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that Trisomy X, also known as Triple X

syndrome or 47, XXX, is a genetic condition
that occurs in females? It's not very common,
affecting only around 1 in 1,000 girls. But the
good news is that it can be managed with
proper medical care. If you or someone you
know is affected by Trisomy X, know that
you're not alone and there are resources
available to help you.
Trisomy X is a genetic condition that occurs in
females when they have an extra X chromosome
in all their cells. This leads to a total of three X
chromosomes, instead of the typical two. The
syndrome is usually inherited from the mother,
and the risk of its occurrence increases with the
mother's age. This condition occurs only in
individuals who were assigned female at birth
Physical characteristics
Poor muscle tone (hypotonia)
Wide-spaced eyes (hypertelorism)
Vertical skin folds that cover the inner
corners of the eyes (epicanthal folds)
Curved or bent little fingers
Neurological conditions
Mild cognitive impairment.
Developmental delays
Learning disabilities
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Mood disorders like anxiety and
Other medical conditions
Autoimmune conditions
Differences in heart structure
Frequent urinary tract infections.
Genito-urinary deformities or malfunctions
Kidney abnormalities
There’s no cure for triple X syndrome. However,
early diagnosis and intervention can make a big
difference in improving developmental outcomes
for those affected. So if you or someone you
know is facing this challenge, remember that there
is hope and support available!
After a diagnosis, it is possible that your
healthcare provider may order additional tests.

Renal ultrasound to look at the structure of

your kidneys.

Cardiology consultation or EKG/echocardiogram

to evaluate your heart.

Neurology consultation and neuropsychological

Your healthcare providers can work with you to
manage any symptoms that may arise. This may
involve referring you to;
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
A fertility specialist for counseling, and later
for family planning
Genetic counseling if you want to become
I knew you

Jeremiah 1;4-5

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