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Instructor: Ahad Mammadov

Midterm Exam / Hands-On

Weight: 15%

Using one of the Virtual Machines in the cloud environment, do the following tasks.
For each task write the commands and put their output in this file and rename it as

 The commands are to be run as root.

 Enter here the name of the VM you chose:

Task 1:

Using single command, create the following directory structure in your home directory:
 SysAdminCourse
o LabsandAssignments
 Lab1
 Lab2
 Lab3
o Assignments
 Assignment1
 Assignment2
 Assignment3
Put command(s) and its output here:

Create 2 empty files A1.txt and A2.txt in the directory Assignment3

Put command(s) and its output here:

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology >THIS IS FOR 91771< :: SYST28296 Linux Admin ::
Instructor: Ahad Mammadov

We have made a mistake and realized that there are only 2 labs in the course and 2
Assignments. Delete Lab3 and Assignment3.

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology >THIS IS FOR 91771< :: SYST28296 Linux Admin ::
Instructor: Ahad Mammadov

Put command(s) and its output here:

Task 2:

All users in a system are listed in the /etc/passwd file. It also contains a number of other
useful fields for each user.

1. username
2. password – x indicates encrypted password is stored in /etc/shadow
3. user ID (uid) – each user is assigned a unique ID
4. group ID – primary group ID /etc/group file

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology >THIS IS FOR 91771< :: SYST28296 Linux Admin ::
Instructor: Ahad Mammadov

5. user ID info – a.k.a comment field

6. home directory – the path to users directory
7. command/shell – the path to the users shell

Using single command, create a new user with your Firstname Lastname as comment
field (full name, field 5), user login name as firstname, period and the first letter of your
lastname (i.e. ahad.m), and with default bash shell environment.
Put the command here:

Now, using AWK and GREP in one single command, save all the users and their home
directory (fields 1 and 6) that do NOT have /bin/false as the SHELL (field 7) into a file
called users.txt in your Assignment1 directory.
Put command and its output here:

Task 3:

Find all the files on your system that are named top.
Put command(s) and its output here:

Display the amount of space in human readable format that your SysAdminCourse
directory takes up.
Put command(s) and its output here:

List the drives and partitions on your system and their file system type.
Put command(s) and its output here:

Task 4:

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology >THIS IS FOR 91771< :: SYST28296 Linux Admin ::
Instructor: Ahad Mammadov

Using your own words, explain what the Apache Server is and give some alternatives to
this service [Answers from the Internet will be reported as Academic Integrity Violation!]
Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that conveys web content
through the web. It is generally reffered as Apache and after improvement, it
immediately turned into the most famous HTTP client on the web. It's generally
imagined that Apache gets its name from its advancement history and cycle of progress
through applied patches and modules however that was rectified back in 2000. It was
uncovered that the name started from the admiration of the Native American clan for
its versatility and toughness

You can now upload this file (before its due time) to the:
SLATE => Assessments => Assignments => Midterm Exam (Hands-On).

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology >THIS IS FOR 91771< :: SYST28296 Linux Admin ::

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