Green and White Doodle Thesis Defense Presentation - 20240108 - 034819 - 0000

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Democratic and

The democratic practices in the country are meant to benefit
the people. If only its resources, work force and funds were
never exploited by several individuals, finding solutions for the
country's multitude of economic and political problems would
never be impossible. Some democratic laws, however, are on the
border of being removed such as the Freedom of Information
Act which is now being abolished in some countries like the UK as
its government already issued some restrictions on information
present in the web. Since the Philippines tend to follow most of
the principles of the 1st world countries, this country may also
do the same in the near future.
On the other hand, undemocratic practices are practices that
affect the society. and government in many different ways, usually
denying the people's rights for freedom of expression, property
ownership, religious practices, etc. These practices include corruption,
martial law, and any other ordinances that restrict freedom among its
citizens. Although these were common trends in the country in the past,
they were eventually overshadowed by corruption and poverty, which
are main problems of most 3rd world countries today. Furthermore,
undemocratic practices are still severe problems in the country but
there are already few ways in order to deal with such problems to
prevent any further troubles in the government and the society. And
one of those effective ways in dealing with societal problems is the
education of the young people.
Gender Bias
Gender bias persists in various facets of society, affecting
opportunities, wages, and societal expectations. Women often
face discrimination in the workplace, limiting their career
progression. Educational and professional environments need to
address and rectify these imbalances.
The issue of poverty remains a significant challenge globally.
Disparities in income and access to resources perpetuate cycles
of poverty. Policy interventions focusing on economic
empowerment, education, and healthcare are crucial to
breaking these cycles.
Political Marginalization
Certain groups may experience political marginalization,
hindering their participation in decision-making processes.
Ensuring equitable representation and indusive policies is
essential for a truly democratic society that reflects the diverse
perspectives of its citizens.
Racial Inequality
Racial inequality persists in various aspects of life, including
education, employment, and criminal justice. Addressing
systemic racism requires comprehensive policies, education,
and societal awareness to dismantle discriminatory structures.
Cultural Domination
Cultural domination often leads to the marginalization of
minority cultures. Efforts should be made to celebrate diversity,
promote cultural exchange, and challenge any form of cultural
hegemony that perpetuates imbalances.
Crisis of Representation
A crisis of representation is evident when certain groups are
underrepresented or misrepresented in political, media, and
social spheres. Initiatives to enhance diversity in leadership and
media portrayals can contribute to a more accurate reflection of
Politics of Recognition
The politics of recognition involves acknowledging and
validating the identities, experiences, and rights of marginalized
groups. Advocating for indusive policies that respect diverse
identities and promote cultural understanding is essential in
fostering social cohesion.

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