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1. A hollow steel shaft transmits 600 kW at 500 r.p.m. The maximum shear stress is 62.4 MPa.
Find the outside and inside diameter of the shaft, if the outer diameter is twice of inside
diameter, assuming that the maximum torque is 20% greater than the mean torque. [Ans. 100
mm ; 50 mm]

P= 600kW, N = 500rpm T= 62.4 MPa

P = 2πNT/60 =2 X 1 X 500 X T / 60
T = 11459 NM
T = π/16 x T x d^3
Max T = 120 X 11459 / 100
= 13750.8 Nm
Let outside diameter be d
13750.8 = π / 16 x 62·4 × 10^6 X d^3
d = 0.10392 m
d= 103 mm
2d = 103
Inside = 51.5mm
outside: 103 mm

2. Design a compression helical spring to carry a load of 500 N with a deflection of 25 mm.
The spring
index may be taken as 8. Assume the following values for the spring material:

W=5OON, S=25mm C = D/d = 8, T=350MPa, G=84 kN/mm

let D= mean diameter.
d: Diameter of spring wire.
K=(4C-1 / 4C-4) + 0.615 / C

(4X8)-1 / (4x8)-4 +(0.615/8)

T = k x 8 WC / πd^2

350 = ()1.184 X 8 X 500 X 8) / πd^2

d = 5.87 mm
From SWG, d = 5.893 mm
D= c.d
D= 8 x 5.893
= 47.144mm
No. of turns of the coils:
8 = 8W.C^3.n / G.d
(8 x 500 x 8 .n)
25 =
(84 X 103 X 5.893)
n = 6·0426

free length of spring

LF = n.d + 6 +0.15
=(8x5·893) + (25) + 0.15 +25)
= 75.894mm
pitch of coil
LF / n-1
75.894 / (8-1)
= 10.842 mm
3. The main bearing of a steam engine is 100 mm in diameter and 175 mm long. The bearing
supports a
load of 28 kN at 250 r.p.m. If the ratio of the diametral clearance to the diameter is 0.001 and
absolute viscosity of the lubricating oil is 0.015 kg/m-s, find : 1. The coefficient of friction ;
and 2.
The heat generated at the bearing due to friction.
[Ans. 0.002 77 ; 101.5 J/s]

d= 100mm l =175mm W=28KN=28

❑ 000N , N=250rpm, c/d=0.001,

z= 0·015kg/m-s
co-efficient of friction, μ = 33/10^8 (ZN/P) (d/c) +k
p=(W / l.d)

= (28000 / 175X100 ) = 1.6

K = 0.002

μ =(33/10^8) [0.015 x 250 /1.6][1/0.001]+0.002

μ =0.00277

Heat generated Qg= μ.W.V

V = π x d.N / 60
(π X 0.1 X 250) / 60
= 1.3089 m/s.
W = 28000
μ = 0·00277
Qg= 0·00277 × 28000 x 1.3089
= 101.5 j/s

4. A ball bearing subjected to a radial load of 5 kN is expected to have a life of 8000 hours at
1450 r.p.m.
with a reliability of 99%. Calculate the dynamic load capacity of the bearing so that it can be
from the manufacturer's catalogue based on a reliability of 90%. [Ans. 86.5 kN]
P/A = F/(πdl)
P/A = (28 × 10^3 N) / (π × 0.1 m × 0.175 m)

P/A = 50915.09 N/m^2

the radial clearance,

c = εd
c = 0.001 × 0.1 m
c = 0.0001 m

speed, v = πdn/60

v = π × 0.1 m × 250 rpm / 60

v = 1.308 m/s

coefficient of friction: h^3/12μ * dP/dx = v(ch + c/2)

μv/P * (ch + c/2)^2 = h/12

solving for h ;

h = 0.00447 m

h^3/12μ * dP/dx = v(ch + c/2)

μ = 0.00277
heat generated at the bearing due to friction,

Q = μPv

Q = 0.00277 × 28 × 10^3 N × 1.308 m/s

Q = 101.5 J/s

5. A 125 × 95 × 10 mm angle is joined to a frame by two parallel fillet welds along the edges of
150 mm leg. The angle is subjected to a tensile load of 180 kN. Find the lengths of weld if the
permissible static load per mm weld length is 430 N. [Ans. 137 mm and 307 mm]

Area of one weld

= (150 mm) x (10 mm) x (1/2) = 750 mm^2
Area of two welds
= 2 x 750 mm^2 = 1500 mm^2
Max. load that can be supported by each mm of weld length = 430 N/mm.

Max. load that can be supported by the two welds:

Max. load supported

= (area of two welds) x (permissible load per mm of weld length)
Max. load supported
= 1500 mm^2 x 430 N/mm = 645000 N
Length of each weld = (max. load supported) / (tensile load)
Length of each weld = 645000 N / 180 kN
= 3.583 m

Length of each individual weld

= 3.583 m / 2
= 1.792 m
= 1792 mm

Therefore, the lengths of the two welds are 137 mm and 307 mm (since they are along the 95
mm and 125 mm legs, respectively)

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