soon follows.


Soon the days pass as the brothers sail with their uncle and father’s crew until they land at
base after two weeks at sea. As it turned out the marines had known of many currents and
passages to make it to the base faster, lucky they didn’t run into pirates and the brothers
couldn’t really look at any islands they stopped at. Mostly as a precaution because they didn't
want it to get out that Garp had kids and then for someone to try something.

But finally making it to base the brothers were excited to get off the base, mostly Scarlett, to
meet his Uncle Senny and Aunt Tsuru he had so many questions. Now docked and the crew
went about their duties and the boys waited for their Uncle Bogard before heading to base,
Scarlett thought this would be the perfect time to hide his presence before seeing the old man.
He has been watching Dragon do it when he hunts and has Scarlett hide in the bushes, now
with their uncle with them they started the long walk to the base. As they moved through the
town Scarlett was trying his best to focus on hiding while still holding Dragon’s hand to not
get lost was a little difficult but Scar thinks he finally got it by the time they made it to the
Yes, Scarlett was working on this to learn but also he was also doing it to keep his mind off of
Luffy’s screams that had yet to happen. He pushes thought out and returns to the present
when they are down a hallway and he hears his old man’s laugh. Scarlett slowly lets go of
Dragon’s hand and continues to hide his presence. Not even Dragon noticed him. Scarlett was
feeling really proud of himself and walked behind Dragon all the way to the door he heard
his old man’s laugh come from. Bogard knocked once and entered soon after with Dragon
right behind him entering the office, The Old Man was sitting at his desk while Tsuru and
Sengoku were on the opposite side in chairs not doing much.

“Garp-sama I have returned and I brought the boys.” “HaHaHa! it's good to see you brats
again, hahaha! Now where is Scar?” Both Dragon and Bogard freeze and Scarlett holds in a
laugh slowly he peeks around Dragon who is still frozen looking at the other in the room and
he thinks he meets eyes with Tsuru but he can't tell and quickly hides once again.

As Dragon and Bogard talk about where he could be, still trying to hold in his giggles when
Sengoku and the old man add themselves into the conversation and talking about locations
while Tsuru sits and watches the chaos that is about to happen. Now that most are distracted
Scarlett makes his move and quickly moves from behind Dragon still hiding his presence and
lands himself right next to Tsuru who gets wide eyed when a small boy appears right in front
of her.

Scarlett brings a figure to his lips in a shush motion and moves to stand next to her. Tsuru is
amused by this brat and decides to play along and watch the men fall apart looking for a child
that is in the room.

This went on for another ten minutes before Scarlett decided to make himself known when he
started to notice Dragon was becoming more panicky. As quickly as Scarlett disappeared
from their sights he reappeared in Dragon's arms “I'm sorry Dragon. I didn't mean to scare
you. I was doing the way you do when we hunt and hide. Only to scare the old man I didn't
mean to scare you too.” Scarlett moved as close as he could into Dragon’s neck hiding from
him as Dragon pulled himself together and held him just as close.
After Scarlett fell into the calm belt Dragon has worried about Scarlett leaving his sight more
often these past two weeks. But now with his brother in his arms he feels a lot better but they
will talk about this more later. Dragon takes a deep breath and looks at the others in the
room. Aunt Tsuru looks amused while his Uncles and Old man look shocked but soon snap
out of it at Garp’s laugh “HaHaHa! I knew you would make a fine marine brat!” Scarlett
answered back soon after “I will never be a marine old man.” In the most serious voice a four
year old can look straight at his old man. The room was filled with silence, all holding their
breaths “ I will never be a marine old man, no matter what you do or say!” Tsuru noticed a
look in Scarlett’s eyes that just screamed he would keep his word, glancing at Sengoku he
seemed to reach the same as Scarlett's eyes never leaving Garp’s when suddenly they all felt
it. The push of power through it appeared and disappeared. Everyone felt it. Conqueror's
Haki. And it was coming from the little boy who was being held by his brother.

Scarlett goes still when he feels the power leave him and fill the room and disappear. Scarlett
can only sigh to himself now he has Conqueror's haki. The old man is really going to work
him now. He is slowly starting to feel overwhelmed with everything. First he ate a devil fruit,
he is pretty sure he can talk to sea kings after downing and now he has conqueror's haki, all in
six months. Scarlett is the first to move, breaking the silence and moves down out of
Dragon’s arms and moves to sit on the couch next to Tsuru. “Hi. You must be Aunt Tsuru. It
is nice to finally meet you and you as well Uncle Senny.” Scarlett says with a small smile
before lying down on his side looking at everyone.

“It’s nice to meet you as well little Scar, you did very well with your little trick i didn't feel
you until you looked around from behind Dragon. It still needs work but I say you are doing
very well.” Tsuru comments as she looks at the small boy. “Ah, I knew you saw me oh well. I
will work on that. Hey aunt Tsuru, do you know where I can get a sword?” Dragon makes his
way to sit next to his brother and places Scarlett’s head on his lap while Garp, Bogard, and
Senguko move to sit as well.

“I can get you one brat but first rest I'm sure that wave of haki took a lot out of you.” Scarlett
just nodded his head and soon fell asleep.

Chapter End Notes

Scarlett has a new power 😏 told you he was kinda cracked. Anyways
More exciting stuff I am pretty much done with editing book 1. It will be around 80
chapters if I don’t add anything.

Book 2 is in the editing process and is getting some new chapters. Or maybe a whole
new rewrite i don’t know yet.

Book 3 is in the beginning stage of writing so it will be awhile before it’s done…

And I have some ideas for one shots which might happen I don’t know yet but
nonetheless I have a lot planned for this so I hope you enjoy 😌
Grownups have a meeting
Chapter Summary

It’s time the adults have a little talk..

Chapter Notes

Content warning: Scarlett have a nightmare and panics. Nothing too detail but it does


Scarlett: 4 yrs old

Dragon: 14 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After Scarlett fell into a small nap everyone made small talk. Bogard updating Garp and the
others about marine stuff, Dragon turned out while running his fingers in Scarlett’s hair and
he only listened when Aunt Tsuru started to talk to him. “So have you been well little
Dragon?” Dragon smiles when he hears she still calls him little even though he is now taller
than her.

“ Yes aunt, I have been doing good. Scar gives me troubles here and there but other than that
he is a good kid.” Dragon takes a glance down when he feels Scarlett twitch but now seems
to calm down again when Dragon puts a hand on his back.

“Well you seem to have done a good job raising him. He seems like a good kid.” Dragon
nods when Senoguko asks the next question “Did you know he had conqueror’s haki before
today?” Dragon thinks over the last few years but nothing really stands out to him and he
doesn’t want to bring up the sea king. “No, I had no idea and I was planning on teaching him
haki during the summer but that changed now that we are here. It would be best if he learns
now that he has a devil fruit.” All the others nod along as they agree with Dragon. “With that
trick he pulled he could pick up haki very quickly and protect himself.” Sengoku speaks
thinking about how his nephew can have a big target on his back.
“Yes and like he said he would like a sword so if you guys can get him one that would be
nice. He gets tired of using sticks as one. He says he hates that they break too easily.” Dragon
smiles when he remembers the last time it happened during a walk in the jungle he had never
seen Scarlett so red before and so mad the stick broke. “Yes I can get him one from an old
friend for now then when he gets older he can use a new one if he wants.”

“Have you guys made any progress on what devil fruit he ate?” Sengoku is curious as to what
it could be and hopes it's not something the five elders would want. Dragon sighs he knew
they would talk about it but Dragon feels hopeless when he thinks about it “ he can hold the
full form longer now and what it looks like but other than that we don't know much.”

“And what does he look like?” Bogard asks even though he had spent two weeks with the
boys he neve did see the boy use his fruit, he thought he would but no. “When he transforms
he has feathers all over with a pair of talons as front legs and a pair of paws as back legs with
a big tail,gold and brown wings he faces changes into like a bird while the rest of his body is
like a big cat. He is kinda like a mix of bird and something else” Dragon sees everyone think
about what he says and decide to add what he has been thinking. “He reminds me of a
mythical creature called a Griffin. They are creatures that are a mix of an eagle and a lion and
they look a lot like what Scar does.” Dragon’s words sink in and the others try and think if
they have ever seen or heard of this fruit and all are turning up blank.

While all of that happens Dragon hears a small whimper that is slowly getting louder he sees
Scarlett’s breathing getting faster as he goes to wake him when Scarlett wakes with a scream
“AACCEE!!” Everyone goes still, “Woo Scarlett, Scar, shhh it's just a dream, Scar it's just a
dream” Dragon says as he wipes Scarlett’s tears “shhh, breathe with me Scar, shh it's okay.”
Slowly Scarlett starts to calm down, taking in deep breaths as he continues to cry, holding a
death grip on Dragon’s shirt. Everyone is startled as they watch their little Scar so distraught
and panicked, while Scarlett is calming down. Bogard got up from his seat and got water
from next to Garp's desk and handed it to Dragon who nodded his thanks “ here Scar has
some water before you cry yourself dry.”

Scarlett takes a few sips and lays his head on Dragon's shoulder taking deep breaths while he
thinks over the nightmare he had. He dreamed of Ace's death but he was in Luffy's place.
Truly it scared him to see Ace take that hit and then to die in Scarlett’s arms. Dragon feels
Scarlett tense up in his arms so he tries to comfort him as best he can by rubbing his back and
slowly releasing Scarlett’s hands from his shirt and holding them in his. Scarlett is brought
back to the present when he feels Dragon pull his hands into his, he gives him a squeeze then
moves to sit better facing everyone in the room still on Dragon’s lap.

Taking in the looks from everyone Scarlett lets out a small “hi,” His aunt is the first to move
“are you okay little Scar?” Scar just nods, not wanting to talk about the nightmare he turns to
Dragon “What were you guys talking about?” “We were talking about you and your fruit,
Aunt Tsuru said she can get you a sword.”

“Really thank you Aunt Tsuru, that would be awesome!”Scar says, trying to give his best
smile, he really wants to learn how to use a sword he can't wait. “Your most welcome Scar.”
Tsuru gave him a smile as well “Dragon here told us you have gotten really good at
transforming with your devil fruit, do you think you can show us?”Scar thinks about it for a
minute and decides there is no harm.

“Sure, but make sure the door is locked and you are not allowed to talk about it to someone
who is not in the room. Please.” All of them look straight at Dragon who just nods agreeing
with Scarlett. Once all of them agree and the door is locked Scarlett moves off Dragon’s lap
and moves to the open area a few steps away from his old man desk.

Scarlett takes deep breaths and slowly feels himself transform though he knows it was fast
for the others. Now everyone is looking at this small creature that was replaced by a little
Scar shocked.

True to what Dragon saw the other see too a small creature that looks like an eagle mixed
with a lion. “Scar, can you move your wings?” Dragon asked, it was something they have
been trying but he had yet to succeed. Scarlett looks back at his wings and feels a small
twitch before his wings move up and down two times. “ I did it, wait DRA I CAN TALK
NOW!” “Yeah it seems you can now!” Dragon answered back with a big smile.
That was something the brothers have been working on, since Scar was able to transform he
hasn't been able to talk only give speak in chirps so now he made two big improvements.
“Change back so we can finish talking then we will go eat.” Dragon knows they need to
come up with a plan for Scarlett but they are going to be here for a few weeks so they can
plan it during that time. Scarlett transforms once again and moves to sit next to Dragon
feeling proud of himself.

“I think you are right about his fruit Dragon.” Sengoku says when Scarlett takes a seat. “I
haven't seen this fruit before but I remember hearing only rumors, nothing solid until now.”
Sengoku only remembers the rumors, just a fruit can turn someone into a creature with wings
with a face of a bird and the fruit was back as the user passed away from old age.

“There is little known about this fruit based on the rumors, I remember the last user had it for
at least 50 years before they passed but not much is really known about what the fruit did.”
Dragon nods, if they didn't know anything by now no one would.

“ Since we know very little, it’s best no one else knows much about it. if you plan to stay on
Dawn practice where no one can see you or an empty island.” Aunt Tsuru adds as she worries
about the unknowns about what could happen.

“Yes we practice deep in the jungle where we know no one goes to,” Scarlett answered,
turning towards Dragon “now can we go eat, I'm hungry.” Dragon rolls his eyes with a small
smile on his face he knows he has to find a place that can handle both of their black holes of a

“Yes let's go, if you want, keep talking about it then do it without us and if it's something you
feel is important then we can talk about it on a different day. We will be here for a couple of
weeks so we have time to see you later. Oh Old man, is the key still under the mat?” “ Haha
yes under the mat brat.” Dragon moves to hold Scar’s hand as they make their way out the
office and down the hallways till they reach the outside.
By the time the brothers are out of the office and heading to the town's market did Dragon
notice Scar is feeling tired again and is slowing down. Dragon had already decided on where
they would get food. It's not far from the old man’s house so Dragon stopped and turned to
little Scar with open arms.

Scarlett didn’t hesitate when he saw Dragon with open arms after everything that happened
and the bad nightmare that was still running in the back of his mind and using his fruit,
Scarlett was so tired and hungry. Now in the safety of Dragon’s arms they continue their way
to a small stand on the side of the road selling rice balls filled with different things.

Dragon orders the pair double of everything on the menu and tells Scar it's the best in town
once the food is done and Dragon pays. Scar noticed that Dragon didn't have his own wallet
but someone else that looked a lot like the old man’s. Once Dragon was moving down the
road again arms filled with food and his brother scar asked “so when did you borrow the old
man wallet? I don't even remember seeing you close enough to nab it.”

All Dragon does is laugh, of course his very smart brother would notice the old man's wallet.
“ Haha ! it's a very good trick, I will show you some time later it's pretty easy to get the hang
of.” The duo continue to chat as they get closer to the old man’s house and enjoy each
other’s company while eating rice balls.

Chapter End Notes

We finally know what fruit Scarlett has!

I just noticed that i never went to detail in the story about the fruits powers….. so here is
just a quick run down.

-its gives Scar the best sight, my guy can see everything for miles

- his hearing got super sharp.

-its a zoan devil fruit obviously so his half beast form is just his wings on his back. And
then he has his full beast form.
I think that is everything for now…..

Anyways until next time :)

A new gift
Chapter Summary

Auntie comes through with a gift

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett: 4 yrs old

Dragon: 14 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After the first day on Marineford has passed and the pair of brothers enjoy their time trying to
explore the island even though there isn't much to see anymore. The old man was still stuck
doing paperwork in his office with uncle Bogard most of the time. While uncle Senny and
Aunt Tsuru were also working, the boys did their best to stay occupied but there wasn’t much
to do that they didn't do during their first day.

Currently it's the middle of the boys' second week at the base in the living room of their
home, Dragon was reading a book about the grand line as Scarlett was taking a nap next to
him. Dragon has been keeping an eye on him since his nightmare in the office, he is worried
but doesn’t know how to approach it. After all, he notices that little Scar hasn’t slept much
since. Dragon thinks the boy is afraid to sleep. The book is long forgotten. Dragon turns to
look out the window as he runs his fingers through Scarlett’s hair thinking of ways to help his
brother sleep more.

When he feels a small twitch, soon followed by a whimper, Dragon is quick to move, calmly
taking one of Scarlett’s hands and offering small comforting words. “Shh Scar, it's just a
dream. It’s not real, you are safe.” as repeats himself for a few minutes before Scarlett wakes
startled, and frantic.

Taking heavy breaths trembling next to Dragon once again Scarlett dreamt of the war and the
loss of Ace once again. Scarlett has been trying not to sleep in fear of the nightmares he can
avoid. Maybe now he will tell Dragon to get him something to help sleep more often. He
knows once they leave the nightmares will be at bay for a bit but just being here at
Marineford is making them worse.

“Are you back with me Scar?” Dragon’s voice barely whispers, not wanting to scare the still
trembling boy. Scarlett just nods his head and moves to sit on Dragon’s lap much like he did
when they first meet. Dragon allows him and pulls him closer. The pair sat in silence for what
was no more than a few minutes. Once Dragon is sure Scarlett is more calm he bites the
bullet. “Will you tell me what you dreamt about? Please.” Scarlett thinks it over, he knows
Dragon won’t think he is crazy or anything he knows Dragon will take his words at full
value. “ Sighs I dream of a war on this island, many lives are lost but someone important died
in my arms. I can’t lose Ace.” he lets out a shaky breath as tears fill his eyes but won't fall. “
It hurts to lose him, Dragon, I don't want to lose him.” The tears fall once again.

Dragon is stunned, he is at a loss for words, his brother is dreaming of people dying, a war no
less, no wonder he wakes so scared. It clicks to Dragon it might not be a dream but haki.
There are tales of people who have very advanced observation haki that allows them to see
into the future but it was only a few seconds and nothing like this. All Dragon can do is hold
his little Scar tighter and offer some comfort. Knowing they haven't had dinner yet and it
might mess up Scarlett’s routine a bit but he wants his brother not to be sad “Hey, how about
we go to Lady Min’s ice cream shop then we get rice balls on our way back how does that
sound?” Scarlett almost stops crying at the idea of ice cream “chocolate with rainbow
sprinkles.” “haha! yes, of course chocolate with rainbow sprinkles.” Dragon can only chuckle
at his brother “ come let's wash up and head out.”

The brothers made it to Lady Min’s ice cream and both got their favorite flavors, chocolate
with rainbow sprinkles for Scarlett and mint chocolate for Dragon. The pair make their way
to the rice ball stand chatting about Scarlett’s latest interest, navigating as he said “I can't fly
everywhere that would make me so tired.” Dragon listens to Scarlett’s wishes for his own
ship and takes notes for the future.
The pair make it in line at the rice ball stand when they catch a familiar face making in line
as well “Hi Auntie Tsuru! Are you getting rice balls too? They taste amazing here!” Dragon
and Tsuru chuckle at the loud boy. “ Yes I am, I was going to pick up a few before I went to
see you two.” “you were coming to visit?” Scarlett asks with curious eyes as Dragon orders
three of everything and pays with the old man’s money again as he finishes his ice cream.

“Yes I have something to give you little Scar, if Dragon doesn’t mind that is.” Dragon turns
with a raised eyebrow, hands full of bags of rice balls “sure, I don't see why not, come one
Scar let’s head to the house so we can see. Aunt Tsuru, can you hold his hand?, don't want
him getting lost now.” “Hehe of course. Can I have one of your hands, Scar?” “Yup” Scar
answers with a big smile he loves holding hands, taking his aunt’s left hand as her right hand
is holding a big bag.


The trio make their way to the small home. As they enter Scarlett runs to the bathroom to
wash his hands before Dragon tells him wanting to see what their aunt brought him. “Come
in, aunt Tsuru we can sit in the living while he does that.” Being the gentleman Dragon is, he
brings drinks so they can eat by the time he is back Scarlett is telling his aunt about some
story he learned at school.

Placing the drinks down “let's eat” the trio dig in Scarlett eating a salmon filled rice ball,
while Dragon and Tsuru eat a tuna rice ball. After the trio finish most of the rice balls and are
just simply chatting about nothing Scarlett decides to ask what his aunt brought him.

“Auntie Tsuru, you said you brought something for me. Can I know what it is?” “Haha oh
yes i almost forgot why i came here in the first place. Let's move some things off the table
first so we have room.” Dragon and Scar both move to clean the table, putting the leftover
food and drinks in the kitchen for them to clean later and wipe down the coffee table.
Tsuru returns from the front door where Dragon saw her put down the bag she was carrying
when they first saw her. Tsuru places down the bag and opens it, pulling out two bamboo
swords as well as a long sword wrapped in a larger cloth that covers it and a smaller blade
also covered in the same cloth as the sword. Scarlett’s eyes fill with stars at each item Tsuru
pulls out. She got him a sword even if it is bamboo he has a sword. Scarlett laughs running
around the table towards Tsuru once everything on the table hugging her legs “Thank you so
much auntie! They are perfect!” “ Haha of course little Scar but first let's unwrap these two.
They are very special because they are for you. The bamboo ones are for practice and once
you get better you can use the others.”

Scarlett hugs her tighter before moving back to the table and picks up the smaller cover
blade. Carefully with the help of Tsuru they unwrap a beautifully crafted steel dagger with
simple swirls engraved on the handle. The blade itself is seven inches long with a pair of
small wings engraved with the initials M.D.S engraved near where the handle and blade
meet. Scarlett looks at the blade in awe. It is beautiful in his eyes, he feels a small pull of
power but Scarlett knows it means him no harm. Carefully Scarlett takes the dagger into his
hands looking closely at it.

The smile Dragon sees on Scarlett warms his heart after the bad nap earlier. It's nice to see
him smile again. “It is a beautiful blade Auntie Tsuru. I can't thank you enough.” Scarlett puts
the dagger back into the small cloth thinking of the ways he can get a cover for the blade as
well as a hoster for it. “ don't thank me just yet, you have to look at the big one too.” Tsuru
watched the smile on Scarlett's face and couldn't help but be happy for the young boy.
Scarlett moves the dagger aside and moves to unwrap the sword next with the help of his
aunt again.

As the pair unwrap it Scarlett feels the power through the last layer. It was like the dagger,
just a little stronger but not bad. With the last layer gone the sword takes his breath away. A
steel sword with a red and gold handle much simpler than the dagger but still as beautiful.
Just like the dagger the letters M.D.S were also engraved where the blade and handle meet.
And the blade itself was at least 40 inches far too long for Scar at least for now till he grows a
little more than he can be wielding it around like nothing.

“This blade is a special balde his name is Sol, treat him well and he will do the same.” Of
course he gets a blade named after the sun Scarlett can't help but laugh to himself the
universe will always make sure he has the sun with him much like his life before.
Scarlett wraps a hand around the handle just to feel it in his hand. When he feels a new
presence in the room quickly he turns his head to the left, there stands a tall man much like
his old man’s size but looks young as if he was in his 20’s. Red hair with gold eyes,a crooked
smile, tan skin, dripped out in a flowing white shirt with red pants with brown boots.

“ What makes you think a brat like you can handle me huh?” he asks not knowing that
Scarlett can see and hear him“I can’t. At least not yet but I will. I ask that you wait for me
please?” Sol's eyes go wide, his mouth drops “you can see me Squirt !?” Scarlett just nods
looking straight at him “hmph, well we will see about that squirt and better get me the good
cleaning oil, you hear! none of that cheap stuff got it.” Sol watches the kid smile and in that
moment Sol swore if something happens to this kid he will bring hell to the world. “Later

Scarlett still with a smile watched as Sol disappeared as fast as he appeared, he knew he won
over the sword already it was a plus in his book. When he turned to look at Dragon only to
see his brother looked concerned. “Is something the matter, Dra?” “ Well, we have been
trying to talk to you little Scar but you were just staring at the sword not hearing us. Are you
okay?” Aunt Tsuru asks, feeling concerned for the young boy when she met the pair at the
stand she noticed his eyes were a little red and his under eyes have been getting darker the
longer the boys seem to stay on the island.

“Yes I'm fine, I was just talking to Sol. He says to get him the good oil, not the cheap stuff.
Hehe he is funny.” Tsuru's eyes go wide. She has only heard stories that blades can only take
human form only for their true master and form a connection. Getting over her shock she
chuckles “Well, well, little Scar it seems you are a very special boy with a very special blade
now. You must treat him well.” “Well duh Aunt Tsuru I know he is special because he is
mine.” The pair just laugh while Dragon tries to wrap his head around this whole thing.

“Dragon, don't worry the blade will not harm your brother. Scar here just happened to be its
true master.” “What do you mean?” Dragon asks, watching the pair wrap up the blade and put
everything back in the bag. “There are many legends of swordsmen who can see the soul of
their swords. There aren’t many masters known these past years so not much is known. It’s
best we don’t tell others this. ” the pair just nod already used to keeping a few secrets.
“Well it’s late now I should head out. I will see you both again soon.” Dragon and Scarlett
both say their goodbyes and the pair head to get ready for bed. Dragon can only think his
little brother is truly special and only hopes he never loses the light in his eyes.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you are haveing a day/night. See you in the next chapter 😌


Wow I’m so bad at this…. Yes blades have souls and this is going to be a long term
thing it is kinda explain but not really in later chapters but if you have any questions let
me know!
What a way to spend your birthday
Chapter Summary

Time jump to Scarlett’s sixth birthday!

Chapter Notes

Time jump ahead!!!

Content warning: kidnapping, murder

I don’t know if it needs a warning but just in case


Scarlett: 6 years old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After the trip to Marineford the pair of brothers headed back to Dawn island with a much
need training schedule to help them grow. As Garp wasn’t going to be able to visit often any
more with the rise of a new Pirate group, and wouldn’t tell Scarlett more than that.

So that is how the brothers spent their time together training in haki, making improvements in
Scarlett and Dragon sword skills, Scarlett learning to use Sol,learning the basics of
pickpocket and starting to make rounds around Hightown and the gery terminal. Dragon was
doing his best to teach Scar as much as he could as he was slowly but steadily starting to
leave the island more often to work as he would tell Scar.

However he was working with armies from different islands to get rid of their kings and
helping them gain their freedom and was slowly making a name for himself. During these
times away Scarlett would still train himself and practice and would wander around the island
and the forest, stealing from the rich. And most of the time Scarlett would try to keep himself
busy doing anything and helping around the village making a quick beri.

But as time passed since his first drowning Scarlett had noticed more things were starting to
speak more to him and he was still getting used to them, they were more like little gnats that
wanted attention. They were everywhere: the trees, the animals, even the sea. Oh the sea, she
was like a melody to his ears telling stories of what laid before his time, telling him stories
that even he himself couldn’t believe.

During these times Dragon was away Scarlett understood Luffy more and more being alone
was scary and hard for a small kid. The kids in High town were too snotty and he was the
only kid in Foosh village at the moment so yeah he understood Luffy a lot more than he
realized. At least until Dragon would return but Scarlett knows it is only temporary before he
tells his brother to stay gone and fight his cause.


As Scarlett sits on his favorite rock watching the waves as another year passes by he is now
six, he already had a birthday party with his uncle Wood Slap and everyone in the village
came to celebrate even Curly DaDan. Yeah, even her. Scarlett met her during one of his trips
into the woods and needed somewhere to cook and took his alligator to her hut and scared
most of her crew but a the drop of his old man’s name they helped.

Scarlett feels the cold wind bushes against his face and pulls his jacket up more, staring at
the waves as he hears the sea sing a beautiful melody when his haki warns him of someone
behind him. As Scarlett reaches for Sol his most trustly blade when someone beats him to it
and quickly Scarlett takes a blow to the head and is out like a light.

“Are you sure this is the kid?” Man one asks “Yeah I would recognize the brat who stole all
of our money!” Another man speaks up, “Come one, let's wake him up and get him to tell us
where the stash is then kill him.” The three men were distracted. They missed the boy
waking up and getting out of the poorly tired ropes, grabbing his sword they left near him and
until they heard him speak “Kill me? You think you can kill me? MHAHAHA you fools.”

The men freeze and turn to see the boy stand tall with his sword at the ready. “WHERE IS
THE MONEY BRAT!??!” One of the men yells. “All for money, you ruined my peace for
money.” Scarlett shakes his head with a grin on his lips that promised pain. “WHATEVER
KILL HIM!” The three men all charge Scarlett who is quick and moves out the way heading
for the side walls hiding his presence and moving to make the room dark.

It was easy from there, in the dark Scarlett eyes worked amazingly he can see far and make
out every detail using this to his aid he makes quick work of the men killing them quick and
easy. This was Scarlett’s first kill and he thought it would mess with his mind as he made his
way back to his home and cleaned up but it didn’t.

It was them or him and Scarlett planned to live this life to the fullest and enjoy it will he can
and some losers weren’t going to take that from him. Making his way down the familiar path
to his home and going over the fight in his head thinking of what he can work on and
improve himself when he hears a loud gasp as he reaches his front pouch.

Chapter End Notes

We finally get Scarlett in action!

I have come to realize there are a few actions scene they aren’t the best but they are
there…. So just a heads up!

Anyways til next time! 😌

A birthday surprise
Chapter Summary

Scarlett gets a new birthday present!

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Ages :

Scarlett 6 yrs old

Dragon 16 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Dragon has just returned to Dawn Island after a long mission in the west blue. He is mad at
himself for missing Scarlett’s sixth birthday by just a few hours. He knew of the village's plan
to throw a big party for Scar and Dragon wanted to be there but couldn't because the mission
had some problems and the sea was not in his favor making miss the big party. Now it is
early morning and the village is still asleep, meaning Scarlett is probably too. Only when
Dragon makes it to his home he doesn’t feel little Scar.

Trying not to panic, Dragon makes his way looking everywhere in the house for his little
brother when his ears pick up the sound of footprints coming from the front of the house
quickly Dragon makes outside to meet the sight of his brother caked in blood. It is
everywhere on Scarlett, his face, his hair, his clothes. All Dragon could do was let out a gasp
taking in the sight of his little brother.
Scarlett is dragged out of his head at the sound of a gasp shooting his head in the direction of
where his big brother is. “DRA! YOUR BACK!” Scarlett runs up to his brother to pull him
into a hug only for Dragon to put his hands on his face checking him over. “Who’s blood is
this?” Dragon asks, his voice colder than the night. Scarlett goes still and looks down at
himself caked in blood now Dragon’s reaction makes scenes to him. “Oh that is a lot but
don’t worry none of it is mine. You should see the other guys!” Dragon doesn’t say much
after he just looks at Scarlett before pulling him inside and throwing him into the bathroom.
“Clean up, you don't want any diseases from the blood, I will get you clothes.” Scarlett can't
help but chuckle to himself, He has only seen Dragon for less than ten minutes and he is
already in his mother hen mode. It puts a smile on his face knowing Dragon cares for him
and has returned safely from his trip.

Scarlett is fast to clean up, wanting to spend as much time as he can before Dragon has to
leave again. Now out of the shower fresh and clean Scarlett heads to the kitchen already
knowing that is the first place Dagon heads to and makes a fruit bowl much like he did when
Scarlett was younger. Dragon focuses on cutting fruit missing the water shut off and his
brother appears next to him already picking at the cut fruit. “Ha, I knew you would be in
here” Scarlett says, taking a piece of a grape.

“Yes, because someone has to eat the fruit. You care to tell why you were covered in blood?”
Dragon asks moving to sit at the dinner room table with his fruit bowl that is more than full
to feed them both as Scarlett follows. “Nothing more than some losers who lost some money
that made its way into my bags.” Scarlett says smug and proud he managed to snatch 50
thousand berries from the losers.

“Haha well I’m sure they learned their lesson, now it's late to go to bed and tomorrow I will
give you your present. Now go head to bed.” Dragon says finishing the last of the fruit and
heading to clean up the kitchen when Scarlett grabs his hand stopping him. “Nope! It can
wait for tomorrow. Come lay down with me please.” Dragon chuckles as he follows Scar into
the Dragon’s room and Scarlett makes himself comfortable in the bed and Dragon changes
clothes and soon follows Scar and lays down and of course Scarlett latches on to him the
minute he could. Dragon just smiles and pulls him closer “good night little scar” “good night

Morning comes and the brothers are up and already starting their day with pancakes. “So then
I found a huge tiger and was able to get it just like you showed me and sell it for a good price
too. Oh! oh! Now I can fly to the treetops in the forest now.” Scarlett tries to tell Dragon as
he stuffed his face with pancakes. Dragon just nods with a smile putting together what his
brother is trying to say as he enjoys his cup of coffee.

It has been a couple of months since the brothers were able to enjoy time together so Dragon
is just living in these moments but he is also excited to show Scarlett his present. “Ok, ok,
you can show later but first eat with your mouth closed then we need to head to the dock for
something.” Scarlett just pouts but listens and finishes as does Dragon.

Both finished and dressed for the day leave their home hand and hand heading to the docks
chatting along the way. Dragon, mostly listening to Scarlett chat about nothing and
everything as they reach the docks, as Dragon starts to lead the way down to dock to a boat.
“Surprise! Happy Birthday little Scar!” Scarlett can only look at the boat in shock. He was
taking money to save to buy himself one when he was older but now he can just save the
money. Scarlett snaps out of it and throws himself at Dragon “Thank you! Thank you! Come
on! let's check it out!” Scarlett pulls Dagon onto the boat and the duo look over the boat.

It is a big boat for now but once Scarlett hits his growth spurt it will be the right size. The
boat is a dark green with small brown and gold accents through it. A mast sail sitting in the
middle of the deck with the wheel not far behind. Slowly Scarlett and Dragon make their way
into the cabin. In the cabin is a small two seat table, a full working kitchen, a full bathroom
with running water, as well as a full size bed for now. Scarlett has stars in his eyes as he looks
around taking in his new home. After looking at everything, Scarlett makes his way back to
Dragon , pulling the man into another hug. “This is the best Dragon, I love it!”

“I'm glad you like it, so what are you naming it?” “Huh it didn’t have a name already?” “No,
I thought the captain should name his own ship, you know.” Scarlett thinks about it for a
moment but it clicks, “I will name it the Rex, the best boat in the east blue haha!” Scarlett
says with glee,Dragon soon follows with a big smile. “Well then captain, why don't we take
the Rex out for a little adventure, we can head back, grab a few things and head out to sea.”
Scarlett's eyes started to shine “YESS!” Scarlett was quick to run out the cabin and head
FASTER WE CAN TAKE IT OUT TO THE SEA!” Dragon just laughs and races after his
brother ignoring the looks from the people in the village and catches up to Scarlett.

The pair now back on the docks Dragon passing Scarlett their things onto the boat once done
Dragon on the dock Scarlett on the Rex “permission to board captain Scarlett.” Scarlett is
taken aback. He is his own captain and Scarlett is so happy “grated haha !” Dragon hops on
the Rex with a smile then the pair set out to sail the east blue at least for a little while.


On the first night the duo lay out on the deck and watch the night sky as Dragon tells stories
about the stars much like he did when Scarlett was younger.

Dragon was the first to fall asleep as Scarlett watches the night sky when he feels the
presence of another. Quickly Scarlett moves to stand when a young man (much like Sol)
wearing a green rain coat with brown and gold boots stands not far from him. Scarlett didn't
think he would see the ship’s klabautermann. “Wow you look amazing , I didn't think I
would see you so soon.” Scarlett swears he sees a blush on the young man’s but waits for the
other to talk. “Ha! you would be the first to see me at all. So be grateful . I sensed someone
with lots of love and care, a kind heart so strong I had to see it in person.”

Scarlett’s full attention is on Rex taking in his words. “And it seems you have come up with
a new name too.” “ Um, do you not like it? If not, maybe we can pick on together. After all,
we are going to be partners for a long time, right?” Scarlett becomes timid but puts up a
strong front trying not to fiddle with his fingers waiting for his answer when a laugh catches
him off guard. “ Pfft haha ! Of course I love the name. It's the best. I hope we can be great
partners in the future little one. Over time we will know each other but for now sleep little
one tomorrow is another day.” Scarlett smiles and moves to lay back on the deck “ good night
Rex.” He calls softly knowing he would be heard.

Chapter End Notes

Rex joins the family!

I really liked the idea of the going merry and thousand sunny have a spirit so why not
add one too 😊

Anyways til next time

Two brothers at sea
Chapter Summary

Dragon and Scarlett are finally enjoying time together on the Rex.

Chapter Notes

Content warning: None


Scarlett 6 yrs old

Dragon 16 yrs old

Next chapter will be a time jump! About 4 years just a heads up

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The brothers are having a blast at sea. They have just been coasting the past week enjoying
their time together before Dragon takes another job. Right now the pair are trying to catch
some fish when Scarlett wants to know more about the Rex. After all, he needs to know how
to care for his ship. He hasn’t seen Rex since the first night but he feels him around but Rex
hasn’t made any moves and Scarlett doesn’t want to scare him by asking him a bunch of

“Hey Dra, Do you know what wood this is? I’m sure I would need to fix it at some point. It
would be best to know right.” Dragon looks at his fishing rod thinking it moved but it didn’t
and answers his brother. “Well the Rex is made out of Adam Wood. It’s the strongest wood of
the seas. Many wish they could get their hands on this wood.The wood can last a very long
time and it can take a lot of damage but try to keep the damage to a minimum.” Dragon sees
his brother writing everything in a little notebook completely forgetting about fishing more
interested about the ship.
Dragon can only stare at his brother in amusement “Do you know where it’s from? Who
built it? or do you know a place where I can fix it?” Scarlett asked after writing more notes,
after all this is his ship, it is his crewmate, his family, it's best he knows the best ways to take
care of it. “ This boat comes from the grand line, from Water 7. It’s an island best known for
shipwrights. And this one here was made by one of the best, Tom the best shipwright on the

Dragon turns to see stars in his brother's eyes with a huge smile on his face. “You met Tom
the shipwright!? Is it true he is a fishman?!” “ Haha yes I met him and yes he is a fishman
and is very nice.” Scarlett is filled with excitement he forgets about writing in his little
notebook. “That’s so cool!! Oh I think I got a fish!” Both Dragon and Scarlett are quick to
pull on the rod and reel in a sea king instead “QUICK SAIL AWAY!!” Both drop the rod and
set sail leaving behind a rod and an angry sea king when the pair hear laughing coming from
the top of the crows nest.

“ Haha you two sure are a pair.” “REX! It’s about time you joined us.” Scarlett can only
smile at his new friend while Dragon is a little lost and on edge but Scarlett had said the
name Rex so he is a bit confused about everything. The young man lands next to Scarlett and
crouches down to Scarlett level, looking the young boy over before turning to look at Dragon
who still looks a little lost. “It’s nice to meet Dragon, my name is Rex. The little one here has
some interesting questions. I hope you don’t mind me joining.”

Dragon is in shock he thought it was a myth that sailors said, not something real, a ship’s
klabautermann. “Uhm yeah, um yes please join us I’m sure you can answer his questions
better than I can.” Rex just smiles and turns back to Scarlett who keeps looking at Rex’s
hands and his own. Rex does the simple thing and holds his hand in front of Scarlett and
waits for the little one to do what he wishes. Scarlett notices and looks at Rex for consent to
touch his hand and Rex just nods. Scarlett places his own hand against Rex’s and it’s warm to
the touch. Scarlett looks at their hands in awe before moving to sit on the floor holding Rex’s
hand and continues asking his questions.

They do this for a few hours until Scarlett wears himself down and falls asleep in Rex’s lap
while Dragon takes this moment to ask Rex something. “Rex, can you watch him over time?
He is a good kid, just a little more special than most.” Rex stops looking at the sea and turns
to Dragon with a small smile. “I was his the moment his feet hit the deck. I will watch over
him and protect him the best I can, you have my word.” Dragon can only give a smile before
both return to looking at the sea missing the little boy who was listening also has a smile as
they watch the sea together.


Two months at sea Dragon has shown Scarlett many things about sailing with the help of Rex
of course. They spend the days training, sailing, being together until Dragon has to leave
once again. They have been heading back to Dawn island after finding an island and building
a base for Scarlett to have in the future.

Night has fallen, the pair of brothers had fallen asleep only for Scarlett to wake from another
nightmare that he couldn’t remember. All Scarlett knew was that it frightened him. Scarlett
thought it would be better just to get fresh air. He climbs out of the bed and heads out the
cabin grabbing Sol from the table leaving Dragon asleep in a hammock.

Making sure they were on course, Scarlett took a seat in the middle of the deck placing Sol
by his side. “Sol, can you tell me about something? Anything, just to talk my mind off this

Sol takes to his side, running his hand through Scarlett’s hair “well Squirt, do you know why
you can see me? Why Dragon can’t see me?” Scarlett looks up at Sol “No, I don’t.” Sol
looks at the stars for a moment before smiling down at his partner at least until the other is
ready to join them in the future. “Our souls are the perfect match. We are the best partners.
The stories that pass through time say when our souls match as perfectly as us, you are able
to see,touch,hear, feel all of my soul. Only you. At least until you meet another like you.
Others like you are true masters with observation haki. Can see me if I want them too.”

Scarlett nods along “does that mean Dragon can’t see you because you don’t want him too?”
Sol can only smile “yes and no. He can see me but not the same way you see my soul. What
he sees is nothing but an aura of color around my blade when I want him too.” Scarlett
smiles up at the other “what other stuff can you do?” The two spend hours chatting about the
things Sol can and can’t do until Scarlett finally falls back to sleeping against Sol.

Sol waits until his little squirt is asleep before calling out to the other not so far from them.
“You can come out now,Rex. He is asleep. You can join me now.” Rex chuckles and takes a
seat on the rail watching the waves while Sol turns to him. “How was the little one doing?”
Sol chuckles “finally asleep, something tells me we are going to be doing this a lot more.”
Rex can only smile “yeah you got that right.”

The two sit in silence listening to the waves “ Do you know why the other won’t join us?
Why they choose to hide from him?” Rex asks looking back into the cabin, “No idea but they
will come in time, here help me get him inside.” The man chuckles hopping down from the
railing, “okay, okay pretty blade let’s go.” Causing Sol to laugh with a blush on his ears. The
two head back into the cabin making sure Scarlett is comfortable before heading back
themselves, Sol was the first “good night pretty face.” Rex slowly turned red at the nickname
and cheeky smile from the blade. “Good night, pretty blade.”


Scarlett wakes with ease the next morning, Scarlett takes a look around and finds Dragon
already making them breakfast. Slowly Scarlett gets ready for the day thinking its time he has
a needed talk with Dragon.

After Scarlett had freshened up Dragon was already placing breakfast on the table, simple
pancakes with bacon and some fruit they still had. Quickly taking a seat Scarlett noticed
Dragon and the hesitation in his eyes. Scarlett pushed the look aside already knowing what it
was about and will wait until they start eating. “Morning Dra!” He says with a smile
“morning.” Dragon answers without the same cheerful voice he had been doing this whole
trip. Scarlett sighs and starts to eat as Dragon does the same.
Scarlett eats about two pancakes before he decides to break the calm silence. “You know Dra,
you can’t always be at my side.” Dragon stops his movements as Scarlett continues “you
have your own life and dreams you want to do right? That's why you leave. So go, live your
dreams I won’t be the reason you hold back.” Dragon sighs sitting back in his seat looking
like a deflated balloon. “What about you? What will you do without me?”

Scarlett had already made up his mind on the way back after Marineford. “I will do what I
always do. I will train and become stronger. I will work towards my dream, being the world’s
most wanted assassin. Sounds nice huh?” Scarlett watches Dragon make many expressions
before he settles on disbelief “w-what?” Scarlett lets out a small laugh “I never told you
because you worry too much. It will be better this way. So you go about your dream and I
will follow mine.” Scarlett tries to give Dragon a reassuring smile but the man still isn’t

“But-” Scarlett sighs “Dragon, the guards in High Town are already afraid of me, the people
in Edge Town look for me when they need someone gone or a way out. Those in the Grey
Terminal search for me when they need help. I have already started my path, I already know
how this world is Dra.” Dragon looks even more pale and Scarlett can’t make it better.

“Where will you stay?” Scarlett snorts “where else. Foosha Village. We have our home,
Uncle Woop slap if I need something, Patty and Matt down at the bar, Mrs.Francis and her
family are always looking out for me. Then DaDan in the forest, she and her group are
willing to help me out if anything I just need to bring up the old man and they listen.” Dragon
sighs, finally taking a drink before speaking again “why can’t you just be a pirate?”

Scarlett could only laugh “there are only two people in this world I would ever call MY
captain and I’m not there yet and neither are they. So wanted assassin is for me!” Scarlett
laughs at Dragon’s distress.“Can I change your mind?” “Nope!”

Rex takes a place behind Scarlett’s chair placing a hand on his head. “Don’t worry Dragon,
me and Sol can get him out of trouble.” Dragon sighs once more “fine, fine! But you call me
if it's too much for you to handle.” Scarlett quickly jumps out his chair and around the table
throwing himself into Dragon’s arms. “You the best!” Dragon accepts his faith and holds his
little brother closer.
Chapter End Notes

We learned some interesting things this chapter.. I lost my train of thought….. anyways I
hope you guys are enjoying it.. things start to change next chapter I hope isn’t too bad….

Oh, no chapter Saturday. Sunday will be the next one and the start of a new acr in the
story! Ummm i think that is it…

Anyways til next time…

Two souls meet
Chapter Summary

The sea leads young Scarlett to a new journey!

Chapter Notes

Time jump!

Content warning : none


Scarlett 10 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

‘He is here! He is here! The man with a joyful laugh!’ The sea tells Scarlett, who sits at
the bow of the Rex as the sea carries him to an island. Scarlett only chuckles at the sea's
excitement. It seems he is going to meet one of her favorites. Over the last four years Scarlett
has learned to listen to the things around him. From the wind and sea to the many animals
wherever he went, many don’t say much but he still listens when he feels the need to. At the
moment Scarlett is on his way to an island in the east blue with the sea leading him.

Scarlett was already heading to an island when the sea became excited causing her waves to
splash roughly against until Scarlett finally understood her excitement. So he sat at the bow
as she told story after story of a man with a joyful laugh and a straw hat.

As they got closer to the island, the wind brought the sounds of swords clashing to Scarlett’s
ears. Scarlett felt his adrenaline start to pump and quickly grabbed Sol and spread his wings
taking to the sky with the wind as his guide,while the sea took the Rex.
Scarlett flies with ease and follows the wind until the sounds of swords clashing and
sounds of shouts become closer and louder. Scarlett watches from above as a group of
marines are losing to a group of pirates which is unusual as this is the east blue so these
pirates are not from here. Watching what looks like the captain does Scarlett realize who the
pirates are. Feeling kinda dumb for not recognizing the King of pirates, the biggest hint from
the sea was his iconic straw hat.

Scarlett watches from above as Roger finally takes down the marine captain, Scarlett
decides to make his appearance by sending out a wave of conqueror's haki keeping the
marines down and feels like a hug to the Roger pirates. All watch as a kid with shaggy black
hair,and simple clothes with big brown and gold wings, sword on his back lands right in front
of them and a smile of pride on his face. As the wave of haki disappears as he lands in the
middle of the fallen marines.

“So you are the man the sea spoke of, King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. It is nice to meet
you, you as well Dark Knight Silvers Rayleigh, I do hope you did not plan to attack me from
behind as I am a child and that is a cowardly move not that you would hit me anyways.”

“Who are you?”Roger asks, staring at what appears to be a child no more than the age of
10. “That is something I can answer once we are alone and away from prying ears as that
wave only knocks them down for a few additional minutes, not for a long time I’m still
working on that.” Scarlett is taking notes of the down marines, not one is in critical danger as
Scarlett’s haki tells him. He quickly feels out for Rex, it seems the sea already had something
in mind.

“Come to the south. It seems the sea docked my boat next to yours but we must hurry as the
marines have another boat heading here about an hour out. The sea king can delay them
another hour but you must treat your wounded and be on the waves soon if you wish to avoid
another fight.” Scarlett says as the wind whispers to him.

“Carry those who are wounded and make ways to the ship. We'll set sail as we have
nothing left on this island.” Rayleigh moves to stand next to Roger who is still staring at this
kid who has very good Observation haki. Does the child start to smile “if you wish to spar
Captain Roger all you have to do is ask, there will be no need to rush at me, but we would
need to be somewhere where we will not be interpreted by marines.”

Leaving Roger shocked as he was going to rush at him ‘this kid who got some crazy haki’
Roger thinks to himself, “from what I see, we must hurry as I don’t want to see my old man
just yet. I’m not due to see him until next year so I say we move this on to your ship with
your permission of course.” Scarlett asks as the winds tell him his old man is on the ship.
While it has been some time since he last saw him, right now is not the time. After all, the
king is in front of him.

Roger and Rayleigh share a few looks as it seems they are talking with their eyes alone.
Does Roger finally speak up “ Okay permission granted and I would like to spar if you know
any islands that would be good. I ask you to show my Navigator and helmsman and we can
set sail and we can tie your boat to the Oro Jackson.” Scarlett could only laugh “hahaha
awesome! Come on hop on my back the faster we make it to your ship the faster we can

With that Scar sends out a wave of haki knocking down some marines as they start to
wake before transforming into his beast form, a brown and gold griffin. Even at the age of ten
Scar is much larger than most and he has not reached his peak yet reaching just the top of
Roger’s shoulders in griffin foam. Roger and Rayleigh just stare, jaws dropped open as they
see a kid transform into a big beast. “Come on, hop on my back! You won’t hurt me, just hold
on tight.” Both start to move and are amazed by this boy but they hurry when they hear
moans from the fallen marines. “Hold on tight, I'm going fast.” Scarlett takes to the sky. “
Aahhhhahhah !!!!” Rayleigh screams“ HAHAHAHHA !!” while Roger just laughs.

They make it to near the ship in minutes before Scarlett lands just near the ship, not close
enough for people to see him in this form. Roger and Rayleigh both hit the sand face first,
dizzy from going so fast. “ haha sorry! I forgot to warn you about being dizzy for the first
time, sorry.”

After transferring back to Scarlett’s ten year old self does the trio start their way to the
ships “Set sail men! Sal! Trey! come here!” Roger yells in full captain mode. “yes captain!”
“this is um you never said your name kid.” Roger looks down at the child to his left, “ I
wasn’t going to just yet but for now you guys can call me Scar.” Roger just nods thinking
what a weird kid. “Ok Scar here, knows an island we are going to spar. Scar if you could tell
how to get to the island please?”Scarlett nods along with a big smile. “Of course. Can you
show me a map of the east blue? it’s easier for me to show the way.” Sal answers first, “of
course this way.”

The trio walk away while Rayleigh and Roger watch them leave. “ Do you trust this kid is
not sending us into a trap, I mean he seems to know a marine.” Roger watches the trio while
Rayleigh stands next to him judging the kid. “I know he won’t, keep an eye on him if you
want but he reminds me of someone and I want to see what he’s got.”

After talking to the head navigator and helmsman they set course for an island a week
away from their current location. It's the island Scarlett and Dragon found the first time they
took out Rex. Making his way to Roger and Rayleigh, did he find that no one had noticed his
presence just yet. Scarlett was proud of himself. As he still struggled to fully hide his
presence and stay hidden for long periods of time and decided that it's the best time to test
how long he can hide in plain sight.

Choosing to sit under the main mast in the middle of the deck does Scarlett sit and watch
the crew. A few hours pass when someone asks if they have seen him. Slowly does the crew
gather to ask where they last saw him causing Scarlett to smile knowing it is working until
one asks if they hallucinated that they saw a kid. Did he start to giggle then someone says
what if he was a ghost that came to haunt them did Scarlett let out a belly laugh that caused
everyone to stop talking and stare in the direction of the laughing.

Now laying on his side Scarlett is laughing up a storm while the others just stare in shock.
None of them noticed him sitting there. “Were you there the whole time!?” They all shouted “
haha ! Yes! hahaha ! You should see your faces!” In the small bag on Scarlett’s side makes a
noise, he quickly pulls out the two snails that are ringing. It’s not hard for Scarlett to know
who is calling.

“ cough what’s up big bro?” “where are you?” Scarlett could only smile at the sound of his
brother’s voice “I’m not home, that's for sure.” “I figured as much. Are you at a
base?”Scarlett looks around and notices everyone is watching the call. “Give me a minute I'm
not on my ship, captain Roger I will be on my ship. Find me there when you wish to have a
talk.” Scarlett gets up and runs before jumping over the railings and landing perfectly on his

Rex pushes out a small wave of power welcoming Scarlett home. Over the last four years
together Rex has become a home and family to Scarlett just like Sol. “I’m home.” Scar
makes way into the cabin and moves to sit on his bed putting both snails next to him, “ Still
there Dra?” “Yes I am,care to tell me why you are with the Roger pirates?” Scarlett tries to
hold back his laugh as he can hear concern in Dragon’s voice.

“They are in the east and the sea leads me to them and now we are going to head to our
base. I plan on sparring Roger.” Scar was more worried Dragon would tell him no even if he
doesn’t show it as much now Dragon does care for Scarlett's safety. Dragon stayed quiet for a
bit probably thinking

“And if this goes well I am going to ask Rayleigh to spar if he is up for it.” only to be met
with more silence. “I think you should do what you want and kick their ass.” the snail
showing Dragon smirking “and I will be there to see it so expect me in a few days.” “what
really!? Awesome! I can't wait to see you! The sea will be in your favor so once you set sail
to the island expect a rush from the waves haha !” the snail shows a big grin.

“ Yes I know already. Do you need anything before I head out?” Scarlett takes a look
around his cabin, his eyes caughting the dark green fabric peeking out from the floorboards. “
Just bring an extra green cloak for me please? I ruined the last one with my talons by
accident.” “ Ha of course you did, I will see you soon Scar.” “See you soon, Dra.”

Chapter End Notes

Hehe! Scarlett meets the legends!

This was one of the first ideas I wrote for Scarlett. I knew I wanted him to meet Roger
and everyone at one point then it became more.
Now I can only hope things make sense as I added more chapters so hopefully the flow
is still good.

Anyways til next time 😊

Roger and Scarlett have a talk
Chapter Summary

Roger and Scarlett have an important talk

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 10 yrs old

Roger 41 yrs old

Rayleigh 42 yrs

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The Rogers all watch the kid jump over a railing like nothing at the sound of a door closing,
do they snap out of it and are just left with more questions on who this kid is.

“You know that sounded like someone I have met before, more questions to ask it seems.”
Roger said softly that only Rayleigh heard him. “Everyone, back to your duties.” Rayleigh
tells the crew as Roger moves towards the rail the kid jumped over and looks down at the
small ship soon Rayleigh joins Roger as they watch the small ship “what do you think?”

“Think we could use a cabin brat for a little while.” Roger watches his friend throw his
head back and laugh. “ Hahaha ! of course, that’s what you would think. First find out more
about the kid then and ask him what he thinks after all he has someone.” Roger turns back to
the smaller ship hoping to get a glimpse of the little boy again.
“ Haha yeah, yeah, you think he is done yet? Kinda want to know about the king thing and
other things?” Rayleigh turns his head and looks at the smaller ship with a smile. “Yeah go
ahead. I don’t hear any talking, we are far from the island and we are going in the opposite
direction of the marines. We should be fine.”

Roger takes Rayleigh word and jumps down on the small ship looking at it. It seems to be
well loved. “Permission to board?” The sound of a door opening “Granted, come in Captain
Roger it is best we have this inside.”

Both enter the small cabin that’s not so small as Roger can stand tall with him being 8 '5 ft
and still growing even at his age. Scarlett moves some books off the small table and puts
them on his bed while Roger takes a look around the cabin before coming to a stop in front of

“Now that it is just the two of us, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Monkey D.
Scarlett but you can call me Scar.” The boy flashing a big smile as Roger’s eyes grow wide.
“ I take it, you know who my old man is.” Roger looks down at this boy in disbelief. “Yeah,
yeah I do.” Scarlett smiles, leading the two to sit at his table.

“Good good, oh before I forget my big brother will be watching our spar. Just so you are
aware, do not be alarmed when he shows up.” “That's okay, thanks for the warning, why did
you call me king of the pirates?”

“Ah we are jumping right into it, okay. It’s simple, you will be the first to reach the last
island of the grand line and be named king.” Scarlett can see Roger doesn't fully believe him
but Scarlett knew that would happen as they just met. “How do you know?”Scarlett just
shrugs his shoulders, looking out the window watching the waves. “Do you wish for the short
answer or the long one or both?” Roger hestaints for a few seconds before giving his answer.
“Can I have both?” Scarlett hesitates for a second, “you might not believe me. It sounds
kinda crazy.” Roger chuckles “I’ve been a pirate for a long time, I’ve seen and heard a lot of
weird things.”
Scarlett shakes his head “Okay. The short version is I know a future of this world.”
Scarlett takes a moment, as he has never told anyone else this. “The long version is I died in
another world, In that world there is a story many know about this world. It is a pretty well
known story. It's a shame I didn’t get to know how it ends.”

Roger sat there for a couple of minutes letting it sink in what he just learned and knows
that this boy is not lying as he has seen crazy things on the grand line. He can’t help himself
being curious but asks “Am I known in this story as you called it?”

Scar knew this question would come. He told himself he would tell Roger about
everything if he ever met him and now is the chance. Scar moved to the kitchen, cracked
open a bottle of wine he keeps for his brother and placed it in front of Roger then he started
the tell of Gol D. Roger. After all it is up to Roger if he believes him.

Scarlett tells Roger of him becoming King, how Roger will fall ill and how he would
come to find love at some point in his journey. He tells of his two cabin boys, a red hair boy
and a blue hair boy.He tells him of his death. He tells Roger of his own son that will live a
hard life with Roger and his mother being gone. How his son will not know real love until he
meets a young boy with a straw hat. How the boy will reach his own end during a war over
him because of the blood in his veins.

Roger could only sit in silence as this young boy told him of his death and those he leaves
behind. It’s a lot to take in and the bottle of wine is gone by the time Scarlett is done, the
silence fills the cabin. Scarlett feels the weight lift off his back, he has never told anyone of
the life he lived before and now it no longer holds him down, he feels so relieved. His silence
allows for Roger to work his mind around all of this information.

After a while Scarlett makes a move bringing Roger out of his mind and focuses on him.
“That is the future I knew. Who knows if anything will happen after all, the future can always
change with a single decision. Don’t take these words as your future. I know it is a lot to take
in and believe so we can stop for today or if you have more questions.”

Roger gathers his thoughts, taking a breath facing the young boy again. “That must have
been a lot on your shoulders kid, but I think it’s best we stop for today as you said it’s a lot to
take in and accept. But I’m sure I will learn a lot at dinner as everyone will have questions for
you to answer, feel free to answer what you wish and I hope you can stay a while after our
spar. I wouldn't mind a cabin brat, it seems I will need practice for the real thing.”

“Haha! I would love to travel with you. I don't mind being a cabin boy as long as you and
Rayleigh don’t mind training me with a sword and some more haki training.” Both have big
smiles as Roger stands, “then welcome aboard the Oro Jackson brat! This calls for a party!”


Joy fills Scarlett as he watches his captain run demanding food and a welcoming party.
Climbing back aboard Scarlett is surrounded by his new crewmates, many welcoming him as
everyone starts to party. Night had come to the crew while they partied, food, drinks, laughter
and music filled the Oro Jackson. Even Oro had made herself known to the newest member
hanging out on the top mast.

Scarlett took to the top of the mast in a hurry wanting to meet the queen of the seas tripping
over his feet a little before opening his wings. He shoots up the mast and comes face to face
with the Oro Jackson's klabautermann. Just as one imagines, dripped out in a red and gold
raincoat with combat boots colored in red with gold laces, Scarlett hovers in place and does
an exaggerated bow “It is a pleasure to meet you, Queen of the Seas Miss Oro Jackson.”

“ haha ! I like you kid, raise your head most don’t even know I exist let alone sense me as
quick as you did. You are a strange kid, welcome aboard.” Scarlett right himself and gives a
smile to the other. “ Thank you for the welcome. I will do my best to have gentler landings to
not cause you damage in the future.” Oro laughs and gives the other a smile. “ haha ! I would
appreciate it now head down. It seems we have caught their attention.” Scarlett looks down,
there is a crowd around the mast under him. “Of course! I hope to see you again, Oro. I'm
sure we will be the best of friends. Oh and don’t be shy to say hi to the Rex. He is a little shy
but he is just as fiery as you are, enjoy the night Oro.”

Slowly making his way down did he realize the music stopped as well. “ Hehe sorry I really
wanted to meet Oro.” “But you were just talking to the wind.” a random crew member said
from behind him. “No, the wind doesn’t talk much at night. That was Oro Jackson, the ship's
klabautermann. You would think a crew as old as you guys are would at least hear about
klabautermann. Captain please tell me you know what they are.”

Scarlett faces his Captain with Raleigh by his side. “Yes, I do know and I have felt Oro a
few times but I have never seen her as clear as you did.” Scarlett feels his eyes go wide, he
knew his haki was different then most but not like this. “ Oh, well she is nice. We must take
care of her from now on along with the Rex, he is the best.” The crowd slowly went back to
the party when Rayleigh asked “who is Rex?” Coming to stand in front of Scarlett with a
curious look in his eyes.

“Silly RayRay, follow me!” moving to the left side of the ship where the Rex was tied. “
Roger pirates meet The Rex! The best boat in the east blue, Rex meet the Roger pirates and
The Oro Jackson! Now you have no excuse to say you are too shy hahah !” Scarlett laughs as
he can feel the other waves of embarrassment coming from Rex.


TELLING DRA YOU EMBARRASSED ME AGAIN!!” Scarlett could only laugh at the
other, who clearly missed his call with Dragon. “ Pft-hahaha ! That’s fine. He will be here in
a few days.”

The Roger Pirates are stunned as a young man manifested in a long green raincoat with
gold and brown chains hanging off him with brown rain boots. “WHAT!?! Are you sure!?!
This is bad, Little One! We must sail from here. I can't deal with the two of you and the
marines that follow you guys! ugh! I feel a headache coming.” Scarlett could only roll his
eyes with a fond smile watching Rex lose his mind.

“This won’t be like last time. Now come up and meet everyone. We are going to sail with
them for a while.” Rex threw his hands up and could only pout. “ Fine! fine, I’m coming.”
Everyone makes way for the young man the size of Roger who jumps with little effort and
heads straight for Scarlett.

young boy right on the head with enough force. “Ouch! I'm telling Dra!” Scarlett shouts
back, rubbing the bump on his head. “Whatever.” Rex started to pout again and wrap his
arms around Scarlett from behind who is about up to his chest placing his head on top of
Scarlett’s. “So, who are the old people?” The crew starts to shout,

“I’m not old!” Sal, the ship's navigator, looks like he popped a fuse.

“Who’s old?!” Rayleigh looks around in distress,

“I’m not old right?!” Roger looks panicked,

“Old?!” Scopper the shipwright looks so distraught,

“We are old?!” Max the ships weaponsmith adds in as they all yell like children.

“ Haha ! Be nice Rex. These are the Roger pirates, that is Captain Roger and first mate
Rayleigh we will travel with them.” Scarlett chuckles looking up at the other.
“Fine, whatever but you sleep on the ship with me.” Rex states picking up his head and
giving the meanest glare possible to the crew. “ If any of you so much as hurt my little one
there will be blood. None on Oro Jackson, of course the queen will not have your filthy blood
on her but there will be blood. Understood.” no one said a word scared to even breathe.
Scarlett just rolled his eyes. “Nice you scared them,” Rex ignores the comment as he stares
down the crew “ I said understood.” With the last push they all shout, “YES!” came out of
everyone’s mouth, even the captain. Rex gave a smug look over everyone.

“ Good, now that wasn’t so bad but good luck when Dra comes he is scarier than I am, I’m
going back I will see you later little one.” Rex moves away giving Scarlett a head pat before
disappearing once again “Okay night Rex.”

After the shock wore off everyone went back to partying and enjoying the rest of the night
after all it’s the east blue. There aren’t many dangers except for those on the ship.

Chapter End Notes

Ah I really struggled if I wanted Scarlett telling Roger about his past but decided to put
it together.

will have to wait for a while. Maybe another 10 chapters maybe

So the new arc is starting and I realized that if anyone is waiting for the main couple you
I’m sorry 😖

I didn’t notice how much world building and character building I had done. sorry you
will have to wait 😖😖

Til next time

Dragon makes an entrance
Chapter Summary

Dragon joins Scarlett and the Roger pirates!

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 10 yrs old

Dragon 20 yrs old

Roger 41 yrs old

Rayleigh 42 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The crew is now two days away from the island and Scarlett is having the time of his life
getting to know Roger and Rayleigh who lets him call him RayRay while he is still thinking
of a nickname for Roger. The Crew is playing cards in the dinner hall and Scarlett is sitting
on the top of the figurehead listening to the waves with Roger and Ray close by keeping an
eye on the devil fruit user completely missing the boat that arrived ten minutes ago. The
boat’s owner has completely hid his presence but Scarlett felt him miles away. Scarlett finally
moves to the deck before drawing his sword and swings his sword down just behind Roger
and Rayleigh to clash with a sword.

“DRA!! Took you long enough!” A man wearing a green cloak and meeting swords with
Scarlett has Roger and Rayleigh shook because neither of them felt the man boarded the ship
let alone get so close to them. “The marines threw me off course and had to lose them if you
wanted to make it to the island.” Scarlett finally moves his sword and falls into Dragon’s
arms hugging him tight. Dragon has a small smile returning the hug while keeping an eye on
the others.
Roger and Rayleigh look at the pair when it clicks to Roger just who this man is. He
remembers a young boy that was with Garp for a time after their spars and sitting off to the
side watching. He never got to talk to the young boy as Garp never left the boy alone long
enough for Roger to talk to him.

Dragon turns his head to look down to notice that his little Scar fell asleep in his arms.
“When did he last fall asleep?” Roger and Rayleigh both share a look trying to remember the
last they saw the boy sleep. Roger shakes his head and Rayleigh faces back to Dragon. “We
don't know. At night he turns into the Rex and we don't see him til the sun is up or we see
him sitting on the figurehead watching the sun rise.” Dragon picks up Scarlett holding him
like a baby bringing back memories of a chubby cheeks and endless crying and dirty diapers
does Dragon turn his back to Roger and Rayleigh heading towards the Rex.

“ I will take him to his room and let him sleep, do not disturb us please. He always has
trouble sleeping.” and continues to jump off the railing onto the Rex and move to the cabin.
Entering it seems nothing has changed from the last time he stepped on the ship. Dragon
places Scarlett on the bed taking off his and Scarlett’s boots before joining his brother pulling
him closer allowing Scarlett to rest his head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

“Rex when did he last sleep?” Rex appears on the side of the bed looking down at the pair
with a small smile.“He slept for four hours the first day with Rogers then spent three days
awake and last night he finally slept for three hours. No matter how hard me and Sol tried to
get him to lay down again he didn’t budge. He ran out of the sleep tea you got from Drum
island and he is not ready for a trip to Drum Kingdom just yet.” Dragon could only sigh, his
brother still isn’t the best at asking for help from others it seems.

“I will send him more soon but for now we let him sleep. He really needs it.” Both
continue to whisper catching up before Dragon himself grows tired as well. “ Sleep Dragon, I
will watch you both.” Dragon nods knowing fighting back with Rex would be pointless and it
will wake his little Scar, Dragon makes himself comfortable fixing the blankets around him
and Scar once again. Finally settled does Dragon fall asleep listening to the sounds of snores
of his little Scar and sound of waves of the sea.

The next time Scarlett woke, all he could see was green followed by a loud snore that had
him chuckling. Scarlett quickly removed Dragon’s arm from his back and got up with ease as
Dragon simply rolled over and buried himself into the blanket. Scarlett smiled at him and
looked around his cabin and got to work doing things he has been putting off mostly cleaning

It was about an hour into cleaning that he felt someone land on the deck before there was a
knock at his door. Scarlett put down the dishes he was cleaning and quickly opened the door
to find Roger there. “Hi captain!” Scarlett gave him a smile and gestured for Roger to come

Scarlett closed the door and went back to dishes with Roger at his side and started to dry
the dishes helping out his new cabin boy. The two worked in silence until the dishes were
done. “Did you need something Captain?” “No, I was just checking on you as you passed
out.” Scarlett nods and takes a seat on the small counter space next to the stove. “Oh, that. I
have never been able to sleep well, never a full night, only a few hours unless i drink a tea
Dra gets for me. So sometimes I'm up for days until I crash or Rex gets me to sleep.”

Roger nods, paying close attention to let Rayleigh know as well. “I see, if it’s okay with
you I will let Rayleigh know so we both can keep any eye on you.” Scarlett nods “yeah that’s
fine, I’m sure Rex wouldn’t mind the extra help.” Roger smiles “if you can’t sleep after two
days i ask you come find me and Rayleigh and we can try to help you get sleep.” Scarlett
nods “sure thing Captain.” Roger chuckles, mindful of the sleeping guest. “You don’t have to
call me captain all the time you know.” Scarlett shrugs his shoulders “true but until i give you
a nickname you will just captain. Heck even after too, I like calling you captain.”

Roger just shakes his head, he knows when to back down from a stubborn person.
“Alright kid, I’m going to head out. I can feel Ray looking for me. Don’t forget you two are
more than welcome to join us in the dinner hall.” Scarlett waved bye as Roger let himself

Scarlett stays seated on the counter grabbing an apple not far from him, cutting it open
with his dagger, “want some Dra?” Dragon got up from under the blankets making it to
Scarlett and taking the apple slice he was offered. While Scarlett cuts another slice waiting
for Dragon to say anything as he was awake the moment Roger entered the cabin.

“Is he one of them?” Dragon asked as he grabbed a glass of water waiting for Scarlett’s
answer. Scarlett already knew Dragon was going to ask this “mmh, Roger is one of the two I
would only call captain.” Dragon nodded, passing another glass to Scarlett as he took another
slice. “and the other?” Scarlett could only smile while taking the glass. “It's not his time yet.
He has a long way to go before he will be a captain and it might be even longer before I meet
him, plus he has to ask me to join him. So I will wait and enjoy my time with Captain as
long as I can.”

Scarlett can see the worry in Dragon’s face at that “why the worry Dra?” Dragon sighs
“and if he never asks you to join, what will you do then?” Scarlett smiles “then I will live my
life as I am. I don’t need to be a pirate, it's just something else to do. But who knows what the
future holds, it is always changing.” Dragon nods and the two fall back to eating another
apple before heading out to join everyone on deck.

As the two landed on deck Dragon was met with weapons, oh boy was Scarlett not happy.
Dragon held out a hand in front on Scarlett shielding him causing the other to roll his eyes.
Scarlett simply jumped onto Dragon’s shoulders putting himself above everyone “its best you
lower your weapons, Dragon nor I take kind to them pointing at us. We see it as a threat and
it could cost you your life.” Scarlett said as he laid his head on top of Dragon’s hoping to
scare the crew but they didn’t listen to his words and kept their weapons up.

Dragon rose an eyebrow looking up at Scarlett who nods. “Since you didn’t listen and Scar
gave the okay, it your fault.” Dragon said as he jumped to the nearest crew mate and started
to disarm them by any means with Scarlett holding onto Dragon as he made his way around
deck. Watching as the others try to stop Dragon only to stop when the rest of the crew got the
message and dropped their weapons not wanting to end up in pain. Scarlett stayed on
Dragon’s shoulders as Dragon spoke “ Next time you will listen to Scar. And if I found out
any of you hurt him, I will kill you if Scar doesn’t first and I will not be merciful. Is that fine
with you Captain Roger?”

Scarlett rose his head and looked at the doors leading below deck with Roger and
Rayleigh standing there. “Yes, that is fine. Everyone I see you met Scar’s older brother. He is
a guest. You will treat him with respect and you all are on cleaning duty until we get back to
paradise as punishment for attacking and for not listening to Scar, who mind you is our cabin
boy. And gave you a clear warning of what would happen. I am sorry about that Scar.”
Scarlett shrugged “it’s their fault for not having manners. Anyways, is the food ready?”
Cause it Dragon to laugh as Rayleigh nodded “yeah just finished.” Scarlett cheered and
jumped off Dragon and raced below deck. “Leave some for the others, Scar!” Dragon yells as
he takes after his brother.

“Well they are something.” Ryleigh says as he looks at the crew helping the others up. “He
could have killed them.” Roger said “yeah he could have, so let's remember not get on his
bad side.” Rayleigh said, patting Roger’s back “yeah let’s not.”

Chapter End Notes

Ah, we found out about Scarlett’s captain. Nice surprise right?

anyways I have some thing i would like to say. I see your comments and i appreciate
them a lot but sorry i don't answer them. It is only because I have no idea what to say
most of the time and I overthink it so I just don’t answer to save myself from the stress
but I do appreciate them.

Also speaking of comments, Rex is a strong soul and he only gets stronger as time
passes but you won’t see it until later in Scarlett’s life.

And Final thing is how are you guys feeling about the updates of four times a week?
Should I double it? as I have up to chapter 50 ready to post. Or are you okay with the
pace now?

Please do let me know! Until next time which is Saturday.

The long awaited spar
Chapter Summary

Scarlett and Roger’s most anticipating spar!

Chapter Notes

content warning :none


Scarlett 10 yrs old

Dragon 20 yrs old

Roger 41 yrs old

Rayleigh 42 yrs old

After Dragon’s first arrival the crew was now used to his presence and he was even getting
along with Roger and Rayleigh. Now finally landing on the island Roger and Scarlett were so
excited but of course Dragon had to give his warning. “Scarlett, do not destroy the house. It
took forever to build and I won't help you again.”

Scarlett could only laugh at his brother. “ HAHA ! Of course! I won't destroy my treasure
house. Captain please avoid the house. I don't want more work.” With a big grin on his face
looking to his captain as he landed next to him. “ HAHA ! Of course Scar I will try.” Rayleigh
landed next to his captain before turning to the rest of the crew, “Stay on the ship. No matter
what and do not interfere or you will be cleaning the bathroom for months. Understood.” The
crew wanted to protest but Dragon shot everyone with his signature glare, much like Rex had
said Dragon was scarier and everyone shut up.

The four walked into the small forest heading into a small empty field Dragon and
Scarlett use as a training ground near the small home. Scarlett and Dragon lead the group
making small talk since it’s been awhile since they last saw each other in person and can’t
make too many snail calls now that Dragon is slowly working with a freedom army. While
Roger and Rayleigh are behind making small talk as well. “You are going to go easy, like no
haki cause like he is a kid.” Roger walked watching the sword on Scarlett’s back intrigued by
its dark aura that seemed to cling all around Scarlett. “No, he asked for a spar and I have a
feeling he is going to go all out.”

The group made it to the field Scarlett moved to one end and Roger to the other while
Dragon and Rayleigh stayed in the middle, both ready to watch a good spar. Scarlett removes
Sol from his back now out in the open, the sun reflecting off the gold and red handle and now
shining black blade.

Rayleigh took in a sharp breath when he saw Scarlett’s sword while Dragon had a proud
smile both feeling its power coming out in waves. “He finally did it sneakily brat.”Rayleigh
heard Dragon’s words as he kept looking at the blade. “What did he finally do?” Rayleigh
couldn’t help but ask though he has a feeling what the kid did. Dragon looks smug when he
turns to face Rayleigh, “He coated his sword in some of the most advanced conqueror’s haki
he knows and it’s still holding. He has spent months trying it and he finally did it.” Both
turned back to the field when they heard footsteps Roger was moving.

“Kid, where did you go? Didn't you say you wanted to spar, why did you run?” Dragon
takes a quick glance around the field and doesn’t see Little Scar meaning he was already on
the move. “The Spar has started!Good luck Captain Roger!” Dragon yelled across the field
while Roger just looked confused. Roger tried to feel the boy's presence with his haki and
couldn’t find him until the hair on his neck stood straight quickly he turned and the sound of
swords clashed.

“ Hahaha ! Brat! This is going to be fun!” Scarlett let out his own laugh while the two
swords stood still in the middle both using their powers to hold them in place. “ Hahah ! you
have no idea!” Quickly the pair continued to clash swords and move around the field. Both
had small scrapes and cuts but nothing major. Scarlett was getting a bit bored after a while
both not really taking risks, he moved back after another clash of swords. Scarlett wants to
raise the bar more.
“Hey captain! you can use the conqueror's haki right.” Scarlett shouts across the field
panting a little, while wiping away the sweat he can feel along his face. “Hahaha! Of course
brat, why do you ask?” Scarlett grins, strengthening his grip on his sword getting into
position to take off. “Then let's have a clash. I need practice and this is getting boring for

“ Bring it on brat!” Roger yells, Dragon eyes grew wide when he heard what his brother
said. “WAI-!“ Dragon tries to warn them to give them some time before the clash but it is too
late now Dragon and Rayleigh lay on the floor as Roger’s and Scarlett’s swords clash
conqueror's haki coming off in waves while their swords stop mid air.

The sky spilt cleaning a path for the sun, the surrounding trees and tall grass fell down, not
able to stand. Roger is surprised at how well the kid is doing against him and after a few
more clashes when they are once again across from each other and panting “ you are
something kid!” Roger watched as a feral smile made its way on the young boy’s face. “hehe,
I get that a lot! Are you ready for more or are you tired? Old Bag.” Roger simply raised one
eyebrow and got into his fighting stance “Bring it on brat!” with his signature smile.

The day long gone and night time has raised Dragon and Rayleigh decided to take shifts
watching the pair spar so they do not cause any serious injuries. And allow themselves to eat
food and get some rest. This continued well into the late night and would have continued
until Scarlett’s haki sensed a presence that was not the crew or his brother. Blocking another
blow from Roger, Scarlett opened his wings and took to the sky ignoring the calls of his
names from those around.

In the sky Scarlett let his haki flow over the island and the surrounding seas to feel for the
presences he felt. Facing the north of the island Scarlett felt it. A boat filled with people
heading towards the island, with the way Roger and Scarlett were sparring it would be
possible for someone could see the waves and disturbance of the forest and get curious.
Sighing knowing their spar had ended, Scar returns to the field to face the rest of them. “We
have a ship coming from the north. It's possible it's civilians, but marines could have been
following us. It’s best we call it a draw for now captain.” Scarlett said with a small pout.
“It’s okay brat, we can spar another time after all you are going to be our cabin brat for a
while.” Roger answers with a big laugh, “But it’s best we be on our way, we shouldn't stay if
a boat is heading here.” Scarlett was quick to follow up “ Yeah, they will make landfall soon
and my base is hidden but they could still find us and the ship is moving fast. It's best we

The group look at each other before agreeing and making their way back to the ships to set
sail. Roger and Rayleigh lead the way back while Dragon takes Scarlett’s side, placing a hand
on his head. “You did good, Little Scar. Before you know it you could win.” Scarlett gives his
brother a smile, “Damn right I will! Just you wait!” Dragon laughs as the two catch up to the
others both with smiles.
Cabin boy enters the grand line
Chapter Summary

Scarlett and the Roger pirates

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Age :

Scarlett 10 yrs old

Roger 41 yrs old

Rayleigh 42 yrs old

After that spar Roger headed to the grand line. Scarlett and Dragon said their goodbyes and
Dragon promised to send more tea if they don’t stop at Drum island in paradise. He also gave
Roger and Rayleigh a strong warning that if something happened to Scarlett he would hunt
them down. Scarlett laughed the whole time enjoying how pale Roger and Rayleigh got at his

Also Scopper the Oro’s shipwright was able to make a special hold for Rex inside the
underbelly of the ship, so he was no longer dragging along behind the ship but now traveling
with them. When he had first shown Scarlett, it was a big surprise as well as his welcome gift
to the crew. Roger and everyone but Rayleigh cried like babies then threw a big celebration
as they headed to Loguetown as their last stop before the red line.

It was supposed to be a quick stop but of course someone was looking for trouble because
not long after they had made it to a small bar that was hidden, the marines got word that
Roger was there so everyone ran back to the ship. Everyone made it back to the Oro Jackson
and set sail to reverse mountain. Just as Scarlett was going to ask where the marines were he
heard a voice once again. “When is our king coming?” Then it disappears just like before
only now he hears his shouting crew it seems they made it into the calm belt.

“Hurry and row before they come!!” Scarlett ignores their screaming and heads to lay
down on the figurehead of the ship. Looking down at the water Scarlett sees a large shadow
coming closer. Scarlett releases a wave of conqueror's haki asking to stay below so it doesn’t
get hurt. “Thank you for the warning young one.” and the shadow heads back down. He lays
there watching the waters for any sea kings to send warnings by the time they make it back to
normal waters did he notice Roger and Rayleigh waiting for him on the deck.

Both watching him in confusion and amazement. “So want to talk about what that was
before we make it to the mountain or after?” Rayleigh asks with a raised eyebrow while
Roger's eyes have stars. Scarlett only laughs to himself and joins them both on deck standing
tall. Scarlett double checks no one is around them and brings them closer to his level and
whispers “It's a special secret.” With a devilish grin and makes a run for it and Roger chases
it after him. While Rayleigh can only shake his head like a tired father.

By the time they reach the entrance of the mountain, Roger gives up and Scarlett heads to
join Max in the crows nest to get a better view. “Hey Max, can I join you?” Max was
someone Scarlett found to be very funny with his dad jokes and he is super smart about
weapons as he was the ship's weaponsmith. He even gave Scarlett tips on how to take better
care of Sol and his dagger. “Ah Scar, yeah join me, here use this rope to tie yourself down.”
Following Max Scarlett did as he said when he felt the ship move up. “Hehe, get ready for
this, the currents rush us up and we float for a few seconds then we drop down.”

Scarlett just listened, looking ahead, feeling his body start to lean back as they got higher.
When they reached the top Scarlett looked at the open sea in awe then they dropped, many of
the crew screaming but Roger and Scarlett were laughing and wooing the whole way down.
By the time they reached the bottom Scarlett only sat on the floor of the crows nest looking
up at the sky out of breath with a big smile. Sure Scarlett has his wings but seeing the sea and
taking the drop always gets his blood pumping.
“How was that kid?” He turned to Max who was also out of breath but smiling “It was
amazing.” Scarlett sees Max laugh when someone else joins the two. “How was that brat?”
Scarlett turns to see his captain with a big smile “it was awesome.” With a smile Roger just
laughs and they hear the call for lunch. Roger and Scarlett race down and tie when they hit
the bottom and run to eat while everyone just laughs and Rayleigh can only sigh to himself
with a smile “save some for us!” And the rest join them.
Amy Island
Chapter Summary

Scarlett gets to work on his dream and Captain and first mate see Scarlett in a new

Chapter Notes

Content warning: talks about slavery and celestial dragons (they get their own warning
because they suck)


Scarlett 10 yrs old

Roger 41 yrs old

Rayleigh 42 yrs old

The journey after reverse mountain has been a blast for Scarlett. He does his chores for the
day and then Rayleigh and Roger both train him in haki and swordsmanship. Both are very
interesting and exciting for Scarlett. Scarlett even started to learn hand to hand combat from
some of the crew.

The islands they have seen have been great, the people they have met are great too. Only
two people tried to turn them into the marines so that is a win. Most of the time Scarlett and
Roger have tried to spar more on empty islands as a precaution, as both tried to use
conqueror's haki when Rayleigh wasn’t looking only for the marines on the island to see it
and they had to run.

Currently they are on Amy island for a mini vacation at least that is what Roger called it.
There isn’t much for Scarlett to do as he scouted the island the first day they landed here, so
he spends his time at the bar the crew has been hanging at. He learned they were going to be
there for two weeks and they were only two day away from Sabaody.

Today he was sitting at the bar reading a book on navigating the grand line when the
sound of yelling reached his ears. “I know you cheated! you fucker! Give me back my berries
fucker!” Scarlett can only shake his head. The guy was cheating as soon as the guy yelling
way before the guy entered the bar. Scarlett hears a sigh then the sound of a gun being fired
into the floor near the guys.

“Take this bullshit outside or your knees are next.” It is Jess, the owner of Jessie’s bar, the
one Scarlett and everyone has been at for the last few days. She is a 5’6 ft woman in her early
20s with purple hair, tan skin, with a cigarette in her other hand, and simple clothes but her
eyes scream she is done with their bull shit.

Scarlett reaches for Sol who is on his back when he feels the man’s crew start to stand.
The bar is full of tension as the man’s crew are ready for a fight while Scarlett takes a quick
glance around the bar he doesn’t see any of his crew and decides that is for the better. When
the sound of a gun goes off, quickly Scarlett slices the bullet in half before it reaches Jess. “
It's best you do as the lady said.” Scarlett stands tall in front of the bar facing the crew and
they just laugh. “oh yeah and what are you going to do pipsqueak haha!” Scarlett only shakes
his head and ready himself as hell breaks loose.

The crew all start to charge at Scarlett when their captain goes for Jess. It only takes a few
swings of Sol before the man’s crew of 10 men are done, all laid out on the floor, Scarlett
only injured them not killed he felt it be pointless as he turns to clean off Sol when he sees
Jess is also done fighting the captain.

Slowly they started to raise once again only to grab their captain and leave. “Thanks for
the help, kid.” A voice from behind him reaches his ears. “No problem, dealt with plenty of
losers like them before.” he places Sol on his back again and takes to his seat and begins to
read once more when a drink is placed in front of him.

Scarlett only looks at Jess with a raised eyebrow and takes a sip. It's a mocktail, it's a
blend of berries with mint and something a little sour but it is really good. “It’s good. Do you
have a name for it?” Jess starts cleaning mugs trying to hide the blush on her ears shaking her
head no. “Nope, no name yet, how about you name it as a thank you for the help. I’m sure it
will be one of my best sellers.” Scarlett thinks it over and takes another sip when an idea hits

“How about I name this drink and you work with me?” Scarlett watches as she puts down
the cup finally looking up with a smirk. “And what exactly is this work?” Scarlett looks at
her unimpressed, closing his book. “I need ears to the ground and a handler, it’s not hard to
know you have connections from what I’ve seen these past few days. It’s simple: a few words
reach my ears and a few people disappear and berries exchange hands.”

Jess can only laugh at the kid. “You are a smart cookie, I'll give you that. how about this,
you lift one of the mayor’s wife rings right now as she is in town, then maybe I will consider
it.” Scarlett only smiles and packs his things and heads out the bar “I’ll be back.”


Scarlett heads to the Oro Jackson and puts away his things and puts his dagger on his belt
and puts on his new black cloak and mask, heads to the town ignoring the calls of his name,
getting his head in the game. Scarlett is quick to make it to the roofs and hides his presence
moving to where he spots the mayor’s wife. Scarlett checks his surroundings and jumps down
an alley hiding his presence and makes his move when the wife is close to him. It was that
simple he got the ring and made his way down another alley and took to the roof by the time
the yelling started.
Scarlett makes it back all the way to the Oro Jackson still hiding all the way to his room
and changes once again and heads to Jessie’s bar, ring in his pocket in a small bag. Scarlett
reaches the bar and feels his crew already there he said hi to a few as he passes and makes his
way to the bar waiting for Jess.

He watches her work the bar before she notices him there looking smug. “So you got it?”
Scarlett takes the small bag out of his pocket and slides it towards her while he takes a slip of
a drink she placed in front of him. She looks inside and her eyes go wide looking around
before laughing “Alright kid you got a deal.” She puts the ring in her pocket and holds out
her hand. “Great to be working with you, partner.” Scarlett shakes her hand, “Okay now tell
me the name of the drink.” Scarlett gives her a big smile. “Hehe, how about death in the
afternoon.” Jess just laughs.


The Roger pirates stay another week longer before they decide to hit the grand line once
again. Jess is seeing them off, many of the Roger Pirates grow closer to her besides Scarlett,
even Roger and Rayleigh. “See you again brat, answer when I call! May the seas grace you
with calm waves!” Scarlett leans over the railing waving both of his arms.

“ May the winds guide your sail!” Scarlett waves as they set sail, Jess had taught him that
old saying. She said it was a more traditional way of saying safe travels and it would earn
him points in the eyes of older pirates. Scarlett and Jess already switched numbers to their
snail both with white and long distance snails a while back and are ready to start business.

“Already missing your girlfriend Scar.” Scarlett only rolls his eyes at Roger, the crew have
been teasing him about Jess since they saw him at the bar the first day on the island. Scarlett
turns to his Captain shaking his head with a smile. “Sorry to disappoint but I swing for the
other team captain.” giving Roger a pat on the back leaving heads to find Max to ask some
questions. Leaving behind a frozen Roger who he later hears shout “YOU CAN’T DROP
THAT AND WALK AWAY!” Scarlett could only laugh and run as he could hear his captain's
footsteps start to pick up.

It was a simple game of tag and landed them in the dinner hall crashing into a table and
breaking it. Both Scarlett and Roger freeze as they had been warned about running around in
the dinner hall before. “You think we can make a run for it?” Roger asks Scarlett knowing the
kid almost always uses his observation haki “no he is already here.” Scarlett whispers as
Rayleigh clears his throat, getting both of their attention. Rayleigh is like the strict dad while
Roger is the cool older brother. So right now Scarlett is a little scared.

The two quickly stand next to each other trying to block the broken table even if it is
pointless. “Hey Rayray, are you excited to head to Sabaody? Roger and some of the others
were talking about heading to grove 13 to see Shakky and how you were going to be really
excited.” Scarlett watching as Roger goes pale in the corner of his eyes, Scarlett was going to
say anything to get out of trouble even if it meant throwing Roger under the bus.

Roger looked at Scarlett with hurt and disbelief, he couldn’t believe he was betrayed if he
was going under he would take Scarlett with him. “And Scarlett was just telling me how he
wished he had a different teacher as you were too weak to teach him anything.” Roger
answered back, causing Scarlett’s eyes to go wide with a gasp leaving him. “ I don’t want
another teacher! I didn’t say he was weak! Take that back OLD BAG!” Scarlett shouted as he
quickly jumped and kicked Roger in the back causing the other to stubble a few steps.

Scarlett quickly rushed close to Rayleigh who looked a little hurt at Roger’s words.
“Rayray I would never call you weak! I would never trade you! You know that right?!”
Scarlett pouted up at Rayleigh and tried to give his best puppy dog eyes that Roger and the
rest have been showing him in hopes to not get punished for the table. Roger could only let
out shocked noises while Rayleigh looked down at the boy who was starting to make himself
cry. Rayleigh’s heart hurts looking at the sad boy even if he knows it's fake. “I know you
won’t, little Scar.” He answers, giving the boy a head pat causing the other to smile as the
tears disappear.
“But you and Roger broke the table and broke the rules so you both will be punished.
Roger, no alcohol for two days and Scar, no card games with the crew which means no
gambling for two days.” Both Roger and Scarlett fell to their knees looking up at Rayleigh
“you are so mean!” They both shout while the rest of the crew who were in the dinner hall

Rayleigh only sighed at the two “while you two clean up the table, it's time we had a talk
Scar.” Scarlett and Roger got up and started to clean “what about?” Scarlett asked “about
Sabaody and what could happen.” Scarlett nods his head while picking up a piece of wood
turning to Rayleigh. “There is nothing to say. I already know about the bitches at the top. I
don’t a fuck about them.” Scarlett’s words cause everyone around to freeze and hold their
breath. “If any of them try anything on me it will be the last thing they do. Simple.”

Scarlett goes back to picking up the table while everyone is at a loss for words. Rayleigh
and Roger share a look both lost at the young boy's words. “Y-you know about the gods?”
Some random crew ask breaking the silence only for the sound of wood snapping to fill the
air along with a release of conquerors haki. Scarlett feels beyond angry at them being called
gods. He feels like lightning is running in his veins wanting to get out. “They are not gods.
They are piece of shit people with a god complex and money who think they are above the
world. I can’t wait for the day they fall.”

Scarlett can feel a hand on his shoulder bringing him out of his anger, “Scar,” Scarlett
looks up at Roger who looks down at the boy with concern. “You’re bleeding.” Scarlett
looked down at his hands and sure enough Scarlett had cut his hand on the wood he still had
in his hand. “Ah, I am. I’ll take care of it.” Scarlett dropped the wood and stopped the
bleeding as he headed out the dinner hall and into the medical supply room.

The crew were at a loss of words, no one really had any ideas on what to say as this was
the first time anyone saw the young boy show any anger. “Everyone get back to what you
were doing.” Roger said as he moved in front of Rayleigh, nodding his head to the door. The
two left the hall and walked halfway to the medical supply room only stopping a few feet
away. “Have you seen his back?” Roger asked fearing the worst had happened to their cabin
boy. Rayleigh only shook his head as he too was fearing the worst.
The two walked in and saw Scarlett sitting on a box with his hand now wrapped with a
few supplies around him. At the sound of the door closing Scarlett was bought out of his
thoughts. “Hey kid, how's the hand?” Roger asked as he moved to sit in front of the kid
taking a closer look at the newly wrapped hand. “Fine, I didn't need stitches.” Roger sighed
leaning back on his hands staring at the boy while Rayleigh leaned against the door blocking
Scarlett from leaving or anyone from entering during this conversation.

“Scar, can we see your back?” Roger asked, Scarlett thought it was a weird request but
did it anyway. He turned and lifted his shirt and he could hear a breath of relief from the other
two at the empty back. Scarlett pulled his shirt down and looked at the two in confusion only
to be met with smiles. “What with your faces?” Roger just laughed “With how you were in
the hall we thought of the worst.” Scarlett thinks it over and can’t help but smile as he is
touched they care for him like that.

“Thanks for caring, never even seen one of them. It’s just my home island. They are like
them, at least those in the kingdom. Those in High Town are snobby wealthy nobles thinking
they are above everyone. While Edge town is for the poor and crime thieves there and then
there is the Grey Terminal, a trash town and lawless area. Those in High town and the king
threw their trash there and people live there. Those in edge town and those who live there go
through the piles looking for anything to make a quick berry.” Scarlett takes a breath, letting
the two take in the information. “Where did you live?” Rayleigh asked, holding his arm
rather tight Scarlett gave him a smile “I lived in a village on the other side of the island away
from the kingdom. It’s the perfect peaceful village.”

“Then how do you know all this?” Roger asked with a hard thinking face “because I work
within the kingdom. I take out almost anyone when it's the right price or when someone
wants a way off the island.” Scarlett watches as the two grow pale. “W-why would you do
that?” Rayleigh asks Scarlett shrugs his shoulders as he looks at his shoes “grew up around
those people and learned their stories, most were tragic, I wanted to help. I got so good at it
the guards have strict orders to leave me be finally. It’s all I had been asking for the last four
years. If they attack first I get to kill the fuckers.”

“How?” Roger whispered as if he was talking to himself. “They had always been afraid of
me but it was only recently did they start to fear me. A few months before the sea led me to
you, a friend was taken to be a slave to the head figure in charge of all the guards. People got
word to me and it wasn’t long before I went to her. It wasn’t hard to find her, I found her on
her knees surrounded by four important people to the kingdom but the moment he put a hand
on her head it was gone.” Scarlett scratched the back of his head thinking about the night, it
still angers him.

“ After that I took him out with ease and told everyone there they would be next, took a
finger from each of them and left scars on them after knocking them out. Took my friend
away and talked to her afterwards, lucky bastards didn’t touch her or they would all be dead.
But i gave her a choice: I could get her to another island or I could take her life.”

Roger and Rayleigh have no words “what did she choose?” Rayleigh had to know,
Scarlett picked him his head giving the two a big smile “she wanted to live, we got her things
and she and her girlfriend said goodbye to their friends and now living comfortably on a new
island in the east blue until they move back to the north blue. They plan on opening a
bookstore.” Scarlett was happy when they told him their plans, he was happy to see the light
in their eyes once again.

“Well that is good, I hope they are doing good.” Roger said as he got up from his place on
the floor. “Now let's go eat. I'm sure everyone has already started without us.” Only for
Rayleigh to still block the door. “Move Ray?” “No, you have yet to tell me why you guys
broke the table?” Scarlett jumped down from his box pushing past Roger “because I told Old
Bag I swing for the other team.” Scarlett answered, pushing past a stunned Rayleigh. “See?!
You can’t just drop that Scar!!” Roger called out the door while Scarlett laughed.
Taking the new world by storm
Chapter Summary

Scarlett enters into the new world and gets his first job from Jess

Chapter Notes

Content warning : slavery and murder


Scarlett 11 yrs old

Roger 42 yrs old

Rayleigh 42 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett had a blast at Sabaody; they didn’t have any problems with marines and had a
blast meeting Shakky for the first time. But most importantly he got to watch Rayleigh be a
train wreck when it came to Shakky. Getting his drinks everywhere but his mouth, messing
up his words, being so flustered every time she talked to him. Most of all Roger made sure to
point out everything Rayleigh was doing wrong to Shakky who just looked amused with him
but also she liked it. Scarlett never knew Rayleigh could get so red as he did when Shakky
kissed him on the cheek when they were leaving. Roger and Scarlett laughed at him the
whole time they headed to fishman island.

The crew didn’t plan to stay more than a day so Scarlett wanted to be quick and look at the
road poneglyph as soon as he could. Making it to the island the king was there already
waiting for Roger. They made small talk that Scarlett wasn’t listening to, when he looked at
Rayleigh for permission to leave. Rayleigh only chuckled and shook his head yes and Scarlett
took off running without another word.
Scarlett takes a bus and heads to the sea forest which was beautiful to look at as he walked
down a path. After walking for a while there, they were standing 30ft tall and both still there,
the road poneglyph and joyboy’s poneglyph. The road poneglyph bright red still standing
strong Scarlett couldn’t read it but he just looked at it, amazed and ran his fingers along the
letters and just took in the moment. Scarlett could only think this will lead to the last island.
Maybe one day he will come back and take a copy of it.

Scarlett stayed a while in peace and quiet before he decided it was time to head back. He
reached the ship in perfect time as the crew was going to start looking for him as they
planned to set sail. After saying their goodbyes the crew set sail once again into the New


Being in the new world was nothing like paradise. They got hit by storms left and right
before they even got to the island. When Scarlett’s snail rang for the first time in a while, they
were docked on an island for four days and it was already their third day and planned to sail
in the morning. “Brat you there?” Scarlett smiled at the snail. His first job is here. “Yes Jess,
it's nice to hear from you. What’s up?”

“Got a job for you.” Scarlett was quick to move from the crew into his room and started
to change as Jess gave him the information. “You are on Snowcap island, yes?” Scarlett
searches his closet for his cloat. “ yeah but we leave in the morning.”

“Good it won’t take long. 2 million for this. Take out a noble named Charles Alberich, his
file says he is a real piece of work but doesn’t have guards in his estate, just slaves. Got a
beard and blonde hair easy to spot.” Scarlett took a breath, that was the one thing he had yet
to see since he left Dawn island. “Locals?” “Yeah it seems like but now he only has two with
him the rest are gone most likely dead already, both stay with him always so they might be in
his room.”
Scarlett puts his dagger on his belt and is ready for his job grabbing his card and turns to
the snail. “Location?” “Big house, painted pink with flowers all over the lawn, top of a hill.”
“I saw that house already, it will be quick, call when it's done.” And Scarlett heads out.


Scarlett takes to the roofs as it is easier to hide and makes it to the house at the top of a hill
and sure enough there are no guards. Scarlett quickly uses his haki to confirm there are only
three people in the home. He finds an open window and makes his way into the home all the
way to the room.

Sure enough there are two people chained to the wall near the windows both look asleep
but are full of bruises and dirt, both are being fed something as they look a healthy weight as
he moves towards the bed to his target he takes out his dagger. Moving closer before slicing
the man’s neck, hitting the main artery and cutting his voice cords so he can’t scream and
watching him bleed to his death. Scarlett also made sure to hit his heart just so he stays dead,
he places his card a simple red skull and crossbones with wings and looks for the keys to the

He finds them in a nightstand and wakes the two sleeping girls. “Hey come on get up,
you guys got to leave.” Both wake with a fright before looking at a boy dressed in black.
“Here let me take those off and you guys get off this island or hide. He won’t get you, he is
dead but it's best you run.” He was able to take off all the chains and both girls no older than
15 were only staring at the bed waiting. “Trust me he is gone now go.” both look at each
other and hug him “thank you.” one says before the girls take off. Scarlett is stunned for a
second and leaves as well.

He sneaks his way back on to the Oro Jackson heading to the Rex after grabbing his snail
and calls Jess. She answers on the first ring as he walks into the cabin. “It’s done.” “Ha! you
won’t kidding. Alright I’ll send you a cut. Till next time.” she hangs up as Scarlett undresses
and heads to shower.
He grabs his sleeping tea and calls for Rex “Rex can you come here please?” Rex appears
seated at the table facing Scarlett. “ What can I do for you Little One?” Scarlett gives him a
small smile before taking a sip, “Can you lay with me?” Rex gives him a big smile. “Of
course, Little One.” Scarlett finishes his tea and lays next to Rex as he starts humming Binks
Sake, one of the crew's favorites. “Ha of course it's that song.” “Hey you like it, why
complain.” Scarlett only moves to cuddle into Rex’s side as he countines the song and falls


The next morning Scarlett with a headache and body aches, as he stood out of bed Scarlett
stumbled his way to the bathroom and spilled out his dinner. Rex was by his side, quickly
rubbing his back until he was done and led Scar out of the Rex and on to the Oro. Hoping to
find Roger or Rayleigh, luckily it wasn’t hard as the two left in the path to the upper deck
with party poppers in hand.

Rex smiled it seems they knew what today was but the celebration would have to wait.
“Sorry guys, he isn’t doing too good for a party.” Roger and Rayleigh quickly started to panic
as they had never seen Scarlett look so fragile. Roger moved quickly to pick up Scar only for
Rex to stop him. “Unless you want him to throw up on you Captain, don’t carry him. Just
walk him to a bed. We don't have medicine in our place. So I ask you guys to take care of
him. I can only go so far.”

The two nod as Roger leaves with Scarlett carefully holding him straight so he can walk.
Rex and Rayleigh watch as the two walk down the hallway. “We will take care of him. I’ll
come give you updates.” Rex gives his thanks and disappears leaving Rayleigh thinking on
how the hell they are going to take care of a sick kid.

Luckily for Roger and Rayleigh it turns out Max knew how to take care of a sick person,
so he was their go to man. Roger had gotten Scarlett into his personal room and was able to
get him to sleep again by the time Max and Rayleigh had come back with the proper things.

Roger and Rayleigh listened and watched everything Max was doing and saying hoping
to not fail at taking care of the kid. “See all done, I get him some broth then he can take the
meds. And he should be fine in a couple of days. Oh and don’t forget to take the pills so you
don’t get sick either.” Max said, leaving the two to watch the sleeping kid.

Roger and Rayleigh both just sat down already exhausted but they would do their best for
their cabin boy. “I‘ll go let everyone know the party is on hold until he is better.” Rayleigh
said as he walked out the room leaving Roger alone.

Roger sat quietly trying to find ways to pass the time rather than watch the sleeping boy
until he heard a whimper that seemed to only get louder. Quickly Roger was by Scarlett’s
side not really sure how to help the kid. “…” Roger froze confused by what the
boy was trying to say and just wiped the boy's tears as they rolled down his face. “shh.. Scar
it's okay.. he is okay, it's just a bad dream..” Roger whispered to the boy who slowly stopped
crying at Roger’s words, even if Roger had no idea who Ace was.

After that Roger fell asleep by the boy’s side and didn’t wake up until Rayleigh came back
into the room. “How is he?” Roger sat up and stretched “just nightmare but the rest is the
same. Oh, is that the soup for him?” Rayleigh nodded, putting down the tray on the
nightstand and checked Scarlett’s temperature. “He isn’t hot as hot anymore, let’s wake him
up so he can eat. Max said he can take the meds when I got the soup.”

Rayleigh carefully shook Scarlett’s shoulder “kid, wake up. Scar, come on. You need to
take the meds.” Scarlett slowly opens his eyes, blinking slowly as he sits up in a really comfy
bed. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes Scarlett takes in his surroundings “ Oh cap, ray, wher-”
he lets out a big yawn “am i?” Causing the two to chuckle “in Roger’s room. Turns out even
you can get sick. Come have some soup and take some meds.” Rayleigh said as he held the
bowl in front of Scarlett who was only looking at it. Confusing the other two “is something
wrong?” Roger asked, trying to take a peek at the boy’s face as his hair was covering it only
to get a peak at tears.
“Today is my birthday.. sniff… and I’m sick.. sniff… I hate it..” Scarlett answers, finally
taking the bowl as Roger and Rayleigh chuckle as the boy eats slowly. The two try to fill the
boy in on everything the crew had been doing while he was asleep until the boy took his
meds and finished half the bowl and went back to sleep. “That went well.” Roger said as
Rayleigh cleaned up “yeah let’s hope the meds do their job and kid will be good as new.”


Two days later Scarlett woke feeling extremely better, taking a look around Scarlett found
he was still in Roger’s room and alone. It seemed everyone was out for now. Scarlett hopped
out of the bed and didn’t feel dizzy or have the need to puke and started to do simple
stretches and head out to find the others.

Scarlett made it to the top deck and found the whole crew in a circle clearly betting on
something. Scarlett being the best gambler on the crew he has to jump in. He got closer and
made his way to Max who was taking the bets as he can see its a drinking contest between
Sal and Trey both who aren’t big drinkers but Trey is the better drinker of the two.

Scarlett made it to Max tugging on his shirt getting the man's attention “Max 4,ooo on
Trey.” Everyone stopped what they were doing at the sound of Scarlett’s voice. “KID!” They
all shouted making Scar smile “Morning everyone, Sal don’t pour out that mug!” Scarlett
shouted, causing everyone to look down at Sal who has a p0ut “I wasn’t going too brat.” And
goes back to drink. “Max, 4,000 on Trey.” And Scarlett took a seat watching as the crew went
back and forth on who would win.

Roger came up to him first “glad you are awake kid. gave us quite the scare.” Causing
Scarlett to giggle thinking of the crew running around like lost chickens. “Well thanks for
taking care of me.” The sounds of cheering reached the two, it turns out Scarlett was right
Trey beat Sal who was now down for the count. “ Haha! Pay up Max!” Scarlett shouted
“alright!alright! Here kid you won the whole pot.” Scarlett looked confused; he was sure
people bet on Trey too. “Wha-” Before Scarlett could finish the crew shouted together
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCAR and CAPTAIN!” Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh, he can say in
that moment Scarlett how happy.

Chapter End Notes

Yo! Double chapters! I hope you guys are doing good!

Til next time

It might be time
Chapter Summary

Roger asks an important qustion and the Roger’s get a visitor.

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 11 yrs old

Roger 42 yrs old

Rayleigh 43 yrs old

Jess praised Scarlett so much on his first job that got some attention in the underworld so
more jobs came in that followed the Roger pirates throughout the new world. Scarlett was
happy to be getting jobs while Roger and Rayleigh started to think it’s time. Scarlett had been
with them over a year already and had done well with his training and he can hold his own
against other pirate crews that they had fought with and they have done good keeping him
hidden from the marines.

“You talk to him, Ray, he won’t blow you off!” Roger quietly yells as he doesn’t want to
wake a sleeping Scarlett who is currently laying in between the two. After the crew had
thrown a big party to celebrate a new batch of treasure plus Scarlett had finally fallen asleep
after two days being awake.

“You are the captain! Roger, it will mean more if he hears it from you!” He shouted,
causing them both to pause and look down at the boy who thankfully didn’t wake up. “Roger,
if you like the kid so much then upgrade him to the crew already. I mean he has been with us
for months already, and he is better then most of the crew. It feels dumb not to make him

Roger knew that Rayleigh was right but even Roger was scared of Scarlett saying no. The
whole all have grown fond of the kid everyone thought of the kid as their little brother. Roger
looks down at the sleeping kid one last time before looking back at Rayleigh who gave him a
smile already knowing Roger’s answer. “Fine, I’ll ask in the morning.” Causing the other to
laugh and the two go back to drinking watching the stars as the sail to the next island.


Scarlett had been up since the sun hit his face and had been training with Sol until Roger
had found him late in the morning. At first Roger didn’t say anything so Scarlett just went on
with his routine until he started asking questions and Roger answered it wasn’t often but it
did make Scarlett smile when Roger tried his best to explain everything.

It was only to the end of Scarlett’s routine did Roger finally ask a question. “Scar, why did
you agree to be our cabin boy?” Scarlett almost lost his footing but put himself together and
continued with the end of his routine “because I wanted to.” Scarlett could see Roger wasn’t
looking for that answer. “Now give me a real answer.” Scarlett finished and sat down next to
Roger grabbing his towel, wiping away his sweat and taking a breath.

“Fine Captain, I wanted to see the person who became King. I only knew very little about
him but now I know you. Roger the loud mouth drunk with a kind heart and a great taste for
adventure. A reckless man who will stand and defend those he holds close. A man the sea
loves to death. I got to meet a big brother I didn't know I had. So that is why I stand here
before you today and I don't regret it for a second.” Scarlett could tell his words hit Roger in
some way and since he spilled part of his heart already Scarlett didn’t see the point in holding
on to the other half.
“I only knew tales and nothing could have been true in my world but now with you in
front of me, I'm happy I got to meet you. Even if I don't know how long I will stay with you.
I’m just happy. My life before was okay but I don’t think I was happy. I was Yato, a man who
moved across the world for a job that would have made me unhappy now that I think about it
with no family left and no real friends. But now I have you guys and Dragon and a few
others. Anyways, what was the question?” Scarlett asked only to be engulfed into a hug.

It was silent, until Roger’s joyful laugh filled the air “ hahaha! Who knew you could be
such a charmer Scar! Join my crew!” Scarlett pulled out of the hug and looked up at Roger
“are you serious?” Roger looked down letting Scarlett out of the hug “yes, be our secret
crewmate, our little assassin. You will always be crew and always welcome here even after
you leave.” It wasn’t long before Scarlett threw himself around Roger laughing “Yes!” Roger
picked up Scarlett throwing him over his shoulder and headed to the rest of the crew that
were totally not listening at the end. “Everyone Scarlett said yes! Welcome our little assassin
Scarlett to the Roger Pirates! Now let’s party!”


Scarlett went around getting congratulations and high fives from everyone around until he
made his way back to Roger with Rayleigh by his side. As Rayleigh was going to say
something, Scarlett felt something enter his haki field, and it was coming fast “IN
COMING!” He shouted and quickly took to the air using Sol to explode a cannon ball.
Scarlett quickly searched for the source only to be knocked out of the air and crash down on
the deck.

“Scar!” Some shouted, when an angry voice covered the deck “this is where you have
been brat?!” Scarlett winced covering his ears looking up at his old man. “Garp, why are you
here?!” Roger asked as he tried to shield Scarlett who got to his feet. “Leave him captain, old
man is pissed.” “Captain?! Did you become a pirate?!” Garp yelled as he landed on the deck.
Scarlett sighs moving around Roger “old man how did you find me? Vive card? Or you have
had marines on my ass since I left the east?” Garp looked at his son in disbelief and quickly
gave him “Fist of Love!” That Scarlett quickly missed and hit Garp in the stomach with the
end of his sword with haki. Scarlett knew it won’t do much but it is enough to put space
between them.
“ Vive card it is then. Where did you get it? Because only Dragon has it. So how did you find
me?” Garp faces his little scar who is no longer small, “brat I made one when you were
born!” Scarlett sighs, shaking his head. “Captain, can we hold off the party for a bit?” Roger
looked between two before turning to the rest of the crew “you heard the kid, now go into the
dinner hall.” The crew left leaving Roger, Rayleigh, Scarlett and Garp on top deck.

Garp and Scarlett stood in front of each other while Roger and Rayleigh stood in the
middle between the two off to the side, ready to intervene if they needed to. “What are you
doing here Old Man?” Scarlett asked “why are you here instead of training to be a marine?!”
Scarlett felt his feathers want to jump out his sink and clenched his fists wishing he could hit

“I already told a bunch of times,Old man, I will never be a damn marine!” “Why?! Why
can’t you do this simple thing and not be a pirate! I already have one son as a criminal, I
don’t need another!” Garp yelled back causing the two off the side to understand what Garp
was trying to say, they could only hope Scarlett could see it.

“You think we will end up on the stand? That’s what it is, right? Ha, that just proves what
little faith you have in us. Like we would ever be caught. The day I end up on that stand is
when I choose to die! Not when those fuckers get to decide!” Scarlett shouted he understood
his old man but the man trained him and Dragon gave them the basics and let them go. Roger
and Rayleigh nodded at Scarlett’s words while Garp could only sigh thinking his son is too
much like his mother.

“Old man, I get you care about us and worry but we choose our own paths, our own
freedom. You can’t always protect us.” Garp moves and pulls Scarlett against him holding
him close. “When did you get so grown up?” Scarlett smiled, holding his old man just as
close. Scarlett pulled away first and stood a bit away “so did you bring uncle Bogard too?”
Causing Garp to laugh “of course you would ask for him! But sorry to disappoint, it's just me
this time.” Scarlett nods “too bad I wanted to introduce him to my captain and Rayleigh.”

Roger laughed, getting Scarlett's attention “what funny Cap?” “Sorry, sorry Scar, but we
already know Bogard.” Roger answers, trying hard not to laugh more at Scarlett's pout. “
Obviously, you know him but you know the marine, not the person. Just like people know
you as Captain but not Roger. But oh well maybe next time.”

“Next time I'm taking in Roger.” Scarlett froze, having flashbacks to Roger on the stand.
Scarlett shakes his head missing the concerned looks they send his way “leave my captain
alone old man!” Scarlett crossed his arms much like his old man does, getting a chuckle from
Roger and Rayleigh. “Stop calling him captain brat!” Garp said coping the same position as
Scarlett. “Nope! He is my captain, the only person I will call my captain for now.” “No!”

The two continue this for a while with Roger laughing in the background with Rayleigh
wishing he had a drink. “Okay enough you two, Scarlett let the old man go. Garp are you
staying or not? We are going to have a party.” “Nah, I just needed to check on the brat, my
boat is not far from here.” Scarlett nods. “ later Old man. Captain, race you to the hall.” The
two take off leaving Rayleigh and Garp.

Rayleigh sighs while Garp makes his way to the railing ready to jump down but pauses
“Rayleigh, watch my boy.” “Yeah,yeah. We will.” Garp nods and jumps onto his boat while
Rayleigh hands after his idiot friend and latest crew mate only to hear the sounds of a crash.
“You better have not broken another table!” “It wasn't me!!” The two shouts. Rayleigh feels
like he is going to get more gray hair with the two together.
It might be time to jump ship
Chapter Summary

Scarlett makes an importan decision.

Chapter Notes

Content warning : none


Scarlett 12 yrs old

Roger 43 yrs old

Rayleigh 44 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Another year has passed with the roger pirates and Scarlett is living life. The crew is great,
the troubles they get into are fun. Roger and Rayleigh are great teachers. Scarlett is doing
well with Jess getting him jobs on every island he is at as he slowly starts to build a network.
It’s going well but even Scarlett can tell something is forming under the peace he just doesn't
know what.

While not all the islands they stop at have Marnie bases that doesn’t mean word doesn’t
travel. Currently Scarlett and some of the crew are at a bar when Scarlett’s listens in on a
conversation across the bar between two men. “I’m telling you the truth! We need to warn the
mayor before they kill him!” “Just because the Roger’s are here doesn't mean the old guy is
going to die.” “Don’t you get it! Ever since they have been in the new world someone
important on each island they stop at has died! It’s them! Even the marines are starting to put
it together!”
Scarlett pouts putting down his drink and thinks over the last two years. Yes he makes it
messy but he leaves nothing for marines or people to lead to Roger and the crew. He makes
sure to never do that. But if marines are connecting dots then it must be time for Scarlett to
jump ship.

While Scarlett doesn't like the idea he would rather not get the others involved in his
trouble. Scarlett lets the others know he is heading to the ship. After all he has to think things
through and make a call to Jess to find out if this is true. As she has ears everywhere and
knows everyone, If marines are putting things together she would know.

Scarlett walks past everyone as he boards the Oro Jackson lost in his mind, walking on
autopilot below deck and to the Rex. It’s not long before Scarlett makes it to his cabin with
Rex already at his side looking confused as Scarlett was supposed to be at the bar playing a
big poker game with the rest.

Scarlett pulls out his snails from under a loose floorboard and dials Jess’s number who
answers on the first ring as all ways. “What’s up?” She answered with a sleepy voice
meaning Scarlett most likely woke her up. “sorry for the late call but I need to know, are the
seagulls looking at us?” (Meaning marines looking at the Rogers) Scarlett can hear Jess
moving around before he hears the sound of her lighter. “Yes they are.” Scarlett runs a hand
through his hair, wanting to scream and be angry he didn’t notice sooner.

“Was going to tell you about it on the next one. They have nothing solid but they are
suspicious of them.” Scarlett could only sigh, he knew he couldn't stay here forever anyways.
“Alright I’ll leave. Throw the trail elsewhere and head back to Paradise. Maybe even stop by
you.” Scarlett only smiled at Jess’s chuckle “whatever, later kid.” Scarlett only smiled as he
hung up the snail putting it back under the floorboard and just sat there for a minute trying to
think of the best plan of action was to leave without telling anyone or tell Roger.

“So that’s it you will leave.” Roger’s voice echoes in the cabin. It seems Scarlett won’t
have to do anything after all, sighing to himself Scarlett gets to his feet and meets Roger and
Rayleigh both with sad looks on their faces. “We knew I wasn’t going to stay forever
captain.” Scarlett says as he moves to sit at he the table. “Remember I am a serect member
can’t have marines looking to close at you for them to find me. It’s for the best Captain.”
“Fine, if that is what you want. At least stay long enough for a party with everyone.”
Scarlett nods and Roger leaves while Rayleigh stays behind clearly not done with this
conversation. “What is it Rayray?” “We can handle marines, so why?” Scarlett shakes his
head “my plans. Can’t have marines on me or the people im with. I can’t put my people in
danger before I am ready for it.” Scarlett can feel Rayleigh frustration from his seat. “You
won’t get it right now Rayleigh but you will one day. It’s not like I'm going to disappear, we
can still make calls and I'm sure the sea will lead me back to you guys when I want to.”

Rayleigh sighs “whatever kid. Lets go up deck it seems everyone is back.” The two head
up and are meet with a loud crew “Are you really leaving?! Scar you can't!” They all shout,
causing Scarlett to smile before clapping his hands as loud as he could, silencing the crew. “I
know it is sudden but I have plans and places to be so I can’t stay long but you all are crew,
friends, hell family. Just because I will be gone for a while doesn't mean I won’t see you guys
ever again. Okay. So let's have a big ass party like we always do and not get sappy.”


The crew all went around giving well wishes and party well into the night as the next
morning Scarlett would be gone. Rex was no longer in the hold and fully stocked on any
supplies Scarlett might need now that he was next to the Oro Jackson who was sad to see
Scarlett leave but understood. The crew laid out cold from drinking hard but Scarlett and
Roger as Rayleigh turned in early.

Scarlett laid out on deck watching the stars thinking they looked amazing while Roger had
disappeared from his side. Scarlett just watched the stars for a long time before he felt Roge
retune to his side with a bottle of sake and two glasses Scarlett knows too well. Scarlett lets
out a small chuckle at the glasses as he sits up “can’t believe you haven't broken them yet.”
Roger takes a seat in front of Scarlett, placing down the drink and the cups. “They were a gift
from you, I wouldn't break them.” Scarlett still remembers the shocked look on Roger's face
when he gave him the cups not long after joining the crew as a cabin boy.
“Whatever, there is something I want to explain.” Roger starts off, he seems pretty
nervous from what Scarlett can tell. “On the seas there are many codes and traditions that run
with pirates. Many are passed down for those in the waves. Tonight I wish to share one with
you. It was an older tradition, that many use between the whole crew but tonight it is just for
us. Sharing a cup of sake and forming an oath of brotherhood. That even if the sky falls or the
sea splits, should we be sent into the waves, we would always be brothers. As you know I see
you as a little brother in all but blood. While I am fine with things the way they are, I thought
we can do this tradition together.” Scarlett watches as Roger filles both glasses, taking his
own cup and holding the other for Scarlett to grab.

“So Scarlett, what do you say?” Scarlett let out a wet chuckle as he wiped his tears that
started to fall before he even knew it himself. “That’s not something you need to ask Captain.
sniff. Now pass me the damn glass.” Roger gave him a smile filled with joy as he passed him
the glass. “Now cheers to us being brothers!” Roger said as they raised their glasses meeting
in the middle causing a loud click of the glass before the two downed the drink.

Scarlett could only taste the sweetness before laughing with Roger as the two started to
finish the bottle of sake and watch the stars while the others slept.


By the time morning came along with the sun barely peeking out from the horizon
Scarlett was already on the Rex with a set long post that he didn’t really need as the sea
guides him and as he was going to untie the Rex a voice reached him “may the seas grace
you with calm waves Scarlett.” Scarlett turns to look up at Roger and Rayleigh with a smile
“may the winds guide your sails.” Scarlett threw the rope on his deck and set sail off to start
his own adventure.

Chapter End Notes

Our time with the Roger pirates has ended but it will not be the last we see of them. It’s
time for Scarlett to go off on his own! Lets see what else he does!
Back in paradise
Chapter Summary

Scarlett makes a new connection and meets an old friend.

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 13 yrs old

As Scarlett walked his way through the winter island hoping to find the world’s best
doctor only for the lady to avoid him. Scarlett just needs some sleeping tea and maybe get a
new imformat/ teacher. Scarlett hase been on his own for a year now leaving the Roger
pitares in the new world with him in paraside. Luckly Scarlett’s plan to threw off marines
worked and their trail of linking Roger’s to him is gone.

After that he was able to write to his uncle and everyone at Dawn island and everyone was
doing good. It appeared his old man let them know Scarlett was staying with him for a while
and they believed him. He plans on making the trip back to the east by the end of the year
hoping to see baby Makino as she is going to be 3 but it will have to wait.

He is currently on Drum island hoping to meet Dr.Kureha to get more sleeping tea. It just
so happens Dragon had been getting it from her all these years, he felt her with his haki and
she knows he is looking for her so she is watching him from a distance. Scarlett had finally
made it into a warm bar and was able to get a hot meal when he noticed a group of men doing
a terrible job at cheating at a card game. Scarlett decides to join the group after all he has
been playing cards and knows almost every trick in the book. “Mind if I join?”

The group of five looked around, they agreed and started placing bets and began. Scarlett
decided to lose the first two rounds before wiping these guys dry. After 10 rounds the group
appeared to be broke causing Scarlett to head out as he felt Dr.Kureha started to leave from
his haki field. “Well guys better luck next time.” Scarlett took his winnings and headed out to
the Rex for some wine for the doctor.

When Scarlett is not far from the Rex when he feels a pain on his left side, he puts a hand
there and looks down and sees red. Scarlett feels stupid, he let his guard down and he knew
they would come for him but he didn’t pay attention, a rookie mistake. He draws Sol from his
back and turns to face the five men from the bar. “Really you guys couldn’t handle a card
game and shot a kid.” One of the men shout, “shut up fucker! We are taking back what is ours
and whatever you have on that ship!”

Scarlett lets out the most hollow laugh, sending chills down the others backs. “You won’t
make it past me, let alone to the ship.” Scarlett watches the group pull out swords and reload
their gun when the leader shouts, “Get him!” Still bleeding from his side Scarlett still moves
like the wind.

He takes off two arms, he is sure someone lost a leg, and another a foot. “I told you won’t
make it.” and it was over, blood started to cover the snow. Scarlett looks around and starts to
push their bodies into the freezing sea while they beg for their lives. “Sorry my guy you
brought this upon yourselves, you could have accepted the lost and now look where it got
you, losers really.”

Scarlett walked away from the screams and headed to the Rex putting pressure on the
bullet wound. He makes it into the cabin and looks for the med supplies only to find none and
he looks in his bathroom as well to find it empty as well. Scarlett only laughs, of course she
took his supplies now he has a reason to see the best doctor in the world. Scarlett places a
towel to stop the bleeding and leaves the Rex heading into the forest following her haki.
After walking what felt like hours Scarlett makes it to a treehouse with a light on. Scarlett
knocks and waits.
”It's about time you made it brat.” Scarlett only hums as he walks through the door.
“Sorry, it is kinda hard to walk in snow with a bullet wound.” Dr.Kureha only laughs,
pointing to the exam table. “Yeah yeah, sit on the table and take off your shirt.” Scarlett just
follows the lady he knows better than not to listen to the doctor. Once he is done Dr.Kureha
gets to work. Scarlett takes it just fine, turns out the bullet missed everything important and
was just stuck but he would live. It was over before he knew it and now they can talk.

“So what do you want, kid? No one comes to this island unless they know I am here.”
Scarlett just shakes his head pulling his jacket on again. “Heard you are the one my brother
has been getting my sleeping tea from. I could use a restock.” Dr.Kureha looks him up and
down then turns to look at her files, after searching she starts making something at a different
table and Scarlett only watches her work.

After another hour Dr.Kureha is done with the batch of tea, and hands it to Scarlett.
“Thank you, are you up for wine? I have a few cases I can spare. Red and White take your
pick.” Dr.Kureha laughs “i like you brat, give me red, now what did you really want. I have
been in the game long enough to know the tea was a bonus so what is up?” Scarlett watches
her as she looks at her shelves while he tucks the tea into his jacket.

“Ha! You saw right through me doc. It’s simple, I could use some help with poisons and
could use some medical advice from time to time.” Dr.Kureha seems to think it over so
Scarlett decides to shoot his shot. “Plus take in some people I send here. Of course I would
send you extra cases of the best wine.”

She thinks some more and finally answers. “Five cases every three months and ten the
following month after someone you send shows up.” Scarlett just smiles “you got yourself a

After working things out with Dr.Kureha Scarlett decided to head to Amy island hoping to
see Jess for a bit and maybe take a new job. With the help of the sea Scarlett made it to the
island with ease. The island was still moving and looked to be growing still Scarlett docked
taking Sol and his dagger and headed to Jessie’s Bar.

Scarlett walked in and not much has changed since his last visit and quickly took a seat at
the bar. The tables were full with people drinking,laughing, playing cards, some even dancing
along to the band. It brought a smile to Scarlett’s face seeing it so lively.

“Well, look who is here! Didn’t think I would see you today kid.” Scarlett could only
smile as Jess started to make him a drink. “ Hehe , it's good to see you Jess. I see business is
doing good.” She smirks, putting down a death in the afternoon and a small plate of food.
“Yeah more are trying to head into the new world and are stopping here. Now tell me why
you are here? Last we talked you were on Drum island which is weeks away, when we just
talked last week.”

“Nothing really, just wanted to stop by. And as to how fast is a secret.” He said with a
smirk and started to eat while Jess talked about things about the bar. The two spent their time
talking when Jess wasn’t being pulled away but night time came and the bar became fuller.

Scarlett decided to hop over the bar and get to work helping Jess and the few staff she
had. Scarlett was only doing simple cleaning of mugs and tables while everyone else did food
and drinks. After all, he did pick up some things from Patty and Mat at Patty’s bar when he
and Dragon used to hang out there. It wasn’t long before the crowd slowed down giving
everyone a break.

“Thanks for the help, kid.” Jess said as she was finally able to smoke. “No problem. You
help me a lot, it's only fair to return the favor.” Scarlett shrugged his shoulders taking a seat at
the bar again while Jess chuckled “how long you staying kid? As you can see we could use
the extra help..” Scarlett didn't have any jobs and didn’t have anything going on at the
moment other than training. “I don’t know how long until the next job maybe, I don’t mind
helping out.” Jess only smiled “then work begins first thing in the morning.” Causing the two
to laugh.
Back at Marineford
Chapter Summary

Scarlett takes a small break from work and heads to Marineford

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 14 yrs old

Rosinante 8 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After spending time with Jess and time in paradise Scarlett heading into the new world
for a quick job from a new informant which was a quick and easy one and now Scarlett
decided to go see his old man as he hasn’t seen him in a few years, let alone at Marineford.
He moved closer to the island he decided to ask the sea if the old man was there, soft waves
splash against the Rex, and answered he’s here, he’s here . Scarlett gave his thanks and
docked the Rex on a small dock away from the people and made his way into town.

The town as always busy and a huge crowd was in the market as it was noon, taking to the
rooftops making way to the main office. Scarlett hides his presence well as he jumps rooftop
to rooftop making it all to the main entrance. Scarlett walks through the gate with ease and
heads straight to his uncle’s office as that is were his old man always is.

Continuing to hide, making the way to the office easier for Scarlett, passing all sorts of
Marines, getting the latest gossip. “Did you hear the Red Death hit again?” Another
answered. “I heard they killed 1000 people and are super psycho.” Scarlett can’t help but
giggle at the Marines being scared of a 14-year-old and the new name he has gotten ‘the Red
It’s just funny to him as he just finished his last job. Scarlett had taken it from an
informant in new world. Their town had asked to take out the king who was kidnapping the
people and making them slaves and charging high taxes for everything. Taking all their
money for himself leaving the people with nothing. That job is one Scarlett is proud to claim
as his. It was one of the more satisfying kills he has done in the last years.

Finally making a way to uncle Senny’s office door walking in just like he owns the place
“I’m back!” stepping in. There was the old man, Aunt Tsuru, Uncle Senny, and a young boy
with blonde hair sitting on the couch and the adults standing around the desk. “Oh, did I
come at a bad time?” glancing back and forth between the adults and the kid who looks
familiar but Scarlett can’t place where he knows him from.

“Fist of Love! Brat! Where have you been?!” Dodging the old man’s hit “None of your
business old man! Hi auntie, hi Uncle.” Scarlett watches his Aunt place some papers down,
turning to him. “Hi brat, causing trouble again?” with a small smirk. Scarlett has a feeling
his auntie knows about his work. “I would never cause trouble now. Is anyone going to
introduce me to the boy or am I going to ask him myself.”

The boy started to mess with his fingers and look at uncle Senny both looking back-and-
forth at each other. The old man and aunt move back to the desk. “Well then kid my name is
Scarlett. You can call me Scar. The old man is my dad. Nice to meet you.” Now standing in
front of the boy, holding out his hand, waiting for the boy to shake hands. The boy looks at
his uncle Senny and gives him a small nod. The boy takes Scarlett’s hand and shakes. “Hello
my name is Donquixote Rosinante.”

Scarlett tried to keep the shock off his face, trying to find the right words, letting go of
Rosinante’s hand and taking a quick glance at the adults in the room giving a look that says
we will talk later. “Well it’s nice to meet you. Can I call you, Rose? I hope we can be friends,
will he be staying with me or are one of you gonna take him in?”
The Old Man let out a laugh and auntie Tsuru just shook her head. While uncle Senny
looks shocked that I made a suggestion that uncle take him in. “Senny is taking him in.” aunt
Tsuru said with a smirk. A smile makes Scarlett's face turn back to Rosinante “You will like
living with uncle Senny but if you get bored or anyone bothers you just give me a call and I’ll
be on my way if I’m not working.”

“What's your job?” Auntie Tsuru asked, while his old man answered “you have a job?”
Scarlett could only laugh at their faces that were in disbelief. “ haha ! I’ve been working for a
couple of years already. That’s all I will say. You’ll find out in a few years. Come on kid, let's
leave the adults and go to town for food and snacks while they work. I'll even give you a

“No you are not. It is dangerous.” Scarlett could only look at his uncle with an evil grin. “
Hehe , We won’t be higher than what he’s been already.” That statement caused the three
adults to shut up and stare. No one said anything about where this boy was from. How would
Scarlet know? “We will talk about it later. Come Rosinante, have you heard of something
called ice cream?” Both walked out, leaving the adults in shock.


Scarlett carries the boy on his back after watching Rosinante trip over nothing four times.
As the boys walk into town Scarlett tells some stories about islands he has seen in the new
world. They walk around the city, eating all the food they can and candy before making their
way to the docks “Here is the Rex, the best boat from the east blue!” With a proud smile.

While in new world Rex got a new coat of paint and small upgrades so he is looking extra
clean. “Come on, I have some clothes that could fit you and some other things you can have
because I’m sure you will be bored here then we can take that flight.” Rose’s eyes had stars at
the mention of flying ( Rosinante said he likes the name Rose which is a win ). During their
time together Scarlettt noticed Rose didn’t talk about a lot, but he was hanging onto every
word and answering questions in short answers.
Scarlett did learn Rose had been here for a few weeks already and he didn’t have things
of his own, such as clothes and toys to keep himself busy while uncle Senny puts things in
order. Luckily, Scarlett had a few leftover things from dropping off stuff for an informant at
their island for helping with a job. After picking up clothes and books and old toys and a new
backpack Rose will be leaving with the things he can call his own and his stuffed toy that
looks like Scarlet in his beast form.

“We'll leave the stuff here when we fly. Are you ready?” Rose shakes his head yes. “Ok
hang on but not too tight and climb on my back.” Scarlet crouches down and Rose gets on
and wraps his arms around Scarlett’s neck. While Scarlett gets a hold of his legs to ensure the
boy wouldn't fall. Scarlet uses his haki to feel if anyone is around, making sure the coast is
clear “hang on!'' Scarlett jumps off the Rex as his brown and gold wings pop out from his
back and head to the sky.

The pair are rising through the sky, Rose lets out a gasp and looks ahead as the clouds
move closer to them. “Doing okay?” he feels a nod against his back “Great! if you want we
can do tricks or just stay gliding.” Now holding a place high above, but not too close to the
clouds. “can we just glide?” Scarlett couldn’t help but smile at the younger boy “of course!”
Rose now sits up straight, looking out at the seas as Scarlett flies in circles far from
Marineford. They stay in the sky for what feels like hours till Rose falls asleep now heading
to land back on the Rex

“The old man came by an hour ago. He wants you both back at base” Rex appeared in the
middle of the deck, watching as Scarlett lands “ Thank you Rex. We might stay longer than
usual.” While glancing down at the young boy in his arms, “ Maybe a month if nothing
comes up. Sorry, I know you don’t like the waters much.” Rex holds up a hand with a smile
“It’s alright Little One. We can go far out with that little one. If you wish to make it up to

Scarlett softly chuckles at his partner, careful to not wake the child. “Of course I will take
him out. I’ll be back tonight don’t wait up.” Heading into the cabin grabbing all of Rose’s
things while holding Rose and Scarlett makes his way back to base making it back to uncle
Senny’s office again knocking this time “come in.”
“ Ah it's just you, uncle Senny. Great, I don’t need the old man to scare him awake.”
Uncle Senny nods his head, getting up from his desk as Scarlett walks further into the office.
“Did you guys have a good time?” Scarlet places Rose on the couch and his things to the
side. “Yes we did. We ate and walked around the town and I gave him some old stuff so now
he has clothes and toys. We just got back from flying and he fell asleep a while ago.”

Scarlett watched as his uncle Senny had a look of surprise on his face. “Oh I see, did he
talk a lot? He seems to be struggling with talking and walking around because of what
happened to him.” both falling silent looking at the sleeping boy. “Yes, he did more than I
thought he would. He has a great smile. We talked about some islands and some fun things
I’ve done over the years. He’s a good kid and has had it rough and will be hard for him but
now he has you, my old man, aunt Tsuru and me and we all will be there for him and give
him the support, the love and care he will need.”

Uncle Senny looks down as the sleeping boy and can’t help himself when he asks“Did
you see him?” Scarlett throws his head back letting out a laugh of shock “ ha ! yes but now I
am here so I will help him and watch from the shadows and be his friend. Someone else he
can rely on.” Scarlett says with a smile.

Over the years of training Uncle Senny and the old man finally noticed Scar has an
advanced observation haki and just think the things Scarlett sees are just his haki and nothing
more. But Scarlett knows both his haki and past knowledge. “Come Uncle let’s go, we need
to talk about him. I know a doctor I want you guys to take him to and some other things.”

“All right we will talk in Tsuru’s office and leave the door open in here. Can you keep an
eye while we talk?” His uncle asked, Scarlett watches his uncle as he nods along looking
down at the sleeping boy with a look of sadness. “of course my haki will let me know when
he wakes.” Both walked across the hall as the moon started to rise.

“Hi auntie, I'm back.” Scarlett enters walking straight in with no care with uncle Senny
follows. “Ah! Perfect you were here old man. Great, we can talk now since I was gone all
day.” His auntie is the first to acknowledge him.“It’s good to see you, Little Scar. How have
things been?”aunt Tsuru asks while Scarlett and uncle Senny take the couch joining the old
man while aunt Tsuru stays at her desk doing paperwork.
“I’ve been great. I was on my way back when I decided to drop by after visiting some
friends.” Auntie Tsuru offers him a smile while she puts away some paperwork finally giving
him her full attention. “That’s good, I take it you have been on the grand line for a while
since your last called us.” Scarlett rubs his neck looking away from his auntie’s scary stare. “
ha ha ! yes I meant to call you and Uncle to check in but i got side tracked with work on the
grand. But I plan to stay for a month so I hope that I can make up for it. Rosicanate looks
lonely and I plan to hang out with him. He’s a good kid and he will need some help. How did
you end up with him, Uncle Senny?”

Uncle Senny starts talking about an order from the celestial dragons to check on a family
in the north blue that moved from Mary Geoise. He tells him that he arrived to a crying child
in front of a body and no one around, Scar listens with a neutral face and just listens.

“Okay, well then I will stay about a month and after I leave, go to Drum Island in Paradise.
Find Dr. Kureha. She is the best damn doctor and can really help him with his walking and
will help get him on track. Tell her I sent you and I will let her know to expect you but don’t
worry about pay. I will deal with it.” All three stare in shock when Scarlett tells the doctor's

This boy somehow knows the world's best doctor, “and how do you know Dr. Kureha?”
Auntie Tsuru asks, breaking the silence. “I met her when I landed in some trouble and got
banged up on Drum. I found her and she patch me up and now we are friends sort of and she
is a good doctor. If I can, I will call her for medical help, and she will yell at me, but she will
still help me.”

“Ah then I will make sure to thank her for helping you little brat” aunt tsuru says with a

“Do you want to sleep with Rose or back on the Rex?” uncle Senny asks, eyes filled with
hope, Scarlett is more than happy to crush that hope. “Nope! Rex is waiting for me. I will see
everyone in the morning. You will learn to be a parent, Uncle Senny, not push off your
responsibilities, and be a part of his family, speaking of which Dragon sends his hellos and
hope everyone is well.”

“ ha ha that brat. At least he talks to you still.” The old man finally speaks up after what
felt like forever since Scarlett entered the office. “of course he does! or else I kick his ass!”
Scarlett watches his aunt move sitting in the love seat on the opposite side of the couch. “
Are you going to tell us what your job is or keep us in the dark?” Of course his aunt would
ask again.

“ sigh it's odd jobs and some other stuff marines should not know about. we should call it
now.” Scarlett turns to his uncle “he’s waking up and he’s panicking.” Uncle Senny rushes
out of the room, and everyone follows making it to the door of uncle Senny's office looking
in to see little Rose in uncle Senny’s arms with tears down his face.

Scarlett moves to the things to give Rose the stuffed Griffin and puts it in Rose’s reach
who pulls it close to his chest and moves closer to uncle Senny who is speaking softly to

Moving back to aunt and the old man who stayed at the door. “ Auntie, can you try to talk
to him overtime? I think you will be someone to help him move forward and with that I’m
calling it a night. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Scarlett makes his way out following the
now empty halls all the way out the office heading past the empty town.


As Scarlett made it into the Rex and started to make his sleeping tea when he felt his old
man outside, Scarlett sighs and pokes his head outside the cabin door. “Well, are you going to
just stand there or get on?” The man just huffed and joined Scarlett inside.
Scarlett grabbed another drink while Garp took a seat at the table. “Well, old man you
going to start talking or just stare at my table to death?” Garp just chuckles while Scarlett
puts down his tea and passes Garp his. “Where have you been?” Scarlett took a sip of his tea
“everywhere and nowhere.” Garp sighs “why are you not with Roger?”

Scarlett pauses before taking another sip of tea “Things happened and people are just too
curious. But he will always be my captain even if I’m not with him.” “Do I need to kill any of
them?” Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh “Nah it’s nothing the crew did. Don’t worry about it.
Now remember to keep me a secret.”

“Fine, now how have you been?” Scarlett smiled as the two talked, Garp talking about the
new recruits while Scarlett talks about islands he has been at, as well as some of his training
getting some pointers from the old man.

It’s not long before the tea starts working its magic and Scarlett starts to feel sleepy and
Garp takes notice “let me get out of your hair kid. I’ll see you tomorrow.”Scarlett nods
walking Garp out “night dad.” Casing both to freeze as Scarlett have never called him dad
once. Scarlett blushes trying to find words to say “night son.” And Garp left leaving Scarlett
alone on deck. Scarlet can only watch as the man leaves before he can’t stand any longer.
Scarlett is too tired to stand.

Scarlett gets ready for bed as the tea and everything he did today was a lot. It’s not long
when Rex appears at his bedside watching as Scarlett pulls back the covers ready to get some
sleep. “ Will you need me tonight?”

“ As always, you know just when I need you Rex.” Scarlett replies with a sad smile “
come, can you hold me? seeing Rose in such a shape brings back the memories again.” Rex
gives his little one a sad smile, Rex climbs into the bed and brings his little one closer. “Of
course Little One, now sleep. Rose is safe and you are safe.” Rex tells Scarlett as he runs his
fingers through his hair humming a random tune to chase away the memories of the things
Scarlett can’t forget causing Scarlett to finally sleep.

Spending the month with Rose and everyone had been a good time for Scarlett. He got
into more training with the Old man and Auntie Tsuru. While spending every afternoon with
Rose, taking the kid around the town when he would get home from school. Showing him
ways to play and teaching him new things, the two had grown close which warmed Scarlett’s

It was even better as it caused Rose to open up more and talk a lot more, lifting a big
weight off everyone. Scarlett started to learn about the young boy and found out he liked
clouds, he thought ice cream was great, that Scarlett had pretty wings, Gold was his favorite
color and many more random things that Scarlett will always remember.

It was a wonderful time but all good times come to an end. Scarlett was needed for a big
job that he couldn’t put off. So on the last day together Sengoku let Rose skip school
knowing the boy wouldn’t be able to get through the day. So Rose and Scarlett spent the day
together like they have for the past month. Eating and exploring the city, playing games along
the way with Rose riding on Scarlett’s back as the boy still trips often and gets hurt.

They did this as long as they could before Scarlett took them to the sky and spent time in
the sky enjoying the view until the late afternoon. When the two reached the small dock the
Rex had been at the old man, uncle Bogard, auntie Tsuru and uncle Senny were all there
waiting to see Scarlett off.

Scarlett put Rose down in front of his uncle before pulling little Rose in for a hug. “You
can call anytime, my number is in the stuffie I gave you okay. I will see you again, Rose.”
Scarlett felt the tears on his shirt and held the boy closer before letting go and hopping back
to the Rex. Giving everyone a big smile and wave “see you guys again soon!” And quickly
untied Rex and started moving the sails and let the sea carry him. He stood at the railing
waving at everyone as they all waved back even Rose who was now smiling as he waved.
Scarlett couldn't have been happier as he waved until he felt the rush of the waves
excited to have him on the water causing him to laugh as he got behind the wheel and headed
back into the new world for another job.

Chapter End Notes

We met Rose!! This was a chapter I wrote very early and I knew I wanted to have him
here! I hope your guys are enjoying the double updates. I plan to do this for the holidays
so I hope you guys like it ☺
Someone new joins the family
Chapter Summary

Time jump! Scarlett meets someone new by not really.

Chapter Notes

Content warning:none

Age: Scarlett is 16 yrs

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett has been doing well since he left Marineford. He talks to Roger at least once
every two months, giving updates about the crew and his new cabin boys. He just sent
another letter to his Uncle Woop Slap of his arrival by the end of the month with gifts for
everyone including little Makino who has taken quite the shine to him in his last few visits
home. Scarlett has finally learned the perfect combinations of poisons perfect for his dagger
with the help of Dr.Kureha who has been a big help. Rose is doing well, he calls Scarlett
almost every two weeks but Scarlett is sure if the kid could he would call every week.

Scarlett sighs taking in the fresh air as he walks he strolls along the shore of the island. He
had just finished a job and he had already let Jess know it was done and just started walking.
Scarlett had been so lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice he made it back to town near the
docks. Scarlett figured it was time to head out, so he quickly swiped an apple from the closest
stall and started to walk to the Rex when he felt eyes on him.

Scarlett almost stopped in his tracks as no one should be able to see him as he was hiding
his presence. Scarlett quickly looked up and met the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen
causing him to freeze. Golden eyes. It was nothin like Sol’s eyes no, these eyes could rival
the sun, they took Scarlett breath away and before he could even get a word out they were
gone. Scarlett felt lost as he stood watching those eyes walk away. It took him a couple of
seconds before he went back on his way but still thinking of those golden eyes.
It didn’t take long before Scarlett was back out at sea when Sol and Rex joined him on
deck as he stared at the sea. “So what happened? I’ve never seen him so dazed.” Rex said as
he and Sol sat on the railing watching Scarlett to make sure the kid didn’t take a dive into the
water. “I have never seen the squirt freeze so fast, we were coming back when we felt eyes on
us,” Rex's eyes went wide as he knew how hard it is to sense Scarlett’s presence “what?”
“Yeah,I know anyway Scarlett found them and just froze up. I couldn’t get a look as they
disappeared.” Rex nods, walking over to Scarlett messing up the boy's hair. “Get out of your
head and talk to us little one.”

Scarlett pouted quickly fixing his hair turning to the two “there is nothing to talk about.
Someone noticed me and that is all. It just caught me off guard.” The other two weren’t
convinced “so what did they look like?” Rex asked as Scarlett scratched his neck looking
away from the two “i-i don’t know.” The two paused looking at Scarlett as if he lost his mind
“WHAT?!” The two shout causing Scarlett to wince “what! I got distracted Okay! It

“Yeah! But not with you! What could you have seen that makes you distracted! You never
lose focus!” Sol shouted as he started to shake Rex’s shoulders out of excitement. Finally
have something to tease the younger boy at as he no longer could come up with anything
new. The two watched as a blush started to work its way onto Scarlett’s cheeks causing the
two to stop and stare in amazement. “Holy shit!” The two gasped while Scarlett held his
cheeks feeling the warmth they were giving.

“Oh no squirt! You have to tell us now, look at you!” Sol said as Scarlett shook his head
and ran into the cabin and hid under the blankets. The two followed joining him on a now
queen size bed each laying at one of his sides. “Come one kid. What did you see? Please Sol
promises not to say anything until you are gone. ” Rex tries to strike a deal, Scarlett nods
under the cover and speaks but the two can’t hear him. “Can’t hear you kid speak up.”

Scarlett sits up with the blanket wrapped around himself “golden eyes.” Is all he said
before falling back down onto his side facing Rex “all I saw was gold eyes. They were
nothing like Sol’s, they were full of light and so bright.” Rex smiled down at his little one
“and did you see anything else?” Scarlett just shook his head and started to fall asleep “j-just
The two sighed at the now sleeping boy and moved to the small table. “Man! It’s not
enough to tease him about.” Sol pouted, taking a seat on Rex’s lap while the other just rolled
his eyes “whatever, I’m sure you will find some way to tease him.” Rex said as he moved Sol
closer to his chest as the two sat chatting away about the job until about an hour later when
the two felt something new in the cabin.

The two quickly jumped to their feet with wide smiles as another soul finally joined them.
“H-hello I’m Luna. It’s nice to meet you.” Rex and Sol could only smile as they stare at the
newest member of the family. A smaller woman with long red hair with gray eyes with tan
skin much like Sol with a black shirt and black pants with heeled boots. “Nice to meet you
Luna, I’m Sol this is Rex. We are happy our little dagger finally joined us!”

“Well, I’m happy to join you. Sorry for the long wait.” She said as she played with the
ends of her hair. Rex starts making them drinks while Sol and Luna sit at the table starting to
chat getting to know the newest member to their little family. “So why did you wait? I mean I
felt you after we first met the squirt, he is ours so why?” Sol asked, causing Rex to knock
him on the head as he set down their drinks “Rude Sol.” Luna stared at the two before
giggling at the two. She had always heard them and knew they liked to play around with each
other, and now that they are in front of her it is even funnier.

“It’s okay Rex, it is a valid question.” The two stopped at her giggles and got comfortable,
Luna turned to the window finally seeing the sea with her own eyes hoping to ease the
painful memories. “The others before him were the worst. They were careless of me, let me
rust, let my blade break and never fixed it, allowing me to collect dust in a dark place.” Sol
had grown tense as he knew the pain of the pain of rust and what it does to their souls.

“I stayed that way for a long time until they got rid of me and I ended up with someone
new. They cleaned me up, fixed my blade and I sat in a glass case never touched. Never
used.” She wiped her tears as Rex passed her a tissue while Sol could only sympathize with
her. They are blade, they are made to use not to sit on a wall or in a case.
Wiping the last of her tears, Luna gives the two a reassuring smile as she continues “ then
Tsuru came in one day and I was out. Got me cleaned and got my marks and I felt better than
I had in years but I was so afraid when he held me and I felt the pull.” She paused looking
past the two and stared at the sleeping figure with a small smile. “I didn’t want to be a
disappointment to him. I didn't want to fail him. Along with the fear that was clinging to me,
I couldn’t let myself be seen.”

“Then why now? After all these years?” Sol asked no longer so tense and worried about
his fellow blade as she took her eyes for the sleeping figure giving the two a smile. “After all
these jobs and the training Scarlett has done I found myself growing stronger and the pulling
was getting stronger and stronger with each passing year. I no longer felt fear and my worries
started to fade, I can’t hold back anymore. I have grown to love the kid just like you two. I
was tired of my past holding me down.” The two looked at her with pride before they
crossed the table pulling her into a hug that she accepted as she held them tighter.

“Well we're glad you were able to overcome everything and are here with us now.” Rex
said as he pulled bad looking down at the newest member “how about you stay around and
when he wakes we have a party?” Luna gave the two a bigger smile “Of course! I would love
that!” Causing the other two to cheer as they started to chat away about foods.


After a few hours Scarlett woke up from his dream of those golden eyes to the sounds of
laughter and the smell of food cooking. Scarlett rubs the sleep from his eyes and quickly
stretches and heads to the bathroom for a quick clean up.

Scarlett finishes quickly as the sound of his stomach growling as he attempts to fix his hair.
“Rex can you help cut-” Scarlett’s sentence dies out as he walked out of the bathroom and
saw another person in the cabin. Scarlett gives the other a smile while allowing his haki out
and notices it was the same way he felt from his dagger. Scarlett felt his eyes go wide as he
walked closer to her. “It’’s nice to meet you Scarlett. I’m Luna.” She said with a smile before
Scarlett threw his arms around her laughing “ haha! It’s nice to meet you Luna! Rex start the
party! Come, come! You have try Rex’s cooking its great.”
Luna listened to him as he rambled off a bunch of foods Luna has to try with the others
joining in. They had their little party enjoying talking to Luna and each others company. They
continued from the afternoon to early evening. Rex and Sol disappeared to give Luna and
Scarlett some privacy. Luna had explained to Scarlett the same she did to Rex and Sol and of
course Scarlett could understand her worries and fears and promised he would never treat her
in such a way. He even told her, she has permission to beat his ass if he ever did. That got her
to laugh and the two chatted a bit more before Luna had gone to bed leaving Scarlett the only
one on deck.

Scarlett let out a breath and laid down and watched the starts as the sea began to sing a
new tune slowly luring Scarlett’s eyes to drop and fall into another dream of golden eyes.

Chapter End Notes

Scarlett meet two boys
Chapter Summary

Scarlett meets old friends

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 17
Roger 48
Rayliegh 49
Shanks 11
Buggy 11

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett had been in the new world when he got word from his informant that the Roger
pirates were in nearby waters. Scarlett hadn’t seen them in two years and snail call can only
do so much. Plus even with white snails you can never be too careful. So Scarlett bit the
bullet and decided to look for his crew leaving Rex as the sea would guide his ship to him.
He flew where he felt Roger’s haki the most to see the Oro Jackson lively as ever. They must
have gotten a big hoard of stuff to have such a big party. Scarlett lands on the railing looking
at the crew, many are new faces, not even noticing him.

Most of the crew had no clue as they continued to party until Scarlett got tired of waiting.
“Excuse me but are you folks the Roger pirates?” Everyone freezes and looks at Scarlett as
he sits on the railing looking almost bored. Everyone rushes to ready weapons, Scarlett
throws his hands up “ woo there boys, those are weapons, not toys you play with. Now stand
down. I'm here to see the old bags. okay.”
Silence fell on deck, all the new crew were tense, still pointing their weapons at Scarlett
whose face starts to change into a look that simply says challenge me I dare you.“I suggest
you boys stand down. It's been awhile since I had a good fight and I would hate to hear the
old bag complain that I killed his crew.” Scarlett lets out a small wave of conqueror's haki to
really push them to drop their weapons. Roger comes running out of the cabin where he and
Rayleigh were talking about the new load they got when they felt a familiar wave of haki
they know so well.

“Stand down men! He is a friend!” Roger yells running up to the young man before
stopping right in front of him. His men sent him looks but they did. “ Thank you Scar for not
harming them, it’s good to see you brat!” as he pulls Scarlett down from the railing and into a
hug with one of the biggest smiles his crew has seen. “Well I can’t leave you without his
crew. you would just keep bitching about it.” Scarlett says returning the hug, “ Where is
RayRay at? The old man needs to give me my hugs too.” Rayleigh laughs as makes his way
to embrace the younger man making sure to make a mess of hair. “ Who did you call old?
brat!” laughing while most of the crew stare in shock at the young man daring to call
Rayleigh old to his face while the older members look at the boy with smiles.

“Who is this Captain?” Asked a kid with hair the color of the deepest ruby with another
hiding behind him with hair blue as the ocean

“Boys this here is-” Roger starts but Scarlett cuts him off, “ you, young emperors, can call
me Scar while the newbies can call me Scarlett.” He said with a smile that is as bright as the
sun while bowing like a prince.

“Huh!!! They are not emperors ?!They are mere cabin brats !!Barely Pirates!” Most of the
new crew Scarlett doesn’t know yelling all at once has Scarlett blood boiling. Scarlett
released a stronger wave of conqueror's haki silencing the crew, Scarlett sending an
unimpressed to those who spoke who were still awake. “ These young men are pirates, sons
of the seas and you will treat them with respect after all they have grown on this ship, on
these seas.”

Scarlett can only shake his head in disbelief as he looks at the now sheepish crew. “ I
can’t believe the disrespect to say they are not pirates. Old bag you should remind your men
of their manners.”

Scarlett turns to the two boys who look at him with stars in their eyes.“ Now if you boys
ever want off this ship for a vacation away from the old bag just let Rayray know and I will
be here to get you away.” Sending the boys a wink who looks amazed at Scarlett. “ If you
young emperors excuse me, I need to talk to your dad and uncle RayRay then I will answer
all the questions I can see rolling in your little heads.”

Both boys blushing at Roger being called their dad while Roger and Rayleigh standing
straight with proud chest “Come, let’s talk in my office.” Roger said as the three disappeared
below deck.


Entering the office another round of hugs around the group of three “ So emperors huh?”
ask Roger with a wolfish grin. Scarlett couldn’t help but to smile wide and nod.

Scarlett shrugged his shoulders looking smug “yeah, maybe, who knows.” Causing the
others to laugh. “ I only wish I could see it.” Roger speaks with a sad tone in his voice.“
That's why you are here isn’t, it’s that time you told me all those years ago.” the smile fell
from Scarlett’s face who could only look at his brother confused.

“What are you talking about Roger? I came because I haven't seen you guys in two years
and I was nearby.” Scarlett only felt confused while he could see the shock in Roger’s face as
well as Rayleigh. “Scarlett, I’m not the same as I used to be.” Roger spoke in a soft voice
trying to break the news while Scarlett put it together. Scarlett felt his eyes tear up but he
refused for them to fall. “You are sick aren’t you?” He whispered, holding onto Roger’s
captain coat tighter.
“ You still ended up sick.” Scarlett felt his throat go dry as Sol and Luna cling to his back
holding him close. Roger only sighs, nodding his head. “ Yeah, I did. It’s starting slow but I
feel myself getting tired faster, some foods are hard to eat. Drinking isn’t as easy anymore. I
feel it.” Scarlett could only hold his brother close, also pulling Rayleigh into another hug.
The two held Scarlett close and no one spoke a word for a while before Scarlett pulled away
and decided to give his promise today.

“All I can say is get a doctor to come up with something to slow it down so you can
continue your journey until you are ready to go out with a bang.” Scarlett said with a sad
smile looking between the others. “Now that the heavy stuff is out of the way, I want to spend
time with my nephews and I’m on break for a while so let me stay awhile please Old Bag.”
Scarlett asks giving the biggest puppy eyes to both Rayleigh and Roger.

“Ugh! This is your fault Roger! He only knows those damn eyes because of you!”
Rayleigh shouts clearly trying to lighten up the mood. Roger only pulled Scarlett closer to
him “I taught him no such thing! It was all Max and Trey! And Scarlett, you are always
welcome to stay. I will tell you each time, the Oro Jackson is your home as well. You are
always welcome here.”

Scarlett chuckles as he pulls away “ I know, but I will still ask. So can you guys tell the
crew while I get to know the boys who are definitely not hiding in the wall behind the
bookcase as I’m sure they know how Rayray gets about listening in on others'
conversations.” Scarlett said with a smile as the two boys had only just shown up missing the
main conversations which is good. “Shit! I told you they would find us!” Scarlett could hear
Buggy's voice shake “whatever! run!” Shanks’s voice followed “Shanks!Buggy!” Rayleigh
yelled and ran out the door after the two boys leaving Roger and Scarlett who were laughing.

Roger and Scarlett got a hold of themselves as Roger closed the door once again turning
to Scarlett with a sad smile. “I met her.” Scarlett stares at Roger, feeling the room become
tense once again. “She is great, it was like fireworks when I first saw her.” It didn’t take a lot
for Scarlett to know who Roger was talking about. Scarlett could only sigh before standing
straight and get serious.
“Roger, I promise you I will do my best to take care of your children and Wife. I will
make sure they know about you and not the shit marines and shit people will say. They will
know the truth, the good and bad but it’s the truth from someone who knew you. I promise
you that Roger I will take care of them.”

Roger smiled wide pulling the other close again “that’s all I ask. Now let's party! It’s been
a while since we had one with you.” Scarlett couldn’t help but smile as Roger dragged them
out of the office and onto the top deck where Scarlett was surrounded by the older members.

Many were talking about Scarlett's new appearance, as Scarlett was taller than most of the
crew at 6 feet. He had slightly longer hair that was long enough to put in a small ponytail.
Coupled with some piercings and a new chest tattoo poking out of his shirt. Many had started
to tease the young boy all in good fun while Roger and Rayleigh watched with smiles as the
older members always became livelier in the presence of their younger brother.


It wasn’t long after that did the crew drag out the alcohol and food getting the party started
again. Most of the new people Scarlett didn’t know had slowly made their way around him
and the older members asking questions joining in on the betting and card games that Scarlett
was still winning as the guys never got better including his captain.

Rex showed up not long after causing another scare for the newbies but just like Scarlett
the older members quickly were by his side chatting away. This went on well into the night,
most of the newbies had gone below deck for sleep while most of the olde members did as
well once they heard Scarlett was going to be around for a while. Leaving Roger,Rayleigh,
Scarlett and a few others who were chatting away before the two cabin boys finally made
their way to Scarlett.
Rex had turned in early after chatting with everyone he knew while the two boys kept their
eyes on Scarlett whispering away in their little world until now. “Hey Scar, who is stronger?
You or Captain?” Shanks asked with his arms crossed with Buggy by his side causing the
others around to chuckle while Scarlett gave them a smile. “It’s hard to say, its been awhile
since we spared but I think it will end up in a tie again. Now against Rayray that is a different
story. Physical strength its me but swordship, Rayray might win but I have improved so it's in
the air but a full spar, chances of me winning are pretty high now I think.”

The more Scarlett spoke the more the two kids' eyes grew wide, Scarlett could tell the kids
were getting excited at the idea of watching them fight. “Ha! Brat is gone for two years and
thinks he can take Rayleigh!” Trey laughs causing the others to join in making Scarlett laugh
“it seems the alcohol is finally getting to Trey’s head. Because if I remember it was two years
ago I had your ass on the floor after our spar.” Scarlett's words caused another round of
laughter while Trey pouted.

“You took down Trey?” Buggy asked in awe as Trey was one of the bigger guys both in
weight and height and the toughest to land a hit on as the man was fast and very agile. “
Yeah, it took only a few moves and had him on his back in the middle of the field we were at.
I won the betting pool.” Max told the kids with pride as it was on the fastest Scarlett had
moved and one of the biggest betting pools they had going at the time.

“That’s right, how about we start another one?” Scarlett's words caught everyone’s
attention, the damn gamblers. “I bet I can beat old bag and rayray in a spar. Anyone want to
bet on my downfall?” Those sound quickly starting placing bets and giving everything to
Max it seems something don't change. “Someone tell Sal to find an empty island!” Roger
yells as he downs another drink while Scarlett looks at the two boys.

“So got anything else you want to ask?” The two quickly nod yes and start talking to
Scarlett asking him about embarrassing moments between the crew and continue until they
fall asleep at his side. Rayleigh quickly took a photo and planned to send a copy to Scarlett
later as the boy also started to fall asleep.

“It’s nice having all three of our Cabin boys together.” Roger whispered to Rayleigh who
just smiled, taking another photo of the sleeping boys.
Chapter End Notes

pinterest board for Scarlett!

The biggest bet
Chapter Summary

Who will win Scarlett vs. captain and first mate

Chapter Notes

Content warning : none


Scarlett 17
Roger 48
Rayleigh 49
Shanks 11
Buggy 11

The next day came with a bang or rather a strong grab. From Scarlett. Scarlett slowly
woke to Sol getting hotter and hotter on his back, a clear sign to Scarlett someone was going
to touch Sol and it wasn’t going to be pretty. Scarlett’s hand quickly shot up and held onto the
hand as he wiped the sleep from his eyes seeing two very shocked kids and a worried crew
behind them. Scarlett let go of Shanks’s hand and stood up and stretched. “Sorry about that
kid. It seems Rayray hasn’t given you lessons on manners when it comes to swords.” The two
look towards a pouting Rayleigh while Scarlett sighs “its bad manners to touch another’s
sword as the sword itself has a mind of its own. You touching mine would cost you losing a
finger or your whole hand depending on his mood. So best not touch anyone’s blades.”

“Is it true Rayleigh?” Some of the newcomers asked as Scarlett went to freshen up on the
Rex. “Yes it is true.” At those words most didn’t believe him until Buggy asked “you have
seen it, haven’t you?” Rayliegh gave him a smile “yes, his sword is a feisty one. We were at a
bar having a good time when some crew started to mouth off about Scar and his sword and
tried to pull it from his back, his hand was cut clean off.” Those around listening were
shocked and had no words until the man jumped back on the Oro Jackson in a new outfit (
simple muscle shirt with black pants ) and wet hair and his sword and dagger on his person
“Rayray can you cut my hair? It's getting too long.”
Rayleigh could only laugh as the others had no idea that Rayleigh was actually really good
at hair care. “Sure after breakfast.” Scarlett nodded as he walked to the two kids squatting to
be more at their level. “It’s true by the way about the guy’s hand, just ask the older members
like Max,Sal,Trey and captain they were all there.” And he leaves them with a small wave
and heads down below to the dinner hall.


Just like Rayleigh promised he and Scarlett were on the top deck as Rayleigh started to cut
off Scarlett’s hair much like when he was younger. “Ray, do you know anything about a guy
with gold eyes?” Scarlett felt Rayleigh stop while Sol started to laugh in his lap “Shut up
Sol! Or I’m telling Rex!” Causing Sol to laugh harder while Rayleigh went back to cutting
his hair. “Maybe I do, Maybe I don’t. How about you tell me more?” Scarlett sighed, Scarlett
already knew that tone was a sign Rayleigh knew something. “I don’t know anything, just his
eyes are gold… they shine like gold..hell they rival the sun..” Scarlett trailed off lost in his
head about those golden eyes that plague his dreams still.

Rayleigh smiled down at Scarlett “wow, sounds like you really like his eyes. And lucky
for you I think I might know who you are talking about. ROGER BRING THE PAPER!” He
shouts and heavy footsteps follow. “Oh I’m liking the new cut Scar, and here’s the paper.”
Roger says as he passes the paper to Ray who drops it on Scarlett’s lap. “Check the front
page.” Scarlett looks at him confused until he sees them. Those golden eyes.

Scarlett has to stop himself from jumping out of his seat as he reads a wanted poster for
Marine Hunter Dracule ‘Hawkeyes’ Mihawk 10 million berries! “It’s him.” Scarlett said
as he continued to stare at the paper while Rayleigh cut his hair with a smug smile while
Roger looked between the two. “So when did you meet him?” Rayliegh ask as Roger took a
seat clearly wanting to know what was going on.

“I didn’t meet him. He just saw me then left.” Rayleigh and Roger both stare at the boy
in shock as they both know it is crazy difficult to feel or see Scarlett with and without haki.
“Are you staying this kid looked you straight in the eyes?!” Roger asked as he looked down
at the paper as well. “Yeah he did. That was last year.” The statement left the others

“Well damn! good luck kid. I’m sure you will woo his heart!” Roger said with a laugh
patting Scarlett on his back carefully not to mess up Rayleigh. While Scarlett went red in the
face “Shut up! I don’t want his heart! I was just curious!” As he whacked Roger on the
shoulder causing Rayleigh to sigh loud enough the two stopped and stared at him. “Scar you
moved, I cut too much off.” Scarlett dropped his head “sorry Ray you can fix it right?”
Rayleigh picked his head up and started to get to work. “Of course I can. Now this time don't

The three caught up and talked about the little things they couldn’t say over the snail. Like
how the two new cabin boys joined was because they fell asleep after getting their fill on
food with the Oro Jackson sailing away. Roger gave them the choice to go back to the island
or stay and they stayed. They talked the whole time until lunch was called and Rayleigh
finally finished Scarlett's new haircut. The top was still a good medium length while the back
and side were very short as a result of Scarlett moving but it allowed everyone to see his new
piercings really well and it was a simple style. He liked it.


While everyone was in the dinner hall Sal had let everyone know they would make it to
an empty island in a few hours. Many were excited to be on land again but most were
anticipating seeing Scarlett go against Roger and Rayleigh.


The crew made it to the island with ease. “Scar, can you scope it out?” Roger asked as the
two looked at the island. Scarlett wings popped out getting a lot of shocked noises from
behind the two “of course Captain.” And took to the sky. Scarlett flew high and circled
around and found no one but forest and a perfect empty clearing not far from the shore.

Scarlett quickly went back to the ship landing on the railing not far from Roger with a
wicked smile. “Nothing but forest and the most perfect clearing. Are you going first captain
or Rayray is?” Making Roger laugh while the two cabin boys ran to the railing “you have
wings?!” They shouted, causing Scarlett to laugh. “I ate a devil fruit. I’ll tell you about it
later.” As he looked at his captain who was looking at Rayleigh who sighed. “Alright I’ll go
first. Scar keep the damage to a minimum.”

“Yeah,yeah let's get going!” Rayleigh only shook his head as he followed everyone else
off and waited at the shore. Scarlett led the group about ten minutes before they reached the

Scarlett took to one side while Rayleigh took to the other. “Don’t not interfere at any
point!” Scarlett yells to the crew before turning to Rayleigh “First to the ground!” Causing
Rayleigh to laugh “You’re on!” The crew watched as Scarlett and Rayliegh met in the middle
with their swords clashing. The spar had begun.


The crew tried their best to watch the fight but it was hard as the two were moving fast
around the field. The two ignored the crew that cheered them on and only focused on each
other and making teasing remakes the whole time. They had started during the late afternoon
to the early evening until Scarlett was tired of dragging it out. Scarlett doubled down on his
conqueror's haki both on his sword and dagger. The next time Rayliegh got close Scarlett
dropped him on the floor quickly getting Rayleigh to drop his sword. Placing Sol by Rayliegh
left ear with Luna at Rayleigh throat. Both could only smile as the crew cheered from the
sidelines “I win.” Scarlett said as he stood up and pulled up Rayleigh “yes you did.” as he
threw an arm over Scarlett dragging him to the rest of the crew who started to party. Ralyeigh
was beyond proud as Scarlett had come a long way with his sword but Rayleigh knew
Scarlett could have ended the match very early on but dragged it on. Raleigh could also tell
the cabin boys were excited and intrigued by Scarlett as they raced over to him bringing a
smile to everyone around them.
After having a bit of rest and food in his body, Scarlett did some light stretching before
moving back into the field. “ Come on Captain! First to get the other on their back!” “My
my! No patience!” Roger laughed as he met Scarlett in the middle. “Yup!” Scarlett pulled Sol
from his back getting into position with Roger doing the same. “First to the ground!”
Rayleigh shouted, causing the two to smile before Scarlett disappeared before everyone's
eyes only for him to reappear clashing with Roger as their swords met in the middle with
conqueror’s haki flowing out like crazy knocking out a good amount of the crew. Causing the
two to laugh as Scarlett won the first wave knocking Roger back a few steps.

The two went at it for hours into the night causing many of the trees around them to fall
as they clashed sword meeting sword until Scarlett saw a chance. Roger let his guard down
for a second when his sword clashed with Scarlett’s conqueror's haki coated fist causing a
shockwave throwing Roger onto his back with Sol at his throat. Scarlett stared down at Roger
in shock as did everyone else. It’s not long before everyone was cheering Scarlett couldn’t
believe it himself and fell next to Roger as they both caught their breath “I-i did it.” Scarlett
said he couldn’t believe it himself. Roger’s voice reached his ears “you did it. I’m proud
Scar.” Scarlett turned to look at his brother who was smiling wide. “Come on, let's get up and
have more drinks.” Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh as he followed Roger to their little camp
meeting everyone once again partying.


The party slowly started to die down leaving Scarlett, Max, Roger, Rayleigh and the two
cabin boys listening to Scarlett talk about his devil fruit when shanks interrupted him “Scar
join my crew!” Causing the others to pause then laugh while Buggy shouted for Scarlett to
join his crew. Scarlett smiled as he watched the two bicker chuckling as the two started to
wrestle each other. Scarlett told himself his captain is by his side while he watches his future
wrestle. Scarlett laughed as Rayleigh stepped in stopping the two with a knock on the head,
as they pouted on the floor rubbing their bumps Shanks turned to Scarlett “You never

Scarlett smiled fixing some of Shanks’s hair so it's out of his face “ask me again when
you have a great crew.” Scarlett saw Shanks’s eyes light up as he stood on his feet crossing
his arms with a proud smile “one day I will have a great crew and we will come for you Scar
and go on a great adventure.” Scarlett could only smile as Shanks started to yawn, Scarlett
chuckles pulling Shanks and Buggy close to his sides, getting comfortable as the three started
to fall asleep to the sounds of the campfire.
Meeting a new crew
Chapter Summary

Scarlett runs into a new crew after a bad storm

Chapter Notes

Content warning : none

Age: Scarlett is 18 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett shakes his head, stopping his daydream as he focuses on flying. Scarlett has been
in the new world making connections and handling jobs since his last time meeting Roger
and now he heads back to paradise after finishing another job from Jess. It was only a few
days away from a base and he trusted that his stamina had grown enough for him to fly days
at a time and not get tired and not need to take Rex with him.

But since he is in the new world the weather takes a turn and Scarlett loses a few of his
things and is thrown off his course home. Scarlett knows he is never going to hear the end of
this from Rex and Rose. Scarlett gets a hold of himself and lets the winds and his haki guide
him to a ship not far from where the storm threw him.

After flying laps around the ship without raising an alarm, Scarlett decides to say hello
and hope they don’t fight because he is not in the mood to fight right now. Landing softly on
the railing no one has noticed him but Scarlett now gets a better look at the crew and knows
exactly who they are. The Whitebeard pirates. The crew of the strongest man in the world so
they say. Now Scarlett wouldn’t mind a spar but right now he just wants to go home so
maybe another time.
“Sorry to disturb you kind folks but can you help me out?” The whole deck fell silent,
Scarlett loves getting the drop on people like that when he sees the crew try to figure out how
they didn’t sense him. Just like the flip of a switch, weapons are drawn and pointed right at
Scarlett. “Haha! Careful now where you point those, I don’t take kindly to them being
pointed at me.”

“Who are you?” Says Marco the Phoenix is the first to move close to Scarlett, “Ah First
Mate Marco the Phoenix, so this is Whitebeard’s crew, the old bag is not going to like this.”
Most of the crew starts shouting in disbelief “Did he just call Marco first mate” “First
mate?!” “Wait first mate!!”

“Ok before I introduce myself, I ask that the weapons be lowered before I take that as a
threat and I will act. I’m here purely as someone who is looking for help as I lost my things
and whatever food I had left in a storm so please lower the weapons.” Whitebeard finally
decides to make his voice be known from his seat on the deck after watching the young man
speaking.“Listen to him my sons, this man is strong, now who are you young man to come to
me for help.”

“Ah captain Whitebeard permission to board sir.” “granted.” Scarlett jumps down from
his place on the railing. “ Thank you sir my name is Scarlett. A storm threw me off my course
home and the waves took my log post and most of my things, I hope you can help me.”

“I see, you have had a hard time. We can spare some food for you, young lad as for a log
post we can look into. If you have a specific island we can help you chart a course.” Scarlett
could only smile up at the man, maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. Scarlett knows the wind
could lead him back to Rex but he is tired plus it’s not everyday he can be a powerhouse like
Whitebeard. “Thank you very much if you don’t mind. I have to make a call to some old
bags who will worry if I don’t call them.” “Of course make your call, my children, go back to
what you are doing. Scarlett will be a guest for the time being.”

“ Damn straight Scar better be a guest Whitebeard or you will be dealing with me!!”
Roger’s loud voice could be heard from a small snail Scarlett pulled from another bag on his
back on top of his sword Sol. “Come on old bag, can you be any more of a mother hen, you
know very well I can take on the Whitebeards if I wanted to.” again the crew starts yelling
like they have never seen a snail work before Scarlett only rolls his eyes unamused at the
crew. “Roger! “ “He knows Roger!” “Wait, you can take us?”

“ GuaGaur ! Roger, you know this young man?” Roger's voice can be heard from the
snail over the crew who is still shouting. “Of course Scar is a very old friend and little brother
to me. So take good care of him, also brat check your feathers and don’t fight Whitebeard he
still needs his ship!” Scarlett knows he won’t fight Whitebeard but he can still tease everyone
around him.

“ Come one, I could keep the damage to a minimum, the ship would still float them to an
island before it goes down.” Scarlett said with a smirk that sent a chill down most of the
people who were still around “ Haha! I know, I know, Ray says if you fight Marco take
photos when you kick his ass!” On Roger’s side of the snail he can hear the sounds of
laughter, most likely from RayRay himself.

“ Haha ! tell RayRay I will but I don’t plan on fighting anyone yet. I really want to nap
and head to my base. I just finished a job and got caught in a storm and lost most of my
things but I found Whitebeard so I will be fine.” Scarlett remembers he won’t be able to call
Shanks and Buggy at night to tell them stories of islands and other things like he has done
over the last year after meeting them.

“Oh! oh! tell the young emperors story time will have to wait till I’m back at base but
I’ll be sending them something soon to make up for it.” Scarlett could hear Roger and
Rayray’s laughter over the snail. “Haha! Of course, I will pass on the message. Be safe Scar,
I don’t want a visit from your big brother to yell at me for you joining Whitebeard’s crew.”

Scarlett can only laugh, Dragon over the years has called a few times to yell at Roger
about Scarlett worried more than mad but it still scares Roger. “ Hahahaha ! Like I would
join any crew, I’m solo for a reason but yes, I will stay safe and talk to him when I get home,
bye old bag.” “Bye brat, call soon as you make it to base.” Scarlett smiled as he placed the
snail away thinking about another crew while Roger is around is beyond funny to Scarlett
like he would ever leave his captain for another.
With a smile Scarlett turns to face the rest of the deck who everyone seems to have
stopped moving to watch his call with Roger. Scarlett already knows the crew are going to
have questions “ I’m sure you have questions but I’m afraid I will not answer any, as it is for
my own safety and privacy I’m sure you folks can understand, after all I am on an enemy
ship.” most nod along seeing his logic.

“Whitebeard-sama, I will answer your questions but if I may borrow a bed. I have been
awake for quite some days now and traveling, but once I sleep I will answer your questions
with one of your commanders present, preferably Marco if you don’t mind.” Scarlett watches
as Whitebeard seems to think it over before giving his answer. “ Of course Marco, show him
to a room. Someone bring him some food and once you wake we will chart you a course and
have that conversation til then rest you are a guest.” Scarlett gives him a smile and chuckles
slightly as Marco starts to show him the way. “Thank you for the hospitality! Lead the way,
flame chicken.” Scarlett watches as Marco goes red with anger and starts to chase after
Scarlett “I AM NOT A CHICKEN!!”


After being shown a room and eating one of the best meals in forever and taking a few
hours to sleep (cause Scarlett can still never get a full night's sleep after all these years) he is
ready to face Whitebeard and the many questions he doesn’t mind answering. He knows
Whitebeard and Marco are trustworthy with some info and he knows for sure Whitebeard
will try to keep him and maybe he and Marco can bond over having similar devil fruits.

After walking out the room to find the Whitebeards running back and forth with weapons
to the main deck pecks Scarlett’s interest.He returns to his room grabbing Sol and strapping
him to his back Scarlett makes his way to the deck.

“What’s the rush?” Scarlett asks a random person “Garp the marine hero is here!” The
man shouts as he watches Scarlett take off “Shit! Old man is here!” running at full speed to
the main deck and straight to the air Scarlett flies high for the whole deck to see as he starts
to defend the Whitebeards.

“Stand down! Old man! Don’t ruin my rest!!” Scarlett’s old man’s voice carries over the
waves and cannon fire. “Brat! You joined the Whitebeards!! Get down here so you can get
fist of love!!” Scarlett could only shake his head as he slices a cannon heading for him “ shut
up old man! I am solo and you know it so stop firing or I will sink your ship again old man!”
Scarlett turns his head to face Whitebeard who has a flash of anger in his eyes but it doesn’t
last long. “ stand down Whitebeard-sama. I will handle my old man, I ask for you and your
men to not interfere please.” Whitebeard seems to think it over before giving his orders “ok
brat. My children stand down, let's see what Scarlett can do.”

Scarlett takes off “Old man!” Taking to diving straight to Garp, the Whitebeards hold
their breath as Garp throws another cannonball straight at Scarlett but he dodges with a laugh.
He enjoys his little spars with his father. Still dogering the cannonballs thrown his way,
Scarlett tackles Garp to the deck when he makes it to his ship.

The sea fell quiet for a moment but laughter filled the air. “old man! you have to be
quicker if you want to hit me.” Scarlett says as he rolls to his side giving his old man room to
stand once again. “ haha cheeky brat!” Garp stands once again at full height giving out orders
“stand down men!” As they raise together Scarlett looks for his father's right hand man
Bogard, his favorite uncle.

“Now where is my favorite uncle Bo? I need his hugs to make up for you messing with
my rest old man.” Bogard comes up from behind the group of marines who are lost. “I am
here little Scar.” As he messes up Scarlett’s mess of hair before bringing him into a big hug. “
Ah, uncle, your hugs are the best. Think you can take the old man away from the
Whitebeards before he tries something again please.”

“ Haha ! of course. Now I’m sure Whitebeard has many questions.” Bogard continues to
hug his nephew “Okay, just a few more seconds before you let go of the hug please.” “ok
brat.”Scarlett finally lets go of his uncle, taking steps to the edge of the railing. “hmm ok bye
uncle, bye old man, leave them alone for a few days. I need rest then feel free to chase who
you chose. Also,” Scarlett releases conqueror's haki knocking most of the crew down “ Haha
! you really need to train them more, old man! haha !” Taking to the sky spreading his
beautiful brown and gold wings heading back to the Whitebeard’s ship, Scarlett’s laughter
fills the air.


However, coming back to the Moby tension fills the air “Ah, the tension is really thick.”
Scarlett folds his wings and lands on the deck. “Before you start questioning if I am a marine.
I will say I am not and never will be. Now I am not a danger to your crew yet but that can
change depending on how your men act now I believe you have many questions. Whitebeard-
sama, if you wish we can have that conversation now away from prying ears.” Whitebeard
stands tall as his voice carries out orders “Vista handle things here,Marco follow us,
everyone else do you duties.”

Making it to an office and using observation haki to know no one will listen in. Scarlett
faces Whitebeard and Marco. Whitebeard chooses to sit while Marco stands on his right. Scar
takes a seat in front of Whitebeard. “I know you have many questions but due to my job there
are questions I will not answer but I will answer most. I ask that what I say stays in this room
and not to be repeated to others as I will have many enemies after me if word gets out.”
Whitebeard and Marco share a look and start answering back. “Yes I have many questions,
of course none of what we speak will be said to others.”

Scarlett offers a smile “so you may begin with your questions.” Whitebeard and Marco
share a look before they start. “What is your real name?” Marco starts off the questions
“Huh? okay I go by many but I have no problem telling you my birth name, My name is
Monkey D. Scarlett. But to most my name is The Red Death.” The surprised look that crosses
Marco's face tells Scarlett he has heard of his work, a wicked smile comes to his face “ So
you have heard of me Marco,all good things I hope, I am very proud of my work.”

“Yes, I thought it was just rumors that a new man for hire was making waves and is very
good at what he does but now I know they are not just rumors.” Whitebeard seems to be in
shock as well but pulls himself together “Monkey as Garp, are you his son? Is that why you
asked to handle it?” Scarlett gives the two a small smile and nods. “Yes, I am his second son
and yes he distributed my rest plus I haven’t seen him in months and now I can cancel my
visit to see him so thanks for that.”

The conversation moves at a good pace and Sol is calm on his back purring as a reminder
he is there. “Why do you have wings? Is it a devil fruit or something else?” Marco asks with
interest “Hehe, I have a zoan fruit that allows me to turn into the mythical creature called a
griffin, it is one of many powers that make me more powerful than most.”

“ Why did Roger say not to fight pops?” Scarlett just shrugs his shoulders trying his best
not to be smug. “ It's simple in a fight I would go all out no matter what and in the process
destroy the Moby which I would have no pleasure doing. The Moby is a wonderful ship who
shall carry this crew for a long time and to the end of your captain's life and I will not take
her early over a spar.” “What do you mean to the end of pop's life?” Of course Marco would
catch that Scarlett can only sigh to himself. “Now that is something I can’t not share, so next

“Why does Rayleigh think you would fight with Marco and win?” Whitebeard moved on
to the next question when he saw Marco was going to press more on the matter. “ Most likely
he was only saying it to egg me on to fight Marco. He knows that I will win. I mean I kicked
his ass last time we spared so it’s not hard for him to say I would win.”

Both Whitebeard and Marco let the words settle and their eyes grow wide and Scarlett has
the biggest grin and starts to laugh. “ Hahaha ! Everyone makes the same face when I say
that. Gosh, I kinda want to see what happens when me and old bag spar now.” “Old bag, do
you mean Roger, you spar Roger?!” Whitebeard has a look of shock on his face and Marco
just raises his eyebrows. “ haha yeah I have known him for years and we spar when we can
and last time I won.”

“ Guar Guar I must say you are an interesting brat, why don’t you join my crew.” Scarlett
only looks at Whitebeard with amusement in his eyes before he laughs at the other captain.
“pfttt, hahahaha ! Sorry, sorry, I mean no disrespect Whitebeard-sama but I have no plans to
join a crew. I’m too focused on my goals and plans, not to mention my job is very under the
table. I can't be spotted with well known crews or I won’t get the clients so sorry I will have
to turn you down.”

“ Guar Guar brat, I will get you to join at some point.” Something in Whitebeard’s voice
puts Scarlett on edge. “ You can try Whitebeard-sama.” Scarlett felt something ruffle his
feathers under his skin. Conqueror's Haki. Scarlett couldn’t believe he is using conqueror's
haki to change Scarlett’s mind. Scarlett can only coat himself back in his own haki. His
respect for Whitebeard has gone down a little. He has many feelings about this and none are
good. Trying to not let it show he felt anything he gestured for them to continue is talking.

“Why did you call me first mate? When I am not because pops doesn’t have a first mate.”
Macro asks moving on to the next thing. “Ah I guess I spoke too soon then forget I called you
that.” Still feeling Whitebeard's haki trying to make its way Scarlett double downs on his own
feeling a warm pulse under his skin and feeling his back grow warm. Sol feels it just as he is
and he is not happy with Whitebeard.

“Also Whitebeard-sama it is well known you take in many people yes?” “Yes, I take in
many children.” Scarlett nods. “Then I mean no disrespect when I say this but a warning,
there is always a wolf in sheep’s clothing no matter the herd. Understand.”

Both Marco and Whitebeard grow red and tense ready to fight back “as I said a warning
nothing more.”

Chapter End Notes

Merry Christmas Eve to everyone who celebrates!

Making a new friend
Chapter Summary

Scarlett’s time with the Whitebeard pirates

Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Age: Scarlett is 18 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After the tension has passed the trio continues the conversation by coming up with a path
Scarlett can take back home. By the time they are done dinner is served Whitebeard walking
ahead thinking of ways to keep Scarlett and make him join his crew. Whitebeard still feels his
haki clinging to the boy and hopes he can wear him down over time as from the look in
Marco's eyes tell him his son has taken quite a shine to this boy. As the pair continued to talk
about maps and other navagoriter stuff, Whitebeard himself didn’t understand.

Whitebeard had already walked into the full dinner hall by the time Marco and Scarlett
made it to the doors. Scarlett was in the middle of his sentence when he felt the presence of
something that made his feathers want to burst. Taking a quick glance at the many tables he
found him. Teach. On the surface he felt normal but with Scarlett’s advanced haki and senses
Scarlett can feel the darkness festering. Scarlett knew seeing him was a possibility but he
really hoped he wouldn’t see him today. Marco noticed Scarlett stopped and had a look in his

Taking upon himself Marco softly pointed Scarlett’s left arm carefully not wanting to touch
the fresh scar on his arm. “Scarlett, are you okay?” Hearing Marco’s voice helped bring him
back from the darkness. “Yeah, it's just been a while since I have been with a lot of people.
It’s a bit overwhelming.” Marco agrees the crew can be alot at dinner and it can be too much
even for the new recruits. “How about we get some food then eat on deck, no one is really
there right now.” Scarlett gives him a soft smile making him look really cute not that Marco
thinks Scarlett is cute or anything.

“Really that would be nice, now do you remember what I was saying again?” The pair
continued talking about maps once again. Scarlett was trying his best to ignore many of the
whispers of the crew, some were talking out of their ass about beating him in a fight ,others
were saying things that made his skin crawl, yeah Scarlett should kill everyone but he decides
not even if Sol is getting hotter on his back ready for blood. The chances of him coming back
to whitebeard's ship in the future are very low now.

The pair continued getting food and stopping by a table mostly for Marco to let them know
where they will be. That got some cheers and whistles Scarlett chose to just roll his eyes and
wait for Marco who had a slight blush. As the boys walked away Scarlett felt a wave of haki
once again. Sighing inward he coated himself once again and continued to talk with Marco as
they went to the deck missing a few sets of eyes that followed the pair.

Taking a seat near one of the railing on deck, the pair sat and ate and talked about other
things. Mostly Scarlett coming up with new things because he found Marco’s way of thinking
interesting and didn’t want to stop talking to him. As the night grew longer the pair still
seated just a little closer to each other the pair still talking about everything and nothing when
Scarlett thought Marco would make a good friend. “Hey Marco can we be friends?” Marco
turns his head to his right now looking at Scarlett not believing his ears. Friends.

Marco doesn’t really have friends outside the crew he thinks missing how his silence is
making Scarlett’s anxiety rise. “We don't have too if you don’t wa-” Marco started to cough
as his face grew red “NO! Cough I mean I would like to be friends, that would be nice.” “Ok
cool.” Scarlett and Marco both look away trying to hide their blushes more out of
embarrassment more than anything. Missing the two people down the hallway both wearing

After that the pair stayed talking for a bit longer before Marco’s duties called him away
and Scarlett decided to head to his room for the night. The room is a small room with a desk,
small closet, a nightstand, a full size bed and a bathroom. Scarlett checks that he has
everything and decides to take a quick shower; he just has to wear the same clothes again
since he lost the rest of his. Once he is out and done he reaches for his snail and lets out his
wings while he dials a number.

“ Red?” “Rose,” Scarlett can hear the sounds of footsteps and a door close before the
ranting starts. “It's about damn time you call, I thought I was going to have to send Aunt
Tsuru to search for your body.” Scarlett couldn’t help but smile fondly at the snail. “ Ha ,
thats mean Rose. Sending Auntie instead of yourself.” Scarlett watches as the snail starts to
pout “Whatever, what happened anyway, you are never this late.”

Over the last four years Scarlett and Rose had fallen into the habit of calling every time
Scarlett finished a job just to keep check he was ok. Rose still doesn’t know what Scarlett
does, just that it is dangerous and Scarlett just sees messed up things. So he talks to Scarlett
to distract him from the bad stuff.

“ Ha , funny thing after I did the job I got caught in a storm, lost just about everything I
had. Then I found Whitebeard. They are helping for now but come tomorrow and I'll be
gone.” Rose had told him to take the Rex with him but Scalett said it was a quick and easy
job. Only a couple of days of flying, he would be fine and look what happened. “Ok do you
need me to say it or are you going to?”

Scarlett can only roll his eyes. Man who knew 12 year olds can be so sassy. “Ok, ok, you
were right and I was wrong.” Scarlett could feel Rose’s smugness over the snail. “Yup, why
was I right?” Scarlett could only roll his eyes as he fixed his wings. “ Brat, you were right I
should have brought Rex with me because it's the new world and shit happens.”

“Yup, exactly now that is over. How are your wings? Are they sore?” Scarlett moves from
one wing to the other, slowly adding feathers to a small pile. “They are fine. I'm looking over
them as we speak all good.” Scarlett could hear Rose moving around before he spoke again. “
Good, now sleep, just slept a few hours. It's a long trip and I have classes soon.” “Yeah, yeah,
night Rose.” “Night Red.” clank
Scarlett finishes looking at his wings and Sol and Luna both join him. “So we are killing
the old bastard right?” Sol asks as he starts to pace while Luna helps pull some loose feathers.
“No Sol, we are leaving tomorrow there is no point in starting a war.” Scarlett answers giving
Luna a side hug as a thanks as she finishes pulling the last feather. “ but that bitch is trying-”
“Sol listen to the squirt, we are already leaving. Don’t let it get under your skin.” Luna said as
she got up from Scarlett’s hug and pulled Sol into a cuddle pile. “ Don’t worry we’ll kick his
ass when the time comes now keep watch while Scar sleeps.” Sol pouted and nodded as
Scarlett made himself comfort and fell into a dream of golden eyes.


After that same dream of golden eyes Scarlett wakes to the sound of knocking at his door.
Wiping the sleep from his eyes Scarlett answers the door to someone dressed in a kimono.
“Can I help you?” Scarlett’s words slur a bit as his brain tries to wake itself up.

He hears a small giggle come from the man “I brought you some extra clothes that might
fit you. I figured you need them more than I do.” It’s but a simple white button shirt and a
pair of black pants. “Thanks um I didn’t catch your name.” “ Hehe my name is Izou, if Marco
hadn’t kept you to himself last night we would have met.” Scarlett can't help but laugh. The
man is trying hard not to pout and it is funny.

“Hey, don’t laugh we all wanted to meet you but you guys left to your little corner
talking away who knows what. But I must know what did you say to cause Marco to get so
red?” Scarlett stops laughing and thinks back to last night. He has a new friend. It's nice for
him so he’ll keep it to himself for now.

With a big grin “That's a secret. By chance do you have some makeup I can use, I really
need to hide my eyebags so I don't look dead.” Izou lets out a snort quickly using his fan to
hide while Scarlett lets out a laugh only stopping when he sees Izou’s glare “We don’t speak
of this.” Izou leaves and Scarlett lets out his laugh,echoing down the halls following Izou
who has a small blush and a smile.

Scarlett now freshly showered and dressed in his new clothes and belly full. He starts to
pack for his trip back home, it's not long before he makes his way to the top deck where most
of the crew is. Hiding his presence once again making his way around the small group around
Whitebeard as he tells a story Scarlett looks down to make sure he is presentable after all he
wants to leave some kind of impression. Even if Sol wants to kill him.

His hair is clean now in a small ponytail he really needs to cut soon, he has a clean shave
and his moon scar clean and now visible, his under eyes well covered with the help of Izou
who is going to be his favorite among the crew. His new shirt opened at the top, most of the
top buttons undone, the bottom buttons closed his chest out for all to see and his tattoo
peaking out. It’s a simple sun and clouds tattoo neatly done. His new pants are clean with
Luna at his hip and Sol on his back along with his small bag.

Scarlett is ready to face Whitebeard coating himself in his own haki, ready he makes his
presence known with a simple cleaning of his throat when the story came to a pause causing
everyone on deck to stare at the now cleaned up man.

“Sorry to interrupt such a good story, however I thought it was best to let you know I
would be leaving Whitebeard-sama.” Just like he thought a wave a haki tries to weigh on
him. He simply smiles and makes his way to Marco who is slowly turning red. “Marco, I
forgot to give this to you. keep it safe for me.” Scarlett leans down to whisper to Marco
placing a small piece of paper into his hand “it's my snail number call if you want to talk, we
are friends after all.” Moving back seeing Marco has grown even more red but nods at
Scarlett’s words.

Scarlett moves to stand in front of Whitebeard mindful of the others presence, he also
feels the darkness behind him curious but Scarlett will not give in just yet and continue to
look at Whitebeard who is still trying to use his haki. Scarlett takes a bow “Thank you for
your aid Whitebeard-sama may the sea grace you with calm waves.”
Whitebeard's eye grew a little wider before he let out a laugh. Most of the crew are
confused but Whitebeard doesn’t care he wants this boy as his. For one to know such an old
saying now is rare. “Join my crew brat!” Scarlett raises from his bow when he feels a wave of
haki, Sol is vibrating on his back ready for blood, Scarlett only can sigh at the older man “No
thank you Whitebeard-sama.”

The crew are in shock to reject Whitebeard to the crew, it was disrespectful. The crew
started to yell ridiculous things and Scarlett paid no mind to it and stared at Whitebeard
before Whitebeard raised his bisento slamming it on deck hushing the crew. Whitebeard
seems to come up to some conclusion and sighs “ May the winds guide your sails.”

Finally Scarlett lets out a breath and with a simple nod he hides his presence and takes to
the sky. The crew are shocked for many reasons, Whitebeard lets him go, the guy appears and
disappears like nothing, he makes Marco blush more than any have seen that man was truly

Marco stares where Scarlett once stood as the crew looks for where he went. Marco knew
Scarlett would not stay but he still is a little disappointed he moved to stand at the railing
looking out at sea while the crew settled down. “So are you ever going to tell what he said to
make you blush?” Marco rolls his eyes, turning from the sea to look at his brother Izou who
looks too smug for Marco’s taste.

“He didn't say anything, it must have been your eyes” Izou somehow looks even more
smug “really then what about last night? The two of you were basically cuddling and
blushing the whole time.” Marco's eyes grow wide looking to see if any of the others are
paying any attention. “No we weren’t Izou.” Marco answers, cursing himself as he feels a
blush thinking about last night. They didn’t do anything but talk.

However the moon shines bright in Scarlett's eyes making them look like stars. Marco
shakes his head and decides to ignore his brother and head to sit on his father’s shoulder, who
is in deep thought. Probably trying to come up with a plan for Scarlett to join, he leaves him
be and turns his head to the sky watching as the clouds move thinking about a pair of brown
eyes with a moon scar under the right eye.
Chapter End Notes

An extra chapter as a Christmas gift ☺ merry Christmas to those who celebrate and
happy holidays everyone!
Chapter Summary

A small filler chapter

Chapter Notes

Content warning:none

Age: Scarlett is 18 yrs old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett has spent the last three days flying back to his base in paradise now landing back
on the Rex now home once again and tired. Over these last years Scarlett has built his
stamina up so he can fly for days with little rest until he knows he is safe. Landing and
making his way into the cabin heading straight to the bed landing face first. “Welcome Home
little one and brats”

Sol and Luna both appear like Rex and the trio stood looking at the now sleeping man. “
Tsk he is only sleeping to avoid me yelling at him.” Sol says as he starts to remove the boy’s
boots while Rex and Luna remove the blades and bag to make him more comfortable. “And
why would you yell at him?” Rex asks, raising an eyebrow and placing the bag on the table
as Luna sets the blades on the wall while Sol sits at the table.

“He wouldn’t let me cut the old bastard for trying to force the squirt to stay with him.HE
WAS GOING TO FORCE HIM TO STAY!!” Sol eyes shine with anger glowing gold. “AND
BASTARD!” Luna walks over and knocks him on the head. “Be quiet already, you will wake
him. Hello Rex, we are home.” “Welcome home.” Luna starts to make cookies she knows
Scarlett loves after flying for a long time.
“Anyways back to what Sol was saying was the old bastard was trying to force him to join
his crew using haki but Squirt is a smart one and protected himself well. So Sol, there is no
need to cut the old bastard as we weren’t there long even if he deserved it.”

“Whatever next time we kick his ass.” Sol grumbles looking at the sea with the sun high
in the sky. “Who is the old bastard anyway and how did you end up with him?” Rex moves to
fix the blanket around Scarlett before sitting with Sol once again. Sol and Luna go back and
forth telling Rex how they got lost in a storm and end up asking the Whitebeard pirates for
help. How they saw the old man so they won't see for another year at most, they talked about
everything they knew including a young guy who blushed so hard when he saw Scarlett
cleaned up.

“I'm telling you Rex, I haven't seen a human get so red before. I thought he was going to
faint hahaha and poor squirt didn't even notice the kid was crushing on him it was amazing
haha! ” Sol just finished talking about Marco when Scarlett was leaving. Luna spoke up now
sitting on the kitchen counter waiting for the cookies to bake. “ hehe , you should have seen it
Rex. The guy was crushing so hard and Scarlett didn’t even bat an eye haha , Oh don't get
mad at him about not taking you Rose already gave him the I told so talk so just be happy he
is back okay.”

Rex just shakes his head sending his thanks to Rose “okay I won’t say anything to him but
still next you guys remind him what happened next time he tries to leave without me. Also
Sol of course he isn’t going to know when someone is crushing on him after all his heart is
set on the swordsman with gold eyes.”

The three chuckle as it is well known between them Scarlett is crushing on the guy even
if he denies it. At some point one of the three have caught Scarlett starting a Mihawk’s
wanted poster or pouting when he doesn’t find Mihawk in the newspaper. So they tease
Scarlett here and there about it.

The trio sit and chat about the job and about what happened with the whitebeards just
going over everything once again now that Sol has calmed down, no longer cursing out
Whitebeard. Rex agrees with the blades and will do his best to not sail near them now mad at
the Whitebeards himself.
Hours now pass as the group chats away talking about their next trip when Scarlett wakes
once the sunsets and night has come. He wakes to the sounds of talking and things moving
around, rubbing his face into his pillow Scarlett turns his head to the sounds of his family
chatting and laughing.

Scarlett looks at them with fondness and love, filling his soul. His own family that he
knows only grows more and more and he couldn’t be happier. “Oh, squirt is awake. Have a
good sleep?” The trio turn at Sol’s voice and see Scarlett laying there with a smile on his
face. “Someone woke up in a good mood.” “yeah i did.” Scarlett moves and joins the trio
taking a cookie and enjoys his family as the night drags on.

Chapter End Notes

A nice small filler for you guys before the next chapter which is a time jump of 2yrs!

Now that Christmas has passed I will go back to posting 4 chapters a week just a heads

Anyways I hope you are having a nice day/night! See you Thursday!
Closer to the end of an era
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Ages: Scarlett 20 yrs old

Roger 53 yrs old

Time: October XXXX

Scarlett looks ahead at the island with dread. Roger called him to head to the island of
Baterilla in South Blue, meaning one thing the time has come for Roger to turn himself in.
Scarlett had known not long after he last saw the crew Oden had joined them and they began
their journey to laugh tale and made it. Roger became king. That was two years ago and now
the time is here.

sighing Scarlett says “Rex, it’s going to be hard for a few months and we are going to be
landlocked for a while. I hope you don’t mind but I will be there for these kids and I will
probably not sleep much so keep watch over us Rex.” He manifested right behind Scarlett
pulling the young man into a hug, holding him extra tight.

“I will always watch over you, do not worry little one we will care for the little ones, they
are ours. The moment you said they were. Do not worry,Go. we made it to the island, go see
the old bag.” Scarlett moves away, taking in the island and makes his way down and to the
shore, tiring the boat to the sand.

Moving away he uses his haki and starts to follow Roger’s signature to the top of the hill
past the town. Scarlett decides to walk to put his mind together. He is going to meet Rouge
and Roger, lose his big brother,best friend,teacher and someone he cares about. They knew
this moment would come but it still hurts. While time will pass it doesn’t hurt any less.
Scarlet reaches a small home deep in the woods as he reaches the house the door opens and
out comes big brother Roger.

Roger isn’t looking so good, his under eyes are dark. His face is sunken in, he just looks
tired. Tears start to roll down Scarlett’s face. Scarlet throws himself into Roger’s arms
holding him closer and he can just tell how much the sickness caused him to lose weight.

Roger now with Scarlett in his arms does he notice how young Scarlett looks as he cries
in his arms. Roger starts to wipe his tears and starts to speak to his crying brother. “You don’t
have to do this. I’m sure your old man can-” more tears start to fall from Scarlett “he doesn’t
help! he makes it worse! Please don’t take them away from me. please Roger.” Scarlett begs.
“I can do this. I just hate that I lose you.” The fight leaves Scarlett taking deep breaths,
moving his face back from Roger‘s chest “I just hate I can’t save you.” Scarlett whispers
back into his chest, his voice breaking. “I know, little one. I know.”

Roger holds him close, listening to his little brother in all but blood cry in his arms. After
standing what felt like hours in each other's arms, Scarlet moves first, wiping his face.
“Come, let’s go inside. I’m sure I’m making her nervous already. we will talk more after I
meet my sister-in-law.” “ ha ha yes, let’s go.” Roger wraps an arm over Scarlett’s shoulder to
offer some comfort as Roger is now nervous because his little brother is meeting the love of
his life.

Making their way into the small home standing in the small living room is none other
than Portgas D. Rouge. She truly is a beautiful woman. She’s smaller than both Roger and
Scarlett with wavy, pink, blonde hair and freckles decorate her face with a small smile,
clearly nervous and she wears a long blue dress, with a very small bump that is barely there
even if she is five months.

“Hi, you must be Scarlett. Roger has told me lots about you. He’s very proud when he
speaks of you.” she giggles watching the two both embarrassed. “I hope he didn’t say
anything embarrassing, it’s nice to meet you and the little one. I hope we can be friends over
time.” “Of course let’s eat. I’m sure it was a long journey before we all talk.”
Roger agrees immediately the three sit at a small table and enjoy getting to know each
other and catch up with Roger since Scarlet hasn’t seen him since he met Rogers young
apprentices a couple years ago and snail calls aren’t the same as seeing Roger in person.
Hours pass the trio finished dinner and clean up now sitting in the living room, gathering
themselves for a hard conversation they wish to avoid.

Scarlett sighs “we have put it off long enough, so you’ve called me I take it you’ve
already said goodbye to RayRay so your plan is moving right now.”

“Yes, I said bye to Ray and called your old man. We will meet somewhere and turn myself
over to him.” Scarlett tries to keep a straight face, “tomorrow I’ll go to the Rex for some tone
dials because you are not leaving your kids without saying something to them. I doubt you
even seen them since you disbanded the crew.”

Roger now scratching the back of his neck not looking at his little brother “Yeah that’s a
good idea I didn’t think about that.” Scarlett now feeling a little more smug “yeah i figured,
anyways I’m sure the marines are going to make a big show they will do it in Loguetown. I
will meet the boys there because they will be there in the crowd. We won't stay for long, we
will leave after that. The seas will be in chaos, I will try to be fast but it will be a shit show.
Rouge, I am going to ask you to come with me after everything this island will not be safe.
So please pack whatever you wish as I will be moving you to one of my bases in the east blue
for a while then we will move to my home island when you’re further along so you can have
the baby safely without marines trying to kill you because they will try.”

Scarlett takes a deep breath glancing at the couple with the dread in their eyes of what’s to
come. Taking another breath Scarlett continues “this is going to be hard on all of us, but we
want to have very little problems as possible. It's best we be fast and hidden as best we can,
Rouge. I’m going to ask you to use a tone dial tomorrow for when the baby is older, they can
hear your voice along with Roger’s. Roger, when do you have to meet the old man?” “three
days from now.”
Scarlett runs his fingers through his hair taking a moment to plan. “Ok we leave
tomorrow night. I’ll head to Loguetown and you meet up with my old man. I’m sorry I won’t
be able to return you to the sea and I won’t know what will happen to you after.” Scarlet tells
him with a sad smile knowing it is something Roger wanted to do at the end of his life.

“You’re taking care of my children and Rouge. That is enough for me. Don’t worry about
it alright.” Scarlett nods “It’s late we need to rest. It's best if we sleep. Rouge, I hope you
don’t mind me sleeping here tonight.” “No, not at all. Let me fix the guest room and we can
all go to sleep.”


The next morning comes sooner than Scarlett knows it, he decides to leave quickly to
the Rex for the tone dials. He got during his last journey to a Sky Island, taking about six
dials back to the house. Walking in he sees Rouge making breakfast Roger still asleep with
Scarlett’s haki tells him.

“Morning, Rouge do you need help with anything?” Scarlett asks taking a seat at the
table. Watching Rouge at the stove making breakfast.

“Oh you’re already up. And no, I don't need any help. Thank you. Would you like coffee?”
She asked backing away from the stove standing near the coffee pot that is near the table
facing Scarlett.

“Yes, please I got the tone dials. It’s super easy to use and it will be nice for the little one to
have when they get older.”

“What is the tone dial?” Rouge asks her interest peak

“It is a shell that holds and records sound so you can talk into it and play it back and it
plays what was recorded. I plan for Roger to do a few before we leave.” Rouge holds a tight
smile and a sad look in her eyes. Scarlett can see the change from his seat. “I’m sorry, we
have to meet under these circumstances, but just know you make him so happy and I know he
loves you so much. I promise after this is over I will do my best to protect you and your child
and you will have me to help you in any way possible.”

Scarlett moves to hold her hand, giving her an extra squeeze to offer some more comfort
“you and your child will not be alone during these months and in the many years that follow I
promise to you.” She wipes her tears, Rouge nods her head and continues breakfast and
Scarlett drinks his coffee.

30 minutes later Roger joins them in the kitchen. “ Morning, your coffee first then dials.
Five for you and one for you and Rouge. understood.” Scarlett tells Roger with a raised
eyebrow. “Okay later, let’s eat and get things together.” The trio once again sit at the dining
room table to eat and chat about things to take their mind off the doom that awaits them.


After eating a late breakfast and explaining to Roger that the dials are for Shanks, Buggy,
Rayleigh, Ace, and Scarlett. Scarlett leaves the couple to return to the Rex until they are
ready to leave. Allowing the couple to have their time together and for Scarlet to call his
network, to let them know that Scarlett won’t be able to take jobs until things calm down and
he won’t be able to help any island as he would be in the east blue, after calling everyone and
with a heavy sigh leaving Scarlett,Rex appears pulling him into a hug.

“That was a lot of people to call little one. How about a quick nap before we leave, yes.”
Scarlett just sighs falling into the hug “will you lay with me Rex?” “Of course, little one.
come, I will watch over you rest.” and Scarlett falls asleep in Rex’s arms.


The sun is now coming down when Scarlett wakes in Rex’s arms still. “Thank you big
Bro.” “Of course little one, remember to eat and get ready to sail.” Scarlet nods and moves to
just do as he was told he ate some food and cleans up the cabin as it was a mess when he left
in a hurry when Roger called. Moving outside to pick up and clean the deck, something he
has been putting off for a while.

Time moves quickly, and before he knows it Roger is coming up to the Rex with a
small bag and red eyes “permission to board?” “granted.” Scarlet said with a tight voice
holding in his tears knowing this will be the last time he will say that to Roger. “Can we go
further down, that's where my boat is. Here are the tone dials for all of you. I wrote your
initials so you will know who's who's and some other things for you.” Scarlett nods along,
putting the bag on the side table near the cabin door and sets sail.

About 20 minutes later they reach Roger’s boat, a small dinghy, much smaller than the
Rex. “You can tie it to the Rex and I will carry you until we split, so-” “no, we will split here
and I will see you in loguetown.” Scarlett faces Roger looking him in the eyes trying to hold
his tears, “Roger, just for a while please. I want to see you on the seas one last time please.”
“Okay for a while.” Tying the boats together, the seas move them a little faster, both moving
to lay down on the deck of the Rex.

Scarlett opens his arms. Roger rolls his eyes and lays down with Scarlet in his arms. Both
fall into silence, listening to the waves and looking at the stars one last time together, after a
couple hours, Roger is the first to move away “it’s time I go, little scar.” Silently Scarlett
follows Roger as he moves to his small boat Roger turns to look at Scarlett. Roger brings him
into one last hug “you take care of yourself and you give them hell for me.” holding Scarlett
closer Roger put his head on top of Scarlett, feeling his shirt getting a little wet.

“Take care of my sons. I'm sure they will cause trouble, but they will listen to you. take
care little one.” Roger pulls away, moving Scarlett into Rex’s arms who is still trying to hold
back his tears. As Scarlett is still holding one of Roger’s hands Scarlett gives one last squeeze
and says “thank you for everything Roger,” Scarlett’s eyes holding so much love “thank you
for loving me big brother.”

Roger feels his eyes tear up “of course.” Roger lets go of Scarlett’s hand and jumps into
the small boat removing the rope turning his back to the Rex he calls over his shoulder “Rex
take care of him.” “Of course.” With a wave of his hand his boat starts to move away from
the Rex with the help of the sea further and further till he’s out of sight.

Scarlett falls to his knees and lets out his sobs. Rex tries to comfort him the best he can
and decides it's best to move the crying boy back into bed and just hold him for what was
hours until he cries himself to sleep. Rex leaves the boy under the covers with Sol and Luna
holding him and takes out the one hidden snail to call the one person,He knows who can help

purpur- purpur- purpur clank “Rex is everything ok? Is Scarlett okay?” Dragon’s worried
voice comes through the snail. He knows things must be bad for his brother to call this snail.
“He is asleep, but I thought you should know what’s happening.” Rex takes a deep breath.
“Roger is turning himself in and we just parted ways a few hours ago and Scarlett is taking it
hard. I have never seen him so broken. We are heading to Loguetown in the east blue. I think
it will be good for him to see you even if it’s for a few minutes before he puts a mask on and
face is the aftermath and shit show that’s coming.”

“Okay I will start moving. Thank you for calling Rex. See you soon.” Clank Rex looks at
the sleeping Scarlett taking a place behind Sol joining in the cuddle session. “What do we
do?” Luna asks as she lightly brushes some of Scarlett’s hair. Sol sighs holding Scarlett closer
“We remind him we are here for him. That’s all we can do for now.” The three look down as
Scarlett starts to whimper in his sleep. They place a hand on his back and allow Rex to hum a
random tune causing Scarlett to stop and fall asleep.


Come late morning Scarlett finally moves his body, he wakes with a sore throat and dry
eyes. Scarlett does his best to move and stretch and freshen up and has a coffee. Rex makes
his presence known “good morning little one how are you feeling?” “My body is sore and my
mind is a mess. We knew this was coming but it still hurts. How far away are we?” Rex looks
at him over satisfied that he has washed up and is eating something. “We are a few days away
from Logue town . The sea is really moving as fast as she can. We will be there soon. I called
Dragon, we will see him in Loguetown.”
Rex words sink in Dragon is coming. moving away from the kitchen. Scarlet pulls Rex
into a hug. “Thank you.” is all that Scarlett can say “Anything for you Little one.”
Roger’s last bang
Chapter Notes

Content warning: Canon character death

Ages: Scarlett 20
Roger 53
Shanks 15
Buggy 15

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The past week has felt like a blur to Scarlet. The day after Scarlett woke up after Roger
leaving, the news coos hit the seas with the news of Roger was caught and was to be
executed. Now set on paper was much harder than Scarlett thought, but he kept sailing with
no sleep until he saw Dragon again until he was safe in one of his brothers arms, finally an
hour away from Loguetown did Scarlett relaxed a bit moving to get ready to hit land and
search for his brother and nephews as he knows they would be here to see Roger.

Making it to the dock Scarlett takes a spot and Scarlet sees that the town is bursting with
people all flooded to see the pirate king. Scarlett ignores everyone heading straight to the
rooftops moving towards the presence of the person who will catch him when he drops.
Quickly he jumps from roof to roof. Till he finally felt his big brother turning right and kept
moving forward until he saw the green hood.

He runs straight into the open arms that wait for him. “hello my little scar.” Dragon feels
his shirt grow a little wet before he hears a small whine moving Scarlett away to see his face.
Dragon notes how dark Scarlett’s under eyes are and just how red they were with tears falling
down. “When did you last sleep Scarlett?” Scarlett fights the urge not to flinch. Dragon only
calls him Scarlett when he has done something bad knowing it’s better to tell the truth when
Dragon gets like this Scarlett answers “four days ago since Roger left.” Dragon holds his
breath and moves to his brother's side “come, you must sleep before tomorrow.” Scarletts
nods wiping his tears both move through the rooftops and back to the Rex.
Both reach the Rex and move straight into the cabin “Come lay down next to me and sleep
for just a few hours then there’s someone I want you to meet.” Scarlett just nods following
his brother laying in bed and into Dragon’s arms finally falling asleep.

Once checking that Scarlett has steady breathing. Does he call out “Rex please come.”
“Good to see you, Dragon.” “Can I have the rundown?” Rex sighs, taking a seat on the edge
of the bed. “Last week Roger called to meet in the south blue for no reason. But Scarlett
knew something because he started to pace and worried filled him. We made it to an island,
Scarlett told me it was going to be rough months ahead and we would be landlocked for a
while. Then he left for the island. He came back the next day with red eyes and started
making phone calls to the network letting people know things were going to get crazy so he
couldn’t help islands and he wasn’t taking any jobs for a bit as we would be staying in the
east. He took a nap until Roger came. We got his boat and sailed for a few hours. They laid
on the deck together and had their goodbyes.”

Rex sighs remembering the looks on Roger and Scarlett’s face. “Then Roger couldn’t be
seen. Scarlet broke, and just cried for hours until he fell asleep. I figured out what happened
and called you.” “thank you Rex for being here.” Rex nods and disappears.


Morning now has passed and noon appears when Scarlett wakes again, panic fills him.
He sees he’s alone in the cabin, rushing off the bed and out onto the deck looking for Dragon.
Only to crash into a person, easy to recognize his brother. “Oh sorry little Scar. Shh. It’s ok
I’m here Scar.” Dragon tries to comfort his brother who is starting to tremble and cry in his
arms moving both back into the cabin.

“I’m sorry I tried to be quick. I got you food, dry your tears and eat something.” Once
Scarlett had calmed down both move to the small table while both try to eat. Dragon starts to
talk about random things to fill the void once both have finished eating Scarlett no longer
panicking. “I know things are not the best right now but I want you to meet someone for me
“Alright, are you ok ? Now you look nervous big bro.” “I’m fine but they are special. I
want you to like them, so yes I am nervous.” Scarlet can only look at his brother in shock.
He was never heard so words leave so fast and to see him look so nervous “Okay okay Dra
calm down. Let me finish freshening up and don’t worry I am sure if you like them, I will.”
Dragon takes a deep breath and Scarlett heads to the bathroom to freshen up.

Once Scarlett is gone Dragon starts to pace the length of the cabin the whole time which
was like 10 minutes “Okay I’m ready to meet your special person.” Both leave the Rex and
make their way through town. Now late afternoon everything is still very busy for tomorrow.
Once the duo of brothers makes their way going through the back alleys and small pathways
until they reach a small building that looks like a small shop with an apartment on top,
Dragon walks into the store, and Scarlett follows.

It was an old bookstore that was empty. A quick look around. Everything was old like no
one had kept up with the shop. Dragon just passed through it and headed to the back doors
with stairs, leading up to a door after a series of knocks from Dragon, the door opens a
woman with long black hair, tan skin much like Dragon’s with a simple shirt and pants with a
small smile. Dragon walks in and Scarlett follows watching as this woman and Dragon
exchange looks that are filled with love.

Scarlett can’t help but be happy for his brother, moving into a small living room with
the couple sitting on a loveseat made for two and Scarlet sitting in front of them on a singular
couch. “Well Dra are you going to start or am I?” Scarlett asks with a smug look Dragon rolls
his eyes “Scar, this is Lucy, a commander in the army and my fiancé.” A big smile lands on
Scarlett‘s face “ HaHa ! Congrats big bro. I’m happy for you. It is nice to meet you, Lucy.
My name is Scarlett.”

The trio sit and talk for a few hours before Scarlet decides to take a walk around the town
before seeing Roger one last time. “Well, it was lovely meeting you Lucy. I hope we can meet
again.” “You as well, Scarlett.” Scarlett reaches for the door with Dragon just behind him.
“Dra, I will see you when I do. be safe, the seas won’t be calm after tomorrow.” “Will you be
okay?”Dragon asks, walking closer to Scarlett almost not wanting him to leave.
“No but I have people to look out for so I will get there one way or another. till next
time brother take care of her.” Scarlett leaves the store and just walks into the empty streets
of Loguetown. He thinks of Lucy and how much she reminds him of Luffy so caring and
free. He is happy he got to meet her. He looks forward to the day he meets Luffy.

Still walking around he figures it’s time to see Roger one last time. Hiding his presence
and sneaking into the marine base was easy work now after working for so many years.
Following Roger’s haki down to the cells he noticed he’s not alone. The old man looks like
he just got there deciding to stay hidden Scarlett listens in “Garp, can you believe it? I’m
going to have a child and Scarlett’s going to take care of them.”

“Why are you telling a naval officer Roger?! Do you know what they will do to her and
to Scarlett!” “Because you and I tried to kill each other many times, I trust you as I trust my
friends, so I ask you to take care of Scarlett and my child Garp. My unborn child bears no
sin.” Both fall silent after minutes Garp takes his light leaving the cells back into darkness
once Scarlett feels Garp leave.

Scarlett makes his way to Roger “You just couldn’t shut up huh.”Scarlett said looking at
a shocked Roger “you just love giving me more work.” “ ha ha ha ha ! of course you would
come.” Roger says with a smirk. “I know you would get bored.”

Scarlett walks closer in front of the cell only stopping in front of Roger who looks
worse.“brat, Sorry I couldn’t help but tell him” “it’s fine. I will leave him for now.” Scarlett
moves to sit in front of Roger with a cell between them. Scarlett leans his forehead forward,
and Roger follows him, touching his forehead to his.

Both in silence for a couple of minutes enjoying their haki’s mix together and form a
warm hug one last time. Scarlett moves away first, “it seems the Marines are moving again, I
must leave or else I will do something stupid.” moving to stand once again “till we meet
again Gol D Roger.” “till we meet again Monkey D Scarlett.” Scarlett eyes filled with tears
letting out a wet chuckle. Scarlett looks at Roger, who has his signature smile “old bag, give
them hell.” turning to leave behind his brother.
Scarlet takes deep breaths and walks the way out back to the Rex. He will try to sleep for
the last few hours of the night, leaving the base was just as easy as getting in. Deciding to
take to the sky would bring Scarlet so much relief, but there are just too many marines around
they would ruin the fun. Sticking to jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Scarlet makes it back to
the Rex , easily and making his way straight to bed, just as he enters the cabin, Rex is right
by him.

“Did you see him again?” Scarlett just nods and moves to remove his clothes and moves
to lay on the bed arms out. “I don’t want to talk about it, please can you lay with me again? I
have to get up early to get supplies, so I need to sleep.” knowing it would be best not to push,
Rex climbed into bed with Scarlett. “Okay, I will wake you when the sun is rising sleep little
one.” Scarlett nods and falls into a dreamless sleep.


True to his words, Rex woke Scarlett when the sun started to rise, and the port started to
slowly wake. Scarlett quickly got ready, wearing his green cloak much like Dragon’s with a
white button down top and black pants in his dark red boots making a quick list of supplies
and berries in hand he decided to leave Sol and Luna behind. As he might do something
stupid like kill marines.

Scarlett left for the market, getting food, extra beds and blankets as well as some baby
supplies. As Scarlett makes his way to the Rex does he notice people started to gather in the
Square trying to get the best spots. Once in the cabin of the Rex, Scarlett quickly puts
everything away and heads out to find the two emperors, making his way back to the square.

Scarlett searches with his haki to find the two moving towards the crowd making it
right behind them. “Why are you two not covered?” He places his arms around the two
young emperors' shoulders moving his cape to give some cover “Scar!” “Scar!!” “What are
you doing here!?” Shanks and Buggy both ask, turning to look up at their favorite uncle.
“The same as you, to see the old bag.”
Both fall silent as the crowd gets louder, the trio turn to see what the commotion is. it’s
Roger, of course, being walked to the stand with that stupid smile on his face. All the trio can
do is watch, as Roger walks down the lane, and straight to the stand.

The people fall silent as Roger climbs the steps up to the stand, making it to the top. Roger
sees the sea taking it in one last time as he’s pushed his knees “have any last words?” A
marine asks “can you take these off? It’s chasing me.” Roger answers with his stupid smile.
“I cannot do that.” Roger almost pouts at his anwer. “ Why would I run away now, it’s a little
saddening ,well go ahead and finish it.” the guards move into position when a man from the
crowd starts to shout.

“Hey pirate king! What did you do with your treasure? It’s somewhere on the grand line
isn't it?! you have it right, the greatest treasure in the world!?” a guard yells, “insolent hold
your tongue,” “your special treasure, the One piece!!!”

The crowd falls silent as Roger beings to laugh. “ HAHAHA ! My treasure! if you want it,
I’ll let you have it! go look for it! I left all of it at that place!”

As Roger finishes that last word, the blades fall and it is silent for a moment before the
crowd roars.

Roger is gone with a smile on his face and the trio with tears down their faces. Looking
ahead Scarlett couldn’t believe his eyes as he saw Roger’s haki disappear. Scarlett wiped his
tears holding in his grief as it’s not the time now it’s time for his plans to move forward
“come on boys it’s not safe here. We must leave now.”

Quickly pulling the boys in for a quick hug. Scarlett starts to move through the crowd
missing those gold eyes as they follow him until they can no longer see him. And their owner
is confused as he himself is worried about this stranger's tears.

“We must leave quickly. Do you guys have anything to grab from where you are staying?”
The boys are still crying, not really listening. Scarlet easily picks up the two 15 year olds
both under his arms and moves down into an empty alley.

When both boys stand on their own, taking their faces into his hands, forcing them to see
and hear him “I need you to focus please.” The desperation in his voice must have been a lot
for both to focus their eyes on him. “I need to know, do you have things you need to get from
where you are staying?” both nod their heads yes “Okay, I need you to tell me so I can take
you there, so hold in your tears until we get back to the seas please.”

The boys nod as Scarlett wipes their tears before pulling both in a quick hug. The trio
moves quickly, the boys gather their stuff and leave the hotel and make their way back to the

Scarlett moves in front of the duo leading them through the town and crowd of people as
they party. They make it to the Rex “permission to board?” tiny voices speak for the first
time in 30 minutes. “Granted.” Scarlett says in a choked voice the duo stand in the middle of
the deck while Scarlett moves to set sail to the south blue. Once everything’s in place Scarlett
is finally able to move out of the dock and leave Loguetown behind.

With a good distance between the Rex and Loguetown does Scarlett move from the wheel
and move towards the cabin “Rex steer to the south blue. Boys, Follow me please.” The boys
wonder where Rex is but hold their tongue and follow Scarlett into the cabin after sitting on
the deck for a while.
“This is where you can put your things and I got you guys cots and hammocks to sleep in,
the bathroom is that door and you can have anything you want in the kitchen now we have
much to talk about, but that can wait for a few days.”

Now facing these 15-year-old boys grief coming off of them in waves holding in
everything. Scarlett moves to sit on the bed, arms open, “now you can cry.” both run into his
arms and cry over the loss of their father and captain….

Chapter End Notes

I change my mind I’ll post multiple times 😬

A new era begins
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 20
Shanks 15
Buggy 15
Rogue 35, 6 months pregnant

What was supposed to be a week's trip ended up being 4 weeks. The seas were in chaos,
people calling themselves pirates and disrespecting the sea. She answered in bad weather, the
seas filled with anger at the disrespect to her waters. During these weeks Scarlett trained the
boys in swordsmanship and haki trying to help them improve. He had yet to tell the boys
where they were headed as they were still full of grief but he decided to do it today now that
they were only a few hours away from Baterilla.

Scarlett moves from his place by the wheel to sit in front of the two boys taking a break
from their daily spar. “ Boys it is best we have a much needed talk.” Both move to set across
their uncle still not used to seeing him so serious. Scarlett felt it was best to rip off the
bandaid and tell the boys the truth and not sugar coat it.

“We are heading to the island of Baterilla in the south blue to pick up Rouge, Roger’s wife
who also happens to be pregnant. Then I plan to hide her away on one of my bases in the east
blue until she is far along in her pregnancy before moving her to my home island in the east
blue so she can have the baby safely.” As Scarlett talked he noticed the boy's eyes get bigger
and bigger and silent until a few seconds after Scarlett was done both yelled “WHAT?!!” Oh
boy Scarlett was going to be busy these last few hours.

After explaining the best he can that he got a call from Roger and came to the island and
found Roger was going to turn himself in but that he had found the love of his life and had a
child on the way. He tells the boys he had made a promise to Roger a long ago that he would
care for his children and his lover. By the time he is done and closer to the island he feels the
presence of many people, too many for this island.

Quickly Scarlett makes his way to the west side of the island away from the people.
Turning to the boys “ Something is going down. stay here and get ready to sail as soon as you
see me coming. Whatever is happening is not good. I will be back and under no
circumstances do you both leave this boat and step on this island. Understood.”

Both boys just nod along not really understanding what is happening, they just know their
uncle is scared. “Rex, you know what to do.” “Of course , little one.” Scar nods and takes to
the sky. The boys are shaken, never seen or heard Rex before. “REX!There you are!” Rex
just chuckles “Hi boys.”

Scarlett takes to the sky quickly flying as fast as he can to the small home on the hill deep
in the forest. Staying close to the treetops all the way to the home. Quickly landing on the
grass running to the home pounding on the door, fear creating under his skin that won't settle
until they are both on the Rex and away form this island. Rouge opens the door shocked to
see an out of breath Scarlett but also relieved he came back. “Scar you came.”

“Of course I was,” he says out of breath. “I take the presence, I feel on the island are the
marines.” Rouge only nods her head the marines were going around the island taking any
women who were pregnant and taking them away she worried she was to be next. “I hope
you packed. We are getting you off this island, I can carry at least three bags and only
valuables. I can get you clothes and other stuff when we reach base.”

Rouge quickly runs through the out house putting small photos and the little things she
wished to keep. Once she filled two bags she was ready to leave the island, turning to her
brother-in-law who was waiting patiently while watching outside, almost waiting for
something. “Are you ready? it’s going to be a fast flight.” “Flight?” Rouge asks, focusing on
handing him both bags, watching him place a bag on his back and the other in one arm.
They make their way out the house onto the front lawn when Scarlett spreads his wings.
“Okay, I will carry you and we will head west. My ship is there but we must hurry. I feel
people moving in the forest. They are far away but I don't want to take any chances.” When
Scarlett finished he turned to Rouge who was quiet, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly

“Oh did we not tell you I have a devil fruit, it gives me wings and other stuff but we can
explore that later.” Rouge can only nod as Scarlett picks her up and Rouge holds her breath as
he picks her as she weighs like nothing, not like she is 6 months pregnant.

Scarlett takes to the sky heading west and feels the presence of people slowly making their
way up the hill to the small home as they leave the small home. Scarlett lets out a breath
when he sees the Rex in the distance speeding up as much as he could and lands softly on the
Rex putting down Rouge and holding her steading knowing everyone gets dizzy when they
first fly with him.

“Set sail boys! Marines are here and I don't plan to stick around, they are up to something
and I don't care to find out.” Quickly the boys move to the sails and move quickly. “Rouge
come, let's head inside and I will make you some tea and I'll introduce you to the boys later
when we are further away.”

Scarlett leads Rouge to sit at the small table while he moves to make some calming tea he
got from Mrs.Francis’s Son Thomas during his last visit to Dawn island. Silence filled the
cabin while they waited for the water to boil and listen to the waves and the sounds of the
boys running around the ship and Rex’s quiet presence sitting on the bed hiding from Rouge
not waiting to scare the poor woman if he popped out of nowhere.

Once the water is done and the tea is done Scarlett places a cup down and seats on the
other side of the table. “I’m sorry it took longer to arrive then i wanted to but since his death
the seas have not been kind to us. The weather delayed us and the people calling themselves
pirates gave us some trouble as they try to head for the grandline.”
He saw the flash of sadness in Rouge’s eyes when he mentioned Roger’s death but
pushed through, not wanting to cry once again about it. “As i said we are going to the east
blue to one of my bases that has a town. I would like for us to have a cover story and some
other things in place just in case people ask questions if you don't mind. It would be the best
way to keep you guys safe.” Rouge listens, hanging on to every word before agreeing.

The two come up with a plan. The two are young lovers who plan to wed now that Rouge
is pregnant with Scarlett’s child and plan to stay on the island for a bit before moving to
Dawn island when she is closer to giving birth. They can put off heading to dawn at a later
time as Rouge may be six months but doesn’t look pregnant that they will talk about at a later

As the pair finish with the plan the boys walk in “We are far from the island. Scar now
are you guys done talking?” Buggy asks with his signature sass that makes him Buggy.
Scarlett just chuckles and nods his head yes and moves to stand behind them and slightly
move them closer to Rogue as she is still sitting. “Rouge, I want you to meet Roger’s sons.
Shanks and Buggy, this is Rouge, captain's wife and Rouge is pregnant with Cap's kid so you
guys are going to be big brothers.”

Everything falls silent for a moment then Rouge speaks first “It is nice to meet you both
Roger always talked about you two and the trouble you boys caused.” She giggles at the
boy’s blushing. Scarlett soon followed “ you guys hangout here and i'll check we are on

As Scarlett leaves he hears Buggy ask in a small voice “so you are really having a
baby?” a smile makes its way to Scarlett's face and he heads to the helm as Rex forms behind
him pulling him into a hug the tension leaves Scarlett as he lets go almost falling into Rex.

“You did well little one, they are safe, you are safe, little one.” Scarlett hums “thanks
big brother.” The pair stay for a few moments before Scarlett heads back into the cabin and
gets ready for dinner.
A timeless moment
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 20
Shanks 15
Buggy 15
Rogue 35, 6 months 2 weeks pregnant

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Two weeks pass and the group are currently playing a card game on deck as they reach
closer to the edge of the west blue before they hit the calm belt. When Scarlett notices that
Rouge is winning every game with ease he decides to sit out the next round and watches as
she kicks the boys asses taking almost all the snacks they were betting when it clicked in
Scarlett's mind causing him to laugh startling the group as he had been silently watching.

“What’s so funny Scar?” Buggy asks, annoyed as he loses his favorite candy bar again. “
Now I know why you look so familiar, Rouge.” Rouge stopped placing her card and turned to
Scarlett with a look in her eyes “ I saw you on Buena Suerte island. Haha ! Though I was
wearing my work clothes, we sat at the same poker table, it was a stacked table too. Nobles,
marines, me, and of course the star of the table Queen of Spades with the most money at the
table haha!” Rouge searches her mind until it clicks just who Scarlett is. Her eyes go wide
and can’t help but laugh “ I see, haha it's been awhile since I have heard that name hehe.”

The boys look confused as Shanks ask “Queen of Spades? What does that mean?” “ It
means boys we are in the presence of the best damn card player in the world, Queen of
Spades Portgas D. Rouge haha that's why she keeps kicking our asses.” Scarlett says with
pride and tries not to geek out.

The Queen of Spades is someone Scarlett only heard about before he saw her on Buena
Suerte and wanted to meet her after that game but couldn’t as she took her winning and
disappeared off the radar and that was a few years ago just before Roger left for Laugh Tale.
Which makes sense now to Scarlett, he had thought it was weird that one of the richest
players disappeared from the underground. Rumors were spreading around like wildfire most
saying the queen died at sea but no she simply retired and married Roger, of course the goof
ball married one of the biggest names in the underworld. “ Haha yes that was my name but
now I am just Rouge.”

After the group ended their games and entered the calm belt Scarlett did what he does best
with everyone on deck. The first times he crossed the calm belt the boys were asleep both
times and didn’t question how they crossed so fast. But now everyone is going to watch. “I
ask that no one scream or move to attack it will mean no harm.”

Heading towards the front of the ship Scarlett releases a wave of conqueror's haki calling
for a sea king. In his mind he calls for help to cross the belt politely and someone answers.
The water moves, rocking the ship on the calm sea. Slowly rising a sea king appears right in
front of Scarlett. The sea king does nothing but stare at Scarlett who has a smile. The trio all
gasp frozen and continue to watch as Scarlett puts a hand on the sea king's head petting it.

While Scarlett starts talking to the sea king “Hello, I ask for help crossing my ship through
these waters can you help us please.” The sea king enjoying the head pattes answers “yes, I
will help you pass, young one.” Scarlett lets out a joyful laugh “thank you.” he passes a rope
to the sea king and the boat begins to move through the waters with ease.

Scarlett turns back to face the rest of the group who are still in shock and in awe. “Ah, I
see you guys are still frozen. props to you guys for not screaming, now who wants lunch.” He
walks past the group and heads into the cabin the sound of running footsteps follow him
inside. Heading to the kitchen to make some snacks and a simple lunch.

“You just can't walk away after that!! How did you do that uncle Scar!!” Shanks yells but
shuts his mouth at the end. Scarlett freezes and so does everyone else. Though Scarlett has
been there for the boys during the last 5 years he didn’t think of himself as their uncle more
of a friend but he is happy to be the boys' family. Scarlett turns to the boys with a big smile as
he looks at blushing Shanks. “Well nephew of mine, I sent out a wave of conqueror's haki
letting sea kings know I need aid then because I am a special person I can talk to them and
ask for their help crossing and most say yes so they get head pats.”
Scarlett can see the boy's thoughts turning while Rouge simply gave up and started to help
make lunch. “If you have more questions we can talk more about later after we eat and make
into the east okay.” The boys look at each other coming to an agreement and answer “ok
uncle.” both boys look away from Scarlett with blushes taking up their faces. Scarlett grabs
both boys pulling them in for hugs with a big smile. “Great now watch us make the best
lunch ever haha!”

Chapter End Notes

Buena Suerte= means good luck in Spanish

A new start
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 20
Shanks 15
Buggy 15
Rogue 35, 7 months pregnant

The group make their way into the east blue and make it to Windrise Island . The island is
only two days from Dawn island and Scarlett is close with the locals as he comes to the
island often since he was young for training. His base is on the west side of the island close to
the forest and not too far from the town.

They sail right up to the dock connected to his base, a one story home with a back porch to
watch the sunset. The group finish things on the Rex and head inside. Scarlett has someone
come clean and take care of the home while he is away. Entering through the back porch
straight into the kitchen with a diner table to the left and the living room in front of the
kitchen. “Follow me. I will show you the rooms.”

Scarlett takes the lead heading right past the kitchen into a hallway. “The first door on the
left is the bathroom,” moving down the hall as if he never left “the two doors further down on
the right side are two bedrooms. the boys can use the first door and Rouge you can use the
second room. It has its own bathroom.” Both rooms have full sized beds with a nightstand
and nothing more as Scarlett hasn't had time to decorate them.

“And I will use the other room on the other side of the house.” It was a small office but
Scarlett doesn’t plan to make a whole other room he won't use as often. “You guys get settled
and I will make a list of things we will need. And boys don’t fight for the bed. We are going
into town after I make a list. We will get another bed then.”
Scarlett heads to the other side and enters the office its a small room Scarlett places down
his backpack and heads to the small desk putting all the little things he had there and he put
Sol and Luna in their proper places to hang off the wall. Looking around the room Scarlett
makes a list of things he needs such as a bed and nightstand.

As well as some new curtains, and small stuff making his way back to the kitchen Scarlett
finds a notepad and starts writing his list adding food and other things they will need. Once
he is done Rouge walks into the kitchen “was the room to your liking? If you need anything
let me know ok.” Rouge comes closer looking at the list as well “can you add soft towels
please?” Scarlett double checks the list he knew he was forgetting something. “ Of course I
knew I was forgetting something.”

He adds it to the list and the boys return to the kitchen as well, also adding small things to the
list. “Well it's now noon everything will be open if you guys want to head into town with me
or I can go alone. Most of the people know me so I'm sure we can get discounts on almost
everything on the list.”

The groups decided they will all head to town together. Taking a path down south of
Scarlett’s home the group take the ten minute walk and reach the busy town. It’s a port town
full of people now more than ever full of people heading for the grand line. Scarlett leads the
group into a small furniture store, walking in he meets an old friend and the person who
keeps his house in great shape.

“Well, Well, look what the tide brought in. haha ! it’s been a while bird.” said an older man
behind a counter “ haha ! I haven’t heard that name in awhile, how have you been Mr.Star?”
“I am doing well, business is bombing with everyone coming through here and with what you
keep paying me even if I told you not to.” Scarlett can only roll his eyes, they keep his house
clean of course he was going to pay them.

“ Also Mrs.Star and I offer our condolences. We know you were close to Roger. It's a shame
what happened to him. He was a good man.” The group fell silent, tears filled the boys' eyes
turning their heads, Rouge trying her best to not let her tears fall and Scarlett can only sigh.

Very few people know that Scarlett was a cabin boy on the Oro Jackson and Mr.Star was one
of the first people he saw after he became their cabin boy. “Thank you Mr.Star, that means a
lot. But let's not get sappy without a few drinks in me. Anyways, since I'm here. got any beds
for sale? I could use two.”

Mr.Star watches the boy in front of him looking for anything to let go but he decides to try
another time. “Yeah, yeah. Follow me, and you mind introducing me to the people behind
you.” “Oh you are right, where are my manners? Mr.Star this is Rouge my fiancé and these
are my nephews Shanks with the red hair and Buggy with the blue hair.”

“Hold up, did you say fiancé?” Mr.Star turns and smacks Scarlett up the head “Boy, you start
with that first not beds. I'm Sorry about him miss. he was raised in the wild and grew up on
the seas where most don't have manners.” Rouge no longer looked sad, couldn't help but
laugh “ haha ! It's okay, we had a long journey. I'm sure he is still tired.”

The group continues to walk the store grabbing what they need after an hour the group has
everything “I will have Bass drop off everything tonight, i'm sure he will be happy to see you
again.” says while finishing off writing on a paper “ Yeah it would be nice to see him,
Tell Mrs.Star I say hello for me if I don't see her tomorrow, also I won’t need you at the
house for a while since we are here for a bit ok.” “Yeah yeah I figured that out bird. Now get
gone I'm sure you have other things to do.”

Saying their goodbyes again the group walk around the rest of town looking at the stores and
picking things they will need and looking around the town enjoying the afternoon sun. Once
they have seen the town the group begin to make their way back home where their furniture
and other things are waiting for them most importantly is the person sitting waiting on the
front steps.
“Looks like the old man isn’t crazy after all.” a deep voice reaches everyone’s ears putting
everyone on edge except Scarlett he knows that voice anywhere “ Well, well, look at the loser
who ended up on my steps, Old man said you would drop things off. Everyone, this is Bass,
an old friend, I used to kick his ass every time I came here to train. Seems like you kept at it.”
“ Haha of course I have to one up you at something.”

“ptfft you can try, are you going to keep sitting there or get off you ass and help bring
everything inside.” Scarlett ask with an unimpressed look “of course I will help. I’ve got to
impress the lady don't I? How are you doing beautiful?” Bass bows in Rouge’s direction
while Rouge looks at Scarlett a little lost. “Back off, she isn't a friend that’s my Fiancé Rouge
and my nephew’s Shanks and Buggy, everyone meet Bass”

“No way! you are going to marry him?!” Bass looks back and forth between Rouge and
Scarlett “But he is Scar, I'm sure you can do better.” Scarlett knocks Bass on the head “and
because of that you can bring the beds in yourself. Boys, go ahead and bring the food inside
and Rouge can you please put the stuff in the kitchen, and take a nap I can see your eyes drop
from here.”

Rouge only nods it has been a lot of moving these past weeks for her and she did find herself
tired more often now that she is pregnant and using Haki to slow it down. The boys follow
her inside leaving Scarlett and Bass to bring in the heavy stuff. “What are you waiting for, get
moving Bass.” “Yeah, I’m going!” the pair work together and get everything inside by the
time the sky turns dark.

The group settle into their new home, the boys helping Scarlett and Bass make dinner after
setting everything up and enjoy the night. While Bass is telling the boys a story, Scarlett
moves to wake Rouge so she can eat with them. Entering the room Rouge is still asleep
holding one of Roger’s old coats, she must have put it in one of her bags before they left her

Scarlett hates to wake her but she needs to eat carefully he shakes her shoulder “Rouge,
Rouge wake up dinner is ready.” she wakes looking at Scarlett “Roger?” Scarlett sighs
inward shaking his head “ No,Scarlett. Dinner is ready, come eat.” Rouge rubs the sleep from
her eyes taking in her surroundings.
Rouge wipes her tears “we’ll wait for you at the table okay.” Rouge just nods her head and
Scarlett leaves her. In his mind he knows everyone's having a hard time but he knows they
will be okay eventually. Now he walks away heading to the group already setting the table
full of food. Rouge joins him at the entrance of the kitchen, more awake and no tear marks

“Come eat food ready! It looks amazing!”Buggy says with a drool coming out his mouth
“And it tastes amazing. Bass is the best chef this town has.” Scarlett says while moving to sit
at the head of the table “Haha! please we both know that my momma, not me but yes let's

Everyone sits at the table and listens and eats while Bass and Scarlett tell stories of their
times together and enjoy the evening. It’s not a bad first day for the group on Windrise Island
after all.
Plans plans plans
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 21
Shanks 15
Buggy 15
Rogue 35, 9 months pregnant

It has now been two months since the group landed on Windrise island and have settled in.
Shanks and Buggy asked to be trained for 6 months by Scarlett to learn haki and how to
master it. The boy's plans are simple: Buggy wants to stay in the east blue for now he is
undecided if he wants to go the grandline. Shanks however wants to sail and travel and just
have fun and of course he still wants Scarlett to join him. Scarlett agreed to train them and as
for shanks he told him to ask in a few years.

So they train in the forest most days and the boys spar and work on Buggy devil fruit and
they make their own secret plans that Scarlett can't know. Rouge is enjoying life as much as
she can. She reads and takes walks around the town with Scarlett as the two chat and get to
know each other and the town loves the group, most already loved Scarlett but now everyone
loves Rouge and the boys too. It's nice .

Rouge and Scarlett finally have time to talk during the two months of being on the island
about the baby and Rouge’s plans. Scarlett and Rouge are both on edge about today’s talk.
The boys are out exploring the island all day so the two have time to talk and work out
something. Both sit at the dining table eating snacks when Scarlett decides it's time to talk.
“So ready to talk about a plan for us.” Rouge just nods, eating a cracker, waiting for Scarlett
to take the lead.

“Ok from what I know you are about nine months pregnant already and don’t even have a
bump so no one will notice then how long do you plan to keep going like this. Your haki is
steady from what I feel but I'm sure if you keep going this could kill you.” Rouge sighs
looking out through the back window watching the sea “it's not a could, it's a will. This will
kill me and I am fine with that.”

Silence fills the room. “I will hold this baby till winter, which is around 9 months from now
if it is to be born close to new years.” Scarlett can only clench his hands, he wants to scream
for her to live, to see Ace grow, to be there for him but he knows he can't and it hurts, Scarlett
nods his head and listens.

“I can see the fight in your eyes Scarlett. Please don’t be angry. I know you want me to see
this child grow but that can’t happen and I am okay with that. Because once I am gone I
know you will love this child so much. You will be there to guide them and see them grow.
Scarlett, I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me and Roger knowing our
child will be raised by you means so much to us.”

Scarlett doesn’t think taking in Ace would have meant so much, the fight in him leaves and
he makes his way over to her side of the table and pulls Rouge into a hug. “Thank you
Rouge.” Rouge wipes her tears and returns the hug both feeling grateful for the other. Rouge
moves first wiping her tears again while Scarlett sits on her left taking her hand into his.

“Well since we handle that now let's move on to the other plan we are both putting off. The
wedding.” Rouge gigges giving Scarlett hand a small squeeze, the town was bursting at the
news that Scarlett has a fiancé as it turns out Scarlett knows just about everyone in this town
in one way or another so most are expecting a big wedding and a big party. “Yes the wedding
so best friend got any ideas?” Rouge asked her eyes scream mischief.

The pair plan for a small wedding a month from now, the only people who will be at the
ceremony will be the Star family and the boys and Scarlett will tell everyone at Dawn island
when they pair go in about six or seven months close to when Rouge will give birth. And the
rest of the town can have a big party. The pair plan to keep Rouge’s pregnancy under the
table until after they are married and even then she would have a small bump that would look
normal for them just finding out.
It’s a solid plan that both can agree on so that wraps up their talk and they move on to talk
about the baby and the baby’s room as Scarlett will take Dragon’s old room and move Rouge
and the baby into his room as it is bigger than Dragon’s. After spending hours of talking and
planning the pair start to make dinner for the hungry boys that should be heading home by
now and enjoy each other's company, happy they are not alone.
Time for the two to sail
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 21
Shanks 16
Buggy 15
Rogue 36, 13 months pregnant

Four months have now passed and today is the day the boys set sail on their own. They
have spent the last six months learning as much as they can and now it's time for them to
refine it for themselves.

Rouge and Scarlett make the boys a big breakfast with all of their favorites. The group talk
and enjoy these last moments together. The boys are especially extra clingy with Rouge and
their little sibling, each spending time talking to her belly telling wild stories now that it is a
little bigger. After the wedding and big party the town threw, the pair announced a month
after the wedding that Rouge was expecting and a bump to show for it.

Even though she is thirteen months now she doesn't even look four months yet, she has
slowly let her haki go so the baby can grow at a semi-normal speed now and it is working as
they also plan to leave for Dawn island in a couple of months.

After the morning has passed the pair walk hand in hand behind the bickering pair of boys
on their way to the docks. Both with their large bags, weapons with them and each have their
tone dials from Roger neither of them have listened to them, both said it wasn’t the right time
yet. As the group reaches the dock most of the town is there to see them off having grown
loving to two rowdy boys.
Rouge brings both boys in for hugs wishing them safe travels and many adventures, and
she lets them know she loves them very much and is happy her child will have amazing
brothers. Rouge and Scarlett hadn’t told the boys Rouge wouldn’t make it because she
wanted them to start their journey on the seas like she did and didn’t want to hold them back.

The boys hold in their tears when Rouge moves away,Scarlett is quick to pull both of his
boys into his arms and hold them tight. “You boys give them hell, So they know how free you
are.” He releases them and pulls out a slip of paper and hands a piece to each boy, bending
down a little and whispering to the boys. “Since you boys will be on the seas with many
dangers, if you ever need aid, look out for this sign and ask for a death in the afternoon.
Someone will take you into a room and give you aid. If anything, you can ask to call me if
you don't have your snails with you. This is my network and they will help you. And each of
you have a snail on your boats along with each other's number to keep in contact okay.”

The boys stare at their uncle in awe before turning to each other and give a nod the pair
rush into his arms once again saying thank you over and over again. “Be sure to come to
Dawn island when you boys can, you have to meet your brother at some point.” Buggy and
Shanks pull back eyes wide “it's a boy!!” They both yell causing everyone around to pause
for a second before they move again to give the family their privacy while they send the boys

Rouge just giggles Scarlett just sighs “I think it's going to be a boy. It’s a gut feeling and
my gut is never wrong but we will see when it is born. Now go before you boys lose any
more light . May the seas grace you with calm waves.” Both boys stand tall and proud. “
may the winds guide your sails!”

The boys wave as they hop on to their boats and start to sail. Everyone at the docks yells
their well wishes and good luck, filling the boys with love. Rouge and Scarlett stay longer
looking at the sea as the boat gets smaller and smaller before the two walk back to their small
home now missing the two rowdy boys.

On the journey back home Scarlett can only think of what is to come, the boys are both
sixteen and already captains on the journey and he couldn’t be any prouder.
Payback in full
Chapter Notes

Content warning: character death 😬

Scarlett 21
Rogue 36, 15 months pregnant

It has been just Scarlett and Rouge since the boys left and hit the seas two months ago.
Rouge and Scarlett were sitting outside on the back porch enjoying the fall weather when a
wave of danger hit Scarlett. He was quick to move and grab Sol and stand protectively in
front of Rouge who is now startled looking everywhere for a threat. Scarlett lets his haki
loose and search the island for any kind of threat only for his haki to leave the island and
head north to the Grand line.

Worry fills Scarlett; he puts his sword to his side and focuses on where his haki is leading
him through his memories. It flashes a picture of Jess and Scarlett from when they first met
when he was a cabin boy. Scarlett rushes into the house heading straight for his work snail
and dials a number he knows by heart. It rings and rings and there is no answer.

That is when Scarlett knows something is completely wrong Jess always answers no
matter what she is doing or the time of day. Scarlett hangs up and turns to Rouge who is
standing at his door waiting for him. “I must leave, something must have happened." she only
stares at the distressed man, "can you wait here? Once I return we will head to Dawn island.”

Rouge simply walks over to her friend pulling in for a hug as he starts to panic, his
breathing was too fast for her taste. “Take a breath with me Scarlett, take a breath. Good now
another good. Keep going.” They continue to do this for a few minutes as Scarlett pulls
himself together once he is calm Rouge begins to stay her piece. “Scarlett you can go, find
out what has happened and I will wait here for you my friend but you must promise to come
back in one piece okay. Now pack your things while I get you some supplies.”
Scarlett moves on auto pilot grabbing his clothes and some of his supply of poisons he has
a feeling he is going to murder someone big time. He fills his bags and snails, hooking Luna
to his belt with Sol at his back and makes way to the Rex. Putting everything in its place,
readying to sail, he turns to Rouge standing at the dock with two bags full of things he will
most likely need.

“I promise to be back but read the paper just in case you need to see me. Something tells
me whatever happens or is going to happen will be there.” “And what do I look for? Monkey
D. Scarlett or the Red Death?” “ Both maybe or neither, I will call when I am to return.”
Rouge nods her head and worry fills her eyes “be safe.” Scarlett takes the bags she holds and
unties the Rex and set sail for the grand line.


Once he is away from the island he stands at the bow of the ship facing the sea when he
lets out a strong wave of conqueror's haki asking the sea for aid. It answers with strong waves
rushes his boat rocking it. He takes a deep breath and speaks loud and clear to the sea. “I ask
for your aid. Please guide this ship as fast as you can through the calm belt and into the
grandline. My family needs my help. Please, I ask for your help.” The seas answer him in full
pushing the boat faster and faster as it moves towards the grand line answering his call.

What is a two week trip to the grand line Scarlett made it in 2 days, Scarlett sat at the bow
letting the seas guide him, feeling the others hovering Scarlett turns to speak to Rex,Soul and
Luna. “What is happening little one?” Rex asks since he is worrying out of his mind he hasn't
seen Scarlett so shaken up since the call from Roger.

“Something really bad has happened to Jess, Rex she didn't answer my call.” The three
gasps, the trio know how important Jess is to Scarlett and they all like her and know she
always answers the call no matter what. “The sea is taking us straight to her but it will take
three days and I fear the worst has happened.” The three move to sit with Scarlett as he
watches the sea as they make it through the calm belt. The sea kings leave them and the sea
pushes them through and enters the grandline they go.

Just like the seas said it takes three days before Scarlett reaches Amy island in the
morning. He sends out his haki and feels nothing but grief coming in waves from everyone.
He docks at the port and makes sure he has Sol on his back and Luna on his belt he makes
way straight to the bar Jessie’s Bar, moving as fast as he can, Scarlett moves through the
town and finds no one but by the time he reaches the bar he sees why.

Everyone is gathered outside the closed bar with candles,flowers,and notes attached to
the door and in the center lies a picture of Jess. They notice him and make way for the young
man. Everyone knows Scarlett by name, most didn't even know what he looked like until
now. They only knew of the stories from Jess; she was very fond of him and would only see
him once maybe twice a year. As everyone makes a path for Scarlett walks straight to the bar
door. He looks and looks with his haki just to feel her and he can't, she is gone.

Scarlett wants to scream and cry and curse the world but he can’t, not yet so he puts on
his emotionless mask and turns to the people. “What happened?” No one answers at first,
everyone looking and waiting for someone to answer him so they didn't have to themselves.
When Mary an elderly woman Scarlett met during one of his visits, answers him.

Standing tall in front of the 6ft man to her 5ft self. “ A Celestial Dragon came to the island
everyone hid but Jess stayed out here protecting us. The dragon took interest in her and tried
to take her. Only Jess fought back. when she was fighting the dragon had his own gun and
shot her to make her stop but he missed killing her.” Everyone had tears in their eyes but not
Scarlett, no Scarlett was beyond angry, Scarlett felt Sol’s and Luna’s bloodlust coming out
ready for a fight.

Scarlett doesn’t say anything, he looks at the bar one last time and he starts to walk away
when he is passed the crowd he asks “what was his name?” Someone else answers “Saint
Nicolas Collins.” “where was he heading?” “ Sabaody Archipelago. He said he was
going to buy someone from the auction house since he didn't get anyone here.” “Then I'm not
far.” Scarlett makes his way back to the docks and sets sail once again.

The seas once again move in his favor making a two day trip only one. Scarlett had put
out his work outfit which was just everything black everything. He had already laced Luna
with his special blend of poison that makes death painful in every way and fast, too fast for
his liking right now but he still has to hide. He hides the Rex in a small area no one knows
about near grove ten and makes way to Shakky’s bar in grove thirteen. Taking at least 200
million in berries Scarlett runs his way to her bar of course hiding his presence. It is late
afternoon now and the sun is still out so Scarlett has to be quick not to be seen though he
doubts anyone will.

Reaching the bar Scarlett feels two familiar presence in the bar before he enters pulling
down his face mask and hood he enters the bar to see Shakky and Rayleigh downing a glass
of strong bourbon. Shakky takes notice of him and is quick to make him a shot of moonshine
she keeps on hand when he passes through here. “Back on the road again after months of
silence, what did the poor fellow do?”

Shakky starts a new cigarette and passes one to Scarlett who takes his shot then a drag
almost slamming the glass down but stops at the last second. “He killed Jess.” Scarlett
answers with a cold voice and Shakky gasps. Raleigh didn’t even notice Scarlett walked in,
let alone he sat at the bar until he said Jess’s name. He was too busy drowning in booze
mourning the loss of his captain and best friend.

Both look at Scarlett in shock, both know his history with her being his first informant and
partner in the business most importantly his friend. He finished the cigarette and placed the
bag of berries on the bar. “Is Saint Nicolas Collins still here in Sabaody?” No one moves
taking in a breath before the yelling starts.

DRAGON! ARE YOU TRYING TO DIE?!” Rayleigh moves his way grabbing Scarlett by
the shoulders and shakes him. “HAVE YOU LOST ALL REASON TO WISH AN EARLY
had enough of Rayleigh drunk yelling and throws him off and pushes him face down into the

“ You don't get to say a word to me about this Rayleigh! I KNOW THE RISK! AND I
go and watches Rayleigh slide down to the floor.

Shakky can only watch in shock as she has never seen Scarlett so mad at Rayleigh let
alone hear him say Rayleigh instead of the nickname he gave him. Scarlett takes deep breaths
trying to calm down. “Shakky is he here?” She finds her voice again and answers him “yeah
he is here. Made it to grove one, about 12 minutes ago.” Scarlett puts his mask and hood back
on. “It’s best you leave Sabaody, the next few hours are going to be crawling with marines,
best of luck.”

Rayleigh only sits in disbelief as he watches Scarlett disappear before Shakky comes
around and pulls him to his feet. “Come we must pack and head out, he is right marines are
going to be everywhere.” both walk to the back of the bar and pack.

When Scarlett exits the bar he takes to the sky and heads straight to grove one. He hides
his presence as the sun sets, speeding through the sky and makes it to grove one. It’s not hard
to spot Nicolas, the dragons always have to be dramatic with everything. Hoving above
Scarlett watches his path and follows until he is near a group of people. Scarlett lands on a
roof close by and pulls his hood up and double checks he has his mask and makes his move.

Scarlett jumps down blending into the crowd hiding himself as he reaches closer he pulls
out Luna whose bloodlust is raising as he gets closer no one sees him yet. He is finally close
to the bastard and Luna slices the stupid bubble and slices one again at the back of his neck,
poison sinking into his skin and Scarlett leaves his signature card ‘never touch what is mine.’
With his red skull and crossbones with wings, all in the matter of seconds and disappear once
It is chaos, everyone is screaming and running while Scarlett watches from above in the
tree branches as chaos takeovers the grove.
The aftermath
Chapter Notes

Content warning: sad scar 😬

Scarlett 21

Night has fallen and Scarlett can only watch from the top of the trees as the chaos begins.
The guards are screaming to search for who did it after the shock and as everyone runs.
Marines are called after and make it to the area searching for the person. With Scarlett’s haki
he can feel the presence of groups and groups of people heading straight to grove one while
all this is happening Scarlett watches as Saint Nicolas takes his last breath. Scarlett feels a
weight off his shoulders and heads straight to the Rex going to call “Big News” Morgans to
give him the news before the marines do.

Making back to the Rex and sets sail heading back to Windrise as the seas once again
answer to his aid before marine ships block the waterways. Scarlett slips past the marines
when he feels a familiar presence at the edge of his haki. He can only sigh as he sails away of
course the marines would send his aunt Tsuru as she was the only one near Marineford at the
moment but Scarlett puts it in the back of his mind and can only think about getting away
from here.

“Rex, keep course to the east please i need to call Morgans.” Heading into the cabin
straight under his bed searching for the loose plank he has a special snail for a direct line to
Morgans. He finds it and takes out a small box that only has a special red snail that no one
can listen in on and starts to dial a number.

On a small island deep in the new world an air blimp is taking off with people rushing
back and forth as Morgans watches everyone running. When a loud gasp is heard someone
shouts “THE RED SNAIL IS RINGING!!” Everyone freezes for a moment before Morgans
Someone is quick to bring it and Morgan moves into his private office when he answers
“What a pleasure to have The Red Death calling me. To what do I owe the pleasure of
hearing from the King of Death himself?” Scarlett never calls him no matter what so Morgan
is ready to hear anything. “Morgans, A Dragon named Nicolas has fallen. Send out word
‘don’t ever touch what is mine’.”

Just as Scarlett finishes Morgan yells “WHAT!!???” As someone rushes into his office
“BOSS!! A CELESTIAL DRAGON WAS MURDER!!!” And rushes back out “Red Death
you just gave me big news hahaha ! What was the reason?” “Killed my informant” Morgan
lets out a gasp, the dragon dares to do what many wouldn’t and paid the price. It is known in
the underworld Red Death cares a lot about his network and everyone fears him so no one
made a move against him. After Scarlett hangs up and puts back the snail and sits at the table.

Scarlett hangs his head and he starts to shake, the tears start to fall. Scarlett allows himself
to cry, to let out his grief, to grief the loss of Jess and to finally grief the loss of Roger. He
feels the hands of his loved ones on his back giving him support and comfort. He sat and
cried for almost three hours when a noise reached his ears.

Wiping his face Scarlett leaves the cabin and heads to the deck, sitting on the bow of the
ship a news coo with the newest edition of the underworld newspaper. Paying the news coos
as he unfolds the paper:

‘The Red Death strikes again!’ The Red Death strikes down a Celestial dragon in
Sabaody Archipelago after the dragon killed a member of his crew. Red Death sends a strong
message ‘Don’t touch what is mine.’ A new bounty is released ‘Wanted Dead or Alive! Red
Death $6 billion berries! still no photo available.’

Back in the new world on the Moby the crew is shocked at the newest edition and starts
talking about how crazy the Red Death is. While Marco has worry and fear fill him, he is
tempted to run to his snail and call his friend but he holds it off. Whitebeard also reads the
paper and hopes the marines never catch the boy while hoping the boy would come to him
once again for aid.


In Marineford everyone was in a frenzy, rushing to make moves trying to find out what
happened in Sabaody. Tsuru is reporting that they only found a card near the body with the
message ‘Never touch what is mine.’ With the familiar red skull and crossbones with wings.
The Red Death was known to leave a card with each of his kills, only confirming he did this
and it's not hard for Tsuru to know it was him. The marines don’t plan to let the public know
of the Red Death but high officers are the only ones who know of him and now the five
elders do as well. Tsuru can only hope that she doesn’t have to deal with it.


Scarlett can only sigh and walks back into the cabin and pulls out another snail that
connects to Rogue. Pur pur- pur pur- pur- clank “Scarlett?” “Yeah it's me.” Rouge lets out a
breath, it has been almost a week and hasn’t heard from her friend. “All in one piece i hope.”
Scarlett lets out a chuckle “yeah I’m in one piece, i-” Rouge lets out a gasp she just got the
latest newspaper ‘A celestial dragon has died in Sabaody Archipelago’

“Scarlett, are you okay?” “Yes I'm fine.” Scarlett’s voice broke, trying not to cry again
“I’m on my way back, I’ll be there in a week.” Rouge can hear Scarlett taking in breaths the
way Rouge showed him. “Okay I will see you then.” “Yeah I will see you.” and Scarlett hung
up taking deep breaths moving to lay on the bed.
Scarlett just lays and tries to breathe when he feels his bed dip. He doesn’t have to move to
know Rex,Sol and Luna all join him in the bed. “Cry Squirt, don’t hold it anymore.” Sol
whispers putting his fingers in Scarlett’s hair while Rex moves behind Scarlett holding him
and Scarlett starts to cry once again.Luna watches before moving to sit next to Sol and hold
Sol’s other hand and hope that the squirt knows that they are there for him.


By the time Scarlett woke up again it was still dark outside and he was still in the middle
of a cuddle pile. Scarlett smiled as he carefully got out of the pile and freshened up. Once he
was done Scarlett caught a glimpse of his new wanted poster and it felt bittersweet. Scarlett
shook his head and grabbed his strongest moonshine he hides as he heads out of the cabin.

Scarlett takes a breath of fresh air when the sea sends her apologies while the winds send a
soft tune that makes Scarlett want to cry again. Scarlett tunes both out as he sits in the middle
of the deck taking a big drink from the bottle as he looks at the sky. From what he can tell it
is early morning and the sun would rise in another hour or two, so he decides to watch the

“I did it, Dra. I became the world’s most wanted assassin…” Scarlett let out a wet chuckle
as his tears started to flow once again. Scarlett always thought his dream would be something
Jess would be by his side for. He never thought he would have to get revenge for her death.
Scarlett takes another drink. Scarlett can’t help but think everything is bittersweet.
Keep moving
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Ages :
Scarlett 21
Rogue 36,16 months pregnant

See the end of the chapter for more notes

During the week back to Windrise Scarlett made calls to his networks just double checking
on them as well as reassuring them that if they wanted to leave he was more than happy to let
them go. Of course everyone would say they would stay, that Scarlett was crazy to even
think that they would ever leave him everyone he called doubled down they loved the work
and were happy with Scarlett.

The marines have tried to pay Morgans to cover up the death of the Celestial Dragon but
Morgans did not like that and the underworld edition of the incident was now known
worldwide. Red Death was now known along with his $6 billion berries bounty with
Scarlett’s warning. Now everyone is curious about who this person is and wanted to know
more. Scarlett knew this would happen but knows the marines have nothing on him so he can
be at peace for now until Ace is to be born and he starts to raise his little firecracker.

Of course during this week Sol, Luna and Rex made themselves known all the time and
mostly all three at the same time. They tried their best to offer him support and comfort him.
And it worked by the time they made it to Windrise Scarlett was able to overcome a huge part
of his grief and knew with time he would feel better.

As Scarlett reaches the small dock at the back of his home and as he finishes docking and
standing on deck with his bags he hears the sounds of running footsteps. He turns just in time
to Rouge crashing into him, Scarlett is frozen when her body collides into him.
He drops his bags and holds her as she starts to cry when he feels a small kick against
him. “Seems little one doesn’t like for you to cry Rouge.” She pulls back and wipes her tears
“welcome home.” Scarlett picks up his bags once again and starts to follow Rouge back
inside “I’m home.”

After Scarlett’s return the pair spend the last two weeks of the month preparing and
packing for the big move to Dawn island. Over the past months the house became a home to
the group, from an empty shell not really filled with much to a home where Rogue got to be a
mother to her sons and Scarlett got to be an uncle.

Scarlett feels a little sad to leave it but he knows he will return again at some point in the


Finally it's the last day on the island Rouge and Scarlett already said their goodbyes to
most of the town and the only ones to see them off was the Star family.

Rouge and Scarlett standing on the Rex while the Star family waves at them from the
dock in the back of their home. “Be sure to come back at some point again once the baby is
born.” Bass tells the pair “ Haha i will see you again loser.” Scarlett and Rouge wave and set
sail to Dawn island.

Chapter End Notes

Happy New Year everyone! I hope we can all have a great new year! Be safe everyone!
Arriving at Dawn island
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 21
Rogue 36, 17 months pregnant

Two days at sea when winter came a month early now. The pair were on deck when they
made it to the island. “ I hope you are ready for the cold, its kinda crazy here.” Scarlett says
as they reach the port, even though it is high noon the villagers weren’t out many stayed
home as the cold was coming in. Scarlett ties to the docks while Rouge grabs her bag from
the cabin. After Scarlett finishes and lands on the deck he helps Rouge and the pair make
their way up to the main road.

Scarlett tells stories about the village and stories as they make their way to Scarlett’s
family home. “And this is the Monkey family home, make yourself comfortable. I’ll deal
with everything else while you can nap or explore the house if you want while I turn on the
fireplace.” Rouge just nods along taking in this beautiful home and the many photos that
hang along the walls.

Rouge sees many photos of a little Scarlett. It's easy to tell it's him because of his
birthmark while playing with another boy. She just smiles slowly looking at these photos in
the living room and didn’t notice Scarlett was next to her until he spoke.

“That me and my older brother Dragon and the one who tooks the photo was my Uncle.
We will meet him later for dinner. They love to take photos. If you want to see more, I can
get the scrapbooks. I also have something to give you later.” Rouge just laughs “hehe I can
tell they love you very much, it's nice to know you were raised with love please do the same
for the little one.”
“You don’t even need to ask, come let me show the rest of the house.” Scarlett leads
Rouge through the house seeing the bottom floor and the second floor showing the room
Rouge would be sleeping in and the pair make it back to the living room. “Now take a nap
while I get some of our things okay.”


Rouge finally listens and takes a nap in the living room while Scarlett takes their old
wagon down to the docks and starts moving their boxes. He was able to move everything in a
few hours and starts to head back when he hears his name. “BIG BROTHER SCAR!” And a
small bundle came running into him.

“ Haha nice to see you little Makino have you been well?” “ Haha I’ve been good, I was
playing in the snow today.” As Makino looked up at Scarlett. Makino was now 11 years old
and a bundle of joy for Scarlett. The two chat for a bit before Makino has to go home and
Scarlett heads back to his home.

By the time Rouge was awake after a few hours Scarlett had finished bringing in the
boxes and had just finished showering. “Great, you're awake, you can use the bath, it has hot
water, then we can head to my uncle’s for dinner.” Rouge can only shake her head as she is
sure he brought everything in while she was sleeping.

Both now ready and Scarlett leads Rouge to sit on a smaller wagon he can pull with a bike
as it can be a long walk for Rouge now that she is still growing and has at least two more
months before she gives birth. Scarlett tells stories about the village and its people as they
make their way to his Uncle Woop Slap’s home. Both having a good time chatting when they
reach and walk up to the door and knock.

knock knock there is some noise on the other side of the door before it opens to his uncle
Woop Slap. “ HaHa Brat it’s good to see you come in, come in, before you freeze out there.”
The pair enter the warm house while Uncle Woop Slap makes Scarlett’s favorite drink hot
chocolate both sit on the couch near the fire and Woop Slap starts to catch up with the pair.
“Here you go miss and here brat. Care to tell me who this is?” Scarlett takes a sip and
answers his uncle.

“this is Rouge my wife.” Woop Slap freezes a moment “What did you just say?” The pair
laugh at his uncle “I said this is Rouge my wife and she is having my baby.” Scarlett is
getting too much enjoyment out of his uncle’s reaction.

When Woop Slap gets up from his chair and hits his nephew on the head “YOU BRAT!
another hit on the head

“ I’m sorry Rouge for yelling the brat just gets to me.” Rouge giggles at Scarlett who is
rubbing his head “it’s okay I do it too when he is being dumb.” The group chats and eats
dinner while Woop Slap gets to know Rouge and exchange stories mostly to embarrass
Scarlett who can only smile at the pair as they get along. “Ah Scarlett, what do you plan to do
for your birthday this year?” Scarlett thinks it's over “well since it's on December 29th
nothing much it would be too cold outside why do you want to come over?”

“Haha yeah I hope we can have lunch that day, what do you think, Rouge?” Rouge gets
over her shock, she never knew when Scarlett’s birthday was and now she was thinking of
gift ideas. “ I think lunch would be lovely” and the group continue for a while before the pair
decide to leave before the snow starts to fall once again.

Once the pair make it back to the home Scarlett heads straight to the boxes looking for
something while Rouge takes off her winter clothes and starts to look for blankets. “Yahoo! I
found it, here Rouge come sit I have something for you.” Rouge takes a blanket and sits next
to Scarlett who has a book on his lap.
Once the pair are settled Scarlett hands her the book “Here this is for the little one but i
think you should write something in it for them. Have a look. I wanted to give this to you
earlier but I wasn’t finished yet but now it is so go ahead.” Rouge could only stare at the
cover, her curiosity getting to her she opened the book to the first paper it read ‘My first baby
book” Rouge felt her eyes start to water but wouldn’t let herself cry just yet until she looked
through the whole book.

She turns the page and sees a photo of Rouge, Shanks and Buggy cuddling on the back
porch on Windrise reading a book with a little note next to the photo and couldn’t help but

The pages that follow are pages with Rouge and the boys sometime Rouge by herself or
just her and Scarlett. With her always smiling with one hand always on her belly as it grows
from picture to picture. With each picture is a little note of who is in the photo and what they
are doing, truly capturing the moment.

By the time Rouge is done the tears are flowing down her face and Scarlett already has
the tissues knowing his friend was going to cry.

She wipes her tears and turns to Scarlett “you are a jerk you know.” Scarlett can only
smile “yeah i know.” Rouge wipes more of her tears and pulls him in for a hug “thank you
Scarlett.” “haha your welcome Rouge.” After the pair head to bed as tomorrow they have to
unpack and Rouge has a letter to write and both are thankful they are not alone.
A new hello and a last goodbye
Chapter Notes

Content warning: cannon character death

Scarlett 22
Rogue 36, 19 months

After the first day on Dawn island everyone had known Scarlett was back at the village
they knew he was now married and they were having a baby. Everyone was excited for the
pair and just like on Windrise everyone grew to love Rouge over the months. They all
thought she was the sweetest person and everyone was excited to see the baby who should be
due any day now that it is the end of December.

Today was December 29 Scarlett’s 22nd birthday. Rouge had already made breakfast for
them both which was just pancakes. After breakfast while Scarlett was washing the dishes
Rouge was getting his birthday present. She had spent the last couple of weeks asking the
people in the village what to get Scarlett for his birthday only to find out Scarlett didn’t tell
many what he enjoys. Luckily she was able to find out from his Uncle Woop Slap he loves
navigating along with sailing but he never bought a telescope.

Uncle Woop Slap said since he was a child he did not stop talking about getting one until
he got his fruit and didn't need it but Woop Slap knew he still wanted one but just never got
one. After hearing about this, Rouge as best as she could looked for anyone selling one in the
village and was going to give up when one of the older ladies gave her one.

The older lady was Mrs. Fancies, his former teacher now in her 80s. She had gotten it
when he was young and was going to give it to him but then he suddenly stopped talking
about it so she kept it. Until she heard Rouge was looking for one and thought this was the
best time to give it to him. Rouge couldn’t thank the woman enough. After that day she spent
her time wrapping it and making a little card for him to have as well. It was a small painting
of the Monkey family home. Rouge was very happy with her gift and when she finally got
the courage Scarlett had just finished the dishes and was in the living room adding more
wood to the fireplace.

She sat on the couch waiting for Scarlett to be done with the small box on her lap and a
blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Scarlett got his own blanket, sitting next to her with a
raised eyebrow. “Oh, what do you have there Rouge?”

Rouge sits up facing Scarlett with a smile on her face “Happy Birthday Scarlett!” And
hands him the box, Scarlett just smiles taking the box into his lap and starts to unwrap it. “
Ha Thank you Rouge you didn-” Scarlett stops in the middle of his sentence as he looks at
the most beautiful telescope he has ever seen. His eyes darted back and forth between the
scope and Rouge who was a big smile.

Scarlett looks it over and finds it is a simple two lock scope with engraving of trees and
winds along the whole thing and the words ‘may the wind guide your sails.’ On one of the
sides. Scarlett had wanted one when he was a child but he just kept putting it off and now
Scarlett has one. He has never had such a lovely gift before, he places it back into this case
and pulls Rouge in for a hug, careful not to hold her too tight. “Thank you Rouge. I love it so

“ Hehe I had a feeling you would. Now look at the card I’m sure you would like it as
well.” Doing as his friend said he opens the card to find a beautiful painting of the monkey
family home with the big porch and its many flowers during the summer days. Even though
Rouge hasn't seen it in the summer, she caught the lighting perfectly.

He places it down next to the box and pulls Rouge in for another hug. “ Haha I love it,
Rouge thank you, I think it would look lovely on the galley wall.” Rouge just giggles. That
was the name they decided to call the wall in the living room that had many photos of the
monkey brothers and their times growing up.
Scarlett puts his gift aside and the pair spend the rest of the morning talking about
Scarlett's childhood until his uncle would come for lunch and he would stay for a few hours
before leaving the pair to spend the rest of the evening putting the final touches on the baby’s
room before having dinner and heading to sleep.


On the last day of the year the pair went about their day as normal. They ate breakfast
together, added some more things into the baby room and the morning went by fast and lunch
came and went. The pair just sat in the living room talking and enjoying their time together
both doing their own things when Scarlett thought he saw Rouge make a face of pain but
when he looked at her again she was fine so he went back to what he was doing.

Just like lunch, dinner had come, the pair sat and ate together just talking and Scarlett
thinks he is losing his mind a little. He thinks he sees her winces like she is in pain but she
just blows him off saying she was fine. Scarlett doubted it but continued on with his story and
it was until after they had washed the dishes he saw Rouge clench her fist and her face in

“Rouge, you are in labor aren’t you?” Rouge took a deep breath allowing the pain to pass
before looking at her friend “ ha took you long enough, Yes the baby is coming.” Rouge
laughed at Scarlett’s face, his eyes wide and mouth dropped. “ Come one, take me to
Dr.Arataki.” Scarlett was quick to move heading to grab the baby bag and baby carrier they
had set up for when she was to give birth along with many jackets and blankets to keep warm
on the ride to his office.

Scarlett got Rouge into the wagon bundle up and headed straight to the doctor’s office as
they reached it the lights were still on meaning he hadn’t gone to sleep yet as it was now 10
o’clock at night now. He got off his bike and helped Rouge down and grabbed their things
and knocked on the door of the office hoping they would be quickly out of the cold.
After a few more knocks the door opened and Dr.Arataki took one look at who was at his
door before rushing both inside and started preparing to deliver a baby after showing the
couple a room. Rouge had changed into a patient gown that a nurse gave her and the pair just
waited as the contractions got closer.

At 11 o’clock the doctor had told the pair they were going to start as Rouge was now
ready for the baby. So they began with only Dr.Arataki, one nurse and the pair. It was a long
hour and a lot of screaming, Scarlett is sure if he didn’t cloat his hand in haki Rouge would
have broken it and at the stroke of midnight a loud baby’s cry filled the room.

Scarlett let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looked at Rouge as she stared
at the baby to get clean. Scarlett let go of her hand and grabbed a camera snail and snapped a
few photos as the nurse handed the baby to Rouge “it's a boy congratulations.” Rouge looked
down at her son with so much love she whispered “ I love you so much Gol D. Ace.” and
Scarlett snapped the perfect photo of the two. “Scarlett, come hold him.” He puts down the
snail and sits next to her bringing her to lean on him as he holds baby Ace.

“You did amazing momma.” Scarlett gives her a kiss on her forehead and feels her haki
slowly leaving her as the doctor notices something is wrong with Rouge. “Wait mrs.
Something is wrong let me look-”

“No that is okay doctor,it's okay I know already.” barley raising her voice the Doctor faces
is pale he knows she is not going to make it and she knows it too. Scarlett only pulls her
closer as she holds on a little longer. “ Take care of Ace Scarlett, may the sea grace you both
with calm waves.” Scarlett only holds her tight with tears in his eyes “ May the winds guide
your sail dear.”

Rouge gives one last smile before Scarlett can no longer feel her haki anymore and Ace
starts to cry in his arms.
A baby is here
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 22
Ace hours old

The room was now only filled with silence now that Scarlett got Ace to stop crying. The
doctor was preparing Rouge while the nurse moved Scarlett to a waiting room and was
double checking Ace. Scarlett felt another hole in his heart form and another hole be filled.

Rouge was now gone and Ace was born. It was a lot in the moment so Scarlett did what
he can only do for now and that was to put aside his emotions for now until he would have
his time to let it all out. Scarlett moved when he saw the nurse come out without Ace, worry
filled him. “Mr. Monkey the baby is a perfectly healthy boy but we would like to keep him
for the rest of the night just to monitor him, please follow me, we moved him into a different
room, does he have a name?”

The pair walked into a different room with a small bed and Ace already asleep in a crib.
“Yes his name is Ace.” “Okay I will be sure to add that to his papers. I will be back later with
papers for you to fill out.” Scarlet just nods, placing down his bags and seats next to Ace
looking at his sleeping face. “Also sir I’m sorry for your loss.” Scarlett turns to face the
young nurse who also has tears in her eyes “ Thank you.” She looks at Ace and Scarlett one
last time before leaving them.

Scarlett spends the next two hours looking at Ace as the ring that he wears becomes to
weigh a little more heavier on his finger. When Scarlett and Rouge had their wedding they
had gotten rings to make it more believable and even if to everyone the pair were husband
and wife but to each other they were best friends. The pair had grown super close during their
time together and just worked as friends and partners. He hates he has lost another friend but
happy Ace is now here and is healthy.
As Scarlett is stuck in his head with memories he hears movement come from the crib.
He moves to see baby Ace who is still sleeping but stretching when Scarlett decides to hold
him again. He brings him close to his heart and starts humming Bink’s sake just so Ace can
feel him there and Ace moves closer to him and falls back to sleep.

Soon after Scarlett starts humming Dr.Arataki comes in with papers and some baby
things. The doctor checks on Ace before he starts talking to Scarlett about paperworks mostly
to do with Rouge’s passing and Ace’s birth certificate. The pair talk in hushed voices going
over the papers and going over some basic care for Ace. The talk goes over an hour before
Ace wakes with a cry and Scarlett gets to feed him for the first time.

With the help of the doctor Ace was able to drink and Scarlett couldn’t be happier
looking at Ace. After that the doctor left to get sleep and encouraged Scarlett to do the same
after he had cleaned up Ace.

Scarlett simply just held Ace in his arms a little more before he placed him in the crib
and took a small nap on the bed. When he woke again it was just the nurse from last night
and was just checking on Ace at 6 am he fell back to sleep for another hour before he woke at
7 am ready to face the new world of parenthood.

Scarlett freshened up in the ensuite bathroom and came out to find his uncle looking at
Ace. “ I know you are an early riser but I didn't think I would see you already.” His voice
caused his uncle to jump a little, bringing a small smile to his face. “Brat, don't scare me like
that. Also I went for my morning walk when I saw your old wagon outside. I figured I just
checked it out and the nurse let me in.”

Scarlett can only shake his head and put his things back into the bag while his uncle still
just watched Ace sleep. “ His name is Ace. You can hold him, you know. He isn’t going to
break if you hold him, sit here and I’ll hand him to you.” Uncle Woop Slap did as his nephew
said and sat in the chair and Scarlett placed the sleeping baby in his arms. Once he was secure
in his uncle’s arms Scarlett was quick to grab his camera snail and caught the moment.
The pair sat in silence the only sounds were from the rest of the building and the rest of
the village starting their days even if it was still winter. “Where is Rouge? Is she in a different
room or something?” His uncle asked after a while he noticed she didn’t join them yet.

Scarlett only took a deep breath before telling his uncle the news, he knows that after this
things will be a little crazy but he knows his uncle has his back. Scarlett stares at Ace looking
for strength “Rouge didn't make after having Ace. We said our goodbyes last night not long
after she gave birth. It was too much on her body and she didn’t make it.”

Woop Slap can only look at his nephew in shock. He just lost his wife and his son was
born on the same night. Woop slap grabbed one of Scarlett's hands “I'm so sorry little Scar.
I'm here if you ever need anything you understand.” Woop Slap gave his hand another
squeeze, Scarlett looked at his uncle with tears in his eyes “You are not alone Scarlett, you
have this village and everyone you meet in your travels and now your son. We are all here
with you Scarlett.”

That caused another round of tears from Scarlett, they just sat there and Woop Slap let his
nephew cry. They sat there until Ace started to fuss and the pair moved to feed and change
him before the doctor came in to check on them.

He checked Ace once more and gave the okay from him to head home after filling out
the discharge papers. The pair got to work and were able to get out before it was 10 am. The
Doctor had also told Scarlett that Rouge would be ready to be buried at sea by tomorrow
Scarlett gave his thanks and left back to his home with baby Ace.

Not long after Shanks and Buggy left to sail, Rouge had told Scarlett that she wished to be
buried at the sea. Even though she had been land locked for some years she was also a child
of the sea and wished to do it for herself and Roger and of course Scarlett agreed. As Scarlett
started to think about how to tell people as he reached his home.
Ace’s cry brought him back to the present and he hurried to get him only for his uncle to
beat him. “Get moving. Don’t worry for now I got him and he is fine he fell back to sleep.
Keep going, we are almost there.” Scarlett nods his head and keeps going up the road until
they make it to their home.

Scarlett helps his uncle down and grabs Ace’s carrier with Ace inside still while his
uncle heads inside to start the fire no doubt. Scarlett walks into the home making sure to
close the door,places the carrier down and brings Ace out of his carrier, holding him close
and whispers to his son “Welcome Home Ace.”
Baby Ace on The Rex
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 22
Ace 2 weeks old

It has been 2 weeks since Ace was born and it has been a stressful two weeks. Since Rouge
had passed, word made it to the village and everyone showed up to her send off the day after
Scarlett brought Ace home. Many were happy to see that Ace had made it and were also sad
to say goodbye to their friend. Just like Scarlett’s father did for his mother, Scarlett did for

Off a shore near the home they laid Rouge on a small boat and Scarlett placed a pink
hibiscus flower much like she wore on Windrise and placed a torch on the boat and pushed it
out to sea. Everyone watched for a bit until one by one everyone left. The last to leave were
Scarlett and his Uncle who was holding Ace for a bit before giving him back to Scarlett as
they watched her boat sink.


During the two weeks that followed Scarlett was trying his best to care for Ace with the
help of his uncle. Scarlett had found out that parenthood was like nothing like the books he
had read but he was happy to do it nonetheless.

Scarlett learned a lot about babies and was impressed he could keep up. Today though
Scarlett had some things to do so he and Ace went to the Rex. So after breakfast Scarlett had
prepared them both for the cold weather and had strapped Sol to his back as he needed
something for him. They make it and it's not too busy at the port so he knows he can make a
few snail calls and won’t be overheard by the nosy people.

Standing on the deck he feels Rex already form in the cabin, hurrying to get out the cold
baby carrier in hand he walks into the cabin. As the door closes and warmth hits him Scarlett
places down the carrier placing Sol on the table and Rex and Luna are behind him trying to
see baby Ace as Scarlett takes off his coat. “You guys can wait a few minutes right, i have to
change his diaper then you can look at him.”

Scarlett moves with ease, taking Ace out and placing him down on the bed and starts to
change him when Luna speaks first. “He has her freckles.” Scarlett has a small smile once he
brings Ace into his arms now clean and throws the diaper away. “Yeah he does and he has
Roger’s eyes.” Luna and Rex both know that Rouge had passed as Scarlett asked his uncle to
put a note in his cabin and knew Rex would read it. Sol speaks up after grabbing whatever he
was looking for which was just some of the oil to clean his blade with.

“You know I don't think I even want us to have another small squirt anytime soon, they
cry so loud I can feel it rattle my blade.” Scarlett can just giggle; he decides not to tell them
about Luffy just yet. “Rex, can you get the snails please.” Rex though quiet most of the time,
he is just never this quiet. Scarlett will try to get him alone at some point to talk to him. Rex
gets the snails and hands it to Scarlett who is sitting on the bed Ace in his arms wiggling
around trying to get comfortable. “Luna, can you hand me the pacifier in the bag. I think he is
going to be fussy.”

Scarlett starts to make calls to his network checking on people and listening to job offers
he has gotten. None would really be worth leaving Ace right now so Scarlett just told his
network to not worry about jobs and keep their ears to the ground as the marines were still
looking for him for killing the dragon, so he simply told them to lay low and he is sure most
in the underworld are still afraid to make a move with him yet. While Luna and Rex watch
Ace who fell back to sleep next to Scarlett on the bed.

After what felt like hours calling his network Scarlett was done and started to make lunch
before Ace woke again from his nap. Since there was silence, Scarlett thought it was time to
talk to Rex. “Rex, come here please.” Scarlett had made a simple salad and sat at the table
when Rex appeared and sat with him. “You called?” “Yeah I wanted to know what is going
on in that mind of yours, you are never this quiet and down I’m worried about you.” Scarlett
stops eating, giving Rex his full attention as he sees Rex struggle to put words together.

“ Sighs I guess I feel frustrated that I can't be with you like Sol and Luna. It bothers me
that I can't be there to see the little squirt grow, it feels like I am missing something
important.” Scarlet can only look at Rex with fondness. Scarlett has thought over the years
ways to bring Rex along with him but didn’t know how before but now he does.

“I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner about your frustration. I will try to do better so you don’t
feel like you are missing something. So I have had an idea for a while and I have been
meaning to ask you. How about you become my new weapon?” Rex looks at Scarlett with
shock and love for his little brother.

The pair sit and talk about it and even continue when Ace wakes up again for his
afternoon bottle. Scarlett notices a weight has been lifted off Rex and Scarlett knows they
will be ok.
Ace’s first time at sea
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 22
Ace 5 months
Buggy 16

Winter has long passed and spring is in full swing with summer around the block on Dawn
island when Scarlett decides to take Ace out to sea with him. Ace is now five months old and
its learning to do things that amaze Scarlett like right now Ace is currently trying to sit on his
own while Scarlett sits behind him trying to get him to play with his toys Makino gave him
when he was born, at the Monkey family house when Scarlett feels the itch of the sea under
his skin.

Even when Scarlett was a child, he was out in the river in some row boat before Dragon
gave him Rex and hit the seas and even after Rex. Scarlett was on the seas more than land.
Scarlett thinks of islands close by he can travel to with Ace when a spot comes to mind. He
hasn’t been there yet and so he picks up Ace, brings him into his arms and starts to pack.
“Come on Ace let’s hit the seas.” And Ace just smiles chewing on a toy following along with
his papa.

Scarlett packs for himself and Ace a month worth of things will entertaining Ace long
enough he doesn’t move from his stop on his bed. He plans for the two to head Shimotsuki
Village, he hopes it is already founded and Shimotsuki Kozaburo is on the island. Scarlett
wishes for him to forge a scythe blade for Rex to have. Rex and Scarlett have talked about it
over the months and agree to use Rex’s wood and make a scythe, and that would be Scarlett’s
new weapon. He only hopes the older man would agree.

After getting everything ready Scarlett heads to the Rex with Ace swaddle on his chest
and their bags on his back along with Sol on his back. He had already said goodbye to his
uncle as he passed him on his way to the docks. Quickly Scarlett unties Rex and heads to the
open seas.


Once they are a good distance Scarlett moves into the cabin and places Sol next to Luna
on the wall. While he places Ace in his play corner on his belly for some crawl time; Scarlett
made for him the more they came to the ship. As he works putting away their supplies as Rex
keeps them on their way.

After taking an hour putting away everything Scarlett checks on Ace who is now playing
by himself sitting on his own. Scarlett rubs his eyes to make sure they aren’t playing tricks on
him before picking up Ace “ you did Ace! I'm so proud!” Ace just giggles holding his papa’s
face while Scarlett hugs him showering him in kisses. “Come on Ace, let's go outside and sit
on deck.”

When he makes it out the door Rex sends a wave of heat ‘Danger’ Scarlett lets out his
Haki letting know there are people on his ship, at least five and only one is familiar when he
feels a knife on his back. “Don’t take another step or this goes though you. Give all your
berries and this ship.” Scarlett just rolls his eyes fixing Ace in his arms so he is protected
from the fight that is going to happen.

Even if it is the weakest seas the east blue still has pirates. “You are playing pirate, while
I am a pirate.” Scarlett disappears in front of their eyes before they know it their own sniper
in the crows nest is thrown down onto the deck. And each pirate is thrown onto deck before
Scarlett finds Buggy and throws him on top of the pill of defeated pirates. All done with Ace
in his arms giggling away looking at his papa.

“Not a bad ambush if you went for a newbie Bugs but you got me instead.” Buggy head
shot up looking at Scarlett “SCAR!!” Buggy rushes to stand and runs to his uncle only to stop
when his eyes land on the small human in his uncle’s arms. “Head back to the ship.” Buggy
crew stand confused but listen anyways “Can we go inside uncle?” Scarlett gives him a smile
and heads inside with Buggy following.

Standing in the middle of the room Buggy only stares at the smiling baby “Buggy meet
Ace, Ace meet Buggy one of your big brothers.” Buggy eyes have tears, he is hesitant to hold
the baby, he has never held one before and Scarlett beats him to his questions. “Sit down and
I’ll put him in your arms, yeah like that now put your hands there yup just like that and now
you are holding him congrats.”

Buggy was quick to follow his uncle’s instructions and now sitting he is looking at this
small baby in his arms. Ace looks up at Buggy and smiles and Buggy swears his heart melts.
“Hi Ace.” Buggy whispers and Ace lets out a giggle and the two sit together for a bit.

While Buggy was distracted, Scarlett used this moment and grabbed his camera snail and
snapped a few photos of the two enjoying each other while Buggy whispers to Ace and Ace
just smiles at him. But then Ace gives Buggy an open mouth kiss on his cheek covering it in
drool, causing Buggy to be grossed out and Scarlett gets it all on camera while laughing.

“So where is Rouge?” After a bit, Buggy asked “she is with the waves.” Scarlett answers
sitting in front of the brothers watching Ace as he tries to eat Buggy’s jacket “having Ace
took a lot out of her and her body was just too tired after all she was using haki 24/7 for
almost 2 years it was just too much. She was able to hold him and name him before she

Buggy bits back his tears and holds Ace a little closer. Rouge became their mother over
the months they were together, it breaks his heart to know she is gone. “Well then at the very
least she can rest in peace knowing this little brat has such a super cool pirate for a brother
and a very good dad.” Buggy sends a smile to Scarlett who gives one in return.

The pair chat a bit more before Buggy leaves the pair and heads back out to sea, while
Ace takes a nap. Scarlett double checks he is on the right track and heads inside to prepare a
late lunch and enjoy the calm waves. It’s not a bad first day on the seas with Ace.
Making it to Shimotsuki village
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Age: scar 22
Ace 5 months 3 weeks

Three weeks on the seas with a baby has been a journey for Scarlett. With how much Ace
loves to get into cabins and the little secret storage places even Scarlett nor Rex had any idea
about. Or the fact the little firecracker can crawl very fast and almost always lands in the
water. Luckily Scarlett is fast or who knows how many times Ace would have taken a drip in
the sea. But that's going to end for a bit as Scarlett has made it to Shimotsuki village and it is
actually standing and is thriving it seems.

Scarlett lands at a dock with Ace swaddled to his chest facing everything so he isn’t bored
looking at Scarlett all the time. The pair make their way to pay the dock fee and head straight
into a street market, full of just about everything from food and spices to equipment for ships,
it is very nice. Scarlett grabs a few fruits and lets Ace eat the bananas as it is softer for him
and gives him water and double checking Ace’s little hat is covering him so he doesn’t burn.
The pair walk around town until Scarlett follows a road that leads him to a dojo.

The dojo is a typical dojo and Scarlett waits until he sees someone to enter when a young
man sees him standing asking what he is doing. “I was walking around looking for someone
and saw the dojo, it looks nice.” “Would you like to see a class?” Scarlett nods and follows
the man while Ace wiggles around trying to get the man’s attention. They reach the class and
sure enough it is a kids class, many young like 5-6 years old wielding bamboo swords much
like Scarlett’s that is sitting in the attic at home.

Seeing this class brought back many memories of his childhood with Dragon. “They are
very good, brings back memories of my childhood.” The man looks like he wants to ask
something when Ace lets out a loud laugh causing almost everyone to stop and stare at him.
“ hehe Ace shh, well I have seen what I need to thanks man.” Scarlett moves to head out
when an older man stands and heads towards Scarlett. “Wait young man, that Sword where
did you get it?” Scarlett faces the older gentleman and points to Sol who is strapped to his
back. “This one, it was a gift when I was little.” “It is a very exquisite blade. Do you mind if I
take a closer look at it?” “Father, that is rude to ask in front of everyone.” “Oh hush,

Scarlett’s eyes go wide at that name. It sounds familiar and the closer Scarlett looks at this
older man Scarlett thinks he found the man he is looking for. “How about we take this into a
different room? Yes, sir? I didn’t catch your name. I am Scarlett and this is Ace.” “Yes, yes
,follow me. Back to class, I am Shimotsuki Kozaburo.”

Scarlett found just the man he is looking for as they go to another room and sit on the floor.
Scarlett takes Ace off his chest and places him on his lap to be more comfortable. “Why do
you wish to see my sword?” “It is very unique for its type and I wish to see it better.” Scarlett
thinks it's over and Sol warns him no touching. Scarlett nods his head “ you may look but do
not touch he will cut you, he doesn’t like to be handled by someone who is not me. But in
exchange to see him. How would you feel about making me a blade?”

The room falls silent. Shimotsuki-sama stares at Scarlett with hard eyes “who are you?”
“Like I said I am Scarlett, Enma is a beautiful blade and Oden uses her well.” Shimotsuki-
sama looks pale. “ Don’t worry I just happen to know about a lot of things I shouldn’t, I mean
you no harm, all I wish is to have a blade made by you.” Shimotsuki-sama looks like he is
thinking things over while Ace starts to mess with his papa face and clothes trying to grab
more fruit from the bag on his back.

When Ace accidentally grabs Sol’s handle and pulls him out an inch when there is a flash of
black seen before Ace drops him again trying to climb his papa for the bag. Scarlett knew
Ace was going to grab it but also knew Sol would never hurt Ace so he let him as he watched
Shimotsuki-sama’s reaction. His eyes went very wide and he seemed to come to a
Scarlett grabbed Ace and placed him back on his lap and gave him another piece of a
banana while Shimotsuki-sama spoke. “ I will accept your exchange.” Scarlett offers a smile
and Ace cheers “Wonderful! It is a pleasure doing business with you.”

Scarlett places Ace on the floor to crawl around and play with some toys, while Scarlett
places Sol on a small table out of his sheath. His blade shines in the sunlight, his black blade
is a real beauty, his handle clean and shining gold and red. It is a beautifully crafted piece of
art that Scarlett has taken the utmost care of. “Wow, it is a masterpiece. What have you done
to get it to be covered in Ryuo?” Scarlett just smiled as the man looked at the sword in awe.

“Are you sure I can’t hold it?” Scarlett turns to his right looking at Sol who is sitting next to
him, “what do you think?” “I think not, he is not worthy of me.” Sol turns his head up and is
just sassy today after letting Ace touch him. “Sol said you are not worthy of him to hold. I’m
sorry.” Shimotsuki-sama stares at Scarlett in shock while Scarlett looks at Ace as he plays.
“So about that blade I would like.”

Scarlett glances over and just talks about the blade and ideas he has while Shimotsuki-sama
gives his input before both agree on a weapon. A scythe, the handle would be made of
Adams wood from Rex and the blade will be retractable and they make more plans.
Shimotsuki-sama starts making plans and before they know it the afternoon is gone and night
has come.

After they were served lunch, they were offered a room and dinner to which Scarlet
declined and simple said he preferred his ship, leaving his snail number and a good sum of
berries Scarlett and Ace said their goodbyes and head back to the Rex for a night of sleep
before they hit the seas again back to Dawn island.

It was on week two of the trip back to Dawn island when Scarlett and Ace were out on deck
getting a little sun in a kiddie pool Scarlett got when a News Coos landed at the bow of the
ship. Scarlett gets up with Ace and pays the bird before sitting back down in the small pool
with Ace making sure not to get the paper wet. Scarlett feels his heart stop when he sees the
front page.
It is Robin’s photo, it was her bounty poster. Scarlett can only curse in his mind, he forgot
that O'Hara happened. Robin is now on the run at the age of 8, Scarlett wishes to take her in
but he knows she won’t trust him, all he can do is tell his people to keep an eye on her and
make sure she is safe even if it's for a bit.

Scarlett wishes he can save everyone from their own problems but he knows he has his own
responsibilities that his heart doesn't want to miss. “Ace, you can’t eat the toy.” Scarlett
chuckles pulling the ball out of Ace’s mouth, Scarlett leaves his worries and the future and
focuses on his present, his son.
A new stepping stone
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Age: scar 22
Ace 10 months

After the trip to Shimotsuki Village four months ago, Scarlett and Ace are back again at the
village. Last month Scarlett got a call from Shimotsuki-sama that the weapon was ready.
Scarlett had packed their bags and made it in three weeks. Much like last time they had calm
waves and no one tried to mess with Scarlett. They simply sailed in peace as much as they
could with Ace on board now that another tooth coming in he has been fussy.

Much like Scarlett did his first trip he paid the dock fee and made his way around the
market and made his way to the dojo walking right in till he found Shimotsuki-sama in the
back looking out at the sea. “Good afternoon Shimotsuki-sama.” Scarlett sat next to the older
man with Ace in his lap waving hello while talking gibberish. Shimotsuki-sama says hello to
Ace as well before turning back to the sea watching the waves crash against the rocks.

They enjoy the peace for a bit before Shimotsuki-sama moves and heads to the dojo. “It is a
masterpiece, come see it.” Scarlett and Ace follow the older man down a flight of stairs and
into a basement that has a workstation and swords on almost every surface. “And here it is.”
Shimotsuki-sama removes a cloth off a table and there lays the Scythe.

It was beautiful, it was around five feet long maybe and just as Scarlett was going to place
his hand on it he felt Rex waiting for him. With a smile Scarlett picks up the staff and the
wood is smooth under his hand when his finger hits a button and out comes the blade. Out
pops a 40 inch long steel blade that is perfect for Scarlett’s (6’10 ft) height.
As he clicks the bottom the blade is gone and Rex appears next to him. “Hi, little one, it
seems to work just fine and I am still connected to the ship.” Scarlett lets out a laugh of glee
and Ace follows just happy. “Thank you Shimotsuki-sama, it is perfect.” “ Haha I’m glad,
how about testing it.”

They head back to the spot where they had first found Shitmotsuki-sama and Scarlett places
Ace down and out of the way making sure he won’t get hurt. He takes to the empty field only
with Rex in his hand, vibrating ready to fight. Scarlett starts with using Rex as just a staff
getting a feel of it in his hands then the blade comes out. It is like a different wave of power
comes out.

Scarlett gives it a few swings and decides to send a flying cut to a tree and it cuts it
perfectly. He looks it over ignoring the sounds of people that came to see him and focuses his
haki into the scythe, it's not much but he can see the tip of the blade turn black. Scarlett
smiles to himself and stops for today, closing the blade and heading back to Ace who is
standing on his own.

Scarlett moves faster to be in front of Ace and watches as he stands on his own for the first
time. Scarlett and everyone watches as Ace takes his first steps. One, two, three and Ace
reaches Scarlett and lets out a loud squeak. Everyone around cheered and Scarlett spun Ace
around in celebration. It was a happy moment for everyone.

After that everyone tried to talk to Scarlett about his moves, and if he would be teaching at
the dojo to which Scarlett said no. This goes on until it is dinner time, this time however
Scarlett stays at the dojo as most of the kids are having fun playing with Ace and he didn’t
feel like cooking. “Ace is a good baby.” Scarlett didn’t need to look away from Ace to know
Koushirou was seated next to him.

“Yes when he wants to be, if not he is making a mess everywhere or trying to take a dip in
the sea.” “I’m sure he causes you and your wife many scares when he is quiet.” Scarlett stops
taking a sip and thinks about what if Rogue was still around but he pushes it aside as he can’t
think of what ifs. “I’m sure she would have many gray hairs by now if she was still alive.”
Koushirou feels ashamed of himself but Scarlett is quick to notice “hey don’t feel bad it's not
something I tell people as soon as they see Ace.” “What was she like?” Scarlett thinks about
it and with a soft smile answers “she was one of the strongest and one of the kindest people
you would have ever met.” Scarlett waits for Koushirou to ask another question he sees him
struggling with.

“What is it like being a solo father?” Scarlett thinks over the question while looking at Ace,
laughing his heart out at the other kids making silly faces. “ I am not alone, I have people
who are family by my side, helping me through these times and they are by his side too.”
Scarlett watches as Ace grows tired and puts down his drink and moves to stand.

“Yes parenthood is hard but to see his smile after everything we have been through makes it
all worth it.Have a good night Koushirou.” Scarlett leaves him stunned and picks up Ace
saying his goodbyes to the children and makes his way to Shitmotuski-sama and bows with
Ace in his arms “thank you Shimotsuki-sama, may we meet again one day.” “ haha yes may
we meet again.” Scarlett grabs his things, waves goodbye to the kids and heads to the Rex
with a new weapon on his back and a sleepy Ace in his arms and Scarlett is happy.
Ace’s first birthday
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Age: scar 23
Ace 1

It is winter once again on Dawn island after the trip to Shimotsuki Village Scarlett and Ace
came back and just have been living in their home. Ace has got better at walking more and
doing things on his own, Scarlett is still waiting for him to start talking better words other
than the gibberish Scarlett is somehow able to understand. The pair already celebrated
Scarlett’s 23rd birthday and didn’t do anything special as Scarlett was getting things ready for
Ace's 1st birthday party that is to happen later today.

Scarlett woke up with the sun and checked on Ace who was sleeping in his crib before
heading downstairs to make a quick coffee and start hanging small decorations around the
house. It had taken Scarlett an hour to hang everything and get started on making Ace
birthday pancakes for breakfast. Which took another hour and it took Scarlett a bit of time to
wake up Ace. Even as a baby Ace has a hard time waking up but he was able to wake him up
with ease.

While Ace was hugging his papa walking down the stairs Ace said his first word to Scarlett
“papa,” in a sleepy tiny voice rubbing his face into Scarlett's shoulder. Scarlett froze on the
stairs, had he not eaten his devil fruit he would have missed this moment. “What did you say
Ace?” Scarlett was in disbelief looking down at his son.

“Can you say it again?” Ace opened his eyes looking at Scarlett with a sleepy smile “papa.”
Scarlett let out a laugh so he wouldn’t cry his eyes out. “ Haha yes I am your papa and you
are Ace.” Ace just nodded along and Scarlett got moving once again placing Ace in his high
chair and started to eat breakfast.
After breakfast Scarlett and Ace cleaned up for the day and took a few photos for Scarlett to
add into the baby book at a later time. After a few Ace plays with his toys while Scarlett
baked a small cake for Ace and slightly bigger one for everyone else to eat. Once both cakes
were in the oven Scarlett went to Ace who was playing with his toys and picked him up and
headed up stairs to his room. “Come Ace, I have something for you.”

With Ace in his arms he reaches the top of his personal closest and pulls out a box that was
hidden within the wall. He moves to sit on the bed with Ace in his lap, opens the dusty box
and there lays two tone dials along with a dagger with a green sheath. It was something
Roger left in the bag of tone dials for Ace when they left Rogue’s island.

He carefully picks up the dial and brings it closer for Ace to see it. “This is a very special
message for you Ace, let’s listen to it.” Scarlett clicks the play button and the sounds of
rustling could be heard. “I can’t think of what to say,” “just start already.” It is Roger and
Rogue speaking first, Ace is only staring at the shell, while Scarlett's eyes start to water.
“Okay, okay, i can do this, hello Ace, I am your father Roger and this is mother Rouge, Hello

Scarlett can only stare at the shell with Ace. “I’m sure by the time you hear this we are both
gone and you are still here, and that's all we can ask for.” Roger takes a breath, Scarlett has
never heard him this nervous since he first asked Scarlett to become his brother. “I’m sure
many people will say bad things about me, some is true but not all. And I’m sure your papa
will tell you all about us.” “Papa!” Ace followed after Roger while looking at Scarlett with a

Rouge continued “ I’m sure Scarlett is taking good care of you Ace, all we wish to tell you
that we love you so much and yes we may not meet but we are always with you in the waves,
in the winds watching over you.” There is a sound of sniffing before both yell “WE LOVE
YOU ACE!” Then the dial stops and the room is silent, Scarlett wipes his tears placing back
the dial and closes the box bringing Ace up to his face.
“ Haha wasn’t that nice Ace.” and he showers Ace with kisses, who just laughs and once
again he is moving placing the box back in its place and both head back down stairs just as
the oven goes off the cake is ready. After all, they still have a party to do.


Even if it was winter, people still came to the party. Of course Uncle Woop Slap was the
first to arrive, Makino’s family followed, then a few other families with smaller kids as well,
even DaDan showed up. It was a good time for everyone. The kids all played together and the
adults chatted and everyone got food and had a good time.

When it came to the cake Ace made a mess but he loved it when they sang happy birthday
and Scarlett took many photos of everything he could while also enjoying the party. It went
on for hours before people started to leave before it got too dark. Once by the time everyone
left Ace was sleepy but he needed to be clean. “Sorry uncle, can you start cleaning up without
me? I'm going to take him a quick shower and put him to sleep.” “Sure, sure go ahead.”

Scarlett gave his thanks and headed to the upstairs bathroom and started to clean Ace up who
was falling asleep the whole time. By the time Scarlett was done Ace was out like a light.
Scarlett only smiled fondly at the sleeping baby when he placed him in his crib leaving the
door open he headed back downstairs to help clean up. When he sees someone on the porch
trying to mess with the door knob.

Scarlett grabs Rex who is in staff mode from beside the door and swings open the door and
swings Rex down on their head. “OUCH! Brat what was that for?!” “Old Man?!?!” “What
happened!?” Uncle Woop Slap comes running to the door with a knife in hand. “Uncle put
down the knife, it is just the old man.” Scarlett sighs and puts Rex back next to the door next
to Sol and Luna.

“Well come in you are letting in the cold.” Garp enters slamming the door hard, waking up
Ace who started to cry. “Now look at what you did.” Scarlett rolls his eyes and rushes back
up the stairs and right to Ace who is standing in his crib crying his eyes out. “Oh Ace, Papa is
here, shh, it's ok,” Scarlett picks him up and starts rocking him to calm him down.

Much like Dragon did when Scarlett was smaller, Scarlett places Ace’s head near his heart
and lets him listen to the sound of his heartbeat. Completely missing, Garp had followed him
up the stairs and was watching from the doorway.

While Scarlett is calming down Ace, Garp is staring at the two thinking where had the time
gone, Scarlett was no longer a baby and is now holding a baby, it messed with Garp’s mind a
bit. Once Ace had fallen back to sleep Scarlett turned to Garp “what?” Garp just shaked his
head and headed down stairs and Scarlett followed and started to clean while Garp was
looking for the alcohol and Wood Slap was taking out the trash. Everyone was doing their
own thing until everything was clean and they all sat at the dinner table.

Scarlett was enjoying the quiet after a loud afternoon till Garp started the questions. “So
who’s kid?” “Mine, his name is Ace” “his mother?” Scarlett downs his water while Woop
Slap looks at Garp with a hard glare. “ sighs She is with the waves. The birth was too
much for her body.” Silence fills the room once again Scarlett pours himself more water
avoiding the alcohol as he wants to keep a sharp mind around Ace for now.

Waiting for Garp to push more, while Garp just stares him down. “Are you sure he is your
son?” Woop Slap is ready to yell at Garp when Scarlett lets out a dark laugh that sends
goosebumps down the others spine. “He is my son. He is mine no matter what.” Staring
straight to Garp while Woop Slap feels like he is missing something. Garp only sighs and
takes a drink. “You can sleep in my room uncle , old man, you take the couch. I'll be in Ace’s
room, good night.” And Scarlett leaves the table.
A small detour
Chapter Notes

Content warning: quick mentions of child slavery

Scarlett 23
Ace 1 year 4 months
Rayleigh 56
Mihawk 21

Since that night Garp only stayed for a week before he left for work again, leaving with the
promise to be back to spend time with his grandson, that was four months ago. Now Spring is
here when Scarlett gets a job he can’t ignore. A noble in the new world taking children as
slaves and is paying the marines on the island to look away.

Oh Scarlett’s blood was boiling when Benny, his informant told him about it. Scarlett didn’t
care about the 50 million berries when he took the job, he has made more than enough
money than he needs, he simply hates when people can do such evil things to kids. He told
Benny he was taking the job and would be at the island in a month's time as the island was
deep in the new world.

Scarlett packed his things and things for Ace and headed to his uncle. Woop Slap agreed to
watch Ace while Scarlett went out to sea and promised to be back in two months. Scarlett
said goodbyes and made ways to the grand line. The seas graced him with fast currents
making the trip faster to Loguetown to stock up on supplies then into the calm belt he went.
Doing his way of asking a sea king and made it to the grandline in a week.

Scarlett spent the next week traveling on the fastest routes the marines use and with the sea
in his favor making him fast when he was close to Saboady, pirates tried to attack him when
he was training with Rex. Scarlett didn’t even move from where he was standing when he
sent a flying cut from Rex in scythe form cutting their ship in half. Watching as the boat went
down Scarlett missed the sea trying to get his attention as another one of her favorites was on
another ship with its solo passenger not far watching in awe.


Scarlett made it to Saboady after a quick stop on Amy island that is now empty,after
leaving a pack of cigarettes. The following day he went straight to Shakky’s bar in grove 13
where he is sure to find Rayleigh and ask to coat his boat if not he would ask Shakky if she
knows anyone. As well as giving Ray his tone dial from Roger, Scarlett has kept it hidden on
the Rex and hasn’t had a chance to give it to him until now.

Scarlett docks near the bar and is in luck as Rayleigh and Shakky are both at the bar by
themselves, Scarlett was a little nervous but got over it as he has a job to get to. Scarlett
makes it into the bar and sure enough there is Rayleigh drinking again and Shakky smoking.

“Well, well, look who came out of the cave.” Shakky says as she pours him a shot of
moonshine. Scarlett takes a seat with a smile helping himself to her pack of cigarettes. “Yeah,
yeah, I'm passing through.” He takes a drag “ Looking lovely as always Shakky, how have
you been?” “ Haha still a charmer, I have been doing lovely, business is slow, many ears on
the ground are waiting for you again.”

Scarlett only smiles and downs his shot putting the dial on the bar in front of Rayleigh who
looks like a sad puppy. “Are you sober enough to coat a ship, RayRay?” Rayleigh looks at
Scarlett in shock. “What is with the look? Just cause we had a bad fight, I am not going to
ignore you. Which by the way I am sorry for yelling and slamming your head into the bar.”
Rayleigh only laughs “ I am sorry too Scar, I shouldn’t have yelled at you, but I was scared to
lose you too.”

Scarlett just shakes his head taking another drag “ I know RayRay but I am not the same
10 year old you met. I am a 23 year old badass assassin with my own network and shit ton of
combat, haki training and experience, I won’t go down so easily. Okay.”
Shakky laughs before joining in as well “even if you disappear your name still brings even
the toughest leaders to their knees hoping to never face the King of Death.” Scarlett sends
Rayleigh a reassuring smile with a pat on the back. “ Exactly, so don’t worry. Here this is a
gift from Roger, I had him do a few before he left. This one is yours. I have one too but I
haven't listened to it yet. And I don't know what he said.”

Scarlett sees Rayleigh already thinking too hard so he knocks him on the head “Don’t think
about it. Listen to it when you feel ready, anyways can you coat the Rex or am I going to find
someone else?” Rayleigh just laughs as he wipes his tears “Yeah I’ll do it.” Ray leaves with
the dial and heads into the back to get the stuff when Scarlett turns to Shakky, with his work
face on.

“Are the poles sniffing around?” Shakky holds back a laugh pouring another glass of
moonshine while Scarlett puts out his cigarette. “ all in the grand haven’t left in the last four
years, word is coats did a buster call. An island in south blue not long after Roger but no
reason was said, whatever was on the island satisfied them, the coats left and haven’t done
much it seems. Then in the west another call but they weren’t there. ” Scarlett nods, turns out
Scarlett had made it at the perfect time as the coats did the call the very next day after he left
with Rouge. He is so happy he got to Rouge and Ace out, he wouldn’t know what to do if he
missed them.


Rayleigh comes back with his things and the two head to the Rex only to find a small
coffin shaped boat next to and a young man waiting for them. It didn’t take a genius to know
the young man was but Scarlett would pay dumb even though he was freaking out on the

“Hello, need something?” Scarlett asks while Rayleigh heads to the Rex and starts while
the young man hops off his boat to stand only a few feet away. No big hat, white fluffy shirt,
black pants with black boots and Yoru on his back, a couple inches shorter than Scarlett and
gold eyes that rival the sun. “How did you do it?” Scarlett laughs at the man he has no idea
what he is asking about but he is just so straight to the point Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh.

“ Pftt ha sorry, sorry, I’m just laughing at how straightforward you are. I mean you didn’t
give your name or anything also I have no idea what you are talking about. So how about we
start at the top, I’m Scarlett.” The guy just rolls his eyes “ I am Dracule Mihawk, now how
did you destroy the ship yesterday?” Now it was Scarlett turn to roll his eyes at himself, he
didn’t even notice Mihawk yesterday he was slacking which isn’t good, if the marines saw
him it would be a witch-hunt.

“ ah the swordsman with the pretty eyes,”Scarlett noticed a small blush on Mihawk’s face
but continued “it's simple I cut it.” Mihawk looked annoyed now his blush long gone “okay,
with what then? a devil fruit or something?” Scarlett only shakes his head fondly, he heard
Mihawk was always looking for a challenger or a fight if he could but never got to meet after
he first saw him all those years ago. He tries his best not to get lost in those eyes that still
haunt his dreams.

Scarlett walked past the man and made it close to the Rex. “Rayray! Throw me the staff in
the cabin next to the door!” Rayleigh just stared confused but did as he was asked and
Scarlett caught it with ease, twirling it a bit showing off for the others and clicking the button
and out comes a black blade. “This is what I used, a scythe. No devil fruit, just my scythe.”

Rex sends a small wave of power to show off and Mihawk is left staring in awe as well as
Rayleigh who speaks first “you didn’t have that before.” Scarlett lets out a laugh “got it
custom last year, only took two weeks to get it black, would have been faster if I didn’t have
things to do.” Like taking care of Ace and his growing teeth that caused a fever, it gave
Scarlett a scare but he pushed through and was able to get it done and Ace got better.

Scarlett turns to Mihawk who is still staring in awe at Rex when Scarlett decides to bite
the bullet. “ Do you want to see my sword?” Mihawk goes red and Ray lets out a laugh even
Rex is chuckling before it hits Scarlett, who then goes red tripping over his words “wai- wait-
not like that - oh my gods- i mean my actual sword, the scythe isn’t my only weapon.”
Mihawk just chuckles and finally answers after letting Scarlett sit in his embarrassment
“Sure I could take a look if you have the time.” Scarlett lets out a breath and pushes the
button and Rex turns back into staff mode. “Then come on, it's in the cabin.” The two make it
on the Rex and head to the cabin when Ray speaks up from his spot on deck “careful with his
blade, it's a feisty one.” Mihawk just nods and follows Scarlett into the cabin which is clean
and Ace’s things are hidden.

Scarlett puts Rex on his place on the wall and takes Sol out of his Sheath and holds him
out in his hands. “It’s best just to look, he doesn’t like to be touched by others.” Mihawk
looks at the blade in awe. It is also a black blade but it is not a regular sword with the power
coming from it. He has never seen one like this before, well he has seen something similar
and that is Yoru only because he is her true master.

He looks at Scarlett with open eyes and sees it. “He hides well, only appears weak but
much stronger under.” Yoru made herself known to Mihawk. “Ah you are right.” Mihawk
and Yoru head shoot up and look at Scarlett eyes wide. “Oops sorry, did you hear something?
No. Just anyways. Cough thanks for the warning Sol you fucker.” Scarlett tries to whisper at
the blade in his hand who is laughing along with Luna and Rex on the wall. Scarlett sighs and
turns his head to the ceiling “you three are in so much trouble later.” he whispers, missing the
amused look in his guest face.

“Well I must say he is very unique, same as your dagger on the wall, they are very nice.”
Scarlett faces Mihawk again and with a big smile “Right they are amazing.” Mihawk swears
his heart skipped a beat, even Yoru felt it by her giggling. “ are you willing to spar for a bit?”
Scarlett’s smile only gets bigger. “I would love to spar, so long as it doesn't turn into an
official challenge.” Mihawk only plans on sparring out what every emotion he has going on
right now, because he has no idea what to do with them. “Sure you have a deal.”

Scarlett packs a small bag of things they might need like bandages and asks Rayleigh for
somewhere they could spar and pointed to a small field not far into grove 12. As they make
small talk along the way Scarlett puts on his mask when they make it to the field and turns to
Mihawk “I plan to hold back, the marines are crawling around here, I don't want to be
interrupted and I don't need another wanted poster with my photo.” Mihawk simply agrees
and when he thinks about Scarlett's words and goes to ask him, Scarlett is already in position
with his sword in hand.

Mihawk gets into position as well and the two circle each other before both swords clash in
the middle causing a loud crash. Scarlett curses in his head and hopes no one hears them and
the two continue on. Each had an equal footing and neither wanted to give in until after two
hours the sounds of their swords made their way to marines who were trying to open fire at
Mihawk’s back.

Scarlett is quick to move past Mihawk, sending a few flying cuts and taking Mihawk in his
arms, hiding both of the presence and heading to the treetops. Still holding Mihawk bridal
style he turns to him“are you okay?” Mihawk just nods trying to figure out how he ended up
in this man's arms when his eyes land on the gold and brown wings on the man’s back he
almost misses the man speaking. “It seems like I lost that round, next time let's get an empty
island. It would be better without other people to bother us.”

Mihawk feels like he won gold, a nice fine looking man who can keep up with him at
sparing and is super kind, Mihawk would feel stupid not to agree. “yeah an empty island
sounds good.” Scarlett smiles behind his mask when he realizes he is still holding Mihawk.
He was going to put him down only when he felt a familiar presence in his field of haki.

“ Why did they send out a vice admiral? We weren’t making that big of a scene for them to
send her? Did you have an idea why they would send Admiral Tsuru, Mihawk?” Only
Mihawk had hid his face in Scarlett’s left shoulder almost like he was bashful. “I may have
destroyed several navy ships before I saw you.” “ Haha you are amazing, Mihawk, let's head
back I'm sure they are going to be looking here for a while.”
A good time
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 23
Mihawk 21

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The pair make it back to Shakky’s bar only to find it empty. Scarlett puts Mihawk down on a
bar stool and heads behind the bar taking off his mask and taking a cigarette from the carton
that was on the bar. “ Do you mind if I have one?” Mihawk was a little lost in his head when
he saw that the man was waiting for him, he gave him the go ahead.

Scarlett simply lit the cigarette and started looking for things to his favorite drink while they
hid. “You seem like a red wine guy but from what is back here you are out of luck, so how
about I make you my signature drink?” Mihawk kept looking over his shoulder waiting for
the marines to drop by. “Sure that sounds fine.” Scarlett giggles lightly at the man and starts
to making a death in the afternoon.

“Don’t worry, marines know not to come here anymore.” Scarlett says while doing tricks to
entertain Mihawk after all he knows a few tricks from over the years from his network as
most are bar owners and he is one himself. Mihawk watches as the man catches bottles and
makes him a red drink. Scarlett does everything with a smile on his face and places the drink
in front of Mihawk and takes a small bow “enjoy your drink sir.” Scarlett right himself and
pours himself the same, putting out his cigarette and taking a seat next to Mihawk.

Scarlett takes a few sips before looking at Mihawk who does the same and sees his eye
grow a little wide. Scarlett has a smug look when he asks “so how is it?” Mihawk puts his
cup down as faces Scarlett “it's good, tastes like wine but it's not, what is the name of this
drink?” Scarlett lets out a laugh “good, it’s supposed to taste like wine, i added more
valberries to get that favor. And the drink is called death in the afternoon.”

Mihawk pauses mid sip, Mihawk has been on the seas for years already and knows what the
rumors are. Say that name in a certain bars and disappear for a bit then wait for a paper to say
the Red Death hit again. Some say that it is the only way to get the Red Death’s attention but
no one has seen him as far the last few years as Mihawk knows.

Mihawk can simply think Scarlett is just an informant but something in his bones tells him
that might not be true. Mihawk puts his drink down “oh, and how did you come up with
that?” Scarlett just chuckles. Scarlett could see Mihawk try and work things out in his head. “
My friend needed a name for her new drink and I needed a way in for work. And it worked, I
am the best in the business.”

The pair fall into silence drinking and enjoying the others presence when Sol makes himself
known to the pair by jumping over the bar and making himself a drink “This is the worst first
date squirt, how do you plan to woo this fine man in silence?” Scarlett goans, his face grows
red while Mihawk only stares at Sol in awe.

“Took the words right from my mouth.” A woman appeared right by Sol, she was shorter
than him but much like her blade she was decked out in a black coat with a white shirt under.
Fair skin with bright green eyes and long black hair wearing gold jewelry.

“Like really birdie, everyone’s dream man is in front of you and you aren’t going to say
anything. I taught you better than that.” Now both guys at the bar grew red “Yoru shut it.”
Trying to glare at his blade only it doesn’t look as intimidating with his blush. “That doesn’t
work on me,” she says as she tries to hide behind Sol who has his devilish smile when he sees
Scarlett’s blush going away.

“Come on squirt, you always talk about how pretty his eyes are, how hot he looks in his
bounty posters when you see them.” Scarlett’s face is in full blush mode as Sol brings Yoru
closer to him into a side hug and looks down at her forgetting about his drink. “Well hello
gorgeous, how you doing?” Yoru only giggles with a small blush, while both Mihawk and
Scarlett wait for their blushes to go away, both want to run and hide.

While Sol and Yoru are flirting away Scarlett makes the first move “ coughs so a dream
guy huh?” Mihawk blushes but answers the man anyways. “Have you seen yourself? A tall
hot guy with the right amount of muscles that can carry me like nothing, who is strong
enough to keep up with me in a spar, who has an amazing smile and is super nice, you are
like everyone’s dream guy, next you are going to tell me kids love you or something.”

Sol stops his flirting for a moment to add in. “He is great with kids, they love him.”
Mihawk just shakes his head before turning back to a blushing Scarlett “see, a total package.”
“Wow birdie i don’t think I’ve heard you speak so much to someone hehe .” Yoru speaks up
from her spot next to Sol.

Scarlett looks at a blushing Mihawk and thinks he looks super gorgeous with a blush “you
are very pretty.” The bar fell silent when Scarlett realized he said it out loud. Sol starts
laughing while Yoru giggles talking about being a mess while Mihawk has a look in his eyes
with a soft smile.

“Umm yeah that wasn’t-” Mihawk cuts him off with a kiss that leaves Scarlett breathless
and wanting more as Mihawk pulls away looking proud he made him breathless “just shut up
and kiss me.” and Scarlett does just that, he didn’t notice Sol and Yoru high five and
disappear leaving him and Mihawk the only one in the bar.

After making out for what felt like hours Mihawk was now in Scarlett’s lap working his
way leaving hickeys on Scarlett’s neck when Scarlett spoke up breathless “ how about we
take this to my ship?” Mihawk leaves a trail of kisses leading back to Scarlett’s mouth giving
him another kiss that makes Scarlett’s body boneless. “Yes, let's go.” Scarlett keeps Mihawk
in his arms and picks up both Sol and Yoru and heads out to the Rex. Scarlett’s haki lets him
know no one is around and Ray isn’t on his ship so they can have privacy. The whole time
Mihawk leaves kisses on any piece of skin he sees while Scarlett finally makes it in his cabin
he places their swords on the table and finally is able to place both of his hands on Mihawk
and moves them to his bed.
Scarlett takes a look at Mihawk who looks stunning on top of him “damn baby you look so
good.” Mihawk simply ignores his blush, takes off his shirt and pulls at Scarlett's shirt
bringing him closer “just kiss me.” Pleading to the man who looks just as amazing covered in
his marks. And Scarlett gives him just what he wants.


The following morning Scarlett woke to being cuddled and he was loving it. Last night had
been one the best times he has had, his past partners couldn’t compare to Mihawk, that's how
good Mihawk was. As much as Scarlett would love to keep cuddling he would much like to
shower after they finished Scarlett only did a wipe down as he and Mihawk were too tired to
stand in a shower.

Carefully Scarlett moved his pillow in Mihawk's arms who snuggled closer to it. Scarlett
heart melted, he quietly grabbed fresh clothes for him and Mihawk as well as a new
toothbrush Mihawk could use and placed it on the bathroom sink. When Scarlett caught a
glimpse of himself in the mirror, Scarlett couldn’t help but think of last night. Mihawk was
very thorough with his marks all along Scarlett’s chest and neck, not to mention the ones on
the inside of his thighs. Scarlett took a quick shower and got dressed leaving his shirt
unbuttoned and headed out to find Mihawk still asleep and cuddled in the blankets, Scarlett
really hoped this won't be a one time thing.

Scarlett pushed his thoughts aside and started to make a simple breakfast and some coffee,
he could tell Rayleigh and Shakky were back at the bar so it wouldn't be long before Ray
came back and finished the last of the coating. By the time Scarlett was almost done making
the food is when he heard the sounds of blankets moving then felt arms wrap around his

“ Morning beautiful, food is almost done.” Scarlett felt Mihawk simply hum against his
back “Cold.” Scarlett could only chuckle as he flipped the last pancake and placed it on a
plate. He turns to Mihawk who is pouting about being moved, Scarlett couldn’t help but place
a kiss on his cheeks “go shower then we can cuddle and eat. There is stuff you can use on the
sink.” Mihawk returns the kiss and leaves Scarlett with a swing in his hips as he places the
blanket back on the bed showing all of himself and heads to the bathroom smirking knowing
Scarlett is watching him, when he hears Scarlett moan.

Just like Scarlett said the pair ate then cuddled all morning, talking about random things
while sneaking in kisses here and there enjoying their time together as much as they could
before Scarlett would leave as it would take another two days to coat Mihawk’s ship.

They were in the middle of talking about a book Mihawk was reading when someone
knocked on the cabin door. Scarlett already knew it was Rayleigh and simply moved Mihawk
out of his lap and gave him a kiss and answered the door. Ray stood there ready to yell at
Scarlett only for his words to die out when he caught sight of his chest that was out in the
open as Scarlett left his shirt unbuttoned. “What Ray?”

“Umm the coating is done, you are good to go.” Scarlett nods “okay thanks I will head out
then, I got a job I need done.” Rayleigh nods and heads to stand on deck while Scarlett closes
the door and sees Mihawk already up with Yoru on his back, his eyes showing he didn’t want
to leave either. He brings Mihawk into his arms giving him another kiss “Sorry Beautiful but
I have to go. Don’t look so down I’m sure I will see you again after all I owe you another
spar.” Mihawk seems to pick up a bit and brings Scarlett into another breathless kiss and
leaves after.

Scarlett followed after him and watched him disappear into Grove 13, Scarlett hears a
whistle come from his right and there is Rayleigh waiting for him with an eyebrow raised. “
So you finally got your man.” “Not another word Rayray or I tell Shakky about the time you
were so drunk you cried to the story of the little snail and bird.” Rayleigh just laughed and
the pair went through the steps of how to get down as if Scarlett hadn't done it before. After
going through and making sure Scarlett has everything he left for the new world.

The little snail and bird is from mrs.Farncis Scarlett’s old teacher on dawn island. The
story is about a snail and bird becoming friends and another bird ate the snail. Leaving the
bird all by himself until he made friends with other animals as it was the dream of the snail to
be friends with many other animals. The Roger pirates were all very drunk and all cried.
Chapter End Notes

I imagined Sol asking Yoru ‘how you doing?’ Like Joey from friends and it makes me
laugh every time 😂
The job
Chapter Notes

Content warning: child slavery and abuse. Scarlett’s target is a horrible person.

Scarlett 23
Dragon 33
Marco 24

It was an easy trip into the new world and easy sailing to Kaedehara island. It was just like
the info said a bursting port island, on the surface it looks peaceful but under it is darkness.
Because it was a port island it would be easy to take children to ships and take them away.
Scarlett was able to hide the Rex and has been on the island a few days hiding in plain sight
after he found his target.

Lord Tomas Richard and he was a real piece of work with a small security force, in the two
days Scarlett had been there he had picked up another kid right off the streets in front of
marines who just turned their heads. Scarlett would have interfered but then his cover would
be blown.

Currently Scarlett is eating outside at a small cafe watching the guards change shifts
outside the home, when someone familiar enters his haki range. Dragon, this isn’t the first
time they have run into each other when they are working. Both just stick to their jobs and
most of the time send waves of love and care through their haki making it feel like a warm
hug. Just as he feels Dragon’s someone sits right in front of him.

He was going to tell the person off only to stop when he saw who was right in front of him.
“Well, Well look at who we have here.” Marco the phoenix his friend sat down “Marco, what
can I do for you?” He just laughs making himself comfortable. Normally Scarlett would be
excited to see a friend but not when he is working “nothing just saw you sitting here and
thought to say hi, Over here Izou!” Scarlett can only sigh to himself, in the corner of his eye
he sees the guards start to shift and tries to keep track of time till the next guard comes.
Izou makes it to the table noticing Scarlett looks on edge and to the guards “Hello Scarlett,
nice to see you again.” “Nice to see you as well Izou, what brings you guys here?” Marco
takes his coffee “restocking, we came as a small group.” Scarlett nods, taking a sip of his
drink watching where the guards once stood. “How was your trip into the new world?” Izou
asked after taking a bite of his sandwich.

Scarlett thinks back to the amazing night he shared with Mihawk rubbing his neck where
Mihawk marks faded “it was a good trip.” Said with fondness Izou was able to pick up. “Oh
do tell, met someone new?” Scarlett only laughs, shaking his head, passing over the question
“how is Whitebeard-sama doing?” “Pops is good, still waiting for you to come back.”
Scarlett finished his drink “ Ha tell him I won't be joining him.”

The trio catch up when Scarlett sees the new guards. It took 30 minutes to switch at his
target's home after two hours of a shift. Scarlett takes note and now can make his move
tomorrow night, he just hopes Dragon can get the kids out. “Well guys, it was nice to see you
again but I have some work to get done, Izou, Marco has my snail number if you ever have
gossip you can call me.” The trio say their goodbyes and watch as Scarlett disappears onto
the streets.

“You know I don't have a clue what he does for work, do you know Marco?” Izou watches
Marco hoping he would give up something about Scar. As he is the only one who spent time
with him and still talks to him every now and then. “He didn’t tell me anything about his
work.” Izou just nods, choosing not to push but he knows Marco is hiding something.

Scarlett makes it back to the Rex and has a surprise in his cabin, Dragon sitting at his table
eating fruit with Mihawk’s shirt (that he left and Scarlett didn’t realize) on the table. “Ah
Dragon it's good to see you again, how is Lucy doing?” Dragon smiles at the mention of his
wife while Scarlett sits in the other chair. “She is doing well, now tell me why Draule
Mihawk’s shirt is here.” Scarlett just laughs of course Dragon is acting like a protective
“What? Do I really have to explain?and how do you know it’s his? I could have just
changed my style.” Dragon makes a disgusted face “What? you asked.” “Good point I don’t
want to know, well you guys were safe right? And I know because I saw him leave Rex.”
Scarlett just laughs “yes we were, and if you saw why ask! Haha!” Scarlett couldn’t help but
laugh, sometimes his brother doesn’t think things through.

“Anyways you are here about work right?” Dragon gets his work face on “yeah, what do
you know about the island?” “Nothing much beside my target being a piece of shit taking
kids and making them slaves, I am going to enjoy killing the bitch.” Dragon nods “your
target is Tomas Richard right?” Scarlett nods “yeah 50 million on his head.”

Dragon then goes on to tell how Tomas has his own trafficking ring and has been on
Dragon’s list for a while now. They plan to get the kids out tomorrow night during the shift
change as there aren't a lot of kids in the home. While Dragon has another team get the rest
from a hide out on the other side of the island. Both agree that Scarlett can take his kill and
Dragon will worry about the children. It is a solid plan and the two catch up as they haven’t
seen each other since Roger’s execution. Dragon and Lucy are doing well, still going strong,
while Dragon’s own army is doing well he has new commanders and plans on expanding


The following day Scarlett spent it cleaning around the Rex and spent the day getting
ready for the night, but before he knows it Scarlett has done everything on his list and has his
things ready for the night so he takes a nap after all that work.

After a rare moment Scarlett was able to sleep the afternoon away and well into the night.
This is the most he has slept in a long time. Rex wakes him an hour before he has to leave.
“Up Little one, you have work. Come on, up.” Scarlett listens and gets ready with a small
dinner and changes into his work gear double checking everything with Luna on his belt he's
ready when he makes it to the door something in his bones tells him to take Sol as well.
Scarlett knows better than to ignore these feelings. He goes back and straps Sol to his back
and makes his way to his target's home.
Scarlett makes in perfect timing as he makes it to the roof the guards change shifts
meaning his opening is now and he knows he is not the only one moving. He hides himself
and makes his way down the long halls watching just in case a worker is still up. He is able to
make it to the door when he hears the sound of a smack and the sound of yelling.

Scarlett rushes closer to the room opening the door slowly and slips inside. Just like he
thought the bastard hit the kid who already has a chain around his neck and is sporting a
black eye. Scarlett makes his way behind the yelling man when he locks eyes with the little
boy. Scarlett is quick to put a finger to his coved mouth so the kid doesn't blow his position.

The kid just looks back to the yelling man. Scarlett brings out Luna and slices the man’s
throat and pulls his body away from the kid. Scarlett gives the man another cut to the throat
as the poison takes hold and moves to cut his heart and watches as the light leaves the man’s
eyes. He places his card on his chest and heads to the now crying child. “Hey I am not going
to hurt you and I know you can't trust me right now but I want to get that thing off you okay. I
just want to get you out of here.”

Scarlett takes slow steps towards the child who is holding back his tears, only to start
crying more when Scarlett removes the chain. Scarlett picks up the child and heads out of the
room window. He makes it to the roof just in time for the guards to start shouting. With the
little boy in his arms Scarlett takes to the sky allowing the boy a moment of peace while they
fly to Dragon's ship that’s not far away from the island now. It seems they were also finished
by all of the people on deck.

Scarlett scans the crowd for Dragon when the sound of running reaches his ears and the
little boy jumps out of his arms “DAISY!” “RONNI!” a little girl takes the boy in her arms
hugging him tight. It warms Scarlett’s heart, he can’t wait to be back with Ace. At the sounds
of shouting Dragon appears with Lucy just behind him, “ah there you are Dra, you guys best
be going they already found his body, who knows how long before they check the place. Also
hello Lucy,good to see you.”
It takes Lucy a moment to figure out it's Scarlett but when she gets there she smiles, “
haha it’s good to see you too.” Dragon steps forward to talk to his crew “set sail!” Everyone
moves, Dragon was going to ask Scarlett if he wanted to stay but the little girl beats him. She
tugs a little on Scarlett’s cloak, he bends down to her level.

“ Thank you.” she hugs Scarlett who just smiles under his mask “No problem, you guys are
safe here.” Scarlett moves to standing looking at his brother and sister-in-law both with
matching smiles “What?” They both just giggle at him so he shakes it off and heads on top of
the railing “until next time you two, stay safe.” and flies into the night sky.
The sea decides to meddle
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 23
Mihawk 21

After that job Scarlett made his way back home. He called Rose the following day to
catch up and he is doing well. Rose is now a 17 years old and one of the youngest petty
officers and there is talk he will make Lieutenant in a few years. And he just got a devil fruit
during a mission, his boss said he could take it and Rose did, his fruit is the Calm-Calm fruit
it allows him to be silent. He said he is still working with it but he is having fun.


Scarlett was on deck training when the wind and sea got excited and quickly began to
lead Scarlett off his course home. Confused by the change Scarlett stopped what he was
doing as Rex appeared by his side. “Do you know what’s going on little one?” Scarlett turned
his head to the side as he listened to the wind who gave nothing up. When he looked to the
sea for an answer all he got her saying it was a surprise. “They are saying it's a surprise, we’ll
let them lead for now.”

Rex nods and disappears while Scarlett gets the paper from the news coos that landed. It
seems after Scarlett met Mihawk he had a new challenger every day he has been in the new
world and his latest match made the front page as the challenger was a big shot marine.
Scarlett couldn't help but laugh as he read the article as the marines were trying to save face
as they lost to Mihawk.

Scarlett tries not to think how good Mihawk looks in the new wanted poster and heads to
make lunch and clean up as the sea leads them to wherever she wants.

It is late afternoon when Scarlett notices an island in the distance getting closer. “An
island? Why an island? Sea what is your plan?” Scarlett said as he turned to his cabin in
search of the island on his meeting table.

A hidden table covered in a large map of both sides of the grand line. It is covered with
islands and little tabs on certain islands to keep track of information. Scarlett follows the path
the sea led them in the new world and finds it on the map. “Sage Island.” Scarlett looked at
the map confused as to why the sea led them here. Sage island was a medium sized island
known for its medical herbs and Scarlett’s informant Chris’s home island. But other than that
there isn’t much on the island as the city isn’t large and there is only one bar and it's Chris’s.

Scarlett tries to think why the sea led them here as he gets ready to search the island as
they get closer. He knows it's not anything bad because Chris would have called him and the
sea was excited instead of worried so this was throwing him off a lot.


Scarlett makes it to the island and docks at the port, he had changed into a white shirt and
black pants with his black boots with Luna on his hip and Sol on his back. Scarlett looks
around and nothing seems wrong and there is no marines around so Scarlett walks his way
around town as the wind leads him to Chris bar. Looking at the bar he is confused until Sol
and Luna take to his side with smiles “he is here!” Luna squeals while Sol looks smug. “She
is here.” Scarlett looks at the two confused before they push him to the do “go get your man
Squirt!” They shout as Scarlett looks at them confused but walks in.

Like always Chris is at the bar cleaning glasses but what was unusual was how empty the
bar was. Chris is well known through the island as a very open and friendly guy so the bar
always has people, to see it empty puts him on edge until he catches sight of a familiar face at
the bar.

Scarlett laughs as he makes way to the bar getting everyone who was brave enough to stay
attention including the person at the bar. “Scar!it’s good to see you again!” Chris says as
Scarlett takes a seat next to a wide eyed Mihawk. “It’a good to see you again Chris, can I get
my usual?” Scarlett asks as he watches Mihawk take a sip of his wine. Chris smiles and head
to the back in search of Scarlett’s personal bottle of moonshine.

“It’s good to see you again Mihawk.” Scarlett says as he leans on his hand turning to the
other with a small smile. Mihawk nods “it’s nice to see you again Scarlett.” Scarlett looks
mihawk up and down while Mihawk does the same before they both look in each other’s
eyes. They only stop when Chris clears him throat as he places Scarlett’a drink down.
“Scarlett remember this is a clean bar. If you are going to fight, take it out back.”

Scarlett just chuckles as he takes his drink “I know,don’t worry Chris if i break something
I already know how to pay you back.” As he winks at him causing Chris to laugh “not my
taste anymore get me someone new.” Scarlett put downs him drink looking at his friend in
shock “what? What happened? You always like when I send you to Bob for new stuff.”
Scarlett saw as Mihawk let out a breathe looking relieved.

Chris and Bob met through Scarlett during a trip between their island and had been
together for a few years. They were getting serious like really serious Chris was thinking
about proposing. Chris shrugged his shoulders as he cleaned a mug “it seems I wasn’t the
only one who went to see him. There was Max,Morgan, Reed, Maggie, Shelly and about half
of his island it seemed.” Scarlett almost broke his glass “the fucker! Do i need to handle it?
Because trust me I sure as hell will.”

Chris put down his mug giving Scarlett a smile “Nah. Ending things with him was enough
for me but thanks.” Scarlett nodded as he downed the rest of his drink and Chris filled his cup
again before leaving to handle some tables.

“That was nice of you.” Scarlett looked towards Mihawk who was already looking at him.
“You were ready to kill for you friend.” Scarlett gave him a smirk “I am willing to do a lot
when the people I care about get hurt.” Mihawk nods “yes, me and the whole world know
how far you will go.” Scarlett nods trying not to think about the now empty island. “Hey
what are you doing here anyway?”

Mihawk gives him a smile that makes Scarlett’s heart skip a beat. “Nothing just needed a
drink. How about you?” “Nothing, but now I’m hoping to take this pretty swordsman out for
dinner.” Scarlett watched as Mihawk’s ears started to turn a little red while the other nodded
his head downing the rest of his wine. “So he is pretty huh?” Scarlett chuckles putting his
arm around the back of Mihawk’s chair leaning in closer but not to close. “I think he is very
beautiful but he has yet to give me an answer yet.”

Mihawk rolled his eyes as he put his hand on Scarlett’s chest as he slowly traced the
opening up to Scarlett’s chest before stoping at his neck. “Maybe he is still waiting for you to
ask properly.” As he stares at Scarlett who is smiling so bright Mihawk feels butterflies in
his stomach but he is not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. As his mind flashes to the
past when he see a crescent moon under Scarlett’s right eye. Mihawk feels his stomach drop.
“Well then Mihawk, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

“Yes.” Mihawk answers so quickly he is shocked as is Scarlett. Mihawk pulls away and
gets up from his seat. “I’ll meet you at the docks tonight.” Scarlett watches as Mihawk leaves
berries and walk out the bar.

“You are quite bold Scar. I hope you know what you are doing.” Scarlett turns to Chris
with a smile “oh trust me I know exactly what I am doing.” Scarlett puts down money for his
drink. “Here, I have to get ready for a date.” Chris laughs as he watches Scarlett run out the
bar with a bang.


Mihawk made it back to the inn he is staying at and starts to pace around the room while
Yoru sits on the bed confused. “Birdie what's wrong? I have never looked so panicked and
that says a lot because you don't make a lot of faces.” Mihawk pauses his pacing, taking a
breath “Scarlett.” and begins pacing again.

Yoru tilts her head watching Mihawk “what are you talking about? He just asked you to
dinner. I thought you would be happy that everyone’s dream guy is clearly interested in you.”
Mihawk runs his hand through his hair stopping his pacing “His is not everyone’s. He is MY
dream guy.” Yoru is completely lost as “Brown eyes is your dream guy not Scarlett.”

Mihawk shakes his head with a small nervous smile. “they are the same person.” Yoru’s
eyes go wide while Mihawk tries to figure out what to do with his emotions. “You are telling
me that Scarlett is the same guy you saw on Rumble island, rich brown eyes with a crescent
moon under the right eye that sparkle in the sunlight, that guy who ran after Roger’s
execution with tears down his face, the guy who took down a massive pirate ship with one
swing, the guy who gave you the best one night and morning after is all Scarlett.”

Mihawk flopped onto the bed next to her “yeah it's him.” Mihawk’s mind is running miles a
minute with his heart beating so fast in his chest. He can’t believe it. Mihawk has been
dreaming of those same rich brown eyes for years since he first saw them at the docks of
Rumble island with the sunlight making them shine when he was 14. Then those same eyes
filled with tears at Roger’s execution after so many nights of dreaming of those same eyes.
Then Sabaody which he has no idea why it didn’t click in his mind until now.

“Birdie you are going tonight right? I mean this is the guy you have been thinking about
for years.” Yuro asks as she stares down at her friend worried he will back out at this chance
at something more than her. “I can see the millions of things going on in your head but pause
them and go tonight. I know you are afraid but put it aside and give him a chance and give
yourself a chance.”

Mihawk nods, getting up “I know you are right but I can’t help but be afraid. What if all he
is looking for is a sex while here I am looking for a partner.” Yuro knocks him on the head.
“You are an idiot if you think that. You didn’t see the way his eyes lit up when he saw you at
the bar. You didn’t see the way his eyes moved towards you multiple times when he talked to
the bartender like he was afraid you would disappear. You didn’t listen at Sabaody when Sol
talked about Scarlett searching for you in the papers, how the guy smiles every time he reads
your name or when he sees your wanted poster.”

“This guy wants more than sex and from little Sol was able to tell me he has always been
thinking of you just as much as you did him.” Yuro finishes pulling Mihawk for a hug he
reluctantly returns “so give him a chance.” Mihawk relaxes in her arms as the two hold each
other before he pulls away. “Okay, now I have a dinner to get ready for.” Yuro cheers as
Mihawk starts to pull out an outfit.


Scarlett gives himself one last mirror check before heading out to the main docks. He had
showered and got Rex to fix his hair in a half up half down style while Luna put on a small
amount of makeup while Sol picked out his clothes. A dark blue button down with black
slacks and a nice pair of dress shoes he saves for important meetings. He had been so nervous
but excited to get to know more about the swordsman.
Scarlett made it to their meeting spot with Mihawk already there looking amazing in a
black v neck with black slacks in heeled boats making him a little taller the perfect high for
forehead kisses with Yuro on his back much like Sol was. “Hey, I hope you weren’t waiting
too long.” Mihawk looked up and give Scarlett a small smile. “No I just got here, should we
get going?” Scarlett nodded and put an arm around Mihawk waist and starts to walk “yeah I
will take you to the best place in town. A nice hole in the wall kinda place it will give us
some privacy.”

Mihawk nodded as the two walked while making small talk trying not to think about how
the arm around his waist fit perfectly.

The two made it to a place called ‘Russo’s’ . It was fairly empty and the two were able to
get drinks and their food quickly as they chatted about the latest things they had done since
they last saw each other. They both were having a great time. Before either of them knew it
the place was closing for the night. Scarlett paid and the two left walking around still talking
until they made it back to the Rex. “Hey do you want to come on? I have some good tea or if
you want I have wine.”

Mihawk gave him a smile “I can never say no to free wine.” Scarlett chuckled as he led
Mihawk on board and walked into the cabin as Scarlett continued his story about a game of
poker. Lucky Scarlett had cleaned everything so the cabin was nice and organized.

Mihawk took a seat at the table while Scarlett grabbed the wine. “Red right?” “Yes.”
Scarlett nodded as he grabbed two glasses and the bottle and sat in front of Mihawk. Scarlett
filled both glasses less than half way and continued his story with Mihawk asking questions
until it was done and Mihawk started talking about books. Both being bookworms went back
and forth on topics and authors well until the night and two bottles of wine later.

Scarlett offered Mihawk a pair of pajamas while he changed as well and the two laid next
to each other still talking about every little thing that came to mind while trying to stay
awake. Both not wanting the night to end. But of cousre sleep took over and the two fell
asleep with Mihawk laying on Scarlett’s chest.

Mihawk woke first just after a couple of hours still in Scarlett's arms, he watched the
sleepy man in peace but the self doubt and fear came forth in his mind. He slowly pulled
away using a pillow to replace him and got changed. Mihawk quietly grabbed his things and
headed out the door. He knew Scarlett would be disappointed but Mihawk's mind was over
taking everything and it frightened him as he had no control over his emotions, feeling too
much and not worth any of Scarlett’s affection.

Mihawk had only known love from one person and they have been gone for many years;
Mihawk is lost. As Mihawk made it a few steps onto the deck a voice called out behind him.
“So that’s it, you are leaving him alone.”

Mihawk turned to find Sol alongside a man and a woman. “You are just going to leave him
after tonight?” The woman spoke with hurt in her voice. “Guys I’m sure he has his reasons,
leave him be.” The other man said as he steps up to Sol.

“No way! Squirt has been waiting for him for years and he is leaving.” Mihawk tried to
keep the hurt off his face and tried not to panic more. He doesn’t want to but he has to figure
things out for himself. He has never felt so lost with his emotions before it frightens him
beyond belief. He knows he is being a coward but even the strongest people can feel fear.

Mihawk watches as the other man grabs Sol’s face and pulls it close to his “you will let
this man leave. You are causing him to panic more than he already is. And you will wake up
little one so enough. So help me I will throw you in the sea if he wakes. Mihawk you can
leave and figure your shit out. Scarlett will wait for you.” Mihawk can only stare, not sure
what to do about what’s going on but listens, leaving behind a dream he can’t claim yet.


“Why Rex?!” Sol shouted in Rex’s face as the man still has yet to let go of Sol’s. “Because
I felt his fear and self doubt the minute he woke up!” Sol froze while Luna gasped “that kid
feels he is not worth Scarlett’s affection. You could feel the self doubt coming off him in
waves Sol! Open your eyes!” Rex finally lets go of Sol, sighing as he turns to the door where
Scarlett is standing, arms crossed leaning against the frame of the door.
“Did we wake you?” Scarlett shakes his head “no I woke up because the room felt too
empty. I wanted to know where you went.” Rex rubs his forehead while Sol and Luna try not
to look at Scarlett. “Did you hear anything we were saying?” Luna timidly asks. Scarlett
sighs as he takes a step back into the cabin. “Yes I did and Rex is right, I will wait for him.”
A look in
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Mihawk 21

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mihawk landed face first on his bed with Yoru already pulling her blade off his back. She
wanted to be at his side when the others cornered but she knew Mihawk would have felt
worse if she did. She sighed as he looked down at the heartbroken man she has known for
years. He is not the same small scared orphan their old master picked off the streets in the
south blue. But he has his moments where Yoru wonders if he still thinks he is still stuck in
that old closet of a rundown house with no one by his side, with no love.

Yoru sighs as she sits at his side running her hand along his back trying to soothe her
friend. The two sit in silence for a while before mihawk turns his head and faces Yoru with
regret in his eyes. “I left..” mihawk says in such a way that Yoru tries not to wince at. Yoru
nods and Mihawk continued “I left him..why did I do that?..” Yoru could only watch her
friend as he looked for answers.

“Because you are afraid of his love. And the person to ever show you such love and
kindness was Benimaru and he is now with the waves.” Mihawk turns away he hates to speak
of his former master, the only person who cares for him,in his eyes his father. He hates his
father is gone. “Birdie, what happened?”

Mihawk faced his friend once again trying to think what happened. “I don’t know… I woke
up and it felt like a switch clicked on…it was like I was back in the past and i had no one…”
Yoru could only lay by his side taking one of his hands to hold as they started to shake.
“Yoru, i can’t do it. i can’t be with him if all I see is myself alone again.” Yoru listened as
Mihawk let down his walls that are so high sometimes even Yoru can’t climb them.
“All I could think, was i worthy of what he was giving. Look at what happened to dad, he
left me.” Yoru quickly grabbed Mihawk's face making sure he was looking at her. “Benimaru
left us to protect us. He was old and a retired swordsman who has been on these water years
before you entered the picture with me by his side. Before the hunters got to him.” “But if
you were with him instead, he would still be here.” The with me instead, was left unsaid but
they both knew what Mihawk meant.

Yoru could only sigh before pulling Mihawk closes into her arms. “And then I would be left
in the hands of hunters alone. Even with me by his side he would not have survived. He was
sick and already dying.” Mihawk grew tense in her arms,Benimaru had made Yoru promise
to never tell Mihawk but with what he was thinking, Yoru had no choice. “What…”

“He was already dying, it started way before we found you. He was given a few years but
he pushed through and survived and lived ten more years with you at his side. A small five
year old, too small to be alone. You gave him a will to keep going and gave him something
he never had. A son.” Mihawk tried to process what he just learned but even this was too

“I can’t…” Yoru could only hold him close. “I know, it was a big thing to drop on you but
you needed to know you saved him, the same way he saved you. I know you are afraid
Scarlett will be the same way and leave but kid the way he looks at you. It’s like you are his
whole world. From what Sol managed to tell me Scarlett never stopped thinking about you
after Rumble island.”

Mihawk could only feel guilty for leaving more now. “Don’t think like that. You guys are
young, you have time to figure out everything. Plus you have me by your side. I will be with
you every step of the way. We will get rid of your doubts and worries then we will get your

“But what if..” “there is no what ifs Dracule. Where is the kid that who faces death on the
daily with no fear, no hesitation. Where is the kid that fights his fears.” Mihawk can’t help
but hold Yoru closer as she continues to rub his back and hold his hand much like when he
was younger.

“Where is the kid who doesn't give up but works things through until he gets it right.
Because right now he seems lost, but that’s okay because we will get him back together just
like the old days. When we ran around causing chaos for Dad to get us back.” Mihawk
couldn’t help but let out a laugh as he remembers the past as he feels the tension leave him.
Yoru smiles as Mihawk loosen his hold on her, finally no longer tense.

Yoru sighs softly as she holds Mihawk “we will work things out birdie. Just give yourself
time alright.” Mihawk nods as Yoru continues to hold him close, slowly luring him back to
sleep with dreams of a future he can only hope for.

Chapter End Notes

I honestly don’t know if I made any of this sub plot understandable. So just in case here
is what I was trying to write:

Scarlett and Dracule went on a great date but mihawk leaves Scarlett behind because of
his self worth issues he got after the death of his father, the only person beside Yoru who
cares about him. It was too much emotions for mihawk and he did what was best for
himself which was to leave and figure out his issues. So that one day he can be with
Scarlett without his issues or fears holding him back from being with the guy of his

I only did this because I needed a little more angst but don’t worry it will work out!

I really hoped this helped and if it didn’t then I am sorry… I tried my best 😭

And if the chapters didn’t make sense then I’m sorry 😭

Home at last
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 23
Ace 1yr 6 months
Makino 13

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After that heartbreak of Mihawk’s leaving Scarlett spent a good chunk of his time traveling
, checking up on people and island bases, as well as training mostly with Rex as he was still
new to using a Scythe. But he made it through the last 2 months and has made it back to
Dawn island.

Scarlett was quick to dock and only picked up a few things before almost running to his
uncle’s house as he is sure the older man hasn’t taken his morning walk just yet. He makes it
home and sure enough his uncle is just leaving with a small Ace by his side. Looking just like
Rouge with his messy black hair and the sunlight hitting his face just right making his
freckles really pop.

Scarlett takes off running, Ace and Woop Slap both hear the sounds of footsteps and turn to
see Scarlett running towards them. Ace lets go of his uncle’s hand and takes off to his papa.
“PAPA!” “ACE!” Scarlett catches Ace throwing him up a little before catching him in his
arms, showering Ace in kisses. “Oh Ace! I missed you so much!” Kissing Ace’s face while
his little firecracker laughs with joy. “ Welcome home, Scar.” “I am home, Uncle.” Scarlett
answered, facing his uncle with Ace in his arms and a smile on his face.

Scarlett keeps Ace in his arms while the trio walk around the village catching up after not
seeing each other for so long. Scarlett comes to find out Ace now has narcolepsy.
During the first month Scarlett was away Ace had suddenly fallen asleep at Patty’s bar
when his Uncle Woop Slap and Ace had gone for lunch. Ace gave everyone a good scare but
luckily he was fine and Dr.Arataki was able to diagnose him. They were going over what to
do about Ace’s new condition when the sounds of loud crying could be heard all through the

Scarlett passed Ace to his uncle and took out Sol just in case and they took off towards
Patty’s bar only to find it was crowded at the door with everyone just watching. Scarlett
cleaned his throat and everyone turned to him and made a path for him to enter the empty bar
only to see a crying Makino on the floor and a man standing over her looking with sadness.

“Makino, are you okay?” Makino's head shot up, her eyes red, her face wet with tears “Big
brother!” She got up and ran into him sobbing, placing Sol on a nearby table wrapping his
arms around her. Woop Slap moves from behind him with Ace looking confused in his arms
and turns to the man. “What did you do to her?” Woop slap voice is stern much like he would
use when Dragon and Scar got in trouble when they were younger.

“ I didn’t do anything to her, I simply told her the news.” Scarlett rolls his eyes then gives
the man a hard glare “What news?” Scarlett watches the man's shoulders drop and look of
regret on his face. “Patty and Matt died during the trip from the grand line. The supply boat
was raided by pirates during a storm, by the time anyone knew what happened there were
only three of us left.” Makino sobs got louder while everyone at the door looked in horror.

Scarlett simply pulls Makino close to him and allows her to cry. “Thank you for telling us,
we appreciate that you came here.” The man simply nodded and left while everyone was still
looking at the crying girl. Woop Slap had enough of everyone stares and whispers “Go home,
the bar will be closed for a while.” He used the same stren voice and everyone stattered
worried they would be the target of the man’s wrath while Ace had fallen asleep at some

Woop Slap closed the door and started to head to the stairs leading into the upstairs
apartment the family had. “Makino, I’m going to pick you up and bring you to your room
okay.” Makino no longer sobs, just silent tears running down her face as she nods into his
stomach. Scarlett gets the okay and the pair walk up the stairs and into the apartment. Scarlett
has only been here a couple of times but it is easy to find Makino’s room with Woop Slap
already waiting for them.

Scarlett sat on the bed with Makino in his lap crying into his shoulder and Woop Slap next
to them in the same position with Ace who was sound asleep. They just sat in silence until
Makino had cried herself to sleep in Scarlett’s arms. “They were orphans, right uncle? Patty
and Matt?” Scarlett could hear his uncle take a deep breath “Yes, they didn’t have anyone but
each other.”

Scarlett lets out a hum and rubs Makino’s back much like Dragon does when he has a bad
dream to offer her some comfort. “You are going to take her in?” Woop Slap asked as he
knew how close Makino and Scarlett both are.

Makino was like a little duck following her mother each time she saw Scarlett even when
he was gone for months and return she would always be with him and Woop Slap knows
Scarlett also has a soft spot for the little girl as he tries to bring her things from his trips and
tries to spend time with her as well, both causing trouble.

“That is up to her, but if she wants to, I won’t hesitate to take her in. She is like my little
sister. I care about her.” “Can I go with you?” Scarlett and Woop Slap both almost jumped
out of their skin when they heard Makino. “Woo you gave me a scare little one, but yes you
can come with me.” Makino simply nods her head and falls back to sleep.

Woop Slap and Scarlett both turn to each other and both begin to talk about where they
can add a room to the Monkey household for her to have as well as what to do with the bar
and the apartment. Both came to an agreement if Makino wants they could close the bar and
sell it to someone or allow Scarlett to run it until she feels ready to handle the bar. As for the
apartment both agreed Makino should keep in for now until she decides what she wishes to
It is a solid plan for now so they only need to talk to her about it at a later date and the
two continued to talk about Ace and his condition since they weren’t able to finish that yet
and kept going until Ace woke up and Makino followed. Scarlett knows things are going to
be hard for Makino but he can only hope she knows she is not alone because he and everyone
in the village will be by her side all the way.

Chapter End Notes

Time jump of two years next chapter!!

Meeting once again
Chapter Notes

Time jump of almost 2 years since last chapter!!!!

Content warning: none

Scarlett 25
Ace 3 yrs 1 month
Shanks 19

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The past year and half have flown by for Scarlett. After taking Makino in, she had agreed
to keep the bar and the apartment and would like for Scarlett to run it and teach her about
how to care for it as well as to live with him and Ace at the Monkey household until she is
ready to live by herself.

And Ace has grown more and is talking more which is exciting for Scarlett and they have
a plan for Ace’s narcolepsy now which is a good routine for now and pills to help when he is
older as they are not constant yet. Currently Scarlett is in the new world heading to one of his
bars as his informant has some ideas to bring business up at Patty’s bar and Scarlett thought it
was best to meet in person.

He is out on deck a day away from the island when a ship is heading towards him, it is not
hard to guess who it is from what his haki is feeling, quickly Scarlett grabs Sol and puts him
on his back and tells Rex to keep going his way. Scarlett flies close and circles around the
ship till he sees Shanks on deck. He lands right behind him and the group of people who are
listening to orders it seems.

No one bats an eye until Scarlett grows impatient and lightly swapped Shanks on the head
with his hand. Everyone froze but Shanks just laughed when his crew pointed their weapons
behind him. “ Those are weapons not toys you play with, I suggest you stand down boys, I
haven't had a fight in awhile and I would hate to kill this lovely crew.” Scarlett with a
devilish grin pulls out Sol who is releasing his power that leaves most of the crew almost pale
but Shanks just cracks up.

“ Hahaha ! Scar! You are a menace, stop scaring my crew. Stand down guys he is a friend.”
Scarlett laughs putting Sol who is itching for a good fight away “Permission to Board
Captain Shanks.” Shanks finally turns around to face Scarlett, and Scarlett’s feathers are
ready to burst. Shanks has claw marks on his left eye and they look fresh. “Granted.”

Scarlett takes a step down and lands next to Shanks bringing him in for a side hug “Happy
birthday brat.” Shanks just laughs and leans into the hug, “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY?!?!”
Shanks' crew shouts, almost busting Scarlett’s ears. “You didn’t tell them, damn that's crazy
since you love to party.” Shanks just shrugs his shoulders and looks at his crew.

“Well anyways what are you doing here Scar?” Scarlett just shakes his head “Heading to
one of mine to talk about business, about a day away from here.” Shanks nods, moving a
little closer to Scarlett as if searching for comfort. So Scarlett brings him closer into his side
hug while the rest of the crew kinda just watch. “So as much as I would like to meet this
lovely crew, Shanks, there is something we need to discuss privately if we could.”

Shanks looks at Scarlett confused, what could he possibly say that his crew can’t hear. “We
can go into my cabin, Benn join us please, everyone do your duties.” Scarlett is almost taken
back in time; it was as if he saw Roger in Shanks’s place, it warmed his heart a bit as he
followed the pair into Shanks’s cabin.

Once the three were alone and Scarlett was sure no one was listening at the door, he pulls
Shanks into a hug and holds him tight, shocking Benn who is by the door watching with
jealousy in his eyes. “Woo what happened Scar?” Scarlett rolls his eyes, pulling back a bit
and takes a hold of Shanks’s face to look at his scars closer.

“You look like this and ask what happened, I should be the one to ask that.” Scarlett doesn’t
think Shanks' eye is damaged and the scars will heal nice while Shanks just lets him. “I
haven’t seen you in person the last four years and now I have to go kill another fucker who
dare lay a hand on what is mine-” “Uncle I am okay.”

Scarlett stops his rant and takes a deep breath “I am okay, it was just someone playing dirty
that's all.” Scarlett lets go of Shanks's face and lets him out of his hug. “Who?” Scarlett's
voice is cold and Sol is ready for a fight. “Not if you are going out to do anything. Promise,
you won't do anything.” Scarlett feels like a child again but he nods along.

“ I promise not to do anything.” Shanks takes a breath “Teach from the Whitebeards”
Scarlett loses control of his haki causing a small wave that Shanks and Benn felt and shake
the room but is quick to control his haki and takes deep breaths while Benn and Shanks both
are shocked at what they felt.

“ Well it seems Whitebeard is still naive about who is in his crew. I assume he was there
for the fight.” Shanks just nods his head “it was a spar like we used to do but Teach said he
thought they were being attacked by a rival crew and didn’t know.” Scarlett just lets out a
hollow laugh “Ha, yeah right. The bastard knew what he was doing. Don’t forget Shanks,
anyone can hide behind a mask.”

Scarlett just sighs and shakes his head. “Anyway this is not what I wanted to talk about,
here this is for you.” Scarlett pulls out a small envelope with photos of Ace’s 3rd birthday he
had two months ago. Shanks opens it with shock as looks at the baby before laughing “it was
a boy after all. He is so cute.” as Shanks flipped through the few photos Scarlett had made for

“Yup cute and a handful but he is the best that is for sure, you will have to see him in
person but he looks a lot like them.” Shanks laughs when he sees the picture of Ace eating
cake with it all over his mouth “Benn,Benn you got to see these.” Benn walks over and looks
at the photos with Shanks and smiles a bit “yeah cute kid.” Shanks just shakes his head when
he is done “wait it's just you and Ace, where is Rouge?”
Scarlett knew he was going to ask but thinking about saying aloud still hurts sometimes, he
feels Sol warming his back saying I’m here. “Rouge is with the waves.” Shanks stops smiling
and has a blank stare “What did you just say?” Scarlett sighs and faces Shanks head on “
Rouge is with the waves Shanks. it was too much on her body, she gave birth, she took him in
her arms and named him then we had a moment the three of us then she was gone.” The
silence was loud and then Shanks was in his arms again holding in his tears.

“What is his name?” Shanks spoke into Scarlett’s chest. Shanks loved Rouge; she had
taught them many things and treated them with so much love, she was their mother and they
were her sons, this news hurts him. “His name is Gol D. Ace but when he is older he can
decide if he wants his last name or not. After all he would have the whole world after him.”
Benn takes in a breath, the rumors were true and Shanks knew.

Benn is truly mind-blown and when he was going to ask something his eyes met Scarlett’s.
“I do hope you keep this between us. Benn was it, I would hate to kill you.” Shanks lifts his
head from Scarlett’s chest. “Benn won’t tell Uncle, so you can’t kill my first mate.” Scarlett
raises an eyebrow looking down at his nephew “Oh, first mate you say because the look he
was giving me the moment my arms was around you says otherwise.”

Both go red and Scarlett lets out a chuckle “Don’t worry I approve. Shanks you can keep
him, Just don’t hurt my nephew’s heart okay. While this has been nice, I have places to
be,people to see but do stop at Dawn when you can so you can see him, bye my Young

Shanks gives his uncle a smile “still not going join me yet uncle?” Scarlett laughs, pulling
Shanks in for another hug. “not yet little one. Ask me again in a few years.” Scarlett sighs
letting go of a pouting Shanks. “May the sea grace you with calm waves.” “May the winds
guide your sails Uncle.” Shanks finishes, Scarlett places a soft kiss on Shanks forehead and
heads out the cabin with Shanks behind him.

Shanks’s crew are mostly on deck so Scarlett hides and takes to the sky with Shanks’s byes
reaching his ears and a smile on his face. It only takes him 20 minutes to catch up to Rex who
is standing on deck waiting, “so how is he?” “He is doing good.” Both smile as they watch
the weather change into a storm “the new world never changes, get going Rex it looks like a
big one.” Both laugh as they get ready.
On Shanks's ship the crew all look confused as their captain yells goodbye into the empty
sea and turns back to his “Boys lets party!” The crew cheers while Benn walks to stand next
to his captain leaning against the railing “you know he was right, I was jealous of a hot
stranger putting his hands on MY captain so casually, so let's not make it a habit because I
don’t like to share.”

Benn places a soft kiss on Shanks’s lips before the crew could see and heads to join the rest
while Shanks goes red as his hair and thanks the gods that his uncle came to visit as he has
been trying to get with Ben for a while now. Shanks gets a hold of himself and soon follows
after and they party all night.

Chapter End Notes

I thought Shanks needs a little love too

I know it’s cannon Benn is older than Shanks by ten years but here Benn is older by like
2 years for my peace of mind

Sorry for a late chapter was busy yesterday and today but I finally had a chance to post
Well this is a nice surprise
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 25
Mihawk 23

Marco 26

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett has made it to the island after passing through the storm, lucky enough Rex was not
damaged at all and Scarlett was able to dock. Just as he suspected the Whitebeards were still
on the island, Scarlett can only hope they are not at his bar. He is still upset about what
happened with Shanks and he could very well kill Teach but he doesn’t want to deal with any
of the drama right now so he simply grabs Sol and Luna as well as his cloak and just hopes
not to be spotted by them.

Scarlett walks through the back ways and makes it to ‘The Rush’ one of his newest bars he
had under him. Scarlett makes his way through the door and sighs to himself, the
Whitebeards are here and it’s not just some randoms from the crew, it's Whitebeard and his
commanders. Scarlett makes sure his hood is up and Sol is hidden and makes his way to
Navia and Cole both who run the bar.

Navia and Cole were twins Scarlett helped get off a bad island in the new world and got to
work for him. “Well, aren't you hard at work?” Navia lets out a loud gasp and runs around the
bar to jump at Scarlett who is ready to hold her. “BOSS!!” Scarlett cringes; he is sure
everyone is watching them now. “Navia! get the stuff!” Navia jumps down from Scarlett’s
hug with a pout and heads to the back room to get a brand new blend of moonshine in for

“It’s good to see you Boss. We got a new blend you are going to love.” Scarlett moves to
lean against the bar and chuckles at the two. “ Haha I can’t wait to try it. Also it’s good to see
you two. Business doing well?” Scarlett asks, making sure his hood is on and keeping an eye
on the Whitebeards who are also watching him. “Yup, business is doing good. I also have
papers for you in the office if you could take a look at them.” Cole is trying to give him an
out as Cole knows the Whitebeards are watching.

“Yup, key in the same place?” Cole nods as Navia comes out with his drink and a plate of
food. “Here you go Boss and I have more if you finish.” Scarlett laughs “Navia you are
amazing as always, I’ll be in the office try not to cause any fights Navia please.” “What ?! I
never! thank you very much, it's not my fault that men’s money somehow disappears when
they are here.” Scarlett just shakes his head and heads to the office.

But just as he walks past the threshold of the back rooms Sol vibrates hard on his back and
appears in front of him with a sad smile but hope in his eyes. “Dream boat is here, I feel her.”
Scarlett can only smile as he continues into the office.

Now that is a nice surprise, it seems Mihawk is here as well. The past two years Scarlett
has tried his best to be patient with Mihawk even if he was a little hurt by him leaving. He
knows they will talk at some point again, he just hopes he can handle seeing him once again.


Scarlett stayed in the office for hours going over things for Patty’s bar and looking over
things within his network. While Sol and Luna both wait anxiously for Scarlett to break or
something. “He will come to me when he wants to. So stop worrying I’m going to break. I
have been fine the last two years, I can wait.” The two nod and disappear while Scarlett
sighs, putting away his papers and heads to the bar for more moonshine.

However the moment he walks into the bar there is the call of his name and it's not from
who he is waiting for. Scarlett can only curse to himself he forgot to put on his cloak again
and now is out in the open. Navia and Cole know what he looks like and this bar doesn’t have
people often so he doesn’t wear his mask so he is kinda screwed. “Scarlett! It is you!”

Scarlett accepted his fate and turned to the Whitebeards as Izou was the one to call him.
Scarlett puts on his customer service face and heads over to the crew. “Hello everyone, Hello
Whitebeard-sama.” Scarlett is quick to coat himself in haki and meets Whitebeard's own
haki, yeah Scarlett is not happy with them to begin with and now this, yeah he might kill
them. “ Guar Guar Scarlett it's good to see you again. How have you been?”
“I have been well, Whitebeard-sama. How are you doing? Drinks good?” “ Guar Guar
you don’t have to be so formal brat. But yes the drinks are great.” Scarlett gives a fake smile
that he is pretty sure everyone can tell is fake but Whitebeard himself. “Good, good, well
enjoy the rest of the night, I have some work I need done.”

Marco finally speaks up “What?! Come on! Scarlett, just one round of drinks. It's been
forever since I last saw you.” Marco tries to push but Scarlett doesn’t want to be here. “Sorry
folks, I have a business to run. Maybe next time.” As Scarlett walks away he feels a stronger
push of haki enough that even Cole could feel it by the way his head shot up and puts a hand
to his gun he wears on his hip.

Scarlett stopped, shaking his head no at Cole and turned to look at Whitebeard who
looked smug. Scarlett sent back his own wave of haki causing a quite few of the crew to pass
out and the tables to shake. “I'm really trying really hard to not break a promise to not kill
you, Newgate. Keep your manners in check at MY BAR. I won’t be so kind next time. Enjoy
your night boys.” Scarlett said, giving a hard look to all the Whitebeard pirates who are
pissed but do not move at the raise of a hand from Whitebeard. Whitebeard just nodded while
Scarlett turned away and headed back to Cole and Navia as well as Mihawk who equally
looked upset.

“Cole,Navia, if he does that shit again, blacklist him from the bars.” Cole and Navia both
nod and go back to work when Scarlett finally can look at his beauty. “Well aren’t you a
surprise.” Mihawk nods as he checks out Scarlett before meeting his eyes again. “It’s good to
see you.”

Scarlett just smiles “Come, let's talk in the office away from eyes.” Mihawk nods as
Scarlett places his hand at Mihawk’s lower back leading him into his office. Missing the
shocked look from Izou.


Now in the private space of the office Scarlett heads to his deck in search of his spare
cigarettes while Mihawk takes a seat on the couch on the side of the room. “Mind if I have
one?” Scarlett asks as he finds the pack,Mihawk gives him a nod but doesn’t speak just yet.
Scarlett sighs as he takes a seat next to Mihawk lighting his cigarette and taking a drag. The
two sit in silence before Scarlett speaks a word again when he is half way done. “How have
you been?”

Mihawk sighs as he lays his head on the back of the couch turning to face Scarlett “I
missed you.” Scarlett raises an eyebrow while Mihawk looks shocked at his own words.
Mihawk turns a little red “that’s not what I wanted to say first.”

Scarlett puts out his cigarette breaking eye contact as he forces himself to not pull Mihawk
into his lap. “Then what did you want to say?” Mihawk takes a breath, seeming to work up
the courage to speak again.

“I’m sorry for leaving you.” Scarlett nods, putting himself in the same position as Mihawk.
“I’m sorry, I let my self doubt and fear control me instead of my heart that wanted to stay
safe in your arms. I’m sorry I was a coward who ran instead. I’m sorry i-” Mihawk didn’t
finish as Scarlett pulled him into his arms holding him close.

“I forgave you a long time ago Dracule. I got you left because you were afraid. Thinking
back I would have done the same. Self doubt and fear are tricky things to handle and that’s
okay.” Mihawk wrapped his arms around Scarlett and held him close just as he has wanted to
do the last two long years.

“And I missed you too. I can’t think of a moment where my mind didn’t wader to you.”
Mihawk lifted his head looking into those rich brown eyes that made his heart skip a beat as
they held so much love in them. “really?” He whispered, causing Scarlett to smile. “Really.
There was only so much information the newspapers would tell about you so I couldn't help
but wonder what you were doing? Were you okay? Did you learn a new cooking recipes?
What are the latest books you read? Anything my mind would come up with.”

Mihawk couldn’t take the look in Scarlett's eyes anymore and hid his face in Scarlett’s
chest as it grew red. Mihawk has never had someone other than his former master care for
him with such affection. He loved it but the question he asked himself was if he was ready for
it once more. But he let it go, Mihawk worked hard these past 2 years for the man that fills
his dream. He won’t hold back anymore.
“You know I would do the same.” Mihawk said as he picked up his head no longer caring
if he was blushing. “ I would think, were you safe? Did you meet new people? Did you think
of me? Could you forgive me? I wondered for so many nights before I finally knew what I
wanted.” Mihawk stared into those brown eyes as he mindlessly traced the crescent moon
under Scarlett’s right eye.

“I want you Scarlett. I worked hard on myself, got stronger to show myself that I am worth
your love.” Scarlett didn’t let him continue as he finally kissed him. It was like fireworks
went off in Scarlett’s mind. Kissing Dracule was like coming home.

The two sat there, holding each other before Scarlett pulled away resting his forehead on
Mihawk’s looking into those golden eyes. “You are worth all my love. You always have

Mihawk put himself on top of Scarlett's lap fully and held him close. The two sat in silence
holding each other close while Scarlett showered Mihawk with kisses anywhere he could
before stopping at his lips on final time. “Be mine Dracule.” Mihawk gave him a smile taking
his face into his hands “Only if you are mine Scar.” Scarlett gave him a big smile pulling him
in for another kiss.

“Come to my ship. We have much to catch up on.” Scarlett asked which Mihawk agreed
to as he left ahead leaving Scarlett to put away paperwork. Scarlett left the office with his
cloak on, Sol and Luna on him.

He quickly pulled Cole aside “I’m leaving for tonight I will be back in the morning.” “Do
I tell Naiva?” Scarlett thinks it over before nodding “yeah but only when it's you two.” “Okay
good night boss.” Scarlett nods and heads out without being seen by Whitebeard or any
others and makes it back to Rex with Dracule already waiting on deck for him.

Scarlett picks up his pace making it to Dracule pulling at his hand as he opens the cabin
door. “Come in Mi Vida, we have a lot to talk about.”

Chapter End Notes

Yay! Scarlett finally has his man!

Mi Vida = means My life in Spanish.

It’s a hella cheesy/ romantic nickname used to call your significant other!

Also i know that most people use Portuguese as the main language for Dawn island and
stuff. But I don’t feel comfortable use google translate and I don’t know Portuguese.

So I decided to use Spanish as I actually know some of it as most of my family is from

Mexico so I hope no one minds.

Also adding the Spanish was something that came out of no where when i first stared
posting the story. So sorry, it is just going to appear at random moments but like the lore
is the world gov. made everyone learn the same language but few islands speak their
mother language in their homes. Dawn is one of these islands.
Getting a new family member
Chapter Notes

Content warning: just that marines suck

Scarlett 25
Makino 15
Ace 3
Dragon 36
Luffy a couple days old

See the end of the chapter for more notes

During the week of Scarlett’s little work trip, he and Mihawk had a wonderful time
together and spent most of their time talking while cuddling on the Rex once Scarlett was
done with business for the day. Both exchanging stories or just enjoying the others' presence
while reading whatever books Scarlett had onboard, most of which were about children with
narcolepsy. When Mihawk asked about it Scarlett was honest with him, he felt no reason to
lie and simply told him it was for his son.

Which led to Mihawk asking about it, Scarlett told him that he and Rouge were together
and had Ace but Rouge didn’t make it because she was sick. Mihawk was very understanding
and kind about the whole thing; he even said he wouldn’t mind meeting Ace at one point.
Scarlett was happy about the whole outcome, so when the two parted ways with snail
numbers and the promise to meet whenever they were close and Scarlett knew they would be

Now that was about a month ago,Scarlett is back on Dawn in the first week of May. The
summer heat was slowly coming in, but that didn’t matter to Ace who was up just before
sunrise already waking up Scarlett. “Papa, papa, papa wake up!” Scarlett wakes to Ace
shaking his body with a big grin “yes my little firecracker.” Scarlett turns to his side and
brings Ace into a hug “let's go watch the sun with Rex!” Scarlett gives a nod and grabs Ace
and gets ready.
Now the Ace is a little older; he loves being on the Rex and watching the sunrise and
sunset much like Rouge did during their time on Windrise. Even if Ace didn’t meet his
parents he still somehow finds a way to act like them, it warms Scarlett’s heart.

Both are done getting ready and leave the home as quietly as they can as Makino is still
sleeping and isn’t really a morning person. Both make it down to the main road when
Scarlett’s haki is alerted, it's Dragon and he feels like a mess. Scarlett picks up Ace and runs
to his brother, while Ace just giggles along the way until they reach the dock. There is
Dragon with a bundle in his arms and tears in his eyes.

Scarlett stands in front of Dragon taking in his brother, while Ace looks at him wondering
who this is. “Dra, are you okay?” Dragon simply shakes his head looking down at the buddle
that starts to move revealing a small baby. Scarlett’s eyes go wide and is quick to pull his
brother into a hug mindful of the kids in their arms. “Come, let's talk on the Rex.”


Both now in the cabin on the Rex, Ace goes to the window next to the table and starts to
watch the sun while Dagon hands Scarlett the baby. “Dra,what happened?” Mindful to keep
his voice low as the baby is still asleep and Ace is just nosy.

Dragon takes a breath and starts to explain that someone in his group messed up as he was
being followed by marines and they attacked. Many of his army took out the marines and
when they thought the fight was over Lucy came out on top deck only for a marine to kill her
with a gun. Lucy didn’t take part in the fight as she had just given birth the day before and
was supposed to be on bed rest but she just had to check on them.

Scarlett can see Dragon was struggling to finish so he simply pulled his brother into a hug
as best he could with the baby in his arms. “Dra I’m sorry for your loss, Lucy was an
amazing woman.” Dragon kept a tight hold on Scarlett and was almost ready to let go when
he felt a tug on his pants and saw a little boy who was smiling and put up his hands. “Up!”
Scarlett only chuckles watching his brother finally notice Ace.

“You should pick him up, he gives the best hugs and is pretty stubborn.” Dragon lifts him
up and Ace makes himself comfortable in Dragon's arms while looking at the baby in his
papa’s arms. “Who is this?” Pointing at Dragon, Scarlett can only laugh while his brother
looks shocked “Ace, this is Dragon my brother, your uncle. Dragon meet my son Ace.”

Dragon looks at his brother shocked as he knows that name from the past while Ace just
nods his head while looking at the baby. “And the baby.” Scarlett watches as Dragon get over
his shock to look fondly at the kid “his name is Luffy.”

Ace simply leans over to look at the sleeping baby and whisper “Hi luffy.” Scarlett and
Dragon can only smile at the two little ones. Ace gets down and starts to play with his toys
while Dragon and Scarlett continue to talk. “Scar, I know it is a lot to ask bu-” Scarlett cuts
him off before he can finish “You don’t even need to. I will raise Luffy as my own, don't
worry.” Dragon lets out a sigh of relief as much as he wishes to raise luffy himself he can’t.
It’s too dangerous now with marines hunting them all the time. “Thank you Scar.”

Both talk and Scarlett tells him about Ace and what happened. As well as telling him
about what happened with Whitebeard and Shanks, Dragon was not happy about that but he
really wasn’t happy when he heard Scarlett is dating Mihawk.

He went into full protective mode which got a laugh out of Scarlett that woke up Luffy.
Scarlett was quick to give him some milk Dragon had brought with him and watched as
Scarlett handled it with ease. Dragon knew Luffy would be okay here and safe as he could be.
Dragon watched a bit before he decided it was time to leave.

“I will be heading out now Scar, the sun is getting higher.” Scarlett almost wants to tell
Dragon to stay but he knows Dragon won’t so he walks Dragon out. “Take care of yourself,
Dra, don’t fall too deep into your work.” “Bye uncle!” Ace came from behind Scarlett and
hugged Dragon’s legs giving him a hug.

Dragon pats his head “bye Ace watch over Luffy for me.” Ace gives him a nod and stands
next to his papa waving bye. “May the sea grace you with calm waves, Scar.” “May the
winds guide your sails, Dragon.” And with that Dragon is gone.

Ace hugs Scarlett’s leg looking up at him “don’t be sad papa, he will be okay.” Scarlett
bends down still feeding Luffy in his arms “you are right Ace. How about you grab your
things and we go back home and have breakfast with Makino and then we go shopping for
Luffy.” Ace smiles a loud excited squeal and heads inside while Scarlett stands straight,
looking down at Luffy who just finished his bottle.

“He looks cute like Ace was.” Scarlett can only chuckle while trying to burp Luffy, “yup
and he will be just as wild, I hope you and the others are ready for crying again.” Rex grows
pale and disappears while Scarlett laughs. “Papa, what's funny?” Scarlett pulls himself
together and turns to Ace who has all his things ready to go, “Nothing just grown up things,
lets go.”

Chapter End Notes

Luffy finally enters the picture as a little bae, Ace is happy to have a little brother while
Scarlett is happy that his family is slowly growing.
A new baby in the house
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 25
Makino 15
Ace 3
Luffy couple days old

The sun is now up and the village is waking up as the small family makes their way back
to their home. Ace was skipping ahead singing Bink's Sake while Luffy was once again
asleep in Scarlett’s arms as he goes over things they will need for Luffy. Most of the things he
can get in town or Hightown if he really needs too, and maybe make a stop to see Dr.Arataki
for a check up.

They make it home with ease and Ace runs into the house straight to the kitchen to eat
some grapes while Scarlett puts Luffy down in his bed and puts a small barricade of pillows
around, until he gets the old crib down from the attic. Scarlett gets ready to head to the bar
with Makino as they had agreed he would teach her some recipes for drinks before they open
at noon. After dressing up Scarlett checks on Luffy who is still asleep and leaves his bedroom
door open and heads downstairs to find Ace and Makino already eating some eggs and toast.

“Ah good morning Makino, I was just going to wake you.” As he grabs a toast and starts
making his coffee, keeping an ear out for Luffy. “Morning Scar, it seems Ace beat you to it
today.” Scarlett moves to stand next to Ace’s high chair as Ace eats his toast only to stop and
take a sip of juice when he turns to his papa “Papa, where is Luffy?”

Scarlett tries to fix some of Ace’s hair but as always it has a mind of its own. “ He is still
sleeping, he is a baby so he is going to sleep a lot for now until he is older.” Makino looks at
the two confused a baby, when did they get a baby. “ Scar, what are you guys talking about?
A baby?”
Almost on cue a baby starts to cry from upstairs “ Ah, he is up, I’ll explain in a bit, get
ready to head to the bar. Ace, finish your breakfast.” Scarlett moves fast up the stairs and sure
enough Luffy is still crying and in need of a diaper change.

By the time Scarlett was done with taking care of Luffy, Makino and Ace were ready by
the door. Makino was finally able to see this new baby that appeared out of nowhere to her.
Makino can only say he is an adorable baby much like Ace was when he was smaller.
“Makino meet Luffy, My son.”

Makino was cooing at the sleepy baby when the words reached her ears she paused
looking back and forth between Luffy and Scarlett her eyes went wide “What did you say
Scar? I’m not sure I heard right.” “Papa let’s go!” “Coming Ace, you heard me right, this is
my son, let’s get moving.”

Ace and Scarlett started the walk down the road with Luffy swaddled to Scarlett’s chest
while Ace held his left hand leaving behind a stunned Makino at the front door. “Come on
Maki!” Ace yells as Makino closed the front door and took off after the two who were quietly
chuckling at the stunned teen.


Makino’s morning lessons went well, Scarlett had taught her three recipes while Ace took
a nap when they had made it to the bar and woke when they were still doing lessons so he
was playing with his toys Scarlett keeps for him under the bar. While Luffy stayed close by
sleeping in Scarlett's arms until he was able to get a portable crib from the market later .
Makino no longer questioned about where Scarlett got Luffy after she saw a sad look on
Scarlett’s face as he looked down at Luffy and just left it at that.
So they continued until it was time to open the bar at noon, today was Makino’s day to run
the bar by herself while Scarlett and Ace went shopping for Luffy. They went from shop to
shop while everyone gushed over how cute Ace and Luffy were. Most didn’t question Luffy
was Scarlett's son mostly because why would they question the 6’10 ft muscle man that
wields a big sword. Those who did try to question went quiet at Scarlett’s hard glare and
would just switch the conversations. It was a great shopping spree even in the end Luffy was
able to be looked at by Dr.Arataki who gave him a clean bill of health.

With everything being delivered to the Monkey home, Scarlett and the boys headed back
to the bar to see it was just the end of the lunch rush and Makino was hard at work. Scarlett
was beyond proud of her, she has come a long way in the last year, Ace ran off to play while
Scarlett made his way to sit at the bar and feed Luffy while keeping an eye over everything.

Scarlett had just come down from the apartment with Luffy after changing him when the
last customer left after the lunch rush. He could see the relief in Makino’s shoulders and
laughed at her. “Scar don’t laugh, I don’t know how you do this.” He checks on Ace who is
eating some snacks while coloring at the bar and sits next to him while Makino starts to clean

“Lots of practice and a feisty woman teaching you.” Scarlett chuckles at the memories of
his trips to Amy island with Jess, she would work him every visit or teach him something.
“Don’t sweat it, you will get the hang of it, hey you did amazing with the rush today I don't
see any spilled drinks.” Makino's ears grew red and she just huffed and went back to clean
until the next customer came in while Scarlett was reading the newspaper.


The rest of the day went by before Scarlett knew it. Now back home with the boys sleeping
and Makino getting ready to sleep, Scarlett went to fix Luffy’s things into Ace’s room while
the boys slept in his bed for the night. Scarlett was able to get a portable crib, changing table,
and dresser for Luffy set up and was able to put away his new clothes well into the night and
when he moved to get the night stand up he felt Rex next to him.
“You are doing too much tonight Little One, you need rest.” “But I-” “No, Scarlett sleep. It
can wait, you weren’t going to the bar tomorrow already so take a breath and wait. If you are
still restless tomorrow we will go out to sea with the little ones. But Scarlett, you need rest to
be able to help them.” Scarlett knew he was being restless, waiting for the other shoe to drop
after having Luffy here but he knows Rex is right.

So he starts to put his tools away while Rex watches, making sure he was going to rest. He
was done before he knew it and was very tired. “Thanks Rex.” And gave him a pat on the
back and headed into his room to see Ace lightly hugging Luffy like Scarlett showed him, it
brought a smile to his face and he laid next to his boys laying an arm around them and fell

Rex watched the scene with a smile as he fixed the blanket covering the sleeping family
and returned next to Sol and Luna on the wall.
Back to work
Chapter Notes

Content warning: murder, scar is just doing his job

Scarlett 25
Ace 3
Luffy 4 months
Mihawk 23

Rosinante / Rose 19

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett would have never guessed somebody would be stupid enough to impersonate him.
The Red Death, one of the most wanted people by the World Government. Scarlett was
enjoying the fall weather with Ace and Luffy in their bedroom while Makino was at the bar
when one of his work snails started to ring. It was Marcel, the man ran a bar on an island in
Paradise close to the entrance of the grand line.

Marcel went on how the network has been keeping an ear to the ground after someone started
to fuck up jobs but claimed they were the Red Death. The network thought it was best to not
worry about it until recently when someone drank too much at one of Scarlett’s bars. It turns
out one of Scarlett’s most annoying clients Jasper also known as the ‘Time Keeper’ was the
one sending out people to try and ruin the Red Death’s reputation.

Jasper just happened to be at Marcel’s bar and would be there for a bit as he is going to try
and make the island his. After Marcel gave Scarlett the rundown Scarlett could only sigh, he
hates to kill one of his clients but he will not have his work and reputation be tainted by a
man who couldn’t take the answer no. It turns out the reason Jasper even started any of this
was because the Red Death wouldn’t be his own personal hit man. Scarlett had told him
multiple times no because Scarlett hated how Jasper entitled he is and he just got on his
nerves. Scarlett told Marcel he would be there in a few days.
Scarlett made sure Ace and Luffy were both okay in the playpen in their room before moving
across the hall and into his room and started packing for a two week trip. Once Scarlett has
his clothes ready he heads into the boys room and gets them ready to head to the bar as they
were going to meet for dinner with Makino.

The little family made it to the bar in full swing. It wasn't hard for Scarlett to find his uncle at
a corner table waiting. Scarlett said his hellos to anyone he knew and made it to the table
when his uncle saw his go bag.

“ Seems you are leaving, for how long this time?” While Ace sat next to his uncle and
Scarlett put down Luffy baby carrier and baby bag down and picked up the fussing baby.

“ Two weeks tops, Can you watch the boys?” Woop Slap nods “do you need to leave now
or after dinner?” Scarlett thinks about it, he still needs to grab Sol and Rex from the house as
he didn't have time to grab them after Ace started to run off without him and Luffy “After I
have to get a few things from the house then I will leave.”

The group ate a lovely dinner and chatted away all the way to the Monkey household.
Scarlett grabbed his weapons and turned to his uncle “You have everything here and if you
need something ask Makino she would know if we have it.” Woop Slap just chuckles at his
nephew while holding a sleepy Luffy. “You act like I am not here every week.” Scarlett gets
down to Ace’s level “Ace, papa has to go to work but I will be back soon. Listen to Uncle
Woop Slap and listen to Maki okay.” Ace nods along, giving his papa a big smile and a quick
hug “bye papa see you soon!” Scarlett only chuckles, hugging him back and placing a kiss on
his head and then leaves for paradise.


Scarlett made it to the island in a few days with the help of the sea and was at ‘The Drop
Zone’ Marcel’s bar at the entrance of the docks just as the sun set. Scarlett was quick to put
on his cloak and mask and made his way to the bar. It was as packed and Jasper is not here
much to his disappointment. Scarlett took a seat at the bar and waited for Marcel to finish
making a drink before he called to him.
Scarlett took a look around the bar thinking of ways to help Makino improve her bar when
Sol viaberted fast and manifested himself next to Scarlett. “SHE IS HERE! HAHAH ! Please
finish this quickly and let’s go see them please.” And disappeared again. Scarlett can only
shake his head and smile under his mask, it seems his lover is here and Scarlett can’t wait to
see him. And it seems Sol is excited to see his friend once again as they like to gossip about

“Hello sir, what can i get you?” Marcel is one of the new recruits that doesn't know what
Scarlett looks like yet so Scarlett says the code he and Rose came up with to keep his face a
secret from most people. “The Red meets the Rose.” Marcel's eyes go a little wide but he
keeps his cool “it is best we take this in the back. Conner watch the bar.”

The pair make it into the back room and Marcel gets straight to the point about Jasper and
what he has been up to on the island. So far he has tried to intimated the business and tried to
buy shops but the people here aren’t pushovers and all sent him away. He was staying at the
hotel downtown with a group of four of his bigger guys. Scarlett listened to all of this
thinking of what to do. By the time Marcel is done Scareltt already knows what he wants to
do “Thank you for your help, I will handle this.”

Scarlett takes his leave and heads for the Rex and heads into his cabin to his love already
waiting with a glass of red wine with a book in hand at the table.

Scarlett makes his way to his love and places a small kiss on Mihawk’s cheek “Hello Mi
Vida,” and makes his way to his hidden poison stash. “What brings you on to this side of
paradise?” Making his way with his box to the table and pulling out Luna and getting to work
while Sol is next to Yoru.

“I had to get away from an annoying red head, he is something else.” Scarlett couldn’t help
but laugh, Shanks seems to have gotten under Mihawk skin a bit. “ Hehe don’t worry Mi
Vida, you get used to him.” Mihawk puts down his book and turns to Scarlett with a raised
eyebrow “Oh and how would you know who i am speaking of?” Scarlett stops what he is
doing giving Mihawk with a smile “because I know only one person with red hair on these
seas who can get under anyone’s skin, it’s him.”

Mihawk takes a sip of his wine and moves to sit on Scarlett’s lap, careful not to mess up
what Scarlett is working on. Scarlett puts his hands on Mihawk’s waist keeping him still.
“And how do you know him?” Mihawk traces the crescent moon birthmark under Scarlett’s
right eye while Scarlett smiles at his Love who is pouting even if he doesn’t know it.

“ It is a secret, but next time you see him, tell him Scar says hello. I am sure you would stun
him enough to leave without him noticing.” Mihawk just nods and makes himself
comfortable not planning to move anytime soon while Scarlett gets back to what he was

After 30 minutes Scarlett was done and ready to go after Jasper while Mihawk just sat on his
lap. “Sorry Love but I need to move you, I have work to get done.” Mihawk pulled back and
placed a kiss on Scarlett’s lips and moved to sit back in his chair “Be safe.” Scarlett chuckles
and puts Luna and Sol on his person and gives Mihawk another kiss “always Love.”


It doesn’t take long for Scarlett to be outside Jasper’s hotel door, he can feel five people in
the room. Scarlett makes sure is hood up and his face mask on and makes his way into the
room. The group is in the living room at a table and seems to be counting money and doing
drugs, Scarlett didn’t hide his presence as they were too busy getting high to notice him until
it was too late.

Scarlett took out one of the men closest to him, slicing his throat and making sure he was
putting on a show and breaking the man’s neck. The other three were quick on their feet and
started to shoot only for Scarlett to disappear in front of their eyes. “FIND THE SON OF A
BITCH!” Jasper yelled from his hiding spot behind the couch like the coward he is.
Scarlett merely laughed at the man and took out the other three guards making sure to spread
the blood around. He feels a little bad about the room but he will just leave money for the
hotel. Scarlett grabbed Jasper by the collar of his shirt and threw him in the middle of his
dead bodyguards, taking a seat on the small table in front of Jasper. “Jasper, Jasper, it’s a
shame to see you all alone, I was hoping you would have brought Noah with you. After all,
he is the smarter one. But then again you are away from Melissa so I’m sure he is keeping her
company.” The more Scarlett spoke the more pale Jasper got.

Of course Scarlett knows about his clients backgrounds such as Melissa being Jasper's
younger sister who is in her late 20s while Jasper is in his 30s. As well as Noah Jasper’s right
hand man and Melissa’s boyfriend who is around her age. “ Jasper, you know I didn’t mind
that you kept on hounding me about being your personal hit man, but instead you tried to
destroy my reputation not that anyone would believe I would do such a shit job but
nonetheless that is something I can’t have happen. So now you will know why I am the King
of Death.”

Scarlett got up and made his way to Jasper as he tried to find a way out. Scarlett simply
stood in front of the begging man and didn’t care anymore and it was over before Jasper even
knew it. Scarlett looked at the now dead Jasper and sighed when he felt the blood stick to his
cloak. Scarlett surveyed the room and left his card on Jasper’s head and went out the back.

Scarlett has left Marcel a quick note at the bar and made it to the Rex to see Mihawk was
making food. Scarlett very much wanted to hold his lover but he knows its best not to be
covered in blood. Scarlett makes his way into the bath while Mihawk starts plating the food.
Scarlett doesn’t take long and joins Mihawk for dinner.

The pair enjoyed the meal talking away about Mihawk’s latest spar with Shanks and Scarlett
was telling him about Luffy joining the family. Mihawk was a little taken back but once
Scarlett explained a friend asked him to raise the child and Scarlett couldn’t say no once he
saw the little baby. Mihawk realized that Scarlett was a kind soul, who wanted to help anyone
he could.
The pair chatted and ate while enjoying the time together even if Mihawk kept getting
distracted by Scarlett’s chest and tattoo as he didn’t put on a shirt once he was out of the

When the pair finished dinner and were washing dishes as they started to get ready to turn in
for the night when a snail rang. Scarlett was quick to put down the dish he was drying and
search in one of the many hidden floors for the snail. It turns out to be the snail Rose calls

Scarlett felt his hands sweat a little and picked up the snail, nervous at the loud sound he
knew would come. “RED!” Then there was the sound of a crash “ROSE! ARE YOU
OKAY!?” Scarlett started to pace as the other side fell quiet while Mihawk just watched
curiously of who was on the other line as Scarlett hadn't told him about anyone named Rose
yet. Scarlett could finally only hear the sounds of groaning and he is very much not liking
this time “Rose, are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, I tripped down the stairs.” Scarlett let out a sigh of relief and stopped
pacing and moved back to doing dishes with Mihawk as the snail sat on the counter next to
him. “Don’t scare me like that brat. Do you at least have your med kit nearby?” Scarlett hears
the sounds of a box opening “yeah dad makes sure to have a bunch at the house, anyways I
called because I have exciting news.”

Scarlett chuckles at his friend while keeping an eye on Mihawk who was starting to pout.
“What’s the news?” “I made commander!” Scarlett pauses for a moment before letting out a
laugh “that's great Rose!” Mihawk eyes grew wide, Scarlett was talking to a marine and he
didn’t know what to feel.

Scarlett had noticed Mihawk was kinda frozen and gave him a kiss on the forehead to calm
his nerves a bit and leaned down to whisper “I will tell you more when he is done.” Mihawk
nods and they go back to cleaning while listening to Rose talk about his promotion and how
his latest date was a disaster.
While they finished the dishes Scarlett listened and chimed in now and then while Mihawk
had showered and made himself comfortable in one of Scarlett’s bigger shirts with nothing
else underneath. Scarlett, now sitting on the bed resting, caught a glimpse of him and was
ready to be at his mercy. “Rose, I gotta go, I set the kitchen on fire.” “Not again! Ugh! You
are more clumsy than me, call you another time.”

Mihawk sat down on Scarlett's lap while wrapping his arms around Scarlett’s neck. “Sorry
Love, was I taking too long?” Mihawk simply huffed and pulled Scarlett in for a rough kiss
while Scarlett gave him what he wanted and chuckled when he pulled away.

“Who is he?” Mihawk asked, looking into Scarlett’s eyes, “A childhood friend,Rosinante or
Rose.” “And he is a marine?” Scarlett just nods his head as he lays them down on the bed
“yes he is and some of my family but they don’t know about what I do.” Mihawk simply
nods as Scarlett starts to leave kisses along his neck “now that is out of the way. Love, can I
have my dessert?” Mihawk gives him a smile before he brings Scarlett’s lips to meet his.

Chapter End Notes

Smut is not my thing. I wrote one sentence and trashed it right after. So the most you
will get is kissing. But y’all know what is about to happen so use your imaginations.

Time skip two years next chapter!!!

The first hunt
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 27
Ace 5
Luffy 2
Mihawk 25
Makino 17

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“ Ace, get your shoes on, we are going out today!” Scarlett yells from the kitchen with Luffy
next to him and Ace is upstairs changing his shirt because he spilled juice on it. “Luffy, go
get shoes on.” “Okay papa!” Scarlett watches as little Luffy walks to the door. Scarlett is so
happy right now, Ace just turned five the week before and Luffy will be three in May,
Makino is now living on her own and running the bar with ease and Mihawk just made it to
World’s Strongest Swordsmen as of today from what the underground newspaper says.

He can’t wait to call him later to congratulate him and maybe he will finally introduce him to
the boys. Scarlett and Mihawk are still going strong with meetings in paradise and many snail
calls over secure lines as they are leading up to their two year anniversary in march.

“Papa, I'm ready.” Scarlett looks at Luffy waiting by the door while Scarlett grabs Sol from
the wall and grabs the carrier for Luffy to sit on his chest when he gets tried of walking.
“Ace, do you need help?” Scarlett asks as he makes his way up the stairs to the boys room
with Luffy following behind him. “Papa, I can't find my shoes.” Ace finally answers when
they reach the doorway and see the room is a disaster but when you have two boys that are
rowdy as Luffy and Ace it's a miracle they still have toys.

“Did you check under Luffy’s bed? You and him fell asleep together on his bed last night.
You had them on when I checked in on you.” Ace nods and searches under the bed and sure
enough there they are. “Where are we going today?” Scarlett watches as Ace ties his shoes all
by himself and they are on the right feet. “We are going into the forest so I can start teaching
you to hunt and maybe later I will show you how to pick pockets.” Ace's eyes have stars by
the time Scarlett was done talking and Ace started to head out the room.

“Then what are we waiting for LET’S GO!” Scarlett only chuckles as he watches his two
little ones run down the stairs and out the front door. “They are a mess you know.” Sol said
looking super annoyed but Scarlett knew better. “Yeah, yeah you say the same thing every
time let’s go before they run into trouble.”

Scarlett was able to reach the boys with ease with Sol and a pipe for Ace on his back, with
Luffy swaddled to his chest and Ace by his side. Scarlett leads the boys to his old hunting
grounds, he turns to Ace who is looking at the old shed and old fire pit. “This is my old
hunting grounds, we will use this as a base. So if you get lost or need shelter you can come
here. Or use it as a hideout. That's what I did a lot when I was your age.”

Scarlett got to work showing Ace the basics of how to hide and where to attack with the pipe
while Luffy watched and even tried to copy their moves with a large stick he found nearby.
They did this until lunch, Scarlett was impressed with Ace and how fast he was picking up
everything. “Okay let's go catch some gators!” Scarlett said while the boys cheered along all

Scarlett made sure Luffy was good on his chest and Sol in his hand and Ace by his side.
Going over things to look for much like Dragon taught him growing up, Scarlett leads them
to a watering hole he knows has a group of gators at. He crouched behind a brush with Ace
next to him. “You see that one over there by the flowers, that's a good size for you. As you
get bigger you can go for bigger ones like the one near the shore with the scars.”

Ace is nodding along listening and trying to watch the gators move around the waters getting
a little nervous. Scarlett chuckles as he can tell Ace is getting nervous “you got it Ace, just
like I showed you and if you mess up it’s okay, I’m here.” Ace nods and makes his way to the
smaller gator near the flowers just like Scarlett told him. Ace is careful not to make too much
noise and is able to get close enough before the gator moves a little but Ace makes his move
and strikes the gator.
The first blow lands but not enough to kill it. Ace lets out a huff and goes again as the gator
is distracted and he is able to kill it. Scarlett lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Ace was able to kill it and now it's time to get moving out of here. Scarlett makes his way to
Ace who is looking at his pipe in awe, “good job Ace, you got your first kill!” Scarlett rubs
Ace’s hair making it messier while Luffy cheers for Ace “Yay! Ace did it!” While Ace just
blushes and turns away “whatever, it's not a big deal.” Scarlett just laughs and starts to pick
up the gator and throws it on his shoulder. “Let’s go and eat lunch and I will show you how to
cut it and save the skin to sell later.”

The guys make it back to base and Scarlett was able to show the boys how to cut and skin the
gator and all had a nice lunch with some left over still. Which is a miracle in Scarlett’s eyes
as he and the boys eat a lot, he knows he can take the leftovers home but they are not far from
Dadan’s hut and it has been a bit since he last saw her. “Alright boys that is enough hunting
for today.Lets go see Dadan, her hut isn’t far and it's best you know where it is.” Ace and
Luffy just go along with it,Scarlett put the gator skin in the shed and some of their things and
the group made their way to Dadan’s.

Scarlett was telling a story about an island in the sky much as the boys didn’t believe it when
they made it to Dadan’s, who thankfully was home. Scarlett knocks on the door while the
men scatter when they hear Scarlett’s voice. “Dadan! I got you gator! With Moonshine!” That
got Dadan to open the door faster than Scarlett had seen. “Brat, where is my drink? Hello
little brats.” Scarlett just laughs and hands over the leftover gators “I lied no shine but we had
more gator then I thought so I brought you some plus I haven’t seen you in a bit.”

Ace and Luffy ran inside already causing a mess. Scarlett just laughs while Dadan just
watches in horror. “Okay I’ll send you a bottle tonight, but just wanted to check in. Boys let's
go, we have to make a call.” Dadan just sighs “you finally going to tell them bout your
partner.” Scarlett had told Dadan about Mihawk one night after a few drinks at the bar when
he was missing him and the boys were with his uncle.

“Yeah, I plan on introducing them to him through snail tonight.” Dadan's eyes go a little
wide as they watch the boys run around “wow are you guys getting serious?” Scarlett just
shrugs his shoulders “ I mean, I would like to think this will last but who knows what the
world has for us. But I think I could see myself married to him after all he is my dream guy.”
Dadan just shakes her head before throwing an arm around Scarlett “With the way you speak
of him I’m sure he is just as crazy about you as you are him. Now get going before the little
brats tear everything to sheds.” Scarlett just laughs and picks up his little monsters and puts
them on his shoulders “let's get going, Bye Dadan!” The boys say their bye and the group
head home to make an important call.


The group makes it home with smiles and laughs. Scarlett places the boys down as they start
to run along the porch while Scarlett gets his snail to call his lover after talking to the boys.
“Boys come here, papa wants to tell you about someone.” Ace and Luffy head to sit on the
porch swing while Scarlet sits on the table in front of them.

“Who is it about papa?” Ace asks with a head tilt and Luffy copies. Scarlett can only smile at
his boys “you know how I leave for work. When I leave I get to see a very special friend that
I love a lot and today he was able to achieve his dream and I want you guys to meet him.”

Ace and Luffy just nod when Ace says “so he is your boyfriend?” Scarlett is stunned for a
moment “and how do you know what a boyfriend is Ace?” Ace shrugs his shoulders “I heard
Makino and her friends talking about boyfriends and kissing.” Scarlett can only laugh, “ yes,
he is my boyfriend and I want you guys to meet him.”

Ace crosses his arms with a glare as much as he could “if he is mean I will beat him up.”
Luffy looks at Ace and follows him and crosses his arms too. Scarlett can only giggle at his
boys “okay, okay deal. But first let's congratulate him on becoming the world’s greatest
swordsman.” The boy's eyes go wide “he did that?!” Scarlett nods his head and makes the

After a few rings a sleepy voice answers “what do you want?” “Ah sorry Love, were you
sleeping? I can call back later.” Ace giggles at his blushing papa. “It’s fine mi amor, what are
you doing?” Scarlett gets the boys ready and starts to count down “3,2,1. Congratulations!”
Mihawk is now awake at the loud noise from the other side of the snail. “Congra-can- grabs-
papa how do you say it?” Luffy asks while Scarlett giggles telling him the correct way while
Mihawk dies at the sound of little Luffy. “Thank you amor, care to introduce me to the little
ones I hear.”

Ace just rolls his eyes with a lot of sass, it was almost as if he was looking at Buggy. “Hi, I’m
Luffy.” “Hi, I’m Ace, so you are my dad’s boyfriend huh?” Mihawk almost laughs as the
snail glares at him. “Hello Luffy and Ace my name is Dracule Mihawk, yes I am your dad’s
boyfriend.” Luffy nods not caring anymore. “ Papa, can I play?” Scarlett gives him the go
ahead and Luffy takes off into the house.

“You hurt papa and I hurt you understand?” Ace said as seriously as he could while still
glaring at the snail. Mihawk thinks he is adorable “of course your papa would get me first
then you could have what’s left.” “Dracule! Don’t say it like that!” Mihawk chuckles and Ace
has a smile “ okay you have a deal. Papa can I get-” And falls asleep. Scarlett just lays him
down on the swing and puts his head on his lap and snail in his hand.

“amor is he okay? You guys got quiet.” “ Yes Love we are fine, his narcolepsy acted up is
all, he will wake up in a bit.” Mihawk hums and makes himself comfortable in bed while
Scarlett waits for Ace to wake. “So how does it feel being the world’s greatest?” Mihawk
chuckles “ tired but good.” Scarlett chuckles “then sleep Love, I just wanted to congratulate
you today. We can talk once you have rested.” “Okay amor I will call you soon, tell the little
ones i said goodbye.” “Good night Love I will let them know.”

Scarlett felt Ace wake when they were saying their goodbyes and just waited until Ace made
the first move. Scarlett just ran his fingers in Ace's hair, feeling Luffy playing in his room
enjoying this moment. “Is he a pirate like you?” Scarlett looks down at his son, “yeah, we are
pirates that's how we met.”

“Can you tell me about him?” Ace askes even if he is trying to act like he is not interested. “
Sure, come let's get some snacks.” Scarlett spends quite a bit of time answering Ace’s
questions about Mihawk while they eat snacks even Luffy joined them at one point. By the
time Ace’s interrogation was done he states that his papa could beat Mihawk in a sword fight
because he is stronger than Mihawk. Scarlett just laughs with his son and enjoys this moment

Chapter End Notes

Mi amor= my love in Spanish.

Yes mihawk learned from old books and surprised Scarlett who blushed like crazy
before kissing mihawk senseless the first time he called him that. And yes mihawk was
super romantic when he did it.

The kids met the boyfriend kinda but don’t worry they warm up to him over time
A new face joins
Chapter Notes

Content warning: None

March XXXX

Scarlett 27
Ace 5
luffy 2
Makino 18

Buggy 21
Sabo 5

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett sighs he hates being away from the boys for so long. Scarlett just got a new job when
he and the boys were enjoying the spring weather when he got a call for a pretty big job deep
in the new world. Travel time alone was two months but Scarlett sure he can make it in half
the time but he still wasn’t a fan. He packs his things together when Ace comes to his room
to see him getting ready.

“Are you going to work?” “Yeah, I got a job, I will be back in a month or two. So until I
come back you guys can stay with Uncle Woop Slap or Makino.” Scarlett sees Ace drop his
shoulders and stops what he is doing giving Ace his full attention “ was there something you
wanted Ace?” Ace puts his head down a little more like when he gets shy “ I wanted us to go
to the beach since it was nice outside and Luffy can try out his new floaties Maki got him.”
Scarlett just chuckles messing up Ace hair “Of course we can go to the beach. I was going to
leave at night anyway, let's get everything and we can go now.” Ace gives him a big smile
and runs to his room and gets ready.

The family of three had such a wonderful time at the beach that by the time they were eating
dinner with Makino and Woop slap both were falling asleep eating. “Okay both of you up the
stairs and into bed.” Ace and Luffy wanted to protest but they both almost fell into their
dinner plates. Scarlett grabbed both while his uncle and Makino just laughed at the sleepy
kids. Makino was kind enough to watch the boys the whole time Scarlett would be gone
while Woop Slap would watch them during the day if Ace didn’t run off on his own. Scarlett
put Ace and Luffy down in Makino’s old room now turned into a guest room giving both his
goodbyes and kisses on the forehead and headed out to sail.


Scarlett had been gone for a week already when Ace was going down into the bar when he
heard someone asking if Scarlett was around. Ace stayed on the stairs peeking down to see
someone with a cloak much like his papa’s asking Makino about him. “Sorry you just missed
him, He went out for a job and won’t be back for a while.” Ace heard the man sigh and run a
hand through his blue hair that Ace could now see as the man’s hood fell, also allowing Ace
to see the man’s face and see a red nose. Ace let out a gasp it was Buggy, the brother his papa
had always told him about and the same one from the photos. Ace still remembers when
Buggy got a new wanted poster how his papa was so happy and excited and now he is here
and his papa isn’t.

Before Ace even knew it himself he walked up to Buggy and pulled on his cloak. Buggy felt
a tug and was ready to fight if he needed to, only to see a little brat with his father’s eyes and
mother’s freckles. “Are you Buggy?” Buggy felt his heart stop, his heart knew this was Ace
but his mind was in denial. “What’s it to you?” Ace just shook his head “papa was right you
are feisty.” Buggy let out a loud laugh while Makino wasn’t sure what to do about Ace
knowing this person she didn’t.

“You look like a mini him, it's crazy. It’s good to see you Ace, you have grown a lot since I
last saw you.” Buggy gave Ace a smile which Ace returned in full. Makino decided to ask
Ace about this. “Ace, do you know who this is?” Ace nods his head and takes a seat next to
Buggy “yup he is my big brother.”

Everyone in the bar was listening in and all let out a loud “WHAT?” Ace and Buggy just
laughed, no one noticed Luffy and Woop Slap came in until everyone was quiet and Woop
Slap asked a question “how is that possible?” Buggy turned to the older man while Luffy
tried to climb the stool to seat with Ace.
“I knew Rouge from a young age, she was like a mother to me and she treated me like her
son making me his brother. Call Scar if you want. He can confirm.” Woop Slap walked out
the bar while Ace and Luffy looked at Buggy with hope. “Will you stay Buggy?” Ace asked,
hoping to get to know his brother and not from stories. “Sure kid, I got time.” Ace and Luffy
cheered while Makino watched with a smile.

Once Scarlett confirmed and chewed out Buggy for showing up when he was gone Makino
and Woop Slap were comfortable leaving him with the kids. He told Ace and Luffy many
stories of Roger and Rouge as well as Scarlett, the kids hung onto every word. During
Buggy’s two week stay he showed Ace a better way to pickpocket and how to use a small
pocket knife before giving it to him when he left. Buggy had promised to call more often now
and promised to see them again.

He even taught the boys the same code Scarlett taught him and Shanks. “May the seas grace
you with calm waves.” Ace started as Buggy boarded his boat. Buggy turned to the brothers
with a smile “ may the winds glide your sails.” Ace and Luffy both waved goodbye until they
couldn’t see Buggy anymore and headed back to Makino who was watching them from afar.
“Don’t look so down Ace, you will see him again.” Ace nods his head and wipes his tears as
they start to spill and Luffy pulls him into a hug that Makino joined and made their way back
to the bar.


After Buggy left Ace was making waves in HighTown and the Grey Terminal and after the
lessons from Buggy he was doing great. During the two weeks he spent with Buggy they
were almost always at the Grey Terminal looking for treasures and improving Ace’s skills.

Today Ace was on a mission to find something nice to give to his papa as a welcome home
present as he was supposed to come back at the end of the week at least that’s what he said in
the call last night. Ace was going through a pile when he heard shouting and the sounds of
running footsteps heading in his direction. Ace kept looking, knowing its best not to get
involved if he didn’t have anything to do with it. He was able to find a nice silver bracelet
and quickly put it into his bag and started to make his way to hide as the steps got closer.

Ace hid inside an empty barrel looking out through a hole when he saw another kid his age
panting and heard the shouts of angry people. Ace was able to put two and two together and
he didn’t usually care about other people but something in his bones told him to help this kid.
Ace sighed to himself and slowly lifted the lid of his barrel and called to the kid.

“Pssst,psst, hey over here.” The kid finally saw him and ran quickly joining the other in the
barrel and both waited until the sounds of running adults got further away. Ace was able to
get a good look at the kid, he was his size with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a top hat
with matching blue jacket and shorts and a white shirt with a small bag on his back and a
pipe much like Ace’s.

“Thanks.” The kid was going to leave the barrel when Ace heard the sounds of people
coming back up the path. Ace pulls the boy down and puts a finger to his mouth silencing the
boy. “Where did that brat go?” “Whatever we will get him next time he is here. Let’s go get
booze.” They sat in silence while listening to the sound of footsteps walking away and further
down the path away from them. Both boys let out a breath.

“Again thanks, you really saved me.” Ace just shugs and jumps out the barrel with the boy
right behind him. “See you around.” And the boy takes off. Ace thinks about following the
other kid but decides just to head home, he has a gift to fix after all.


The next day Ace went back to the Terminal to look for more gifts to give to everyone, he
knew Auntie Makino and Uncle Woop Slap didn’t mind watching him and Luffy but he still
wanted to give them something as a thank you.
So here he was back at it again searching piles while watching out for other unsavory people.
Ace had already found his Makino, a new scarf, when he heard the sounds of someone
walking up behind him. Ace was quick to pick up his pipe and swing at the person only to hit
another pipe. Ace sighed to himself, it turns out to be the other kid from yesterday.

“What are you doing?” The boy asked Ace turned around and continue his search “looking
for stuff.” The boy just sat on the pile while Ace searched before Ace realized he never got a
name from the other boy. “What’s you name?” “What’s yours?” Ace could only roll his eyes
before answering “Ace” the boy nods “Sabo nice to meet you.” Giving Ace a smile that
allowed Ace to see that he was missing a tooth.

“Nice to meet you.” Ace went back to searching until he found a book that looked like it was
from the author his uncle liked. Ace put it in his bag and turned to Sabo, going to ask about
something when the sound of a stomach growling reached his ears and the other boy grew
red. “Are you hungry?”

Sabo just looked away from Ace while Ace got his bag and things ready. “Well I am and I
know the best spot on the island for the best food. Do you want to come?” Ace thought there
was no harm in asking, after all his papa taught him some manners. “I don’t have money.”
Ace just smiles at the other. “We won’t need to pay, she will give us food for free, come one
it's a long walk.” Sabo was hesitating as Ace started to walk away before making up his
mind and followed the other into the forest.

Ace tried his best to make Sabo comfortable asking questions about what he likes to do or
telling stories like his papa does. They talked the whole way to the bar with Ace walking in
and seating at the bar waiting for the other to do the same. Makino met both with a smile
once Sabo took a seat next to Ace. “Well Hello Ace, who is this? A new friend?” While
pouring the two boys juice “Yup his name is Sabo. Sabo, this is Makino, she is my Aunt.”
Makino just chuckles to Ace who grew a little red, not used to making new friends who don’t
know Makino. “It’s nice to meet you Sabo.”

She leaves the two to get them plates of food while Sabo and Ace start talking once again
when Makino gives them food. Ace and Sabo dig in with stars in their eyes both ask for
seconds and Sabo tells Makino the food is amazing. Of course the two stay at the bar after
their lunch and by the time Luffy comes back from being with Woop Slap it is dinner time.
Ace of course asks if Sabo could stay and spend the night. Makino gave the okay and Sabo
ended up staying the rest of the week not that anyone cared.


When Scarlett had arrived back to Dawn Island it was just as the sun was raising excited to
see his boys after the trip. He had got to see his Love again and was able to spend time
together and even saw Shanks again who thank him as he told him about what happened
between him and Benn after Scarlett last saw him.

Scarlett of course played the role of scary uncle and gave Benn hurt him and you die talk that
left Shanks embarrassed and Benn pale. Scarlett makes his way to the back door of Patty’s
bar and enters with his spare key and makes his way up to the apartment. He knows no one is
awake and starts to use the kitchen making his special pancakes and coffee for him and

As he is making them everyone starts to wake Makino came out first ready for the day
getting a hug from Scarlett and taking a cup of coffee and some pancakes. “You are going to
need more, we have a guest.” Scarlett frowns and lets out his haki and sure enough there is
another person with his boys. “He is Ace’s new friend, he is a little shy but polite. He has
been here the whole week.” Scarlett gives Makino a smile and starts another batch of
pancakes, he can’t wait to meet this new friend.

While Makino catches Scarlett up on the village’s latest drama the boys wake up Luffy first
making his way to sit in his papa’s lap giving him a big hug. “Hello, little one, have a good
sleep?” Luffy nods and sits ready to eat. Scarlett and Makino chuckles as the boy starts to dig
in. Luffy is half way done with his first pancakes when Ace and Sabo both decided to join
“Morning boys, Scar made pancakes Ace.” Ace’s eyes go wide and looks at his papa. “Papa
you are back.” With a smile Ace gives him a quick hug before grabbing Sabo who is trying to
go back into the room. “Papa, this is Sabo and he is staying with us right?” Scarlett looks at
the boys with a fond smile. “Ace, did you ask him if he wanted to? It is lovely to meet Sabo.
My name is Scarlett but you can call me Scar, I am Ace and Luffy's father. Now both of you
come eat before the pancakes get cold.”

The pair start digging in while everyone catches up, Scarlett can see Sabo is a little nervous
with him around, he almost seems like he wants to talk but backs out. When everyone is done
and everyone is going to clean up, Scarlett thinks this might be the best time for him to talk to
Sabo alone. “Ace, can you help Luffy clean up while me and Sabo clean the table.”

Ace looks between Sabo and his papa before nodding, helping Luffy down and heading to the
restroom while Scarlett and Sabo start to pick up the dishes. They make it to the sink and
start dishes when Scarlett says “is there something on your mind Sabo?” Sabo almost jumps
out of his skin but he puts aside his fear and asks the older man. “Are you mad?” Scarlett
pauses confused, he bends down to be level with Sabo. “Why would I be mad? I’m confused.
Can you explain please?” Sabo looks away taking a breath before speaking softly so they are
the only two to hear.

“Because some random kid is in your home and uses your things and eats your food.”
Scarlett's eyes go wide and his heart breaks a little. “Sabo, I would never be mad about that.
First off you are not some random kid. you are Ace’s friend which is a big deal because he
doesn’t like people much. Second, this is not my house, this is Makino's. You can see my
house in a bit as we are going back there when we are done here. And third you are a guest
and human. It's only nature you need to eat and need other things. It doesn’t matter to me.
And finally you are always welcomed into our home, it doesn't matter what it is, you can
always come over and spend however long you want with us.”

By the time Scarlett is done Sabo eyes have tears, Scarlett heart breaks just a bit more and
pulls the boy into a hug that he melts into. Scarlett can’t even begin to think just how touch
starved Sabo is, or just how much Scarlett can feel his bones.
Scarlett would very much murder Sabo’s family right now but he knows its best to hold off.
Sabo calms down and gives Scarlett a last thank you before Scarlett sends him away to get
ready while Scarlett finishes the dishes. Scarlett can only hope from now on Sabo knows he
is very welcome in their home.

Chapter End Notes

Sabo joins! The duo of brothers now becomes a trio!

A new adventure
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 27
Ace 5
Sabo 5
Luffy 3
Mihawk 25

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett and the boys were out in the forest at the little base Scarlett showed Ace months
back, watching the boys train in hand to hand combat. Sabo and Ace are doing pretty well.
Sabo is only two points behind Ace while Luffy is trying to catch bugs.

Scarlett was just watching and giving pointers until his wings started to itch, he hasn’t been
flying or transformed into his beast form in a long while. So Scarlett takes off his shirt while
Sabo and Ace yell at each other about another point that Sabo won when he lets his wings
loose and out in the fresh air. Scarlett knows there is no one around for miles and starts to
clean and fix his feathers missing the look on all three boys' faces. “YOU HAVE WINGS!!”
Ace and Sabo yell while Luffy yells “WOW SO COOL!”

Scarlett jumps a little and looks at his boys “yes, i have wings.” And simply goes back to
cleaning them. “I thought you guys knew this already.” Ace and Sabo just closer looking at
the wings in awe, while Luffy joins in and starts to touch the feathers close to him. “You can
touch them but be soft.” All three boys nod and start asking questions. “How did you get
them?” Sabo asks first, “I ate a devil fruit when I was four.”
“What is a devil fruit?” Ace chimed in, sitting in front of his papa watching him pull out
feathers. “Well, it's a fruit that comes in many different shapes,sizes,colors and tastes super
nasty. But they give you a different power. And then it has different categories for the
different powers. Sorry there's a lot to explain.” The boys join Ace in front of Scarlett as he
gives his wings a few flaps before they rest on his back.

“What is your fruit then?” Sabo asks while his eyes follow the wings “ it’s the griffin-griffin
fruit. A mythical zoan type. It allows me to turn into a griffin, half bird,half lion.” “Can we
see?!” Ace and Sabo yell already standing. Scarlett just chuckles at them from his place on a
rock. “Sorry boys not on this island, if you want to see then we need to head out to sea.” Ace
and Sabo turn their heads to the side “why?” Scarlett only smiles at the two “because I don't
want to catch anyone’s attention. So we head to the house and pack then set sail on the Rex.”

All three cheer before starting to gather their things when Sabo stops all of a sudden and
turns to Scarlett asking him to bend down a bit so he can whisper to the old man. “I can come
too right?” Scarlett is a little shocked but he knows it will take a while for Sabo to realize he
is a part of this family. So Scarlett gives him a little push.

“Sabo, you are already Ace and Luffy’s brother and my son even if you guys don’t see it, I
do. You are family Sabo, so of course you are coming wherever we go, if you want to.” Sabo
looks stunned a bit “oh.” Scarlett just chuckles “ yeah oh, haha don’t overthink it Sabo. Just
come along and enjoy the sea with us and think about it after and if you want we can talk
about this again.” Sabo nods and he and Scarlett join the rowdy brothers. “Okay guys let’s
get ready to set sail.”

The boys packed fast and Scarlett just grabbed a couple of things before they were done and
headed out to the island Scarlett and Roger first spared at. It would take them two weeks to
reach the island so Scarlett just hopes he can survive these three boys. Scarlett and the boys
said their goodbyes to Makino and let her know they would be gone, and Scarlett set sail.
They were already a few hours away from Dawn island sitting on deck talking about
Scarlett’s fruit when a snail started to ring. Scarlett knew it was the one he left on the table
meaning it could only be his Love or Rose, so he asked Ace to answer it.

Ace enters the cabin and answers the snail on the table “hello, who is it?” “Oh hello Ace, it's
Mihawk.” Ace nods “ooh hey Hawk, you didn’t call last week.” Ace said with a slight pout.
Since Mihawk first met the boys back in the beginning of the year he has been calling almost
every week talking to the boys and Scarlett and he still tries even 7 months later.

“ sorry kiddo had to deal with marines, anyways what are you guys doing?” “Oh we are
going to an island to watch papa transform.” Mihawk is confused “what do you mean
transform?” “You know, the way he does with his fruit, with the wings and stuff.” Ace now
looks just as confused as Mihawk like his dad knows his papa does this right. “Ace, can you
take the snail to your papa so I can ask him about this.” “Sure”

Ace walks out the door snail in hand “Papa! It’s Dad! He wants to talk to you. I think he is
confused about your fruit thingy. What’s with your faces? Did I say something wrong?”

Everyone is surprised by Ace while Mihawk blushes over the snail and Luffy is just as
confused as Ace. Scarlett decides to tell him. “Well firecracker you called Mihawk Dad so we
are just a little surprise is all.” Now it's Ace’s turn to blush, he blushes so hard his neck is
changing colors and his voice is getting higher “WELL!Well!well! so what?! I’m getting a
drink.” Ace rushes into the cabin slamming the door after quickly passing the snail to his

Scarlett hears him apologize to Rex for the hard slam while Mihawk is still blushing on the
snail. “Love, are you okay?” Mihawk gives a muffled yes, Scarlett can only chuckle “still
having doubts now?”

During their last time together Mihawk has expressed his doubt about the kids liking him to
Scarlett and Scarlett had tried to reassure him the kids did in fact like him. Mihawk only lets
out a muffled no. “What did you want to ask Love?” Scarlett hears Mihawk moving around
while Sabo gets up to check on Ace while Luffy makes himself comfortable on Scarlett’s lap
to take a nap.

“What is this about that you can transform?” Scarlett could have sworn he told Mihawk about
his fruit. “Love, I have a zoan fruit so I have a beast form. The kids wanted to see it so I’m
taking them to an old base so they can see.” Mihawk goes quiet for a bit before speaking up
but still whispering “can I come too?”

Scarlett just smiles at the snail “of course Love let me get the coordinates.” Scarlett carries
Luffy and the snail into the cabin where Ace and Sabo are having their little talk and puts the
snail down next to his maps and starts reading out the coordinates to Mihawk.

After double checking Mihawk has the right ones “okay Love see you in a couple of weeks.”
“Yes see you soon, tell the boys I said bye.” Scarlett turns the snail to the boys who are still
awake “bye dad!” They both say, causing Mihawk to blush once again “bye kids” and hang
up. While Scarlett just laughs putting the snail back on the table and Luffy on the bed.

Chapter End Notes

So like I’m thinking about changing the title of this story and the series name but I don’t
know yet…. It might happen it might not but just a heads up

Also book 3 is coming along well after struggling with a few chapters I was able to
write so it’s almost done with the first act. So that is exciting.

Also I realize I never gave Mihawk’s reaction to sabo and Garp’s to luffy and sabo at
any point so if that is something you would like to see please let me know and i will add
it to the list of one shot ideas I have to write still.

Anyways on to the next chapter!

Time to play
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 27
Mihawk 25
Ace 5
Sabo 5
Luffy 3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“ So, you are calling him Dad from now on?Are you going to say it to his face when we see
him at the island?” Scarlett asked Ace while starting making dinner while Sabo was writing
in a new journal Scarlett got him as a gift and Luffy was napping while Ace was watching his
papa cook. Ace had a small blush and just shrugged his shoulders “I don’t know, it slipped.”
Scarlett just smiled while starting to cut some veggies, “it’s okay you know, we don’t mind.
Same goes for you Sabo. You can all us dad or papa we don’t mind.” Both boys nod looking
a little red, while Scarlett just smiled.

Two weeks passed Scarlett was right, the three boys on one ship was chaos, with the amount
of time one of the boys almost went overboard causing Rex to pop up more times then
Scarlett has ever known. But they loved it. Sabo was always asking about navigating while
Ace and Luffy ran around playing then dragging Sabo into their mischief. Luffy even found
his favorite spot, the bow of the ship, giving Scarlett small heart attacks every time he was
there. But Scarlett couldn’t help but smile when he saw the boys having so much fun.

Making it to the base, Scarlett couldn’t help but think back to how he and Roger first crossed
swords and had one of his favorite memories with Roger. Scarlett and the boys made it to
base and started to put things together such as beds and cleaning. The first day they spent
getting things together as they planned to be on the island for a few weeks and enjoy the end
of summer.
The first couple of days Scarlett had taken the boys flying with just his wings out not wanting
to show he beast form until Mihawk was there to join in on the fun. The boys loved it, Ace
and Sabo stayed on his back with Luffy in his arms and circled the sky and took dives closer
to the water but never falling. Scarlett was doing spins and tricks showing off enjoying the
laughter of his sons, feeling their joy.

After the end of the first week the boys had explored most of the island when they weren’t
flying with Scarlett and today were planning to head west of the island to an old cave that had
a small cove with many beautiful shells and stones much like the ones that are all around the

By the time everyone was ready and were walking out the door a voice reached their ears.
“Well you guys look ready for an adventure, mind if I tag along?” Scarlett turned to see his
Love waiting for them outside. Scarlett felt when he made it to the island 10 minutes ago and
was just waiting for him to reach the base.

With a big smile Scarlett walked next to Mihawk putting an arm around his waist pulling him
close “Boys meet Mihawk, Mi Vida meet our boys.” Scarlett can only smile, while everyone
stood quiet for a moment, Luffy was the first to say anything “you can come, the more the
better.” And started to walk in a random direction while Scarlett followed after him guiding
him the right way.

Calling over his shoulder “you heard the boy. Let’s go an adventure!” The boys followed one
on each side of Mihawk, slowly chatting with him while holding his hands. It was much like
their snail calls, full of stories and yelling and chaos in the background but Mihawk couldn’t
be happier.

The group was able to make it to the cave and just like Scarlett had told the boys it led to a
cove with a small shore filled with some of the most beautiful stones and shells. The group
enjoyed the cave and stayed for most of the day playing in the water and collecting stones
and shells. By the time the group made it back to base everyone was hungry so Scarlett and
Mihawk started making dinner while the boys got clean.
Finally having a moment alone Scarlett was quick to give Mihawk a deep kiss leaving
Mihawk breathless. Pulling away, Scarlett pulls Mihawk into a hug “I am so happy Love.
Today was amazing, I know you were worried but the way you were with the boys I felt like
my heart was going to burst. You are amazing with them Love.” Scarlett felt Mihawk smile
into his chest “Something smells like its burning!” Scarlett and Mihawk jump as Sabo’s voice
reaches them and quickly check their dinner.

Lucky for them it wasn’t too bad and they were able to save dinner. Much like lunch
everyone was talking and enjoying the stories that were told and the time flew by. When it
was time for the boys to sleep they went to their papa giving him a hug and saying good night
when the trio turned to Mihawk “good night boys.” The trio all nodded to each other then
rush at Mihawk almost knocking him down in their hug “good night dad!” Mihawk felt
himself start to blush as he returned their hug “good night.”

The trio moved back and headed to their room to sleep while Scarlett made his way to his
love pulling him into a hug and placing a small kiss on the top of his head. “Dear, I don’t
know how you survive them. I feel like I might die from their cuteness.” Scarlett just
chuckles because he knows the boys are listening at the door, well at least Ace and Sabo
were. “They are so precious and did you hear? They called me dad again. Gosh it was like
my heart busted. I can’t wait to spend time with everyone.” Scarlett just smiled and held
Mihawk closer. “Haha come Love, let’s sleep tomorrow will be exciting for everyone.”


The following morning Scarlett woke up to such a lovely sight. It seems the boys decided to
join the couple in bed. Luffy was laying on Mihawk’s chest with Sabo on Mihawk’s right side
holding onto Mihawk’s shirt. And Ace on Scarlett’s left side face pressed into his chest and
drooling a little but Scarlett wants this to be forever. He allows himself to enjoy this quiet
morning with all his boys for a while before deciding to get up and get ready for the day.
Scarlett was reading some paperwork from one of his bars in the north blue on the small
couch when he noticed a small head of black hair with messy curls walk up to him. Scarlett
opens his arms and sure enough Ace crawls into his lap and lays back down just to rest while
Scarlett goes back to reading his papers. After Ace the others followed, all joining them on
the small couch as everyone slowly started to wake up. After a bit Scarlett worms himself out
of the morning cuddle and heads to the kitchen to start breakfast while encouraging the others
to wash up and get ready for the day.

After everyone is well fed and dressed for the day, the group heads out to the large field
where Roger and Scarlett first spared not far from the base. Scarlett walks a little further
away while the others stay in the spot he pointed for them to stand. Scarlett gives the group a
warning to not scream and gets confused looks in return; he only smiles and allows his body
to change.

It was only a few seconds he once stood his 6’10ft tall with a human body but now in his
beast form he is 12ft tall with huge wings colored in golds and browns that reach the floor
attached to his back, with his large talons as his front legs and his paws as his back legs with
his tail slowly swinging behind him. Scarlett sits down and allows the boys to take him all in.

“You can touch and if you guys want we can all go flying.” The group looks at Scarlett in
awe. The boys are the first to more already touching everywhere while they try to climb him
like little monkeys. While Mihawk just watches with a sweet smile looking over his love.
Mihawk knew his love had a devil fruit but he never thought to ask about it and now he can
only think just how beautiful Scarlett is.

After everyone got over the shock of seeing Scarlett the boys were ready to fly. Scarlett could
only chuckle at the boys and placing them on his back and adding Mihawk as well. Once
everyone was secure on his back. Scarlett turned his head to the side and gave simple rules.
“Okay everyone hold on tight to each other and to my back don’t let go. Also try not to
wiggle too much. I would hate for anyone to fall. When we land you will be dizzy so wait
until I put you down myself before you move.” Everyone nods to the rules and once Scarlett
is sure everyone is good, he takes to the sky.
Everyone loved flying with Scarlett. After getting to the sky and gliding around to allow
everyone time to adjust, the boys wanted to go fast and for him to do tricks. And Scarlett the
weak man he is to his boys he simply follows and the group enjoy every second of it. After
spending the rest of the morning flying around their small island. Scarlett returns back to the
field and starts picking up everyone with his beak and placing them to sit on the grass and
wait for the dizziness to wear off.

Scarlett transforms once again once everyone is back on the ground looking down at his
family as they catch their breaths all with big smiles on their faces that Scarlett returns and
joins the group all for them to join him and just cuddle until its time to make a late lunch and
Scarlett couldn’t be happier.

Chapter End Notes

Time jump next chapter! It’s only a year but still a jump just a heads up
The call
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 28
ace 6
sabo 6
luffy 4
Mihawk 26
Rose 22

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The family enjoyed their vacation till its end, time continued on. Mihawk returned to the
grand line but still calls his boys almost every week who spend hours talking to their dad and
meets Scarlett when he goes to the grand for work. Ace and Sabo celebrated their 6th
birthday together at the beginning of the new year surrounded by people who loved them
deeply, as well as Scarlett celebrating that Sabo was now living with him permanently after
they talked about it. And Scarlett showed all three boys Ace’s baby book and snail as he did
every year for Ace’s birthday.

The pair of boys started to cause chaos in the grey terminal and Hightown much to Scarlett’s
enjoyment. Garp even visited for Luffy's 4th birthday and stayed for a while giving the boys
some light marine training, away from Scarlett trying to keep it a secret. But Scarlett knew
and didn’t want to fight the old man with the kids around but did tell the old man he would
kick in his teeth if he kept talking about making the boys join the marines when they are still

It was summer once again before Scarlett knew it. He and the boys got home from their
hunting base after gathering wood for the boys to build a treehouse. Ace and Sabo were
whispering about spots to hide their treasure they had been gathering. While Luffy was
talking off Scarlett’s ears about the bugs he had found that day on Scarlett’s back when they
made it home to the sound of a snail ringing. Everyone just stopped for a moment before
Luffy was back on the ground and joined his brothers who were in the kitchen grabbing food
while Scarlett made his way to the snail sitting in the living room.
Scarlett picks up the phone confused on who it can be as Mihawk had called in the beginning
of the week and Rose wasn’t going to call until the following week. “Red, I got news.” It was
Rose, Scarlett became tense and took the snail into his bedroom, closing the door. “What
happened?” Scarlett finally answered, he could hear Rose taking deep breaths before he
started to speak. “I am going under and I won't be able to contact you at any point.” Scarlett
couldn't help but think it was weird Rose never told him before when he went undercover so
why now?

“Rose, why are you telling me this? You never have before, what is really going on?” “I am
going undercover to take down my brother.” Scarlett felt the air leave his lungs, he froze for a
second and was going to tell Rose how this was a bad idea but he stopped himself. Scarlett
knew Doflamingo was on the rise in the north and making a name for himself.

Scarlett also knew Rose felt some responsibility for his older brother's actions and knew with
Rose’s years with the marines he felt the need to bring his brother to justice, to protect others
from his brother. Scarlett could only take a deep breath “you better call me when you go
rogue and leave him in the dust. No matter what, Rose don’t fall too deep into his mess that
you lose yourself. That you lose us, remember I, no We are your home, your family, you
come back to us understood.”

Scarlett can hear Rose starting to cry but Rose answers back “understood Scar, I will call if I
leave.” Scarlett only shakes his head. “ Okay, would you like to talk to the boys or do you
have to get ready?” Scarlett can hear Rose walking around until he hears a door shut, “can I
talk to them before I go?” Scarlett can only get up taking the snail into the kitchen where the
boys are eating away.

“Boys, Rose wants to talk to you guys.” The boy's heads snap to their father with big smiles
“ROSE!” They shout with much joy running to the snail each talking over each other. While
the snail smiles back as Rose listens, picking up every word the boys say. Rose had yet to
meet the boys in person but always talked to them through snail call and only saw them in the
pictures Scarlett sends him now and then. They have grown to love Rose; he has always
called to tell them stories and talk to Scarlett over the years.
As the group all took turns talking to Rose it was after a couple of hours, did Rose give his
final goodbyes to the boys telling them he had a big job to do so he wouldn’t be able to call
for a while. The boys accepted that and just told him to be safe before going to play.

Scarlett made sure the boys were out of his hearing range before turning the snail to him one
last time “take care of yourself Rose, you hear.” “Yeah I hear you, take care Scar.” Both
stayed on the line not wanting to hang up sitting in silence before Scarlett spoke in a softer
voice “don’t die on me kid, I love you too much to lose you understood.”

Rose lets out a small chuckle “not a kid anymore but I love you too.” Scarlett only nods,
taking a breath, “I really have to get ready now, bye Red.” “Bye Rose.” The line cuts after,
Scarlett can only stare at the now sleeping snail and only hope that Rose can call him when
the time comes.

Scarlett feels someone place a hand on his arm turning to see Ace standing beside him with a
concerned look. “Rose will be fine, he is strong like papa.” Scarlett can just smile at his son
pulling him into a hug and showering with kisses. “You are right, Rose is strong, come on
let's go see Makino at the bar.” Ace only nods once he is sure his papa is not sad anymore and
gives him a big hug before getting his brothers to get ready to head out.

Chapter End Notes

Time jump next chapter of 4 years!!!

He is finally here
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

March XXXX

Scarlett 31
Ace 10
Sabo 10
Luffy 6
Makino 22

Mihawk 29
Shanks 25

BANG! “ RISE AND SHINE BOYS!” Scarlett yells slamming the boys bedroom door open
causing the boys to roll out of the beds with a freight. “Ugh what do you want?” Ace
grumbles from his place on the floor face down. While Sabo is sitting watching while Luffy
hangs off his bed falling back to sleep. “Something is happening today and we have to get
ready. Ace you can’t complain you would wake me at these hours when you were smaller. It's
only fair that I do the same.” “Ugh!” Ace grumbles slowly moving up while Scarlett fixes
Luffy so he doesn’t fall. While Sabo smiles, getting up waiting to get his morning hug from
Scarlett. Once Scarlett is done he gives his boys their morning hugs and tells them to get
ready for the day and heads down to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Scarlett feels Sol and Rex sitting at the table when he walks into the kitchen both watching
him like a hawk but still are talking just whispering to each other while Scarlett starts to
make French toast. Scarlett starts to think about what is heading to the island and can’t help
but be excited. He woke up after only four hours of sleep even after all these years he still
can’t get a full night's sleep.

When he just felt something was coming and it was going to be exciting. “You know if you
keep smiling into space we are going to think you are going crazy.” Rex finally spoke up
from the table and Sol was no longer by his side. “You already know I am crazy, it would be
nothing new.” Scarlett throws a smile over his shoulder and goes back to flipping the toast.
“You are right, so what’s got you all excited this morning? You are too happy to be up this
early.” Scarlett puts the toast and pan off the hot plate and turns to Rex.

“I don’t know,my gut says something is coming and I can’t help but be excited.” Rex just
nods knowing not to question Scarlett about his gut because it’s just pointless to him. “Okay.
Try not to burn the food again.” Scarlett's eyes go wide and double checks the food to make
sure he didn’t burn the food, he didn’t. While Rex laughs and disappears.

The boys are now all up and ready for the day eating breakfast, Scarlett joins them after
making sure there is enough for everyone while drinking his coffee. He thinks over the plans
for the day, he was going to start the boys training with haki as Ace and Sabo both turned 10
only last month and have been doing very well with their training. But with something
heading for the island he decides it can wait, so he figures it would be best to stay near the
house instead of going to the woods. After giving it some more thought Scarlett comes up
with a plan for the rest of the morning as it is just 8 in the morning. “Boys, when you are
done get your pipes we are sparring in the front today.”

“Are we going against you?” Ace asked with his mouth full and stars in his eyes while the
other two were the same way. Scarlett only chuckles and nods his head. Scarlett doesn’t
always join in on the sparring he would rather just give out pointers but today he decides he
would be joining them a lot more in their sparring. The boys all scream with excitement they
love when Scarlett joins them as he makes it harder and more fun for the trio. “Alright settle
down and finish your breakfast and we can get started.”

Breakfast ended fast after that and the boys were ready with their pipes while Scarlett was
ready with Rex in staff mode. Scarlett tends to hold back a lot with the boys but he will stop
holding back. All three boys charge him head on and their spar beings. They keep going the
rest of the morning with Scarlett giving tips to each boy and taking small breaks. The boys
manage to get a few hits on Scarlett but he was able to get them down more.

It was closer to noon when they took a small break and Scarlett felt someone powerful in his
range of haki. Scarlett stopped his sentence and wiped his head to the sea searching for the
boat, he had a big smile on his face. The boys follow their papa but don’t see anything, “what
is it papa?” Sabo asks from Scarlett’s right side looking up at the taller man.
Scarlett pulls away from the sea and answers, putting a hand on Sabo's head messing up his
hair. “It’s coming soon, boys go clean up and let's head to Makino’s for lunch.” The boys
head back inside the house while Scarlett turns back to the sea with a smile. Rex appears on
his side following Scarlett and looking out to sea. “What is coming, little one.” “Someone we
have been waiting for.”

The group all race down the streets head to the bar with Ace and Sabo in a tie with Luffy not
far behind them and Scarlett of course leading them through the streets. Everyone in the
village just watches and smiles at the small family as they pass them. Scarlett of course
makes it first with Ace beating Sabo by a little bit and Luffy coming in last. Makino watches
the group all try to catch their breath pouring them glasses of water. “You are such a child
Scar.” She says with a smirk handing him his glass while he just sticks his tongue at her. The
boys take their glasses and head to ‘their’ table which they always sit at whenever they come
asking Makino about lunch while Scarlett just watches from the bar.

”Papa, do you feel that?” Luffy asks from his seat looking towards the doors. “Someone is
coming.” Scarlett can only smile, Luffy is starting to show he has amazing observation haki.
It’s nothing like Scarlett’s yet but he could get there with time. “Yes, someone is. Not long
before they are here.” Sabo and Ace look confused looking between Luffy and their papa.
“How do you know?” Sabo asks.

Scarlett moves, taking a seat at the table when Makino comes back with lunch. “There is
something called Haki, it’s a power a lot of people use when they are on the grandline. It is a
crazy power that can make you very strong. I planned on teaching it to you boys today but I
put it on hold. When we start training I will explain it more.”

The group changes the topic and goes back to eating with Makino joined them as the bar
becomes empty, it was a slow day. Scarlett was helping Makino pick up when he felt the very
person he was waiting for. Scarlett couldn’t help but smile. “Luffy go, I can feel your
excitement from here.” Luffy looked at his papa who gave a nod and he took off. “Where is
Luffy going?” “To get someone, you two help with the dishes,Makion can you make sure
Uncle doesn’t do anything stuipd.” She gives him a glance and heads out after Luffy.
Luffy finally makes it to the docks and sees a big ship and its crew coming down. He watches
as a man with fiery red hair and a straw hat talking to another man with a long ponytail
smoking and turns to look at the ship. It was a lot bigger than the Rex and it had people
moving back and forth.

Luffy was lost looking at the ship; he didn't notice the red-haired man with a straw hat was
behind him until he spoke. “She is amazing isn’t she.” “Yeah she is amazing but she can’t
beat papa’s boat. Papa’s has the best boat.” Luffy turns to face the red haired man who looks
amused at the little boy. “Are you guys pirates?” The man just laughs “yes we are but we are
on vacation. We could use the break.”

“Do Pirates take vacations?” Luffy asked, looking up at the man confused. “Yeah some do,
hey do you know a place where we can get food and drinks, maybe somewhere to sleep?”
Luffy gave him a big smile that melted the man’s heart. “Yup, go to Patty’s bar, the best food
in town, but there is nowhere to sleep here.” The man gave the boy a smile “can you tell me
where it is?” Luffy just laughed, grabbing the man’s hand and pulling him towards the road.
“Haha just follow me, I will take you.”

“No you won’t Luffy, let go of that man’s hand.” Luffy stopped and turned to his uncle.
“Why?” Woop Slap ignored Luffy watching the man “your kind is not welcome here pirate.”
Luffy looked at his uncle mad, why would he say that and when he was going to ask but
Makino stepped in. “Now, now Mayor, that is not how we treat newcomers.” Makino stepped
next to Woop Slap looking at the man who was still holding Luffy’s hand.

“As long as they don’t cause trouble I don’t see what’s wrong about having them here,
especially since ‘he’ is here Mayor and can handle them if they cause trouble.” Woop slap
just nods and goes back to taking his afternoon stroll. Makino turns back to Luffy “Luffy did
you ask to hold his hand? We talked about asking first before grabbing people.” Luffy’s eyes
go wide and turn to ask the man but the man cuts him off.
“Don’t worry miss, he is fine, he was taking me to a bar.” Makino nods and gives him a
smile. “Ah it seems I will be busy then, my name is Makino I run Patty’s Bar.” “Name is
Shanks, nice to meet you.” “And I’m Luffy” The pair giggled at the boy. “Let’s go Makino,
he needs to be there.” Makino gives Luffy a smile and heads back to the back telling them to
follow her.

Luffy lets out a laugh, and turns to the rest of the crew that was behind him “come on let’s go
everyone.” Shanks laughs “you guys heard the boy lets go.” Luffy starts to walk fast still
holding Shanks’s hand talking about random things as they make it to the bar Luffy lets go
making it to the door blocking the crew from entering.

“What’s going on kid?” Shanks ask with a smile that matches Luffy’s. “Wait here, I need to
check first. Please wait” Luffy heads inside closing the door and looks for his papa. His papa
and his brothers are at the bar talking about something when Luffy is sure they would still be
there. He opens the door and gets Shanks with a big smile “Come in! Come in!”

Shanks has a feeling he knows what the boy is doing and goes along with it. “Papa! I’m
back!” Scarlett turns with a big smile looking at his nephew. “It’s about time your ass is
here.” Scarlett moves and pulls Shanks into a big hug while the pair laugh. “ Come in
everyone! Makino We got a full bar!”
Finally meeting at last
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 31
shanks 25
ace 10
sabo 10
luffy 6
Makino 22

As the crew made ways to sit around the bar Makino got to work with the help of Scarlett
who was tending the bar while catching up with Benn as Ace was talking to Lucky Roux
about food, Sabo talking to Building Snake about navigating while Shanks and Yasopp were
telling stories after stories to Luffy before Scarlett knew it the boys had talked to the whole
crew. Everyone was having a blast with the red hair pirates and even the town started to
warm up to them after seeing the boys and Scarlett at ease. The party went on from after
lunch well into the late night.

It was already 3 in the morning. The only ones left in the bar were the boys, Scarlett, Benn,
Shanks, Lucky Roux, Yasopp, and Makino who started to clean. Luffy had already fallen
asleep in Scarlett’s arms while Sabo was picking at Benn’s brain for more knowledge about
the grand line with Lucky Rox and Yasopp joining in.

While Ace and Shanks sat in silence watching the rest of the group, Scarlett could see Ace
kept opening and closing his mouth, not sure how to start. Scarlett knows he could give him a
push but Scarlett knows it's something Ace has to do on his own. Ace heads turn to his
papa’s, probably feeling his gaze from across the table, Scarlett can only nod giving him a
small smile of encouragement.
Ace took a few deep breaths then tugs softly on Shanks’s sleeve. Shanks of course knew the
boy was gathering the courage to talk to him about something so it was no surprise when he
finally did. Ace started in a soft whisper trying not to get the attention of the other end of the
table. “Can I ask you something?” Shanks turns his head to the side giving him a smile “sure
kid, lay it on me. Ask away.”

Shanks waited patiently as Ace was slowly looking between his papa and Shanks, Scarlett
could only smile at his boy. “Can you tell me about mom and dad?” The bar fell silent around
the three, Shanks’s eyes grew wide as he looked between Ace and Scarlett, “what? you think
he doesn't know? I made sure my boys know they have family.”

Shanks can only shake his head with a smile and turns back to the boy, who looks nervous
“so what do you want to know?” “Well papa and Bugs say dad was kinda dumb and mom
was the smarter one and they were very brave people.” Shanks could only smile “well they
aren’t- wait bugs as in Buggy you met him already.” Scarlett and Ace both nod “yeah he
dropped by when i was away a few years ago, he has tried to write to us a couple times since
then.” Scarlett thinks of how proud he is of Buggy who is growing his own network across
the east blue slowly making its way around.

“Ugh! Now I own him berries now, but back to the point. Yes, mom was very smart and kind
while Dad was a wild card, I will never understand how mom fell for him, wait Scar do you
know?” Scarlett could only smile “nope I never found out, it will be one of the biggest
mysteries.” Ace can only smile, turning back to Shanks “do you know how they meet?” Ah,
Scarlett realized he hadn’t told Ace that story yet but Shanks knows the story so he will let
take the lead. Shanks looks at Scarlett for approval who gives the okay.

“Yeah I do, mom told all of us one night because we asked. You know she was an amazing
card player, the best in the world, she was at a bar playing cards leaving everyone with
nothing, when Rayleigh and Roger walked in and Roger was in love at first sight. Roger
made his way to the table and it was just the two playing a round of cards and started talking.
Mom said all Roger did was say really bad pick up lines and he was really bad at flirting and
was really bad at cards.” Shanks and Scarlett both had smiles thinking about their family.
“Roger was never good at cards, everyone on the crew kicked his ass at cards but he loved it.
No matter how many berries he lost.” Scarlett chips in while Shanks thinks back on the
moments he and buggy would play with their dad and win.
“Anyways after that night they just always seemed to find each other island after island and
would play cards until the night grew long. And overtime Mom said she didn’t know what
happened but they fell in love and you came along and they were so excited then the rest is
history.” Ace has a smile by the time Shanks is done and can’t help but wish he got to spend
time with them. “You know you look a lot like them. More dad than mom but still it's a good

Ace gives him a big smile “yeah papa says the same thing when we look at the pictures.”
Shanks turns to Scarlett with a raised eyebrow but his eyes are filled with hope. “What
pictures?” Scarlett could only smile “ I took pictures over the years with Roger and with all
of us during our time on Windrise. Come by tomorrow and we can look at them.” Scarlett
sees Sabo and Ace try to hide their yawns but Scareltt thinks it's for them to sleep while he
talks to Shanks and his crew. “Makino mind if we crash here?” “Don’t even ask. boys you
know where everything is, head on up.”

Ace and Sabo both whine while everyone chuckles as Shanks speaks up “don’t worry boys
we will be here for a while we can talk more tomorrow.” Sabo and Ace both say good night
and give their papa their night time hugs and Scarlett asks Makino to head on up and if she
could take Luffy with her as he would finish closing for her as he needs to talk to Shanks and
his crew. She just rolls her eyes and takes the sleeping boy and heads upstairs turning to

With the boys and Makino gone it is only Scarlett, Shanks, Benn, Lucky Roux and Yasopp.
All look confused as to why Scarlett wants to speak to them alone but don’t question it and
simply move closer to the older man. Shanks, Benn, Lucky Roux on one side and Scarlett
next to Yasopp on the other side. “I do hope that what was said tonight stays between us, I
would hate to kill you.” Scarlett said deadly serious Yasopp and Roux eyes go wide while
Shanks and Benn are trying to hold in their laugh.

“ Pfft haha, why must you always threaten my crew.” Scarlett just shugs and turns to Yasopp
who looks a little pale but still meeting Scarlett’s gaze. Scarlett takes a deep breath and
crosses his arms trying to look intimidating “go home Yasopp.” Shanks and Benn stop
laughing when they hear how serious Scarlett sounds.
While Yasopp gets over his shock and goes to question Scarlett as he doesn’t take orders
from anyone but his captain“Don’t, Yasopp your family will need you. Take your doctor and
get going, as Shanks said you are on vacation. Just go, it's a week trip to Syrup Village.” The
more Scarlett speaks the paler Yasopp gets as he hasn’t said anything about his family he
looks at his capitan for answer as Shanks only stares hard at Scarlett with a look Yasopp can’t

The group just waits until Shanks finally speaks “is it your foresight? What did you see?”
Scarlett turns to face Shanks’s head on nodding “nothing good, something that would only
bring pain. I don’t know when but something could be done now that you are here.” Yasopp
looks more worried and confused “what the hell are you talking about?!” Scarlett and Shanks
give up whatever staring contest they have.

Shanks is the first to look away, turning to the rest of the table. “Scarlett has one of the best
observation haki in the world, he can see glimpses of the future. For him to tell you to go,
Yasopp, you should listen. He has never been wrong. Take Doc and two others and get going.
Take your time with your family. We don't plan on sailing for a few months, so we will be
here.” Yasopp looks around the table and sees Benn and Roux both nod and he looks at
Scarlett “how bad does it get?” Scarlett takes a breath “ it's not good but just get going as i
don’t know when the future i saw will happen and if it will happen.” Yasopp nods and looks
at his captain “cap, can i really go?” Shanks gives him a smile “yes go.” Yasopp gives his
thanks and heads out racing against the clock.

Once Yasopp is out the bar Scarlett drops down onto the table laying his head down taking
deep breaths. He had been waiting all day to speak to Yasopp about it and kept losing the
man when he tried to speak to him. As Scarlett decompresses Shanks gives him a few
moments before asking “what did you see Uncle?” “ Sigh I saw a dead woman and a lonely

Roux and Benn both go pale as they knew Yasopp had a wife and kid back at his home
village while Shanks moves to the other side of Scarlett and pulls him into a side hug “When
did you know?” Scarlett almost fell into the other, taking the comfort. “The moment you
walked into the bar, I wanted to tell him but he is a slippery fellow, couldn’t get him alone.”
Shanks hums as he rubs circles on Scarlett's back much like Scarlett did for him when he
would wake up from nightmares over the loss of his father.
“Thank you for telling us Scarlett, now we can only hope he can make it.” “Yeah yeah,
anyways get going, I have to lock up and it's late. I can see the gears turning in your head.
Benn, you can ask questions tomorrow.” Benn nods and he and Roux leave, giving Shanks
and Scarlett privacy.

Shanks helps Scarlett pick up their table and clean up a little before Scarlett pushes Shanks to
the front door. “Go sleep, I will be fine, go I'm sure Benn is getting restless.” Shanks can only
smile but in the back of his mind he is worried. “Will you sleep?” Scarlett only rolls his eyes
“yes, I got up too damn early because I felt your ass miles away and I have three cuddle bugs
awaiting for me. So get going so I can sleep.” Shanks just giggles “okay, okay I’m going
good night uncle.” “Good night brat.”
Memories of the past
Chapter Notes

Content warning:none

Scarlett 31
ace 10
sabo 10
luffy 6
shanks 25

After a good night sleep surrounded by his little monsters Scarlett felt so rested he didn't feel
his little ones leave him alone while he could hear them making a mess in the kitchen.
Scarlett got cleaned up and headed out to see what mess his boys got into. “Luffy, no eggs
shells in pancakes!” Scarlett could only smile hearing Ace and Sabo talk very loudly at Luffy
who just giggles. Scarlett makes his way around the hall into the kitchen island.

“Well, you boys got up early.” The boy's head snapped up and looked surprised at Scarlett
“you weren’t supposed to be up yet.” Ace says with a pout “papa go away so we can surprise
you.” Luffy says with a big smile that Scarlett matches and takes a seat at the table, “continue
I will just sit here and wait. sound good.” The three just smile and continue to make what
looks like pancakes and shout at each other. Scarlett watches and lets his haki out,Makino is
already down stairs and it seems someone would be joining them.

“Do you boys want help?” “NO!” The three shout while Scarlett chuckles hands up “can I at
least make coffee?” Ace and Sabo both look at each having a silent conversation, and Sabo
starts making it for Scarlett and it doesn’t take long before it is in front of him. “Thanks
Sabo.” Who nods and goes back to helping when the door opens and in comes Shanks.

“Boys, we have a guest. Make sure we have enough.” The boys nod and go back to cooking
while Shanks looks amused and takes a seat next to Scarlett. “Morning boys! Morning
Scarlett, just going to let them handle all that?” Scarlett only nods “Yup they won’t let me
help so its best just to let them.”

They both fall into silence watching the brothers when Shanks whispers to Scarlett. “ mind
telling me how you got the other two?” Scarlett just smiles “later, when we look at the
pictures.” “It’s done!” And sure enough a stack of pancakes is placed on the table with juice
with a side of fruits and syrup. Everyone starts digging in, it's not bad, some are a little
burned or a little undercooked but it's still good. Breakfast went well, everyone having a good
time, the boys head out for the day most likely to go treasure hunting while Shanks and
Scarlett clean up.


The pair make small talk the whole time they clean and head to the Monkey household with
Benn now joining them. As they walk into the home Rex is waiting with a big smile and pulls
Shanks into a big hug “Ah my boy it has been far too long since I saw you haha.” “ HAHA
REX! It’s been too long! Wait REX?! What are you doing here!?” Scarlett laughs and moves
deeper into the living room heading to the bookshelf and opening a hidden compartment and
pulling out a big box that he keeps the photos while Rex explains to Shanks how he is here.

Benn and Shanks look amazed the more Rex speaks as they take a seat in the living room
while Scarlett runs upstairs to get Ace’s first baby book from his closet that has the photos
from Windrise. Scarlett makes it back down staries to see Benn and Shanks already looking
at photos and Rex bringing out tea for the group. Shanks smiles looking at the photos, mostly
at the boys but there are times where Shanks’s eyes get a far away look when it comes to
pictures of Roger and Scarlett from when he was younger.

The group talked about most things going on in the photos and enjoyed the peace at least
until Shanks opened an orange envelope that Scarlett doesn’t recognize. Shanks opens it up
and out comes photos of the night Ace was born. The photos are mostly of Rouge and Ace
when she had given birth and at the end of the stack was a photo Scarlett didn’t know was
taken. It is Scarlett holding Ace and Rogue in his arms as they both had small smiles before
Rouge was gone it seems the nurse took the photo. “Oh I didn’t know I had those.”
Shanks looks over them with sadness and love. Scarlett points to one photo of Rouge with
Ace in her arms “that was the moment she named him and told him she loved him.” He said
with a sad smile “and this one is a surprise to me, I guess the nurse took the photo of the three
of us.” While it is a sweet photo it brings back the moments after that hurt a little.

Shanks takes a deep breath placing down the photos leaning towards Benn’s side. “So will
you tell me about how you got two other sons?” Scarlett smiles “Sabo showed up while I was
away, Ace brought him home and he never left, not that I want him too, he is a good boy and
Luffy, well he was entrusted to me. He was just a few days old when he was brought to me
and the rest is history. Now I am a father to three boys that are chaos magnets, so it is never a
dull day.” Shanks smiles and lets out a laugh “yeah I can tell.”

Once he was done the sound of running footsteps and laughter reached the front door before
it slammed opened and three little bodies tumbled to the ground. “I told you I would win.”
Ace says out of breath. “ No way I won, Rex tell Ace I won.” Sabo speaks up also out of
breath when Rex appears in front of them “Luna said it was a tie boys.”

The boys whine but move from their place on the floor and move to sit with their papa. “Oh
hey Shanks and Benn.” Ace says as he sits down in his papa lap looking at the table with all
the photos. “Oh its mom.” He says with a smile he and the boys start looking as well as they
haven’t seen these photos either. “Where are these from papa?” Scarlett takes the photo of
Rouge holding Ace and brings it closer so they can all see and still hold Ace in his lap.

“These are from the night you were born and this photo is very special because your mom
named you in that moment. Her words were ‘I love you so much, Gol D. Ace.’ It’s nice
right?” Ace nods along looking at the woman he has seen but never met who looks at the
baby in her arms with so much love.

Everyone kinda just sat looking through the rest of the photos while Ace kept looking at the
photo still in his hands and turned to his papa “do you know why she named me Ace?”
Scarlett smiles down at him “yes, we talked about it. Her and Roger decide if you were a girl
your would be named Ann after Rouge’s grandma that passed away when she was younger
and Ace if you were a boy after Ace of spades the card that Rouge left Roger every time they
played as a promise for another round when they were to meet again.”

“That explains why there was never an Ace of spades in her decks when we played cards.”
Shanks speaks up from Benn’s side. Scarlett just nods “yup that's why we got a new deck
when we got to Windrise.” Sabo speaks up “where’s that?” “It’s a two day trip from here due
east, I have a base there and it's where we stayed when Rouge was pregnant most of the time.
It’s the place in the photos I show you guys on your and Ace’s birthdays in Ace’s baby
book.” The boys all oh. While before they fall silent and a loud stomach growl is heard.

The group falls into laughter and starts to move “let's head to the bar. I'm sure Makino can
make us something.” The boys cheer and head back out while Scarlett starts to pick up the
photos with the help of Shanks while Benn followed the boys. “ do you plan to take them to
Windrise?” Shanks asks after they are finished putting everything away and heads to the bar.

“Yes, next year for summer, it would be good for their training and they can practice their
sailing skills.” Shanks hums and Scarlett stops and turns to Shanks with a feral grin “want to
train the boys with haki with me?” Shanks laughs but nods anyway “yeah that is going to be
fun.” The pair laugh and head to the bar once again.
Dad takes a new title
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 31
mihawk 29
shanks 25
Ace 10
Sabo 10
Luffy 7
Makino 22

Two months have passed and the boys love having Shanks and the crew around. After Shanks
agreed to help with training the boys were excited and have been sparring against some of
Shanks crew but only the ones willing to get their asses kicked as the trio beat most of
Shanks’s crew to the point no else wants to go against them. And their haki training is
coming along perfectly. All three have gotten better at dodging more the five hits using
observation haki and Shanks and Scarlett are slowly working on incorporating armament haki
into their training like today as they wait for Yasopp’s arrival.

As it turned out, once Yasopp made it to his village and saw his family again his wife was
very ill and would have not made it another few months with the help she was getting from
the village doctors. It turns out she unknowingly exposed herself to harmful chemicals when
working on a project that was killing her. But Doc was able to counter it and was able to save
her before she got any worse. Yasopp expressed his gratitude to Scarlett over the snail call
thanking him for sending him home and he stayed for the rest of the two months spending
time with his family and was now joining Shanks once again.

“Alright boys that's enough for today, go clean up so we can call your dad.” The boys
cheered and with whatever tiredness they felt disappeared and they raced down to the
Monkey household. While Scarlett and Shanks slowly followed behind them, Scarlett had yet
to tell Shanks he was dating Mihawk and the boys kept calling him ‘feather’ his nickname
that Luffy gave him or dad so Shanks is still in the dark for now.

“Are you ever going to tell me who this ‘dad’ person is?” Shanks asks Scarlett with a pout
that Scarlett can’t help but laugh “one day maybe? But first you want to help pick out a
ring?” Shanks freezes and stops in the middle of the trail looking at Scarlett with wide eyes.
“Really?! A ring?!” “Of course, what? are you telling me you don't want Benn to do the same
for you?” Shanks goes red smacking Scarlett on the shoulder who just laughs.

“Okay okay enough, so will you help me?” Shanks keeps walking head “fine, i will help you
buy a ring for this mysterious man that has you wrapped around his finger.” Scarlett cheered
and both headed their separate ways Shanks to check on his crew and Scarlett headed home.

He walks into his boys clean as much as they could be and is already talking on the snail with
Mihawk. Scarlett listens to the boys talk about how the sparring is going and he can tell
Mihawk is filled with pride and awe at their boys. Luffy was in the middle of talking about
the beetle he found when he looked towards the hallway where his papa was with a big smile
“hi papa, want to say hi?” Scarlett chuckles and takes Luffy into his lap with a smile.

“hello love, the boys catching you up on everything?” Mihawk chuckles “Hello dear, yes
they were, Luffy how big was the beetle?” The boys go back and forth the whole time while
Scarlett chimes in every now and then adding to the stories. Until the boys grow hungry and
leave to the bar giving Scarlett and Mihawk privacy to be all lovey-dovey and gross as Ace

Once the boys are gone Scarlett turns to the snail once again “are they gone?” Mihawk
speaks in a more serious tone that confuses Scarlett “yeah they left, How are you doing
love?” Mihawk takes a breath and starts telling him about the marines that approached him
with the deal of being warlord and their purpose. Mihawk said he wanted to take the deal but
wanted to talk to Scarlett first. “I think you should do it if you want to. You would have
inside knowledge to the fucked up shit they do and they are just doing it to for show so I
doubt they will really ask you for anything.” Scarlett knows that Mihawk is thinking it over
and just waits for his love.
“I think I will do it.” “Okay love sounds good. Now that is out of the way, time for the real
question: do you miss me?” Mihawk lets out a laugh that has Scarlett’s heart fluttering.
“Always dear, any trips coming this way soon?” Scarlett thinks it over. “yeah maybe in the
new world, some islands need checking and i'm sure i will take a job soon i'll let you know.”
The two continue talking until Scarlett’s stomach makes itself known and Mihawk tells him
to go eat and the pair say their i love you’s and say their goodbyes.

Scarlett makes his way into the bar hearing Luffy asking for Shanks to let him go to sea with
him, of course Shanks tells him no and says he is too young for the sailing Shanks does again
since Luffy has asked him almost everyday since Shanks made it to the island. Scarlett just
shakes his head and takes a seat at the bar next to Benn who is talking to Ace while Sabo is
talking to Yasopp who has made it back. Scarlett could only think of the chaos that is heading
its way to the seas with the warlords, it should be interesting to see.
A lovely night together
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 31
Mihawk 29
shanks 25
Ace 10
sabo 10
luffy 7

Marco 32

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Another two months pass and Scarlett is ready to head to the new world. Currently Shanks is
out at sea but should be back in a day. So Scarlett will miss him but he is packed and ready to
head out. The boys were in the grey terminal searching for treasure after selling some animal
skins they had got during the week. It was easy for Scarlett to find them as they searched
through a pile.

All three turn fast at the sound of footsteps but loosen up at the sight of their papa. “Hey
boys i got a job, i'll be back in two months max.” The boys rush him getting in their hugs all
saying safe travels. “Okay, you guys stay wherever you want but just let Makino know if you
guys stay with Dadan or the treehouse okay.” The boys all nod “bye papa!” They say with
smiles that kill Scarlett’s heart. “Bye boys see you soon.” And Scarlett heads for the


Scarlett was able to pass the time and make it to the new world in two weeks with little to no
problems weather or pirate wise which is a win in his book. He makes a few stops before
reaching the island of La Bayas. Or the island of berries, they are known for their
winemaking and the perfect stop for Mihawk and Scarlett to have a date.

Scarlett was able to make it to port when he saw a ship that looked very familiar, but Scarlett
just put it into the back of his mind and searched for his love. Scarlett walks around looking
at the different stores and thinks of gifts he can get for his boys when Luna starts to walk next
to him. “There are guests at the end of the street making their way towards us. Head on out or
face them head on, making you late for Mihawk.” Scarlett hums and gives his thanks and
heads down an alleyway and hides his presence and takes to the roofs. Scarlett would deal
with them later and starts to search for his love. It is only a couple of seconds and Mihawk is
found in a store on the other side of the city so Scarlett takes off.

Scarlett finds Mihawk browsing a book store and decides to join him. He greets the shopkeep
and heads towards the back where his love is waiting. Making sure the shopkeeper is not
looking at them, Scarlett wraps his arms around Mihawk’s waist and places a soft kiss on his
lips. “Hello Love.” Mihawk wraps his arms around Scarlett’s neck hugging him close and
goes for another kiss that leaves them wanting more. “Hello dear.”

The two stand holding each other before they separate and Mihawk goes back to looking at
books now with Scarlett at his side while their four blades all take form and start talking
among themselves. Turns out the four together can get a bit chatty and loud but as long as
they aren’t trying to kill each other Scarlett and Mihawk leave them be as it’s up to them to
be heard by others.

The duo spend about another hour shopping at the bookstore before heading back to the Rex
and getting ready for their date night. Of course by the time they are done, Scarlett already
wants to eat Mihawk instead. As he is dressed in his signature white fluffy shirt that shows
off his chest just right with his tight black pants that make his legs amazing. With a deep red
jacket that matches Scarlett’s red button up shirt that is open much like Mihawk’s. And
matches Mihawk’s pants with his own tight black pants as well. Both take Sol and Yoru and
head out for dinner.

Scarlett leads the way to a really nice restaurant that has private rooms after pulling a few
strings so he and Mihawk can have some privacy on their date. They make it and are led into
a back room and it is very nice. They place their orders and the night continues with them
talking about everything and nothing at the same time, just enjoying each other. Scarlett
almost wants to ask Mihawk to marry him at this moment as he watches Mihawk laugh at a
story Scarlett was telling about the boys when the overhead light made Mihawk look angelic
taking away Scarlett’s breath.

Scarlett holds his tongue before he asks Mihawk to marry him as he wants to get Mihawk a
ring and do it properly not just blurt it out. After the almost slip the pair finished dinner and
their wine and headed out for a night walk not really tired yet. They walk through the night
market, just window shopping and giving comments about the things they see walking close

They stop at a stall with books that catch Mihawk’s eyes and Scarlett watches him with much
love. It is really easy to know he is head over heels for Mihawk because when he takes his
eye’s off Mihawk the older woman who runs the stall gives him a big smile and a thumbs up.
Scarlett blushes at being caught and turns away looking down the road when the yell of his
name reaches his ears. Scarlett only sighs as he recognizes the voice and glances at Mihawk
who is already looking at him “you handle it.” And Mihawk goes back to looking at books
moving a little down to the next section of books. Leaving Scarlett to deal with it.

“Ah Marco, it is good to see you.” Marco is now in front of him, still looking the same as he
last saw him with someone Scarlett hasn’t met before. “Scarlett, it is good to see you again.
How have you been?” “I'm good, work is all the same, care to introduce your friend?” Sol
and Yoru make themselves known behind Scarlett “see, this is the lovesick puppy I told you
about, still the same when it comes to Scarlett.” Yoru giggles while Marco introduces his

“this is Thatch our new 4th division commander and head chef. Thatch this is Scarlett a
friend of mine and Izou’s, who misses you by the way Scarlett.” Scarlett crosses his arms
unknowing, making his chest bigger and arms bigger making Marco start to have a little
blush while Sol and Yoru crack up about how red Marco is getting.

“You could have given him my snail number, you have it.” Marco rubs his neck not really
looking at Scarlett when Thatch sends a hard glare to where Sol and Yuro are standing. “After
what happened at the bar it didn’t seem like you wanted much to do with us.” Scarlett feels
the two behind him fall silent and watches Thatch; it doesn't take much for Scarlett to put it

“Well yeah at that moment I wanted nothing to do with you guys but that didn’t mean stop
being my friends. Also Thatch I apologize as you have to listen to the nonsense that was
going on behind me.” Thatch just nods while Marco looks confused as he sees no one behind
Scarlett. “It’s nothing, I mean they aren’t wrong but still not very nice you know.” Scarlett
nods and turns behind him to see Mihawk waiting for him, bag in hand.

“Well glad that is cleared up but if you will excuse me, I have to get back, and give Izou my
number please till next time you two.” The pair say goodbye and watch as Scarlett places an
arm around Mihawk’s waist and a kiss on his lips as they continue their date and leaves the
two in shock.

“That was Dracule Mihawk right?” Marco asks in a soft voice that Thatch almost missed it.
“Yeah, that is the world’s greatest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk.”Thatch pats Marco’s
shoulder “they look very close so good luck with that.” Marco glazes at Thatch and gives him
an evil smile “Thatch you have ten seconds to run.” Thatch laughs “okay and I am telling
Izou still so go ahead.” And Thatch takes off with Marco not far behind him.

Scarlett and Mihawk head back to Rex after their walk and fall into their night time routines,
both ready just to lay in each other's arms and talk late into the night till Mihawk falls asleep
while Scarlett thinks of a ring that would look amazing on Mihawk.

Chapter End Notes

After being together for like 6~7 years it’s about time we get Mihawk a ring right? I
think he deserves it ☺
while papa is away
Chapter Notes

Content warning: luffy hurts himself on purpose. Nothing to descriptive just warning
that it does happen!

Scarlett 31
mihawk 29
shanks 25
ace 10
sabo 10
luffy 7
Makino 22

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The same day Scarlett left the boys decided they wanted to stay in the treehouse so they made
their way to Makino bar’s to find Shanks had just returned, and everyone was in a good
mood. They boys hang around talking to the crew about their latest trip Ace and Sabo
listening to Rox and Yasopp tell them about the trip while Luffy bugs Shanks about joining
his crew.

The trio of boys stayed for a while before they decided to head out. Sabo was able to pull
Makino aside and let her know they would be staying at the treehouse and to ask Shanks if
she didn’t know where it was. When she questioned why they were staying there Sabo simply
said it was to test their skills. Makino was impressed with the boys and just reminded Sabo
she would be there if they needed anything.

Once the boys were gone Benn who was sitting at the bar watching Sabo and Makino talk he
asked her about it. “He was letting me know they would be staying at their treehouse until
Scarlett came back, to test their skills.” Benn nodded, it seemed like a good idea. “We’ll have
to see how long it takes Luffy to come back to the back.” Shanks said as he moved to sit next
to Benn joining in on the conversation.
Makino giggles “he will be back tomorrow, he is helping me make cake. Also thanks for
being patient with him. I don’t know why he is so adamant to sail with you. So thanks for not
just blowing him off.” Shanks simply shrugs his shoulders “he is a kid, so yeah they are
going to be annoying sometimes but he means well so I don’t mind, by the way where is
Scar? I haven’t seen him yet.”

Makino starts to clean glasses “he got a job and won't be back for a bit. He said two months
but I think he will be back in half that time, he never stays gone long.” Shanks rubs his chin
and turns to Benn “we leave when he comes back.” Benn simply nods his head and downs his
drink. Shanks asks for another one from Makino.


A month passes the boys stay in their treehouse and spend their days training, searching for
things in the grey terminal or spend the day at Makino’s which is were Ace and Sabo were
eating lunch with Makino while Luffy went to say hi to Shanks as he should be getting here
after a small trip to another island.

While Luffy's brothers were at Makino’s, Luffy was asking to join Shanks once again telling
him he could be just as tough and strong to join his crew. What Shanks and the rest of the
crew missed was Luffy grabbing a knife that was laying on a box and standing at the bow of
the ship. “Shanks, I will show you how tough I can be.” Shanks and the crew watch as Luffy
raises the knife. They tried to stop him but were too late. Luffy cuts himself just under his left
eye and cries. Doc and Shanks rush to him, taking the knife and telling him about how
reckless he was and how he could have lost his eye.

After Luffy comes down a bit Doc was able to stitch him up and the group went to Patty’s
only for the crew to meet a pair of angry brothers and an upset bartender once they saw
Luffy’s bandage. “What happened to you, Luffy?” Ace said, taking Luffy’s face into his
hands with Sabo next to him both looking at the cut and back at a nervous looking crew.
“Ha I was trying to show Shanks I was tough and cut myself.” Sabo and Ace knocked him
on the head. “OW! What was that for?!” Both brothers yelled. “For you being an idiot!”
Makino put down a glass of juice at the bar for Luffy while Ace and Sabo started to lecture
the crew and Shanks for leaving weapons out and for not watching Luffy properly like they
were asked each time Luffy went with them so this exact reason did not happen.

While Makino let the boy finish lecturing, Makino joined in and said she was limiting their
drinks for four days as punishment ,and they started to beg for forgiveness. Shanks fell
dramatically onto his knees “oh you are such a cruel woman.” And proceeded to fake cry
loudly getting a laugh out of the trio of brothers.


Another week passes, Ace and Sabo are out at the treehouse while Luffy is hanging out at
Makino’s with Shanks and the crew as they just got back from a small trip. Everyone is
having a good time watching Shanks and Luffy bicker about him joining Shanks. When the
bar door is kicked open and the bar falls silent, a group of bandits walk up to the bar, the
leader talking straight to Makino.

“So these are those pirates, look pretty dumb to me. We are Mountain bandits but we won't
trash the place, just sell us about ten barrels of booze.” Makino gives him a simple smile
“Sorry but I am out of alcohol.” The leader looks arounds “Really then what are they
drinking water.” Shanks speaks up for the first time “sorry it seems we drank this place dry.
Here you can have this bottle, it’s not open.”

The leader takes the bottle and slams it on the bar, breaking the bottle and makes a mess.
“Don’t insult me, I have a 5 million bounty, that bottle won’t even do for a bedtime drink.”
Shanks ignores him and turns to Makino “Makino can you give me a rag there is glass
everywhere.” Makino passes him one while Shanks starts to clean up. The leader knocks over
Shanks's plate of food and pour his drink on him. “Since you like to clean here you go.” The
bandits leave and Mianko helps Shanks get clean while the crew all laugh with Shanks.
Luffy is beyond mad and confused. “Why are you laughing, that's not funny!” The crew fall
silent watching the boy get worked up “No matter how strong they are or seem, you aren’t
men or pirates if you laugh at something like that!” Shanks looks at Luffy who is shaking “I
can understand how you feel but he only spilled booze on me, it's nothing to get mad over.”

Luffy turns away huffing “whatever!” And takes his seat looking at the box that is open with
a purple looking fruit Luffy starts to eat not really caring what it tastes like. While Makino
helps Shanks get clean they hear the sound of chewing coming from Luffy “what? Are you
angry eating?” Shanks asks Luffy who is ignoring him as he finishes the fruit.

Luffy gets up and starts to leave when Shanks grabs Luffy's arm “come one Luffy don’t be
mad, it-” Shanks starts talking while everyone watches Luffy arm stretch across the bar.
“WHAT!!” They all yell “What?” Luffy looks at everyone confused as Benn,Roux and
Shanks surround him.

“Luffy, did you eat something that looks like this?” Roux shows a picture of the fruit Luffy
ate and he nods his head while Yasopp yells that the box is empty. Shanks grabs Luffy by the
shoulders “do you know what you have done?! You ate a devil fruit! You will no longer be
able to swim!” Shanks moves to pick Luffy up by his legs and starts to shake the boy “spit it
out!” But Luffy simply fell to the floor while Shanks held his legs. Benn takes Luffy from
Shanks and holds him on his hip and stares at Shanks “ that is enough, what’s done is done.
Sorry about that Luffy, you seem like you gave him a scare.” Luffy just shugs and gets down
from Benn.

Luffy stays at the bar with the rest of the crew by the time Ace and Sabo come in most of the
crew makes way for the two as they know someone is going to get a beat down from what
happen with Luffy who is sitting at the bar eating another piece of cake Makino saved for
him. “Why are you guys acting like we killed someone?” Ace asks confused when Sabo
speaks up “well, I mean we did but that wasn’t today.” Ace knocks him in the head “we don’t
tell people about that.”

While the crew already hiding make a run for it, leaving behind Shanks and his close circle
which is Benn, Roux, Yasopp. Ace and Sabo standing in the middle of the bar both blocking
the exit with pipes in hand. “What happened?” Luffy is the first to speak “I ate a devil fruit.”
The adults tense waiting for the pair of brothers to blow up but nothing happens, the boys put
away their pipes and move to Luffy and knock him on the head.

“You idiot don’t eat things that look weird.” Sabo says watching the men let out a breath.
Sabo turns to them while Ace takes some of Luffy cake. “What? Did you force him to eat it?”
Of course the men start to explain but Sabo just waves them off and takes a seat next to his
brothers while he sees the crew peeking in from the door.

“ exactly, Luffy did it to himself, he should know better, but he is Luffy what can you do.”
The crew start to come back in and start to relax before Ace speaks up “but who knows what
papa will do when he finds out you let Luffy eat it.” The brothers watch the crew panic once
again while Benn looks at the three boys all with feral smiles “you boys like that you scare
them, your dad won’t do anything to them.” The boys just giggle going back to eating cake.

Chapter End Notes

Luffy gets his scar and his devil fruit and we are slowly getting to the end. Which is
making me a little nervous but I do hope you guys are enjoying the story.

Also just a heads up updates might be weird the rest of this week and next week!

There might be a chapter then none for the two days things like that. Or I might do
multiple chapters in a day and not post the rest of the week. Things like that. Just keep
an eye out.
What did I come home too?
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 31
Shanks 25
Ace 10
Sabo 10
Luffy 7

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The sun rose another day, Shanks had left once again to Windrise to see some people he said
as they would only be gone a couple of days after Luffy the fruit. The trio of brothers had
spent the last few days with Makino as Ace and Sabo had to keep a closer eye on Luffy who
trouble seems to find.

Luffy had gone to the Monkey household to grab some clothes while Ace and Sabo went to
the market to get groceries leaving Makino with the promise to be back soon. However when
Luffy made it back to the bar Makino sat crying on the bar floor with most of the tables
broken and the bar was trashed. Luffy was beyond angry it wasn’t hard for him to know who
did it, he dropped his bag and set out for those damn mountain bandits.

Luffy was able to find them not far and stretched his arm throwing a punch that landed hitting
one of them. “FIX THE BAR!HOW DARE YOU!” Luffy's arm returned and he kept walking
closer to the bandits were ready to fight. “Well, well if it isn't the brat that hangs with the
pirates.” The leader spoke up “FIX THE DAM BAR! AND PAY FOR ALL THE FOOD
AND DRINKS!” Luffy yelled at the leader while some of the villagers started to watch and
someone ran to get Makino.

The leader grabbed Luffy by his collar and brought him close to his face, “what did you say
brat?” Luffy slowly turning red from anger but spoke in a calm voice “I said pay for the
damages and food.” The leader let out a laugh “No.” Luffy eyes twitched and spat at the man,
it landed on his left cheek causing the man to back hand Luffy and drop him to the floor and
put his foot on Luffy’s head.

“Let him go, he is a child!” Woop Slap yelled as he made his way to the front of the crowd of
villagers who could only watch in horror. Woop Slap begged for Luffy to be let go.

While Makino showed up behind him looking just as scared as him. “Let him go!” She
shouted with tears running down her face as she watches Luffy struggle to get free.

The Leader simply ignored them and started to push down harder on Luffy’s head. Ace and
Sabo saw a crowd near the bar and were going to leave them but heard the people say Luffy
was getting hurt the boys dropped their bags and pushed through the crowd next to Woop
slap and were angry to see Luffy like that. But the boys knew they couldn’t do much without
their pipes that they left at the bar. “Let him go!” Woop slap kept begging the more Luffy
Struggled to get loose.

“So this is why no one greeted us at the bar.” Shanks' voice rang throughout the road. The
crowd separated, letting Shanks and his crew through. “Luffy, I thought your punches were
pistols,” “Shanks!” Shanks walked closer to them before the leader told him to not come
closer. Shanks simply didn't listen and kept walking while talking “I don’t care if you spill a
drink or food at me, I don't care if you do anything to me, but you don’t mess with my family
or friends.”

A bandit came out of a side alley putting a gun to the side of Shanks’s head. “Boss said not
any closer.” Shanks kept his eyes on the leader “ Pistols aren’t threats. They are actions! Are
you willing to risk your life?” Shanks said as a Bang! rang out and the Bandit fell down next
to Shanks. “That wasn’t fair!” The group of bandits shouted as Lucky Roux reloads his pistol.

The other bandits started to shout but Shanks kept his cool “Fair, Ha who do you think we
are? Saints! We are Pirates!” He shouts as he pulls out his gryphon and the rest of Shanks's
crew moved heading straight for the bandits. As Shanks heads for the leader, the coward
throws down a smoke bomb and disappears with Luffy.
After a very short fight“We took down everyone, captain.” Doc said coming up to Shanks
who is searching for Luffy. “Shanks! You got to find Luffy!” Ace and Sabo came running up
to him pulling on his clothes both shaken and worried about Luffy.

“I think I feel them at the docks! You have to get him Shanks! Luffy can’t swim!” Ace begs
Shank who keeps him cool looking at the boys. “Okay I will head to the docks, Roux stay
with them. Ben and Doc with me.”


”LET ME GO! SHANKS IS GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!” Luffy yells at the leader as he
is thrown into the small boat sailing out of the cove. “Quiet brat or I will throw you
overboard and let you drown!” As the guys paddles faster getting away further from the
docks. Luffy listens trying to think of a way to get out of here when the boat gets rocked,
throwing both of them out of the boat. Luffy tries his best to swim but he feels so weak and
can’t move.

He tries to move but can't and just as he was going to give up someone pulls him up and to
the surface he takes a breath of air. “HAHAHAH, I will still get away brat!” As the leader
gloats he misses the sea king rising out of the water and heads straight for the leader and
moves to Luffy who was pulled out of the way. Luffy is crying into Shanks chest while the
sea king and Shanks stare at each other. “GET LOST!” Shanks yells, sending a wave of
conqueror's haki causing the sea king to leave.

“It’s okay Luffy.” “Shanks!” Luffy tries to cling to Shanks as best as he can, trying to hold
Shank’s arms but he feels something different. Luffy opens his eyes and sees Shanks’s left
arm is gone and starts a whole round of tears.

A few of the crew fished out Luffy and Shanks and quickly get Shanks to Doc so they can
start to operate on Shanks. Yasopp pulls Luffy from Shanks and holds him, trying to comfort
the crying boy who is spitting out apologies left and right the whole way back to the docks.
When they make it to the docks Ace and Sabo climb above searching for Luffy who passed
out in Yasopp’s arms. “LUFFY!” They run to him pulling him into a hug checking him over
as he has blood on him.

Benn steps to the scared brothers “Luffy is fine, he just passed out from crying too much. The
blood is not his.” The two hold Luffy closer and stare at Benn taking in his words. The pair
breath but notice the crew don't look so good and notice their red hair captain is missing.
“Where is Shanks?” Ace asks, his voice shaking looking at Benn trying not to think the worst
happened to their big brother.

Benn takes all three boys into his lap sitting down on the deck. “Doc is with him, the sea king
bit his arm off, so he lost a lot of blood and now we are waiting.” The boys are closer to Benn
trying to feel some kind of comfort. When Sabo speaks up. “Can someone tell Auntie
Makino and Uncle Woop Slap Luffy is okay.” Roux and Yasopp both take it and head out
while Sabo and Ace stay with Benn and Luffy.

After a few hours had passed, Makino had come with some food and extra clothes for the
boys as she told Benn they wouldn't leave his side until Shanks woke up. When Benn told her
it was fine, all boys changed clothes and were fed and just sat together not wanting to be too
far from each other and Benn. The crew all sat on deck with them trying to lighten the mood
and try to cheer up a very sad Luffy.

Another hour passed before Doc finally came out from below and took a seat on a barrel,
taking a breath before starting to speak. “He lost a lot of blood and his left arm, but he will
live.” The crew cheered while Doc made his way to Benn the small boys that were clinging
to him “Benn, he will be fine, just needs to take it easy for a while. You guys can see him but
he will be asleep for the rest of the day and most of tomorrow so his body can heal.” They
give him their thanks and take a breath. Shanks will be fine and Luffy is fine, that is all Benn
could ask for right now.
“What’s the party for?” Everyone looked towards the newcomer, no one heard boarding the
ship. Scarlett stands with his bag over his shoulder and looks over the crew and his boys and
Benn. “Ah, I see, then I came home at the right time.” Scarlett makes his way to his boys
sitting down on Benn's left side and opens his arms.

The boys leave behind Benn and cry once again into Scarlett's arms. While everyone
watches, shocked at the boys who seemed to be holding back their tears, but let loose in their
dad’s arms.

Scarlett made himself comfortable and leaned against Benn speaking in a low voice to him
“He will be okay Benn.” And Scarlett feels the tension leave Benn as Benn moves closer
taking the side hug Scarlett is offering him.

Chapter End Notes

Wow, i didn’t post the whole time i was away as a lot happened and it was a hard time.
But I am back and ready to post once again!

Shanks loses his arm…. I mean i did want him to keep but I think he is more badass
with only one arm you know.

Anyways sorry for the late post. I hope everyone is doing well! Remember to drink
water and have food/snack!! Till next chapter which will be Saturday as I have things to
do Friday.
Aftermath part 1
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 31
Shanks 25
Ace 10
Sabo 10
Luffy 7

Scarlett sat with his boys and Benn while the crew started to help Makino clean up the bar.
The boys now no longer crying but still clinging to Scarlett and Benn, everyone left them be
for a while until Makino came back telling the little group to get up to eat and to get rest back
at home. The boys wanted to argue back but Scarlett agreed with her and gave everyone
another option. Scarlett would get the boys food and clothes and they could sleep on the ship
with Benn’s permission of course which Benn agreed to so that's what they did.

Scarlett left while Benn moved the boys into Shanks room, Shanks was sleeping and the boys
took a seat on the edge of the bed watching the sleeping man while Benn got something
together and headed into a quick shower. With Benn now gone Ace pulled Luffy into a side
hug as the boy looked sadly at the sleeping man.

“He is going to be okay. Papa said so and Doc said he needed to sleep to get better. So don’t
be sad Luffy.” Sabo said while joining Ace hugging Luffy. Ace added in “it’s not your fault
Luffy.” Luffy wrapped his arms around his brothers while tears filled his eyes. The trio sat in
silence allowing Luffy to cry until Benn came back now clean and Scarlett walking in with
fresh food and clothes.

Scarlett was able to get everyone to eat and new clothes by the time they were done, they all
were falling asleep while sitting. Scarlett just started to move everyone to lay down next to
Shanks as the man has a king size bed. One by one everyone fell asleep while Scarlett stood
watch for the little group. Scarlett kept himself busy reading work papers and trying to pick a
design for Mihawk’s engagement ring.

During the hours only Doc and Yasopp had come to check up on the group, Doc double
checking Shanks and just informing Scarlett of the surgery while Yasopp came and gave him
an update on the bar. It was minor stuff that could be fixed in a couple of days, and letting
him know that Makino was still a little shaken up about the whole thing and he should talk to
her when he could. Scarlett gave his thanks and decided to ask Yasopp for a little help with
the ring. Yasopp agreed and the pair sat at Shanks small desk going back and forth with ideas
for a while.

That was until after Yasopp was gone and Scarlett was cleaning up his mess when the sound
of movement caught his ear. Scarlett moved to the bed and watched the sleeping group when
he heard the noise again this time a soft moan coming from Shanks. Scarlett was by his side
waiting as the man started to open his eyes.

Scarlett started to run his hand through Shanks’s hair while the man tried to wake up. “You
are okay shanks.” He said softly, not trying to wake the others. “You did good kid.” Shanks's
eyes were finally open and he was able to see his Uncle in front of him. Shanks let out
another moan trying to sit up but Scarlett was quick to keep him down shaking his head.

“Don’t move, stay down Shanks you need rest.” “Luffy?” Scarlett could only smile “he is
fine, he and the boys are sleeping with Benn next to you.” Shanks turned to his right and sure
enough he could see the sleeping group he nodded turning back to his uncle “go back to sleep
kid. You did a number on yourself, you need rest.” Shanks hums slowly following back to
sleep with Scarlett playing with his hair.

Once Scarlet was sure Shanks had fallen back to sleep he moved and planted himself down at
the desk and continued to watch the sleeping group the rest of the night. Morning comes
faster than Scarlett thought, Benn is the first to wake up, giving a quick nod to Scarlett and
looks at his sleeping lover Benn moves carefully to not wake the sleeping boys and gets
ready for the day.
Benn had left while Scarlett was still taking watch until he came back with breakfast and
coffee for Scarlett. Of course Scarlett thanked him while Benn took a seat in the chair next to
Scarlett catching a glance at a design of a ring. Benn pointed to it “what’s this for?” Scarlett
looked at what Benn was pointing at and smiled “ I plan on asking my partner to marry me
but none of the rings I’ve seen aren’t to my standards. So I'm going to get one custom-made.”

Benn nods, asking for permission to look at the rest of the drawings and Scarlett said yes,
going back to eating breakfast. Benn was impressed at most of the design; most were very
elegant and not too flashy, more on the subtle side. When a pair of rings caught his eye, a pair
of gold bands were designed with a simple red stone in the middle. It was so simple but Benn
loved it and thought of how pretty it would look on Shanks.

Benn sat up straight and turned to Scarlett with the design in hand. Benn takes a side glance
and makes sure the boys and Shanks are still asleep “Scarlett, can I ask you something?”
Scarlett turns to him and glances down at the paper in Benn’s hand and looks back at Benn
who is starting to get nervous, after all Scarlett is family to Shanks and someone Shanks
cares for deeply. “Sure Benn, what’s on your mind?” He says in a casual tone trying not to
get too excited about what is happening.

“ Well, you know I have been with Shanks for many years now and I love and care for him
deeply, and you are a part of his family and he cares so much about you. And you are the
only person I personally know in his family. So would you allow me to ask Shanks to marry
me?” Benn takes a breath while Scarlett watches him with a soft smile “ I am honored that
you asked me even if it is not necessary, but yes you have my approval.” Benn and Scarlett
share a smile before Scarlett points down to the paper. “ Do you want that one?” Benn nods;
the pair fall into the conversation of the rings for Benn and Shanks for a while until it’s
around ten in the morning when the boys start to wake and Benn and Scarlett change the

The boys tried their best to go about the day waiting for Doc to let them know when Shanks
would wake up. It was past noon when Doc came into the room and started to check on
Shanks before waking him. The boys were on the other side on the bed watching while
Scarlett and Benn were hoving behind Doc waiting. It only took about ten minutes before
Shanks started to wake much like the night before.
Everyone stood still and allowed Doc to work while Shanks opened his eyes and turned to
look up at Scarlett. “Uncle,” Scarlett patted his head carefully to not be in the way “ good
morning kid, more awake this time?” Shanks nodded when Doc handed Scarlett a glass of
water for Shanks. Everyone waited until Shanks was done with the glass before Doc started
to ask questions and Scarlett moved for Benn to take his spot and headed to the boys.


“ Come on you three, let Doc do his job while we go see Makino. Benn, we will be back
later.” Scarlett slowly pushes the boys out the door and off the ship, to Makino they go.

Patty’s bar looks like nothing happened, Shanks crew and the villagers put in a lot of work
for it to look this nice again. The group made their way in saying hello to the people they
knew, when they asked where Makino was, someone from the group said they hadn’t seen
her all morning so she was still upstairs. Scarlett was a little shocked but checked with his
haki and sure enough she was there. Scarlett gave his thanks and the group headed upstairs
after all they had a sister to cheer up.

Makino looked as if she hadn’t slept a wink that night, she was sitting at the dinner table
wrapped in a blanket and a cup of tea in her hand. But her mind was clearly elsewhere as she
dropped the cup as soon as Scarlett said hello. To say the boys attacked her with hugs for
over a few hours was reasonable.

Scarlett was on watch again while the group took a nap and headed down to the bar to check
how things were going. Scarlett looked around and found it empty and the door closed and a
note on the bar. Apparently Woop Slap got everyone to leave for the day and let Makino rest
without all the noise and lucky everyone was able to fix the bar during the time Scarlett was
He felt proud everyone came together to help, he double checked everything that was fixed
and satisfied with the work he headed up stairs for a small nap. Scarlett knew they would be
alright after all his family are strong people.
Aftermath part 2
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 31
Shanks 25
Ace 10
Sabo 10
Luffy 7

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett woke to the noise of soft talking, he wished to get more sleep but he knows he won’t.
Scarlett stretched himself out on the couch and heard the sounds of little feet running away
from him with the sounds of giggling reaching his ears. Scarlett gets up to join Makino who
is setting up the dinner table. It would seem that Roux brought them food for dinner this

Makino glanced at his face and burst out in laughter followed by the boys who are now at the
table laughing with her. Scarlett decided to play dumb and let everyone have their fun so he
watched them until they calmed down enough for him to ask what’s so funny. The boys
simply said nothing and took their places and the dinner table with Makino following them.
Scarlett rolled his eyes fondly and joined the group.

They spent dinner with Scarlett telling stories of his latest trip. How he and Mihawk had seen
some pretty islands and found some cool ruins. And when the boys asked about his job
Scarlett said it went well, Scarlett noticed Sabo was wording questions to try and find out his
job. Scarlett simply smiles Sabo truly is a smart boy, Scarlett simply told them they will find
out when they are older.

After all, his job isn’t something they should know when they are still young plus Makino is
here and she doesn’t even know about it. After that they helped clean up and cleaned the
markers from Scarlett’s face and said their goodbyes and headed back to Shanks’s ship.
The group made it back to the ship and sure enough most of the crew was still up and just got
done with dinner it seems. The boys said hi to everyone and went straight below deck to
Shanks’s room. Yasopp let Scarlett know that he was still awake and Scarlett followed the
boys who were waiting at the door. “Did you guys knock?” Scarlett asked as he made it
beside them.

They just shook their heads no, Scarlett simply wondered why not? “Well then I’m doing it.”
As he goes to knock he feels a pull on his shirt and looks down to see a stretched hand
holding him back with a teary eyed Luffy looking at him “what if he doesn’t want to see
me?” He said in a whisper looking scared and sad at the same time, it broke Scarlett’s heart a
little. Scarlett got down to the boys level and brought Luffy into a hug as the boy let a few
tears fall.

“Shanks loves you kid, of course he wants to see you. Want to know something?” Luffy
nodded against Scarlett’s chest “last night when you all were asleep Shanks woke up for a
few minutes and do you know what he asked for? He asked for you, Luffy.” Luffy let out a
small gasp. “He cares for you Luffy and would very much like to see you.” Luffy wiped his
tears and climbed off his papa and stood with his brothers. “Are you okay now?” “Yes, I want
to see Shanks.” Scarlett smiled fondly at the trio and got up and knocked. A muffled ‘come
in’ was heard and Scarlett opened the door and entered with three little duckling behind him.

“Ah, Uncle there you are,” Shanks spoke up from his place on the bed with papers around
him. Scarlett’s eyes scanned the papers. It was the rings he was looking at, lucky Benn
seemed to have hid the one he picked out for Shanks. “Good to see you awake, I have people
who have been wanting to see you.” Scarlett moved around the bed to join Benn next on
Shanks’s left side.

While the boys climbed Shanks’s right side of the bed, mindful of the papers. “Hi boys.”
When Luffy was close enough he threw himself into Shanks’s chest and started to apologize.
While Sabo and Ace looked at the papers filled with rings with curiosity.
Shanks was trying his best to calm the crying boy in his arm and it was working somehow.
After a few minutes of reassuring Luffy that he had nothing to be sorry about and that Shanks
was just happy he was okay Luffy was able to calm down and just layed with Shanks.
“Shanks, why do you have these papers?” Ace spoke up while looking at a design of a black
ring with three orange gems in the center.

Shanks throws a smile at Scarlett “I am helping your papa pick out a ring for your dad.” The
boys' heads all turned to Scarlett “you are going to marry feather?!” All three shouted in
excitement while Scarlett just laughed “Haha, I would like to, with your boys approval of
course.” Scarlett has never seen the boys agree to something so fast. “Haha great then you
boys and everyone else can help me pick a ring.” The boys cheered and went back to looking
at the rings and giving their opinions about some.


The group talked about it for a bit and changed topics when Luffy asked “Shanks, why do
you call papa uncle?” Shanks looked down at the boy “well because he is my dad’s little
brother so that makes him my uncle even if they aren’t related by blood.” That caught
everyone else’s attention “what do you mean?” Sabo asked, now sitting closer to the two.
“Well how about your papa explains it, he would do a better job than me.”

Scarlett just shrugged “Well, I met Roger when I was about your age Ace, and we became
fast friends and I sailed with him and his crew for a year as cabin boy then became crew, and
back then the seas were very different to how they are now. There were a lot of old traditions
and old codes that were passed down between crews and those in the waves, One of them
being ‘May the sea grace you with calm waves’ and ‘May the wind guide your sails’ wishing
safe travels to one another.”

Scarlett took a breath. “Another was having a glass of sake together and making an oath to be
brothers even if you are far apart, even if you join the waves, your bond would not break.”
Scarlett could still remember the taste, he could remember the smile Roger had as they
clinked the glasses.
“Me and Roger did that, I was leaving to sail on my own and the night before I left, Roger
and I sat on deck after my going away party when he brought out these old sake glasses I got
him when I first joined with a bottle of sake. He poured the sake and explained the tradition
to me. I of course accepted and we drank the rest of the night, laying on deck watching the
stars until the morning came.” Scarlett blinked away his tears and smile at the boys

“From that night forward Roger became my big brother and was always there when I needed
him. Heck even my own brother was happy when I told him about Roger, he was thankful
Roger showed me so much of the seas and was there for me when he couldn’t be.” That
caught Shanks’s attention and it was not just him.

“What do you mean by your own brother? Do you have a brother before Roger?” Ace asked
with his cute head tilt as he was confused “yeah i do, who do you think is the other boy in the
photos with me on the wall, that is my brother Dragon, Luffy’s biological father. I would say
Ace met him but you were very young when he came here.”

Scarlett could see the shock on Benn and Shanks’s face and the confusion on Sabo’s. “Then if
we did the same the three of us would be brothers too?” Luffy asked, it made Scarlett smile
“of course you would be brothers, heck you are brothers now just without the drink. But it is
a nice memory to have. I can still remember the taste and still remember how Roger was
nervous until I said yes and gave me the biggest smile.” Scarlett could see the boys thinking
about it so Scarlett thinks fuck it.

“If you boys want to do it you can. I don't mind, I think it would be nice.” The boys look at
each other and nod. Scarlett could only smile. “Your papa is right, it is a very good memory
to have, Bugs and I did it too. It is a moment I cherish a lot.” The boys looked at Shanks in
awe and made up their minds they would do it too.

Chapter End Notes

Two chapters today because I didn’t post for like a week and posted super late 😅
A promise for the future
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 31
Shanks 25
Ace 10
Sabo 10
Luffy 7

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Shanks spent another day on bed rest before he was able to leave the ship. With Shanks out
now, the crew decided to celebrate at Makino's. Everyone was having such a great time
laughing and singing all round the bar. The boys sang and danced all in better spirits, along
with the villages who decided to join in on the fun.

Scarlett was helping at the bar while Makino was going table to table, when the bar snail
rang, Scarlett being the closest answered “Patty’s Bar, how can we help?” “Brat!? I have been
trying to call you all day,” “OLD MAN?!” “Brat, show some respect, I'm on my way to
Dawn and my grandsons better be there, when I get there.” The snail went to sleep while
Scarlett was torn, he loved having Shanks and his crew here and it made the boys happy.

Scarlett wiped his hands and went to Shanks and Benn who were seated at a table with the
boys “Shanks can I talk to you for a second?” Shanks looked at him and could see Scarlett
was upset but trying to not let it show. “Sure, let's talk outside, it's too loud here.”

They both went out and a little ways down from the bar Scarlett started to speak. “So, you
guys should get ready to sail as Garp is coming to the island. Trust me, Old Man may be on
vacation but he would make a big deal about you being here and around his grandsons,
especially once they tell him they want to be pirates.” The more Scarlett spoke the sadder
Shanks looked. Shanks knew he was right and he did plan to leave when Scarlett came back.
“Okay we'll sail tomorrow, I’ll let Benn know.” The pair headed back in and Benn and
Shanks went to Yasopp and Roux while Scarlett told the boys about the old man.

Everyone still partied and tried to enjoy the little time they had together the rest of the night.
The following morning Shanks and his crew started to make preparations while the boys and
Scarlett hung out at the bar with Makino and Woop Slap. It was just past noon when Scarlett
and the boys headed to the docks where Shanks and Benn were the only ones waiting for
them. Ace and Sabo said their goodbyes followed by Scarlett gave Benn a hug and made him
promise to take photos when he pops the question.

Scarlett turned to Shanks with a big smile pulling him for a hug as well, mindful of his arm
“you thinking about joining me yet?” Shanks asks as he pulls away causing Scarlett to laugh
“I don’t know, Do you have a great crew yet?” The two laugh “Maybe. But you know I will
keep asking every time till you say yes. Man, you and Mihawk are so stubborn just join us
already.” Scarlett felt his eyes go wide before he laughed so loud everyone around looked at
them. Shanks didn’t get what was funny so he just pouted. “What's so funny?” Scarlett shakes
his head pulling Shanks for another hug “I’ll tell you one day. But for now May the sea grace
you with calm waves.” “May the winds guide your sails.”

The two pull away and made space for Luffy who has been waiting his turn to say goodbye to
Shanks as he had already said goodbye to everyone else.

“you’re leaving then?” Luffy says putting on a brave face. “Yeah it was a long stay, so we
will part ways. Bet you will miss me, huh?” Shanks can only smirk at the boy. “Yeah but I
won’t ask to go with you anymore, I decided to be a pirate on my own now!” Scarlett could
only smile down at his boy

“I wasn’t going to take you anyways, besides you’ll never become a pirate.” As Shanks
stuck his tongue out at Luffy. Luffy face lost his smile and almost grew red in anger “I will
too! Someday I’m gonna gather a crew every good as yours and I'm going to find the greatest
treasure in the world, and I’ll become King of the Pirates! I’ll Show you!”
Scarlett could only smile as Shanks took off the straw hat and moved closer to the boy.
“You’re gonna surpass us, huh?” Shanks places the hat on Luffy’s head “ In that case, I’ll
leave this hat with you. Promise to return it to me someday when you become a great pirate. ”
Luffy cried as he watched Shanks and Benn go onto their ship and sail away.

Scarlett and the boys watched them until they couldn’t see the ship and Luffy had finally
stopped crying. Scarlett got down to the boys level “so Luffy, king of the pirates, huh?” “Yes
sniff I will become king. Sniff ” Scarlett fixes the straw hat and wipes Luffy’s tears “then I
look forward to the day you are king.” Scarlett gave him a big smile which Luffy returned in

“So boys, you want to tell me why Luffy has a scar and a devil fruit? I don’t believe you
mentioned any of that during our calls when I was away.” The three went pale and took off
running while Scarlett could only laugh at his boys.

Chapter End Notes

Ah we finally made it to that moment! Shanks and Luffy finally make their promise and
things are going to kick off with the next chapter.
the rose needs red
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Rosinante 26
Law 13
Scarlett 32

These years felt like hell to Rosinante, he tried his best to send locations to Sengoku, tried his
best to keep children away but some just stuck around. Rosinante felt like a failure and most
of all he felt so lost. He seemed to have fallen into the deep webs that Doflamingo made
around him. Each step he took he fell deeper and deeper. He tried to hold on for his friend, he
tried to remember the fun moments with his childhood friend Scarlett. He tried to remember
the three boys that couldn’t wait to meet him, who couldn’t wait to hear the stories he had to

Rosinante has been under cover to take down his big brother Doflamingo and his crew for the
last four years and it has been hell. He can only tell himself to hold on but he doesn’t know
how much more he can take.

Rosinante had been away from the base on a mission when he saw a new kid in the base.
Rosinante could only feel sick to his stomach after he threw him out the window. Rosinante
tried not to think about how light the boy felt but the boy only returned. Rosinante tried his
best but the kid just didn’t get the message. Rosinante felt nothing but pain for the boy when
he stabbed him in the back. Rosinante wasn’t even mad, he was just sad for the boy and

When Doffy questioned it Rosinante simply told him enemy and that was it. But the boy
stayed around and something about the boy whose name he now knows as Law, made him
what to get him away from Doffy at every chance. Rosinante hated that he couldn’t hold this
boy in his arms and take his pain that was so clear in his eyes. Rosinante fought every urge to
give Law some form of comfort even though it was all he wanted to do. And these urges only
grew when Law told them about having Amber lead disease. Oh, Rosinante fought his tears,
Law had been through so much at a young age Rosinante cried that night alone in the shell he
calls a room for a long time.

Rosinante could only think of what he could do to help Law after that. And when he heard
Law say his full name for the first time, his blood ran cold. Fear and panic filled him as he
remembered the stories the other kids would say when he lived in that place. The fear and
anger he remembers from his brother.

Rosinante couldn’t let Doffy or anyone know the truth about Law so he took away Law and
talked for the first time in months and didn’t care about anything but trying to keep Law safe
from Doffy. Of course Law was shocked and didn’t believe him and just threatened him.
Rosinante didn’t care anymore after. From that day Rosinante kept a closer eye on Law and
could notice something that made his stomach drop. The white patches were growing bigger.

Rosinante couldn’t take it anymore; he didn't care about his mission; he just wanted this kid
to live. After watching Law for two more weeks Rosinante gave up and kidnapped the boy,
leaving behind his mission. Of course Law fought him and the boy was guarded and doubtful
of Rosinante as the man has never been kind to him. But as the months grew Rosinante tried
his best to make this boy smile and laugh, to be a kid. After hospital and hospital and both
were losing hope. Doffy called about the ope ope fruit and a deal that was happening with the
marines. Both were filled with hope and Rosinante knew just to call after his father who
confirmed the deal.

The snail rang and rang before it was picked up and was silent until Rosinante spoke the
words that have filled his mind for months “Rose needs Red.” There was a sharp gasp then
the sounds of running footsteps and a door slamming opening. “Rose! Talk now!”

Law watched with curiosity as he hadn't heard the person on the other line before, while
Rosinante explained everything that happened with Law while Scarlett packed a bag and was
rushing to get everything he would need. “Okay see you in a few days, don’t do anything
stuipd, that kid is going to need you. Don’t you dare do anything without me.” Rosinante
could only chuckle at his friend and hung up. Law wanted to ask so many questions but he
felt very tired all of a sudden and the world went dark.
Answering the Call
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 32
Rosinante 26
Ace 11
Sabo 11
Luffy 8

After Shanks left the rest of the year flew by. Garp showed up and overheard the boy wanting
to be pirates. Of course Garp was upset but Scarlett was quick to send the boys away to go
visit Dadan while Garp and him argued for a bit. It ended with Scarlett reminding his father
the boys would have him, if they ever were to end up on the stand. Of course that was
Scarlett’s fear as well as Garp’s but they have the freedom to do what they want, and Scarlett
was not going to let Garp take that away. Of course the both understood each side by the time
they were done yelling.

They celebrated the new year and Ace and Sabo ‘s 11th birthday with smiles and joy and
brought in the new year with much laughter and smiles. As the year went on the boys were
getting good with their haki and training. By June they figured out the most important thing
that had been on their minds, a ring for Mihawk.

It was from being made by someone in the north blue, they were recommended by one of his
informants in the north. Scarlett thought it was time he made the trip for the ring as it was
almost done and to check on his businesses there. So he packed and headed to the north and
has been there since the beginning of June.

He had been hanging out at a base when his snail rang. Scarlett felt a sense of dread when he
answered. “Rose needs Red.” Scarlett felt himself take a breath then he ran up the stairs and
started to pack. “Rose! Talk now!” He listened as he stuffed clothes, medicines, and anything
he could think of while listening about Law.

By the time Rosinante was done Scarlett had thrown his bag down the stairs grabbing Sol
and Luna. “Okay see you in a few days, don’t do anything stupid, that kid is going to need
you. Don’t you dare do anything without me.” Scarlett hung up the line and strapped Sol and
Luna grabbed his bag and heard outside for Rex.

Scarlett ran down to Rex and dropped his things and started to prepare to sail ignoring the
concern looks his three blades were throwing at him. Scarlett was able to set sail and make to
open seas and stood at the bow of his ship and pleaded the sea for aid. He sent out a wave of
haki asking for aid to Minion island as it was on the other side of the north blue for him.

Of course the sea did not deny one of her favorites. When Scarlett felt the waves push the
Rex, Scarlett fell to his knees and tried to catch his breath. Rex was quick to move and hold
Scarlett, getting him to calm down enough to explain that they were on the way and would be
there for Rose. Scarlett could only nod before getting up and grabbing his bags and heading

Scarlett made it to Minion Island after a few days and seems as if he made it at the right time.
Scarlett put on his cloak and mask with Sol and Luna with him and headed into the ghost
Minion Island
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 32
Rose 26
Law 13

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Scarlett let out his haki and followed Rose’s signature through the empty roads and broken
building as fast as he could not wanting to be here long. Scarlett was able to make it to the
house and felt two people inside. Scarlett’s heart broke when he felt just how weak Law’s
signature was, Scarlett knocked not wanting Rose just to shoot him.

Knock-Knock knock-knock . Scarlett could feel Rose getting closer and decided he was
taking too long. “You better open the door kid it's too cold.” Scarlett only smiled under his
mask and the door swung open and there was his Rose, who looked down at Scarlett in
disbelief. “Red, you're here.” Rosinante said as if his breath was taken away. Scarlett moved
inside and saw a pile of blankets wrapped around a little Law.

Scarlett made his way to Law “of course, I told you I would help you no matter what.”
Scarlett pulled Luna from his belt and took off his mask. “Hi kid, my name is Scar, I wished
we met under better circumstances. Here take this to protect yourself while we are gone.”
Scarlett places Luna in his hand “Luna, you will protect him, you will let him hold you, do
you understand?” Luna sat next to Law while he and Rosinante looked confused. “I won’t
hurt him and I will protect him.” Scarlett looked at her and smiled “thank you.”

Law looked confused, this person just talked to the air he couldn’t understand why they were
here. “Why? Why help me?” Law asked, Scarlett gave him a smile “because I want to.”
Scarlett could see Law didn’t meet many people that offered kindness “stay in here Law, no
matter what you hear outside. You stay here and we will be back with the fruit.” Scarlett
asked and moved back to Rosinante’s side. “We will be back, Law.” Rosinante told the kid
once more before they left the house for their mission.

Scarlett put back his mask and pulled Sol into his hand and followed the road leading up to
the mansion, where the pirates had their base. Rosinante activates his fruit making both of
them silent as they get closer. Scarlett took out the two guards that were outside the place
while Rosinante placed a bubble around the mansion to hide the noise from the outside.

The pair made their way under a window that was near the pirates who were celebrating this
deal. Rosinante and Scarlett waited until the captain was done with his speech before
Rosinante made the first move. BANG ! Rosinante threw the first flash bang and took out the
light source and they both made their moves ,Scareltt took down the other 8 people in the
room with ease while Rosinante went for the fruit. When Rosinante took out the captain and
got the fruit he ran out through the window with Scarlett right behind him.

Scarlett was able to save Rosinante from sliding down the hill and picked Rosinante in his
arms and opened his wings and headed back to Law. Rosinante released his bubbles as he
held the fruit. Scarlett moved quickly through the air getting close enough back to Law for
them to run back to the house they left him in. Rosinante of course was still clumsy, so he
tripped the moment his feet touched the ground, but Scarlett was fast to pick him back up as
they rushed into the house.

It seemed Law had fallen asleep while they were away and Rosinante was quick to wake him
and force him to eat the fruit while Scarlett kept watch and let his haki out to search the
island. Scarlett cursed under his breath, the marines made it too close to the island for his
taste and he could feel another boat coming to the island. “Rose, we need to go now, I’ll carry
you and you carry Law, we don’t have time.”

Rosinante made sure Law ate the fruit and agreed with Scarlett and pulled Law into his arms,
wrapped in his black coat. The pair headed outside and Scarlett pulled Rosinante in his arms
and opened his wings and took to the sky as high as he could and headed to Rex.
They made it just in time as they landed on the Rex a cage was drawn over most of the
island. Scarlett pushed Rosinante and Law into the cabin as quickly as he could and helped
Rex set sail with the help of the sea and moved away from the island before anyone saw

At least that is what he thought. “BOSS!BOSS! WE FOUND A BOAT!” From above,

Scarlett turned to the sky to see two children flying not far behind them. Scarlett cursed under
his breath “Rex get them to Swallow island as fast as you can, don’t let them out of the cabin
until I’m back, I’ll deal with this.” Scarlett takes to the sky after the two kids kicking them
back to the island with Sol in hand ready to fight if he has too.


little girl screamed into the snail as Scarlett landed on the island walking menacingly towards
the small kids. “Get Lost.” Was all he said that made the two kids passed out from him
scaring them. With a flick of his wrist Scarlett cut down a string that was heading straight for
him. It was a simple cut that was met with shock from its owner.

“ Fufu , Well, this is interesting, you were not who I was expecting.” Doflamingo walked up
with his little crew as if he ruled everything, oh and how Scarlett wanted to cut him where he
stood. “Well, I didn't plan to see you either, but I can’t have your rats give me trouble.”
Scarlett says with a relaxed pose, but still was waiting for the other to make a move. “It’s best
we part ways after all Marines are here, and my job is done.” Scarlett said not really wanting
to fight if he could talk his way out of it.

“ Fufufu yes i would say that but it seems something of mine is now gone, I assume you
have it and I will be taking it back.” Scarlett could only roll his eyes, as Mingo’s crew started
to charge at Scarlett. Scarlett took them all down with ease with a wave of conquerors’s haki,
they dropped like flies including Mingo’s top commanders leaving only Mingo and Scarlett,
just like Scarlett wanted. Scarlett could see the veins rushs to Mingo’s forehead.

“you should have taken my word, Doflamingo.” Scarlett could see with his haki the strings
that would try to stop him but Scareltt made the first move and sent a flying cut coated with
haki enough to scar but not kill. It landed on Doflamingo’s left shoulder towards his neck.
Doflamingo stood shocked while Scareltt walked over to the stunned man only stopping in
front of him “I will let you live Doflamingo as it is not your time to die, but what you search
for is no longer here or alive.” Scareltt gave him a punch that sent him flying back a few feet
and landing hard against a broken building. Scarlett listens as Doflamingo coughs and
catches his breath. Scarlett could only shake his head and took to the sky and headed back to
the Rex after all he had company waiting.


Scarlett was able to find the ship and landed only to hear shouting from the inside “I DON’T
GIVE A FUCK WHO YOU ARE! YOU WILL LET ME OUT!” Scarlett could only roll his
eyes and smile, it seems like Rose has finally met Rex after all these years.

Scarlett simply entered and walked straight up to Rose who was still shouting at Rex when
he threw a small punch into Rosinante’s stomach. “Stop shouting. We have a sick kid
onboard. Thank you Rex.” Rex headed to make tea while Scarlett pushed Rosinante down
next to the boy who looked like he was trying his best to stay awake while still holding Luna
close to him.

“It seems Luna likes you, she would have made you drop her the moment you made it into
the cabin if she didn’t.” “Shut up, Scar!” Luna formed with Sol by her side “clean me now
his blood is gross.” Scarlett rolled his eyes “yeah yeah I know Sol, Rose look for clothes for
you and Law in the dresser.” Scarlett placed Sol down on the table and started to remove his
mask and cloak.

“Who is Sol and Luna?” Law spoke from the bed, Scarlett made his way over to the bed with
the tea Rex finished passing it to Law and taking Luna from him. “Luna is my dagger, the
one I gave you and Sol is my sword, I am their true master so I am able to see and talk to
them in a physical form. Drink this, it will calm your stomach. You don't have to drink it all,
just a few slips will help.” Law nodded and did as he was asked while Rose had a pile of
clothes placing them on the bed.
“Rose, take a shower and get that stupid makeup off, I’ll watch Law.” Scarlett could tell
Rosinante was going to argue “Rosinante, go shower.” Scarlett felt Law gasp next to him
while Rose’s eyes went wide with disbelief. “Fine! fine! I’m going, you didn’t have to use
my name like that, jerk.” Rose stuck out his tongue and went into the bathroom. Scarlett only
chuckled and he heard Law do the same.

Scarlett let the boy have his peace and quiet with the sounds of the waves and running water
filled the cabin, for a little bit before Law spoke up. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?” Scarlett
felt his heart drop, he wanted to hug Law and never let him go as he looked down at the boy
whose eyes showed just how much pain he held. “why would I be? I work with poison, I
know about the lead, I know what bullshit the government said and I know the truth about
what happened. So why would I be?”

Scarlett let his words sink into Law’s mind Scarlett watched the boy’s eyes tear up and spill
but he wiped them quickly as they fell. Scarlett took the tea from Law and handed it to Rex
and carefully pulled Law closer into a hug trying not to cause the boy any pain. “Let it out
Law, don’t hold it in.” Scarlett whispered as he tucked Law closer. Law clenched onto
Scarlett’s shirt and cried while Scarlett removed Law’s spotted hat and ran his fingers through
his hair. As Law let out loud cries finally letting all that pain out.

“LAW!” CRASH! Scarlett let out a sigh “Rose, I swear if you break my shower you are
sleeping outside!” Scarlett felt Law chuckle a little against him and watched as a wet but
clothed Rose rushed to the bed falling in front of Law and Scarlett “Law are you okay?What
hurts? Did red say something? Do I need to beat him up?” Rose fired question after question
and only stopped when Scarlett knocked him on the head.

“Stop that! He is just letting it out you dork. Plus he is too cute. I would never hurt him. Now
go dry off! You got water everywhere! Go away and clean up!” The more Scarlett and
Rosinante went back and forth the more Law started to laugh, no longer crying, no longer
holding onto the pain causing the others to smile.

The little group made it to Swallow island and Scarlett was able to take them to an informant
he had made over the last couple of years an older man named Wolf. He was a jack of all
trades, he ran a bar while fixing ships and coming up with new inventions but most of all he
had a small medical background that could help Law in many ways.

Scarlett made it to Wolf’s house deep in the woods and could see the older man already
waiting for them. When Scarlett first met Wolf he asked if he could use his place as a safe
house and base if he needed it and Wolf agreed after discussing numbers. “Well, what can I
do for you ,Red Death.”

Scarlett heard a gasp behind him, Scarlett cursed to himself, he forgot to tell Wolf to just call
him Scar when he brought people. Scarlett was not ready for this talk. “It’s good to see you
Wolf, just Scar next time. mind having a couple of roommates?” Scarlett tried to play it cool,
not looking at Rose or Law who he could feel staring holes in his back.

“Nope, I could use some hands around here.” Wolf gave the two behind a look and headed
inside telling them to follow. “It’s best if we talk inside, that boy needs to be warm.” Scarlett
followed behind Wolf walking into the house only to stop at the door when his haki alerted
him of dread and pain. Grabbing his head he saw flashes of his boys, 1 boy, 2 boys, 3 boys
then 2 boys ,finally 1 boy.

Scarlett would have fallen if not for Rose catching him. Law was quick to check him asking
questions but Scarlett couldn’t answer. His boys were in danger and he needed to leave now.
“Let me up, Rose.” Law and Rose looked concerned but Scarlett couldn’t wait any longer he
needed to leave. Scareltt stood and faced Wolf “we can work out everything at a later date but
I must leave now.”

Wolf nodded and Scareltt turned to Rose and Law “you two stay hidden and take care of each
other. Law, work on getting that shit out of you just like I showed you. Wolf has medical
training and he can help you if you need it. Rose, try not to break things and keep a med kit
close. I will call once I can.” Scarlett gives both quick hugs and heads back out the door only
for Law to grab his jacket.

“Will I see you again?” Scarlett turned to the small boy giving him a smile “of course you
will, your dad is my best friend who I haven’t seen in a long time, there are many things I
have to tell him and many things you need to learn. This won’t be the last time, kid.” Scarlett
could see the both blush and it's not from the cold, he chuckles “till next time.” And takes to
the sky as fast as he could back to Rex after all his boys need him.

Chapter End Notes

Woohoo Rose Lives!! Honestly I did think about him dying and it just made me sad.
Scarlett didn’t need to lose another friend like that. So he lives with little Law at his

And Law well I always see him as someone who hides his emotions but let them out
when they aren’t so guarded. And I felt like Scar would be someone he can let loose
with and let everything out. Plus after Scar telling him he is not afraid really sold it for
A mess for the boys
Chapter Notes

Content warning: mentions of Child abuse and neglect !! While it is not graphic but it is
talked about.

Starts at ‘Sabo’s mind-‘ Ends ‘Sabo’s crying’

It’s all in one paragraph!! Just a heads up!

Scarlett 32
Ace 11
Sabo 11
Luffy 8

~two weeks ago ~

“Come on! Let’s eat!” Luffy yells as he runs through the back streets of HighTown with his
brothers not far behind him. Today the brothers promised to take Luffy for his first dine and
dash as an late birthday present, and of course Luffy was excited after all it would be free
food. So the trio set their sights on a nice restaurant that Sabo knew he could get them a
private room with his medallion from his former family that he has kept for times like this.

The group made it into ‘ Café Lucerne’ when the three walked in Sabo knew to quickly show
the hostess the medallion and they were quickly shown one the best rooms and best menus.
“Pick whatever you want Luffy.” Ace said once the waiters were gone and it was just the
three of them. Luffy nodded and tried to read the menu as best he could before asking his
brothers for help with some of the words.
By the time they had read the menu together the waiters had returned and taken their orders
and they just had to wait for the food. Ace was quiet and confused on how Sabo was able to
get them in here but he knew if he pushed now Sabo would shut him out and they would for
sure argue and Ace didn’t want to do that to Luffy. As their little brother never liked when
they fought.

As the food arrived, the boys went to town, chowing down just about everything they could
get their hands on. The staff watched in awe and horror as they watched three little kids
devour everything and as they asked for more. The boys ate and ate until each had their fill,
and when it was time for the bill the boys let Luffy do the honors and let him handle the
check quickly puting I.O.U.

Once Luffy was done and the staff were waiting around cleaning up, one of the staff saw the
boys tried to make a run for the door only for their path to be blocked. Sabo and Ace looked
at each other and made a dash for the window, Ace went through it first, landed gracefully
with Sabo and Luffy right behind him and took off down the road laughing while the staff
tried to chase after.

Luffy wasn’t looking and ran into someone causing him to fall with a loud ow. His brothers
were by his side immediately “come on Lu, hurry!” As the three were going to run again a
voice stopped all three “Sabo.” Sabo felt his blood run cold, he didn’t need to look to know
who it was Luffy had run into. “So this is what you have been doing? When you could have
been studying and learning to be a proper man but instead you choose to hang out with

Ace was going to move to punch this guy into the next day but Sabo held his hand shaking
his head and grabbed Luffy’s and started to run once again. Sabo knew Ace would ask
questions but they had to get away, Sabo never let go after that as they ran through the town,
through the grey terminal, through the forest all the way till they made it back to their safe
haven, the tree house they built with their papa.
Each boy fell to the wooden floor trying to take control of their breath. “That was fun pant
we are doing that again someday,” Luffy said with a laugh that his brothers soon followed
until they had tears in their eyes. Until Sabo was the only one crying, Ace and Luffy were
quick to bring him into a hug, each holding him tight, letting their brother cry. “Why?Why
did I have to see him again?” Sabo sobbed into Ace’s shirt.

Sabo’s mind was filled with a cold room, caged down, locked behind a door that wouldn’t be
open. His mind filled with the loneliness and cold gaze from ‘his parents’ after a score didn’t
meet their goals, the days he went without food. The harsh treatment from his ‘father’. All
filled Sabo’s mind and didn’t go away until he felt brothers hold him, whispering they were
there with him filling his heart with warmth. His mind filled with memories with two
brothers and fathers that loved him and kept him safe. Sabo’s crying slowly came down to
him just sniffing every few minutes as he laid between his brothers with both of their arms
around him.

“Will you tell us about it, Sabo?” Luffy asked as he held Sabo from behind confused and
scared for his older brother. Sabo took a few breaths and nodded his head against Ace’s chest
and Sabo speaks telling the way his life was cold,dark and lonely before he met Ace and the
darkness that was his biological father.

By the time Sabo was done it was another round of tears for him and a round of tears for
Luffy trying to hold his brothers closer while Ace felt nothing but anger and sadness, he had
no idea Sabo had gone through that and he promised himself his brothers would never face
that ever again.

~present day~

The past two weeks had been rough with the boys as they tried their best to show Sabo that
he had them and was no longer alone. Today they were going to spend the morning treasure
hunt in the grey tremial as another way to cheer up Sabo, they made it to a section where they
would find old books and other old things that would cheer Sabo up. While the boys were
going through and making jokes having a good time they failed to realize they were
surrounded until it was too late.
Luffy was the first to be held down on the ground, and while Ace and Sabo went to attack
they were being held by two other men. Ace and Sabo tried biting,kicking, and scratching but
the men did not move. “Well, it seems we caught some rats boys.” “Bluejam.” Ace was
pissed, the last run in with Bluejam and his crew was pretty messy as Ace and Sabo swiped
most of their money and they tried to take Luffy as retaliation.

“It seems you know how to do your job efficiently.” Sabo's head snapped to the voice he only
heard two weeks ago. “Yes, now I held my end of the deal, I caught your son. It would be
best if you kept your side of the deal.” Sabo stayed frozen as Outlook came face to face with
him. “Come home Sabo, enough playing in the trash.” Sabo just looked at him while Ace
started to laugh hysterically.

“Oh my gods, you are truly stupid if you think you are his home.” Just as Ace finished his
sentence a hand met his cheek causing his face to grow hot and blood started to drip. Sabo
and Luffy gasp and try to move out of the holds they are in. “DON’T TOUCH THEM!” Sabo
shouts trying to protect his family, Sabo knows they will be mad but he won’t be the reason
they are hurt.

“Stop! I’ll leave with you! But don’t hurt them!” Ace and Luffy watch in horror as Sabo is
placed on the floor and Outlook looks pleased “Sabo! Don’t go!” Luffy shouts trying to
move, he can’t lose his brother. “Sabo! Don’t do this! You will never be happy!” Ace tries
and tries but can’t get loose. “Wise decision Sabo, now let's go home.”

“SABO!” “SABO!” Ace and Luffy shout as they watch him walk away “He is coming! He
will get you back!” Ace shouts watching Sabo stop for a second and watches him leave, Ace
feels it in his bones his papa is coming and he will get Sabo out of here. Bluejam watched
while laughing and had the pair of brothers thrown into another pile of trash “he is never
going to see you guys again after all he is a noble and they don’t want trash around them.”
“Shut up! You don’t know him!” Luffy tries to throw a punch only from his face to meet
Bluejam’s boot, sending him sliding further down the path with Ace running after him
“Make sure you put them to work. If we are to be made nobles we need the boxes set up by
tonight.” Bluejam commanded his crew as they started placing boxes while some came back
with the two boys. “Start moving these boxes or I will kill the little one.” Bluejam said as he
places a knife to Luffy’s throat in a spot Ace knew would kill him. Ace wanted to fight back
but he wouldn't risk Luffy’s life so he got moving and soon Luffy joined him as well as
Bluejam bragged about becoming a noble.


Bluejam forced Ace and Luffy to set up boxes the rest of the day leading into the night, Ace
tried to run away but Bluejam’s crew were quick to get him and threaten Luffy which Ace
didn’t want. The boys didn’t know what was in the boxes until it was too late. When they
placed the last box it knocked over and out slipped explosive powder.

Ace knew what it was from Yasopp and Benn when they showed him how they used guns
one day. Ace was quick to grab Luffy and start to run not caring about Bluejam’s crew but it
was too late when they made it down the path the fire had already started.

“they weren’t supposed to start it!” Ace heard Bluejam yell but he didn’t care he needed to
get Luffy out of here. Following a smaller path that led to an open space the boys tried to
catch their breath. “There you are! You brats!” Bluejam grabbed Luffy by his shirt and was
quick to pull his knife on Luffy. “Let him go!” Bluejam men started to attack Ace while
Bluejam was going to stab Luffy. Ace doesn't know what happened but he felt a release of
power and the men fell.

Bluejam was in shock and missed the person behind him until it was too late. BASH!
Bluejam was hit with a club dropping Luffy. “Dadan!” Ace shouted relief filled him as Luffy
ran to him and Dadan’s crew came from behind, weapons at the ready. A new voice broke
through the crowd “nice work Ace, Dadan perfect timing, care to take Luffy away. Me and
Ace have business.”
A Reunion of sorts
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 32
ace 11
sabo 11
luffy 8

Dragon 42

Scarlett was filled with worry for the last few days since he left Swallow island. The sea was
kind enough to help one of her favorites once again and Scarlett was able to make it back to
Dawn but the fire had already started.

Scarlett took to the sky, making it to the fire,he felt Dragon already but there was a wave of
haki Scarlett knew like the back of his hand. Ace. Scarlett made it to where he felt Ace’s haki
and landed. Scarlett saw the bodies of men and Dadan and her people, his eyes searched for
Ace and focused on him once he found him.

“Nice work Ace, Dadan, perfect timing, care to take Luffy away. Me and Ace have
business.” “PAPA!” Both Ace and Luffy ran to their papa hugging his legs “hi boys, Luffy
leave with Dadan, we don't have much time. The fire is getting bigger. Go.” Luffy didn’t
want to but he listened to his papa. Dadan with Luffy on her back and her men went down the
path Scarlett was able to make and left the fire.

“Bluejam, get your ass up!” Scarlett said kicking Bluejam in the stomach while Ace followed
behind him. Bluejam came too when the hit landed he struggled to get up only to meet the
face of someone he didn't want to meet again.
Fear set into Bluejam, “ah, it seems you remember me, you know I was kind enough to only
kill half of your crew and let some live. But then you went for my boys and I can’t have that
now.” Scarlett pulled out Luna from his belt and passed it to Ace. “Luna, you know the rules.
Ace, it’s time for practice.” Giving Ace a big grin Ace has never seen before. Scarlett held
Bluejam down as he gave Ace step by step how and where to cut until the man was dead and
Scarlett flew them out as the fire got bigger and made it back to Dadan’s hut.


Luffy ran out to meet his brother and papa as he heard them land. “Ace!Papa!” Almost
tackling down Ace when he landed on the ground. “Gross,Luffy, I got blood everywhere let
go.” Ace tries to pry Luffy off only for him holding him tighter “No! Sabo’s gone, I can't lose
you too.” Scarlett felt his blood cold, he got down to the boys level “where is Sabo?”

Both turned to their papa with tears in their eyes, Ace was the one to answer “his shit dad
took him away Papa! You have to get him back. They lock him in a room by himself and
don’t care about him. Please Papa go get him!” Scarlett wiped his son’s tears and nodded.
“Okay boys, I’ll get your brother. Stay with Dadan.”


Scarlett took to the sky and flew to Hightown, looking for his son. Scarlett landed behind the
walls and took to the streets following Sabo haki signature through the streets as the town
still slept. Scarlett made it to the house and didn’t bother to knock and punched the door

Scarlett entered and the sound of running footsteps came down. “WHAT ARE YOU
DOING!GET OUT OR I WILL CALL THE GUARDS!” Scarlett rolled his eyes and made
his way up the stairs ignoring the shouting man. “Sabo! Let’s go!” Scarlett shouted as he
made his way up the steps.The man was shocked and said “you are here for my son!” Scarlett
froze and slowly faced the man “He is not your son, he is mine.” Scarlett threw a punch
hearing a crunch and worked his way up and found a woman and a little boy next to her.

“Leave, you are not allowed here!” The woman shouted, Scarlett pushed her out of his way
and headed for the door with locks on the outside. Scarlett breaks the locks and the door
slowly opens. Scarlett walks in and sees a blankets on the floor to form a makeshift bed
where Sabo sat with tears running down his face.

Scarlett quickly pulls Sabo into his arms holding him close. “Papa’s here. I’m home Sabo.”
Sabo holds his papa and trembles in his arms in a weak voice “papa.” Scarlett stands and
heads out “let’s go home.” Scarlett carries Sabo out of the room and down the stairs ignoring
the woman shouts then the man tries to block the stairs.

“You are not taking my son.” Scarlett wasn’t going to murder the man in front of Sabo but he
picks up the man by his throat while glaring hard at him. “This is not your son, he is mine. If
I found out you ever go after my sons again I will kill you and string your head in the town
square. I don’t care. Come for them and it will be the last time you live.” Scarlett dropped the
man and gave him a kick that sent him flying through the living room.

Scarlett leaves the home to see some guards starting to walk up the pathway but stop when
they see Scarlett and turn and go the other way. It seems they still know better than to go
against Scarlett. Good, it's less blood Sabo has to see for now.

Scarlett takes to the sky and flies towards Dadan’s hut only for Dragon to reach out causing
him to stop midair causing Sabo to look at him. “What is it papa?” “We are making a stop
before Dadan’s.” Scarlett flies to the sea until he reaches the boat that was full of people on
deck and Dragon standing at the bow of the ship. Scarlett held Sabo closer and stood in front
of him, “Dragon hop on we have places to be.” And shows Dragon his back, he knows
Dragon will hesitate but will do it anyways. And he was right when he heard him sigh before
he felt the added weight. Scarlett starts to fly again and makes his way back to Dadan in a

As he landed he could see a light still on, Dragon landed and Sabo stayed in his papa’s arms
“papa, thank you.” Scarlett looked down at him and smiled “of course Bo, I will always
come.” Scarlett felt Dragon’s eyes on him and the door burst open with the two boys running
towards him “SABO!” Scarlett lets him down and hears Dragon take a breath and is quick to
grab Dragon’s arm as he tries to leave while the boys hug Sabo. “You are staying for a little,
then we can talk.” Dragon just sighs and leans against him as they watch the boys cry and
hang onto each other.

After a few minutes Scarlett talks to the boys, “okay boys it is still late, get your things we
need to leave before the sun is up.” The boys turned to their papa and were going to say okay
but stopped and looked at this new person that was next to their papa.

“Who are you?” Luffy said, tilting his head looking at Dragon up and down. Dragon took a
breath while Scarlett was trying not to laugh he leaned to whisper to Dragon “do you want to
tell him?” Dragon looks panicked while Ace is the one to step up and look at Dragon with a
critical eye. Scarlett watches amused as Ace’s eyes go wide. “you're the guy from the pictures
at home!” Scarlett smiled “good eye Ace, this is Dragon my older brother.”

The boy's eyes go wide “he is Luffy’s dad!” Sabo and Ace yell while looking at Dragon.
Dragon’s eyes go wide while Scarlett just laughs while Luffy is staring at Dragon. Luffy is
the first to make the move and walks up to Dragon holding out his hand “nice to meet you I
am Monkey D. Luffy and I will be the King of the pirates.” With his signature smile. Scarlett
knocks Dragon in the head and Dragon grabs Luffy’s hand “nice to meet you Luffy.”

Giving a small smile. Luffy lets go and heads inside “lets go pack!” Sabo and Ace turn to
Dragon “you can’t have him. He is our brother.” Dragon lets out a chuckle “don’t worry boys
I won’t take him. Scarlett is his dad not me. I would never take his freedom.” The boys nod
and head in after Luffy, leaving Scarlett and Dragon outside.
“I take it you know about what is happening tomorrow.” Dragon asks “yup, that’s why I am
leaving, I don’t want them here for those people.” Scarlett says with disgust at the mere
thought of the gods as he hears the shouts from Dadan’s men about the boys running through
the hut, Dragon nods “you know he looks like her a lot.” Dragon adds,Scarlett could only
smile as he thinks of how his little Luffy looks so much like Lucy, his mother “yup. Got any
extra photos I could have to show them later.” Scarlett asked

Dragon thinks as he watches the boys come out with their little bags “yeah I’ll leave it at the
house when I leave.” The boys walk up to the adults “we are ready papa.” Luffy says with a
smile and Scarlett returns in full.

“Great let's get going then.Dra, want a lift back or are you fine?” Dragon rolls his eyes “I can
get back on my own, it was nice meeting you boys.” And just like that he was gone with the
wind, the boys were in awe while Scarlett just laughed “alright boys lets set sail.”
Boys make it to Windrise
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none


Scarlett 32
Ace 11
Sabo 11
Luffy 8
Mihawk 30

After making it back to the Rex Scarlett sent sail while the boys catch up on much needed
sleep as the last 24 hours have been so stressful. Scarlett had thanked the seas for her help
and set out for Windrise, while looking at the maps Scarlett decided to call Rose just like he

pur-pur pur- pur clank! “What do you want?” A sleepy voice answers that is not Rose’s.
Scarlett raises a brow “Rose.” The line goes quiet before he hears the sounds of blankets
moving and running footsteps “Cora-san!cora-san!” And a loud bang of a door followed by a
loud crash “what happened?! Are we being attacked?!” Scarlett could only chuckle listening
to the two before he knows it he is full blown laughing at the two.

“Red!” Scarlett calms down to hear Rose “yeah I’m here, sorry to wake up guys but I figured
to call now.” Scarlett hears Rose and Law take a breath “it's good to hear from you Scar-ya.”
Scarlett smiles at Law “how are things going with your fruit Law?” “Good it hurts a little but
I am getting it out and should have it all gone in a day or two.” Scarlett couldn’t help but be
proud and happy for Law “that's great Law!”

Scarlett turns to the bed when he hears moving only to see Sabo sit up and walk over to him
climbing into his lap, with tears running down his face. “Papa I can’t sleep.” As sabo
trembles in his arms Scarlett wraps him in his arms and turns to the snail “sorry guys I got to
go but I just wanted to let you know I am okay and things were handled. Till next time.” The
other two say their goodbyes while Scarlett starts to slowly move side to side humming a
random tune, hoping to calm Sabo.

Scarlett just holds Sabo while the boy silently cries for a few minutes until Sabo has calmed
down enough Scarlett dares to speak. “Do you want to talk about what happened? Sometimes
that helps.” Scarlett stops moving to look down at his son who had gone still in his lap. “You
don’t have to if you don’t want to but I just want you to know I am here to listen.”

Scarlett goes back to moving side to side and humming a random tune as he hears Sabo
taking deep breaths and feels him hold onto his shirt tighter. “He hired Bluejam to bring me
back.” Scarlett hums and lets the boy talk, he listens as Sabo tells him of why he left those
years ago, the dark and cold room. To what happened after he went back, hoping Outlook
would leave Ace and Luffy alone. To hearing about the fire and the fear that filled him. How
he planned to leave Dawn island by himself but didn’t because Ace’s words ran through his
head ‘he is coming, he will get you back’ the more Sabo talked the more tired he got while
Scarlett just listened to him and could tell he was falling asleep.

Scarlett crawled into the bed with his boys and fixed himself so Sabo was still on his chest
listening to his heart while the others latched onto him when he laid down. Scarlett knows his
boys went through a lot and can only hope they know he is there for them. “Rex, watch out
for us, I need some sleep.” Rex appeared next to the bed looking over the pile of bodies “of
course Little one, sleep it has been days since you last did.” “Hmm, good night Rex.”


The past two days have been nice after the hell the boys have been through, Sabo still has
nightmares but Scarlett thinks that once they land on Windrise they would go away. Ace and
Luffy are having a good time as they both love to sail and are trying their best to cheer up
Sabo. Scarlett thinks they would reach Windrise tonight so as the boys were playing on deck
Scarlett thought it would be a good time to show them Mihawk’s ring as he got it by a
newscoos on his way back to Dawn. Scarlett opens one of the secret boards under the bed and
pulls out the small black box. Scarlett is excited to show the boys as it was the design they,
Shanks,Benn and Yasopp agreed on.
Scarlett sees the boys sitting in a circle listening to Sabo talk about different knots to tie the
sails. Scarlett joins in on the circle and listens for a while letting the boy talk so passionately
until the boys notice the box in the middle of the circle. Sabo is of course the first to notice it,
when he stopped middle sentence “Is that what I think it is?!” While Ace and Luffy don’t
have any idea what Sabo is talking about. Scarlett could help but laugh “yes, go ahead and
tell me what you guys think.”

Ace was the first to open the box and as he opened it Sabo and Luffy were by his side
looking in awe at the two rings that sat in the box. Two black bands with three different
colored gems in the middle on the rings orange, blue, red. They weren’t big gems but they fit
the rings perfectly and the look on the boys showed Scarlett he made the right choice. He
watched as the boys talked about the rings and started to ask questions about how Scarlett
was going to do it.

“Well, I was thinking we would do it at home or here at Windrise. I would make a nice dinner
and ask him after.” Scarlett had never seen Ace and Sabo look so disappointed “No Papa, you
have to be more romantic, take him out somewhere nice and then after you can ask but not at
home. Dad deserves a nice dinner then you guys can come home.” Ace spoke with such
passion that Scarlett could only smile while Sabo agreed with Ace. “Yeah Papa, Dad is gone
all the time and he doesn’t see you often so you guys should go on a date then come home to
us so we can celebrate together.” Sabo and Ace shared a smile while Scareltt thought of a
nice place to take Mihawk.

“Luffy, what do you think about that?” Luffy just continued staring at the rings in Ace’s
hands “what?” “What do you think about taking Dad out to eat and asking him then?” Luffy
just nodded his head and turned to look at Scarlett “can we get rings too?” Scarlett just
laughed “of course! I have them being made already. There is one for each of you. They are
black bands like those with three gems in the middle with one color that matches you well.
Ace is orange, Sabo is blue and Luffy is red. What do you think?”

The boys seemed to think it over before Ace handed his papa the rings and went inside.
Scarlett could hear him searching for something before he came back out with a paper in his
hand. “Like this?” It was one of the first designs Scarlett had seen Ace hold in Shanks’s room
and remember how Ace loved it, so Scarlett thought it would be good for the others to have
the same style just with a different stone. “Yup! That's the one, you like it?” Ace only hugged
Scarlett while he laughed of joy. “You're the best papa!” The group countied to come up with
ideas for a while before Rex came out and told them they would be approaching the island

The sun was starting to set while Scarlett guided the boys on how to dock the boat by
themselves at his home on Windrise. There were a few moments Scarlett wanted to jump in
and correct the boys but held back as he saw the three work together to do it the right way.
Once Scarlett was sure everything was secure the boy took off towards the house as Scarlett
told them where the spare key was while he got down their bags.

Once Scarlett got everything that was when he heard the shouting, he was confused as he
could hear Ace but there was another voice that wasn’t the boys quickly Scarlett made it to
the house and could hear clearly what was being said “I already told you brats to scram! You
don’t live here!” Scarlett hears an older man he was planning to meet later guess that

“Our papa owns the house, old man!” Ace yelled back clearly being held back by sabo.

“You broke in here!” The man shouts back.

“No we didn't, our papa gave us the key! If anyone broke in here it's you!” Ace shouts

Scarlett could only roll his eyes. He walked in behind everyone clearing his throat making
his presence known while placing the bags on the table “, I thought you wouldn’t be
here today, I was planning on heading to your shop, when we went to town for dinner.”

Mr.Star looks at the boy who is no longer a boy with wide eyes. “Scarlett, my boy look at
you, what- hold that,these brats broke in here.” Scarlett laughed as Mr.Star pointed to the
three boys as they looked between them. “these are my sons Mr.Star” Scarlett could see
Mr.Star’s brain working as he figured out “You have three!?”
Scarlett chuckled as he placed himself behind his boys and smiled at Mr.Star. “Boys meet
Mr.Star, he and his family are old friends of mine they keep the house in shape when I am
gone. Mr.Star meets my sons the twins Ace the one who was shouting and Sabo the blond,
then my youngest Luffy with the straw hat.” Scarlett watched Mr.Star as he looked over the
boys before turning to Scarlett. pointed to Ace with a look in his eyes that Scarlett knows too well."He looks like
her.” He said with a sad smile, Scarlett could only smile and turned to the boys “pick a room
to put the stuff in then we can get dinner.” The boys did just that, giving Scarlett a moment
with Mr.Star “you look good kid. “Thanks, how is the mrs. and the loser?” Mr.Star gave him
a chuckle “they are both well, I am sure they are going to be excited to see you after all these

“Yeah sorry it took so long, just after everything and work, it was a little hard to find a
balance and now I have. my boys are okay and happy and I am happy. I have someone else
now and I plan on proposing and the boys like him too so I just hope he says yes.” They both
laugh “if you can pull him and he stays with all your craziness I am sure he will say yes.”
The boys return and everyone heads back to town for dinner, while listening to the trouble
Scarlett and Bass would get into from

The boys were able to get a good meal and have a nice time exploring the new town while
Scarlett followed behind them picking up things they would need during their stay until it
was time to head back home and get a nice rest after this past week of craziness.
Popping the qustion
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 32
Mihawk 30
Ace 11
Sabo 11
Luffy 8

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After spending two weeks on Windrise Mihawk was able to make it to the east blue and
would be able to meet Scarlett and the others at Windrise. At first the boys didn’t know until
Scarlett spoiled the surprise by telling the boys to help pick out dinner for when Mihawk

The boys of course were super excited as they hadn't seen him in a while, they had waited
excitedly for his ship to pull in at the dock behind the house. They didn’t wait for Mihawk to
dock before jumping onto his ship tackling him with hugs causing him to fall but they
laughed about it. That night they had a big dinner and had an amazing night.

Mihawk hung out about a week before he found out Scarlett was planning something but he
didn’t know what it was just yet. Scarlett had found out from the people at the docks there
was a new restaurant not far from here called ‘The Baratie’ . It supposedly has really good
food. The boys know tonight Scarlett was going to ask Mihawk tonight and has been in good
moods all day while Scarlett had to convince Mihawk to go out. Mihawk was hesitant after
hearing what happened with Sabo but the boys and Scarlett did puppy eyes and the man
caves. The boys cheered while Scarlett gave him a quick kiss and started to get things ready
for them to leave in the next hour.

Sabo was quick to help his papa pick out an outfit while Ace and Luffy helped Mihawk with
his outfit. They were both ready and had everything they needed for the night. They said their
goodbyes and headed out on the Rex. They caught up with each other and enjoyed their time
and before they knew it they made it to ‘ The Baratie’ . Quickly the two got dressed while
they were leaving Scarlett was quick to put the rings in his pocket not sure when to pop the
question but would have it just in case.

They made it in fast and as soon as the hostess saw Mihawk they were treated to a table while
making way to the table Scarlett caught a glimpse of the past. A little blonde boy with swirly
eyebrows ran by him that looked like an old friend. It stunned his mind for a moment but he
caught up to Mihawk and pulled out his seat and the two started their date.

The two were offered two menus for drinks and meals, Scarlett let Mihawk pick the bottle of
Malbec (red wine), Scarlett had asked for food recommendations that paired with the food.
However their waiter was cut off after giving an option “no, get the grilled steak it is paired
perfectly for the Malbec with kidney pie.” Scarlett got a good look at the one who spoke, it
was the little boy he saw when they came in. Scarlett leaned on his hand as he looked down
at the small boy.“Well don’t you know a lot. Tell me what use you would recommend for

The boy looked at both of them “well, I recommend the steak for you and your partner, I
would recommend the lamb tagines with prunes.” Scarlett turned to Mihawk who Scarlett
could tell was impressed with the boy’s knowledge. “Well, do you want to try what he
recommended?” Mihawk asked Scarlett. “Yes, we’ll take what you said however, I could say
this for the both of us. We would like you to cook it, boy.” Scarlett said, The waiter let out a
gasp and ran off with the boy looking surprised but excited. Scarlett thought to bring up his
old friend however Scareltt knows he wants tonight to be happy and not bring down the

“Really? you want me to cook it.” The boy asked in disbelief Scarlett nodded when he saw
Mihawk wasn’t going to add. “Yes we would, if you have this much knowledge it's only fair
you use it right?” Giving the boy a smile. “Plus something tells me you are an amazing
cook.” The boy nodded and ran back into the kitchen leaving the pair to wait for their drinks.
“You know him.” Mihawk says looking at his dear, “Ah, Mi Vida, you know too well. I don’t
know him but he does look like an old friend. If I am right that means she has joined the
waves. I would ask but I don’t want to bring down our lovely night. Especially when you
look this amazing and are right in front of me after so long.” That caused Mihawk to blush a
little while Scarlett gave him a smirk.

The two were given their drinks and soon after the pair got their food it was amazing. The
two enjoyed their drinks and food while chatting away until they finished their food and two
bottles of wine before they saw the little boy again. “Is there anything else I could get you
tonight?” “I’m thinking of dessert, what about you Mi Vida?” Mihawk just smiles at the
nickname “yes dessert sounds great.we’ll take what you recommend.” Before the boy could
leave “the food was really good, kid, nice work.” Mihawk told the boy. The boy was trying to
hold back his smile but Scarlett watched him walk away and jump in the air before rushing
into the kitchen.

“What do you think he is going to bring next?” Scarlett asked Mihawk as he has a lot of
knowledge with wines. “ Probably something not too sweet. I hope it is chocolate, Luffy got
into my stash,” as he pouted Scarlett chuckled and almost pulled the ring only for the boy to
return with some kind of cake. “Here is your dessert, a chocolate layer cake with a soft cream
filling. Enjoy.” They both give their thanks and dig in. It was truly great Scarlett loved the
taste and from Mihawk’s eyes Scarlett could tell he was impressed too. The two conutined
talking until both had their fill chatting away finishing their third bottle before they were
handed a check.

Of course Scarlett was quick to grab it and pay as the two were going to leave. Scarlett
caught the boy once again and decided to ask him, he needed to know. “Hey kid, come here.”
The boy looked confused but came by his side, Scarlett got down to his height while Mihawk
stood at his side. “I’m sorry if I upset you with what I am about to ask but I have to know,
Was your mother Sora?” Scarlett watched the boy's eyes go wide and Scarlett could see the
boy was going to start to panic. “Sorry kid, maybe I was mistaken, she was a good friend and
I haven’t heard from her since she got married and you just look like her. Sorry but anyways
the food was great. Keep on cooking, I'm sure you will be an amazing chef one day.” Scarlett
cursed himself for talking too much and causing the boy to panic. So he did what he thought
was best and leave.
Scarlett got up and walked with Mihawk outside with a hand around his love when the sound
of running footsteps followed them “Wait!Wait!” The two stopped and turned to the boy
panting “wait! You aren’t wrong, my mom was Sora and she died a few years ago.” Scarlett
had a feeling but wasn’t able to do anything as she had cut contact because her fiancé was
jealous of the two’s friendship and closeness. Sora was a great friend and at the time the two
met Scarlett was already crushing on those golden eyes. But he didn’t want to cause problems
for his friend was worried for her safety. As she still planned to be with that person, he
respected her decision and her wishes as she too was lost in love to a man that would only
hurt her.

“I see, thank you for telling me and I am sorry for your loss, she was a great friend.” Scarlett
said as he held Mihawk a little tighter “Thanks, my name is Sanji, use it next time.” Scarlett
gave him a smile that Sanji matched making him look just like his mother. “sure if you cook
for us next time, have a nice night Sanji.” Sanji waved as he ran back into the restaurant
while the two stood on the dock before they went on their way.

The two left back to the Rex and started to set sail. “You okay my dear?” Mihawk asked as he
searched his love’s face hoping to find answers.“Yes, He just confirmed my suspicion.
Anyways let's get out of these clothes and have some fun, yes.” Scarlett said as he opened his
arms and smirked. Whatever sadness mihawk saw disappeared and was now filled with lust
and love. Mihawk was on him in seconds as they made their way into the cabin.


After their fun Scarlett was getting some water for the two as they just finished putting on
pajamas, Mihawk was picking up the clothes when he felt something in Scarlett’s pockets. He
pulls out a small black box and it takes his breath away “Scarlett,” Scarlett turns and sees
Mihawk with the box in his hand and freezes “is this what I think it is?”

Scarlett is at a loss for a moment before he makes his way to his love and takes the box and
gets down on one knee, while Mihawk is standing shocked. “Well, I was waiting to do this
when we laid down again but you found it first so here it goes. Dracule,Mi Amor, Mi vida,
My everything, we have been together for 7 years now and in those years you have been
nothing but caring and understanding and loving to me and our kids. And I found myself
thinking I want to be with you the rest of our lives. I think of waking up with you by my side.
I think of you constantly when we are not together. I think of how amazing you are. How
incredibly intelligent you are or just how you are an amazing fighter. As you are kind, and
full of compassion and understanding. You push me to strive for more, to be better for us, for
our kids. What we have now is amazing and great but I am selfish like any other pirate and I
want you by my side always.I want you to be there when I wake and when I close my eyes. I
want you by my side as we watch our boys become men. I want you by my side as we grow
old. I want you by my side forever. You have been my dream for many years now and I want
to spend the rest of my days with you by my side until the end. So Dracule Mihawk, will you
marry me?”

Mihawk had tears in his eyes as he tackled Scarlett to the floor crying into his shoulder
“yes!yes!” Mihawk shouted as he wiped his tears. Scarlett could only laugh and smile,
guiding Mihawk so their lips could meet. After a few seconds Scarlett takes out the ring and
it fits Mihawk perfectly and looks amazing on him. Mihakw wipes his stray tears looking at
the ring, it is beautiful, he takes the other ring placing it on Scarlett's finger. “Mi Amor, you
are full of surprises, I can’t wait to spend our lives together.”

Chapter End Notes

Mi vida= my life
Mi amor= my love

Scarlett proposed!!

Fun fact I wrote that scene at least five times and I’m still not satisfied with it but this
one I liked this one the most so it will stay.

Also we get to meet someone new! Little sanji! I don’t really have a full outline for his
character but I do have some ideas for him in the future timeline!

Now onto the next chapter!

The wedding and the oath
Chapter Notes

Content warning: none

Scarlett 32
Mihawk 30
Ace 11
Sabo 11
Luffy 8

See the end of the chapter for more notes

As the pair lay in bed admiring their rings Scarlett remembers he has to tell Mihawk a few
things he hasn’t already. “Mi Vida, there are some things I haven’t told you that you should
know.” Mihawk lifts his head from Scarlett’s chest giving him a quick peck “okay my dear,
what is it?” Scarlett takes a breath and starts “well first, my father is Marine hero Garp.”
Scarlett sees Mihawk grow a little wide. “Yeah, I know, another is my brother is Dragon, the
revolutionary army’s leader and he is also Luffy’s biological father.”

Scarlett holds Mihawk's hand a little tighter “ Sabo is a runaway noble from the Goa
Kingdom, and Ace is Gol D. Roger’s biological son. I knew Roger since my childhood and
made a promise to him long before Ace was even born to raise him if anything happens to
Roger and his mom is Queen of spades, portgas d. Rogue.” Scarlett takes a few minutes to let
Mihawk think about everything.

Mihawk takes his face in his hands “thank you for telling me, My Dear. Now that I know we
can protect our boys even better and teach them to protect themselves.” Scarlett could only
kiss Mihawk senselessly once they parted “gods I love you so much Mi Vida.” With a big
smile Mihawk could only laugh “I love you Mi Amor.”

The two spend the rest of their time talking about random things before they reach Windrise
once again in the early morning. Quietly the two make it into the house and into their room
and get some sleep before their boys decide to wake them.

The following morning the first to wake was Luffy and he made his way into the kitchen
making toast while Sabo and Ace soon joined him each having toast before they made their
way into their parents room. The trio poked their heads in and saw the pair was still sleeping
and decided to make pancakes before they woke.

Surprisingly fast the boys were able to finish breakfast just as their parents joined them in the
kitchen. “Well now this is a nice surprise, dear do you want coffee?” Mihawk spoke as he
gave each of the boys a kiss on the head as he passed them into the kitchen. “Yes, coffee
please, boys, the food looks amazing, let's eat!” The boys all cheer while picking up their
plates and start to sit at the table.

They are about half way done with breakfast before the sound of a fork hitting a plate is
heard from Luffy causing everyone to stop for a second looking at the shocked boy. Luffy
stands on his seat with a big smile “you said yes!” The other boys look at their hands while
Scarlett and Mihawk smile at the boys “ yes, I did.” before they even knew it, all three
boys were on them and attacked them with hugs and congratulations.


They spend the rest of the morning talking about what the plans were. Scarlett and Mihawk
both are impatient so the idea of waiting for a wedding puts them off. Luffy was the one to
say they should get married that same day, both thought about it and agreed. “Well there is
somewhere to get married in town and they don’t report to the world government so the
marines won’t know. What do you think dear? Want to get married today?” Scarlett said with
a big smile looking at the love of his life.
“Haha, I like the way you boys think. Let’s get ready, we have a wedding to do.” The boys
cheer and run off while Scarlett pulls Miahwk into his lap “you sure love?” “Mihawk just
smiled “yes I’m sure my dear, I made you wait too already and I can’t wait anymore.”

The boys cleaned up nicely, all wearing button down shirts and nice shorts while Mihawk
wore a black deep v neck with matching pants and Scarlett with a deep red button down shirt
with black pants. They were done and headed into town excitedly talking, passing everyone
wanting to get to the local government office as fast as they could.

The group made it and luckily were able to get someone to authorize the wedding and were
put in a room with the boys and started the wedding. “Today we are gathered to witness the
love between these two people. Would you two like to say something?” Mihawk was the first
to speak up “I would. Scarlett, you have made me feel things I never had experienced before.
You made me feel loved and cared for. You made me feel safe and allowed me to experience
what it is like to have a family again. So I can’t wait to spend our days together knowing I
have you by my side with our little family.”

Scarlett could only smile wanting to kiss Mihawk already. “Do you have anything to say
Scarlett?” “Yes, can you hurry so I can kiss him.” The boys giggled while the others just
smiled “then by the power invested in me, I pronounce you husbands, you may kiss the

The boys cheered as Scarlett took Mihawk into his arms kissing him. The group left the
building to meet a small crowd of a lot of people Scarlett knew, before he could even ask,
flower petals were thrown. “congratulations!” They all shouted and cheered. The boys
watched in awe even Mihawk was shocked while Scarlett just laughed. “Haha who told huh?!
Anyways, everyone meet my husband!”

The group cheered while Scarlett whispered to Mihawk as the group lead them through the
street to where the party was starting already. “These people are all friends that looked out for
me when I was younger and When I hid with Ace’s Mother here. They are another family to
me.” Mihawk simply smiled, “I am glad you are surrounded by people who care and love
you.” The two joined in on the fun and party with the rest.
The people party well into the night while Scarlett and Mihawk call it an early night. They
rounded the boys and headed home, they walked and talked while listening to Scarlett tell
stories from his time on the island while taking drinks from a bottle of wine while the boys
made their way into the house with a bottle of sake. Scarlett could only feel excitement to
witness this movement quickly he and Mihawk followed after them watching silently as Sabo
grabbed the cups Scarlett left in plain sight while Luffy grabbed food and Ace sat waiting for
the others at the table.

Scarlett and Mihawk took a seat in the living room watching their boys while Ace poured the
drinks and started his little speech. “Since papa and dad made their oath today I say we do
ours.” Ace opens the bottle of sake and starts to pour into the glasses. “Our plan is to be
pirates. We might sail out together or we might sail out independently but our brotherhood
would always be with us, wherever we are. Whatever you do we’ll always be bonded
together.” Each picked up their glasses “so from now on we are brothers!” The three cheered
while drinking the sake and quickly almost spit it out causing Mihawk and Scarlett to laugh.
The three then laughed to themselves, then soon joined their dads on the couch and continued
to chat until everyone fell asleep in a cuddle pile.

Chapter End Notes

Mi vida= my life
Mi amor= my love

Dracule and Scarlett are married!!! And the trio of brothers made their oaths too!!

Things are falling into place as we head to the end! One more chapter of the main story
then we get the epilogue followed by a teaser of book 2!

See you Thursday!

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