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Wroclaw University of Science And Technology

Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering

Automotive Engineering


Design of chemical composition for steels

with desired hardenability
Name and Surname : Sami Onur Vural
Number : 263410

Supervisor : Dr inż. Krzysztof Widanka

Design Constraints

 This shaft will be quenched and high- tempered at T = 540 ᵒC.

 For ASTM scale we should assume grain size of austenite Nr 6
 Carbon content should be within the range 0,3 ≤ %C ≤ 0,6
 There is no limit for number of alloying element but, percentage of them should be under %1
 Final hardness must be equal to 310 HV or higher but no higher than 10 %

Determining the ASTM grain size

For Grossman method to determine ideal diameter, and we use this equation to calculate it ;
D I =D Ibase . f 1 . f 2 . f 3 … … .
f1,f2 and f3 are factors for alloying element, the base ideal diameter D ıbase determined from the carbon
content and austenite grain size and calculated from the equation ;

D Ibase=k . √ %C

For grain size is 6, we can read the value of k as 25.5.

Obtaining the chemical composition

For our limitiations the carbon percentage of this chemical composition should be between %0,3 and
% 0,6.

If we accept carbon content as %6 we can read HV Value as 250.

Hardness value from carbon content graph : 250 HV

Minumum hardness : 310 HV

Maximum hardness : 341 HV

Determining DIbase from the carbon content and the grain size

D Ibase=k . √ %C

D Ibase=25 , 5 . √ 0 , 6=19 ,7

Alloying Factors

The maximum diameter of this shaft is 45 mm, so we can use this value as critical diameter.
If we assume strong agitation for the both cases , we can use H = 0.8 for oil and H = 2.0 for water.

From this graph ;

For Oil Ideal Critical Diameter : Di80 = 68 mm

For Water Ideal Critical Diameter : Di80 = 55 mm

We can read Di50 values from below table

From this graph :

For Oil Ideal Critical Diameter : Di50 = 80 mm

For Water Ideal Critical Diameter : Di50 = 60 mm

The value of the f factor for alloying elements can be calculated from a following equation:
f x =B x

Bx = specific factor to the alloying element

%Mx = weight percentage of alloying element


HV Should be between 310 – 341

Calculated Critical Diameter for oil should be between 80 – 88

Calculated Critical Diameter for water should be between 60 - 66

For water %1 Cr ,%1 Si and %0,05 Mo

HV = 250 + 45 + 34 +10 = 339 HV

Calculated Critical Diameter = 19,7.(2,13).(1.40).(3,275)0,05 = 62,335mm > 60 mm

For oil %1 Ni , % 1 Cr and % 0.8 Si

HV = 250 + 45 + 30 + 7 = 332 HV

Calculated Critical Diameter = 19,7.(2,13). (1.47) . (1.40)0.8 = 80.73 mm > 80 mm


For steel quenched in water chemical composion consists of % 0,6 C %1 Cr , %1 Si and %0,05 Mo

For steel quenched in oil chemical composion consists of %0,6C %1 Ni , %1 Cr and %0.8 Si

Both of them required our design objectives and restrictions .

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