The Lost Found Memory

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The Lost Found Memory

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi, Other
Fandom: Pikmin (Video Game)
Relationships: Olimar/Olimar's Wife (Pikmin), Olimar & Pikmin (Pikmin), Olimar &
Olimar's Son (Pikmin), Olimar & Olimar's Daughter (Pikmin), Olimar &
Olimar's Family (Pikmin), Olimar & Olimar's Daughter & Olimar's Son
(Pikmin), Louie & Olimar (Pikmin), Olimar & The President (Pikmin),
Olimar (Pikmin)/Original Character(s)
Characters: Olimar (Pikmin), Olimar's Wife (Pikmin), Olimar's Son (Pikmin),
Olimar's Daughter (Pikmin), Louie (Pikmin), The President (Pikmin),
Pikmin, Red Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, Blue Pikmin (Pikmin), White
Pikmin (Pikmin), Purple Pikmin (Pikmin), Rock Pikmin (Pikmin),
Hocotate Freight Ship (Pikmin)
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), POV Original Female Character, Parental Olimar
(Pikmin), Good Parent Olimar (Pikmin)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-02-06 Words: 883 Chapters: 1/1
The Lost Found Memory
by TristenNorfleet1


Well Olimar gets stuck and almost dies on the planet PNF-404...again, but only to be saved
by someone he thought was dead! Based on them being separated for 15 years on a bad will this reunion go? And how will Olimar's family and co-workers (and boss)
react when they all meet that said person?

I'm sure you all know that I don't own Pikmin and that Pikmin own by Nintendo and I'm sure
you know that this is non-canon to the franchise like the rest of my books here. But this is
just a just-in-case heads up.
Wander's P.O.V.

Just another survive. But it's not all bad...well...once you get use to it of course. I
mean the outside smell and the food that you find here are all pretty good along with how
beautiful it is out here both day and night, but the problems I have here are the creatures
here...almost all of them here are deadly and...there is nobody really to talk too. Oh well I
guess...I've been able to put up with it for so long it probably shouldn't matter,
right...? But at least some of the creatures trust me when it comes to helping them feel better.
Oh! Time to go gather up some fruits and flowers, maybe I should stop by the cave to see if I
can find any more of those shiny whatevers.

Captain Olimar's P.O.V.

*Sighs* Crash landed on PNF-404...again. I don't know what happened, one second I was
heading back home after successfully delivering a shipment of Pikpik Carrots and the next
minute I was knocked out cold. Hmmmmmmm I must have been hit by something...can't
believe this happened again! Well at least I have the Pikmins by my side or! Now is
not the time to be thinking such thoughts! Me and the Pikmins will find all my parts and I
will get back home to my family! But...where to search now? I mean, manage to find at least
10 parts so far. Hmmmmmmm suppose I should start searching that cave, though I will admit
I am a bit skeptical to do so as the cave is giving me a bad vibe. Which is strange because I
always go into caves to either find my ship parts or to collect some treasure and I always find
all sorts of creatures in these sort of situations. Hopefully nothing terribly serious
happens...well as I have the Pikmins by my side then everything will be fine, right?

Wander's P.O.V.

Man! There's all type of things in this cave, all types of things that I cannot explain...though I
wish I could. Anyways, I manage to find enough of those shiny whatevers and I should be
good to go. Saved up enough food and stuff that'll last me for at least week. Huh?
Wait...what's all that noise about? I follow the noises deeper into the cave and find a bunch of
those leaf creatures fighting a giant spider, oh okay! Better leave them be because I don't
want to get involved in...whatever is going on. Well I would have if I hadn't spotted a small
man lying on the ground with a enormous scratch on his stomach, he was laying there and
doesn't appear to be moving...poor guy...wait! Is he still alive? Because I could have sworn I
saw his stomach move up a little. Well if he is...then I better get him out of her fast and fix
this scratch of his. And that's what I did, I grabbed him and ran out of the cave as fast as I can
and I didn't stop until I reached a nearby lake. Man...this might be while, though now that I
think about it...he looks familiar...where have I seen him before? Hmmmmmmm...oh well!
Better get to work!

Captain Olimar's P.O.V.

I don't know what all happened so fast that I...didn't make hurts so
much.... At least my helmet didn't get cracked...or else. I don't even remember what happened
afterwards, am I back at my ship? How long was I out? And how am I still
alive? I couldn't have possibly made it back on my own because I can barely stand on my
own and...I rather not say. I looked around my surroundings to see the Pikmins, maybe they
brought me back? As I tried to stand up so I can get inside S.S. Dolphin to care for my wound
and fix my spacesuit, I noticed my spacesuit was already sewed back together. It was sewed
with some material that looks like the stem of a leaf and...maybe grass? Wait! When did this
happen!? Though this would explain why I'm not dead yet...but now the bigger question is
WHO did this? I'm not sure the Pikmins did this though they do tend to surprise me. Is
someone else here on PNF-404? Oh no! It's night time! I honestly didn't notice! I quickly
whistled the Pikmins to go into their respectful Onions and pushed myself to get up and get
inside my ship. It wasn't easy, but we successfully took off into the night sky. After putting
the ship on autopilot, I carefully removed the top half of my spacesuit along with my helmet
so that I can work on tending to the wound on my abdomen. But much to my surprise,
somebody had already treated it. How!? Who!? ...well whoever it is...I should thank them.
Whoever they are, though the way that person sewed the suit...and fixed the all
seems so oddly familiar...I should go get some rest. Hopefully things will get better.
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