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Decision Making

SMO Customer Services Monthly Tips

Train Track and


English Arabic

Tips of May,2004

The story given here is

quite interesting and
really gives us an insight

Which one will you choose?

A group of children were playing

near two railway tracks, one still in
use while the other disused. Only
one child played on the disused
track, the rest on the operational

Which one will you choose?

The train came, and you were just

beside the track interchange. You
could make the train change its
course to the disused track and
saved most of the kids.

Which one will you choose?

However, that would also mean the

lone child playing by the disused
track would be sacrificed. Or would
you rather let the train go its way?

Let's take a pause to think what

kind of decision we could

Which one will you choose?

Analyse the situation………….

Think and reflect…….

Decided your answer !!!!

Now … go ahead

Which one will you choose?

Most people might choose to divert

the course of the train, and sacrifice
only one child. To save most of the
children at the expense of only one
child was rational decision most
people would make, morally and

Which one will you choose?

But, have you ever thought that the

child choosing to play on the disused
track had in fact made the right
decision to play at a safe place?

Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed

because of his ignorant friends who
chose to play where the danger was.

Which one will you choose?

This kind of dilemma happens

around us everyday. In the office,
community, in politics and
especially in a democratic
society, the minority is often
sacrificed for the interest of the
majority, no matter how foolish or
ignorant the majority are, and
how farsighted and
knowledgeable the minority are.

Which one will you choose?

The child who chose not to play

with the rest on the operational
track was sidelined. And in the
case he was sacrificed, no one
would shed a tear for him.

Which one will you choose?

To make the proper decision is

not try to change the course of
the train because the kids playing
on the operational track should
have known very well that track
was still in use, and that they
should have run away if they
heard the train's sirens.

Which one will you choose?

If the train was diverted, that lone

child would definitely die because
he never thought the train could
come over to that track!
Moreover, that track was not in
use probably because it was not

Which one will you choose?

If the train was diverted to the

track, we could put the lives of all
passengers on board at stake!
And in your attempt to save a few
kids by sacrificing one child, you
might end up sacrificing
hundreds of people to save these
few kids

Which one will you choose?

While we are all aware that life is

full of tough decisions that need
to be made, we may not realize
that hasty decisions may not
always be the right one.
"Remember that what's right isn't
always popular... and what's
popular isn't always right."


Everybody makes mistakes; that's

why they put erasers on pencils

With the complements of SMO Exit

Customer Services
‫كيف تتخذ قرار حكيما ؟‬

‫ل و كان هناك مجموع ة م ن الطفال يلعبون بالقرب من‬

‫مسارين منفصلين لسكة الحديد أحدهما معطل والخر لزال‬
‫يعم ل ‪ ،‬وكان هناك طف ل واح د يلع ب عل ى المس ار المعطل‬
‫ومجموع ة اخرى م ن الطفال يلعبون عل ى المس ار الغير‬
‫معطل ‪،‬‬
‫وأنت تقف بجوار محول اتجاه القطار‪ ،‬ورأيت الطفال‬
‫ورأيت القطار قادم وليس امامك ال ثواني وتقرر في مسار‬
‫يمكنك ان توجه القطار‬

‫كيف تتخذ قرار حكيما ؟‬

‫فإما تترك القطار يسير كما هو مقرر له ويقتل مجموعة‬

‫ال طفال أ و تغي ر اتجاه ه ال ى المس ار الخ ر ويقت ل طفل‬
‫واحد فأيهما تختار ؟‬
‫ماهي النتائج التي سوف تنعكس على هذا القرار‪..‬؟‬
‫دعنا نحلل هذا القرار‪.........‬‬

‫كيف تتخذ قرار حكيما ؟‬

‫معظمن ا يرى ان ه الفض ل التضحي ة بطف ل واح د خي ر من‬

‫مجموعة اطفال وهذا على اقل تقدير من الناحية العاطفية‬

‫فهل ياترى هذا القرار صحيح ؟‬

‫اولً ‪:‬هل فكرن ا ان الطف ل الذي كان يلع ب عل ى المسار‬
‫المعطل قد تعمد اللعب هنا حتى يتجنب مخاطر القطار ؟‬

‫كيف تتخذ قرار حكيما ؟‬

‫وم ع ذل ك يج ب علي ه ان يكون الضحي ة ف ي مقابل ان‬

‫الطفال الخرون الذي ن ف ي س نه وه م مس تهترين وغير‬
‫مبالين واصرو على اللعب في المسار العامل‬
‫هذه الفكرة مسيطرة علينا في كل يوم في مجتمعاتنا في‬
‫العم ل ‪ ،‬حت ى ف ي القرارات الس ياسية الديمقراطية ايضاً‬
‫يضحى بمصالح القلية مقابل الكثرية بغض النظر عن‬
‫قرار الغلبي ة حت ى ول و كان ت هذه الغلبي ة غبي ة وغير‬
‫صالحة والقلية هي الصحيحة‬

‫كيف تتخذ قرار حكيما ؟‬

‫وهن ا نقول ان القرار الص حيح ان ه لي س م ن العدل تغيير‬

‫مسار القطار وذلك للسباب التالية ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬الطفال الذي ن كان يلعبون ف ي مس ار القطار العامل‬
‫يعرفون ذل ك وس وف يهربون بمجرد س ماعهم صوت‬
‫القطار !‬
‫‪ -‬ول و ان ه ت م تغيي ر مس ار القطار فان الطفل الذي كان‬
‫يعم ل ف ي المس ار المعط ل س وف يموت بالتأكي د لن ه لن‬
‫يتحرك من مكانه عندما يسمع صوت القطار لنه يعتقد انه‬
‫سوف لن يمر القطار بالمسار المعطل كالعادة‬

‫كيف تتخذ قرار حكيما ؟‬

‫‪ -‬بالضافة انه من المحتمل ان المسار المعطل لم يترك هكذا‬

‫ال لنه غير آمن وتغيير مسار القطار الي هذا التجاه لن‬
‫يقتل الطفل فقط بل سوف يؤدي بحياة الركاب الي مخاطر‬
‫‪ -‬فبدل م ن انقاذ حياة مجموع ة م ن الطفال فقد يتحول‬
‫الم ر قت ل مئات م ن الركاب بالضاف ة ال ي موت الطفل‬
‫المحقق !!!‬

‫كيف تتخذ قرار حكيما ؟‬

‫مع علمنا ان حياتنا مليئة بالقرارات الصعبة التي يجب‬

‫ان نتخذه ا لكنن ا ق د ل ندرك ان القرار المتسرع عادة‬
‫مايكون غير صائب‬

‫تذكر ان الصحيح ليس دائماً شائع‬

‫وأن الشائع ليس دائما صحيح‬

‫مع تحيات ادارة خدمة العملء ‪SMO‬‬ ‫‪Exit‬‬

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