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1. KOF index divides to four main components such as 1. Economic Globalization:

How much a country is involved in international trade, investments, and
financial activities. 2. Social globalization such as culture exchange and
tourism. 3. Political globalization - measures to what extent country
participate in global questions.
2. Probably four factors methodological variances, contemporary focus and
3. Third one
4. Economic strain and war debt.
5. Dissolution of the British Empire.
6. Rise of the USA and the Soviet Union.
7. Impact of war on the UK economy.

4. ?
5. All three countries invest huge amounts of money in military might. Usa stands
out with the highest spendings of 740 billion, because of investments in air forces
which are very costly.
6. Greatest strength of the G7 Seven is autonomy, they are able to make decisions
without agreeing with other countries such as russia with which there are many
7. A cartel is an association of companies that work together to manipulate prices,
restrict production, and decrease competition within an industry. This collaboration
is usually against the law because it hinders fair competition and can have adverse
effects on consumers and economic effectiveness. Authorities strive to identify and
dismantle cartels using legal actions and penalties. Russia and China are the main
examples, as they are manipulating natural resources, in order to get political

8. Opec is the biggest producer of oil. Qatar is the biggest exporter of liquefied
natural gas, so the market directly depends on such countries. Opec can make
decisions of increasing or reducing prices as they are main suppliers and a lot
of countries cannot refuse their oil, it gives them an opportunity to manipulate
the market.
9. ?
The New Development Bank (NDB) is funded through:

Initial Capital Contributions: Member countries contribute initial capital.

Paid-in Capital: Members commit to providing capital over time.
Callable Capital: Members guarantee additional financial support.

Borrowings and Bonds: The NDB can raise funds by issuing bonds or borrowing.

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