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✓ What does research simply, mean?

✓ How can you remain interested in your research?

✓ What are the general objectives behind research?
✓ What does research mean?
✓ What is the main purpose of research?
✓ What are the main ingredients for a good researcher? Explain your answer in a diagram.
✓ Selection of domain/area of research is the very first step in the process of research. What are
the different parameters for selection of domain?4 Points
✓ In a diagram clarify the general guideline for selection of research problem.
✓ Before deciding domain or selecting research problem, what a researcher need to understand?
✓ How to prepare a research plan? Explain your answer in a table.
✓ Define the following terms:
• Plagiarism • Quoting • Paraphrasing
• Citation • Summarizing
✓ Background research is an important part to undertake the research in the area of interest.
✓ Impact Factor - What is it? Why use it? And how it is calculated?
✓ What does include incorporating the background information into the introduction or at the
start of the literature? 6 Points
✓ Impact Factor - What it is? Why it is used?
✓ Why reference?
✓ What the in-text citation consists?
✓ How to cite two or more publications by the same author in the same year?
✓ How to repeat citations of a study within one paragraph?
✓ How to in-text citation can be done for more than three authors
✓ What are the main sections of scientific research paper?
✓ What steps are used to read a primary research article?
✓ A scientific paper helps to understand what?
✓ Define the following terms brifely: i10 index, ORCID, and EndNote.
✓ What are the steps for publishing paper in a scientific journal?
✓ In a diagram demonstrate the various types of research publications.
✓ What are the steps for publishing paper in a scientific journal?

- Read article 1 and 2 then answer the following questions

- What is the difference between article 1 and 2?

- What does (1,2, 3 and 4) and the star means in article (1) and (2), respectivelly?
- Cite the first (1) and the second (2) Journal article in- text and in a reference list according to
Hrvard style?
- Write three keywords for article 1 and article 2.
- What suggestions are given in article 1 and 2?
- In article 2 the abstract highlights the main problems , key points of methods, important results
and observations from the experimentation, and the overview of authors’ conclusion and
discussions, indicate in which line number the auther mentioned

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