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Polymer flocculation and

coagulation for sedimentation of

copper flotation tailings
F.F. Peng and Z. Lu

Abstract tages of these feeding and tlocculating methods of high-

Ernployir~~y u r~otnhir~utiorr o f ' t ~ . otypes ~ f ' ~ ~ o l y ~ l c c ~ t t . o I capacity
~tc~ thickening are:
mighr h~c,omencc,rssal-y to c.nha~lc,eboth the sc>ttli/~,y rute of'
thrJoc,s und the M.ate/.c.lal.ity of ati'ne-pa/.tic,le srr.s/,rr~sio/lin the polynler is effectively dispersed in the feed, and the
u high-c.upc~c.itjthic,rE-~nill!:pl.oc.~.v.s.The S C ~ I I ~ I I I ~(f'uddi- YJ feed contacts the polymer fully, thus. the flocculation
t i o t ~ttlixirrg.
. type and do.s~ge (?tpolynze~. u l l afilc.t t11i~ O\Y~I.(I// is sufficient;
/ w ~ j o ~ . t ~ ~ und
a / ~ cc.a/,uc,ity
.e of a thie,ket~inxp/.oc.e.s.s. F o l t h ~ the flocculated feed is injected into the thick sediment
sedinlelztutiot~(f copper flotution tuili17,ys. the c.y/inde/ test layer, and dilution of the feed in clear water or very thin
/.r.sults shonzed [hut In'o diflerent tec.hniyrrp.r nray he used to slurry in the free-settling zone can be avoided: and
ac.hin-cj the rpclirit-etil~~~rf'orrnanc~~~, i.c.. u high .sc~ttli~r,g t.ut(l of' floc damage by the shear present in the feed well is
the ,floc,.s und the de~isiredu ~ d e t l f ' l od~~' n . s i t utrd j o\-erflo~. avoided, so that degradation of the floc size and lower-
M.U~PI. c~lat~ity.The t~ec/rrircclp~t:forrt~unc~c~ c.ut~ uc~/iei~,cel by ing of the settling rate is avoided.
~ i t l r e rudjrrsting the p H prior to anionic.
flocc~ulutiot~ or using a c,otnhi~~atior~ cfpoiyrner jIoc.c.rrl(r~~t Different from a conventional thickener, the capacity of a
cii7d c.oaglrlut~t( d u u l - p o l y m ~sysr~nt).
r The clytrumic. t h i c i r n - high-capacity thickener is dependent on the settling rate of
in? tclst /.e.sults showsed that only the u ~ ~ l ~ r o arrsit~g c , k u dual- the flocs and independent on the nonaggregated particles.
/ x ) b n ~ e .sxstern
r is c~apuhleof meeting the t.eq14ir.edpc,t:fot.- Therefore, the procedure of polymer application to the thick-
mut~c.e.The elfects ufpolyelet~troIytt~ closugc, the .seclrienc.e ener is very important for high-capacity thickeners to achieve
at7d ~nrmhet-sc?fpo/yelectrolyte adclitiot~,t h c ~ , f i . corrccJntt.u- ~d their expected performance.
t i o t ~ the
, bed I e ~ ~and c l the. t.ake spcecl 017 tlrc. .s~ttlirlgrate. For some pulps, employing the combination of two poly-
rrr~det:flow~ po.c,cJrrt.solids und M3uterc.lurity M~PI.C .st~rdic'(lit7 mers might become necessary to enhance the settling rate and
c.ylinclet. and in u 1uhoratot-y ilyr~umicthic.rE-etrirrgrrnit. to reduce water turbidity in the high-capacity thickening
Tlrp c(ynumic test is e . ~ p ~ ( . i u Ivulrruble Iy in e~wlrrutit~g thc process. The use of a combination of two oppositely charged
uclditiot~N M n ~r i x i t ~(fpolymers. Thc 1-csrrltsMxerpc~.uluuted polymers proved to give higher retention and drainage than
q ~ r o r ~ t i t u t i \usit~g
~ r l ~ total ~14sperld~d ~oli~1.s it1 ~ u p e t . t ~ u t a t ~ t . a single-polymer system in paper pulp dewatering (Petaja.
uncle/;flo~- dc,lrsity and cupuc.ity 17or unif (f.settlit~,sUI.PUpet. 1980).The dual-polymer system gave extraordinarily strong
u t ~ i of
t timc. The objective of this study M'US to q u u n t ~ j and j~ tlocs compared to the single polymer used in paper pulp. The
p.y/~Iuin.some in\,ol\jed in the sc~dinrentutiot~ effect of a dual-polymer system on the pretreatment of peat
of c~opperfloturior~t~i1in~q.s. for dewatering was studied by Ringqvist and Igsell ( 1994). 11
was shown that flocculationeffectiveness depended upon the
Introduction negatively charged fine-particle fraction in the peat. The
As a solids/liquid separation unit operation. a conven- dual-polymer system, (anionic followed by cationic poly-
tional thickener requires a large diameter due to the low mer) improved the dewatering characteristics. Both investi-
treatment capacity. Therefore, a high-capacity thickener was gators found that the sequence of polymer addition was
developed to enhance the treatment capacity. The successful important. Two different responses in polymers addition
operation of a high-capacity thickener for tailings treatment sequence for two coal tailings samples using a dual-polymer
relies upon the use of polymers and bottom feeding. Organic system were reported. Foshee et al. (1982) found that prefloc
polymer is commonly used to form large flocs and develop a treatment by anionic polytner prior to the addition of cationic
sludge blanket that is continuously formed and that is above polymer was more efficient than a pure coagulation approach
the feed outlet. Large flocs have a higher settling rate than an to obtain a high-quality overflow for thickening a given coal
individual particle, while the sludge blanket may enmesh and refuse. Ghalambor et al. ( 1990) reported that the best result
trap nonaggregating particles to prevent them from moving was achieved when the cationic polymer pump was set ahead
up with upward flow and entering the overflow. The advan- of the anionic polymer pump in the feed line. i.e., the cationic

aMining Engineering, College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Preprint 97-177, presented at the SME Annual Meeting, Feb. 24-27, 1997, Denver, CO. Discussion of this peer-
reviewed and approved paper is invited and must be submitted to SME prior to may 31, 1998.


polymer was added prior to the anionic poly- did not seem effective, and the total sus-
able 1 - Size distribution for
mer. These investigators explained that cat- pended solids (TSS) in the overflow was
copper flotation
- tailings.
ionic polymer was responsible for neutral- much higher than the required value (less
ization of the surface charges of the clay Size, pm % Passing than 50 mg/L). A similar screening test was
particles, and. subsequently, the tlocs were thus performed and the second polymer,
formed with anionic polymer by bridging 600 100.0 Percol 368 (P368), was selected to improve
mechanism. In fact, the effectiveness of floc- 425 99.9
overflow clarity. P368, an organic cationic
culation for different pulps depends strongly polyelectrolyte, is a cationic polymer, and it
300 98.5
upon the type, dosage, sequence of addition has a molecular weight of 0.5 to 1.0 x lo6.
212 91.5
and mixing level of the polymer and depends Both organic polymers are provided by Al-
150 80.2 lied Colloid (Suffolk, VA).
on the slurry characteristics.
106 67.8 Preliminary batch tests to determine the
The operation conditions, such as feed
solidconcentration, bed level and rake speed, 75 57.4 optimum polymer dosages for the dual-poly-
also affect flocculation and thus the overall 53 46.3 mer system were conducted using 50-mL
perfolmance of the high-capacity thickener. 38 36.7 portions of pulp in a series of test tubes. The
Because the settling behavior of particles in -38 0.0 test tubes were inverted three times for mix-
a high-capacity thickener is much different ing aftereach polymer addition. Various com-
from (hatinaconventional thickener, the use binations of polymers P727 and P368 in
of the laboratory cylinder test and conventional theoretical various dosages at pH 8.8 were also tested. Test results, both
calculation is insufficient to determine the capacity and floc sizes and supernatant clarity, were qualitatively mea-
operation parameters for a high-capacity thickener. A con- sured and compared.
tinuous thickening test (a dynamic test) similar to the actual Settling tests were conducted using 1,000-mL graduated
thickener operation is especially valuable to evaluate the cylinders. A pulp density of 23.45% and a pH 8.8 were
tlocculation/clarificationand to determine thickener operat- maintained for all the tests. The polymer dosages of 10.65 g/t
ing conditions. The objective of this study was toevaluate the P727 and 13 g/t P368 were used in these tests based on the
effect of a dual polymer system on the sedimentation of results obtained from the preliminary batch test. Eight differ-
copper flotation tailings under various operating conditions ent combinations of polymer additions were tested, including
using both batch and continuous dynamic tests. Total sus- changing the sequence and the number of times that the
pended solids in supernatant, underflow density and capacity polymers were added. Four additional tests were carried out
per unit of settling area per unit of time are used to measure to study the different effects of pure-polymer and dual-
the effectiveness of flocculation and coagulation. polymer processes on the settling rate and supernatant clar-
ity. The polymers and pulp were stirred three times at each
Materials and methods polymer addition using a plunge-type mixing rod. Settling
The pulp used in this study was a copper flotation tailing. rates were recorded and supernatant samples were taken for
The size consistence of the pulp is 9 1.5% passing 2 12 pn, as TSS determination.
shown in Table 1. The polymer screening test was accom- Dynamic tests were conducted in a laboratory continuous-
plished by using various polymer concentrations and pH thickening system (a laboratory clarifier/thickener manufac-
levels in a series of test tubes each containing 50 mL of pulp. tured by Enviro-Clear). This system, shown in Fig. I , consists
Sixteen different polymers were used and screened in four of a 3-112-in.- (89-mm-) ID and 20-in.- (508-mm-) high
groups. The four most effective polymers of the four groups cylinder, equipped with feed, polymer and undertlow pumps
were furthertested tocompare theireffectiveness. Percol727 and equipped with a bed-level sensor and controller. In the
(P727) was selected as the best set- system, rake speed, the gap be-
tling aid because it produced the tween the deflector plate and feed
largest flocs, which led to the fastest pipe, and pump speeds can be regu-
settling rate, at pH 8.8. This organic ow lated to alter the operating condi-
polymer, a low charge density and tions. The bed-level sensor trans-
high molecular weight copolymer mits the signal to the controller,
of sodium acrylate and acrylamide, which automatically controls the
is a medium anionic polymer and operation of undertlow pump in
has a molecular weight 1.5 to 2.0 x vel order to maintain a suitable bed
10'. The screening test results re- level. Bed level can also be oper-
vealed that the use of P727 alone ated manually by adjusting the
was riot effective for improving su- ller speed of the undertlow pump.
pernotant clarity at a polymer dos- Samples of the underflow and over-
age as high as 46 g/t. When the pulp flow were taken every 15 min after
pH was raised to 10.5 with pow- the system reached a steady state,
deretl lime. the supernatant clarity except where noted. Overflow
was significantly improved while quality was determined by a Clar-
the settling rate remained the same. ity Wedge and calibrated to TSS.
A similar result was obtained The feed solid concentrations used
when the pH was adjusted to 4.5 were 14.6% and 28.2% at pH 8.8
with sulfuric acid solution. A con- using a dual-polymer system, ex-
tinuous thickening test (dynamic cept where noted. Feed rates were
test) was conducted usin% P7?7 at &.,"re 1 - ~~b continuous thickening System, varied from 440 to 1 .I 50 mL/min
pH 10.5. However, pH ad,~ustment (1.45 to 2.04 t/h/m2) to determine
FEBRUARY 1998 15
parlicles bolh untrealcd and (realed
with anionic polymer. while lhc ad-
dition of cationic polymer effcc-
tively neutralized particles chargc
as shown in Fig. 2(b). Table 2 and
Fig. 3 (Runs 9 and 1 1 ) show that thc
use of a pure anionic polymer at the
dosage of 10.65 and 23.65 g/t re-
supernatant TSS=265 mg/L duces the TSS of supernatant from
Flocculant concentration
A Treated with =0.025%
906 to 598 mg/L. while 13.0 and
anionic flocculant 23.65 g/t of pure cationic polymer.
as shown in Runs LO and 12. rc-
5 duces the TSS of the supernatant to
pH Cationic flocculant dosage, rnUL 400 and 340 mg/L, respectively. I t
is apparent that cationic polymer is
Figure 2 - Zeta potential of minus 45-pm particles in the supernatant of copper more effective in flocculating
tailings: (a) untreated or treated with anionic or cationic polymer; (b) a s a function
of the cationic polymer dosage. ultrafine particles to improve su-
pernatant quality. These results also
jndicate that t h e i ' ~in~the superna-
the maximum thickener capacity at the required overflow tant may be decreased by increasing in the polymer dosage.
quality and underflow density. Polymer dosages were varied The data for the effect of polymers addition sequence on
from 7.6 to 10.6 g/t anionic polymer (P727) using 0.01 25% the water clarity for a dual-polymer system are also included
solution and up to 15 g/t cationic polymer (P368) using in Table 2. The marked improvement in supernatant quality
0.01254 and 0.00625% solution, respectively. Rake speeds is obtained when, first, the anionic polymer and. then, the
were regulated from 4.1 to 16.0 rpm. cationic polymer are added. as exhibited in Runs I . 2. 3 and
X (the TSS of supernatant are less than 50 and 75 mg/L.
Results and discussion respectively). For the copper flotation tailings investigated.
Effects of polymer addition sequences and numbers on the anionic polymer is possibly first adsorbed on the large
supernatant clarity. Cylinder tests show that sediment of particles (>45 p)to form large flocs by bridging mecha-
pulp treated with anionic polymer consists of large flocs and nism. the cationic polymer is then added to coagulate the
ultrafine particles. These ultrafine particles (<45 pn)are not negative charged ultrafine particles to form the coagulas. The
flocculated; thus they settle very slowly and gather on the multiple numbers of polymer addition also gives marked
surface of the sediment of large flocs after a long settling time reduction of solids in the supernatant than the single number
(about 24 hrs). Applying a single anionic polymer produces of polymer addition as shown in the results of Runs 3 and 8.
the large size flocs with high solid suspension. On the other Using multiple numbers of polymer addition, the polymer is
hand: the use ot'a single cationic polymer results in small size well mixed with pulp, resulting in highly efficient floccula-
flocs and a relatively small quantity of ultrafine particles tion and coagulation, and less polymer dosage requirements.
accumulating on the surface of the sediment after a long
settling time. The Zeta potential of the minus 4 5 - p particles Effect of polymer addition sequences and numbers on
in the supernatant was measured by a Zeta-Meter. The settling rate. The floc size for copper tailings depends
results, as shown in Fig. 2(a). indicate that these ultrafine primarily upon the anionic polymer. The settling rate of flocs
particles had negative charges ranging from pH 2 to I I for increases approximately linearly with increasing floc size

Table 2 - Effect of polymer addition sequences and numbers (1 0.65 glt for P727 and 13.0 g/t for P368 at pH 8.8 and
23.45% solid concentration).

Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firstpolyrner P727 P727 P727 P368 P368 P368 P368 P727 P727 P368 P727 P368
added (2) (1 (2) (1 (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1)

Second polymer P368 P368 P368 P727 P727 P727 P727 P368 P727 P368
added (1 (2) (2) (2) (1) (1 (2) (1 ) (1 (1)

Settling time (rnin) Interface Height (rnrn)

0 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356
5 235 240 288 226 197 188 194 239 306 345 178 334
10 173 175 216 161 171 166 157 170 259 329 153 302
20 149 154 167 142 153 147 137 149 185 295 139 239
30 141 144 153 132 142 138 131 139 167 268 132 196
40 135 139 145 127 135 132 127 134 156 236 128 183
50 132 135 141 124 132 128 124 131 151 212 125 175
60 129 133 137 123 129 125 123 128 148 193 124 170

Initial settling rate 24.2 23.2 14.0 26.0 31.8 33.6 32.4 23.4 10.0 2.7 35.6 5.3
TSS in overflow 70 <50 <50 160 184 150 90 75 996 400 598 340


(Farrow and Swift, 1991). Hence, settling rate is more sensi-
tive to the anionic polymer dosage. Comparing the results of
Runs 9 and 12, it is observed that utilizing 10.65 g/t anionic
polymer produces a higher sludge settling rate than utilizing
26 g/t cationic polymer.
Settling rate increases as the anionic polymer dosage is
increased from 10.65 g/t (Run 9) to 23.65 g/t (Run NO. 11)
and as the cationic polymer dosage increased from 13 g/t
(Run 10) to 26 g/t (Run 12). The effect of polymer addition
sequence on settling rate is also significant. The settling rate
is higher when anionic polymer is added after the addition of
cationic polymer (Runs 3,5,7 and 8). The acceptable settling
rate and supernatant clarity are achieved when the anionic
polymer is added prior to the cationic polymer, as shown in
Runs 1 , 2 , 3 and 8. The addition numbers of both anionic and
cationic polymers affect settling rate. Using multiple num-
bers of polymer addition, the settling rate is always obviously Test No.
higherthan the single addition for apurepolymer system. For
a dual-polymer system, when an anionic polymer is added Figure 3 - Total suspended solid of supernatant for
twice prior to a cationic polymer addition, a single addition various polymer addition sequences and numbers.
of cationic polymer results in a higher settling rate than
multiple additions. This is because large flocs formed by that the optimum pulp density for thickening the copper
anionic polymer are sensitive to shear and easy to break up tailings is about 16% (Run 9, Table 3). The settling rate is
(Emmett and Klepper, 1980), and single addition of cationic related to both local concentration and initial concentration
polymer prevents flocs from breaking up and leads to a of pulp (Fitch, 1993). To maintain 45% to 65% of sediment
slightly higher settling rate. density for thickening the copper tailings, the initial pulp
When anionic polymer is added once, the numbers of concentrations should be kept in the rangeof 13.8% to 16.6%.
cationic polymer does not significantly affect the flocs size.
The mixing of cationic polymer and pulp promotes the Dynamic Tests
mixing of anionic polymer and pulp, but it may break up the Effect of polymer on overflow clarity. Dynamic test
flocs formed by anionic polymer. If cationic polymer is results are presented in Table 4. In the dynamic test, when a
added prior to anionic polymer addition, the multiple addi- pure anionic polymer (P727) was used in Runs l , 2 and 3 at
tion of both anionic and cationic polymers enhance the pH 10.5, the interface did not appear at a polymer dosage as
settling rate (Runs 4 to 7, Table 2). high as 20 g/t, and 2,300 mg/L TSS is reported in the
overflow. Although two-point (two-pump) polymer addition
Effect of pulp initial concentration is used to improve the mixing of feed and polymer, this value
Batch tests for settling rate are also conducted to evaluate is much higher than the TSS measured in the supernatant (996
the effect of pulp density varied from 7.65% to 34.0%. mg/L) of the batch test using 10.65 g/t of anionic polymer.
Average sediment densities are given in Table 3. Sediment For a dual-polymer system, if anionic polymer is insufficient
height and average sediment densities as functions of settling (less than 11 g/t), a very high TSS in the ovefflow is also
time for four initial pulp densities are illustrated in Figs. 4(a) observed. When the anionic polymer dosage is 12.1 to 16 g/t,
and (b). For 50% of sediment density requirement, it is clear the TSS in the overflow decays exponentially with the in-

Table 3 - Average sediment concentrations in batch settling test using various pulp initial
(0.025% solution) and DH 8.8.

Settling time

Test Test pulp and sediment concentration, % solids (by weight)

1 23.2 28.7 31.9 34.0 - - -
2 32.0 36.9 39.9 41.6 42.3 43.3 44.0
3 32.6 39.1 41.8 43.0 44.4 45.4 46.0
4 32.3 38.6 41.3 43.9 45.2 - -
5 30.2 35.9 38.8 41.0 42.3 43.7 44.1
6 27.8 34.5 38.2 40.6 42.3 43.4 44.4
7 38.0 43.8 46.4 47.9 49.1 49.6 50.4
8 43.9 48.8 51.0 51.5 52.6 53.0 53.1
9 52.3 55.7 57.0 57.2 57.5 - -
10 32.7 40.6 43.9 44.6 47.0 48.1 49.1
11 21.1 23.6 - - - 34.9 -
12 25.3 30.6 35.5 38.3 - - -
13 25.7 30.3 30.8 - - - -


Anionic polymer
dosage=17 glt.

Pulp density: A 19.2%

Anionic polymer
dosage=17 glton
, - -

Pulp density: A 19.2%

0 13.8%

Settling time, min Settling time, min

Figure 4- (a) Interface height as a function of settling time at various initial pulp densities; (b) sediment density as a function
of settling time at various initial pulp densities.

crease in cationic polymer (P368) dosage, as shown in Fig. 5. much less for the dynamic test than for the batch test. Once
When the cationic polymer dosage is increased to 3.3 g/t, the the compact sludge blanket is formed, the very clear overflow
TSS in the overflow sharply decreases to 160 mg/L. A very can be maintained with very low dosage of cationic polymer,
sharp interface occurs at the cationic polymer dosage of 7.7 e.g., 3.8 g/t for about 30 min, as long as the compact blanket
g/t and less than 80 mg/L TSS is reported in the overflow. is maintained.
With a further increasie in cationic polymer dosage, the TSS When a pure anionic polymer is used, the sludge blanket
in the overflow reaches less than 50 m g L . Two important is formed by large and loose flocs. The fine particles that are
differences between the batch and the dynamic tests are not flocculated move up with the upward flow through the
observed. One is that overflow in the dynamic test is more sludge blanket and enter the overflow. When a dual-polymer
turbid than the supernatant of the batch test when the cationic system is used, cationic polymer coagulates the fine particles
polymer is absent or at a low dosage (less than 1.5 g/t) for a to coagula, which is enmeshed and trapped into the loose
given anionic polymer dosage. In other words, the higher blanket to form a compact sludge blanket. Consequently, a
anionic polymer dosage is required in the dynamic test than sharp interface is formed and a very clear overflow is ob-
in the batch test for the same water clarity. The other is that, tained. Because the sludge blanket in the dynamic thickener
when the compact sludge blanket is formed, the required operation is forming and settling continuously, if the com-
cationic polymer dosage to achieve the same water quality is pact blanket settles below the feed injection position, due to

Table 4 - Dynamic thickening test results for copper tailings using first anionic polymer P727 and then cationic polymer
P368 addition at pH 8.8.

Feed dosage
Polymer Underflow TSS in Rake Bed level
Run density, flow rate, Solids rate, P727, P368, density, overflow, speed, height,
NO. YO m3/h/m2 t/h/m2 g/t g/t % mg/L rPm mm

1 28.2 4.80 1.64 17.4 - 63.2 2000 4.1 450

2 28.2 4.25 1.45 15.4 - 62.0 2300 4.1 450
3 28.2 4.25 1.45 19.6 - 65.2 1600 4.1 450
4 28.2 4.25 1.45 12.4 15.4 60.7 <50 4.1 400
5 28.2 4.25 1.45 12.4 8.0 59.6 <50 4.1 400
6 28.2 4.25 1.45 12.1 3.8 55.0 130 4.1 400
7 28.2 5.65 1.93 14.3 3.3 63.0 160 4.1 400
8 28.2 5.65 1.93 7.6 3.3 33.0 160 4.1 400
9 16.4 8.99 1.64 13.5 5.1 60.0 100 6.5 400
10 16.4 9.35 1.71 10.4 8.2 61.1 <50 7.75 400
11 16.4 9.35 1.71 10.4 8.2 60.6 <50 8.5 400
12 16.4 9.35 1.71 10.4 8.2 59.6 <50 10.0 400
13 16.4 11.18 2.04 10.2 7.7 49.0 155 12.0 300
14 16.4 11.18 2.04 14.9 7.7 61.5 50 12.0 400
15 16.4 11.18 2.04 14.9 7.7 60.7 50 12.0 400
16 16.4 11.18 2.04 14.9 7.7 64.5 50 12.0 450
17 16.4 11.18 2.04 12.2 7.7 50.2 80 12.0 350
18 16.4 11.18 2.04 13.2 7.7 52.6 50 16.0 350
19 16.4 11.18 2.04 13.2 7.7 60.0 50 16.0 400
(a) Runs 1, 2 and 3 were tested at pH 10.5 using two points (two pumps) with the same polymer addition.
(b) The Run 16 sample was taken 25 min after steady state was reached.


~ 1 )
E l o 3
Feed pulp density=16.4-28.2%
Feed rate=4.25-11.18 m3/m2/h
Solids rate=1.45-2.04 ton/m2/h
K ~H=8.8
60 a ! ! I
Dynamic test:
pulp density=16.4-28.2%
rate= 4.25-1 1.18 m3/m2/h
Solids rate=1.45-2.04 ton/m2/h

Cationic polymer d o s a g e , glt Anionic polymer dosage, glt

Figure 5 - Effect of cationic polymer dosage on total Figure 6 - Effect of anionic polymer dosage on the
sus~endedsolid in the overflow. underflow density of copper tailings.

a lack of cationic polymer to form the coagula, the newly Effect of feed concentration. Two feed concentrations
formed blanket is in a loose state, and the overflow turns are used in the dynamic test, including 28.2% and 16.4%.
turbid. In a dynamic test, it is found that the consumption of Dynamic test results show that the thickener capacity is
the cationic polymer is about half of the dosage used in the higher by using 16.4% than 28.2% solid feed concentration
batch test, the anionic polymer is about 110% of the dosage with adequate amounts and addition sequences of dual poly-
used in batch test. This results indicate that the overall mers (see Table 4). The high feed rate with lower slurry solid
consumption of polymers in the dynamic test is less than that concentration leads to a higher volume of upward water
in the batch test. flowing in the thickener. The dilution of the high solid feed
slurry may be accomplished by recirculating the overflow to
Effect of polymer addition on underflow density. As the feed stream.
shown in Fig. 6, under various operating conditions (see
Table 4), the underflow density increases exponentially and Effect of rake speed. Raking has two main functions, one
reaches an plateau, and it remains relatively constant when is to collect the sediment to the discharge opening; the other
P727 dosage is increased to 15 g/t solids. When the polymer is to compress sediment and to increase underflow density.
is increased 60% (from 12.4 to 19.6 g/t), a 5% increase in the This explains the reason that the underflow density is easier
underflow density is observed (from 60% to 65%). A further to reach, as high as 60%, in the dynamic tests than in the
increase in the underflow density will primarily depend upon cylinder tests. The test results show that rake speed has no
the increase in the retention time and the depth of compres- effect on the underflow density or overflow clarity at the
sion zone (Runs 3 and 16). Although underflow density range of 7.0 to 16.0 rpm for the continuous lab clarifier/
increases exponentially with the increase in the anionic thickener.
polymer dosage, the requirement of excessively high under-
flow density is obviously not economical. Effect of bed level. When a sludge blanket is located
Thickening capacity is expressed in terms of feed rate, as under the feed inlet, no sludge/supernatant interface is ob-
shown in Table 4. To obtain a 60% underflow solid density served, and high TSS is reported in the overflow. Initially,
and less than 50 mg/L TSS in the overflow, the minimum when the sludge blanket rises over the feed-deflector plate, a
polymer dosages of 7.7 g/t cationic polymer (Fig. 5) and 13 sludge/supernatant interface starts to appear but it is not sharp
g/t anionic polymer (Fig. 6) are required for the feed rate at enough, thus, the overflow appears cloudy. As the sludge
2.04 t/h/m2 (Run 19). Once the compact sludge blanket is blanket rises higher, the interface becomes sharper and the
formed and the required overflow clarity is reached with clarity of the overflow is also improved. When the sludge
adequate addition sequences of dual polymers, the overflow blanket reaches a certain height, the sharp interface occurs
quality is no longer the limiting factor for the thickener and the low TSS in the overflow is obtained. The prerequisite
capacity. for successfully operating a high-capacity thickener is to
In this case, an increase in cationic polymer dosage has establish a sharp sludge/supernatant interface (as long as the
little effect on the thickener capacity, while anionic polymer interface is above the lowest allowable position away from
dosage should be increased as the feed rate increases. Be- feed injection point), the interface level has no negative effect
cause the high feed rate also means a high upward flow on the overflow clarity, even it is as close as the overflow
velocity, a higher settling rate of flocs is required. It is worth level. As shown in Fig. 7, the high interface level favors the
noting that the prerequisite with optimal dosage of polymer high underflow density due to increase the height of the
molecule adsorbing on the particles and successfully forming compression zone. This results in increasing the weight of the
the flocs is necessary to ensure the vacant sites existing on the sludge per unit area of thickener (Shannon and Tory, 1966).
particle surface and molecule stretching sufficiently. Exces-
sive polymer addition easily results in lacking of vacant sites Effect of air bubble. In the dynamic-thickening system,
on particle surfaces and molecule curving (Attia, 1992; Peng the pulp is prepared and agitated in a drum. The feed may
and Di, 1994). contain some air bubbles that are generated by the agitation.


Feed solid concentration affects thickener capacity. For
copper flotation tailings, the optimum feed solid concentra-
tion is about 16% at 9 to 11 m"/m2 for 60% underflow
density and less than 50 mg/L of the TSS in the overflow. A
high-capacity thickener needs a high discharge rate. High
rake speed can prevent the rake from stoppage and has no
negative effect on either the overflow clarity or the underflow
density. Once acompact sludge blanket is formed and reaches
a certain thickness above the feed inlet, the interface level and
Feed pulp density=16.4, 28.2% feed injection point are no longer the significant operating
parameters. Air bubbles in the tailings slurry have detrimen-
- Feed rate= 4.25-1 1.18 m31m21h
tal effects, including lowering the floc settling rate and
Solids rate=1.45-2.04 tlm21h overflow clarity. Feed slurry must be dearated prior to enter-
ing the thickening unit.

Bed level, mm The flocculants and the laboratory dynamic test unit were
provided by Allied Colloid and Enviro-Clear Co., respec-
Figure 7 - Underflow density a s a function of bed level. tively.

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and break up the sludge blanket. The bubbles may also Mineral Processing, Elsevier Science, New York, NY., pp.
entrain some fine particles to the clear water zone and 277-308.
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ates the small flocs for copper flotation tailings. Settling rate Foshee, W.C., Swan, M.J., and Klimpel, R.R., 1982, "Improvement
depends mainly upon the floc formation by utilizing anionic in coal preparation-water clarification through polymer floccula-
polymer. Water clarity cannot be improved by using either tion," Mining Engineering, March, 1982, pp. 293-297.
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cationic polymer is subsequently added to coagulate the physical variables in polymer- induced flocculation," Mineral
negatively charged ultrafine particles (<45 pn).The over- and Metallurgical Processing, May 1993, pp. 81-85.
flow water quality primarily depends upon the cationic poly- Keleghan, W. and Emmermann, D.K., 1985, "Clarifying and thick-
mer addition. ening with the HCT-process, The route to lower costs and
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inlet. Such a compact sludge blanket can be developed by the Peng, F.F., and Di, P.K., 1994, "Effect of multivalent salts-calcium
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the anionic polymer prior to the cationic polymer for the anionic polyacrylamide," J. Colloid & Interface Sci., Vol. 164,
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to 28.2% of feed solid concentrations, respectively. The Part II, Dual polymer systems," KemiaKemi, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp.
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tions. Especially in a continuous thickening system, the pipe dewatering," Energy & Fuels, Vol. 8, pp. 953-959.
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