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Ministry of Industry & Minerals

State Company for Mining Industries

﴾Business Plan﴿

Senior Chemical engineer

Raghd Muhi Al-Deen Jassim

1. Executive Summary
State Company for Mining Industries is a self-financed economic production entity completely owned by the
State, characterized entity, independence financial and administrative, based on economic standards
affiliated to the Ministry of Industry & Minerals. The main headquarters located in Baghdad Governorate /
Al-Tajiyat District. Ruled by low of general companies 22 issued at 1997 and its amendments in addition to
the other related laws.
Company established in 1992 as Production Company. In 2006, company be one of Ministry of Industry &
Minerals. Company specialized in metallurgy and metal production then asphalt industries, chemicals of
modern construction. In 2013 Mineral excavation department engaged to company after the disengagement
from the Iraqi Geological Survey, which contributed to completeness of the mineral specializes of the
company. Based on governmental trend which calls for make merge between companies of similar category.
The state Company for Mining Industries and that Al-Sawary Company for Chemical Industries were
merged into one company under the name of the state Company for Mining Industries Linnaean as of
01.01.2016 was appended to the factory Ibn Sina in 09/01/2017 after decoding its association with a
company of military industries company
Company sites: The Company has many sites:
First, The main site - the headquarters of the company - Baghdad governorate / North Kadhimiya - Tajiyat
area behind the electrical lamps factory. Site includes the general administration in addition to the
supporting sections and production plants (plant construction products factory, mining factory, industrial
resins factory, rock wool factory).
Second, Al-Thaghir Factory- Basra Governorate.
Third, Al-Rimah Factory - Nineveh Governorate.
Fourth, inks and color concentrates Factory - Baghdad Governorate / Al-Khadra district.
Fifth, Mineral Excavation Department - Baghdad Governorate / Al-Andalus Square, which includes the
Administration and divisions of the Department. The department has several production sites:
a. Samawa saltern / Muthanna Governorate
b. Western desert mines / Rutba - Anbar province.
c. Basra saltern / Faw district - Basra governorate.
d. Bentonite activation plant / Qarma district - Anbar province.
e. Bentonite Division / Qarma district - Anbar province
f. Sodium Sulphate Plant / Al-Dour District, Salah Al-Din Governorate

Sixth, Ibn Sina factory - and includes two sites:

a. Zour village / Tarmiya district 65 km north of Baghdad.
b. Baghdad - Waziriya near the General Company for Electrical Industries

The company adopting an industrial strategy characterized by exploitation of local raw materials and Iraqi
mineral ores, converting them into products that benefit the development plan in Iraq. The company has
several industrial identities:
The first identity is chemical materials production targeting production chemical products from local raw
materials. The second identity is mining industries, targeting to full exploitation of mineral ores and mineral
wastes available in country, in addition to the research and development activities and the implementation of
the technological projects. The company's activity and technical specialization are three activities: the
production activity of all types (chemical and mining), project activity including water treatment technology
and finally research and development activity.

In the field of building materials, the company produces polymeric asphalt felt (100,000 square meters per
year), Asphalt coatings involves hot mastic, Flan coat, primer and cationic emulsion (22,000 ton per year)
for aquatic insulation of buildings roofs and constructions etc. The company produces modified paving
asphalt (10000 ton per year) besides concrete additives (300 ton per year), the expected revenue of asphalt
products (17,055,500,000) dinars plus ($3,837,000) from exporting contracts
These products are submitting a great value to clients, because they produced from Iraqi materials, met
standard specifications, reliable with local weather, one product has many types. Polymeric asphalt felt and
additives concrete (four types) and other types of coatings from primer and Flan coat and mastic and roofing
asphalt, provides the possibility to insulate and coverage in a wide range of temperatures. the new product is
the polymer modified bitumen (PMB) used in paving roads as well as the diversity of concrete additives four
types provides the possibility of select appropriate additive in addition to competitive prices with the prices
prevailing in the market.
In the field of metallurgy, the company produces aluminum ingots (240 ton per year), aluminum powder
(18.75 ton per year, silicon metal (240 ton per year), and oil wells saline solution (4200 ton per year). These
products are submitting a great value to clients, because the products met standard specifications such as
aluminum powder for AAC, paste for paint, wells saline solution substitute for imported ones. The expected
revenue of mining products will be (1,526,142,056) dinars.
In the field of minerals excavation, the company produces raw salt (60000 ton/year), ironstone (24000 ton
per year). Silica sands for glass & ceramics (12000 ton per year). Silica sand for white cement (12000 ton
per year). Silica sand for black cement (3000 ton per year). Kaolin (4800 ton per year). Bauxite (6000 ton
per year). Bentonite (9000 ton per year), standard sand (90 ton per year), and filters sand (3000 ton per
year), raw bentonite (6000 ton per year) and sand for foundries (3000 ton per year). These products are
submitting a great value to clients because they produced from Iraqi ores used in various Iraqi industries.
The future expects points that the revenue of Mineral excavation will be (9,015,000,000) in coming 5 years
dinars plus 2,062,500,000 dinars in case of good investment conditions for joint venture contracts.
In the chemical industries, the company produces Novolak (25 tons per year), inks (37 tons per year) and
color concentrates (7 tons per year), rock wool (500 tons per year).
The value offered by resins considered an important raw material in the molding and foundry and the
manufacture of dyes and grits. As for rock wool, it used as a thermal and sound insulation material and is
used in buildings, exchangers, storage tanks, and insulation of industrial hot and cold equipment up to 700
degrees Celsius. As for the inks, they offer types of quality inks used in the technical printing and quality of
books, magazines, posters, advertisements and many others. The expected revenues of the chemical industry
are (1,492,257,015 Iraqi dinars) in addition to (4,155,000,000 Iraqi dinars) of joint venture contracts.
In the field of chemical production, the company annually produces silicon materials (50 tons), pilot and
production products (102 tons), chemical additives (1000 tons), liquid nitrogen (1000 m3), agricultural
fertilizers (3000 tons) Ton) and sodium sulphate (150 ton).
The value offered by these materials is that these materials used in purification and treatment of water.
Liquid nitrogen used in many industrial processes and applications requires high gas purity. Fertilizers used
in the development of agriculture in Iraq, especially as it is compatible with Iraqi soil. Thus, The expected
revenues of the chemicals (IQD 13,730,000,000).
The total revenue of the company's production activity (46,413,000,000 Iraqi Dinars) of the production
activity in addition to (7,590,000,000 Iraqi Dinars) from joint venture contracts, plus (10,946,000 US
dollars) of the exports for the year 2019.

The second activity projects, including the implementation of works of waterproofing. thermal and roofing
Implementation of electrical switching stations and electrical networks, installation and operation of control
systems and the implementation and operation of production lines and laboratories in addition to water
treatment technology where there is available in the plant scientific and engineering capabilities to provide
services for water treatment systems for purposes next:
• Treatment of drinking water.
• Treatment of industrial wastewater that causes environmental pollution.
• Sewage treatment.
The third activity research and development, conducting development of the company's products or addition
of new production lines as well as the acquisition of substitutes for imported raw materials used in the
production lines of the company as well as the purification of mineral ores such as Feldspar, silica, rock
wool, inks, silicone materials, chemical additives and agricultural fertilizers.
The total number of employees in the company is (1701) employees, in 2015 the number was (807)
employees. The total number of employees expected to rise to (2143) employees for the coming three years,
25% total rise rate for all company sites. The administrative staff of the company both the university degrees
holders or having a professional experience and reputation competently and have good professional
Clients deal with company are state companies of the Ministry of Housing & Construction. Ministry of
Water Resources; Ministry of Oil; Municipality of Baghdad; AAB and paints companies in addition to
private sector companies, all kinds of media and publications sector, in addition to factories and companies
in the private sector. Several supply contracts were concluded with the Ministry of Oil, the Ministry of
Construction and Housing, and the Al-Fao State Company for concrete additives. As for the private sector,
the private sector was equipped with concrete additives in addition to felt materials as well as various
asphalt products with a material developed by road paving asphalt.
We expect additional growth in both construction and mining industries for the coming five years in about
(10-20) % because the country witnessing a huge campaign of reconstruction of facilities destroyed by
terrorist acts and military operations.
The goals of the company are to reach 85% of design production capacity according to 2019 business
plan, hope to increase it by the developing of production lines in 5 coming years especially after defeating
terrorist Daesh gang then rebuilding the cities influenced by war. Company will need to fund projects that
cannot self-funding, and needs partnerships in various fields to rise the total company revenues for now and
The company planed a short-term (2019-2023) investment of (50 billion dinars). The planed long-term
investment is highly dependent on the short-term investigate in the coming (5) years, after putting into
production state of asphalt and mining projects in the 2019-2023 plan. The company was rehabilitated the
infrastructure of the company and reconstruct of production lines and reaching the production state the
extension project for asphaltic products (7200 ton per year) in Baghdad and Basra and asphalt felt project in
Basra (1,500,000 M2 per year). In the field of mining, the company now complete both silicon metal project
(300 ton per year) and aluminum ingots project (300 ton per year) opening the investment in production of
flake aluminum powder. For the mineral excavation, the company was completed investment document for
75,000 ton per year capacity for activated bentonite project in Qarma/Anbar and chlorine project.
We expect that local competitors will work to develop their industrial and financial capabilities during the
five to ten years and try to match the foreign product and achieve partnerships in this direction to introduce
production lines that work in the modern way, but in narrow scope. The wide range competition comes from
Europe and gulf companies to export more quantity and more quality of asphalt products and concrete

additives. The same matter applies to the types of metal powders and grades of calcium carbide and
increasing the importation of bentonite, industrial salt and table salt in a great competition with the
company; this is requiring the protection of the national products and implementing taxes on the same
imported products.
According to recent economic reform in the governmental industrial sector, the company adopted the central
orders to benefit from the private sector investment in existing projects or establishing new projects.
Benefits obtained from this step are -
1. Supporting the private sector to achieve the government policies in this regard.
2. Adopt the salaries of employees of these projects based on achieved production quantity of these
projects, not from the state treasury.
3. Ensure the company to get an annual sum as a share paid by the investor to the company to support
the company's industrial trends.
4. Introduction of modern technology, for both rehabilitated and new projects.
5. Localization of modern technology in the country and bridging the industrial gap.
6. The development of research and development through access to modern ideas in production

The list of Projects that have been transferred under the joint venture contracts
1. Samawa plant to produce washed industrial salt
2. Production of all types of petroleum oils with Qais Al-Rawi and Sons Company under license from
German company Fox.
3. Manufacturing, producing, processing and marketing of industrial products (industrial resins and
dyes) with UAE's RAR Resin & Chemical Industries.
4. Production of Alkyd Resin and PVA adhesive.
5. Establishing of asphalt coatings in Fallujah by Al-Dal private company
The steps taken by the company to support the economic returns of the company:
1. Opening expansion factory for asphalt products in partnership with the General Company for
Designs and Consulting to produce seven types of asphalt products, including three according to
modern technology in the world.
2. Complete the project of silicon metal production from high-silica sand
3. Complete Aluminum ingot castings project from UBC.
4. Opening of the marketing centers for the company in the Karkh district and many areas.
5. Granting sell agencies to private sector to sell out company's products with good reputation.
6. The company has followed a good pricing policy for selling company's products with good
satisfaction from the clients.
7. Providing after-sales by execute projects using company's products to beneficiaries’ services.

* The company is working on marketing its products within a market that contains competitors from
neighboring countries in particular and through private imports. Company products are most qualified
products comparable to these imported ones can meet the local demand by adopting of different marketing
methods (direct selling, electronic marketing, opening marketing outlets, communications, product selling
agents, site visits Beneficiaries).
The total sales of our company for the year 2018 = (21.559873) billion dinars
Reached during the first half of 2019 = (23.495454) billion dinars

The main risks to our commercial project are the current competition as a result of importing materials
similar to the company's products and the risks involved in the lack of modern technologies and absence of

protecting the local product in addition to the risks of end the surface quantities of mineral ores and the need
to dig deeply to reach under earth quantities to continue the extraction.
Currently there are no gap between the financial situation of financial logs and accounting standards
generally accepted them because the department is preparing the budget planning for each year then prepare
final accounts in the light can be extracted accounting standards.
At present, the company needs to fund the new projects with high technical and economic advantages
especially for projects of local raw materials. The amount of cash required identified when it pointed out
investment projects in the five-year implementation plan. Self-funding available at present and company
working hard to run the production lines rehabilitated the end of 2008 to maximize the resources of a
company that could not lifted to the level of ambition, but to complete future projects in the five-year plan
developed by the company.
Cost of capital is currently (1) billion has not modified now that the amendment will be later after the
capitalization of the projects implemented

2. Product or service
State Company for Mining Industries is a self-financed economic production entity completely owned by the
Stat, characterized entity, independence financial and administrative, based on economic standards affiliated
to the Ministry of Industry & Minerals. The main headquarters located in Baghdad Governorate / Al-Tajiyat
District. Ruled by low of general companies 22 issued at 1997 and its amendments in addition to the other
related laws.
Company established in 1992 as Production Company. In 2006, company be one of Ministry of Industry &
Minerals. Company specialized in metallurgy and metal production then asphalt industries, chemicals of
modern construction. In 2013 Mineral excavation department engaged to company after the disengagement
from the Iraqi Geological Survey, which contributed to completeness of the mineral specializes of the
company. Based on governmental trend which calls for make merge between companies of similar category.
The state Company for Mining Industries and that Al-Sawary Company for Chemical Industries were
merged into one company under the name of the state Company for Mining Industries Linnaean as of
01.01.2016 was appended to the factory Ibn Sina in 09/01/2017 after decoding its association with a
company of military industries company
The company adopting an industrial strategy characterized by exploitation of local raw materials and
Iraqi raw materials to convert them into products that benefit the development plan in Iraq. The company
has several industrial identities:
The first identity asphalt industry and modern building chemicals targeting the optimum exploitation of
asphalt produced in the refineries of the Ministry of Oil. Bitumen used to produce various types of
developed asphalt products used in the works of waterproofing, paving the streets, roofs, reconstruction of
the country, which is currently imported from neighboring countries. The second identity is mining
industries, while the third is chemical and extractive industries.
The mining activity targeting to full exploitation of mineral ores and mineral wastes available in country,
raw materials and raw materials of Iraq. The industry aims to produce useful products by improving their
quality and increasing in addition to the research and development activities and the implementation of the
technological projects. The company's activity and technical specialization are three activities: the
production activity of all types (construction, mining, mineral and chemical extraction), project activity and
finally research and development activity.

First: Productive activity: The following areas of production are:

a. Construction Industries: manufacture of the modified paving asphalt and Polymer Modified Bitumen
(PMB) used in the paving of streets and various asphalt-based water-based asphalt products such as
asphalt and polymeric asphalt coatings as well as the production of all types of concrete additives.

b. Mining industries: production of powders of metals, alloys and materials by using thermal methods
and all other related products such as (aluminum powder, aluminum paste, aluminum ingots and
silicon metal) as well as the production of oxide of metals as pigments, pure chemical compounds
and any Other related products.

c. Extractive industries: These include excavation, processing, classification and concentration of ores,
and making them suitable for industrial uses. Company has many specialized mineral production
sites. such as: industrial salt; Al-Hussianiyat iron ore; silica sand for glass and ceramics, silica sand
for white cement, silica sand for black cement, Kaolin; bauxite; bentonite; standard sands; feldspar,
filter sands; as well as the production of hydroxide and magnesium oxide from bitter water and salt
solutions used in the suppression and repair of oil wells and any related products.

d. Chemical industries: The production of Industrial resins (PVA, Alkyd resin, Novolak, polystyrene),
dyes, inks, color concentrates, petroleum oils, rock wool, glass fiber industry, pipes and steel tanks.

- Liquefied nitrogen gas, purity 99.99 %.

- Chemical additives for industrial water (anti-calcification of steam boilers, anti-corrosion and
cooling towers, absorbers Oxygen from steam boilers, solid waste inhibitor for cooling towers,
bactericidal inhibitor for cooling towers, Foam Sealant, Reverse Osmosis units, Cooling of
closed cooling units, Steam boilers, industrial detergents, Reverse Osmosis Units
- Micronutrient fertilizers as solid and liquid state.
- Sodium phosphate, mono, di, tri crystalline, bicarbonate, poly aluminum chloride (PAC), zinc
sulphate and Saline solution and sodium sulfite.
- The following silicon materials (silicon oils, silicon emulsions, thermal greases, various types of
rubber, oil additives).

1. Product of Company:
As in the following table. Company stores is empty from any stored products
Table No. (1) Proposals for the Production Plan of the General Company for Mining Industries for the year 2020
Development in
Annual available Production plan at Actual production for the 1st half
Suggested production plan for 2020 2020 based on
capacity 2019 of 2019
No Exploiting of
Product Name t Value in
. available Value in Value in
Quantit 2020 Quantit Valu
Value Quantit Value capacity % Quantit Quantity planned actual
y planned y e
y Quantit valu y prices prices
y e
Polymeric 300000
M2 1080 10000 360 50000 180 17 17 0 0 0 0 0
asphalt felts
Asphalt 40515.81
Ton 33000 3960 30000 3600 32000 3840 97 97 7 7
4861.897 5241.618
1 Construction
factory 12296.33
developed Ton 20000 4600 15000 3450 16000 3680 80 80 7 7
2828.157 3621.996
Ton 2250 1856.25 300 247.5 300 247.5 13 13 0 0 0 0 0
Ton 18.75 103.125 18.75 103.125 18.75 103.125 100 100 0 0 3.1 17.05 13.33
Mining Ton 240 480 240 480 240 480 100 100 0 0 0 0 0
2 Castings
Ton 240 460 240 460 240 460 100 100 0 0 0 0 0
Rock wool Ton 3000 4028 500 742 500 742 16 18 0 0 0 0 0
Solutions \
Al-Thaghir M3 4870 487 4200 420 4200 420 86 86 0 0 0 0 0
3 Factory \
Asphalt 52539.60
Ton 70000 10416 50000 7440 60000 8928 85 85 12 12
6304.752 7817.171
4 Mineral Al
excavation Hussianiyat Ton 0 0 6000 192 6000 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
factory Iron stone
Silica sand Ton 0 0 1200 25.2 1200 25.2 0 0 0 0 113 3.051 3.051
for glass

Silica sand
for white Ton 0 0 1200 25.2 1200 25.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sands for
Ton 0 0 3000 63 3000 63 0 0 0 0 40.5 0.607 0.607
Silica sand
0 0 1800 180 1800 180 0 0 0 0 137.5 19.25 19.25
for foundry
Ton 0 0 60 240 36 144 0 0 -40 -40 6.225 24.9 24.9
Ton 0 0 3600 540 1800 270 0 0 -50 -50 22.5 3.375 3.375
Ton 0 0 6000 198 1200 39.6 0 0 -80 -80 0 0 0
Ton 1200 2091 650 373 650 373 54 18 …. …. 217 124.7 124.7
Pilot plant
and Ton 420 4390 33 345 33 345 8 8 …. …. 1 25 25
Ton 102 255 70 175 70 175 69 69 …. …. 37.5 98.750 76.125
Ibn Sina additives
factory Liquid
M3 1200 3600 650 1950 650 1950 54 54 …. …. 30.5 90.9 85
of Ton 3000 9000 2000 6000 2000 6000 67 67 …. …. 0 0 0
Ton 216 540 100 250 100 250 46 46 …. …. 1 2.5 2.5
6 Novolak Ton 500 2750 25 137.5 25 137.5 5 5 --- ---- 2.263 12.446 12.446
Inks Ton 110 711.48 37 239.316 37 239.316 34 34 ---- ----- 20 129.36 15
7 Ink factory
concentrate Ton 84 275.184 7 22.932 7 22.932 8 8 ---- ----- 0 0 0
491533. 51083.03
Sum for all company 0 1005 -144
789 9

Table of proposals for the production plan for 2020 (investment contracts and joint venture contracts)

Production plan for Suggested production plan for 2020 Development in

Annual available Actual production for
2019 (company’s share) 2020 plant on
capacity the 1st half of 2019
2019 base %
Value in
Uni 2019 planed Exploiting of available
No capacities %
Product Name t Value in prices
. Value in
Quantit 2020 Exploiting
Quantity Value quantity value Quantity actual
y planned of available Quantity
prices capacity %
quantity Value
Asphalt coatings/ 33000 3960 ---- ----- 11560 289 35 7 100 100 ---- ----
1 Ton
Baghdad (joint venture)
Samawa Plant for the 500000 15000 365000 2062.5 250000 2250 50 15 -32 9 31250 937.5
production of industrial
2 Ton
washed salt / investment
Petroleum oils (joint 24000 4416 24000 4416 24000 2352 100 53 --- -47 2764.112 136.861
3 M2
Alkyd resin (joint 6000 510 500 42.5 500 42.5 8 8 --- --- 864 42.234
4 Ton
5 P.V.A. (joint venture) Ton 2000 180 500 40 500 45 25 25 --- 13 0 0
Industrial solvent (joint 3600 1548 23950 1029 33000 1597.2 92 103 38 55 1147.6 54.823
6 Ton
venture) 0
Sum for all company 0 25614 7590 68

A- Sales planned according to the five-year plan for the years (2020-2022)
Table (2): proposals sales plan for the state Company for Mining Industries, 2020
Proposed plan for Development Actual production in
Sales plan for 2019
sales 2020 in 2020 over first half of 2019
N Uni Value in 2019 Value in
Product Name
o t Quantit planned Quantit actual
Value Quantity
y prices of y Quant Value prices
2020 2019
Polymeric 100000 360 50000 180 -50 -50 0 0
Asphalt To 2000 240 export 0 expor expor export 0
Constructio Coatings n t t
n factory Paving To 5000 1150 14000 3220 180 180 11819.37 15316.99
developed n 5
Concrete To 300 247.5 300 247.5 0 0 0 0
additives n
Aluminum To 18.75 103.125 18.75 103.125 0 0 0 0
powder n
Aluminum To 240 480 240 480 0 0 0 0
2 Castings n
factory 0 0
Silicon To 240 460 240 460 0.05 0.1
metal n
Rock wool 500 742 500 742 0 0 1.5 1.54
Salt To 4200 420 4200 420 0 0 225 22.5
Solutions \ n
Thaghir Thaghir
factory/Bas Factory \
ra Basra
Asphalt To 0 0 export 0 -- --- 52539.6 7817.171
Coatings n
4 Al To 6000 192 6000 192 0 0 0 0
Hussianiya n
t Iron
Silica sand To 1200 25.2 1200 25.2 0 0 113 4.247
for glass n
Silica sand 1200 25.2 1200 25.2 0 0 0 0
for white
Silica To 3000 63 3000 63 0 0 40.5 0.85
Sands for n
Silica sand To 1800 180 1800 180 0 0 137.5 22

for n
Standard To 60 240 36 144 -40 -40 11.57 44.48
sand n
Bentonite To 3600 540 1800 270 -50 -50 90.93 8.642
product n
Bentonite, To 6000 198 1200 39.6 -80 -80 0 0
crude n
Silicon To
650 373 650 373 …. …. 169.824 101.875
materials n
Pilot plant To 0 0
and n 33 345 33 345 …. ….
Chemical To
70 175 70 175 …. …. 5 9.5
Ibn Sina additives n
factory Liquid To
650 1950 650 1950 …. …. 55.3 117.5
nitrogen n
Production To 0 0
of n 2000 6000 2000 6000 …. ….
Sodium To 0 0
100 250 100 250 …. ….
sulfite n
Resins To 25 137.5 25 137.5 113.763 13.059
6 Novolak …. ….
factory n
To 73 239.316 73 239.316 20 15
Inks …. ….
7 Ink factory Color To 0 0
concentrat n 7 22.932 7 22.932 …. ….
16284.37 8154.324

Table (3) proposed Exports plan 2020

Suggested export Actual production for the
Export plan for 2019 in 2020 than
Unit plan for 2020 1st half of 2019
No Product 2019 %
. Name Value in 2018 Value in
e Quantit
planned Value Quantity actual
y Quantity
prices prices
Asphalt 28000 2940000 $ 32000 3360000 14 14 40154.689 4216242.345
1 coatings/ Ton $ $
Paving 10000 2600000 $ 2000 520000 $ 80- 80- 300.8 78208 $
2 Ton
Asphalt 50000 5406000 $ 60000 7440000 20 29 52496,780 6509166 $
3 coatings/ Ton $
Sum 0$ 11320000 20$

The value of exports for the year 2020 = 13584 million dinars, according to the exchange rate of the dollar =
1200 dinars

Table (4): proposed plan for conducting services and operation for others for 2020

No Name of conducting Planed work Suggested work Development Actual value

services and operation for value at 2019 value at 2020 percent in 2020 gained at the
others based upon 2019 first half of
% 2020 year
1 Production of Industrial 0 1050 100 0
slat (Basra saltern)
operation for others
(mineral excavation dept.)
2 Execution of water 2500 2500 ---- 7
treatment projects and
chemical tests (Ibn Sina
3 Execution of contracts for 4757.4 3000 36- 170
others (Alrimah factory)
4 Production of asphalt felt 60 60 0 0
(Al-thagar factory)
operation for others
5 production of cutbacks / 0 350 100% 0
asphalt coatings /Al-
Thaghar factory
6 Production of asphalt 0 5160 100 0
coatings / prime coat /
Baghdad / operate for
7 Production of modified 0 1548 100 0
paving asphalt /
Baghdad / operate for
8 Production of calcium 120 120 --- 34.104
carbonate (mining
9 Production of vanadium 24.5 24.5 ---- 0
inhibitor / Ink factory /
operate for others
Sum for all the company 7461.9 13812.5 85 211.104

Details of conducting services and operation for others
Name of conducting services and operation for
A contract to operate the production line in
Production of Industrial slat (Basra saltern) Basra salt for the production of washed
operation for others (mineral excavation dept.) industrial salt with Tameer Engineering
Industries Ltd.
Implementation of water treatment projects for
companies and ministries. The value of the
Execution of water treatment projects and planned work for 2020 is 2400 million dinars.
chemical tests (Ibn Sina factory) Carrying out chemical analyzes of companies,
ministries and the private sector, with a planned
value for 2020, up to 100 million dinars.
Execution of contracts for others (Alrimah Executing contracts signed with companies and
factory) ministries
Production of asphalt felt (Al-Thaghar factory) Operation contract for third parties with the
operation for others Silver Roof General Trading Company Limited
production of cutbacks / asphalt coatings /Al- A signed contract with the company early dawn.
Thaghar factory Operation for others
Production of asphalt coatings / prime coat / operation for others contract with Summit
Baghdad / operate for others Growl Company
Production of modified paving asphalt / operation for others contract with Summit
Baghdad / operate for others Growl Company
A signed contract with Qimmat Al-Nidal
company. Accordingly, the productive energies
8 Production of calcium carbonate (mining factory)
in the fibers factory mill are used for the
purpose of producing calcium carbonate
A signed contract with the Ministry of
Electricity, according to which the material of
Production of vanadium inhibitor / Ink factory /
9 vanadium derivatives is manufactured and the
operate for others
Ministry mentioned in this article is prepared.

Table No. (5) Preliminary Estimates of the Financial Indicators for 2020 for the Company
Manufacturer's name: General Company for Mining Industries.
Amounts: one million dinars
For the year 2019, as
included in the planning
No Statement Proposed for 2020
budget approved by the
Ministry of Finance
1 Total expenses excluding capital 46408 47611
2 Total revenue other than transferable 46413 49900
3 Profit (loss) (Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 1) 5 2289
Table No. (6) The foundations and justifications adopted by the formations in developing the 2020 plan
Company name: General Company for Mining Industries
No Factory / product / service (operation) The foundations and justifications adopted by the
formations in developing the 2020 plan
1 Asphalt felt plant The plan was reduced due to lack of local demand
Asphalt coatings plant Production was increased due to the demand for it,
Construction so production lines were developed
factory Modifies paving asphalt plant Production was increased due to the demand for it
Concrete additives plant The same plan was adopted in 2019 due to the lack
of local demand
2 Aluminum powder plant The scheme was adopted in 2019 as a scheme in a
Aluminum castings plant year 2020 due to lack of demand for the product
Mining factory
Silicon metal plant
Rock wool plant
3 The production laboratories of 1. Comparison with budget plans for previous years
the mineral extraction plant: 2. Market study (supply and demand)
 Samawah saltern 3. Competition with the private and importing
(referred to local sectors based on prices and specifications
investment) 4. The security conditions of some production
 Basra Saltern (Self- plants located in hot areas
Employed + Operation 5. Costing production and maximizing
Contract for Others) revenues
 Western Sahara Mines 6. The limited capabilities of production
(partially self- systems
operating) 7. Sharing and Investment Contract (Salted
 Najaf Hill Mines (Self- Samawah)
Employed) 8. Investment files (Bentonite Activation Lab)
factory  Bentonite production 9. Employment contract for others (Al-Basra
(currently suspended) Salt Company)
 Bentonite activation 10. Adding new products (industrial salt + high-
factory (currently quality Hussein steel)
suspended + 11. Delete previous products due to security
investment file) conditions and poor demand for material and
financial resources (raw salt + Wadi Sufi
 Sodium Sulfate
officials + bauxite + flint + filter sands +
Factory (Stopped
feldspar + red kaolin)
Operations due to Loot
12. Rehabilitation of productive sites that have
and Destruction)
been vandalized and stolen due to terrorist
and warfare actions
4 Salt solutions plant The scheme was adopted in 2019 as a scheme in a
year 2020 due to lack of demand for the product
factory/Basra Asphalt coatings plant The scheme was increased in 2020 from 2019 due to
an increase in product demand
5 Ibn Sina  Liquefied nitrogen The production plan was reduced from the previous
factory year for the following reasons

 Silicon materials plant 1. Most companies are reluctant to buy the local
 Pilot Production plant product because of the prevailing culture that tends
 Chemical additive to the foreign product.
plant 2. High prices of raw materials in the local market
 Fertilizer plant due to the inappropriate import mechanism for
 Sodium sulfite plant companies.
3. The lack of control over the imported products.
4. Continuous power failure.
5. Delayed receipt of quotas for petroleum products
from the Ministry of Oil.
6. Some products due to the lack of protection for
the product enter into unequal competition with
poor materials that are sold at low prices in the local
7. The location of the factory is in Tarmiyah and
there is difficulty in entering and removing any
chemical due to the difficult security conditions
surrounding the factory.
8. After the site in Tarmiyah, it makes the
beneficiaries not go to the site due to the difficult
security conditions.
9. Non-receipt of the production of chemical
additives by the General Company for Southern
Cement Industry / Basra. Continuously
10. Non-receipt of fertilizer production by the
Ministry of Agriculture / General Agricultural
Supplies Company. Continuously
6 Ink plant There is no change in the 2020 plan from the 2019
plan because of the lack of a plan, due to the lack of
contracts with beneficiaries, in addition to the
Resins factory absence of an increase in demand for the product
Color concentrates plant There is no change in the 2020 plan from the 2019
plan because of the lack of a plan of 2019 for no
7 Novolak plant There is no change in the 2020 plan from the 2019
plan because of the lack of a plan of 2019 for no
Ink factory Alkyd resin plant These products were produced under partnership
P.V.A plant contracts in 2019. It was included as a production
Industrial solvent plant plan in the schedule of participation contracts for

B- The strengths and weaknesses of the company's product

No Strength points Weaknesses points

1 The company's products mostly rely on raw Dumping the market with imported materials
materials available locally
2 The company's products especially asphalt and Most construction and construction projects
concrete additives are involved in the stopped
implementation of construction projects and
3 The company's chemical products are used in the The failure of the concerned parties to make
treatment of boiler water and cooling systems, contracts or requests for processing our
especially in the southern regions products
4 Production of fertilizers of micro-elements that Non-continuation of contracts or processing
increase the yield of agricultural crops requests for the said products
5 Implementation of technological works Strong bidding competition for projects
specialized in the electricity sector
6 Production of types of sand, pellets, silica, kaolin The occurrence of military operations and
and other types through the company's quarries security conditions leading to the cutting of
in Anbar province roads and transportation

13. Product specifications:
The advantages of being the company's products with high specifications appear with these materials, according to the following table:
No. Product Name Specifications Uses
- the proportion of reduction of water: 100%
- Setting time: more than an hour -put concrete mixture in high flexibility & delay the hardening time
1 Concrete Additives
ASTM C 494 TYPE -poured concrete girders for bridges and large concrete sections
A,B,C, and D
- produced with thicknesses of (2,3,4) mm according to beneficiary and type
- Thermal insulation for steam pipes and other liquids
of use
- waterproofing of roofs of buildings
2 Asphalt felt -Resist cracking at Zero OC
- waterproofing of the walls of the swimming pools, lakes and irrigation
-high resistance in both directions and not allowed to influence water
-Iraqi standard 2034
- Examination of Liquidity: solid @70 OC when model developed at an
angle 75
3 Hot mastic - Examination of permeability: not to exceed 90 when the conditions of test - used for the purposes of roofs waterproofing and tiles
150 / 5 seconds
- Iraqi standard 1110
- a time of drought: not to exceed 24 hours
waterproofing for concrete buildings and brick and cement
4 Flan coat - Density: 1.1 gm / cm3
- waterproofing of steel structures
- Iraqi standard specification 1113
- coating of steel structures, iron parts and the buried iron parts based
- a time of drought: not to exceed 24 hours
coating and prevent corrosion
- Density: 1.1 gm / cm3
5 Primer - Coating the foundations, columns, and concrete structures to reduce
- Iraqi standard 1195
the water permeability and anti-fungal
- Address the cracks occurring in mastic
- separation ratio is 5% within an hour - used for soil standstill
6 Cationic Emulsion
- Density 1.1 g / cm - Used in treat cracks on the cold streets
Silicon metal - Shape: in the form of blocks size 0-100 mm Used in the production of silicon for solar cells and the type of
7 - purity: 99% Si electronic industry and in the production of silicone oils and others
- Packing: 50 kg iron container
Color: - silver luster
Purity: - 90-95 % Al
8 Aluminum Powder - used in paint industry and Thermostone
Particle size: +100 – 75 microns
Water covering area: - 3000 cm2/gm
- Silver luster
9 Aluminum Paste Used as pigment for aluminum paint
- Fine particle size
Aluminum ingots -shape: standard ingots - used for aluminum-silicon alloy
-weight: 6-7 kg - used for aluminum plate alloy
-Purity: 98% Al - used for aluminum profile alloy
- packing: 500-750 kg - used for all aluminum products
11 oil wells saline solution produces the kinds 1.24 g / cm 3 1.2 g/cm3+1.27 g/cm:- - used as a lubricant and chilling agent during the drilling of oil wells
12 Roofing Asphalt IS 1196

NaCl 97% Min.
IR 1% Max
13 Industrial salt (washed) Mg++ 0.2% Max. Used in food, textile, chemical and Tanning industries
SO4 0.5% Max.
Moisture 5% Max.
NaCl 97% Min.
IR 1% Max
14 Industrial salt (sacked) Mg++ 0.2% Max. Used in chemical and Tanning industries
SO4 0.5% Max.
Moisture 5% Max.
Fe2O3 28% Min.
15 Al Hussianiyat Ironstone. SiO2 50% Max. Used in cement industry
Al2O3 24% Max.
Fe2O3 38% Min.
16 Chabd Al-Abed Ironstone SiO2 50% Max. Used in cement industry
Al2O3 4% Max.
Ca-Montmorillonite 70%
17 Bentonite (mined) CEC 65 meq/100 gm Min. Oil wells drilling
Pass from sieve 0.75 mm 95% Min. wet sieving
Al2O3 50% Min.
18 Bauxite (rock) Used in refractory, cement and alum industries
SiO2 40% Max.
SiO2 96% Min.
19 Silica Sands Used in glass and white cement industries
Fe2O3 1% Max.
Weight loss after acid wash 0.25%
20 STD sand Pass from sieve 0.85 mm 98% Used for cement testing
Pass from sieve 0.600 10%
Feldspar Orthoclase +Microcline Content 20% Min.
(Na2O+K2O) 3.5% Min.
21 Feldspar Sand Used in ceramics
SO3% 86% Min.
Grain Size +0.710 mm
22 Flint Used in refractories and white cement
23 Kaolin Used in cement, refractories, ceramics, and paper
SiO2 90%
Weight Loss After Acid Wash 2%
Organic Materials nil
24 Filter Sand Used water filtration
Remaining on Upper Sieve 5%
Pass From Lower Sieve 5%
Uniformity Coefficient 1.5%
25 PVA Resin Solid percent 70-75% Used in paintlite dyes and glues
Viscosity (50%)(CF4) 80-120%
Acid Value 10-12 mgKOH/gm
Sp. Gr. @20C 0.97 gm/cc
Color (love band) 2 max
Appearance Clear
Drying time 4-5 hr.

Flash point app.44 C
Composition of solid resin:
Phthalic anhydride 20-25%
Oil content 60%
Type of oil Soya-bean oil
Polyhydric Alcohol Pentaerythritol
Melting Range 80-85 C
Density 1.21-1.26 gm/cc
Free Phenol >1
Used as a base for oil dyes industry and ink industry according to
25 Alkyd Resin Water content >1
required products
Form of delivery Solid
Odor Phenolic
Type of Hardener Hexamine
Solid percent 65 +- 2%
Viscosity (Dynamic) @20 C 530-800 m pas
Acid Value > 30
Sp. Gr. @20C 1.13-1.2 gm/ml
Color (Gardner) ----------------
Flash point 34 C
Used in molding, electric isolation, glue material for paper & wood and
26 Novolak Resin Appearance Clear
in production of rock wool
Refractive Index 1.542
Gel Time 15-30 min
Composition of solid resin:
Maleic anhydride esterified with
glycol & dissolved in
Solid percent 70-75%
Viscosity (50%)(CF4) 80-120%
Acid Value 10-12 mgKOH/gm
Sp. Gr. @20C 0.97 gm/cc
Color (love band) 2 max
Appearance Clear
27 Polyester Resin Drying time 4-5 hr. Used as raw material for boats and storage tanks and GRP production
Flash point app.44 7
Composition of solid resin:
Phthalic anhydride 20-25%
Oil content 60%
Type of oil Soya-bean oil
Polyhydric Alcohol Pentaerythritol
28 Petroleum Oils Multi-types as heavy machines, brake fluid, and ships Oiling equipment, joints and production facilities
Used to print on different machines to print banknotes on a smooth and
Roll offset toners, sheet offset toners, alcoholic base flexographic toners,
29 Inks plain paper as well, print newspapers, textbooks, road marking paints,
meet seal ink, Rotograph printing inks and master batch inks
printing inks on the flour bags, seal meat and print own medicine
30 Rock Wool -heat insulator Thermally insulating material and audio and is used in buildings
-sound insulator exchangers, tanks, industrial equipment isolate the cold and hot

-burn standing temperatures of up to 700 degrees Celsius and the future of thermal
- up to 700 C isolation of pipelines and sandwich panel
Multi-species such as alkyd paint, water base paint, and gelcoat and oily
31 Color Concentrates Used indoors and construction sites
32 Silicones materials As silicones materials and oils
33 Pilot plant and productive For general uses
34 Chemical additives For general uses
35 Liquid nitrogen Not less than 99% Used in different, medical and industrial applications
Fertilizer composition of micro elements
Zn 8-10% 3.5%
Fe 5-7% 2.5%
Mn 5-7% 2.5%
36 Production of fertilizer In agriculture
Cu 2-4% 1.5%
Mg 1-3%
K 10%
chemical formula Na2SO3.7H2O
color is white
37 Sodium sulfite Solid state
% Of active ingredient (sulfur root) 31%
Purity 99%

3. Costumers of company
No Costumer Products for costumer Company
1 Ministry of Industry and Minerals Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot 25%
2 Ministry of Health
3 Ministry of Oil Oil wells saline solution , rock wool,
Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot
4 Ministry of Electricity 0%
5 Ministry Of Agriculture Rock wool, silicones, micronutrient
6 Ministry of Science, Technology and Scientific Research
7 Companies of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Concrete Additives
provincial municipalities Asphalt Products
8 Ministry of Water Resources Concrete Additives
Asphalt Products
9 Baghdad Municipality Concrete Additives
Asphalt Products
10 Acetylene generation factories Calcium Carbide 0%
11 Air aerated blocks production factories Aluminum Powder 5%
12 Aluminum factories Aluminum Ingots 3%
13 Production factories of dyes Aluminum powder 5%
14 General Company for Glass and Ceramics Silica sands, feldspar, white and
colored kaolin
15 Cement Industry Companies Iron stone, bauxite, silica sands, STD
16 General Phosphate Company Kaolin 20%
17 State Company for Refractory Industry Bauxite, flint, white and colored
18 North Oil Company Activated bentonite 10%
19 General Company for Paper Industries white and colored kaolin 0%
20 General Company for Petrochemical Industries Basra salt 30%
21 Al Furat General Company Samawa salt 25%
22 General Company for Food Industries / Vegetable Oils Factory Samawa salt 10%
23 Baghdad Soft Drinks Company Samawa salt 20%
24 General Company for Rubber Industries Samawa salt 10%
25 State Company for Carton Industry Samawa salt 0%
26 Modern Dyes Manufacturing Company Alkyd resin and PVA 5%
27 Media and Publications Sector Ink and concentrated colors 55
28 Private sector factories Concrete additives, Asphalt products,
Paving Asphalt, Calcium Carbide,
Flake Aluminum powder, aluminum 50%
ingots, fertilizers, Industrial salt, alkyd
resin and PVA

14. Client need our company's products is as follows: -

No. Client Needed Product Client need

Concrete Additives, liquid Nitrogen,
1 Ministry of industry and minerals silicones products, pilot products

2 Ministry of health
Oil wells saline solution , rock wool,
Products of additive, Liquid
3 Ministry of the oil
nitrogen, Silicone products, Products
of pilot systems
Rock wool, Products of additive,
4 Ministry of Electricity
Products of pilot systems
5 Ministry of Agriculture Rock wool, silicones, fertilizers
6 Science and technology Ministry High in specifications
Concrete Additives
7 Ministry of Housing and Construction
Asphalt Products
Concrete Additives
8 Ministry of Water Resources
Asphalt Products
Concrete Additives
9 Municipality of Baghdad
Asphalt Products
After sale services
10 Plants producing acetylene Calcium Carbide
11 Plants producing Thermostone Aluminum Powder
12 Plants producing paints Aluminum powder
13 Works based on Aluminum Metal or alloy making Aluminum Ingots
Silica sands, feldspar, white and
Long life after use
14 State company for glass and ceramic
colored kaolin
Iron stone, bauxite, silica sands, STD
15 Cement production factories
16 Phosphate industries Kaolin
Bauxite, flint, white and colored Multitude types of one
17 Refractoriness state company
kaolin product
18 North oil company Activated bentonite, rock wool
19 Paper state company white and colored kaolin
20 Petrochemical industries Basra salt
21 Al-Furat company Samawa salt
22 Vegetable oils company Samawa salt Rapid & Direct
23 Baghdad Soft drink company Samawa salt
understanding between
24 Rubber industries Samawa salt
25 Cartoon industries Samawa salt the two parties 4.
26 Company of modern paint industries Alkyd resin and PVA
27 Media and publishing sector Inks and color concentrates
Concrete additives, Asphalt products,
Paving Asphalt, Calcium Carbide,
28 Private sector companies & Factories Flake Aluminum powder, aluminum Low price compares
ingots, fertilizers, Industrial salt, with the imported
alkyd resin and PVA product

2. Project Activity:
Implementation of technological projects of company or for others in the field of company specialty,
benefit from accumulated experience in the company in the following areas:
a. Implementation of technological works.
b. Waterproofing and thermal insulation works.

c. Radioactive decontamination.
d. Implementation and installation, maintenance and reconstruction of secondary transformer
stations and gas and thermal power stations and GIS stations.
e. Any other engineering works that contribute to maximizing resources.

3. Research and Development Activity:

Conducting of research and pilot units for the development of the company's products or the addition of
new production lines and access to alternatives of the imported raw materials entering the production
lines and the purification of raw ores, and the possibility of conducting developing researches for
others. The company has completed many researchers at laboratory and pilot levels since company
establish till now. Many of these researches has converted into production plants.

Value proposition can specified when the client desire has been determined as follows:

Cleint Needing
High specification, After sale
service; Long Life; Multitude types;
Rapid & Direct understanding; Low
price compare with the imported

Competiters Product Quality Company Product Quality

Non-Standerd Products; Non- High in specification; After use
Guaranteed life; Multitude types in Services; long life; Limited types in
one product; Indirect one Product; Direct Understanding
Understanding Between cleint and Between cleint and company ;
manufacturer; No Price Flexibility flexible Price Polcy

Therefore, the value proposition can put in the following points:

1. Subjection of products of the company to an integrated system of quality control.

2. Consideration of the price balance between production cost and Market price.
3. Creation more solutions and after sell services.
4. Deep Knowledge of each client desire.
5. Multitude of types of one product.
The value proposition that met by products or services to clients including the following:
1. Polymeric Felt: produced from local materials and materials imported from well known
internationally companies and produced in accordance with "international standards and is of high
efficiency of insulation and temperature variety.
2. Asphalt Products: Mastic kinds, Waterproofing Asphalt and Flancoat, which produced from high
quality and low price local materials be of high operational efficiency waterproofing with a very
high degree of coverage through the application.
3. Modified Paving Asphalt: produced in two types developed by the sole effort of the company in two
more important specifications 1) High workability 2) High strength in very high loads.
4. Concrete Additives: Raw materials is imported from well known internationally companies and it is
produced in accordance with "international standards which are of high operational efficiency and
high ranges in water reduction, therefore providing a wide range of choices as it is produced in four
kinds of successful, economic, and applicable in practice.
5. Aluminum powder: is produced from local materials of high purity, efficient high operational during
the liberation of hydrogen gas in the manufacture of AAB and a high degree of coverage when it is
used in paints.
6. Aluminum paste: used for silver paint production.
7. Aluminum Ingots: used in any works or industries based on aluminum metal.
8. Calcium Carbide: results from high quality Iraqi local materials, high efficient in acetylene gas
generation. One kilogram of it produces (270) liters of acetylene gas. A competitor are importers of
9. Oil wells saline solution: results from the bitter water naturally available in FAO, which has a
flexibility to work and produce two types of solution in order to satisfy the operational requirements
of the Beneficiary and used as a substitute for the imported solution as it is very active.
10. Iraqi sands: has a great value for its high purity and used in enormous industries as glass, ceramic,
white cement, and the STD type used for cement tests and one type used in water filtration.
11. Bentonite: especially the activated type used in oil drilling.
12. Industrial salt: has a great value used in food, textile, chemical, and tanning industries.
13. White and colored kaolin: has a great value used in cement, ceramic, refractory, and paper industries.
14. Bauxite: used in refractory, white cement and alum industries.
15. Flint: used in refractory and white cement industries.
16. PVA: used in paint lite pigments used in industry and glues
17. Alkyd resin: used as a basis in the oily paint and ink manufacturing industry, according to the
required specifications.
18. Novolak resin: used in the work of the molding material, isolate material in electrical industries and
as an adhesive for wood and paper, as well as used in the rock wool industry
19. Polyester resin: used as Raw material on boats building, tanks, spare parts for cars and pipes GRP
20. Petroleum oils
21. Inks
22. Rock wool: insulating material is thermally and acoustically, and is used in buildings and pipe
exchangers, tanks, isolating hot and cold industrial equipment and bear the temperature up to 700
23. Color concentrates

24. Silicon materials: environmentally friendly and do not affect the chemical additives and make
changes in the properties of materials.
25. Pilot plant and productive.
26. Chemical additives.
27. Liquefied Nitrogen: Produced with purity higher than 99% used in many industrial processes.
28. Fertilizer production: specifications of Ministry of Agriculture and are compatible with Iraqi soil.
29. Sodium sulfite
30. Silicon metal

- The strengths and weaknesses of the company's product

No Strength points Weaknesses points

1 The company's products mostly rely on raw Dumping the market with imported materials
materials available locally
2 The company's products especially asphalt and Most construction and construction projects
concrete additives are involved in the stopped
implementation of construction projects and
3 The company's chemical products are used in the The failure of the concerned parties to make
treatment of boiler water and cooling systems, contracts or requests for processing our
especially in the southern regions products
4 Production of fertilizers of micro-elements that Non-continuation of contracts or processing
increase the yield of agricultural crops requests for the said products
5 Implementation of technological works Strong bidding competition for projects
specialized in the electricity sector
6 Production of types of sand, pellets, silica, kaolin The occurrence of military operations and
and other types through the company's quarries security conditions leading to the cutting of
in Anbar province roads and transportation

* Quality Management System:

The company works within the processes of quality management and the application of quality
specifications, where a certificate of quality system was obtained, as in the below:
A. The Ink and color concentrates factory obtained the ISO9001: 2008 quality certificate from
BMTRADA Company at 4/4/2014.
B. The factories of (construction products, rock wool, and industrial resins) obtained the ISO9001:
2008 quality certificate from VEXIL on 01/28/2017.
C. The factories of (construction products, rock wool, industrial resins) obtained the ISO9001:
2015 quality certificate from VEXIL on March 21, 2018.
1. Rehabilitation of Ibn Sina factories cooperative for the purpose of obtaining the ISO
2. Rehabilitation of Al-Thaghar Factory for the purpose of obtaining an ISO certificate.
3. Rehabilitation of the mineral extraction department - Al-Samawah salt and Basra salt for the
purpose of obtaining the ISO certificate.
4. Rehabilitation of the mining factory for the purpose of obtaining the ISO certificate.
5. Preparing cadres for internal auditors according to international specifications for the purpose
of keeping up with work in the company.

2 - Projects activity
Company roles a prominent in the field of projects. In 1991, have a key role in the reconstruction of the
electricity sector, industry, and in view of the availability of technical expertise and scientific and the potential
of operational, engineering and technology in all sites of the company there is a possibility to implement all
kinds of technological projects:
a. CONSTRUCTION - waterproofing projects: the execution of waterproofing works including buildings
roofs, irrigation channels, foundations of buildings and structures.
b. Electrical and control systems: implementation of electrical substations and electrical networks,
installation and wiring and operation of control systems.
c. Mechanical: implementation and operation of production lines and factories.
Ibn Sina plant has the scientific and engineering capabilities to provide services for water treatment systems for
the following purposes:
• Treatment of drinking water.
• Treatment of industrial wastewater that causes environmental pollution.
• Sewage treatment.
The plant's activities in this field include:
• Install, install and operate water purification plants for drinking purposes and different cards.
• Installation, installation and operation of reverse osmosis systems (RO) and various cards.
• Install, install and operate water systems and different cards.
• Install, install and operate water treatment systems for industrial waste.
• Re-energize positive and negative ion exchange.
• Examination and identification of ion exchange efficiency.
• Providing scientific and engineering consultations with technical supervision of projects.
• Implementation of water projects contracts and various treatments.

3 - R & D activity
Company has a distinguished role in completing many of the studies and scientific R&D of the company's
products or add lines of new products and accessing the alternatives to imported raw materials used in
production lines. some of this researches has been transferred to pilot plants or to industrial plants, in The
following are the most important research and studies carried out during previous years: -
1- Preparation of spherical aluminum powder.
2- Preparation the iron powders.
3- Preparation of calcium chloride.
4- Preparation of tin metal from tin oxide.
5- Preparation of nickel from scrap.
6- Preparation of silver-copper alloy.

7- Preparation cationic emulsifier.
8- Preparing aluminum powder for Thermo stone.
9- Extracting of magnesium from oxide.
10- Preparation of zinc oxide from brass
11- Preparation high purity kaolin.
12- Preparation of fine copper powder less than 120 microns.
13- Extraction of copper from copper slag.
14- Purification of silica from ores.
15- Preparation Zirconium ferrosilicon alloy.
16- Preparation of phosphorus-copper alloy.
17- Preparation yellow iron pigment.
18- Preparation of manganese from raw materials.
19- Producing many kinds of alkyd paints (red, white and khaki).
20- Preparation cold mastic.
21- Production of copper oxides powders.
22- Production of high purity cathode copper.
23- Productions of high purity lead for batteries.
24- Production of alumina from bauxite ore.
25- Production of potassium hydroxide by electrochemical method.
26- Researches on the purification of silica by chemical methods.
27- Preparation of magnesium by electrochemical method.
Ibn Sina Factory, which is looking forward to achieve it has been the cadres of the scientific and
engineering plant to promote the research and development and keep abreast of the latest global technology
in coordination with the Industrial Research and Development Authority, the preparation of multi-aluminum
compounds used in water purification.
• Preparation of emulsifying agent (salt remover) of ethylene oxide (propylene oxide) synthesis of
formaldehyde resin.
• Preparation of liquid calcium bromide 52% for the treatment of cracks in the drilling of wells.
• Treatment of drinking water and heavy water in power plants and oil refineries using ferric
Research completed for the research plan for the year 2016
1. Improving the specifications of developed polymeric asphalt using nanomaterials.
2. Improving specification of tiling asphalt using scattered rubber tires.
3. Preparing animal feed from the local Iraqi raw materials.
4. Matching the degree of color and brightness of the company inks according to the approved
5. The effect of weather conditions on the inks produced in the company.

Research completed for the research plan for the year 2017
1- Prepare asphalt concrete specifications using fine coal ash
2- Preparing light concrete for thermal insulation purposes using foam resources
3- Using rock wool waste as an additive in improving the concrete concrete specifications
4- The use of Iraqi tobacco in preparing oil well drilling fluids

Research plan for 2018
1- Using fatty acid as a substitute for soybeans to prepare long-chain kidzers used to produce alkyd dyes
and varnishes.
2- Improving the specifications of cement concrete using cement dust.
3- Preparation of emulsifier (salts remover) for heavy raw fuel from a multiple combination of phenol
formaldehyde resin.
4- Preparing liquid calcium bromide as a solution in cracks treatment with oil drilling fluids.
5- Treating drinking water and heavy water in power plants and oil refineries using ferric sulfate from local

Research plan for 2019

1- Preparation of zinc bromide used in oil well drilling solutions.
2- Improving the specification of asphalt paving using Fayum Silica.
3- Improving the specifications of the developed polymeric asphalt by adding calcium nanium carbonate.
4- Preparing the water resistant plastic emulsion paint.
5- Preparing the dyes using the polyester material.
6- Prepare the phenol formaldehyde in a dry way.
7- Purification and concentration of laboratory nitric acid.
8- Activating bentonite using the semi-wet method.

Company Stage targets:

The stage targets of the company are to develop each of company activities as follows:
I. Activity of production:
a. Construction Industry activity: Major objectives of stage are running rehabilitated production
lines. Increasing production line capacities by addressing the bottlenecks and finding new
marketing. Clarify the importance using these products in all kinds for waterproofing because of
the longer lifespan and high efficiency compared with existing material in the local market; Open
new marketing outlets for the major waterproofing uses of these products in swimming pools,
baths, the foundations and soil stability; Concrete additives (both accelerated and delayed);
Pavement of streets with non-contaminated environment.
b. Mining activity: The major objective of the stage is to run production lines after rehabilitated and
coordination with the beneficiaries to supply their desires.
c. Mineral excavation activity: the major objectives of the stage is to continue in excavation and
querying of minerals.
d. Chemical industries activity: iincreasing production capacities through the rehabilitation of
production lines, in all the factories. Developing production stages, such as, packaging in Al-
jihad factory, inks factory and concentrates color. Furthermore, adding some special equipment

injects fiberglass, building new furnaces for Factory rock wool and to add production of
envelopes pipes and sandwich panel lines, buy handling equipment and transport, such as gantry
cranes and gantry cranes, as well as a new line for the production of pipes armed card 140 km
and diameters ranging from (250-400 mm) and (300-600mlm). Civil works for the rehabilitation
of old buildings and some stores.
2. Project activity:
The stage targets are entering the field of installation of a variety of projects as in the following:
- Civil works and waterproofing
- Execution of the waterproofing of buildings roofs, bathrooms, swimming pools and
irrigation channels.
- Execution of the thermal insulation of buildings and roofs.
- Execution of the epoxy and acrylic paint and treatment intervals.
- Execution of the asphalt pavement of roads
- Execution of the pavement of roads with blocks.
- Orientation towards the maintenance of buildings through the optimal use of the modern
construction chemicals.
- Technological activities:
-Establishment of water stations.
-Establishment of sewage treatment plants.
-Perform initial operation (START - UP) for the chemical plants.
-Perform installation of mechanical and technological support to production lines.
-Perform electrical wiring and electrical control for the various production lines.
-Implementation and installation of electric secondary substations
The Implemented projects
- Implementation of magnesium oxide production from Seawater in Al-Thaghir factory in Basra 1999.
- Design and implementation of activated bentonite production plant 1999.
- Rehabilitation of Baiji thermal station 1999-2000.
- Design and implementation of pure iron oxide project and paint mixing and packaging unit in an
Alrimah factory in Mosul 2000.
- Implementation of the oil wells saline solution project in Al-Thaghir factory in Basra 2001
- Rehabilitation of load lifts (350 tons capacity), elevators, and compressors of Al-Mosul Dam 2001.
- Participate in the installation and operation of Al-Rasheed power station type 400 - 132 KV.
- Implementation of calcium carbide project at the company site in Baghdad in 2002.
- Execution of waterproofing and thermal roofs of buildings Neuroscience Hospital/Baghdad in 2004.
- Execution buildings roofs waterproofing for of Bin Al-Baladi hospital in Al-Sadr City/Baghdad 2005.
- Execution buildings roofs waterproofing and bathrooms in Sab`A Abkaar residential compound in
Baghdad in 2006.
- Execution buildings roofs waterproofing for R & D department in Al-Ezz public in 2009.
- Participation in the reconstruction of the Mosul Dam Station.
- Participation in the reconstruction of Baiji refineries (fat refineries) in 1991.
- Participate in implementation of control work and electricity for Badoosh cement plant/Mosul, 1991.
- Participation in reconstruction of gas-powered electricity generating station in Mosul in 1992.
- Preliminary operating for sulfur purification plant in Sulfur of Mishraq, Mosul in 1992
- Preliminary operating for coal oil refinery in Qayyarah in Mosul in 1992.
- Participation in reconstruction of electricity transfer station north-west main 400KV Mosul in 1992.

- Implementation of electrical and mechanical plant in the liquefaction of water in Tikrit in 1992.
- Participation in the reconstruction of the State Company for Sugar in Mosul in 1992.
- Contribute in reconstruction campaign of irrigation stations and drainage for northern region in 1993.
- Reconstruction of a power station of Qadisiyah dam isolated gas in 1993. GIS Type 400 – K
- Operation of vegetable oils production plant in Baiji, 1994.
- Full implementation of seed purification project in the province of Mosul in year 1994.
- Execution of mechanical and electrical maintenance of air conditioners and medical equipment in
hospitals in the province of Mosul in 1995
- Implementation of the project to produce paint iron oxides in a factory in Mosul Lancer 1996.
- Implementation of the project construction products at the company site in Baghdad in 1996.

Water treatment technology

Ibn Sina plant has the scientific and engineering capabilities to provide services for water treatment systems for
the following purposes:
• Treatment of drinking water.
• Treatment of industrial wastewater that causes environmental pollution.
• Sewage treatment.
The plant's activities in this field include:
• Install, install and operate water purification plants for drinking purposes and different cards.
• Installation, installation and operation of reverse osmosis systems (RO) and various cards.
• Install, install and operate water systems and different cards.
• Install, install and operate water treatment systems for industrial waste.
• Re-energize positive and negative ion exchange.
• Examination and identification of ion exchange efficiency.
• Providing scientific and engineering consultations with technical supervision of projects.
• Implementation of water projects contracts and various treatments.

3 - R & D activity:
The stage targets of the company in R&D activity to conduct researches to increase production capacity and
addressing the bottlenecks of industrial production lines. Furthermore working to find alternative for imported
materials to reduce production costs and the addition of new products and conducting several studies and
studies of technical and economic feasibility of a number of products that the company hopes incorporated into
its activities in the near future.
Include current research in this area:
a. R&D Researches of 2010
One. Preparation concrete additives of trapped air type.
Two. Preparation of pozzolan additives to prevent water-penetrating concrete.
Three. Preparation of additives to prevent corrosion and rust in iron.
Four. Preparation of additives to prevent skidding of cement by water.

Five. Preparation of accelerated additives for concrete.
Six. Preparation of emulsion rubber.
b. R&D Researches of 2011
One. Improving of Bentonite for drilling mud purposes.
Two. Preparation of vanadium inhibitor for power plants.
Three. Preparation of reflective asphalt coating by using aluminum flake powder.
Four. Improving of the action of super plasticizer concrete additives.
c. R&D Researches of 2012
One. Improving of anti-skid concrete additives.
Two. Preparation of Sulfur-bentonite fertilizer.
Three. Preparation of MS and RS liquid asphalt.
Four. Improving of cemented asphalt properties.
d. Research completed for the research plan for 2013
First. Preparation of Modified asphalt emulsifiers
e. R&D Researches of 2014
One. Preparation of modified polymeric asphalt emulations.
Two. Preparation of cemented asphalt for quick surface repair.
Three. Preparation of high resistance self-compact concrete.
f. R&D Researches of 2015
One. Preparation of oil resistance airport paving asphalt.
Two. Preparation of modified polymeric asphalt emulations.
g. Suggested R&D Researches for 2016.
One. Improving of modified polymeric asphalt emulations by Nano-additives.
Two. Improving of paving asphalt properties by consumed tires chips.
Three. Preparation of animal food from Iraqi raw materials.
Four. Preparation of high grade MgO from bitter water by using dolomite (pilot plant).
h. Research completed for the 2017 research plan
One. Preparation of asphalt concrete specifications using fine coal ash
Two. Preparation of light concrete for thermal insulation purposes using foam materials.
Three. Use of waste rock wool as an additive in improving concrete cement specifications
Four. Use of the Iraqi Attapulgite in the preparation of oil wells drilling fluids.

I. Research Plan for 2018

One. Use of fatty acids as an alternative to soybean to prepare long-chain alkyd resin used to produce
alkyd for dyes and varnishes.
Two. Improvement of cement concrete specifications using cement dust.
Three. Preparation of an emulsifier (salt remover) for heavy crude oil from a multiple combination of
phenolic formaldehyde resin.
Four. Preparation of liquid Calcium bromide in the treatment of cracks with oil drilling fluids.
Five. Treatment of drinking water and heavy water in the power plants and the oil refinery using poly
ferric sulfate from local materials.

Research plan for 2019

1- Preparation of zinc bromide used in oil well drilling solutions.

2- Improving the specification of asphalt paving using Fayum Silica.
3- Improving the specifications of the developed polymeric asphalt by adding calcium nanium carbonate.
4- Preparing the water resistant plastic emulsion paint.
5- Preparing the dyes using the polyester material.
6- Prepare the phenol formaldehyde in a dry way.
7- Purification and concentration of laboratory nitric acid.
8- Activating bentonite using the semi-wet method.

Development steps planned in the company:

1. Activity of production:
 Activity of construction industry:
I. Production of waterproofing asphalt through the possibilities available in the company.
Specifications of waterproofing asphalt are resistance to high temperatures, cracking at lower
temperatures and work is underway to implement this line.
II. Get on the rights of technical knowledge to engage in the production of new types of concrete
additives (Accelerated and delayed), including the added air type.
III. Trending towards the production of cold mastic, which used in waterproofing. This application is
reducing the pollution of the environment.
IV. Production of epoxy compounds used in coating flooring of laboratories, hospitals, and treatment
of cracks.
V. Production of fibered asphalt used in the foundations, protection of surfaces, foundation, metal
cutouts, and polymeric felt.
VI. Production CRAK Seal - C to fill the cracks in concrete surfaces.
VII. Production CRAK Seal - H to fill the cracks in highways, airports, bridges and construction.
VIII. Production of C - Elastomeric coating used for waterproofing of roofs and the foundations of the
existing ambience of the wet / swimming pools and bathrooms.
IX. The production of surface coatings used to protect and prolong the life of asphalt surfaces.
X. The production of Modified Paving asphalt.

 Mining and Mineral Activity:

1. Thermal Metallurgy
I. Alloys
- Production of silicon, ferrosilicon alloy and calcium silicide note that the company formerly
established a pilot plant to produce of ferrosilicon alloy. The official demand on silicon is
300 ton per year, company-ending supplying and erection stages of the plant waiting the
joint venture contract rising the production rate to 1000 ton per year including ferrosilicon
alloy production which official demand is 2000 tons per year. The company planned to
achieve feasibility study to establish ferrosilicon alloy 25000 ton per year to meet the local
demand and export.
- Put into operation state the production plant for producing aluminum ingots from UBC.
- Electric power connection to calcium carbide production plant from source.
- Establishing generation unit for acetylene gas depending on calcium carbide and water.
- Production of ferromanganese alloy as a raw material in the production of ferrous alloys.
II. Metal powders and materials
 Metal powders
- Company used to produce of flake aluminum powder.
- Trending towards the production of metal powders (copper, lead, tin) and powdered metal
alloys (Brass, Bronze). The fact that the production process now in Iraq adopts primitive
technology, the world goes to use metal powders in spare parts production for lifelong and
their economies compared with extrusion and rolling, and forging.
- Company needs know-how and technical assistance to develop production methods to the
following ways:
 Atomization Technique by different fluids.
 Use of electrometallurgy method to produce fine metals. In the future, the company
planned to use the ultra-milling technique (Nano-Technology).
III. Wet Metallurgy
The company's scientific and technical base in this field since its beginning and there were production
units in the company's sites, as shown below:
- Iron oxides
- Magnesium oxide
- Aluminum oxide
IV. Electrochemical metallurgy
The company's activity in the field of electrochemical metallurgy represented by the presence of the pilot
plants and production units, such as copper powder production unit, pure lead and cathode copper production
 Mineral Excavation
 Rehabilitation of Basra saltern in 500000 ton per year.
 Modernization of Samawa saltern to produce table salt.
 Opening for Al-Hussianiyat Mine.
 Bauxite excavation from deep points.
 Rehabilitation of Sodium Sulphate site.
 Chemical industries activity
 Rehabilitation of all production lines and factories Repair and maintenance of the machines.
 Development of some of the stages of production, such as packaging in jihad factory and
factory of inks and color concentrates.
 Production of the white spirit and the addition of some special injected fiberglass equipment.
 Production of new types of resins.
 Build new furnaces for rock wool and the addition of production lines and envelopes sandwich
panel lines.
 Production of new types of rock wool.
 Purchase handling equipment and transport, such as overhead cranes and gantry cranes.
 Add a new line for the production of GRP pipes at capasity140 km and diameters ranging
from (250-400 mm) and (300-600mm).
 Civil works for the rehabilitation of old buildings and some stores.
 The production of new types of inks
 Activity of chemicals
First. A plan to supplement the rehabilitation of Ibn Sina Company for 970 million
Second. Completion of the production lines of the 14 billion micro-fertilizer plants

The rehabilitation of old dilapidated production lines is the most prominent thing that was put in the plant plan
for the coming years because of its distinct role in increasing the production level of the plant and the
consequent increase in financial imports which can be summarized as follows:
 Qualifying phosphate production line for the increasing demand for these materials of different types.
 Qualifying the production line of aluminum polychloride (PAC) for the importance of this material
and its extensive uses in the country in water purification, by raising the production capacity of this
 Qualifying the production line of copper and zinc sulphate as they are important elements in the
production of solid micro-fertilizer, and not rely on the purchase of local markets and the consequent
increase in profits of fertilizer production.
 Expansion of the production line of micro-solid fertilizer to suit the needs of the country for this type
of fertilizer.
2 - R & D activity:
a. Preparation of super Concrete additives.
b. Preparation of anhydrous aluminum chloride.
c. Preparation of cold Mastic and alternatives to imported raw materials.
d. Feldspar beneficiation.

3. Peoples
The number of the total number of employees of the company is (1763) employees. A Director General who
holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and a human being with experience and specialization
manages the company. He appointed by a decision of the Council of Ministers. He is the supreme president of
the company and the chairperson of the board of directors shall do all the necessary work to manage and
conduct its activities in accordance with the powers conferred by the Board of Directors. Chairperson of the
Board of Directors shall represent them in the courts and tribunals and shall issue all decisions, orders and
instructions in all matters related to their functions, formations and other matters in accordance with the
provisions of the law. Woe to some of his powers to his assistants or directors of departments and formations or
any of its employees.
Members of the administrative staff of the company, both those hold bachelor degrees and those who have
professional experience have good reputation and have good professional relations. Company able to activate
the human potential available to run the production lines and in tune with the company's reconstruction and
operate new production lines and future expansion expect the need to increase human power in all the sites and
activities of the company. The expansion in production activities arising from the increase in the projects
implemented in the company and the processing and export contracts in the different provinces of the country,
so we expect an increase in the employment of labor The Company’s annual increase commensurate with the
size of the development in the factories and the company's various sites by 25%.

Position Name functions and positions
- Director General of the company
Director Rafid Abdljalil
-more than 30 years’ of experience in leadership positions.
General Jabbar
- Bachelor in Chemical Engineering science
deputy director Younis shyal - More than 25 years in project execution, maintenance, and planning and follow-up.
general fahad -vice chairman of the company
-More than 32-year experience
• Bachelor of Electrical Engineering / Senior Chief Engineer
• General Director of the Agency and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Sumood
General Company for Steel
• General Director of Agency and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nasr General
Company for Mechanical Industries
Sabbar Othman • In charge of the duties of General Manager of the General Company for Steel Industries
Hammadi • Currently Assistant Director General of the General Company for Mining Industries
• Managing the investment plans supported by the Iraqi government and establishing projects
that supply the country and contribute to the reconstruction of infrastructures, such as a steel
production project and an electrical power transmission project
Installing and operating imported machines within the Iraqi-Turkish agreement
• Participation in many conferences and worksh

• experience in planning, follow-up, production, quality control and projects

• Work of the director of planning and follow-up department
planning and • Deputy General Manager of That Al-Sawari Company
follow-up • General Manager of That Al-Sawari Company, an agency of That Al-Sawari General
Yaseen Hasan
department Company (before merger)
and vice Currently Director of the Rockwool Factory
chairman • Petroleum Engineering Mines
• Director of the Resins Factory
• Director of Planning and Follow-up currently
-29 years’ experience in project execution and management
Construction Majid Hamid
-manager of construction Department
Department Gdaib
-Bachelor of Engineering / ventilation and cooling
Haitham Noori
Metallurgy Bilal Mohamed *work in maintenance and project execution
Department Ali *Metallurgy factory manager
- more than 29 years of experience in Planning and follow-up, production, and projects
- worked as Planning follow-up manager
Yousef Khalaf - worked as construction factory manager
Zghair - worked as Projects manager
- manager of excavation minerals department manager
- Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering science
• He has 27 years’ experience in the field of production, planning and projects
• Worked on company projects as Resident Engineer or Operating Engineer
Mohammed • worked as an assistant director of the planning and follow-up department from 2012 to 2019
Abdlwahid • Worked on a project of magnesium oxide from sea water in Basra Governorate for the period
Hameed from 1994 to 1998
A former member of atomic energy.
Currently Director of the Investment Department
-more than 25 years of experience in purchases and marketing.
Marketing Hatam Kreem
- Commercial Affairs Manager
department Ebraheem
-Bachelor in Languages German
R&D Haitham Fadhil -more than 24 years of experience in production, Planning and R&D.
department Abd - Manager of R&D department

- Bachelor in Oil and Mines engineering
• Personnel manager from 1994 to 2003
• Director of Administration from 7/3/2003 to 1/1/2006
Taghreed • Deputy Director of Administration from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2019
Hassan Nasser • Director of Human Resources Department from 1/1/2020 currently
• Has many thanks and appreciation books and cash rewards
• Participated in many development courses in the field of human resources
• Senior account manager
• Associate Director of Finance at That Al-Sawari Company from 2005 to 2015
Economic • Finance manager at That Al-Sawari State Company 2015
Affairs • Finance Director of the General Company for Mining Industries from 2016 to 2018
department • Chief Financial Officer of the State Company for Steel Industries 2019
• Director of Finance for the General Company for Mining Industries
• Bachelor's degree in management and economics
• He has 28 years of experience in the field of purchasing and marketing
• Commercial manager of Al-Fedaa General Company 1997-2002
Faris Sadoon • Commercial manager of Ibn Al-Walid General Company 2002-2015
Jawad • Commercial manager of the General Hydraulic Industries Company 2015-2018
Currently the Commercial Department - PSC for Mining Industries as of February 18, 2018
• Diploma of the Institute
-more than 24 years’ experience in quality control, R&D and executing projects
Al-Thaghir Maithem abdul - have many R&D researches
factory Hassn Zaiyil -manager of Al-Thaghir factory
-bachelor in chemical sciences
-experience in QC, R&D
Quality control Aamir Shihab
- quality control manager
department Hmoud
- Bachelor in chemistry science
Occupational -more than 24 years of experience in geological exploration and mines
Safety -manager of Occupational Safety Department
Mohsen Ali
Department - Bachelor in geochemistry
-Has 28 years of experience in legal affairs
- Worked as legal manager in many ministries and several companies of the Ministry of
Industry and Minerals
- Member of the Union of Iraqi and Arab Jurists and member of the Women's Committee of
the Union of Iraqi Hawks
- Member of Al Khair AAt Association of the International Relief Organization and many
national and international associations
Legal Affairs Yusraa Khalid
- Judicial Assistant at the Baghdad Appeals Court
department Hassan Qadori
- Pleading in all civil and criminal courts, including pleading for the Minister of Industry and
Minerals in Abu Ghraib
- Courses in international arbitration in Lebanon, international partnerships and investment in
Turkey, the United States and France
- Specialized courses in Iraq
- Currently Director of Legal Affairs
- bachelor of Law
-more than 24 years of experience in internal audit
Department of
Ali Abbas - Department of Internal Audit Manager
Internal Audit
- Bachelor of Management and Economics / Statistics
Quality -experience in quality management field
Jabbar Hasan
management - Quality management head
branch - Bachelor in mechanical engineering
Space media Kamil AbdAli - 24 years’ experience in public relations and media
branch Fyadh - Director of the company's pavilion at Baghdad International Fair from 1989 till 2002
- Head of Media Relations at Al-Sawary Public Company. - 2005 /
- Director of Public Relations at Al-Farris General Company. - 2006-2017 /
- Director of the Public Relations Division of Al-Sawary Company. - In late 2017 /
- Tasks: Reverse the company's image and achievements in various fields of industry and

promote the company's products. -
- Coordination with all departments and departments of the company to keep up with the latest
developments and vice versa Media -
- Obtain fundamental approvals regarding access features for delegates and experts who have
contracts with the company
- Currently Director of Media Relations at the General Company for Mining Industries
- Bachelor of Business Administration
Technical -lot of experience in maintenance, production, planning and rehabilitation
affairs - manager of Technical affairs department
Mohamed talib
department - Bachelor in Electrical Engineering science
• Bachelor degree in chemical engineering
• Has scientific and technical experience in the field of engineering equipment for oil and
Resins Yousif Jabbar
Department Moussa
• He has experience in the chemical engineering sector and sector
• Work in the boats factory
-experience in maintenance, production, planning
Inks Layth Mehdi
- Inks Department manager
Department Hadi
- Bachelor in chemistry science
• Has experience in research, laboratory and scientific laboratories
• Supervising the setting up and operation of the pioneering systems administration for the
production of chemicals
• Work in producing projects and contracts for water treatment
Fertilizer Talaat Hammad
• Member of the Board of Ibn Sina for the period from 2014 to 2016
factory Nassir
• Bachelor degree in chemical engineering
• In charge of the position of assistant director of the Ibn Sina Factory, in addition to his work
as the manager of the fertilizer factory
• A member of the atomic energy
• He has experience in installing the production units
• He has experience in the field of chemical engineering designs
Water • Experience in producing chemical additives for industrial plants
Talaat Qadir
technology • Director of the Baghdad site
factory • Director of the inorganic directorate
• Director of Water Technology
• Bachelor's degree in chemical engineering
• He has experience in the field of operating the production units
Shakir • Participated in the implementation of the pilot units
Gases Factory Mahmood • A member of the atomic energy
Salim • Bachelor of Nuclear Engineering
• Tarmia site manager

Gap in skills
There is a permanent need to develop and train the technical and administrative staff to renew the
technical and administrative information and keep pace with the development movement in the world
through training courses and visiting companies similar to our company's specialty as follows:
6. Staff skills improvement plan
Course name Time Participants Factory
1 Training course in welding February 2 Engineering
Training course in PLC march 2 affairs
2 Training course AutoCAD February 3 projects
Training course exile March 3
Training course power point April
Training course access May 3
3 Training course literature survey January 2 R&D
Training course electronic posting March 2
Training course in word April
Training course in learning English May
Training course in scientific reports June 2
Training course in extracting materials September 2
Training course in classification of chemicals August 2
Training course in Iraqi rocks November 2
4 Training course in computer 5 Ibn Sina
Training course in ISO systems 8
Training course in occupational safety
Training course in automated analysis
Training course in quality control 3
Training course in English course 4
Training course in reports preparation 2
Training course in unit operation 3
Training course in mechanics 2
Training course in industrial chemistry
Training course in electricity 5
Training course in business development 5
Training course in documentation 4
Training course in internal audit 1
Training course in external audit 3
Training course in legal affairs
5 Training course in human resources 1 Rock wool
Training course in Finance and Banking 1 factory
Training course in Occupational safety
Training course in general mechanic
Training course in Product control 2
6 Training course in electrical design 10 Mineral
Training course in feasibility study 10 excavation
Training course in investment laws department
Training course in external posting
7 Training course in Photoshop 1 Resin factory
Training course in planning management 2
Training course in electronic archiving 2
Training course in industrial control 2
Training course in factory monitoring 2
Training course in elevators 1
Training course in pipe welding 2
Training course in waste water treatment 2
Training course in computers 2
Training course in firefighting 2
8 Training course in fine grinding 3 Metallurgy
Training course in employee development 2 factory
Training course in advanced materials 3
Training course in extraction of chemicals from see water 4
Training course in production of metal oxides from ores 3
Training course in production of metal powders 3

Training course in safety of explosion 5
Training course in production of alloys 3
9 Training course in welding 2 Ink factory
Training course in employee’s development 3

7. Proposed training courses

Departments Name of course no. of trainees U.S. $
Production -Courses related to metallurgy industries, 16 750000
- Courses related to mining excavation. 20
-Courses related to materials, waterproofing 15
- Courses related to concrete additives 10
- Courses related to resins. 10
- Courses related to Inks and color concentrates. 10
- Courses related to rock wool 10
- Courses related to GRP 10
-training of (engineers and technicians) in production departments. 50
Training - Development of management skills training, behavioral and technical training for 5 60000
Administrative -development of managerial and technical skills to human resources 6 80000
-specialists And behavioral management skills and technical workers in the field of
secretarial and office management, queries 6
Planning - Recent trends in financial planning and budgets 6 220000
- Strategic Planning 4
- International Standards Modern methods in planning and financial analysis 6
- Planning of investment projects 6
- Computer systems and networks 6
- Modern methods of follow-up to production 8
Financial -Development of financial budgets and cost control of projects and applications on 6 100000
the computer
-Trends and modern techniques in auditing and financial control 6
-Develop financial skills in the accounts and inventory records using the computer
and the final accounts and uniform accounting system 4
Maintenance -Development of technical skills in Maintenance and preventive maintenance of 15 100000
machines and devices (electricity, Mechanics an electron, a civilian)
Quality Control and - Polymeric Felt tests 2 250000
Safety -Asphalt products testing 6
- Examination of metals and alloys 2
-minerals and ores and rock wool tests 8
- Laboratory tests 8
-engineering inspection 6
-Environment and Safety 6
Business and - market studies 4 80000
Marketing - Methods of modern marketing 4
- Warehouse management and methods of storage of articles 4
Projects - Feasibility studies and technical 16 100000
- Designs technology systems 8
- Methods and mechanisms for project implementation 6

Distribution of staff according to academic achievement and age groups to grades and years of

Educational level Less 20 21-30 13-40 41-50 51-60 + 60 Total Femal


Masters 6 5 11 2

Higher Diploma 1 2 2 5 1

Bachelor 3 122 159 101 26 411 117

Diploma 72 116 150 26 364 49

Junior high school 6 104 133 158 28 429 62

Medium 1 18 35 6 5 65 3

Primary 25 127 150 54 13 369 5

Without primary 21 28 25 13 8 95 6

Total 56 472 626 489 106 1749

Female 11 95 81 39 19 245

Distribution of staff according to job grade and years of service

Grade >1 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 25-29 <30 Total Female
DG 1 1

Ist grade 1 1
62 51 26 139 25
135 37 29 201 35
4th 70
248 124 110 47 599 133
5th 67
34 105 241 10 457 37
6th 41
32 88 38 199 6
7th 61
10 10 81 2
8th 15
16 28 12 71 7
Total 254 340 552 489 114 1749
13 97 80 41 19 245

Currently serving as staff grades:

Grade Total
Engineering Staff 170
Scientific staff 140
Technical staff 725
Administrative Staff 205
Craft Staff 509
Total 1749

The goals of the members of the company's management team are to optimize the operation of the
company’s lines and increase production capacity to achieve the highest revenue for the company to
support the national economy and create a specialized industrial base.

Types of systems used in the administrative section

1- Peoples System - (Information Bank)
2- Certificate system
3- The retirement system
4- Cross-checking system
5- Statistics System

4. Market and Competition and Marketing

There are three main activities in the state Company for Mining Industries (Mining, Construction, Excavation
and Chemical Industries) as well as the activities of projects, R&D.

First: Productive activity: The following areas of production are:

a. Construction Industries: manufacture of the modified paving asphalt and Polymer Modified Bitumen
(PMB) used in the paving of streets and various asphalt-based water-based asphalt products such as
asphalt and polymeric asphalt coatings as well as the production of all types of concrete additives.

b. Mining industries: production of powders of metals, alloys and materials by using thermal methods and
all other related products such as (aluminum powder, aluminum paste, aluminum ingots and silicon

metal) as well as the production of oxide of metals as pigments, pure chemical compounds and any
Other related products.

c. Extractive industries: These include excavation, processing, classification and concentration of ores, and
making them suitable for industrial uses. Company has many specialized mineral production sites. such
as: industrial salt; al-Hussianiyat iron ore; silica sand for glass and ceramics, silica sand for white
cement, silica sand for black cement, Kaolin; bauxite; bentonite; standard sands; feldspar, filter sands;
as well as the production of hydroxide and magnesium oxide from bitter water and salt solutions used in
the suppression and repair of oil wells and any related products.

d. Chemical industries: The production of Industrial resins (PVA, Alkyd resin, novolac, polystyrene), dyes,
inks, color concentrates, petroleum oils, rock wool, glass fiber industry, pipes and steel tanks.

- Liquefied nitrogen with purity 99.99 %.

- Chemical additives for the following industrial water (anti-calcification of steam boilers, anti-
corrosion and cooling towers, absorbers Oxygen from steam boilers, solid waste inhibitor for
cooling towers, bactericidal inhibitor for cooling towers, Foam Sealant, Reverse Osmosis units,
Cooling of closed cooling units
- Steam boilers, industrial detergents, Reverse Osmosis Units
- Micronutrient fertilizers as solid and liquid state.
- Sodium phosphate, mono, di, tri crystalline, bicarbonate, poly aluminum chloride (PAC), zinc
sulphate and Saline solution and sodium sulfite.
- The following silicon materials (silicon oils, silicon emulsions, thermal greases, various types of
rubber, oil additives).

Costumers of company
No Costumer Products for costumer Company
1 Ministry of Industry and Minerals Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot 25%
2 Ministry of Health
3 Ministry of Oil Oil wells saline solution , rock wool,
Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot
4 Ministry of Electricity 0%
5 Ministry Of Agriculture Rock wool, silicones, micronutrient
6 Ministry of Science, Technology and Scientific Research
7 Companies of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Concrete Additives
provincial municipalities Asphalt Products
8 Ministry of Water Resources Concrete Additives
Asphalt Product

9 Baghdad Municipality Concrete Additives
Asphalt Products
10 Acetylene generation factories Calcium Carbide 0%
11 Air aerated blocks production factories Aluminum Powder 5%
12 Aluminum factories Aluminum Ingots 3%
13 Production factories of dyes Aluminum powder 5%
14 General Company for Glass and Ceramics Silica sands, feldspar, white and
colored kaolin
15 Cement Industry Companies Iron stone, bauxite, silica sands, STD
16 General Phosphate Company Kaolin 20%
17 State Company for Refractory Industry Bauxite, flint, white and colored
18 North Oil Company Activated bentonite 10%
19 General Company for Paper Industries white and colored kaolin 0%
20 General Company for Petrochemical Industries Basra salt 30%
21 Al Furat General Company Samawa salt 25%
22 General Company for Food Industries / Vegetable Oils Factory Samawa salt 10%
23 Baghdad Soft Drinks Company Samawa salt 20%
24 General Company for Rubber Industries Samawa salt 10%
25 State Company for Carton Industry Samawa salt 0%
26 Modern Dyes Manufacturing Company Alkyd resin and PVA 5%
27 Media and Publications Sector Ink and concentrated colors 55
28 Private sector factories Concrete additives, Asphalt products,
Paving Asphalt, Calcium Carbide,
Flake Aluminum powder, aluminum 50%
ingots, fertilizers, Industrial salt, alkyd
resin and PVA

The market segments represented by the following:

- Public sector: The companies and the Ministry of Housing and Construction;
- Water Resources; Oil Ministry; Municipality of Baghdad; the Ministry of Municipalities; The Ministry
of Electricity; and other ministries.
- Private sector: Factories of Air Aerated Blocks and paint and manufacturing plants of acetylene gas and
construction sector.
- The mixed sector: different companies.
- Local citizens such needs for material ls in our company and private whom working in waterproofing
they receive their materials from the company and ease of revision, starting from the entry of the receipt
to the product that the market size of each slice depends on the amount of investment allocations for
reconstruction represented by the re-construction.
In addition, market segments classified according to the following percentages: -

Market Share for Construction an Mining
10% 10% 30%


Public Scetor Private Sector-Companies

Private Sector-Persons Mixed Sector

Market Share for Mineral excavation



Public Sector Private Sector

Market Share for Chemical Industries

Public Scetor Private Sector Mixed Sector

Market Share for chemicals

Public Scetor Private Sector

It was the conclusion of contracts with the state ministries and the private sector, as follows:
- Supplying contract to supply Ministry of Oil in 2007 (320) m3 oil wells saline solution of $ (775)
- Supplying contract to supply Ministry of Oil in 2009 1800 m3 oil wells saline solution density (1.2 g /
m 3).
- Supplying contract to supply Ministry of Construction, Housing, and the General FAO concrete
- Supplying contract to supply fourth dimension Company and Aswar Lebanon (private sector) concrete
- Supplying contract to supply Adnan al-Moussawi, Ardh Alsaroo by asphalt felt and asphalt products in
- Supplying contract to supply Alrvl Palace and Luster North (12000) tons PMB for each in years
- Supplying contract to supply Alsuhool (12000) tons PMB for 2011, 2012.2013.
- Supplying contract to supply Adnan al-Moussawi, Inc. (12,000) tons PMB for 2011, 2012.2014.
- Supplying contract to supply Areej Spring (12000) tons per year of PMB for 2011, 2012, 2013.2014.
- Supplying contract to supply Summit Company (12000) tons of PMB of the year 2013.
- Supplying contract to supply Marina good company prime coat for the years 2013.
- Supplying contract to supply Hohib company (2000) tons of polymeric asphalt for the year 2013.
- Supplying contract to supply Areej Al Kawthar Company (12000) tons of base oil for the year 2013.
- Supplying contract to supply Farqad Hadi (12000) tons of PMB for the year 2014.
- Supplying contract to supply Iraqi Company (6000) tons of PMB for the year 2014.
- Supplying contract to supply North Oil Company (1000) tons of bentonite.
- -Supplying contract to supply sand, salt, bentonite and iron dust and silica sand for public and private
- Supplying contracts to supply Bauxite, kaolin, Flint, Attapulgite, Porcelain, feldspar for public and
private sectors.

The table below shows the most important projects completed by the staff of the Ibn Sina factory for (2010 -
No Contract Beneficiary Contract
1 supply and installation of a desalination General Company for Rubber 269 000 000
plant with a capacity of 30 m3 / h Industries for High Pressure Steam
2 supply, install and operate the water General Company for Mechanical 27 000 000
hardness removal unit Industries for Steam Boilers
3 Install, install and operate the desalination Al - Noura plant in Karbala for 11 500 000
unit with a capacity of 6 m3 / day drinking
4 Rehabilitation of water treatment plants Diyala General Company for 43 000 000
B15-B14 Electrical Industries
5 Rehabilitation of the final treatment unit and Diyala General Company for 544 080 000
the central pumping unit Electrical Industries
6 supply, installation and operation of water Or Company for Engineering 295 000 000
desalination plant R.O with capacity 30 Industries / Foundry Factory
7 supply, installation and operation of General Directorate of Electricity 17 000 000
desalination unit (250 l / h) Distribution Center _ Department of
quality assurance
8 supply, installation and operation of filter Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 59 700 000
and sterilization unit of 10 m3 / h _ Training and Labor Directorate
9 supply, installation and operation of General Company for Dairy Products 2 340 000 000
industrial water treatment plant (400 m 3 / Baghdad _ Abu Ghraib for
day) environmental purposes

No. Contract Beneficiary Contract

10 supply, installation and operation of General Company for the manufacture 185 000 000
industrial water treatment plant (5 m3 / s) of medicines and medical supplies in
11 Operation of the non-ionic water station Haditha Desalt Project for the General 25 000 000
and filtering unit with laboratory tests for Company for Design and Industrial
ion exchangers and chemical units Construction for Refrigeration and
Steam Boilers
12 Construction of a management building for Diwaniyah Dairy Factory and Mosul / 66 259 000
industrial wastewater treatment plant General Company for Dairy Products
13 supply, installation and operation of the Ministry of Water Resources for 27 750 000
R.O water unit (1 m3/ h) with maintenance Drinking
of the filter unit
14 Rehabilitation and operation of heavy waste Baquba Teaching Hospital 259 450 000
treatment plant
15 supply, install and operate a heavy water Shannafiya and Salman sites with two 540 000 000
treatment unit (150 m3 / day) units for the site / Ministry of

16 Maintenance and re-operation of water Samwa Cement Plant with a capacity 11 000 000
treatment system for steam boilers of 10 m3 / h
17 supply, installation and operation of water Welded wire factory in Or General 17 700 000
treatment system (non-ionic) capacity Company
50m3/ day
18 Supervising the installation of the non-ionic General Company for Rubber 15 000 000
water system with a capacity of 20 m3 / h Industries
and operating it and training the staff
19 Supply, Installation and operation of five General Company for Structural 1 100 000 000
water desalination systems for saline wells Industries
with various capacities for drinking and
dough industries.
20 supply, installation and operation of the General Company for Battery Industry 1 000 000 000
production and bottling line of distilled
water (15 m 3/ h)
21 supply, installation and operation of an General Company for the manufacture 7 000 000 000
industrial water treatment unit at the sugar of sugar for environmental purposes
factory in Mosul with a capacity of 400 m
22 Supply, Installation and operation of water Ministry of Agriculture / Modern 150 000 000
purification plant capacity (50 m3 / h) Village Project in Karbala
23 supply of 3 sand filters (120 m3 / h) General Company for Rubber 90 000 000
24 Design, supply, installation and operation Wassit Textile Industries / Kut 790 000 000
of the deodorization system emitted from
the industrial and heavy water treatment
unit with an efficiency of not less than 95%
25 supply, installation and operation of a Ministry of Agriculture / Project of 150 000 000
heavy water treatment unit capacity (150 m 3 modern villages in Karbala
/ day)
26 Supply, installation and operation of water Ministry of Agriculture / Samarra 350 000 000
purification unit (150 m3 / h) Ajdad Project for drinking purposes
27 Development works (transfer, installation Tharthar site for Muthanna stores. 200 000 000
and operation of the systems and linking
them to the systems implemented at the
work site through a network of pipes and
electrical works to ensure design capacity)
28 Rehabilitation and maintenance of the Ibn Sina Public Company / Tarmiyah 240 000 000
biological treatment unit site
29 supply of equipment and machines of the Ibn Sina public company / Tarmiyah 250 000 000
biological treatment unit site
30 Rehabilitation of water treatment plants for Ibn Sina public company / Tarmiyah 100 000 000
industrial purposes site
31 Supply, installation and operation of General Company for Ready Made 5 812 000 000
industrial pollution treatment unit Garments / Nineveh
Total value 24 685 439

Our company often studies the dynamic of the market for the products that produced in our company and
delivered by the competitor's personals or companies, this follow-up done by our followers from commercial
and marketing departments. The following table offers a full imagination about the market demands: -
No Product Name Unit Measure market expectations for year 2020
1 Polymeric asphalt felts M2 100000
2 Asphalt Coatings Ton 22000
3 Paving developed asphalt Ton 10000
4 Concrete additives Ton 300
5 Aluminum powder Ton 18.75
6 Aluminum Castings Ton 240
7 Silicon metal Ton 240
8 Salt Solutions \ Al-Thaghir Factory \ Basra M3 4200
9 Al Hussianiyat Iron stone Ton 24000
10 Silica sand for glass and ceramics Ton 12000
11 Silica sand for white cement Ton 12000
12 Silica Sands for Black Cement Ton 3000
13 Kaolin of The Valley of the Sufi Ton 6000
14 Bauxite Ton 6000
15 Bentonite product Ton 9000
16 Standard sand Ton 60
17 Sand filters Ton 3000
18 Raw Salt Basra Ton 60000
19 Silica sands for foundry Ton 3000
20 Bentonite, crude Ton 6000
21 Novolak Ton 25
22 Inks Ton 37
23 Rock wool Ton 500
24 Color concentrates Ton 7
25 Silicone materials Ton 50
26 Pilot plant and productive Ton 102
27 Chemical additives Ton 1000
28 Liquid nitrogen M3 1000
29 Production of fertilizer Ton 3000
30 Sodium sulfite Ton 150

We expect additional growth rate about in (10-20) % in industries and materials produced by company both in
the construction industry and the mining industry within coming five years. For construction industry, the
country is witnessing a of large reconstruction campaign for facilities and rebuilding what destroyed by the
terrorist gang Daesh, terrorist acts and military operations. The efforts directed to reconstruction and
establishing of dams and the construction of housing units, which requires the use of additives of concrete,
polymeric felt for roofs waterproofing and asphalt products for protection and waterproofing works.
As in the mining industry, the industrial renaissance witnessed by the country's short and long vision
requires the presence of the mineral industries produced by the company in addition to materials that the
company plans to enter its production in the metallurgical industry and iron and steel industry and foundries in
particular. In mineral excavation the development of the each of the companies and the Ministry of Industry and
Minerals and the need to mineral excavation products in addition to the rest of the other tributaries of the
community for all those reasons we expect additional growth expected in the industry, the company's products.

For chemical industries, the development of the industry witnessed by the country in spite of all the challenges,
requires the presence of resin materials of various kinds because it supports other industries, in addition to
winning the future in the printing of school textbooks, magazines types of publications as well as the kinds of
modern printers the field of development. For all these reasons, we expect the industry expected in the growth
of the company's products. The production of chemical materials, they enter the industrial processes of the Iraqi
industry as well as the oil industry and water treatment in addition to the fertilizer micro-elements, which deeply
affects the change in the perception of fertilizer and its role in the development of the agricultural process in the
Major competitors offered products like the company's products for being imported material from many sources
and are not subject to quality control and standardization. The analysis of competition for the company and the
other competitors can described in the following table: -
No Our company The competitors
1 Company location is inside Iraq Company location is outside Iraq in most
2 Direct & rapid understanding with clients No connection between the buyer and manufacturer
3 Design upon the customer requirements Exports has fixed design
4 Flexible price policy The price is often related with importation policy
5 Limited types for the products Multitude in types for products
6 Long life in working No guarantee when working
7 After selling service is offered No after selling service
8 Distribution of company sites in many governorates The sailing is limited in some territories

The relationship between the company and its clients characterized by being a friendly relationship with them is
always offering new ideas.
There are currently no policies to protect the products produced by the company and hoped to take protective
measures customs against imported products similar of our company products.
As for the activities of the Exhibitions and Market Research Division:
1- Opening protection files for the rest of the products that do not have customs protection
2- Study the prices, types and origin of products through studying the local market
3- Searching for new products by taking advantage of global markets by using electronic networks
4- Participation in exhibitions held inside Iraq
5- The company's booth was prepared in Baghdad International Fair to be a fixed booth to display the
company's products and participate in internal exhibitions
6- Create a permanent exhibition inside the department in the company to display the company's products
and introduce them to our valued visitors.
*Comprehensive understanding of the markets
Size of current market is ideal that promotes either company or products. Growth can achieved. The evolution
of the desires of the beneficiaries now and in the future as related in a campaign of reconstruction at both the
public and private sectors and the growth path in the graph rising so as to enhance the company's plan in the
production of products, asphalt, which include felt, Flan coat, Mastic, Waterproofing asphalt types and additives

Expectation to increase in demand on the calcium carbide for acetylene gas generation and cutting & welding
for both public and private sectors. In addition, increased demand on aluminum ingots. Also expected increase
on demand on aluminum powder for military purposes; flake aluminum powder for AAB; and aluminum paste
for paint industry. For mineral excavation we except increase demand on silica sand for the purpose of glass and
ceramics or cement industry or paper industry and petrochemicals, and we expect increased demand by the
company's products (10-20)% from the current level in a phased manner and is directly proportional to the
progress of the ages and the ongoing construction in the country.
For the development of the proposed production lines to reach to achieve the income is up to the activity (30)
billion dinars annually as a function of the development, production and sales.
The expected profits associated with a link entirely at the product and the nature of production could developed
based on the profit margin on this basis as follows:
1. Construction products (15-25) %
2. Metallurgical material (20-30 %
3. Mineral excavation materials (10-20) %
4. Chemical industries (20-25) %
5. Chemical materials (10-20) %

We expect increasing in the demand on company's products during the next five years at about (20-30) %
because company deals in the materials that enter directly into the reconstitution works, building and
construction products such as asphalt products for waterproofing and concrete additives. Same to mining
products as aluminum powder for military purposes and AAB and aluminum ingots for aluminum products. In
addition to the expansion in chemical industries for Inks, color concentrates, rock wool, many resins. The
following figures explain the increase in demand projected for the two years as follows:









100000 22000 22000


M3 Ton
Polymeric Felt Asphalt Coatings

Market expections for 2017 Market expections for 2018

12000 12000

10000 9000

6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
6000 4800
4000 3000 3000 3000

2000 1200 1200









Saline So- Silica Sand Sand for Sand for B. Kaolin Bauxite Bentonite Sand for Foundry
lution for Glass & W. Cement Cement Filters Sand

Market expected for 2017 Market expected for 2018




500 600 1000

Ton Ton Ton Ton
Modified Paving Asphal Raw salt Al-Hussainyat Iron Ore Raw Bentonite

Market expections for 2017 Market expections for 2018

300 300

240 240 240




60 60 60


Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton
Concrete Additives Aluminum Powder Alimimum Ingots Silicon Metal STD Sand

Market expections for 2017 Market expections for 2018








37 37
25 25
50 7 7

Ton Ton Ton Ton
Novolak Resin Inks Rock wool color concentrates

Market expections for 2017 Market expections for 2018





1000 1000

102 150






Silicon Products Pilot Products Chemical Addi- Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer Sodium sulfite
tives heptahydrate

Market expections for 2017 Market expections for 2018

Company costumers
No Costumer Products for costumer Company
1 Ministry of Industry and Minerals Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot 25%
2 Ministry of Health
3 Ministry of Oil Oil wells saline solution , rock wool,
Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot
4 Ministry of Electricity 0%
5 Ministry Of Agriculture Rock wool, silicones, micronutrient
6 Ministry of Science, Technology and Scientific Research
7 Companies of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Concrete Additives
provincial municipalities Asphalt Products
8 Ministry of Water Resources Concrete Additives
Asphalt Products
9 Baghdad Municipality Concrete Additives
Asphalt Products
10 Acetylene generation factories Calcium Carbide 0%
11 Air aerated blocks production factories Aluminum Powder 5%
12 Aluminum factories Aluminum Ingots 3%
13 Production factories of dyes Aluminum powder 5%

14 General Company for Glass and Ceramics Silica sands, feldspar, white and
colored kaolin
15 Cement Industry Companies Iron stone, bauxite, silica sands, STD
16 General Phosphate Company Kaolin 20%
17 State Company for Refractory Industry Bauxite, flint, white and colored
18 North Oil Company Activated bentonite 10%
19 General Company for Paper Industries white and colored kaolin 0%
20 General Company for Petrochemical Industries Basra salt 30%
21 Al Furat General Company Samawa salt 25%
22 General Company for Food Industries / Vegetable Oils Factory Samawa salt 10%
23 Baghdad Soft Drinks Company Samawa salt 20%
24 General Company for Rubber Industries Samawa salt 10%
25 State Company for Carton Industry Samawa salt 0%
26 Modern Dyes Manufacturing Company Alkyd resin and PVA 5%
27 Media and Publications Sector Ink and concentrated colors 55
28 Private sector factories Concrete additives, Asphalt products,
Paving Asphalt, Calcium Carbide,
Flake Aluminum powder, aluminum 50%
ingots, fertilizers, Industrial salt, alkyd
resin and PVA

In providing a thorough understanding of competitors, competition is concentrated in the private sector as

(Al-Anwar shop) located in Babb Almuaadhum, the strongest competitors as a felt, Flan coat, hot Mastic. The
other is the companies of Arabian gulf states which produce materials similar to the company's products and
attributes of a good and the fact that the raw materials of these materials from crude oil.
Either in the field of mining and the fact that most processors currently markets are importers of South East
Asia and the prices are almost competitive prices for our company which can address the same clients because
of the similarity of the product. As competition in terms of quality and technical specifications of the products
produced in the company, there is no real competition because the imported materials are unparalleled material
produced in the company. Chemical industries, the imported private sector companies are consuming on credit
markets processing. As for the chemical industries, the importing companies fill the demand for materials;
either the payment will be in the future. With a renewed method of packaging products to consumer, the table
below represents the competitors, their positions, and their production levels:
competitors Site rival the level of production output
Private Factories Baghdad, Basra, small and limited poor -Low prices, closeness to
Mosul competition consumer
- Low quality product
Importing of all provinces available by request good -Higher price
companies -good specifications

The table below shows the main consumer according to products:

No. Major Consumer Product

1 Concrete Additive Ministry of Construction and Housing, private sector
2 Asphalt Products Private Sector

3 Oil wells saline solution Oil company
4 Polymeric Felt Public Sector& private sector
5 Silica sands Glass and ceramic company
Bentonite Ministry of Oil, Ministry of Construction and Housing, Private
7 Ironstone Cement production companies
STD Sands Cement factories, Ministry of Construction and Housing, Private
Al-Furat company, south oil company, vegetable oils company,
9 Industrial salt soft drink company, rubber company, cartoon company, Private
10 Flint Petrochemicals, Private Sector
11 Kaolin Kirkuk Brick company, Phosphate company, Private Sector
12 Rock wool Electricity ministry, Oil ministry, Agriculture Ministry
13 Alkyd resin Modern paint industries, Private sector
14 PVA Modern paint industries, Private sector
15 Inks & color concentrates Media and printing sector
16 Silicone materials Ministry of Oil, Ministry of Industry and Minerals
Ministry of Oil, Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Ministry of
17 Pilot plant and productive
Ministry of Oil, Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Ministry of
18 Chemical additives
Ministry of Oil, Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Ministry of
19 Liquid nitrogen
20 Production of fertilizer Ministry of Agricultural and private sector

Client groups whom addressed by Competitors

The competitors to address the same set of customers that do business with the company. The competitors
open exhibitions wholesale and retail deployed in Baghdad and the provinces and communicate with them via
the internet. Competitors are private companies acting construction especially in light of the breadth of the
phenomenon of online dissemination of data in addition to private sector companies.

Competitors' products: - Company specializes in the production of all asphalt products used in buildings,
waterproofing, and construction. as well as specializes in production of mining products, therefore the
competition condones in Bab almuaadhm and al-Kamaliya district in addition to Iraqi firms representing Saudi
Arabia and the UAE, Jordan and Kuwait companies to provide materials such as polymer asphalt felt, Flancoat,
mastic and others.

It is possible to control this issue through the following:

 Domestic product protection law regulates the entire process.
 Issuance of a new customs tariff law and raise the lineage.
 Subjection of the imported product for laboratory examination to demonstrate the validity as is the case
with the company's product.

We expect from the competitors is currently pursuing a policy of flooding the market and use of alternatives
to lead to a reduction in costs

Sustainable competitive advantages

The Company plans to build a trade policy based on the following components:
1. Advertising and promotion in the local media channels and spreading internationally through the
2. Participation in internal and external exhibitions of an international nature to ensure renewed
markets for the company's products.
3. Open the field for the establishment of wholesale and retail centers for the purpose of direct access
to the end consumer.
4. Ensure that all products are subject to strict quality control to ensure that these products remain
high quality and have a long operating life with the aim of obtaining ISO certification.
5. Taking advantage of the proximity of the company from the city center, the main roads and energy
sources to make the company a large and fast impact in the Iraqi market.
6. Updating production methods in production lines using modern production methods to reduce
production costs.
7. Diversification of the company's products and non-stalemate on specific products with the global
development in this field.
8. The use of the Internet in the definition of mineral excavation sites to facilitate their investment
and development.
9. Take advantage of the possibilities provided by the geographical location technology, which
includes GPS, GIS, RS remote sensing and related digital maps and imaging.
10. Sustain communication with global companies to maintain contact with global developments in the
11. Work hard to protect the Iraqi products produced by our company and impose high customs duties
on same imported ones

We expect to turn local competitors to the company to find investment opportunities where development is
expected to competitors, which will expand the capital base of the company.
Obstacles that prevent access to the market are following points:
1. Company still lacks direct selling fairs in the center of Baghdad and the provinces.
2. Existence of import products similar to our products are uncensored and their prices are low and do
not meet the technical specifications.
3. Absence of a law to protect the national product.
4. Delay in the supply of raw materials whether imported or from the public sector.
5. Lack of sustainable development in production because it adds cost to the product of the company
in the competition.
6. Lack of awareness of the importance of the qualitative examination of the materials involved in
flatness and water isolation from the beneficiaries and consumers.

7. Dumping the market with imported and similar materials for our products and allowing random
Market share of company at present or future are depends on -
1. Availability on the protection of the national product in the company to compete with imported
2. The commitment of the government companies to buy from our company and stop buying
imported only because it is imported.
3. Provide financial support for projects proposed by the company, whether to expand the work or the
introduction of new technologies or products.
4. Over the possibility of a budget price for the company between the prices of a company's product
corresponding to the specifications that produced with raw materials from solid companies and
between price and low quality of the imported product.
5. Modernization of mineral excavation methods
6. Adjust the accounts of amounts recoverable ore and reserve quantities.

Company was adopted a strategy in marketing taken from the study of the present reality of company and
future reality of market then making an extrapolation to the future of company and its projects with the future of
market volume and the degree of competition development. A commercial marketing conception founded in the
company to promote the company existence in the market and introducing new products. The result of these
steps is the success of our company to be one of the Iraqi market signs.
Because of present study of the realty of the company and market demands, company started of
rehabilitation of production lines at the last quarter of 2008 in order to put these lines into work at the beginning
of 2009. The first quantities of the polymeric asphalt felts and asphalt coatings, following year’s company aims
to execute projects of asphalt products, mining and minerals excavation and expanding the production
capacities. Company has overcome of some difficulties of random importation. The same for the concrete
So, the arrows pointed severely to our company as a reliable source of waterproofing materials that market
As a future reading for the local market demands and the future importing abilities of the competitors the
company is considering the following steps: -
1. The asphalt products expansion plant was opened in partnership with the General Company for
Designs and consulting to produce seven types of asphalt products, three of which are in accordance
with modern technology in the world.
2. Completion of the project of producing silicon metal from high silica sand and the project of
producing aluminum castings from empty cans.
3. The company’s marketing center has been opened in Al-Karkh, and it is successfully working in
4. Agencies have been granted to sell the company's products to the private sector and there are good
requests to open these agencies.
5. The company has adopted a good price policy to sell the company's products, which has created
satisfaction among its customers.

6. After-sales services were provided by implementing projects in the company's products to the
7. Paying attention to the publications related to the products and increasing the awareness of them.
8. Participate in internal exhibitions to promote the company's products.
9. The company's contracts for composting that comply with Iraqi soil.
10. The company's contracts to install and operate water treatment systems in various sectors of the
11. Production of high-purity liquefied nitrogen.

The policy of company in the development of product prices depending on the study of production costs with
regard to the price of similar imported goods - as the cost of production and the development of a reasonable
profit margin not more than 25% is the criteria used to reach the final sale price.
*Market plan of company is to reach the design capacity of the production lines.
* New clients are to provide agencies in the provinces and construction companies competent contracting.
- Are attracting clients by introducing the benefits of the product.
Good position of company's products compared to competition due to high efficiency of our product.
The company has possessed elastic and wide in movement across the Iraqi market, the company makes the
use of its governmental attribute and having vast, solid governmental relations to impose itself on the realty of
the market. This fact enables the company to expand in all Iraq from north to south in addition the company
location in Baghdad city in middle of Iraq. The company maintains the high quality of its products makes the
beneficiaries depend on the company in their supply or purchases rather than the imported products. The
company still offering some characteristics: -
1. Direct & rapid understanding with the beneficiaries.
2. The availability of producing products with beneficiary desire.
3. Flexible price policy of the company.
4. High quality of the product and high workability.
5. Long life when working with the company products.
6. Low price of company products comparison with the imported products.

Power elements in Ibn Sina factory

Power Elements
Code Paragraph Analysis

Is the leading factory in the field of chemical industries that serve most of
S1 Accumulated Technical Expertise the Iraqi industries and therefore the accumulated technical expertise of the
factory in the field of work is the most prominent strengths.
The factory always adopts the latest technology and technology used in its
S2 Used Technology field, which in turn enables it to work flexibly and meet the changing
external market requirements.
The factory is one of the government-owned factories, which is financially
S3 Financial Position and administratively independent.

The human resources of the scientific and engineering specialties and
S4 Organizational structure and technical skills have been distributed in such a way that each department or
human resources division in the factory performs the duty entrusted to it in a manner that
ensures excellence in its work
Being a active chemical factory in addition to having a distinguished staff
has led to the diversification of its chemical products which enter directly or
S5 Product diversity indirectly in most local industries.
The adoption of the factory and its compliance with the requirements of
S6 quality management standards quality management helped to organize the procedures and activities and
and requirements increase the process of continuous and improvement in all administrative
activities of financial and industrial.

The importance of the features

25% 20% 20% 20%
20% 15%
15% 12% 13%
es ng ns an s ity
di le al
ric n tio sp sa
p a p e er qu
er st e
o Lif ft h
w er pl A hi
Lo d ti
Un ul
ual m

The importance of the features provided by the company

All these characteristics makes company in powerful standing points. These characteristics does not exist
between the beneficiary and retails whom imports the same products. No understanding noticed between them
because the product restricts the retail comes from the out borders and the beneficiary could not achieve other
properties and there is no flexibility in price because of importation policies and no guarantee of the product
specifications because of the subjection of the market to the flooding policy with bad products.
Currently determining the final prices for the products of the company through the equation: -

Selling price = cost (variable + fixed) + profit margin

Profit margin determined based on competitiveness price of similar products with a profit margin (from 15 to
25%) in the construction industry, (10-20%) in the mining industry, (20-30) % in metallurgical industries, (10-
20) % for chemical industries note that this production depends on the nature of the number of employees at the
site of production and the nature of the product itself.
The following table shows the company's products and prices as follows:
No. Name of the product Unit price of the product (Iraqi dinars)
1 Concrete additive BVD1 Ton 825000
Concrete additive BVD2 Ton 950000
concrete additive BVD3 Ton 1000000
concrete additive BVD4 Ton 1250000
2 concrete additive AR step Extra 111S M3 1100000
3 concrete additive BVD 111S TON 700000

M3 1100000
4 Ordinary roofing asphalt Ton 650000
5 Modified paving asphalt (1) Direct supply 340000
6 Modified paving asphalt (3) Ton 340000
7 Modified paving asphalt Barrel 1100000
8 Polymeric paving asphalt PG64-0 In situ 515000
9 Polymeric paving asphalt PG70-0 Ton 700000
10 Cut-back Ton 400000
11 Polymeric felt 4 mm M3 4400
Polymeric felt 3 mm 3600
Polymeric felt 2 mm 2550
12 Hot applied mastic Ton 1050000
13 Cold applied mastic 15 kg can 25000
14 Flancoat 10 kg can 8250
15 Rubber flancoat In situ 900000
16 Rubber primer 10 kg can 20000
17 Aluminum powder Ton 4300000
18 Aluminum ingots Ton 1700000
19 Calcium carbide Ton 2000000
20 Well saline solutions M3 115000
21 Industrial salt Ton 30000
22 Raw salt Ton 15000
23 Al-Hussianiyat Ironstone Ton 25000
24 Sands for glass and ceramic Ton 30000
25 Sands for white cement Ton 30000
26 Sands for black cement Ton 15000
27 Kaolin Ton 30000
28 Bauxite Ton 60000
29 Bentonite Ton 150000
30 STD sands Ton 40000
31 Feldspar Ton 50000
32 Sands for filters Ton 250000
33 PVA resin Ton 1764
34 Alkyd resin Ton 1953
35 Novolak resin Ton 6000
36 Polyester resin Ton 3570
37 Petroleum oils Ton 1250
38 Inks Ton 6468
39 Rock wool Ton 2040
40 Color concentrates Ton 3276
41 Silicones Ton 10500000
42 Pilot and products Ton 2500000
43 Chemical additives Ton 3000000
44 Liquid nitrogen Ton 575000
45 Fertilizer Ton 3000000
46 Sodium sulphate Ton 2500000

Marketing Plan
- The company's goals is to reach (85%) of design capacity of the production, lines hope to increase it by raising
the production lines productivity in the coming years.
1. Establishing Ferrosilicon alloy production plant with an annual capacity of 25,000 tons per year from
high Iraqi silica sand to fill the growing need on the alloy of iron and steel industry as well as export.
2. Establishing spherical aluminum powder plant to meet the needs of military and civilian industries.
3. Establishing sodium carbonate plant (Soda Ash) to exploit deposits of calcium carbonate and sodium
chloride salt.

4. Establishing project for producing caustic soda (sodium hydroxide).
5. Completion the rehabilitation of salted Basra.
6. Rehabilitation of all production lines, factories, and maintenance of the machines.
7. Develop some stages of production such as packaging in the jihad and inks & color concentrates.
8. The production of the white spirit and the addition of some special fiberglass injecting equipment.
9. production of new types of resins
10. Build new furnaces for rock wool and the addition of production of pipes and envelopes sandwich panel.
11. production of new types of rock wool
12. Purchase handling equipment and transport, such as overhead cranes and gantry cranes.
13. Add a new line for the production of pipes armed card 140 km and diameters ranging from (250-400
mm) and (300-600mlm).
14. Civil works for the rehabilitation of old buildings and some stores.
15. production of new types of inks

- We expect the new clients will be the companies specialized in construction products; specialized state
companies and Ministry of Industry and Minerals in the field of mining and Military Production Committee the
fact that our products are intermediate (raw materials) to other companies as well as the private sector
specializing in these areas.
- clients can attract through total definition of product specifications accurate and subject to laboratory tests and
to good use as well as when through the strict implementation of projects.
- Sales marketed through sales channels in addition to opening trade agencies or direct sale.
Precise description of the sample sale
It is the contract which signed by our company with the Southern Oil Company, which presented a listed a
request to equip them with a solution of oil wells, which produced in our company. Approval of the Director-
General that the adoption of the processing based on a contract between the parties, the commercial department
numbers formula contract signed by both parties.
The sale is applicator according to the list of sales orders, which includes support (warehousing, commercial,
financial, internal audit, Director-General authentication,).

Company costumers
No Costumer Products for costumer Company
1 Ministry of Industry and Minerals Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot 25%
2 Ministry of Health
3 Ministry of Oil Oil wells saline solution , rock wool,
Products of additive, Liquid nitrogen,
Silicone products, Products of pilot
4 Ministry of Electricity 0%
5 Ministry Of Agriculture Rock wool, silicones, micronutrient
6 Ministry of Science, Technology and Scientific Research

7 Companies of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Concrete Additives
provincial municipalities Asphalt Products
8 Ministry of Water Resources Concrete Additives
Asphalt Products
9 Baghdad Municipality Concrete Additives
Asphalt Products
10 Acetylene generation factories Calcium Carbide 0%
11 Air aerated blocks production factories Aluminum Powder 5%
12 Aluminum factories Aluminum Ingots 3%
13 Production factories of dyes Aluminum powder 5%
14 General Company for Glass and Ceramics Silica sands, feldspar, white and
colored kaolin
15 Cement Industry Companies Iron stone, bauxite, silica sands, STD
16 General Phosphate Company Kaolin 20%
17 State Company for Refractory Industry Bauxite, flint, white and colored
18 North Oil Company Activated bentonite 10%
19 General Company for Paper Industries white and colored kaolin 0%
20 General Company for Petrochemical Industries Basra salt 30%
21 Al Furat General Company Samawa salt 25%
22 General Company for Food Industries / Vegetable Oils Factory Samawa salt 10%
23 Baghdad Soft Drinks Company Samawa salt 20%
24 General Company for Rubber Industries Samawa salt 10%
25 State Company for Carton Industry Samawa salt 0%
26 Modern Dyes Manufacturing Company Alkyd resin and PVA 5%
27 Media and Publications Sector Ink and concentrated colors 55
28 Private sector factories Concrete additives, Asphalt products,
Paving Asphalt, Calcium Carbide,
Flake Aluminum powder, aluminum 50%
ingots, fertilizers, Industrial salt, alkyd
resin and PVA

- Client groups can be attracting their attention through the promotion and advertising in addition to the use of
modern methods in the way of mobilization of the product.
- the location of our company in the market is very good because of products that our company is good for
being a high quality and efficient performance of distinct when used by the consumer as it is subject to strict
specifications when tested.

 for provided price or quality for company  for provided price or quality competitors
P/S Price Quality Price Quality
High Moderate Low Good Moderate Low High Low Good Moderate Low
Felts    
Mastic    
Asphalt    
Flancoat    
Prime    

Cut back    
paving    
   
   
Rock wool    
   

5 -Business system and implementation plan

Description of the organizational form of the company:
The activities that constitute organizational entity of the company are
a- Production b- Projects c- R & D
In addition to other departments such as quality control, maintenance, technical and administrational services
belongs to marketing and production cost.
Productive capacity can modified by increasing the production capacity and execution of new projects. The
more important projects or investment opportunities the company declared about to maximize the profits of the
company and improving the production rate or producing new products as follows: -
1. Renovation, expand and develop concrete additives plant to produce new additives for market need.
2. Producing products supporting Military Production Committee.
3. Establishing production line of motor oils from consumed oils in the company's headquarters / Baghdad.
4. Renovation, expansion and development of aluminum powder plant at the company's headquarters / Baghdad.
5. Development of calcium carbide plant to produce acetylene gas in the company's headquarters / Baghdad.
6. Rehabilitation of magnesium oxide project in the province of Basra.
7. Developing and expanding the production of solid salts and brines used in the repair and damp oil wells.
8. Establishment of Ferro alloy production line.
9. Develop some stages of production such as packaging in the jihad and inks & color concentrates.
10. The production of the white spirit and the addition of some special fiberglass injecting equipment.
11. production of new types of resins
12. Build new furnaces for rock wool and the addition of production of pipes and envelopes sandwich panel.

13. production of new types of rock wool
14. Purchase handling equipment and transport, such as overhead cranes and gantry cranes.
15. Add a new line for the production of pipes armed card 140 km and diameters ranging from (250-400 mm) and
16. Civil works for the rehabilitation of old buildings and some stores.
17. production of new types of inks

Technical route for some products in company

- Technical route to produce high performance paving asphalt (PMB)

- Technical route to produce aluminum paste and powder

- Technical route to produce aluminum ingots

- Technical route to produce brines in al-Thaghir factory/Basra

- Technical route to produce industrial salt in Basra saltern/Basra

- Technical route to produce STD sand in western desert mines

The company does not need to warehouse stocks as the fact that buildings and stores are good enough to store
* Contract for the work:
Contraction of work is done through the following figure

That these materials are produced by the company are the central hub for the ongoing reconstruction campaigns
in the country that represents the entry in the production or investment in the economic feasibility very high for
the investor was able to restore the capital invested in very short periods.
Example of the production steps for a product cortical aluminum powder with an indication of the role of the
sections of the company in the production process:
1. The process starts from a demand for a product typical of the company's products, such as flake
aluminum powder by a client or more where they offer the request for purchase with the quantity
required and the required quality for example, said flake aluminum powder at condition that the client
specialized in the field of aluminum product.

2. Obtaining the approval of the Director-General or his nominee on the client request.
3. Converts the request to the Commercial Department. If the required material is available in the final
production store at desired quality and quantity, the request transferred to the Marketing Department to
organize the sale Article list with procedures make the payment in the financial section and then receive
material from the final production store.
4. If the required material is not available neither quantity nor quality, demand is converted to the
Department of Planning and Follow-up.
5. The Department of Planning and Follow-up is ordering to produces flake aluminum powder quantity
required. The first two copies of the order sent to the Department of Metallurgy for the production of the
powder and the second sent for the flags of the commercial department.
6. The Metallurgy Department organizes a request to withdraw the raw materials from the commercial
department / raw materials store, which are as follows: A - aluminum scrap. B - White spirit. C – Fatty
acid. D - Fuel. E - Bags and packaging.
7. Raw materials Transported to aluminum factory / Department of Metallurgy to begin to production
a. Melting aluminum scrap in the initial melting furnace which a fuel furnace.
b. Molten transferred from melting furnace to atomization furnace, which contains the atomization
header to atomize the molten aluminum.
c. Equipped with compressed air via the air compressor to atomization nozzle where converts molten
aluminum to a tiny aluminum powder.
d. Fine granular powder collected in cyclones.
e. Granular powder sieved to make cuts of particle sizes required.
f. Converting granular shape of powder to flake shape by ball mills using the white spirit and the fatty
g. Charge of the mill emptied withdrawing the white spirit from aluminum paste.
h. paste has to be dried in a drying oven to obtain the flake aluminum powder
The Quality Control Department examined the powder in the final laboratories for the purpose of giving
testimony product acceptance.
1. Quality control certificate for the final products.
2. The introduction of the final product to the store of final production.
3. Flake aluminum powder handed over to the requesting party by the marketing department,
which regulates the list of sale rule with the payment procedures in the financial section and
then receive material from the store of final production.
4. Analysis and quality control
Analytical activity at Ibn Sina factory is a vital activity in conducting chemical analyzes and physical
measurements of environmental surveys as well as the quality control functions of the various manufacturing
products. This activity is also a reference in resolving issues related to the examination of pharmaceutical, food
and industrial products. Masters and PhD students in most Iraqi universities.
Seq. Method of analysis Analyzes
 Oxidation Reduction analysis
1 Traditional measurements  Acidity analysis
 Basal analysis
 Density of solids
 Refractive index
 Viscosity, Moisture, Porosity
2 Physical measurements  Surface area and Particle size
 Boiling point, Humidity, Fusion, and Boiling point
 Surface tensile and Iodine number
 Flame & Flameless atomic spectroscopy

Analysis of positive metal elements
 Infrared Spectroscopy (I.R)
Qualitative Characterization of Organic Materials
3 Spectrum analysis  Infra-Red Spectrometer (FTIR)
Qualified qualitative profile of organic materials
 Ultraviolet spectroscopy
Qualitative and quantitative examination of inorganic roots
 Acidic, Alkaline and acidic function
 Conductivity, Turbidity, and Hardness
4 Electrochemical  Carbonates and Bicarbonates
 Nitrates and Nitrite
 Total dissolved solid (TDS)
 Analysis of pharmaceutical compounds
5 High Performance Liquid  Hormones
Chromatography (HPLC)  Polymers
 Organic amines
 Fatty acids
 Gases
6 Gas Chromatography  Organic compounds
 Poetic columns Technique of organic, Metallic and peroxides

* Integration in the production process

If there is demand on aluminum paste instead of flake aluminum powder, steps from (1 to 6) proceed
as steps required for selling the product. For point (7), steps of production from (a across g) in the same
order, following this a large quantity of white spirit must be withdrawn from the paste and after this
withdrawal, the content of the spirit must be examined in order to determine the amount of spirit to be
added to match the standard specifications of the product final.
This kind of integration in the production process found in the case of producing kinds powdery
aluminum, because the integration in the target. This kind can be found in asphalt products industry that
share with each other in some production equipment because it will be neither the production process in
this area, but integrated and the percentage of integration in which to 95%.
Either type of integration the other which may be present is integration at the level of production
lines as the article resulting from primary production to be the raw material for the production phase
following this type of integration exists in some lines productivity of the company and the percentage of
integration it to 75%.

* The list of suppliers of raw materials to the company

Include both public and private sector and import as follows:
A - Ministry of Oil: First: The Baijy refinery / Salah ad Din province
Second: Daura
B - The Ministry of Industry:
First: Ur State Company / Nasiriya
Second: The State Company for Vegetable Oils / Baghdad
Third: General Company for Construction Industries / Karbala
Fourth: The Geological Survey and Mining / Baghdad and the provinces

Fifth: General Company for Industries silk / Hillah
C- Private sector: First: scientific offices / Baghdad
Second: Retail Specialist / Baghdad
D- Import: From different origins.

*Raw materials transporting to our company by various means: -

1. asphalt used in the production of asphalt products is transported to our company by pelvic car especially
designed to transfer asphalt at load 36 tons have agreed the company with the transporter from the
private sector to transfer this asphalt from refineries a to the headquarters
2. Imported raw materials are transferred by domestic or foreign companies anchored by processing under
contract clause in the contract stipulates that the processing materials up to the company's stores where
these materials are transported by large trucks with high payloads of Iraqi ports or borders to the
company's stores.
3. All of the aluminum scrap, aluminum cans, bentonite, charcoal and other materials used in the
production of local origin transferred by local transporter from sites to the company's headquarters in
Baghdad in cars carrying payloads ranging from 1 ton to 10 tons, according to the transmitted material.
4. Raw materials for the chemical industries supplied by export, some of it from local suppliers. Solid or
liquid it transported by big trailers.
5. The raw materials belong the chemical materials conducted by the factory vehicles and any other means.
The possibility of providing raw materials is wide. Supplying process designed to deal with reliable and high
level of professionalism. The professionally includes all points of the supply can processing raw materials with
high specifications and that the company is capable of producing products with high specifications within the
international standards adopted and the company relies on and sustainability of these supplies in all the plans
laid down by.

* Description of the partnerships necessary

We urgently need to the partnerships important in various fields as -
1. The partnerships of production with modern technologies and assess their economic and financial
2. The partnership in the application of new mixtures, particularly in the area of asphalt products, or the
production of new types of felt, asphalt with new kinds of materials.
3. The partnership in the application of new technologies in metal powder production.
4. The partnership that enable the company from exploitation of the metallic ores of Iraq.
5. The partnership of technical assistance to improve the production lines to produce new products.
6. The partnership to modernize the production technology.
7. The partnership in production of packaging means and distribution.
8. The partnership in excavation, mining and querying of mineral ores and salterns.
9. The partnership to exploit the slatterns as Al-Shari Saltern for producing sodium sulfate.
10. Partnerships related to new products company will produced in the future, especially those related to
military production commission that needs to use high technological techniques in order to be
exceeded for future development, which can be affixed by competitors of the company.
11. Partnerships with the world’s major suppliers for raw materials as well as machines and equipment
involved in the manufacture of resins products and rock wool and dyes.

12. Partnerships with the relevant technical and research knowledge to produce quality resins and inks
new high technical specifications covering the need of the market and the manufacturing of non-
production of new types of mineral wool.
As for new products that will be produced in the future especially for Military Production Committee, we
need to use high technologies in order to cover the future developments which can be added by competitors of
the company.
The roll of quality control in production process: -
- As for asphalt products is configured laboratory mixture similar to the industrial mix before starting
production and then tested tests required for each product. Upon acceptance certificate issued acceptance of
primary and post-production are examined final product checks the finished product when acceptance issued a
certificate examination of the final product may be the use of laboratories of national Center for construction
and research laboratories.
- As for concrete additives are taking the form of concrete additive added to gravel, sand and cement used in the
construction site and conduct the necessary tests and accepted by the reference mixture is made from the same
gravel, sand and cement for comparison and the issuance of a final inspection certificate.
- As For metallurgy, the quality control begins at the screening of the final product to aluminum powder and
paste, or calcium carbide tests for the final product and the issuance of a final inspection certificate.
- As for mineral excavation are modeled after ore extracted stacked sample taken and Samples are symbolizing
as its site to the laboratory department and recorded chemical analysis required for each ore and after tests are
comparable specification and in the case of non-compliance with a model number location to address the causes
of the diffraction.
- As for chemical industries are modeled after resin, Inks, rock wool, and others stacked sample taken and
Samples are symbolizing as its site to the laboratory department and recorded chemical analysis required for
each product and after tests are comparable specification and in the case of non-compliance with a model
number location to address the causes of the diffraction.
- As for chemical materials, the Analytical activity the Ibn Sina factory is a vital activity in conducting chemical
analyzes and physical measurements of environmental surveys as well as the quality control functions of the
various manufacturing products. This activity is also a reference in resolving issues related to the examination
of pharmaceutical, food and industrial products. Masters and PhD students in most Iraqi universities.
Implementation plan
Planned investment in the short term is about (25) billion Iraqi dinars. The planned investment in the end it
related to the achievement of investment in the short-term plan.
Opportunities and trade potential of the company:
1. As the company enters the production of new products which is specific in use and unavailable products
in the country and needs of citizens for the products of construction materials and intermediate
complementary to other products on the side of mining, we find that the opportunity for our company to
invest in this area. The products of chemical industries supporting most of existing industries that can
produce it according to global specifications.

2. Appropriateness of the location of the company and its proximity to the city center and main roads,
energy sources.
3. Company's products have a high specification making it the long operational life.
4. Availability of staff with long experience in production.
5. The endeavor of the company to use high technology production lines.

*broadening the capitals of the company contributed in enrich as follows:

1. The easy availability of raw materials and electric power or fuel and all the auxiliary materials for the
purpose of the permanent activation of the production lines.
2. Easy to deal with companies in both the public and private sectors and speed of processing orders.
3. Easy to deal with foreign companies, because the company motivate foreign companies to invest in
4. Increase the possibility of a broader training for technical and administrative cadres.
5. The possibility of rapid entry into the production of new products and excretion in the Iraqi market.
6. Acting available governmental laws such 429 to invite foreign, Arabic, or private sector companies to
operate company production line.

Rehabilitation of production lines

During the previous years, the main features of the company's activity presented in two categories: the
industrial fields of mining and the production of raw materials. These products used in industry by the optimal
use of soil raw materials and industrial wastes as aluminum cans, in addition to the production of waterproofing
materials, additives of concrete, the production of chemicals in different and multiple activities, in addition of
conducting specialist researches in the field of mining and waterproofing activity and the excavation of
The company's three locations:
1. Headquarters company / public administration / Baghdad / Altajiat
2. Al-Rimah Factory / Mosul
3. Al-Thaghir Factory / Basra
Based on central orders of Ministry of Industry and Minerals for the rehabilitation of the affiliated companies
started the company staff in the fourth quarter of 2008 re-drafts the company's infrastructure and the
reconstruction and rehabilitation of production lines at the three locations through the investment plan for 2008.
The qualification Included that: -
1. The company's headquarters: - rehabilitation stage the technical staff completes included the
company production plant rehabilitation of the following: -
a. Concrete additives plant, produces materials added to the concrete mix in construction
works to increase the setting time, and as a plasticizer and improving the quality of the
concrete. Good operational specification achieved in accordance with international
standards through achieving quick high durability, coherence, ease in pumping concrete
and reduce the need for shaking after casting. Concrete additives supplied to specialized
construction companies affiliate to Ministry of Housing and Construction and the private
construction sector, the contribution by the company in the reconstruction of Iraq.
b. Polymeric asphalt felt plant, which produces polymeric felt according to international
standard specifications. Asphalt felts can used for the purposes of waterproofing of the
surface, buildings, irrigation canals and swimming pools it hoped to start production of

this article during August of this year and our company is the only one specialized in the
production of this type of Felt.
c. The line of asphalt coatings specializing in the production of emulsions, including the
paint used in the asphalt waterproofing for foundations and as an adhesive for polymeric
felt as well as the cationic emulsion and Flan coat hot Mastic.
d. Establishing new waterproofing asphalt production line to produce according to technical
specifications searched by research prepared by the company to withstand the weather
conditions of summer heat and winter cold.
e. Aluminum powder plant produces aluminum powder and paste, first used in cellular
concrete blocks and lightweight concrete. The later used as a pigment in paint industry.
f. Aluminum Ingots plant produces aluminum ingots in high purity for the works and
industries based on the aluminum metal and alloys.
g. Calcium carbide plant: calcium carbide used in generating of acetylene gas. Electric arc
furnace systems and utilization attached to it rehabilitated by the Advisory Office of the
University of Technology.
h. The rehabilitation of the buildings, public administration and service facilities and quality
control and R&D laboratories, provide laboratory equipment used in the examination of
2. Al-Thaghir Factory / Basra
Completed the technical personnel of the company in this website are –
Rehabilitate the production line of brine: - rehabilitation of the plant and direct the production and
processing of brine wells for oil and for the Ministry of Oil / the Southern Oil Company in
contracts, including in this regard.
3. Ibn Sina Factory
The rehabilitation of old dilapidated production lines is the most prominent thing that was put
in the plant plan for the coming years because of its distinct role in increasing the production
level of the plant and the consequent increase in financial imports which can be summarized
as follows:
Qualifying phosphate production line for the increasing demand for these materials of
different types.
Qualifying the production line of polychloride aluminum (PAC) for the importance of this
material and its extensive uses in the country in water purification, by raising the production
capacity of this line.
Qualifying the production line of copper and zinc sulphate as they are important elements in
the production of solid micro-fertilizer, and not rely on the purchase of local markets and the
consequent increase in profits of fertilizer production.
Expansion of the production line of micro-solid fertilizer to suit the needs of the country for
this type of fertilizer.

* Future prospects of the company: -

Future prospects designed to achieve economic and industrial integration and maximize revenues in the
following areas:
1. Engaging the production of new and renewable energies by production of silicon metal.
2. Engaging the production of ferrosilicon alloys and others used in the production of steel.
3. Engaging the recycling of Iron scrap to produce many Iron products.
4. Engaging the production of metal powders.
5. Expansion in the field of modern construction chemicals and waterproofing materials.
6. Producing brines in its solid form.
7. Completion of the project-oriented magnesium oxide used in the manufacture of refractory
8. The trend towards the exploitation of oil residues
9. The trend towards further mining operations on raw materials excavation sites using modern techniques.
10. Complete the establishment of activated bentonite project.
11. Production of table salt from industrial salt extracted from Samawa saltern.
12. Rehabilitation and development of Basra saltern to rise production rate to economical capacities.
13. Development feldspar sands site in Najaf.
14. Production of silica sand for the production of high-purity sand for the glass industry, silicon industry
and ferroalloy.
15. Production of vanadium inhibiter due to the increasing demand by the Ministry of Electricity because of
its role in raising the level of electricity production in the country.
The demand for this material is not less than 20,000 tons / year.
16. Barite production line because it has an effective role in the field of drilling oil wells and increase the
productive capacity of the Ministry of Oil, where the level of demand of the Ministry of Oil for this
article about 40,000 tons / year.
17. Production line of fertilizer micro-liquid elements, where the production of this article is easy to use by
farmers for easy to deal with what is with the solid quality produced in our plant, especially for small
agricultural land somewhat.
18. Production line of magnesium sulfate and ferrous sulphate because they have a prominent role in
increasing the production of micro-solid fertilizers, and not rely on the importer and the subsequent
increase in the profits of the plant and thus increase the financial returns in general.
19. Sodium Sulphate Production Line (Na2SO4), for the increasing demand by companies working in the
field of producing washing powders where the user exceeds 25000 tons / year

Under the recent economic developments in the country, the company adopted the central directions
communicated to the company by the ministry to benefit from investment by the private sector for existing
projects or establishment of new projects. The benefits of this step are –

1. Support the private sector to achieve the state's direction in this regard.
2. The salaries of the employees of this legislature based on the production generated from the
operation of these projects and not from the state treasury.
3. Guaranteeing the company to receive an annual amount as a share paid by the investor to the
company in support of the company's industrial direction.
4. Introducing new technology for both rehabilitation and new projects.
5. Localization of modern technology in the country and bridging the industrial gap.
6. Development of research and development through the study of modern ideas in production.

Business plan for 2020

1. Production plan: as it in chapter (Product/client value proposition) with its three-part production
plan, joint venture contracts, and export contracts.
2. Projects

Stated investment opportunities at the moment

No. declared investment opportunity notes
1 GRP pipe production plant
2 Chlorine Gas plant
3 Asphalt products plant – Al-Rimah factory
4 Aluminum powder plant
The benefits expected from investment as follows:
a. Achieve the goals of the nation in support of the national economy and the recycling of capital
b. The establishment of national industry in the country.
c. To bring Arab partnerships to support national industry.
d. Invest the Iraqi money inside Iraq.
e. Bring foreign investment to improve investment conditions and reduce the import of capital
f. Openness on the Arab and international markets.
g. Run the largest amount of labor.
h. Continuous development of products and operating lines.
i. Open new markets and new products and raise the economic development of the run.
j. Raise the added value of products within the company

3. Research and development

a. The use of lipid acid as an alternative to soybean oil to prepare the long-chain used in the
production of alkyd dyes and varnishes.
b. Use of rice husks in industrial alabaster manufacturing.
T. The use of calcium carbonate nanoparticles in improving improved polymer asphalt
c. The use of calcium carbonate in the drilling of oil wells.
d. Improving asphalt concrete specifications using cement dust.
e. Preparation of liquid calcium bromide 52% as a complementary solution in the treatment of
cracks in oil drilling fluids.
f. Preparation of urea resin, which used as a lubricating agent for the production of rock wool
g. Preparation of malignant coatings using long-chain fatty acid lipid as an alternative to the
soybean alkyd resin.
h. Preparation of an emulsifier for crude and heavy fuel from a multiple mixture (ethylene oxide -
propylene) for phenolic formaldehyde resin.
i. Treatment of drinking water and heavy water in power plants and oil refineries using poly Iron
sulphate from local materials.

4. Quality control

No Activity
1 Updating, documenting and printing the manual for quality control tests (preliminary materials testing + final
product) for construction products factory, printing inks factory & color concentrates.
2 Work on providing the laboratory equipment and measuring tools necessary for the work of the laboratories of

quality control in the plants of construction products and rock wool.
3 Working on conducting quality assurance tests for the company's products (third party tests) through
cooperation with universities, departments and research centers (Industrial Research and Development Center,
National Packaging and Packaging Center, The Middle Refineries Company and the Ibn Rushd General
4 Follow up the implementation of the conditions and procedures of the factories of the company and in
accordance with the requirements of the quality management system, especially in factories that have the
certificate of international conformity.
5 To continue to work on improving and developing a number of the company's products and trying to find new
applications for it and in line with the needs of the beneficiaries, especially the government departments.
Such as working on rock wool products and various construction products

* The list of suppliers of raw materials of the company’s current include both public and private sector and
import as follow:-
1. Public sector
a. ministry of Oil:
First: The Baijy refinery / Salah ad Din province and
Second: Daura refinery
b. The Ministry of Industry:
First: Ur state the company / Nasiriya
Second: The State Company for Vegetable Oils / Baghdad
Third: General Company for Construction Industries / Karbala
Fourth: The Geological Survey and Mining / Baghdad and the provinces
Fifth: General Company for silk Industries / Hillah
c. Import: From different origins.
d. Scientific bureaus – Baghdad

2. Private sector:
a. scientific offices / Baghdad
b. Retail Specialist / Baghdad
*Quality control: quality control is either examines the product on site or in the hall of production in the central
laboratory for quality control.

a. Expected delay because of in the processing of raw materials from the Ministry of Oil as a result of
technical problems they have.
b. Expected delay in the processing of imported raw materials.
c. Open importation that is competing with the company’s products.
d. Lack of demand for the company's products.
e. Delay because long distance between company location and some companies in the provinces.
f. High cost of production due to high transportation costs.
g. The security aspect, which affects the continuity of production in factories.
h. Scarcity of raw materials in the private sector or different specifications.
i. The aging of the mechanics of drilling and excavation in raw ores excavation sites.

j. Mineral excavation sites lay Away of cities.

* Market size is expected

No. Product Unit Markets in 2017 Markets in 2018
1 Polymeric asphalt felts M3 480000 100000
2 Asphalt Coatings Ton 22000 22000
3 Paving developed asphalt Ton 26000 10000
4 Concrete additives Ton 300 300
5 Aluminum powder Ton 18.75 18.75
6 Aluminum Castings Ton 240 240
7 Silicon metal Ton 60 240
8 Salt Solutions \ Al-Thaghir Factory \ Basra Ton 3900 4200
9 Al Hussianiyat Iron stone Ton 12000 24000
10 Silica sand for glass and ceramics Ton 6000 12000
11 Silica sand for white cement Ton 6000 12000
12 Silica Sands for Black Cement Ton 1200 3000
13 Kaolin of The Valley of the Sufi Ton 4800 6000
14 Bauxite Ton 4800 6000
15 Bentonite product Ton 4800 9000
16 Standard sand Ton 60 60
17 Sand filters Ton 1200 3000
18 Raw Salt Basra Ton 500 60000
19 Silica sands for foundry Ton 2000 3000
20 Bentonite, crude Ton 1000 6000
21 Novolac Ton 25 25
22 Inks Ton 37 37
23 Rock wool Ton 380 500
24 Color concentrates Ton 7 7
25 Silicon materials Ton 50 50
26 Pilot plant and productive Ton 102 102
27 Chemical additives Ton 1000 1000
28 Liquid nitrogen M3 1000 1000
29 Production of fertilizer Ton 3000 3000
30 Sodium sulfite Ton 150 150

6 - Opportunities and risks

The principal risks faced by our business are as follows:
1. Risks of competition as a result of the existing import of similar products to the company note that
importation of these materials are not subject to examination (standardization and quality control)
and it is priced low due to low production elements in those countries.
2. Risks may cause lack in modern technologies of production and packaging that lead to a reduction in
the cost of production and increase the spread of the national product.
3. Internal security risks and their impact on the company and its products directly, especially since the
company is not protected by the Facilities Protection Force (FPS) and is currently rely on patrol
officers to civil defense employees of the company according to rotation schedules prepared for this
4. Security risks in the locations of mineral excavation.
5. Not imposing customs fees on imported products as an essential step to protect the local product.

Risks in Ibn Sina factory


Symbol Item Analysis

General The factory directly affected by the general economic situation of the country,
T1 economic especially in the previous few years, and political changes may affect production
situation capacity.
Migration of Continuing the migration of scientific competencies from higher education graduates
T2 scientific is one of the most prominent problems faced by the factory, which leads to slow
competencies response in the process of scientific research.
The factory faces the challenge of high cost of production inputs and high costs in the
High cost
T3 input output
foreign markets, which leads to higher production costs and reduce the competitiveness of
the factory product locally and abroad.
This factor is one of the most prominent problems faced by the local industry in
High prices general, where the high cost of the electrical unit used and interrupted continuously
T4 of electricity led to the trend to increase the consumption of hydrocarbons, which rose in turn,
and fuel unit followed by a significant rise in the cost of production materials
Non-Serious The non-serious perception of Iraqi industry products by state officials and various
T5 Product local industrial sectors led to a weak quantity of production and demand for them,
Overview: which negatively affected the amount of sales.
Information The weakness of financial allocations led to the continuous codification of
and information and promotion of products, which negatively affected the rates of sale of
T6 promotion of products, which led to the lack of material return of the factory in particular and Iraqi
products industry in general.

That the measures taken to address these risks are:

1. The definition of the importance and specifications of the product to the consumer, especially as the
company enters production in the reconstruction of the country.
2. Imposition of customs fees for the protection of the product.

3. The use of modern methods in the packaging and the use of industrial color panels.
4. The trend towards the use of modern technology,
5. Techniques lead to a reduction in the cost of product that enable in entering into competitive prices.
6. Rehabilitation of quarries and salterns by using modern ways
7. Rising of the company ability to go deeper to extract ores about 60 meters as in the case of bauxite ore
8. Implementing quality improvements on ores to conform industry and keep in competition.
These risks increase because the expected need to capitals for reconstruction and development and the
introduction of new technologies in production and thereby increase revenue.
For the next five fiscal years, the future planning would be as follows:
1. Supporting the efforts of State by the products belongs Military Production Committee.
2. Running the production lines in the company of construction and mining industries.
3. Increasing the production capacity by addressing the points of constraints
4. Executing the mining and asphalt projects.
5. Opening of new marketing outlets highlighting the importance of these products and their operational
6. Bridging the need for existing products of the company is to reduce dependence on imports.
7. To engage in the completion of projects of civil, mechanical and electrical installation and operation of
8. Conducting research to increase production capacity and to find alternative materials to import
materials to reduce production costs.
9. Adding new sites for colored kaolin and lime in Al-Anbar governorate and gypsum and in Al-Najaf Al-
Ashraf governorate.

- Identify and assess the risks and appreciation:

1. Market risk: probable lack in the market and the decline in demand for the product, this unexpected
because of the increase in demand on company's products because they directly intervene in the
reconstruction of the country.
2. Financial risks: the Company's dependence on central funding (Ministry of Industry and Minerals) and
this may constitute a danger in delay in the payment of financial allocations for the company.
3. Operational risks: risks associated with this entirely the availability of electricity and fuel provided
from the public sector as well as to conduct necessary maintenance work on the kinds of equipment, as
well as the possibility of delays in the processing company that processed asphalt material according
to specific timings.
4. Physical hazards: the likelihood of the risk is very low.
5. Provision of suitable sites for workers in remote desert locations and salterns with soft earth.

* Special opportunities and possibilities

The headquarters of the state company for mining industries located in the northern Kadhimiya, which allows
the company's proximity to the highway connecting Baghdad to Mosul in the north, and connecting Baghdad to
Basra in the south. In addition to the proximity of the highway heading to the west of Baghdad, toward Ramadi,
and close by Muhammad al-Qassim rapid highway toward Baghdad.

The same applies with respect to company's location in Basra and Mosul, where the geographical locations of
the two locations close to main roads and fast makes it easier and expands the possibility of exploiting this
geographical distribution for the purpose of building an industrial base in each of the affect: -
1. The provision of basic local raw materials and even import them and depending on the nature of
each province and therefore the possibility of implementing industrial projects within the
competence of the company's specialization in the areas of mining industries and waterproofing
2. Marketing of products typical of the company easily.
3. Move on various projects executed breadth Last company sites to meet their needs.
4. Easy to deal with the private sector, whether citizens or shops or companies benefiting.
5. Easy to deal with the topic of investment and investment companies.
6. Easy querying in different sites.
Opportunities in Ibn Sina factory

Symbol Item Analysis
Competitive The plant characterized by being a biochemical plant, makes it an opportunity factor
advantage because of accumulated experience to develop the conditions of industry.
The existence of many feasibility studies carried out in the field of chemical industries
O2 qualify the factory to play a prominent role in the implementation of several production
lines and management.
State financial The direction of the state to establish and develop the industry in general and chemical
support in particular requires the need to support this sector materially.
Multiple use The products of the chemical industry characterized by multiple uses in many types of
of products products.

 The company can provide materials and products with very high specifications to meet international
standards which are difficult to sustain when competitors.
 The company can provide modern excavation machines for mineral excavation in different locations.
 Company adopt of the local sources accelerates the production process and meet the requirements of the
market unlike competitors who you rely on importation.
 The company has a good human potential with extensive experience in the field of production and areas
of implementation of technology projects and research and development.
 The company is the only competitor in the country in some of the main products and industrial ores.

7-Current status
The company consists of many locations:
Company Locations: The Company has many sites:
First, The main site - the headquarters of the company - Baghdad governorate / North Kadhimiya - Tajiyat area
behind the electrical lamps factory. Site includes the general administration in addition to the supporting
sections and production plants (plant construction products factory, mining factory, industrial resins factory,
rock wool factory).

Second, Al-Thaghir Factory- Basra Governorate.
Third, Al-Rimah Factory - Nineveh Governorate.
Fourth, inks and color concentrates Factory - Baghdad Governorate / Al-Khadra district.
Fifth, Mineral Excavation Department - Baghdad Governorate / Al-Andalus Square, which includes the
administration and divisions of the Department. The department has several production sites:
a. Samawa saltern / Muthanna Governorate
b. Western desert mines / Rutba - Anbar province.
c. Basra saltern / Faw district - Basra governorate.
d. Bentonite activation plant / Qarma district - Anbar province.
e. Bentonite Division / Qarma district - Anbar province
f. Sodium Sulphate Plant / Al-Dour District, Salah Al-Din Governorate
Sixth, Ibn Sina factory - and includes two sites:
c. Zour village / Tarmiya district 65 km north of Baghdad.
d. Baghdad - Waziriya near the General Company for Electrical Industries
Company HQ in Baghdad, located on the road between Baghdad and Mosul across Alkadhimiya and north of
Baghdad. In past, this road described as hot spot and the presence of military operations has been the company
to plunder, looting and burning in all their locations have affected these events on both the staff and
management, visitors and investors who wish to visit our company.
* Actions taken to ensure security in the workplace, as follows:
-Complete the construction of a fence company.
-Follow-up field by security officials in the company to ensure maintaining of security in the company.
- The lack of protection of the company territories will result risks can affect both supply chain or markets
by interruption of the road preventing arrival of raw materials needed to sustain the production process
and communication difficulty with suppliers and investors whom prefers to deal with other parties, more
safer, which reflected negatively on the reputation of the company.
- Company has been rehabilitate its three sites at the end of 2008 after exposing to looting and burning the
three sites. The investments needed in this area addressed in the implementation plan.
- Facilities distributed in all the sites of company and continue the maintenance and sustainability
designed to meet the needs of staff in addition to the basic conjugations sewage, lighting, safety and
occupational health.
- Currently, there are no security risks to foreign investors secure the region dramatically.
- Currently, the electricity is not stable because putting of the company in programmed electrical power
- Currently, providing electricity in locations across the company run diesel generators as there are two
generators in the headquarters capacity 250 kW provide 50% of the electrical energy required
- Currently no restaurant in the company of staff.
- Currently competing for the provision of staff in the limited sites of the company.
- Currently are lit locations and departments of the company and the streets of lighting needed.
- Currently, providing drinking water and sanitation in all sections of the company.
Currently, providing drinking water from Al-Karkh water station.
- Currently, rely on fire extinguishers in the prevention of fire and there is no car to extinguish the fire.

- Currently, there is no ambulance car in the company.
- Currently, there are new switches installed by Ezz General to secure internal communications either
external communications depend on the company's e-mail

Current status in Ibn Sina factory … power elements and week analysis
Power Elements
Cod Paragraph Analysis
Accumulated Is the leading factory in the field of chemical industries that serve most of the Iraqi
S1 Technical industries and therefore the accumulated technical expertise of the factory in the
Expertise field of work is the most prominent strengths.
Used The factory always adopts the latest technology and technology used in its field,
S2 Technology which in turn enables it to work flexibly and meet the changing external market
Financial The factory is one of the government-owned factories, which is financially and
S3 Position administratively independent.
The human resources of the scientific and engineering specialties and technical
S4 Organizational skills have been distributed in such a way that each department or division in the
structure and factory performs the duty entrusted to it in a manner that ensures excellence in its
human resources work
Product diversity Being a active chemical factory in addition to having a distinguished staff has led to
the diversification of its chemical products which enter directly or indirectly in most
S5 local industries.
quality The adoption of the factory and its compliance with the requirements of quality
S6 management management helped to organize the procedures and activities and increase the
standards and process of continuous and improvement in all administrative activities of financial
requirements and industrial.

Symbol Item Analysis

W1 Financial The weakness of financial allocations from the federal budget for production in all
allocations industrial sectors led to the delay of the process of redevelopment of production lines
and improving production in quantity and quality.
W2 Higher The emigration of scientific competencies from the holders of higher degrees has
scientific adversely affected the process of rapid advancement of the production process and in
competencies such a way as to ensure the necessary development and excellence of the production
processes on a permanent basis.
W3 Financial The lack of customizations and the fact that the factory is self-financed lacks the
Incentive adoption of a system of financial incentives that encourage workers to do their maximum
System practical potential, which has negatively affected the acceleration of the production

W4 Work site and The absence of an appropriate alternative site suitable for the factory's large production
environmental lines, which affected the large chemical production processes that comply with the laws
regulations and legislation of the Ministry of Environment, which has tightened the screws on most

of the production sites.

W5 Scientific The factory lacks the existence of a modern scientific library in the field of chemical
Library industries of modern scientific encyclopedias and the lack of a free international network
of information (free open internet).

1. Necessary partnerships in the current situation

No Name of the project (investment opportunity) Type of investment Location
Rehabilitation, modernization and operation of the Rehabilitation, modernization
1 aluminum powder plant and operation contract Baghdad

Joint venture, New plant

Chlorine production project
2 establishing Muthanna

2- Scheduling of the proposed investment opportunities according to years

Type of investment Implementation
Name of the project (investment opportunity) Location
No (joint venture contracts) proposal / year

Joint venture, New plant establishing

1 Project of sodium carbonate production Anbar 2019-2022
Joint venture, New plant establishing
2 Project of calcium carbonate production Baghdad 2019-2020

3 Project of Vanadium inhibitor Production Baghdad Joint venture, New plant establishing 2019-2020

4 Project of industrial salt and food salt production Basra Joint venture, New plant establishing 2020-2021

5 Project of GRP pipe production Baghdad Joint venture, New plant establishing 2019-2020
Rehabilitation, modernization and operation
6 Project of Glass fiber production Baghdad 2021-2022
Project of paint thinners (production of xylene +
7 Baghdad Joint venture, New plant establishing 2019-2020
thinner) production
8 Project of Alumina production from White Kaolin Anbar Joint venture, New plant establishing 2020-2021

9 project of silica sand production Anbar Joint venture, New plant establishing 2020-2021

10 project of foundry silica sand production Anbar Joint venture, New plant establishing 2020-2021

11 project of Ferro Silicon production Anbar Joint venture, New plant establishing 2020-2021
Rehabilitation, modernization and operation
12 project of magnesium oxide production Basra 2020-2021
13 project of mineral and rock wool production Baghdad Joint venture, New plant establishing 2019-2020

14 project of sandwich panel production Baghdad Joint venture, New plant establishing 2020-2021
Rehabilitation, modernization and operation
15 project of sodium sulfate production Salahuldeen 2020-2021

- Equipment and instruments located on the company's departments listed in the following tables:

Department/branch no Equipment name quantity
1 Main water tank 50 ton 1
2 Chiller water tank 30 ton 1
3 Fuel tank 28 m3 1
4 Asphalt tank (40/50) 150 ton 1
5 Asphalt tank (20/30) 20 ton 1
6 Spare fuel tank 20 m3 1
7 Surfacing asphalt mixer 12 ton 1
8 Vertical mixer 1
9 Horizontal mixer 1
10 Hot water tank 8 m3 1
11 Flan coat mixer 3 ton 1
12 Primer mixer 3 m3 1
13 Boiler 750,000 Kcal 1
14 Burner 1
15 Oil recirculation pump 2
16 Make-up oil pump 1
17 4CR pump 7
18 2CR pump 2
19 White spirit pump 1
20 Dipping basin 1
21 Cooling basin 3
22 Chiller tower 1
23 Chilled water pump 1
24 Waste oil make-up 1
25 Colloidal mill 1
Construction dept./Felt factory
26 Cationic emulsion mixer 1
27 Operating & Control board (Flan coat) 1
28 Operating & Control board (primer) 1
29 Operating & Control board (felt) 1
30 Operating & Control board (ver. & hor.)) 1
31 Operating & Control board (boiler) 1
32 Operating & Control board (rolling) 2
33 DC motor 1
34 Felt pulling motor 1
35 Felt rolling motor 1
36 Felt pushing motor 1
37 Felt cutting motor 1
38 Water basin circulating pump 1
39 Water spraying nozzles pump 1
40 Polyester rolls support 1
41 Primer storage tank 1
42 Empty tank 1
43 Waste oil storage tank 1
44 Air blower 9dipping basin) 1
45 Air blower 1
46 Hot water pump 1
47 Compensate felt motor 1
48 Thickness delimiter motor 1
49 Down roll turning motor 1
50 Top roll turning motor 1
1 Mixing tank 2
2 Mixer 5 Kw 2
3 Storage tank 15 m3 8
4 Water tank 80 m3 1
5 Generator 25 Kva 1
Construction dept./concrete additives
6 Water pump 2
7 Circulation pump 2
8 Discharge pump 2
9 Main board 1
10 Production board 1
Metallurgy dept./ aluminum powder No Equipment name Quantity

1 Hydraulic melting furnace 1
2 Holding furnace 2
3 Receiver 1
4 Cyclone 3
5 Air compressor 1
6 Burner 2
7 Ball mills 5
8 Sieve 2
9 Drying oven 1
10 Fuel tank 5
11 White spirit tank 2
12 Scale 1
1 Shredder Machine 1
2 De-Coating Furnace 1
3 Feeding Trolley 1
4 Rotary Tilting Furnace 1
Metallurgy dept./ aluminum ingots
5 Ingot Caster 1
6 Induction Furnace 1
7 Cylinder Molds 1
8 Treating Furnace 1
1 High tension transformer 1
2 Tap changer transformer 1
3 Water pump 2
4 Calcium oxide bins 1
5 Production board 1
Metallurgy dept./ calcium carbide
6 High tension circuit breaker 1
7 Arc furnace 1
8 Air compressor 1
9 Hydraulic pump 1
10 Clamp 3
Quality control/R&D No Equipment name Quantity
1 Fume hood 1
2 Chiller 1
3 Hot plate 1
4 Fiber heater 500 ml 1
5 Fiber heater 1000 ml 1
6 Vacuum pump 1
7 Benzene heater 1
8 Drying oven 1
9 Lab mill 1
10 Scale 1200 gm 1
11 PH meter 1
12 Vibrating sieve 1
13 Melting furnace 1200 degree c 1
14 Lab distiller 1
15 Centrifugal 4000 rpm 1
16 Lab mixer 1
17 Hot plate 1
18 Power supply 20A, 30 1
19 Bench heater 1
20 E, scale 4 digit 1
21 E. scale 5 Kg 1
22 Small heater 3
23 Big heater 1
24 Penetration device 1
25 Chiller 2
26 Drying oven 2
27 Burning furnace 1
28 Softening point device 2
29 Distillation device 1
30 Water bath 1
31 Manual PH meter 1

32 Bench PH meter 1
33 Sensitive scale 1
34 E. scale I Kg 1
35 E. scale 5 Kg 1
36 Mixer 2
37 Vibrating sieve 1
38 Concrete cube set timer 1
39 Flash point device 1
40 Fume hood 1

- Condition of instruments and equipment: Ready for use. Factories ready for production

8 -Finance and reporting

The Finance Department shall implement the company's financial policy, budget planning, preparation of
financial accounts, salaries and other financial matters and the preparation of cost indicators
The section consists of the following divisions:
a. Budget Accounts Division
b. Financial Accounts Division
c. Division of warehouse accounts
d. Cost Accounts Division
e. Salary Division
f. Fund Division
g. Division of investment plan accounts
To describe the current situation of the accounting processes
Currently there are no gap between the financial situation of financial logs and accounting standards generally
accepted them because the department is preparing the budget planning for each year then prepare final
accounts in the light can be extracted accounting standards.
Department dealing with the expense paid account and slander under the terms accounting contained in the
Unified accounting system. The inventory stores are under the commission’s annual inventory from which to
show the inventory of full production and to clarify the percentage of product half the plant to be its evaluation
with an inventory of fixed assets and inventory and in conformity with the records.
1. provide a full range of the lists of financial accounting are described in the attached tables (number / 3)
2. Outline of the unexpected in the company is through the following:
A. Total sales of production
B. Revenue through the provision of services to others.
C. Revenue gets from researches done for the other organizations.
D. Revenue gets from establishing new production lines.
E. Revenue gets from the developments of production lines.

The development of revenue and expenditure and income is linked to two factors fully market their products
and enhance the productive capacities of the lines, productivity and developing new projects for new products
within the scope of other specialty company.
Assumptions underlying our planning is the financial outlook for the overall market need. This needs related to
the company's products and implementation of projects to others.
3. Required in addition lines of new production within the investment plan to cover the expenses of
salaries, note that the company needs to rising the available production capacities.
4. The proceeds that investors can expect to achieve financial returns are in addition to the proceeds within
the scope of the service of citizens through the implementation of projects.

An overview on the future budget structure: -

At present, the company needs to finance the new projects with high technical and economic advantages
especially for projects of local raw materials. The amount of cash required identified when it pointed out
investment projects in the five-year implementation plan. Self-funding available at present and company
working hard to run the production lines rehabilitated the end of 2008 to maximize the resources of a company
that could not lifted to the level of ambition, but to complete future projects in the five-year plan developed by
the company.
Cost of capital is currently (1) billion has not modified now that the amendment will be later after the
capitalization of the projects implemented
Supplements - General Budget Amount = thousand dinars
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
The projected overall budget
2015 2016 2017 2018
1 – Assets
1.1 - Fixed assets
1.1.1 - fixed assets is a list of
1.1.2 - land and buildings 3003773 9589336 7733353 11251079
1.1.3 - machinery and equipment 5824481 218394119 16123348 23350061
1.1.4 - Other fixed assets 822343 1984119 1566256 3394542
1.1.5 Total fixed assets 9650597 33412874 25422957 37995682

1.2-Current assets
1.2.1-inventories 11410799
1.2.2-Trade accounts receivable 13729456 18242455 17890686 11695528
1.2.3 Other trade receivables 9686805
1.2.4-liquid credits
1.2.5-Total current assets 24335129 27689491 32946849 32793132

1.3-Total assets 70788814

2 - Total equity and liabilities

2.1.1-venture capital 1181497 1995826 1995826 1995826
2.1.2-new rights for shareholders
2.1.3-retained income, retained earnings
2.1.4-annual net income / loss
2.1.5-Total Equity
2.2 - Apportionment


2.3.1-materials and goods
2.3.2-services rendered
2.3.3-debt and long-term commitments
2.3.4-creditors and short-term Liabilities 24070033 51400720 53673900 60724167
2.3.5-Other liabilities (taxes)
2.3.6-Total liabilities

2.4-rights contributors and total liabilities 33985726 61201865 58456556 65790749

Supplements - liquidity planning

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Liquidity planning
2015 2016 2017 2018
1 – Income
1.1 – Sales 13821531 15049342 29268441 29190603
1.3 - Income from other sources
1.4-gross income 13821531 15049342 29268441 29190603

2 – spending
2.1 - materials and goods 6436469 7171998 10665904 18150000
2.2 - Services rendered 1101310
2.3-personnel expenses 131124809 18932988 24294538 22420000
2.4-rental contracts
2.5-loan payments 340663 / /
2.6-interest / / /
2.7-Other items 2094438 2729566 4701707 3889385
2.8-tax expenses / / /
2.9-Total expenses 21655716 28834552 39662149 45560695

2.11-Total expenses(2.9-2.10)
2.12-required capital(1.4-2.11)
2.13-accumulated capital required

3 – Funding
3.2-long-term loans
3.3 - Current Accounts
3.4 - Government Grants
3.5-rate of liquid funds (from the previous period)
3.6 - Overall funding

4 – Liquidity 418586 2251038 4341258 506330

4.1-rate of liquid funds
4.2-closing balance of the debtor
4.3-end debt of the debtor
4.4 - reserve liquid

Supplements - Income Statement Amount = thousand dinars

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Income Statement
2015 2016 2017 2018
1 – Income
1.1-Income from sales 11061926 3120192 16182473 29190603
1.2-change in the capital
1.3-Capital Group 605
1.4-Other sources of operating income 2759065 11929150 13085968 2957803
1.5-Total revenues 13821531 15049342 29268441 32148406

2 – Expenditures
2.1-materials and goods 4977803 2622547 8994567 18150000
2.2-services rendered 1048527 1247551 1593364 1101310
2.3-personal expenses 8147006 16310441 15299971 22420000
2.4-rental contracts 24599 108203 260527
2.5-consumption 1021311 1373812 2847816
2.6-cost operation thereof Other 9036 52275 57427 3889385
2.8-cost non-habitual
2.9-Total expenses 15228282 21714829 29053672 45560695

3 - Operating Results

4 - Interest and similar expenses

5 - government grants

6 – Taxes
6.1-tax income
6.2-Other Taxes

7 - Annual net income / loss


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