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Topic 2

ECS417U - Fundamentals of Web Technology Hypertext Markup Language

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
• HTML syntax

• Structure of HTML

• Semantic structure elements

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Learning Objectives
On completion of this topic, you will be able to:

• Summarise a brief history of HTML

• Understand the syntax of HTML

• Describe the structure of HTML

• Understand the importance of semantic

structure elements

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Interactive Lecture Session
• Bring your laptop
• Make sure it is charged

• Join the Teams group to post questions

• Microsoft Teams - 85cexv9

Visual Studio Code

Posting a Question
• In order to get your question answered Waleed Iqbal

during the session, you will need to post it on

MS Teams dedicated lecture channel (e.g.
Week 1 Lecture)

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Lab Sessions

Attempt Exercises

Need Support?

Complete Lab Interaction Form

Demonstrator will call come and see you in the ITL

to provide support

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Lab Sessions

Attempt Exercises

Complete Exercises

Submit Exercise URL via QMPlus

Complete Lab Interaction Form

Demonstrator will call you to assess your work

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Hello World

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hello World</title>
Hello World!

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Hello World

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Basic Syntax: Elements and Attributes

HTML documents are composed of textual content and HTML elements.

• HTML element: can contain text, other elements, or be empty.

• It is identi ed in the HTML document by tags (e.g. < >).

• HTML attribute is a name=value pair that provides more information about the HTML
• In XHTML, attribute values had to be enclosed in quotes; in HTML5, the quotes are

• Comment form: <!-- … —>

• Browsers ignore comments, unrecognisable tags, line breaks, multiple spaces, and tabs

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Elements and Attributes

Opening Tag Closing Tag

<a href="">BBC</a>
Element Name Attribute Content
Can be text or other HTML elements

Empty Element Example

Trailing Slash

Element Name
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What can you do with
• Insert images using the <img> tag

• Create links with the <a> tag

• Create lists with the <ul>, <ol> and <li>


• Create headings with <H1>, <H2>, …, <H6>

• And much more…

• Mozilla Developer Network is an excellent

reference for HTML elements.

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Nesting HTML elements

• Often an HTML element will contain other HTML elements.

• In such a case, the container element is said to be a parent of the contained,

or child, element.

• Any elements contained within the child are said to be descendents of the
parent element; likewise, any given child element, may have a variety of

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Hierarchy of Elements

Child Parent
HTML is <em>Fun!</em>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
This is <strong>
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Hierarchy of Elements


<p> <h1> <div>


<em> <p>


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Semantic Markup
• HTML should focus on the structure of the document.

• Information about how the content should look when it is displayed in the
browser is best left to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

• Therefore, HTML authors are encouraged to create semantic HTML documents.

• HTML document should not describe how to visually present content, but
only describe its content’s structural semantics or meaning.

• Structure is vital
• We will examine tags that describe the basic structural information
• e.g. Articles, headings, lists, paragraphs, links, navigation, footers

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Semantic Markup - Advantages

• Eliminating presentation-oriented markup and writing semantic HTML markup

has a variety of important advantages:

• Maintainability - Semantic markup is easier to update and change than web

pages that contain a great deal of presentation markup.

• Faster

• Accessibility - Visiting a web page using voice reading software can be a

very frustrating experience if the site does not use semantic markup.

• Search engine optimisation

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HTML Page Structure

1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
<meta charset="utf-8"> 5
<title>Basic HTML Page Structure</title> 6

<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"> 7

<script src="main.js"></script>
4 <body>
<h1>Main heading goes here</h1>
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• Short for Document Type De nition

• Tells the browser (or any other client software

that is reading this HTML document) what
type of document it is about to process.

• No mention of the version. 1 <!DOCTYPE html>

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• The <html> element is sometimes called the 2 <html>
root element as it contains all the other HTML
elements in the document.

• The structure of an HTML document has

been compared with that of a sandwich.


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Head and Body

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head> 3

Metadata: does <meta charset="utf-8">

<title>Basic HTML Page Structure</title> }
not appear in Shows up as the
the viewport of name of the tab
the browser <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<script src="main.js"></script>

Contents that is <body> 4
rendered in the
viewport of the <h1>Main heading goes here</h1>
browser </body>
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Inside the Head?

<meta> element: This example declares that the character encoding for the
document is UTF-8.
<meta charset="utf-8"> 5

<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"> 6

<script src="main.js"></script> 7

Speci es an external CSS style sheet le that is used

with this document.

It also references an external Javascript le.

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Paragraphs <p>
• Paragraphs are the most basic unit of text in
an HTML document.

• Notice that the <p> tag is a container and

can contain HTML and other inline HTML

• inline HTML elements refers to HTML

elements that do not cause a paragraph
break but are part of the regular “ ow” of the

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Divisions <div>
• This <div> tag is also a container element
and is used to create a logical grouping of

• The <div> element has no intrinsic


• It is frequently used in contemporary CSS-

based layouts to mark out sections.

<div> confusion?

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Text Formatting

• There is a list of elements that specify text style.
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Headings and Lines
• HTML provides six levels of heading
(<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, …), with the higher
heading number indicating a heading of
less importance.

• Headings are an essential way for

document authors use to show their
readers the structure of the document.

• Be semantically accurate!
• Do not choose a heading level
because of its default presentation

• <hr /> creates a horizontal line.

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Images <img>
• The <img> tag is used to insert an image. It contains only attributes, and does not have a
closing tag.

• The image's URL (address) can be de ned using the src attribute.

• Default units for height and width are “picture elements” (pixels)
• Can specify percentage of client area of the browser using string such as “50%”

Text in title attribute will be

displayed in a popup tool tip when
Speci es the URL of image to display user moves mouse over image.

<img src=“images/usman.jpg" alt="Usman Naeem" title="Usman Naeem" width="50" height="50" />

Text in alt attribute provides a brief Speci es the width and height
description of image’s content for of image in pixels
users are unable to see it.
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Images <img>

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Links <a>

• Links are created using the <a> element (the “a” stands for anchor).

• A link has two main parts: the destination and the label.


<a href="">Dr Usman Naeem</a>


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Types of Links
External site

<a href="">Dr Usman Naeem</a>

Resource on external site

<a href="">Dr Usman Naeem</a>

Another page on same site as this page

<a href="index.html">Home</a>

Another place on the same page

<a href="#top">Go to Top of Document</a>

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Types of Links

Speci c place on another page

<a href="skills.html#programming">Programming Skills</a>


<a href="mailto://">Contact Usman</a>

JavaScript function

<a href="javascript://OpenPopup();">See this</a>

Telephone - automatically dials the number when
user clicks on it using a smartphone browser

<a href="tel:+442078826171">Call Now</a>

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Links Examples

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Lists <li>
• Unordered lists <ul> Collections of items in no particular order; these are by default rendered by the
browser as a bulleted list.
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Lists <li>
• Ordered lists <ol> Collections of items that have a set order; these are by default
rendered by the browser as a numbered list.
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De nition Lists <dl>
• Terms being de ned are the content of the
<dt> tag

• The de nitions themselves are the content of

the <dd> tag

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Inline Elements
• Inline elements do not disrupt the ow of text (i.e.,
cause a line break).

• Appears in the current line (except <br />)

• Small amount of content, no height or width

• HTML5 de nes over 30 of these elements.

• e.g. <a>, <br>, <em>, <strong>

• Take up only as much width as needed ( ows left

to right)
• Cannot have height and width
• Cannot have a block element child
• Cannot be positioned (e.g. CSS properties like
oat and position do not apply to inline elements)

• Must position its containing block element instead

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Block Elements
• Large blocks of content, has height and

• Breaks the current line

• Can’t be the content of inline elements

• e.g. <p>, <form>, <h1>, <div>

• Take up the full width of the page ( ows top

to bottom)

• Have a height and width

• Can have block or inline elements as children

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Inline-Block Elements
• Examples: <img>, any element with display:

• Take up only as much width as needed

( ows left to right)

• Can have height and width

• Can have a block element as a child

• Can be positioned (i.e. CSS properties like

oat and position apply)

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Character Entities

Symbol Description Entity Name Number Code

" quotation mark &quot; &#34;

' apostrophe &apos; &#39;

& ampersand &amp; &#38;

< less-than &lt; &#60;

> greater-than &gt; &#62;

Special characters that can’t be typed as themselves

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HTML5 Semantic Elements

• One substantial problem with modern, pre-HTML5

semantic markup:
• most complex web sites are absolutely packed solid with
<div> elements.

• Unfortunately, all these <div> elements can make the

resulting markup confusing and hard to modify.

• Developers typically try to bring some sense and order to

the <div> chaos by using id or class names that provide
some clue as to their meaning.

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1 1
<header> <hgroup> 2

<nav> 3

4 4
<article> 5 5
<figure> 6

7 <figcaption> 7

<aside> 8 8

<header> <footer>

Header and Footer

Most web site pages have a recognisable header and footer section.
• Typically the header contains
• site logo
• title
• horizontal navigation links, and
• perhaps one or two horizontal banners.

The typical footer contains less important material, such as

• smaller text versions of the navigation,
• copyright notices,
• information about the site’s privacy policy, and
• perhaps twitter feeds or links to other social sites.

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• The <nav> element represents a section of a

page that contains links to other pages or to <img src="logo.gif" alt="logo" />
other parts within the same page. <h1>Fundamentals of Web Technology</h1>
<nav role="navigation">
• Like the other new HTML5 semantic <ul>
<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
elements, the browser does not apply any <li><a href="about.html">About Us</a></li>
special presentation to the <nav> element. </ul>
• The <nav> element is intended to be used </header>
for major navigation blocks, presumably the
global and secondary navigation systems.

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<section> <article>

Section and Articles

• The <article> element represents a section of content that forms an

independent part of a document or site; for example, a magazine or
newspaper article, or a blog entry.

• The <section> element represents a section of a document, typically with a

title or heading.

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<section> <article>

• <section> or <div>?

• The WHATWG speci cation warns readers that the <section> element is not a
generic container element. HTML already has the <div> element for such uses.

• When an element is needed only for styling purposes or as a convenience for

scripting, it makes sense to use the <div> element instead.

• Another way to help you decide whether or not to use the <section> element is
to ask yourself if it is appropriate for the element's contents to be listed explicitly in
the document's outline.

• If so, then use a <section>; otherwise use a <div>.

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<figure> <figcaption>

Figure and Figure Captions

• The <figure> element can be used not just for images but for any type of essential content that
could be moved to a different location in the document.

• However:

• The <figure> element should not be used to wrap every image.

• For instance, it makes no sense to wrap the site logo or non-essential images such as banner
ads and graphical embellishments within <figure> elements.

• Instead, only use the <figure> element for circumstances where the image (or other content)
has a caption and where the gure is essential to the content but its position on the page is
relatively unimportant.

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• The <aside> element is similar to the <figure> element in that it is used

for marking up content that is separate from the main content on the page.

• <aside> element “represents a section of a page that consists of content

that is tangentially related to the content around the aside element.”

• The <aside> element could thus be used for sidebars, pull quotes, groups of
advertising images, or any other grouping of non-essential elements.

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Like a house?
• HTML - Frame of the house
• Floors, rooms == Header, body, footer

• CSS - Look of the house

• Bedroom { oor: carpet }

• JavaScript - Interaction
• onClick = “turnOffTelevsion()”

• PHP - Wiring and Pipes

• Deal with requests
• Server-side languages such as PHP return
data and/or new HTML, CSS, and
Javascript les to your browser.

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On completion of this topic, you will be able to:

• Summarise a brief history of HTML

• Understand the syntax of HTML

• Describe the structure of HTML

• Understand the importance of semantic

structure elements

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Directed Reading

• Connolly R and Hoar R, 'Fundamentals of Web Development', Global Edition,

Pearson, 2014, Chapter 2

Slide material adapted from:

Connolly R and Hoar R, 'Fundamentals of Web Development', Global Edition, © 2022. Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education

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