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A Critique of the Article "The Perils of Confirmation Bias: How Our First Sources

Shape Our Beliefs "

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A Critique of the Article "The Perils of Confirmation Bias: How Our First

Sources Shape Our Beliefs


In today's modern world access to information is as easy as it has ever been. However,

spreading misinformation, propaganda and influencing large audiences has also been made

easier by the emergence of Internet and social media. Many of our beliefs and opinions are

formed based on the first source of information we encounter. This makes us vulnerable to

confirmation bias which can have negative implication for both individuals and society as a

whole. Overcoming these biases will help us in ways more than one, for instance in schools

the teachers can create effective dialogue with students to discover and respect their different

experiences (Wintrup, 2012). In this critique essay, I will analyse the article " The Perils of

Confirmation Bias: How our First Sources Shape our beliefs" and will discuss its core

message, assess its methods and evaluate the validity and reliability of its claims and

conclusions (Moeini 2023).

Summary of the Article

this article discusses the power of first information sources and the concept of

confirmation bias and how it shapes our opinions, beliefs and perceptions we have, from

political views to historical events and social issues. Furthermore, this article addresses some

of the factors involved in making an individual more prone to confirmation bias and small-

mindedness for example the need for a sense of belonging may result in forming “group

identity” which can effect one’s sense of judgment towards information (Baumeister, R. F., &

Leary, M. R. 2017). Some other factors include, cognitive dissonance, selective exposure, loss

aversion and emotional investment. The author emphasizes the significance of being aware of

these factors and confirmation bias in general and encourages open dialogues, seeking

information from various sources and open-mindedness to help us navigate the complex

issues of life (Moeini 2023).

Evaluation of the Research Methods

the author does not mention any specific research method for this article. However, it

appears to be a subjective review, discussing the available information on the topic of

confirmation bias. The author seems to use a wide range of material and perspectives to

explain the topic and its implications. Moreover, it uses examples to further demonstrate its

claims and provides the reader with additional insights and suggestions to engage in

productive dialogues. The lack of references, statistics and scientific studies for the claims

made in the article is evident and even though there might be actual empirical data to support

the claims and ideas, we do not see any of them mentioned in the article. Overall the article

seems to have used literature review to make its points but fails to mention the references and

mostly uses theoretical discussion.

Assessment of the Evidence

this article does not appear to provide any empirical evidence or data. Instead it

seems to be a theoretical analysis or debate of the idea of confirmation bias and its

consequences. Author uses examples to show different ways our existing views are

reinforced and opposing ideas are disregarded. Nevertheless, the author does not back the

claims made in the article by actual scientific evidence and data. The article overall provides

a good review about cognitive biases and addresses challenges relating to this issue and ways

to overcome them. Furthermore, even though the article itself is about being more open-

minded, it fails to address the opposing views with regards to this particular topic which on

its own is clumsy and hypocritical.


Evaluation of the conclusions

the conclusions made in the article are consistent with the rest of the article and even

though there is no citation or reference they seem logical and to the point. Additionally, the

author has somewhat simplified the topic and has brief explanations when it comes to roots

and causes of cognitive biases and has an idealistic view with regards to ways to overcome

the issue.

Consideration of the implications

the author tries to showcase the dangers of confirmation bias via providing examples.

Furthermore, tries to offer solutions to overcome it. the implications of this article are evident

in this modern age of information, with the vast amount of data on the internet and ease of

access to them confirmation bias can be the main factor, shaping our opinions and decisions.

Collaboration between discipline lecturers, AD, educational designers, and all practitioners is

on the rise demanding people to share different perspectives (Garner, M., Chanock, K., &

Clerehan, R. 1995). The finding suggest that we might be exposed to cognitive biases that

shape our opinions and beliefs, this implies that confronting social or political issues and

providing solutions to problematic scenarios require open dialogues and being receptive to

opposing views. By being aware of conformation bias and trying to diversify the sources and

develop one’s skills in critical thinking, confronting discussions with empathy, reflecting on

our beliefs and promoting civil discussions the author hopes to overcome conformation

bias(Moeini 2023).


In conclusion, the article " The Perils of Confirmation Bias: How Our First Sources

Shape Our Beliefs " provides valuable insights into one of the main factors that shape our

opinions and interpretations of available information. Unfortunately, this article has several

limitations in its argument. For instance, it does not seem to provide reliable sources of

information or any empirical evidence. The methods of evaluation are unclear and seem to be

biased. The author does not provide proper definitions for the term “conformation bias” and

failed propose a clear and comprehensive solution to the problem, but despite its flaws the

article has useful implications for overcoming the unaware judgment of information based on

our tendency to confirm our already existing opinions. Communities and individuals can

develop more sophisticated and receptive ways of processing information. Embracing

diversity of opinion and questioning our own beliefs is a road to both individual and group

development as well as a defense against the perils of confirmation bias.



Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (2017). The need to belong: Desire for

interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Interpersonal development,


Garner, M., Chanock, K., & Clerehan, R. (1995). Introduction. In M. Garner, K. Chanock, & R.
Clerehan (Eds.), Academic skills advising: Towards a discipline (pp. 1-5). Victorian Language
and Learning Network.
Moeini Hamid. (2023). The Perils of Confirmation Bias: How Our First Sources Shape Our
Wintrup, J., James, E., Humphris, D., & Bryson, C. (2012). Emotional work: students

realising, negotiating and overcoming barriers. Journal of Applied Research in Higher

Education, 4(2), 170-185.

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