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Commission: Security Council

Issue: The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Main Submitter:
Co- Submitter:
Country: Ukraine

The Security Council,

Recognizing, DR Congo is a vast country with immense economic resources,

due to the war DR Congo had bared widespread civilian suffering from the result
of the war,

Keeping in mind, that the war claimed an up to six million lives, either as a direct
result of fighting or because of disease and malnutrition,

Bearing in mind, the war had an economic as well as a political side, fighting was
fuelled by the country's vast mineral wealth, with all sides taking advantage of the
anarchy to plunder natural resources,

Observing that the current problem has been one of civil war and corruption,

Fully aware, that DR Congo has resources such as diamonds, gold, copper,
cobalt, and zinc DR Congo also has a supply of Colton, which is used in mobile
phones and other electronic gadgets, and cassiterite, used in food packaging,
Unfortunately for the people of DR Congo, its resource wealth has rarely been
harnessed for their benefit such as health and education systems, roads and

Having heard, that instead the natural riches helping the people of DR Congo, it
has attracted rapacious adventurers, unscrupulous corporations, vicious warlords
and corrupt governments, and divided the population between competing ethnic

1. Calls upon the UN to help and educate DR Congo in using their resources
to benefit the people of DR Congo by creating roads, railways, health
centers such as hospitals, dentists, and etc., creating education systems
so people can learn and won't have to go mine natural resources to get

2. Encourages, the UN to help DR Congo to get rid of their corrupt

government, warlords, and unscrupulous corporations. This will then help
them ease out the problem in DR Congo, as it would take out the major
causes of the war,

3. Requests the UN to create a refugee system for innocent people that are
still trapped between the wars and are not a part of it,

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