Afro Asian Literature Ratio - 2022 1

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Afro-Asian Literature
Gerald D. Venta, LPT, MAEd (CAR)
Faculty and Program Head
College of Education, RAD Learning
PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College
Which of these lines from
Sakuntala is an example of

A.Fear shrinks to half the body small.

B.Our garden blossoms yield to
these/Flower-children of the wood
C.The thing you feared as fire,/Is the jewel of
your desire
D.and trustful deer/That do not run away as
we draw near
Which of these lines from
Sakuntala is an example of

A.Fear shrinks to half the body small.

B.Our garden blossoms yield to
these/Flower-children of the wood
C.The thing you feared as fire,/Is the jewel
of your desire
D.and trustful deer/That do not run away as
we draw near
Below is an excerpt from the
poem, Taj Mahal.

To you, my love, the Taj is a symbol of love. Fine.

Fine too that you venerate this, the valley where it sits.
But meet me somewhere else.
How does the persona feel about the Taj
Below is an excerpt from the
poem, Taj Mahal.

To you, my love, the Taj is a symbol of love. Fine.

Fine too that you venerate this, the valley where it sits.
But meet me somewhere else.
How does the persona feel about the Taj
Below is a poem from Li Po.

Quiet Night Thoughts

Before my bed Lifting my head
There is bright moonlight I watch the bright moon,
So that it seems Lowering my head
Like frost on the ground I dream that I’m home

What impression of the moonlight does

the simile in the first stanza create?
A. comforting B. warm
C. nostalgic D. cheerful
Below is a poem from Li Po.

Quiet Night Thoughts

Before my bed Lifting my head
There is bright moonlight I watch the bright moon,
So that it seems Lowering my head
Like frost on the ground I dream that I’m home

What impression of the moonlight does

the simile in the first stanza create?
A. comforting B. warm
C. nostalgic D. cheerful
What is the theme of this African proverb:
On the way to one’s beloved there are no hills.?

A. Real love knows no boundaries.

B.Sacrifice is the gauge of true love.
C.Obstacles make a relationship strong.
D.True love is tested by difficulties.
What is the theme of this African proverb:
On the way to one’s beloved there are no hills.?

A. Real love knows no boundaries.

B.Sacrifice is the gauge of true love.
C.Obstacles make a relationship strong.
D.True love is tested by difficulties.
Below is a tanka.
The End of My Journey by Oshikochi
The end of my journey
Was still far off.
But in the tree-shade
Of the summer mountain
I stood, my mind floating

What state of mind suggested by the

phrase “my mind floating” in the tanka?
A. contemplation B. hangover
C. jet lags D. peace of mind
Below is a tanka.
The End of My Journey by Oshikochi
The end of my journey
Was still far off.
But in the tree-shade
Of the summer mountain
I stood, my mind floating

What state of mind suggested by the

phrase “my mind floating” in the tanka?
A. contemplation B. hangover
C. jet lags D. peace of mind
“She was deep in the road before she became
conscious of her shoes. In horror, she saw that
they were coated with thick, black clay.
Gingerly she pulled off one shoe after the other
with the hand still clutching the letter.”
What does the underlined word in this excerpt
from Love in the Cornhusks mean?

A. disgustedly B. carefully
C. hurriedly D. determined
“She was deep in the road before she became
conscious of her shoes. In horror, she saw that
they were coated with thick, black clay.
Gingerly she pulled off one shoe after the other
with the hand still clutching the letter.”
What does the underlined word in this excerpt
from Love in the Cornhusks mean?

A. disgustedly B. carefully
C. hurriedly D. determined
What historical time is Nick Joaquin’s May Day
Eve set?

A. Japanese occupation
B. American time
C.Spanish regime
D. Martial law era
1521-1898 - Spanish Period 1898-1946 - American Period

1972-1981 - Martial law era

What historical time is Nick Joaquin’s May Day
Eve set?

A. Japanese occupation
B. American time
C.Spanish regime
D. Martial law era
This is a story of a learned Brahman named
Vishnusarman who used animal fables to
instruct the three dull-witted sons of a king.

A. Panchatantra
B. The Little Clay Cart
C. Gitanjali
D. On Learning to be an Indian
This is a story of a learned Brahman named
Vishnusarman who used animal fables to
instruct the three dull-witted sons of a king.

A. Panchatantra
B. The Little Clay Cart
C. Gitanjali
D. On Learning to be an Indian
_______________ dominates every scene in a
Sanskrit drama and allows the audience to take
part in the play and be one with the characters.

A. Artha
B. Rasa
C. Kama
D. Moksha
_______________ dominates every scene in a
Sanskrit drama and allows the audience to take
part in the play and be one with the characters.

A. Artha
B. Rasa
C. Kama
D. Moksha
What is the rhythmical development of this excerpt
from the Rigveda, ‘The Hymn of Man’?

When they divided Purusa, how many portions did them make?
What do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his
thighs and feet?
The Brahman was his mouth, of both arms was Rajanya made.
His thighs became Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced.

A. Free verse B. quatrain

C. couplet D. octave
What is the rhythmical development of this excerpt
from the Rigveda, ‘The Hymn of Man’?

When they divided Purusa, how many portions did them make?
What do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his
thighs and feet?
The Brahman was his mouth, of both arms was Rajanya made.
His thighs became Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced.

A. Free verse B. quatrain

C. couplet D. octave
Read the poem below by Ping Hsin
then answer the next two questions
Time is a Pair of Scissors

Time is a Pair of Scissors

And life, a bolt of brocade
Section by section the brocade is cut;
When the last section is done
The scraps are committed to a bonfire.

Time is an iron whip,

And life, a tree full of blossoms.
One by one the flowers are lashed off;
When the last one is gone,
The fallen petals are trampled into the dirt and sand.
What figure of speech is used in this title?

A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole
What figure of speech is used in this title?

A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole

• If you want to inoffensively state that a person has died, you might say that
they passed away. This idiom is also a euphemism.
• You could also say that someone bit the dust or kicked the bucket—but these
idioms are considered crude and insensitive, and therefore are not euphemisms.
• The idiom bucket list is related to the idiom kicked the bucket—it's not a list of
buckets, but a list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket."
• Again, if you're not worried about being polite, you might say that a person who is
dead and buried is pushing up daisies.
• And if you say that someone is sleeping with the fishes, it means they've been
killed and disposed of in some body of water. (This particular idiom originated in the
film The Godfather.)
“There was nothing to fear, for the man was
always so gentle, so kind.”
What literary device is employed in this line
from Magnificence?

A. foreshadowing
B. en medias res
C. symbolism
D. flashback
“There was nothing to fear, for the man was
always so gentle, so kind.”
What literary device is employed in this line
from Magnificence?

A. foreshadowing
B. en medias res
C. symbolism
D. flashback
The figure of speech implied in this line from
Alfon’s Forever Witches:
“MARING: Bastos! I know what you really
wanted to say. Pusa ka din!!”
A. Metaphor
B. Pun
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole
The figure of speech implied in this line from
Alfon’s Forever Witches:
“MARING: Bastos! I know what you really
wanted to say. Pusa ka din!!”
A. Metaphor
B. Pun
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole
“A bamboo flute is heard far away. Once more
we hear the turtle crying.”

What sense imagery is used in this description

of the scene?

A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Tactile
D. Olfactory
“A bamboo flute is heard far away. Once more
we hear the turtle crying.”

What sense imagery is used in this description

of the scene?

A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Tactile
D. Olfactory
Which is not characteristic of a story of local

A. mores and traditions of a particular

B. description of the local setting
C. bias and prejudice of characters
D. politeness and address markers
Which is not characteristic of a story of local

A. mores and traditions of a particular

B. description of the local setting
C. bias and prejudice of characters
D. politeness and address markers
A farce normally performed between the Nō

A. Kabuki
B. Kyogen
C. Jorori
D. Bunrako

Kabuki involves lively, melodramatic acting and is

staged using elaborate and colorful costumes and
sets. It is performed with the accompaniment of an
orchestra and generally focus on the lives of
common people rather than aristocrats.

Kyogen is a farce traditionally performed between

the Nō tragedies.

Jorori (now called Bunraku) is staged using

puppets and was a great influence on the
development of the Kabuki.
A farce normally performed between the Nō

A. Kabuki
B. Kyogen
C. Jorori
D. Bunrako
Yukio Mishima’s four-part epic including Spring
Snow, Runaway Horses, The Temple of Dawn,
and The Decay of the Angel is known as _____.

A. The House of Sleeping Beauties

B. The Sea of Fertility
C. Snow Country
D. The Wild Geese

The House of Sleeping Beauties by Kawabata tells of the

escapades of a dirty old man, Eguchi, to a resort near the
sea where young women are given drugs before they are
made to sleep sky-clad.

The Sea of Fertility by Mishima is the four-part epic

including Spring Snow, Runaway Horses, The Temple of
Dawn, and The Decay of the Angel.

Snow Country by Kawabata tells of love denied by a Tokyo

dilettante, Shimamura, to Komako, a geisha who feels
‘used’ much as she wants to think and feel that she is drawn
sincerely, purely to a man of the world.

The Wild Geese by Oagi is a melodramatic novel set in

Tokyo at the threshold of the 20th century.
Yukio Mishima’s four-part epic including Spring
Snow, Runaway Horses, The Temple of Dawn,
and The Decay of the Angel is known as _____.

A. The House of Sleeping Beauties

B. The Sea of Fertility
C. Snow Country
D. The Wild Geese
He is one of the most widely translated of all
Japanese writers, and a number of his stories
have been made into films such as Rashomon

A. Yasunari Kawabata
B. Junichiro Tanizaki
C. Oe Kenzaburo
D. Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Yasunari Kawabata (1899 – 1972) won the Nobel

Prize for Literature in 1968.

Junichiro Tanizaki (1886 - – 1965) is a major

novelist whose writing is characterized by eroticism
and ironic wit.

Oe Kenzaburo (1935 -) awarded the Nobel Prize

for Literature in 1994.

Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1892 - – 1927) one of the

most widely translated of all Japanese writers, and
a number of his stories have been made into films.
He is one of the most widely translated of all
Japanese writers, and a number of his stories
have been made into films such as Rashomon

A. Yasunari Kawabata
B. Junichiro Tanizaki
C. Oe Kenzaburo
D. Ryunosuke Akutagawa
China’s most famous teacher, philosopher, and
political theorist, whose ideas have influence all
civilization of East Asia.

A. Confucius
B. Lao-tzu
C. Li Po
D. Tu Fu

Confucius was China’s most famous teacher, philosopher,

and political theorist, whose ideas have influenced all
civilizations of East Asia.

Lao-tzu is credited as the founder of Taoism and an elder

contemporary of Confucius who once consulted with him.

Li Po (701-762) was Wang Wei's contemporary and he

spent a short time in courts, but seems to have been too
much of a romantic and too give to drink to carry out

Tu Fu (712-770) is the Confucian moralist, realist, and

humanitarian. He was public-spirited, and his poetry helped
chronicle the history of the age: the deterioration
China’s most famous teacher, philosopher, and
political theorist, whose ideas have influence all
civilization of East Asia.

A. Confucius
B. Lao-tzu
C. Li Po
D. Tu Fu
Read the excerpt below from Chinua
Achebe’s The Voter the answer the next two
We have a minister from our village, one our own sons. He said to a group of
elder in the house of Ogbuefi Ezenwa, a man of high traditional title, “What
honour can a village have? Do you ever stop to ask yourself why we should be
single out of this honour? I will tell: it is because we are favoured by the leaders
of PAP. Whether we cast our paper for Marcus or not PAP will continue to rule.
Think of the pipe-borne water they have promised us… Besides Roof and his
assistant, there were five elders in the room. An old hurricane with a cracked
sooty glass chimney gave out yellowish light in their midst. The elders sat on
very low stools. On the floor, directly in front of them, lay two shilling pieces.
Outside the moon kept a straight face. “We believe every word you say to be
true,” said Ezenwa. “We shall every one of us drop his paper for Marcus. Who
would leave an ozo feast and go to a poor ritual mean? Tell Marcus he has our
papers, and our wives’ papers, too. But what we do say is that two shillings is
shameful.” He brought the lamp close and tilted it at the moment before him as
if to make sure he had not mistaken its value. “Yes, two shillings, it is shameful.
If Marcus were a poor man which our ancestors forbid I should be the first to
give him my paper free, as I did before. But today Marcus is a great man. We
did not ask him for money yesterday; we have climbed the iroko tree today and
would be foolish not to take down all the firewood we need.”
The ‘iroko’ tree mentioned in the last sentence
symbolizes ___________.

A. responsibilities
B. privileges
C. opportunities
D. resources
The ‘iroko’ tree mentioned in the last sentence
symbolizes ___________.

A. responsibilities
B. privileges
C. opportunities
D. resources
What ills in society are being condemned in this
satirical story?

A. unqualified yet popular candidates

B. opportunities during election campaign
C. politician’s unkept promises
D. vote-buying during elections
What ills in society are being condemned in this
satirical story?

A. unqualified yet popular candidates

B. opportunities during election campaign
C. politician’s unkept promises
D. vote-buying during elections
______________ is the movement organized
by African writers who wished to reunite black
people to their own history, traditions, and
languages, to the culture which expresses their

A. Tigritude
B. Apartheid
C. Negritude
D. Orature

The basic ideas behind Negritude include:

• Africans must look to their own cultural heritage to determine
the values and traditions that are most useful in the modern
• Committed writers should use African subject matter and
poetic traditions and should excite a desire for political
• Negritude itself encompasses the whole of African cultural,
economic, social, and political values.
• The value and dignity of African traditions and peoples must
be asserted.
______________ is the movement organized
by African writers who wished to reunite black
people to their own history, traditions, and
languages, to the culture which expresses their

A. Tigritude
B. Apartheid
C. Negritude
D. Orature
This line is an example of personification

A. And hold secret a bird’s flowering

B. Seeking a truer heaven in/The loved deep
C. And so while thoughts went to and fro
D. to teach the trees all that I could
This line is an example of personification

A. And hold secret a bird’s flowering

B. Seeking a truer heaven in/The loved deep
C. And so while thoughts went to and fro
D. to teach the trees all that I could
The world’s first known novel, The Tale of Genji
was written by __________.

A. Lady Murasaki
B. Wu Chengan
C. Sei Shōnagon
D. Valmiki

Lady Murasaki – author of The Tale of Genji – a

tremendous length and complexity, is considered to be the
world's first true novel.

Wu Chengan – Chinese novelist and poet of the Ming

Dynasty, and is considered by many to be the author of
Journey to the West.

Sei Shōnagon – a lady-in-waiting to the Empress Sadako

in the late 10th century and wrote The Pillow Book

Valmiki – the poet who composed in Sanskrit the

The world’s first known novel, The Tale of Genji
was written by __________.

A. Lady Murasaki
B. Wu Chengan
C. Sei Shōnagon
D. Valmiki
The religion of this country is based on the
perception of life as a process of continual
change in which opposing forces such as
heaven and earth or light and dark, balance one

A. India
B. China
C. Japan
D. Africa
Indian creativity is evident in religion as the
country is the birthplace of two important
faiths: Hinduism, the dominant religion, and
Buddhism, which ironically became extinct in
India but spread throughout Asia.

Unlike Western religions, Chinese religions are

based on the perception of life as a process of
continual change in which opposing forces, such as
heaven and earth or light and dark, balance one
another. These opposites are symbolized by the
Yin and Yang.
Two major faiths were essential elements in the
cultural foundations of Japanese society.
Shintoism – “the way of the gods” – ancient
religion that reveres in dwelling divine spirits called
kami, found in natural places and objects.

Zen Buddhism emphasized the importance of

meditation, concentration, and self-discipline as the
way to enlightenment.
Religion in Africa is multifaceted and has
been a major influence on art, culture and
philosophy. Today, the continent's various
populations and individuals are mostly
adherents of Christianity, Islam, and to a
lesser extent several traditional African

From: ENG 159 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature Module

The religion of this country is based on the
perception of life as a process of continual
change in which opposing forces such as
heaven and earth or light and dark, balance one

A. India
B. China
C. Japan
D. Africa
The first Asian to receive the Nobel Prize for

A. Yasunari Kawabata
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Wole Soyinka
D. Po Chu-I
Yasunari Kawabata – won the Nobel Prize
for Literature in 1968.

Rabindranath Tagore – won the Nobel Prize

for Literature in 1913

Wole Soyinka – won the Nobel Prize for

Literature in 1986.

Po Chu-I – lived around 772 - 846
The first Asian to receive the Nobel Prize for

A. Yasunari Kawabata
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Wole Soyinka
D. Po Chu-I
Filial piety is a basic tenet of this school of

A. Taosim
B. Confucianism
C. Hinduism
D. Buddhism
Filial piety is a basic tenet of this school of

A. Taosim
B. Confucianism
C. Hinduism
D. Buddhism
This ethical concept suggests a sense of
obligation or indebtedness which explains the
sense of patriotism and nationalism of the

A. On
B. Seppuku
C. Giri
D. Kami
On – sense of obligation or indebtedness which propels a
Japanese to act, as it binds the person perpetually to other
individuals to the group, to parents, teachers, superiors, and
the emperor.

Seppuku – ritual disembowelment exemplify to what extent the

Giri and On could be morally followed.

Giri – connotes duty, justice, honor, face, decency,

respectability, courtesy, charity, humanity, love, gratitude, claim.

Kami – object of worship in Shintō and other indigenous religions

of Japan.
This ethical concept suggests a sense of
obligation or indebtedness which explains the
sense of patriotism and nationalism of the

A. On
B. Seppuku
C. Giri
D. Kami
What insight is suggested by this
haiku from Basho?
Poverty’s child –
He starts to grind the rice
And gazes at the moon.

A. Nature has a soothing effect on the human

B. Child labor is a reality in many Asian nations.
C. The poor dream and are hopeful of better
things in their life.
D. Life is never-ending routine of work and
What insight is suggested by this
haiku from Basho?
Poverty’s child –
He starts to grind the rice
And gazes at the moon.

A. Nature has a soothing effect on the human

B. Child labor is a reality in many Asian nations.
C. The poor dream and are hopeful of better
things in their life.
D. Life is never-ending routine of work and
He is the leading figure of the Negritude

A. Leopold Senghor
B. Dennis Brutus
C. Wole Soyinka
D. David Diop

Leopold Senghor – Negritude’’s foremost spokesman and

edited an anthology of French-language poetry by black
African that became a seminal text of the Negritude

Dennis Brutus – author of Letters to Martha and Train


Wole Soyinka – Nigerian playwright, poet, novelis, and critic

who was the first black African to be awarded the Nobel Prize
for Literature in 1986.

David Diop – wrote the poem Africa that achieves its impact
by a series of climactic sentences and rhetorical questions
He is the leading figure of the Negritude

A. Leopold Senghor
B. Dennis Brutus
C. Wole Soyinka
D. David Diop
What figure of speech is used in this line from
Alvero’s poem?

“Could Gods refuse

Such tempting wine?”

A. Apostrophe
B. Rhetorical question
C. Allusion
D. Metaphor
Rhetorical question
Rhetorical question
What figure of speech is used in this line from
Alvero’s poem?

“Could Gods refuse

Such tempting wine?”

A. Apostrophe
B. Rhetorical question
C. Allusion
D. Metaphor
The South African novelist and short story
writer whose major themes are on exile and
alienation, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in

A. Ousmane Sembene
B. Nadine Gordiner
C. Bessie Head
D. Barbara Kimenye


• https://globaleastafrica.or
The South African novelist and short story
writer whose major themes are on exile and
alienation, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in

A. Ousmane Sembene
B. Nadine Gordiner
C. Bessie Head
D. Barbara Kimenye
This novel is based on the pilgrimage of the
Buddhist monk Xuangzang to India in search of
sacred texts.

A. The Tale of Genji

B. Dream of the Red Chamber
C. Record of a Journey to the West
D. On Learning to be an Indian
The Tale of Genji traces the life of a
gifted and charming prince.

Dream of the Red Chamber

is a novel blend of realism and
romance, psychological motivation
and fate, daily life and supernatural
occurrences. A series of episodes
rather than a strongly plotted work, it
details the decline of the Jia family,
composed of two main branches, with
a proliferation of kinsmen and
This novel is based on the pilgrimage of the
Buddhist monk Xuangzang to India in search of
sacred texts.

A. The Tale of Genji

B. Dream of the Red Chamber
C. Record of a Journey to the West
D. On Learning to be an Indian
Fine arts and literature flourished during this
dynasty which is viewed as the Golden age of
Chinese civilization.

A. Han
B. T’ang
C. Ch’in
D. Shang

Han (207 B.C. - A.D. 220) – one of the most glorious eras
of Chinese history and was marked by the introduction of
Buddhism from India.

T’ang (A.D. 618-960) – Fine arts and literature flourished

during this era which is viewed as the Golden Age of
Chinese civilization.

Ch’in (221 B.C. –207 B.C.) – saw the unification of China

and the strengthening of central government.

Shang (1600 B.C.) – people practiced a religion based on

the belief that nature was inhabited by many powerful gods
and spirits.
Fine arts and literature flourished during this
dynasty which is viewed as the Golden age of
Chinese civilization.

A. Han
B. T’ang
C. Ch’in
D. Shang
This excerpt from Soyinka’s
Telephone Conversation indicates
the universal issue of __________.

“ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?” Revelation came.

“You mean – like plain or milk chocolate?” Her assent was
clinical, crushing its light impersonality. Rapidly, wave length
adjusted, I chose, “West African sepia.” – and as an
afterthought, “Down in my passport.”

A. Gender discrimination
B. Colonial mentality
C. Human rights violation
D. Racial discrimination
This excerpt from Soyinka’s
Telephone Conversation indicates
the universal issue of __________.

“ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?” Revelation came.

“You mean – like plain or milk chocolate?” Her assent was
clinical, crushing its light impersonality. Rapidly, wave length
adjusted, I chose, “West African sepia.” – and as an
afterthought, “Down in my passport.”

A. Gender discrimination
B. Colonial mentality
C. Human rights violation
D. Racial discrimination
The Hindu belief that life is an illusion is _____.

A. dharna
B. artha
C. maya
D. kama

dharna – virtue, duty, righteousness, moral


artha – wealth

maya – life illusion

kama – love or pleasure

The Hindu belief that life is an illusion is _____.

A. dharna
B. artha
C. maya
D. kama
Which famous painting is described
in the poem?

He saw the terror and violence, and he

Depicted sorrow, too, and infamy.
Corpses are dragged across a blood soaked floor.
What gods the victims did implore?

A. The Gladiator
B. Death in Rome
C. The Spolarium
D. The Execution
Which famous painting is described
in the poem?

He saw the terror and violence, and he

Depicted sorrow, too, and infamy.
Corpses are dragged across a blood soaked floor.
What gods the victims did implore?

A. The Gladiator
B. Death in Rome
C. The Spolarium
D. The Execution
“He” in these lines of poetry refers to _______.

A. Juan Luna
B. Jose Rizal
C. Resurrection Hidalgo
D. Emilio Aguinaldo
The Spoliarium is the most valuable oil-on-canvas painting
by Juan Luna, a Filipino educated at the Academia de
Dibujo y Pintura (Philippines) and at the Academia de San
Fernando in Madrid, Spain. With a size of 4.22 meters x
7.675 meters, it is the largest painting in the Philippines. A
historical painting, it was made by Luna in 1884 as an entry
to the prestigious Exposicion de Bellas Artes (Madrid Art
Exposition, May 1884) and eventually won for him the First
Gold Medal.
“He” in these lines of poetry refers to _______.

A. Juan Luna
B. Jose Rizal
C. Resurrection Hidalgo
D. Emilio Aguinaldo
The Philippine literary awards which started in
1950 is the

A. Commonwealth Literary Awards

B. Republic Cultural Heritage Awards
C. Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Literary Awards
D. Stonehill Awards

In 1940, the first Commonwealth Literary Awards were

given by Pres. Manuel Quezon…

The Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards in Literature were

instituted in 1950…

Government recognition of literary merit took a turn for

the better through the Republic Cultural Heritage Awards
The Philippine literary awards which started in
1950 is the

A. Commonwealth Literary Awards

B. Republic Cultural Heritage Awards
C. Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Literary Awards
D. Stonehill Awards
Aliguyon, the most notable Ifugao hero
immortalized in the epic Hudhud has been
written as a long poem by

A. Amador T. Daguio
B. Manuel A. Viray
C. Ricaredo Demetillo
D. Vidal A. Tan
Amador T. Daguio – Wedding Dance, The Flaming Lyre,
Man of Earth, Hudhud Hi Aliguyon

Manuel A. Viray – Shawl from Kashmir and Other Stories,

The Automatic Glass Door and Other Poems, Morning Song

Ricaredo Demetillo – Barter in Panay, First and Last Fruits,

Major and Minor Keys: Critical Essays on Philippine Fiction
and Poetry

Vidal A. Tan - eight President of the University of the

Philippines and the first Chinese Filipino to hold the
prestigious post.
Aliguyon, the most notable Ifugao hero
immortalized in the epic Hudhud has been
written as a long poem by

A. Amador T. Daguio
B. Manuel A. Viray
C. Ricaredo Demetillo
D. Vidal A. Tan
What rhythmical device is used in this line from
Latorena’s The Small Key?

“…even the low square nipa house that stood in

unashamed relief against the gray green haze
of grass and leaves.”

A. Alliteration
B. Assonance
C. Consonance
D. Anaphora
What rhythmical device is used in this line from
Latorena’s The Small Key?

“…even the low square nipa house that stood in

unashamed relief against the gray green haze
of grass and leaves.”

A. Alliteration
B. Assonance
C. Consonance
D. Anaphora
“Soledad nodded. Her eyes followed her husband
down the road, noting the fine set of his head and
shoulders, the ease of his stride. A strange ache rose
in her throat.”

Which emotion best describes Soledad’s feelings in

this excerpt from Latorena’s The Small Key?

A. fervent desire
B. discomfort from sore throat
C. instinctive suspicion
D. twinge of sadness
“Soledad nodded. Her eyes followed her husband
down the road, noting the fine set of his head and
shoulders, the ease of his stride. A strange ache rose
in her throat.”

Which emotion best describes Soledad’s feelings in

this excerpt from Latorena’s The Small Key?

A. fervent desire
B. discomfort from sore throat
C. instinctive suspicion
D. twinge of sadness
What figure of speech is used in this last paragraph
from Latorena’s The Small Key?

“How quiet and peaceful the day was! A cow that had
strayed by looked over her shoulder with a round
vague inquiry and went on chewing her cud, blissfully
unaware of such things as a gnawing fear in the heart
of a woman and a still smoldering resentment in a

A. Irony B. simile
C. Personification D. metaphor
What figure of speech is used in this last paragraph
from Latorena’s The Small Key?

“How quiet and peaceful the day was! A cow that had
strayed by looked over her shoulder with a round
vague inquiry and went on chewing her cud, blissfully
unaware of such things as a gnawing fear in the heart
of a woman and a still smoldering resentment in a

A. Irony B. simile
C. Personification D. metaphor
Alfredo Salazar undergoes epiphany at the end
of Marquez-Benitez’ story. What does
epiphany mean?

A. regret
B. insight
C. freedom
D. confusion
Alfredo Salazar undergoes epiphany at the end
of Marquez-Benitez’ story. What does
epiphany mean?

A. regret
B. insight
C. freedom
D. confusion
What do the ‘dead stars’ symbolize in Marquez-
Benitez’ story?

A.the let-down feeling over the truth of a disillusionment

B.the dilemma between responsibility and freedom
C.the discovery of how life’s values change with time
D.the doubts and uncertainty that stand in a
Responsibility is another underlying
theme of the story. Alfred is engaged
to his beloved to get married, yet, he
distracts himself with another woman
Julia. He forgets his responsibility
towards his to-be wife, even after eight
years he still thinks of Julia until he
realizes that Julia has changed herself.
What do the ‘dead stars’ symbolize in Marquez-
Benitez’ story?

A.the let-down feeling over the truth of a disillusionment

B.the dilemma between responsibility and freedom
C.the discovery of how life’s values change with time
D.the doubts and uncertainty that stand in a
In Hindu mythology, he is traditionally depicted
with four heads, four faces and four arms. He
also symbolizes the supreme eternal deity
whose essence pervades the entire universe.

A. Brahma
B. Vishnu
C. Shiva
D. Sarasvati

known as the Preserver and is a god

with many incarnations.

Generally regarded as nice, eternally

young and attractive, he is often
depicted with a crown and reclining on a
multi-headed serpent with a lotus flower
emerging from his navel.

He usually has four arms.

One carries a mace, which represents
the basic force from which all other
forces are derived. The others hold a
conch, a disc, and a ball or a lotus.

regarded as the destroyer, preserver,

and creator because he completes the
Hindu cosmological cycle and ushers in
the return of creation.

He wears a chignon with curls and has a

vertical third eye in the middle of his

He often is depicted with four arms,

carrying a string of beads, a symbol of
his teaching, and a trident.
Maa (Mother) Saraswati
a Hindu goddess who represents education, creativity, and
The name Saraswati stems from the Sanskrit root "saras," which
means "that which is fluid."
Maa Saraswati is known to bring order out of chaos and has a
calming and centering personality.
In Hindu mythology, he is traditionally depicted
with four heads, four faces and four arms. He
also symbolizes the supreme eternal deity
whose essence pervades the entire universe.

A. Brahma
B. Vishnu
C. Shiva
D. Sarasvati
He is a symbol of strength, perseverance,
devotion, and energy in Hinduism.

A. Hanuman
B. Vanara
C. Ganesh
D. Kali
He is a symbol of strength, perseverance,
devotion, and energy in Hinduism.

A. Hanuman
B. Vanara
C. Ganesh
D. Kali
In Egyptian mythology, he is the god of the dead
and the ruler of the underworld.

A. Shu
B. Ra
C. Osiris
D. Amun
In Egyptian mythology, he is the god of the dead
and the ruler of the underworld.

A. Shu
B. Ra
C. Osiris
D. Amun
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a

A. Considered true among various societies

B. A hero on a quest
C. Good versus evil
D. Adventures of animals
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a

A. Considered true among various societies

B. A hero on a quest
C. Good versus evil
D. Adventures of animals
Identify the author of the poem torn which the
following lines are taken:

O is she
rosely loved
is she lovely rosed
O is she lovely sung as sea-shells?
a. Fernando M. Maramag
b. Mauro Mendez
c. Natividad Marquaez
d. Jose Garcia Villa
Identify the author of the poem torn which the
following lines are taken:

O is she
rosely loved
is she lovely rosed
O is she lovely sung as sea-shells?
a. Fernando M. Maramag
b. Mauro Mendez
c. Natividad Marquaez
d. Jose Garcia Villa

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