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2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: main.cpp: 170: Starting program. Version

1.4.0_build-5583 2019-01-07 23:28:02 UTC amd64 Windows
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: main.cpp: 173: Deploy (Release)
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: steamworks.cpp: 55: Could not connect to Steam API.
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5842: Initializing SDL
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5844: SDL Initialized successfully
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: input.cpp: 198: Added 31 controller mappings.
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: input.cpp: 42: Current controllers:
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [e][__]: engine.cpp:5350: No extra_data_path was specified.
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2202: Looking for mods in
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 19:38:10 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:11 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
wolfire_machine_translations/Data/Images/wolfire_sandbox_levels/thumb.jpg" in any
of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:38:11 [e][__]: modloading.cpp: 671: Error when parsing mod.xml for
mod com-wolfire-machine-translations error kValidityMissingThumbnailFile on row 8
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2140: Added mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [w][__]:threaded_sound_wrapper.cpp: 617: Sound system isn't
initialized yet, putting message into the queue.
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [w][__]:threaded_sound_wrapper.cpp: 617: Sound system isn't
initialized yet, putting message into the queue.
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 760: There are 2 available video
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 761: Video drivers are following:
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 765: Video driver 0: windows
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 765: Video driver 1: dummy
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][al]: alAudio.cpp: 201: ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT is available
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][al]: alAudio.cpp: 210: === Available sound devices ===
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][al]: alAudio.cpp: 215: OpenAL Soft
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][al]: alAudio.cpp: 223: === ===
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][al]: alAudio.cpp: 227: Opening default audio device:
OpenAL Soft.
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 772: Initialized video driver: windows
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 792: Attribute group 1 set
2024/01/20 19:38:12 [i][al]: alAudio.cpp: 244: Opened and using audio device:
OpenAL Soft
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 890: Created window
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 892: Set minimum size
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 904: Set display mode
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 907: Created OpenGL Context
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 919: RGBA bits, depth: 8 8 8 8 24
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 926: Anti-aliasing samples: 0
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 932: SDL OpenGL Context Result: 3.2
With a SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE profile context
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 940: GLEW Version loaded: 2.0.0
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 947: OpenGL Self Reported version
string: 3.2.0 Core Profile Context
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 948: OpenGL Self Reported version
values: 3.2
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 960: Context seems acceptable for
running the application, continuing.
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]:detect_settings.cpp: 14: Verified support for S3TC
DXT5 compressed textures
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 976: Activating OpenGL callback
errors, [opengl_callback_errors]
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]:textureatlas.cpp: 17: Creating a decal texture atlas
with dimensions ivec2(8192,8192)
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]:textureatlas.cpp: 17: Creating a decal texture atlas
with dimensions ivec2(8192,8192)
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][al]: alAudio.cpp: 273: We have 32 audio sources
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 1 generic
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 2
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 3
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1184: 160 texture units supported.
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1200: GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS:
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]:detect_settings.cpp: 23: Detecting hardware and
setting graphics settings to match hardware
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]:detect_settings.cpp: 31: Sufficient amount of samplers
to support all features.
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]:hardware_specs.cpp: 281: Printing specs:
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]:hardware_specs.cpp: 282: ---------------
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [e][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1284: Unable to stream data from file
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find "Data/Mods/" in
any of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [e][__]: engine.cpp:1939: No state
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Scripts/campaign_common.as" in any of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [e][as]: scriptfile.cpp: 195: Could not resolve script include:
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Scripts/campaign_common.as" in any of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:38:13 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:38:14 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for

2024/01/20 19:38:21 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: mods
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2202: Looking for mods in

2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
wolfire_machine_translations/Data/Images/wolfire_sandbox_levels/thumb.jpg" in any
of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [e][__]: modloading.cpp: 671: Error when parsing mod.xml for
mod com-wolfire-machine-translations error kValidityMissingThumbnailFile on row 8
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:21 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 19:38:22 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
wolfire_machine_translations/Data/Images/wolfire_sandbox_levels/thumb.jpg" in any
of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:38:22 [e][__]: modloading.cpp: 671: Error when parsing mod.xml for
mod com-wolfire-machine-translations error kValidityMissingThumbnailFile on row 8
2024/01/20 19:38:22 [w][us]: controller.as: 159: Tried clearing controller items
starting at index 0, but there are only 0 controller items available
2024/01/20 19:38:50 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
wolfire_machine_translations/Data/Images/wolfire_sandbox_levels/thumb.jpg" in any
of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1811: Popping state to
mainmenu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(3,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Scripts/modmenu/main.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][as]: asfuncs.cpp:7018: Saving mod config
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 19:38:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:38:55 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:

2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6184: S play_menu.as
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6184: S difficulty_menu.as
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any

state changes
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 19:38:55 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:07 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back

2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1811: Popping state to
play_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(3,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Scripts/difficulty_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 19:39:07 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:13 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:

set_campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6246: Setting campaign
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6247: set_campaign com-wolfire-
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6263: Initializing campaign state with
script "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Scripts/
campaign/linear_campaign.as" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6265: Campaign accepted, loading as

2024/01/20 19:39:13 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6184: S standard_campaign_menu.as
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 29: Setting first
unlocked level
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 48: Unlocking river_village_intro in
campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 31: 1
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][us]:standard_campaign_menu.as: 24: com-wolfire-overgrowth-
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][us]:standard_campaign_menu.as: 29: size: 29
2024/01/20 19:39:13 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:14 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:

load_campaign_level river_village_intro
2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:14 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 26 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 25 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to

2024/01/20 19:39:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
slaver_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong

layer: slavers_layer_0
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_1
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_2
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_3
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_4
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:16 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:18 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:19 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:19 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Prototypes/MagmaArena/MagmaArenaFlag_White1_Singlesided.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:39:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:20 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144: Data/GrassTest/grass_square.xml
is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]: model.cpp:2188: 6187 of 9786 vertices are
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]: model.cpp:2189: New vertex size: 3599
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]: model.cpp:2213: Removed 19 degenerate triangles.
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/plants/groundcover/forkedweed.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:21 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/WaterProps/RaftSail.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:22 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/emitter.as: 16: type_string: Smoke
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:23 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:39:24 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 695: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 463 to slot
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 19:39:25 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 19:39:26 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:39:26 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:39:27 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:39:27 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:39:27 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 19:39:28 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 19:39:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 19:39:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:28 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144: Data/Objects/water_test.xml is

double sided!
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2032
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2424
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1231
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 19:39:29 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 7
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:39:30 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:39:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 707: Binding out vel for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 707: Binding out vel for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 36: Entered level

2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 10: Setting last played level in
campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign as river_village_intro
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 1
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 2
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat 363
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 3
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 4
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat 21
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue "Start"
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Start.txt that is
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Start.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Start.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set

music_layer_override to 0
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 8
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 9
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 10 cubemap_1
2024/01/20 19:39:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 11 cubemap_2
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 12
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:39:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:40:02 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 19:40:02 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6318: Ignoring request to back
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 1 generic
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 2
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 1 generic
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 2
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1462: Updating the screen resolution in
the config file.
2024/01/20 19:40:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/white_square.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:40:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-back.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:40:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-navigation.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:40:09 [w][us]: controller.as: 159: Tried clearing controller items
starting at index 5, but there are only 5 controller items available
2024/01/20 19:40:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-diamond-thin.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:40:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/checkbox.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:40:09 [i][us]: settings.as: 612: Unknown processMessage
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1462: Updating the screen resolution in
the config file.
2024/01/20 19:40:17 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:40:18 [i][us]: settings.as: 612: Unknown processMessage
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1462: Updating the screen resolution in
the config file.
2024/01/20 19:40:20 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:40:21 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:21 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:21 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:21 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:21 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:21 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:21 [i][us]: settings.as: 612: Unknown processMessage
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1462: Updating the screen resolution in
the config file.
2024/01/20 19:40:41 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:43 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:44 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:45 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:48 [i][us]: settings.as: 612: Unknown processMessage
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1462: Updating the screen resolution in
the config file.
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:40:55 [i][us]: settings.as: 612: Unknown processMessage
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1454: SetResolution has been called
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1462: Updating the screen resolution in
the config file.
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:41:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:41:02 [i][us]: settings.as: 612: Unknown processMessage
2024/01/20 19:41:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/slider_bar_vertical.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:41:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-diamond-light-vertical.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:41:24 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt that is
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:41:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:41:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 19:41:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 19:41:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 19:41:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 19:41:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:41:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 0, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:41:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 0
2024/01/20 19:41:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 0
2024/01/20 19:41:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 19:41:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 0
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 0
to 1
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue "Places1" music_layer_override 0
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt that is
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Places1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 1
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:41:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:41:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 19:41:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 19:41:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:41:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 19:41:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 1
2024/01/20 19:41:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 19:41:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 1
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 1
to 2
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade "Stranger"
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 363
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:41:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
363 is awake
2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Stranger.txt that is
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Stranger.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Stranger.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Stranger.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Stranger.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Stranger.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Stranger.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 2
2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:42:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1962: make_participants_aware
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 49
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 363
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 0
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 3
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:42:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:42:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:42:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 19:42:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 363 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:42:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 19:42:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 363 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:42:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:42:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 19:42:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 363 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:42:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 19:42:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 363 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:42:28 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:42:28 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:42:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:42:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 19:42:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 363 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:42:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 19:42:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 363
2024/01/20 19:42:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 363
2024/01/20 19:42:31 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:31 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 363 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:42:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 363 started a
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 363
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 363 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:42:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 363 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 2
to 3
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: activate 1217 activate 78 dialogue "Places2" music_layer_override -2
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 1)
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
2207 is awake
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:42:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
70 is awake
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 1)
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
2207 is awake
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
70 is awake
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 363 was
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 363 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/hit/hit_hard.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:42:41 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/hit/hit_hard.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:42:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:42:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 363 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 2
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 4, 1)
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:42:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 19:42:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:42:47 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:42:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ1.txt that is
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ1.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:42:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ1.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ1.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:42:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ1.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:42:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:42:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:42:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:43:15 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:43:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:43:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:43:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:43:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:43:20 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:43:20 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ2.txt that is
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ2.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ2.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:43:20 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ2.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ2.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ2.txt" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:43:20 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ2.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:43:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:43:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:43:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:43:58 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:43:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:43:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:43:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:44:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 2, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:44:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 2
2024/01/20 19:44:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 19:44:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 19:44:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 2
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 3
to 4
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue "Places2" music_layer_override -1
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
2207 is awake
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:44:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
70 is awake
2024/01/20 19:44:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_sweep.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:44:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_sweep.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:44:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:20 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 0 was knocked
over by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:44:23 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 2207
2024/01/20 19:44:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 0 was knocked
over by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:44:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 0 missed an
attack aimed at 2207
2024/01/20 19:44:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:44:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 0 failed a
2024/01/20 19:44:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 0 was knocked
over by player 2207
2024/01/20 19:44:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 70 missed an
attack aimed at 0
2024/01/20 19:44:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 0 missed an
attack aimed at 2207
2024/01/20 19:44:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:44:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 0 failed a
2024/01/20 19:44:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2207 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 70 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 70 active-
blocked an attack by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 0 active-
blocked an attack by player 2207
2024/01/20 19:44:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 0 was knocked
over by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 2207 was
thrown by 0
2024/01/20 19:44:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:44:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 70 dodged an
attack by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 0 missed an
attack aimed at 70
2024/01/20 19:44:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:48 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 2207 missed
an attack aimed at 0
2024/01/20 19:44:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:48 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 70 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 70 started a
2024/01/20 19:44:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2207 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:50 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2207 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 70 missed an
attack aimed at 0
2024/01/20 19:44:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 70 dodged an
attack by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 0 missed an
attack aimed at 70
2024/01/20 19:44:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:44:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 70 missed an
attack aimed at 0
2024/01/20 19:44:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 0 dodged an
attack by player 2207
2024/01/20 19:44:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 2207 missed
an attack aimed at 0
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 0 missed an
attack aimed at 70
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_jump.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_jump.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 0 dodged an
attack by player 2207
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 2207 missed
an attack aimed at 0
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_edge_grab.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_edge_grab.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:44:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 0 failed a
2024/01/20 19:44:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:44:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2207 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:44:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 0 passive-
blocked an attack by player 70
2024/01/20 19:45:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 0 was knocked
over by player 70
2024/01/20 19:45:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:45:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:45:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2207 passive-
blocked an attack by player 0
2024/01/20 19:45:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:45:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 70 passive-
blocked an attack by player 0
2024/01/20 19:45:03 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 0 was knocked
over by player 2207
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
2207 is awake
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
70 is awake
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 0 was knocked
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 19:45:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 0 was knocked
over by player 2207
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 463 to slot
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(false) for 363
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:4363: Disposing
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat 21
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue "Places2" music_layer_override -1
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 2, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 2
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:45:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 19:45:10 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
2207 is awake
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 70 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:45:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:45:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:45:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 70 was
knocked over by player 0
2024/01/20 19:45:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 0 started a
2024/01/20 19:45:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:45:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2207 70 no_delay
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 2207 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:45:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 4
to 5
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: activate 95 music_layer_override -2
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 21
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:45:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
21 is awake
2024/01/20 19:45:36 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:45:36 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ3_end.txt that is
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ3_end.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ3_end.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:36 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ3_end.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ3_end.txt in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ3_end.txt" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:45:36 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing/Civ3_end.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:45:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 54: Getting msg in
lugaru: levelwin
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 67: Setting
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml as finished level
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 48: Unlocking slaver_camp in campaign
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
load_campaign_level slaver_camp
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is
01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml in
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml
in "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Levels/
og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/01_Slaver_Camp_Landing.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 46: Left

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 12
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 8
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 9
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 447 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 237 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:

2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 2 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:45:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 1 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading terrain object...

2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 582: Loading terrain
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Checking for terrain cache
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading cached terrain...
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 297: Loaded cached terrain:
2024/01/20 19:45:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 598: *****************
2024/01/20 19:45:52 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:52 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:53 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:53 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:54 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Plants/Groundcover/Groundcover1.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:45:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 19:45:54 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to
2024/01/20 19:45:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:55 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
slaver_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:56 [w][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1356: Music is already loaded, will not

reload: "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Music/
slaver_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong

layer: slavers_layer_0
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_1
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_2
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_3
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_4
2024/01/20 19:45:56 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 133
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 134
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:45:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:45:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:45:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:45:59 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Environment/baskets/basket_tall_dirty.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:45:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]:hotspots/emitter.as: 16: type_string: Smoke
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:46:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:01 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 695: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 716:
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1184 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 19:46:01 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 710

but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 743
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 745
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 747
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 848
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 850
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 852
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 931
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 969
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1007
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1045
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1083
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1121
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1157
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1158
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1160
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1162
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1171
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1172
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1173
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1175
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1176
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1179
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1181
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1182
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1183
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1187
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1188
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1189
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1190
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1193
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1194
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1196
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1229
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1262
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1295
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1328
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1360
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1361
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1362
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1363
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1364
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1365
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1380
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1426
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1459
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1492
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1524
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1525
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1526
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1527
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1528
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1529
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1531
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1563
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1564
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1565
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1566
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1567
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1568
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1570
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1602
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1603
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1604
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1605
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1606
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1607
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1609
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1641
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1642
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1643
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1644
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1645
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1646
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1648
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1680
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1681
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1682
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1683
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1684
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1685
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1687
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1719
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1720
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1721
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1722
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1723
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1724
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1726
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1758
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1759
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1760
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1761
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1762
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1763
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1766
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1804
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1842
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1880
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1918
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1956
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1994
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2032
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2070
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2108
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2146
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2184
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2222
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2260
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2298
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2336
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2374
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2412
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2450
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2488
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2526
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2564
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2602
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2640
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2678
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2716
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2754
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2792
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2830
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2911
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2942
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3020
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3056
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3057
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3208
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3211
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3246
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3286
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3324
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3438
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3474
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3590
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3628
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3664
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3780
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3818
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3856
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3894
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3932
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3969
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4001
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4002
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4003
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4004
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4005
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4006
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4008
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4040
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4041
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4042
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4043
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4044
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4045
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4047
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4079
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4080
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4081
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4082
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4083
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4084
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4086
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4118
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4119
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4120
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4121
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4122
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4123
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4126
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4213
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4251
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4289
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4327
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4377
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4438
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4476
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4514
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4577
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4609
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4610
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4611
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4612
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4613
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4614
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4616
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4648
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4649
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4650
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4651
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4652
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4653
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4659
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4697
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4735
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4779
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4817
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4855
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 4900
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5103
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5000
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5104
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5105
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5108
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5109
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5110
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5111
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5113
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5114
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5115
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5116
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5118
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5119
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5120
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5121
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5123
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5124
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5125
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5126
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5449
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5632
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5696
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 5729
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 133
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 134
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:46:02 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:03 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 36: Entered level

2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 10: Setting last played level in
campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign as slaver_camp
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 8 sky
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5032 5419
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 2
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 0
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 3
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat 18
5456 5439
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Start
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set

music_layer_override to -2
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 9
2024/01/20 19:46:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 12
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5351 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 1)
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5032 5419
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5032 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5419 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 2)
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 0
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 26 was killed
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5351 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 1)
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5032 5419
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5032 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5419 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 2)
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 0
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 5668 was
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 19:46:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 19:46:07 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk, it's
needed again
2024/01/20 19:46:08 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock_normal.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk,
it's needed again
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 2
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 3
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1962: make_participants_aware
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 21
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 19:46:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 38
2024/01/20 19:46:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:46:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 5351 active-
blocked an attack by player 21
2024/01/20 19:46:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 21 was thrown
by 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:46:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 21 active-
blocked an attack by player 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 5351 was
thrown by 21
2024/01/20 19:46:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 5351 active-
blocked an attack by player 21
2024/01/20 19:46:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 5351 missed
an attack aimed at 21
2024/01/20 19:46:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 21 dodged an
attack by player 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 5351 missed
an attack aimed at 21
2024/01/20 19:46:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 5351 was
thrown by 21
2024/01/20 19:46:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 5351 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:46:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 5351 passive-
blocked an attack by player 21
2024/01/20 19:46:37 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 21 active-
blocked an attack by player 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:37 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 5351 was
thrown by 21
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5351
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 5351 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:46:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:46:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:46:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5351 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 0
to 1
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Places music_layer_override -1
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5032 5419
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5032 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5419 is awake
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 1)
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 0
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:46:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:46:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -1
2024/01/20 19:47:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 21 missed an
attack aimed at 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 21 failed a
2024/01/20 19:47:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 21 dodged an
attack by player 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 5419 missed
an attack aimed at 21
2024/01/20 19:47:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:47:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 5419 passive-
blocked an attack by player 21
2024/01/20 19:47:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 21 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5032
2024/01/20 19:47:11 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:47:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5032 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:47:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 21 was
knocked over by player 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:47:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 5032 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:47:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 21 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 21 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 21 was
knocked over by player 5032
2024/01/20 19:47:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:47:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 21 failed a
2024/01/20 19:47:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 5419 missed
an attack aimed at 21
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5032 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5032 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5419 is awake
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 1)
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 0
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 5032 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5032 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5419 is awake
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 1)
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 0
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 5032 was
2024/01/20 19:47:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:47:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 21 active-
blocked an attack by player 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 5419 was
thrown by 21
2024/01/20 19:47:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:47:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5419 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 5419 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 5032 5419
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: activate 2984
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 5419 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5419 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:47:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 5419 was
2024/01/20 19:47:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:47:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5419 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:47:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 1
to 2
2024/01/20 19:47:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:47:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: activate 2984
2024/01/20 19:47:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:47:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:47:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 0
2024/01/20 19:47:33 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:47:34 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:47:34 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/VillAlert.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/VillAlert.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/VillAlert.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:47:34 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/VillAlert.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/VillAlert.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/VillAlert.txt" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:47:34 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/VillAlert.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:47:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:47:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:47:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:47:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:25 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:48:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Injured.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Injured.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Injured.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:48:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Injured.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Injured.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Injured.txt" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:48:25 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Injured.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:48:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:48:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:31 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:48:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:48:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:48 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 0, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:48:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 0
2024/01/20 19:48:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 0
2024/01/20 19:48:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 19:48:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 0
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 2
to 3
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade Villagers activate 2871 activate 14 activate 18 activate 5439
activate 5456
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 18
5456 5439
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
18 is awake
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5456 is awake
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5439 is awake
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Villagers.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Villagers.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Villagers.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Villagers.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Villagers.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Villagers.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/Villagers.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 3
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1962: make_participants_aware
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 21
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 14
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 2871
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 5456
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 18
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 5439
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 4
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:48:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 18 was cut by
2024/01/20 19:48:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:48:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:48:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 5439 was cut
by 2871
2024/01/20 19:48:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 14 passive-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:48:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 5439 was cut
by 2871
2024/01/20 19:48:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 5439 passive-
blocked an attack by player 2871
2024/01/20 19:48:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:48:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 14 passive-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 5456 active-
blocked an attack by player 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 14 was
knocked over by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 5456 was cut
by 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 21 failed a
2024/01/20 19:49:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2871 was
knocked over by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 14 started a
2024/01/20 19:49:03 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 18 started a
2024/01/20 19:49:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:03 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5456 was
knocked over by player 14
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 5439 passive-
blocked an attack by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1184 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 18 was cut by
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 14 passive-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 18 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 18 was cut by
2024/01/20 19:49:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 18 started a
2024/01/20 19:49:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 21 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5439
2024/01/20 19:49:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 14 was
knocked over by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5439 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 5439 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:49:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 18 was cut by
2024/01/20 19:49:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 21 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 18 was cut by
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2871 was
knocked over by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 18
5456 5439
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
18 is awake
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5456 is awake
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 5439 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5439 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 21 was
knocked over by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:49:11 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5456 was
knocked over by player 14
2024/01/20 19:49:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 2871 dodged
an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 18 missed an
attack aimed at 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5456 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 18 was
knocked over by player 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 18 started a
2024/01/20 19:49:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2871 was
knocked over by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5456 was
knocked over by player 14
2024/01/20 19:49:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 21 dodged an
attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 18 missed an
attack aimed at 21
2024/01/20 19:49:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 2871 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:49:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 5456 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:49:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 21 active-
blocked an attack by player 18
2024/01/20 19:49:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 14 was
knocked over by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 18 was thrown
by 21
2024/01/20 19:49:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 18 was cut by
2024/01/20 19:49:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 18 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 14 was
knocked over by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 18
5456 5439
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5456 is awake
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 18 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 18 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 18 was
knocked over by player 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 2871 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 18
5456 5439
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
5456 is awake
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 14 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 14 was
knocked over by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as: 917: Damaged!
2024/01/20 19:49:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 5456 was cut
by 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:49:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 5456 was cut
by 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 5456 was cut
by 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 2871 passive-
blocked an attack by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 2871 was
knocked over by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 21 missed an
attack aimed at 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 21 failed a
2024/01/20 19:49:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 2871 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:49:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5456 was
knocked over by player 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:49:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1184 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 5456 was cut
by 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 2871 dodged
an attack by player 5456
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 5456 missed
an attack aimed at 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5456 was
knocked over by player 2871
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat 18
5456 5439
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade End play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 5456 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:49:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 5456 was
knocked over by player 21
2024/01/20 19:49:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 5456 was
2024/01/20 19:49:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 21 started a
2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 3
to 4
2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade End play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/End.txt that is
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/End.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/End.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/End.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/End.txt in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/End.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp/End.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:49:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 1
2024/01/20 19:49:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:49:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:49:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 54: Getting msg in
lugaru: levelwin
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 67: Setting
02_Slaver_Camp.xml as finished level
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 48: Unlocking slaver_camp_night in
campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
load_campaign_level slaver_camp_night
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

02_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/02_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 46: Left

2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 60: Disposing of terrain
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 62: Clearing color path
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 64: Clearing detail texture ref
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 66: Clearing detail normal texture
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 68: Clearing detail texture color
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 70: Clearing texture color srgb
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 72: Clearing detail maps
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 74: Clearing detail object surfaces
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 82: Done with Dispose()
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 9
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 12
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 38
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 307 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 149 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 2 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 1 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 19:49:48 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading terrain object...

2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 19:49:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 674: Calculating detail texture
2024/01/20 19:49:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 729: Saving detail texture weights
2024/01/20 19:49:50 [f][__]: filesystem.cpp: 539: Got invalid mod id
2024/01/20 19:49:50 [i][__]:converttexture.cpp: 18: Converting
C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Documents/Wolfire/Overgrowth/__weights.png to
C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Documents/Wolfire/Overgrowth/__weights.png_converted.dds by
way of
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]:converttexture.cpp: 88: Conversion completed
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 99: Loading
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 582: Loading terrain
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Checking for terrain cache
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading cached terrain...
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 297: Loaded cached terrain:
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 598: *****************
2024/01/20 19:49:51 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 113
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 114
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
rescue_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong

layer: rescue_layer_0
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: rescue_layer_1
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: rescue_layer_2
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: rescue_layer_3
2024/01/20 19:49:52 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: rescue_layer_4
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Plants/simple/simple_conifer_branch.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Environment/cat_props/banner.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Environment/baskets/basket_tall_dirty.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:49:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:49:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:57 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 695: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 716:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 3
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 3168 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2954

but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2955
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2956
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2957
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2959
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2960
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2961
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2962
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2972
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3246
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3247
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3248
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3249
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3251
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3252
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3276
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3277
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3339
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3340
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3341
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3342
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3344
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3345
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3348
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 3349
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 557
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 19:49:57 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 113
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 114
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:49:58 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:49:59 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:00 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 36: Entered level

2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 10: Setting last played level in
campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign as slaver_camp_night
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 9 sky
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
spawn_defeat 3287
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 334: Disabling: 3287
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(false) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:4363: Disposing
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Start enable 3680
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set

music_layer_override to -2
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:50:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 12
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 19:50:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 19:50:03 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk, it's
needed again
2024/01/20 19:50:03 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock_normal.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk,
it's needed again
2024/01/20 19:50:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:50:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:50:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:50:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:50:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:50:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:50:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:50:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:50:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:50:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:50:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:50:59 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_yawn.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:51:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:51:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:51:30 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:51:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -1
2024/01/20 19:51:30 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:51:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:51:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:51:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:51:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:51:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:51:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:51:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:51:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:52:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:52:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3579
2024/01/20 19:52:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 572: Player 3579 was hit
by an item
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3566 is awake
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3579 was
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 19:52:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:52:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:52:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:52:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:52:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 19:52:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:52:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:52:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 409 failed a
2024/01/20 19:52:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3572
2024/01/20 19:52:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 3665 passive-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 3572 passive-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3665 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 3572 active-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 409 was
thrown by 3572
2024/01/20 19:52:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:52:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:52:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:52:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:52:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:52:21 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_yawn.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:52:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 3572 passive-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:23 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:23 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3572 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:52:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3665 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:52:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:52:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 409 failed a
2024/01/20 19:52:31 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3665 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:52:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:52:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3665 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3665 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:52:37 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 409 active-
blocked an attack by player 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 3665 was
thrown by 409
2024/01/20 19:52:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:52:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3665 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3572
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3566 is awake
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 3572 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:52:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 409 was
knocked over by player 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:52:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:52:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3665
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3566 is awake
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 3665 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:52:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3665 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:52:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:52:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:52:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:52:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:53:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3566 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:53:04 [w][us]: aschar.as: 848: fire_object_id is -1
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3566 is awake
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 409 was
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3566 is awake
2024/01/20 19:53:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 409 was
2024/01/20 19:53:06 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_crossarms_idle.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 3
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 3168 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(true) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
spawn_defeat 3287
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 334: Disabling: 3287
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(false) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:4363: Disposing
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Start enable 3680
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -2
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:18 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -1
2024/01/20 19:53:18 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:53:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:53:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:53:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:53:20 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:53:23 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:53:24 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_jump_land_soft.xml" 19
SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:24 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_light_concrete_jump_land_soft.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 572: Player 3579 was hit
by an item
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3566 is awake
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3579 was
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:53:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 19:53:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:53:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:53:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 409 dodged an
attack by player 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3566 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:53:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:48 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 409 active-
blocked an attack by player 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:48 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:49 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 409 dodged an
attack by player 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3566 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 3566 was
thrown by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3566 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3566 was
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:51 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:53:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3579 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:53:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:53:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3566 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:54:03 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 572: Player 3665 was hit
by an item
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3665 was
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:54:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:54:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:54:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 19:54:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:54:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:54:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3572
2024/01/20 19:54:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3572
2024/01/20 19:54:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3572
2024/01/20 19:54:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3572
2024/01/20 19:54:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3572
2024/01/20 19:54:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:54:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 3572 passive-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3572
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 409 was
2024/01/20 19:54:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 3
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 3168 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(true) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
spawn_defeat 3287
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 334: Disabling: 3287
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(false) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:4363: Disposing
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Start enable 3680
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -2
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -1
2024/01/20 19:55:02 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:55:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:55:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:55:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:55:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:55:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:55:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:55:31 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:55:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:55:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:55:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_fabric_edge_crawl.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:55:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_fabric_edge_crawl.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:55:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:55:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:55:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 409 active-
blocked an attack by player 3572
2024/01/20 19:55:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 3572 was
thrown by 409
2024/01/20 19:55:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:55:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:55:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3665
2024/01/20 19:55:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3665
2024/01/20 19:55:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:55:56 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 3579 passive-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:55:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:55:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:55:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:55:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3665 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:55:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3566
2024/01/20 19:55:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 409 was
knocked over by player 3572
2024/01/20 19:55:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3566 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3579 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 3566 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 3
2024/01/20 19:56:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:56:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 409 failed a
2024/01/20 19:56:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3579 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:56:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3665
2024/01/20 19:56:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3665 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:56:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:56:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 3665 passive-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:11 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3572 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3665
2024/01/20 19:56:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3572 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:56:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3665 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3579 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3579 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:56:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3572
2024/01/20 19:56:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:56:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:56:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:56:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3579 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 409 was
knocked over by player 3572
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3579 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 409 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 3
2024/01/20 19:56:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 409 was
knocked over by player 3665
2024/01/20 19:56:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as: 917: Damaged!
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 3
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 3168 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(true) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
spawn_defeat 3287
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 334: Disabling: 3287
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(false) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:4363: Disposing
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Start enable 3680
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -2
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -1
2024/01/20 19:56:21 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:56:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:56:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:56:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:56:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:56:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 19:56:31 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:56:31 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 409 failed a
2024/01/20 19:56:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 572: Player 3579 was hit
by an item
2024/01/20 19:56:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3579 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:56:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:37 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3579 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3579 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:56:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3566
2024/01/20 19:56:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3566 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3579 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 3566 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3566 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:41 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3579 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 3579 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:56:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3579 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3665 is awake
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:56:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3579 was
2024/01/20 19:56:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 19:56:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:56:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:56:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:56:57 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:57:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 572: Player 3665 was hit
by an item
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3572 is awake
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3665 was
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:57:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 19:57:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 19:57:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 2995 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 19:57:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3572 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:57:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3572
2024/01/20 19:57:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 409 was
knocked over by player 3572
2024/01/20 19:57:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:57:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 409 active-
blocked an attack by player 3572
2024/01/20 19:57:37 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 3572 was
thrown by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:37 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
3579 3572 3665 3566
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3572 was
2024/01/20 19:57:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:57:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:57:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:57:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:57:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 3572 was cut
by 409
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 0
to 1
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade Boss
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(true) for 3287
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
spawn_defeat 3287
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3287 is awake
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 19:57:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Boss.txt that is
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Boss.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Boss.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Boss.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Boss.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Boss.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Boss.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 3
2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 2995
2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:57:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 4
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1962: make_participants_aware
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 409
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 19:58:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:58:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 3287 started
a roll
2024/01/20 19:58:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:58:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 409 failed a
2024/01/20 19:58:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 409 dodged an
attack by player 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3287 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:58:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 409 dodged an
attack by player 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3287 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:58:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:23 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:24 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 3287 dodged
an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:58:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 3287 passive-
blocked an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:58:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 3287 dodged
an attack by player 409
2024/01/20 19:58:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 409 missed an
attack aimed at 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 409 passive-
blocked an attack by player 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 3287 missed
an attack aimed at 409
2024/01/20 19:58:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3287 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:58:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 409 failed a
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 409 was cut
by 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 3287 was
knocked over by player 409
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
spawn_defeat 3287
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade Win play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 3287 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 19:58:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:58:39 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 409 started a
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 1
to 2
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade Win play_success_sting
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Win.txt that is
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Win.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Win.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Win.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Win.txt in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Win.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp/Win.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 0
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:58:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 54: Getting msg in
lugaru: levelwin
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 67: Setting
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml as finished level
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 48: Unlocking construction_site_cliff
in campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
load_campaign_level construction_site_cliff
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is
04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml in
og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/04_Main_Slaver_Camp.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 46: Left

2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 60: Disposing of terrain
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 62: Clearing color path
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 64: Clearing detail texture ref
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 66: Clearing detail normal texture
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 68: Clearing detail texture color
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 70: Clearing texture color srgb
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 72: Clearing detail maps
2024/01/20 19:59:49 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 74: Clearing detail object surfaces
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 82: Done with Dispose()
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 12
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 279 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 147 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 2 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 1 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading terrain object...

2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 582: Loading terrain
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Checking for terrain cache
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading cached terrain...
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 297: Loaded cached terrain:
2024/01/20 19:59:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 598: *****************
2024/01/20 19:59:51 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144: Data/GrassTest/grass_square.xml
is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:59:51 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:51 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:51 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:51 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 19:59:52 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to
2024/01/20 19:59:52 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 117
2024/01/20 19:59:52 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 118
2024/01/20 19:59:52 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/WaterProps/RaftSail.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:59:52 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:52 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:53 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Characters/Campaign/Rabbit_Builder.xml" in any of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:59:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Plants/Groundcover/Groundcover1.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
slaver_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:54 [w][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1356: Music is already loaded, will not

reload: "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Music/
slaver_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong

layer: slavers_layer_0
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_1
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_2
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_3
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_4
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Characters/Campaign/Rat_Builder.xml" in any of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 19:59:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:57 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Prototypes/Common/WaterfallTall.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144: Data/Prototypes/Common/Splash.xml
is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Plants/Groundcover/wildflowers/blue_wildflower.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 19:59:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 19:59:59 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Characters/prefabs/Dog_Guard_Hard.xml" in any of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 20:00:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:01 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 698:
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 716:
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:01 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144: Data/Objects/water_test.xml is

double sided!
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1028
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array
is available
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 117
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 118
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:00:02 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:05 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:06 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 36: Entered level

2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 10: Setting last played level in
campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign as construction_site_cliff
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 12 sky
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 1
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 2
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 3
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 3
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 4
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Start disable 958
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Start.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Start.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Start.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set

music_layer_override to 0
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 38
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 39
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 40
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 41
2024/01/20 20:00:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 42
2024/01/20 20:00:08 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk, it's
needed again
2024/01/20 20:00:08 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock_normal.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk,
it's needed again
2024/01/20 20:00:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:00:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:00:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:00:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 0, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 0
2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 0
2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 0
2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Builders.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Builders.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Builders.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Builders.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Builders.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Builders.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Builders.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:00:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 20:00:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 0
to 1
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue PlacesBridge music_layer_override 0
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 1
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 1)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 2)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 3
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 3)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 4)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 5)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 6)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 7)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 8)
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:00:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:01:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:01:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:01:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:01:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:01:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/PlacesBridge.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:25 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:02:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 1, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 1
2024/01/20 20:02:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 1
to 2
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 3
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 6)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 7)
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 2, 2, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 2
2024/01/20 20:02:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 2
2024/01/20 20:02:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 2
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 2
to 3
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 3
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 6)
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 3, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 3
2024/01/20 20:02:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:42 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 3
to 4
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:02:46 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:02:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:02:49 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:02:49 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:02:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:02:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:02:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:02:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:02:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:02:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:03:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:03:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:03:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 5, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 6, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 7, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 8, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 3, 9, 5)
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 4, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 4
2024/01/20 20:03:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 4
to 5
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:35 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:03:52 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 1, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 1
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 7 was knocked
2024/01/20 20:03:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: level.as: 142: Level script received "reset"
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 0
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 1
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 2
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 3
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 298: Iterating through
completed goal: 4
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 6
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 7
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 8
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 9
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 10
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 6, 1)
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 7, 2)
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 8, 3)
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 4, 9, 4)
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 4
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:04:01 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:04:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:04:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:04:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 5, 5, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 5
2024/01/20 20:04:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 5
2024/01/20 20:04:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 5
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 5
to 6
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 6, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 1)
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 2)
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 3)
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 6, 6, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 6
2024/01/20 20:04:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 6
2024/01/20 20:04:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 6
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 6
to 7
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: music_layer_override 1 dialogue Places
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 7, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 1)
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 2)
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:04:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 5, 7, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 5
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 5, 8, 1)
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 5
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 5, 9, 2)
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 5
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:04:28 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 6, 7, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 6
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 404: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 6, 8, 1)
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 6
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 6, 9, 2)
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 6
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:04:34 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:04:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:04:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 7, 7, 0)
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 7
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach_skippable 7
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 7
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Sky.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Sky.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Sky.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Sky.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Sky.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Sky.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:58 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Sky.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:04:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 20:04:59 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to -1
2024/01/20 20:04:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:04:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 7
to 8
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 0)
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3739 is awake
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 1)
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:05:00 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:05:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:05:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:05:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:05:31 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 572: Player 3739 was hit
by an item
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as: 917: Damaged!
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 0)
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
31 is awake
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 1)
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 3739 was
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:05:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:05:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 20:05:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:05:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:05:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:05:51 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:05:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:06:05 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 31 was thrown
by 7
2024/01/20 20:06:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:06 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 31 was
knocked over by player 7
2024/01/20 20:06:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 7 missed an
attack aimed at 31
2024/01/20 20:06:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:09 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 7 passive-
blocked an attack by player 31
2024/01/20 20:06:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:10 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 7 passive-
blocked an attack by player 31
2024/01/20 20:06:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 590: Player 7 dodged an
attack by player 31
2024/01/20 20:06:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 31 missed an
attack aimed at 7
2024/01/20 20:06:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 31 was thrown
by 7
2024/01/20 20:06:12 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 31 started a
2024/01/20 20:06:13 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 596: Player 7 missed an
attack aimed at 31
2024/01/20 20:06:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:14 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 584: Player 7 passive-
blocked an attack by player 31
2024/01/20 20:06:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 7 was knocked
over by player 31
2024/01/20 20:06:15 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:06:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:06:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 587: Player 7 active-
blocked an attack by player 31
2024/01/20 20:06:21 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 602: Player 31 was thrown
by 7
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 0)
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 1)
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 31 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 8, 0)
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
3730 is awake
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 456: Checking next
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 1)
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 31 was killed
2024/01/20 20:06:22 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 31 was
knocked over by player 7
2024/01/20 20:06:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:06:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:06:50 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:06:51 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2278
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 8, 0)
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat_optional 3730 3739 31
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type:
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 9, 1)
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
reach 8
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: reach
2024/01/20 20:06:53 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 398: id: 8
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 8
to 9
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue Places music_layer_override -2
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 9, 0)
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: reach 8
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress: 9
to 10
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade Dog enable 958
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
4017 is awake
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Dog.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Dog.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Dog.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Dog.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Dog.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Dog.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Dog.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 2
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:06:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 4
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1962: make_participants_aware
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 7
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as:1966: id_a: 4017
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Places.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor

2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:07:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 4017
2024/01/20 20:07:08 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:07:11 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 569: Player 7 failed a
2024/01/20 20:07:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:07:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:07:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:07:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 4017
2024/01/20 20:07:16 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:07:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 4017
2024/01/20 20:07:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:17 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 605: Player 7 was cut by
2024/01/20 20:07:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:07:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 4017
2024/01/20 20:07:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:19 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 4017 was
knocked over by player 7
2024/01/20 20:07:20 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:07:20 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 4017 started
a roll
2024/01/20 20:07:21 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2278
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:07:25 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2278
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:07:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:07:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 4017
2024/01/20 20:07:26 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:26 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 2278
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:07:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(checkpoint, 8, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 386: Player entered
checkpoint: 8
2024/01/20 20:07:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 389: Looking at goal:
defeat 4017
2024/01/20 20:07:29 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 394: goal_type: defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 566: Player 4017 started
a roll
2024/01/20 20:07:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_roll.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:07:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/concrete_foley/fs_heavy_concrete_roll.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:07:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:07:32 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 581: Player 4017 was
knocked over by player 7
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 10, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade Win play_success_sting
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 560: Player 4017 was
knocked out
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:07:33 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 563: Player 7 started a
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 210: IncrementProgress:
10 to 11
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 181: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue_fade Win play_success_sting
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 11, 0)
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Win.txt that is
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Win.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Win.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Win.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Win.txt in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Win.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site/Win.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6363: *****Received

2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 501: Set
music_layer_override to 0
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6470: Equip item: 78
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 78 to slot
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 54: Getting msg in
lugaru: levelwin
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 67: Setting
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml as finished level
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 48: Unlocking farm in campaign com-
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
load_campaign_level farm
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml that is
Data/Levels/og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml in
og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/05_Watchtower_Build_Site.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 46: Left

2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 60: Disposing of terrain
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 62: Clearing color path
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 64: Clearing detail texture ref
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 66: Clearing detail normal texture
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 68: Clearing detail texture color
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 70: Clearing texture color srgb
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 72: Clearing detail maps
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 74: Clearing detail object surfaces
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 82: Done with Dispose()
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 13
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:07:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 38
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 39
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 40
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 41
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 42
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 365 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 186 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is
06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is
06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 2 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 1 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is
06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is
06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is
06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading terrain object...

2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:55 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 582: Loading terrain
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Checking for terrain cache
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading cached terrain...
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 297: Loaded cached terrain:
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 598: *****************
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:56 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:07:57 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to
2024/01/20 20:07:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:07:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:57 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:57 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 144
2024/01/20 20:07:57 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 145
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/emitter.as: 16: type_string: Smoke
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/emitter.as: 16: type_string: Smoke
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Environment/baskets/basket_tall.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:58 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [i][us]:hotspots/emitter.as: 16: type_string: Smoke
2024/01/20 20:07:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Characters/prefabs/Dog_Guard_Elite.xml" in any of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree1_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_a.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:00 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
"Data/Objects/Plants/Trees/prefabs/pinetree2_b_tops.xml" in any of the requested
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
slaver_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:01 [w][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1356: Music is already loaded, will not

reload: "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Music/
slaver_loop/layers.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong

layer: slavers_layer_0
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_1
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_2
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_3
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 495: Creating a PlayedLayeredSong
layer: slavers_layer_4
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:08:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is
06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:03 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 695: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 716:
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 10693 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 10705 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 10706 to
slot 2
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array

is available
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 144
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 145
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:08:03 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is
06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

06_Occupied_Farm.xml that is Data/Levels/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 36: Entered level

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: save/linear.as: 10: Setting last played level in
campaign com-wolfire-overgrowth-campaign as farm
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 13 sky
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 321: Iterating through
future goals: 1
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 324: Goal_str:
spawn_defeat 976
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 334: Disabling: 976
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:4360: SetEnabled(false) for 976
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:4363: Disposing
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 174: Triggering
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 108: Triggering goal
string: dialogue "Start"
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm/Start.txt that is
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm/Start.txt in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm/Start.txt that is
Data/Dialogues/og_story/06_Occupied_Farm/Start.txt in
og_story/06_Occupied_Farm/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

og_story/06_Occupied_Farm/Start.txt" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 14

2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 380:
PossibleWinEvent(character_defeated, -1, 0, 0)
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 415: Character defeated,
checking goal
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 418: Goal_str: defeat
10685 10686 10692 10694 10707
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 424: Checking defeat
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
10685 is awake
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
10686 is awake
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
10692 is awake
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
10694 is awake
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 432: Looking at token
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 436: Conditions failed,
10707 is awake
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:hotspots/overgrowth_level.as: 557: Player 815 was
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:2721: Setting patrol_idle_override to
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 38
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 39
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 40
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 41
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 42
2024/01/20 20:08:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 43
2024/01/20 20:08:05 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk, it's
needed again
2024/01/20 20:08:05 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock_normal.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk,
it's needed again
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6318: Ignoring request to back
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/inGameMenu-bg.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-diamond.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-continue.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-retry.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-flower.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-totem.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1841: Popping and tossing state
Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1841: Popping and tossing state
Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1841: Popping and tossing state
Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1841: Popping and tossing state
Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1836: Popping state to
standard_campaign_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(1,"" (invalid)
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 46: Left
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 60: Disposing of terrain
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 62: Clearing color path
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 64: Clearing detail texture ref
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 66: Clearing detail normal texture
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 68: Clearing detail texture color
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 70: Clearing texture color srgb
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 72: Clearing detail maps
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 74: Clearing detail object surfaces
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 82: Done with Dispose()
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 38
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 39
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 40
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 41
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 16
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:08:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 42
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 43
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 314 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 164 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][us]:standard_campaign_menu.as: 24: com-wolfire-overgrowth-
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][us]:standard_campaign_menu.as: 29: size: 29
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-lock.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/white_square.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Thumbnails/og_story/smallest_01_slaver_camp_landing.jpg" 26
TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-diamond.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button_square.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:

"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/casual_difficulty.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Thumbnails/og_story/smallest_02_slaver_camp.jpg" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Thumbnails/og_story/smallest_04_main_slaver_camp.jpg" 26
TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Thumbnails/og_story/smallest_05_watchtower_build_site.jpg" 26
TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Thumbnails/og_story/smallest_06_occupied_farm.jpg" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/no_difficulty.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/navigation_large.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-back.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-navigation.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/black_square.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/bg/background_2.jpg" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1816: Popping and tossing state
campaign/linear_campaign.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1811: Popping state to
play_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(3,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Scripts/standard_campaign_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(4,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Scripts/campaign/linear_campaign.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][us]:campaign/linear_campaign.as: 50: Left campaign
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:08:18 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:22 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back

2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1811: Popping state to
mainmenu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(3,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Scripts/play_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:08:22 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:25 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: mods

2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2202: Looking for mods in
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:

2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
wolfire_machine_translations/Data/Images/wolfire_sandbox_levels/thumb.jpg" in any
of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [e][__]: modloading.cpp: 671: Error when parsing mod.xml for
mod com-wolfire-machine-translations error kValidityMissingThumbnailFile on row 8
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:2159: Reload mod:
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [e][__]: filesystem.cpp: 333: Unable to find
wolfire_machine_translations/Data/Images/wolfire_sandbox_levels/thumb.jpg" in any
of the requested locations.
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [e][__]: modloading.cpp: 671: Error when parsing mod.xml for
mod com-wolfire-machine-translations error kValidityMissingThumbnailFile on row 8
2024/01/20 20:08:25 [w][us]: controller.as: 159: Tried clearing controller items
starting at index 0, but there are only 0 controller items available
2024/01/20 20:08:34 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1045: I3
2024/01/20 20:08:34 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 20:08:34 [i][as]: asfuncs.cpp:6121: Saving config at request from
angel script
2024/01/20 20:08:34 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:
2024/01/20 20:08:35 [i][__]:scriptable_ui.cpp: 117: ModActivation:
ModActivationReload() called
2024/01/20 20:08:35 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1327: ModActivationReload!
2024/01/20 20:08:36 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1045: I2
2024/01/20 20:08:36 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 20:08:36 [i][__]:scriptable_ui.cpp: 117: ModActivation:
ModActivationReload() called
2024/01/20 20:08:36 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1327: ModActivationReload!
2024/01/20 20:08:36 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1045: I1
2024/01/20 20:08:36 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 20:08:37 [i][__]:scriptable_ui.cpp: 117: ModActivation:
ModActivationReload() called
2024/01/20 20:08:37 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1327: ModActivationReload!
2024/01/20 20:08:37 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1045: I0
2024/01/20 20:08:37 [i][__]: modloading.cpp:1190: Added mod path to filesystem
2024/01/20 20:08:37 [i][__]:scriptable_ui.cpp: 117: ModActivation:
ModActivationReload() called
2024/01/20 20:08:37 [i][us]:modmenu/main.as:1327: ModActivationReload!
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1811: Popping state to
mainmenu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(3,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Scripts/modmenu/main.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][as]: asfuncs.cpp:7018: Saving mod config
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:08:38 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:40 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:

2024/01/20 20:08:40 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6184: S play_menu.as
2024/01/20 20:08:40 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:40 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:40 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:40 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:08:40 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:08:40 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:44 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:

set_campaign com-wolfire-arena
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6246: Setting campaign
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6247: set_campaign com-wolfire-arena
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6263: Initializing campaign state with
script "C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/Scripts/
campaign/arena_campaign.as" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6265: Campaign accepted, loading as

2024/01/20 20:08:44 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6184: S arena_campaign_menu.as
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][us]:arena_campaign_menu.as: 23: com-wolfire-arena
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][us]:arena_campaign_menu.as: 28: size: 4
2024/01/20 20:08:44 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:levelxmlparser.cpp: 107: Image sub element contents for
LoadingScreen is null.
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:levelxmlparser.cpp: 107: Image sub element contents for

LoadingScreen is null.
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5512: No loading screen image, loading

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 38 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 35 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [e][__]:EntityDescription.cpp: 623: Invalid quaternion in level
xml file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 374: Mismatch between navmesh build
data and navmesh level parameters
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading terrain object...

2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 582: Loading terrain
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Checking for terrain cache
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading cached terrain...
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 297: Loaded cached terrain:
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 598: *****************
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:08:50 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 123
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 124
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/characters/fans/mixed_fans.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml in
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:51 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 695: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 716:
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 20:08:51 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array

is available
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
lugaru_new.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects

2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:08:52 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 123
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 124
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 16 sky
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk, it's
needed again
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock_normal.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk,
it's needed again
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:08:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 23
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/Rocky/black_dust_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:55 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/signs/glyph_rabbit_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:08:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:08:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:08:59 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:08:59 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:09:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 429 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:09:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:09:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:09:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 429 was killed
2024/01/20 20:09:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:09:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:06 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 20:09:06 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6318: Ignoring request to back
2024/01/20 20:09:06 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:06 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-flower.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:09:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:09:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:09:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 428 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:09:13 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:09:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:09:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 429
2024/01/20 20:09:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 429 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:09:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 429 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:09:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 428 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:09:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:09:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:09:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:09:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:09:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:09:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 428 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 428 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:09:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:09:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:09:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 429 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:09:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 429
2024/01/20 20:09:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:09:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 426 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:09:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 429
2024/01/20 20:09:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:09:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 429 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:09:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:09:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:09:32 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogBroadSword.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogBroadSword/DogBroadSword_s.tga" 18
IMAGE_SAMPLER_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 696 to slot
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 698 to slot
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 699 to slot
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 700 to slot
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:09:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:09:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:42 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_bigdogswordattacksideblocked.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:42 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_dogswordparryright.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 429 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:09:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 429 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:09:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 429 was killed
2024/01/20 20:09:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:09:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:09:44 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 429 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:09:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 428 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:09:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 428 was killed
2024/01/20 20:09:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:09:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:09:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:09:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:09:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:09:49 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:09:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 696
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 696, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 698
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 698, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:09:56 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:09:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:09:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:09:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:09:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:09:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:09:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:09:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:09:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 428 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 429 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:10:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:10:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 429 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:10:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 429
2024/01/20 20:10:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 428 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 426 was thrown by 428
2024/01/20 20:10:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:10:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 428 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:10:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 429 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:10:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 428 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 429 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:10:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:10:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 429 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 429 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:10:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:10:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 429 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:23 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:10:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:23 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 429 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 428 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:10:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 428 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 428 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:10:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:30 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:10:31 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:31 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_yawn.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:10:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:10:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:10:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:10:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 428 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:10:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 428
2024/01/20 20:10:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 429 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 428 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:10:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 426 was thrown by 428
2024/01/20 20:10:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:10:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 428 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 428 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 428 and 429 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:10:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:10:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:10:52 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:10:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 428
2024/01/20 20:10:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:10:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 428 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:10:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:10:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 429 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:10:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:10:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 428 missed an attack aimed
at 427
2024/01/20 20:10:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 428 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:10:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 428 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:10:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:10:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 429 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:10:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 429 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:11:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:11:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:11:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:11:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 429
2024/01/20 20:11:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:11:02 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:11:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:11:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 428
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit_actor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/raider_rabbit/raider_rabbit_pale_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Skeletons/r_raider_rabbit.xml" 1 SKELETON_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 429
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 429: Character:
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:11:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:11:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:11:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:11:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:11:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:11:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:11:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:11:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 427 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:11:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 427 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:11:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 426 was thrown by 427
2024/01/20 20:11:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:11:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:11:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:11:25 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/IGF_Guard/base_guard_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:11:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:11:34 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:11:34 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:11:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 440 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:11:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 440
2024/01/20 20:11:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:11:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:11:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 440 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:11:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 427 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:11:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:11:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 441 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:11:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 440
2024/01/20 20:11:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:11:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:11:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:11:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 440 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:11:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:11:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:11:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 427 active-blocked an
attack by player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:44 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 441 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:11:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 427 active-blocked an
attack by player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 441 was thrown by 427
2024/01/20 20:11:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 441 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:11:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:11:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:11:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 440 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:11:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 441 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 441
2024/01/20 20:11:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 427 dodged an attack by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 441 missed an attack aimed
at 427
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 440 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 427 dodged an attack by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:11:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 441 missed an attack aimed
at 427
2024/01/20 20:11:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 441 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 440 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:11:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:11:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:11:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:11:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:11:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:12:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 440 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 441 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:12:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:12:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:12:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 441 was killed
2024/01/20 20:12:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:12:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:12:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 440 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:12:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:12:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:12:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 427 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:12:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:12:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:12:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 440 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:12:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:12:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:12:07 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:12:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:12:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:12:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:12:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:12:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 441 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 426 was thrown by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:12:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:12:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:12:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 440 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:12:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:12:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:12:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:12:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:12:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:12:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:12:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 441 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:12:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 441 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:12:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 440 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:12:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:12:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:12:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:12:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:12:30 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_sharpness.tga" 18
IMAGE_SAMPLER_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 814 to slot
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 815 to slot
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 816 to slot
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 817 to slot
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidlestand_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife_threat.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_movement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_standmovement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_run5_knife2.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:12:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:12:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:12:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:12:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:12:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:12:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 441 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 440 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 441 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 440
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 441 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 440
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 441 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 441 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 441
2024/01/20 20:12:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 440 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:12:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 440 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:12:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:12:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 441 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:12:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 440
2024/01/20 20:12:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 440
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 441 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 440
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 441 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 441
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 441 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 441 was killed
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 2
2024/01/20 20:12:43 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:12:46 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 20:12:46 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6318: Ignoring request to back
2024/01/20 20:12:46 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:12:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:12:54 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 816
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 816, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:12:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:12:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:12:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:12:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:12:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 440 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 440 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 440 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 441 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:13:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:13:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 441 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 440 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 440
2024/01/20 20:13:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 440
2024/01/20 20:13:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 440 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 440
2024/01/20 20:13:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:13:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:13:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:13:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:13:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:13:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:13:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:13:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 440 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 440 and 441 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:13:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:13:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:13:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 440 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:13:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:13:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 441 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 440 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 441
2024/01/20 20:13:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 427 active-blocked an
attack by player 440
2024/01/20 20:13:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 441 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:13:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:13:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 440
2024/01/20 20:13:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:13:20 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:13:21 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_yawn.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:13:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:13:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:13:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:34 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:13:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 427 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:13:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:13:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:13:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:44 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:13:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:13:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:13:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:13:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:13:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:13:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:13:48 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:13:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit_actor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/raider_rabbit/raider_rabbit_pale_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Skeletons/r_raider_rabbit.xml" 1 SKELETON_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogBroadSword.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 912 to slot
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 913 to slot
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 914 to slot
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 915 to slot
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 910 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 911 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 910 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 911 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 910 and 911 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 910 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 911 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 910 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 911 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 910 and 911 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:13:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:13:56 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:13:56 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_dogswordthrow.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 911 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 911 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 427 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:13:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:13:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 911 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:13:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 911 was killed
2024/01/20 20:13:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:13:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 20:13:59 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:59 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:13:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:13:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 914 to slot
2024/01/20 20:13:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 910 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:13:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 910
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 910
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 910
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:14:01 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:14:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 910
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 913
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 913, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 910
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 910: Character:
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:14:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:14:09 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:14:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:14:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 427 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:14:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 427
2024/01/20 20:14:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:14:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:14:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:14:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:14:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:14:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:14:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:14:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:14:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:14:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:14:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:14:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:14:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:14:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 427
2024/01/20 20:14:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:14:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:14:31 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:14:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:14:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:14:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:14:31 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/IGF_Guard/base_guard_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogBroadSword.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 949 to slot
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 950 to slot
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 951 to slot
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 952 to slot
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 920 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 921 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 920 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 921 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 920 and 921 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 920 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 921 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 920 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 921 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 920 and 921 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:14:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:14:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:14:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:14:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 920 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 920 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:14:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 920
2024/01/20 20:14:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 921 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:14:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 921
2024/01/20 20:14:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 920
2024/01/20 20:14:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:14:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:14:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 921
2024/01/20 20:14:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 921
2024/01/20 20:14:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 921
2024/01/20 20:14:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 921
2024/01/20 20:14:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 921
2024/01/20 20:14:43 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:14:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:14:44 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_bigdogswordattackoverblocked.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:44 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_dogswordparryleft.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 920 passive-blocked an
attack by player 921
2024/01/20 20:14:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 920 missed an attack aimed
at 921
2024/01/20 20:14:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_dogswordthrow.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:14:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 920 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:14:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 920 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:14:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:14:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 920 was killed
2024/01/20 20:14:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 3
2024/01/20 20:14:48 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:14:55 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:14:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:14:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:14:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:15:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:15:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:15:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:15:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:09 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit_actor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/raider_rabbit/raider_rabbit_pale_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Skeletons/r_raider_rabbit.xml" 1 SKELETON_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogSword/dogsword_sharpness.tga" 18
IMAGE_SAMPLER_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 957 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 958 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 999 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1000 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:15:16 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:15:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 427 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:15:18 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:15:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 20:15:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 999 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 957 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 958 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 999 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1000 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:15:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 427 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:15:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 20:15:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 999 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 956 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:15:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 956 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:15:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 2
2024/01/20 20:15:29 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:15:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 999 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:35 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogSpear.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogSpear.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogGlaive/dogglaive_color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogGlaive/dogglaive_normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogGlaive/dogglaive_sharpness.tga" 18
IMAGE_SAMPLER_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 957 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 958 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 999 to slot
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1000 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:15:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:15:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:15:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:15:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:15:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:15:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:15:37 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Particles/woodspeck.xml" 20 PARTICLE_TYPE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_staff_hit_staff_strong.xml" 19
SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_staff_hit_staff_strong.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 956 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:15:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Attacks/reaction_medfrontspear.xml" 11 REACTION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 955 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:15:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 955 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:15:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_blockfrontstaggerspear.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 955 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:15:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 955 was killed
2024/01/20 20:15:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 956 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 956 was killed
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:15:42 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_yawn.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 957
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 957, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:15:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:15:49 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:15:49 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:15:49 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:15:49 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:15:50 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:50 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 955
2024/01/20 20:15:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 956 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 956
2024/01/20 20:15:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 956 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 955 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:15:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 956 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 955 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:15:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 956 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:15:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 955
2024/01/20 20:15:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:15:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 955 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 955 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:15:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:15:57 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:15:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:15:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:15:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:15:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 3
2024/01/20 20:16:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 956 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 955 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:16:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 955 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:16:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 956 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:16:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:16:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 427 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 427
2024/01/20 20:16:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:16:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 956 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:16:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 956 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 956
2024/01/20 20:16:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:16:11 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:16:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:16:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 3
2024/01/20 20:16:11 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:16:17 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit_actor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/raider_rabbit/raider_rabbit_pale_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Skeletons/r_raider_rabbit.xml" 1 SKELETON_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1122 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1123 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1124 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1125 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 955 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 955 and 956 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidlestand_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife_threat.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_movement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_standmovement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:18 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_run5_knife2.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:19 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:16:19 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:16:19 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:16:19 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 956 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit_neck.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit_neck.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 427 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 956
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 956 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 956
2024/01/20 20:16:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:16:21 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1124 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:16:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 956 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:16:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 956
2024/01/20 20:16:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1125 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 955 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 427 dodged an attack by
player 955
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 955 missed an attack aimed
at 427
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:16:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 955 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 956 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:24 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 955 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 955
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 956
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 956 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 956 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:16:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 956 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 955 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:16:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:16:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 955
2024/01/20 20:16:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:16:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 955 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:16:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:16:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 955
2024/01/20 20:16:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:16:29 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:16:29 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 955 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:16:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:16:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:16:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:16:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:16:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:16:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:16:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 427 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 427 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:16:50 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 426 was thrown by 427
2024/01/20 20:16:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:16:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:16:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:16:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:16:51 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit_actor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/raider_rabbit/raider_rabbit_pale_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Skeletons/r_raider_rabbit.xml" 1 SKELETON_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:57 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1174
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1174
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1174 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1174
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1174
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1174 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:16:58 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:16:59 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:16:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1175 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:17:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:01 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1175 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1175 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:17:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 1174 active-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:17:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 426 was thrown by 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:17:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 2
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1174
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1174
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1174 and 1175
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:17:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1174 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:17:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1174 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:17:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:17:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1175
2024/01/20 20:17:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 1174 active-blocked an
attack by player 1175
2024/01/20 20:17:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 1175 was thrown by 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1175 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1175 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:17:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1175 was knocked over by
player 1174
2024/01/20 20:17:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 2
2024/01/20 20:17:19 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:17:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1174 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:17:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 1175 was killed
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/IGF_Guard/base_guard_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:17:26 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1174
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1174: Character:
2024/01/20 20:17:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:17:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:17:28 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:17:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:17:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:17:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:17:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 427 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:17:33 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:17:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:17:39 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:17:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:17:39 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:17:39 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:17:39 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:17:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogBroadSword.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1204 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1205 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1206 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1207 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1202 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1202 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:17:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:17:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 1202 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:17:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1203
2024/01/20 20:17:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:17:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:17:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1202 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:17:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 1202 was killed
2024/01/20 20:17:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:17:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1202 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:17:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 1203
2024/01/20 20:17:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1203
2024/01/20 20:17:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:17:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 1203 dodged an attack by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:17:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 1203
2024/01/20 20:17:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 1203
2024/01/20 20:17:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1203
2024/01/20 20:17:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:17:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:17:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 3
2024/01/20 20:17:53 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1204 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1205 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1206 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1207 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1202 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1202 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidlestand_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife_threat.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_movement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_standmovement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_run5_knife2.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:18:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:18:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1202 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:18:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:02 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:02 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1202 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1202 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1202 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1203
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1202 was cut by 427
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1203
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:18:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:18:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1204 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 1203 missed an attack
aimed at 426
2024/01/20 20:18:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1203 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:18:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1203 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:18:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:18:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1206 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit_neck.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit_neck.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 1203 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1203 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:12 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1202 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1202 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:18:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 1202 was killed
2024/01/20 20:18:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogSpear.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogSpear.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogGlaive/dogglaive_color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogGlaive/dogglaive_normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1204 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1205 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1206 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1207 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1202 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1202
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1202 and 1203
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:18:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:18:21 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:18:21 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:18:21 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:18:21 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Attacks/reaction_medfrontspear.xml" 11 REACTION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 427 passive-blocked an
attack by player 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_staff_hit_staff_strong.xml" 19
SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_staff_hit_staff_strong.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/hit/spear_hit_flesh.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/hit/spear_hit_flesh.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 426 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:18:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:23 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:23 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:23 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 20:18:23 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:23 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:23 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:23 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1207 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1202
2024/01/20 20:18:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:18:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:18:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:18:25 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:18:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 427 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:18:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/voice/animal2/voice_bunny_light_block.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/voice/animal2/voice_bunny_light_block.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1207
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1207, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:18:32 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1202
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1202: Character:
2024/01/20 20:18:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:18:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:18:35 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:18:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:18:36 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:18:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:40 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:18:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:18:40 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:18:40 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:18:40 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:18:41 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 427 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogBroadSword.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1213 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1333 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1334 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1335 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:18:47 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:18:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:18:48 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:18:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 427 was cut by 1211
2024/01/20 20:18:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:18:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:18:50 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:50 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 1212 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:18:50 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1212 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:18:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1212 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:18:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 1212 was killed
2024/01/20 20:18:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:18:52 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_dogswordthrow.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:18:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 1211 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:18:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 1211 was killed
2024/01/20 20:18:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:18:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:18:53 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:18:53 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:18:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:18:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1334 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:18:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1213
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1213, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1334
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1334, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:19:00 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:19:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:19:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 1212 missed an attack
aimed at 426
2024/01/20 20:19:03 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1212 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:19:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:19:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:19:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1212 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:19:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 1211
2024/01/20 20:19:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 1211 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:19:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1211 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1211 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:09 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:19:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1212 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:19:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:19:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1211 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:19:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1211 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1211 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:19:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 1211 was killed
2024/01/20 20:19:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:19:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 427 missed an attack aimed
at 426
2024/01/20 20:19:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:22 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:25 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:25 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:19:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:19:25 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:19:25 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:19:26 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit_actor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/raider_rabbit/raider_rabbit_pale_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Skeletons/r_raider_rabbit.xml" 1 SKELETON_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1417 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1418 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1419 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1420 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidlestand_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife_threat.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_movement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_standmovement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_run5_knife2.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:19:32 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:19:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:19:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 427 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:34 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:35 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:35 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1211 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:19:35 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:19:35 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1418 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 1212
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 1212 missed an attack
aimed at 426
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1212 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1212
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 426 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 426 was killed
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:19:37 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:19:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1212 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:19:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1212
2024/01/20 20:19:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/voice/animal2/voice_bunny_light_block.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/voice/animal2/voice_bunny_light_block.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:19:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:19:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1417 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1418
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1418, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1419
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1419, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1417
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1417, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:19:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:19:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:46 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 1212
2024/01/20 20:19:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:19:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1211 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:19:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 1212 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:19:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 1212
2024/01/20 20:19:49 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:19:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 1212
2024/01/20 20:19:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:19:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:19:51 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1211 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:19:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1212 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:19:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:19:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1211 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:19:55 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1212 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:19:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1212 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:19:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:19:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:19:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1212 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:19:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:19:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 2
2024/01/20 20:19:59 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1211 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1211
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1211 and 1212
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:03 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1212 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:20:04 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:04 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:20:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:20:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:06 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1212 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:20:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1212 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:20:07 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:20:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1212 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:20:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:10 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 426 passive-blocked an
attack by player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:11 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 426 dodged an attack by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 1211 missed an attack
aimed at 426
2024/01/20 20:20:11 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 1211 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:20:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:20:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:20:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:20:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:14 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:20:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 1211 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:20:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 891: Player 1211 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:20:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 915: Player 1211 dodged an attack by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 426 was thrown by 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:20:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:20:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 2
2024/01/20 20:20:20 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:20:21 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:21 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 1211
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit_actor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/characters/raider_rabbit.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/raider_rabbit/raider_rabbit_pale_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Skeletons/r_raider_rabbit.xml" 1 SKELETON_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:20:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:20:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:30 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:31 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:20:31 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:20:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:31 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:20:35 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 911: Player 426 active-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:20:37 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 928: Player 427 was thrown by 426
2024/01/20 20:20:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 427 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:20:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:20:38 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:20:38 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/spatterdecal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 16 ITEM_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogKnife/dogknife_normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1417 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1465 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1466 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1467 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1336 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1336 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_movement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_standmovement_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidlestand_knife.xml" 2 SYNCED_ANIMATION_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_knife_threat.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:20:45 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:20:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:20:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:20:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:20:46 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 427 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hilt.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1337 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1337
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_stone.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:47 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1337 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1337
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1337 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1337 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 1337 was killed
2024/01/20 20:20:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:20:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 20:20:49 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:49 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/pickup/knife_remove.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:49 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 879: Player 427 was killed
2024/01/20 20:20:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6807: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:20:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:49 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1466 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:20:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1465 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:20:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 426 was cut by 1336
2024/01/20 20:20:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 1336 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:20:52 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 931: Player 1336 was cut by 426
2024/01/20 20:20:54 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 922: Player 426 missed an attack aimed
at 1336
2024/01/20 20:20:54 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_dirt.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:54 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_light_dirt.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:54 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1466 to
slot 0
2024/01/20 20:20:56 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit_neck.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:56 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_knife_hit_neck.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:20:56 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 894: Player 426 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:20:56 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 1465 to
slot 1
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 426 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 426 was knocked over by
player 1336
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:20:58 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 190: Test
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1336 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1336 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:05 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 1465
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 1465, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:21:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:21:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:21:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:21:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:21:07 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:07 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 427 was knocked over by
player 1336
2024/01/20 20:21:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:21:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1336 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:21:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 1337 passive-blocked an
attack by player 427
2024/01/20 20:21:08 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1336 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:21:08 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:21:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 885: Player 426 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:21:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:09 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1337 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:21:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1337 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:21:12 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:21:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1337 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:21:12 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:21:13 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_yawn.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:13 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 426 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 427 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 426 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1336
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 427 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 540: Telling characters 1336 and 1337
to notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:16 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:16 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 907: Player 1336 passive-blocked an
attack by player 426
2024/01/20 20:21:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1337 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:21:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1337 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:21:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1336 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:21:17 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 1336 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:21:18 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 888: Player 427 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:21:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1336 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:21:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:21:19 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1336 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1337 was knocked over by
player 426
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 882: Player 1337 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as: 903: Player 1337 was knocked over by
player 427
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][us]: arena_level.as:1048: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:21:20 [i][__]: savefile.cpp: 339: Saving data file to:
2024/01/20 20:21:24 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back
2024/01/20 20:21:24 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6318: Ignoring request to back
2024/01/20 20:21:24 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1836: Popping state to
arena_campaign_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(1,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Levels/arenas/stucco_courtyard_arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 60: Disposing of terrain
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 62: Clearing color path
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 64: Clearing detail texture ref
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 66: Clearing detail normal texture
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 68: Clearing detail texture color
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 70: Clearing texture color srgb
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 72: Clearing detail maps
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 74: Clearing detail object surfaces
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 82: Done with Dispose()
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 14
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 125 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 62 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][us]:arena_campaign_menu.as: 23: com-wolfire-arena
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][us]:arena_campaign_menu.as: 28: size: 4
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/white_square.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-back.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-navigation.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:26 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
Cave_Arena.xml that is
Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]:levelxmlparser.cpp: 107: Image sub element contents for

LoadingScreen is null.
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
Cave_Arena.xml that is
Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]:levelxmlparser.cpp: 107: Image sub element contents for

LoadingScreen is null.
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
Cave_Arena.xml that is
Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5512: No loading screen image, loading

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 7 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 4 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
Cave_Arena.xml that is
Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is
Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is
Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

Cave_Arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading terrain object...

2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 582: Loading terrain
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Checking for terrain cache
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading cached terrain...
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 297: Loaded cached terrain:
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 598: *****************
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/characters/fans/mixed_fans.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 55
2024/01/20 20:21:29 [i][__]: textures.cpp:2096: Deferring delete of texture 56
2024/01/20 20:21:30 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:30 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:30 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
Cave_Arena.xml that is
Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
Cave_Arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml in
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:31 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 695: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 716:
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array

is available
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 20:21:31 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string

level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 6 battles
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v2
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 wepons
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v2 wepons
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all wepons
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [e][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 917: Unable to find matching segment
fight1-ver1 in current song: <Song name = "">
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 189 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 205 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 207 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:32 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 209 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 206 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 55
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]: textures.cpp: 794: Deferred delete of texture 56
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:21:33 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:21:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:34 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:35 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 14 sky
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk, it's
needed again
2024/01/20 20:21:36 [w][__]:TextureData.cpp: 264: Reloading
Terrain/DetailTextures/smooth_rock_normal.tga_converted.dds into ram from disk,
it's needed again
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 206 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:21:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:

"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/crete/leaky_rust_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:21:38 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:21:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/Rocky/WhiteRocksAndDirt/lichen_rocks_color.tga" 26
TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:39 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/crete/pooled_stain_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:21:39 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:21:40 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:40 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:21:40 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:21:40 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/Dirt/DarkStonyDirt/DarkStonyDirt_Color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:40 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/Rocky/ChunkyRock/ChunkyRockPatchy_Color.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:40 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Decals/crete/crete_impact_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:45 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 208 passive-blocked an
attack by player 190
2024/01/20 20:21:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 208 was cut by 188
2024/01/20 20:21:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 208 was killed
2024/01/20 20:21:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:21:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:47 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 206 was cut by 188
2024/01/20 20:21:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 206 was killed
2024/01/20 20:21:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 816: Player got mortally wounded

2024/01/20 20:21:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 943: There is no loaded profile, not

calculating arena resulting state
2024/01/20 20:21:48 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:21:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2
2024/01/20 20:21:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:21:48 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:21:48 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:

"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_yawn.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 6 battles
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v2
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 wepons
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v2 wepons
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all wepons
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 189
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 188
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 205
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 190
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 207
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 206
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 209
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 208
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:52 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 189 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 205 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 207 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 209 to slot
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 206 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 206 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 206 and 208 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22

2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:21:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 188 was cut by 190
2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 188 was killed
2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2

2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:21:55 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message

2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 206 was cut by 190
2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 206 was killed
2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:21:58 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:00 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 208 was cut by 190
2024/01/20 20:22:00 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 208 was killed
2024/01/20 20:22:00 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 816: Player got mortally wounded

2024/01/20 20:22:00 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match

2024/01/20 20:22:00 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1
2024/01/20 20:22:00 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:00 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received

2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 6 battles
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v2
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 wepons
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v2 wepons
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all wepons
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 189
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 188
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 205
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 190
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 207
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 206
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 209
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 208
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:04 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 189 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 205 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 189 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 189 and 205 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 205 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 189 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 188 and 205 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 189 and 190 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 189 and 205 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 190 and 205 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 206
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 206: Character:
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15

2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:22:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:22:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:22:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:22:07 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 189 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:22:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:09 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 190 was knocked over by
player 188
2024/01/20 20:22:09 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 190 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:22:09 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 188 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:22:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_jumpflip.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:09 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_jumpflip.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while
in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:10 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_jump_land.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:10 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/cloth_foley/cloth_leather_jump_land.xml" 9 SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 189 missed an attack aimed
at 205
2024/01/20 20:22:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 189 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:22:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 788: Player 189 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:22:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 205 missed an attack aimed
at 189
2024/01/20 20:22:11 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 205 was knocked over by
player 188
2024/01/20 20:22:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 205 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:22:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 205 was knocked over by
player 188
2024/01/20 20:22:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 189 passive-blocked an
attack by player 190
2024/01/20 20:22:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 205 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:22:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 190 was knocked over by
player 189
2024/01/20 20:22:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:4
2024/01/20 20:22:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight3-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:15 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight3-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop2.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:16 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 190 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:22:16 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:22:16 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:22:16 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:22:16 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 864: Player 189 dodged an attack by

player 205
2024/01/20 20:22:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 205 missed an attack aimed
at 189
2024/01/20 20:22:18 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 860: Player 205 active-blocked an
attack by player 188
2024/01/20 20:22:18 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 860: Player 205 active-blocked an
attack by player 189
2024/01/20 20:22:18 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:9
2024/01/20 20:22:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 864: Player 205 dodged an attack by
player 189
2024/01/20 20:22:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:10
2024/01/20 20:22:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 189 missed an attack aimed
at 205
2024/01/20 20:22:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 205 was knocked over by
player 188
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 205 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 205 was knocked over by
player 189
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:14
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_footshake.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:20 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:21 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back

2024/01/20 20:22:21 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6318: Ignoring request to back
2024/01/20 20:22:21 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:21 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-flower.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1836: Popping state to
arena_campaign_menu.as" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1893: There are some final popping to
do of Type(1,"C:/Users/jackf/OneDrive/Desktop/Overgrowth/Overgrowth.v1.4.0/Data/
Levels/arenas/Cave_Arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 60: Disposing of terrain
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 62: Clearing color path
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 64: Clearing detail texture ref
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 66: Clearing detail normal texture
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 68: Clearing detail texture color
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 70: Clearing texture color srgb
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 72: Clearing detail maps
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 74: Clearing detail object surfaces
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 82: Done with Dispose()
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 15
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: NO_CONTEXT:Deleting object: 188
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 188
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: NO_CONTEXT:Deleting object: 189
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 189
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: NO_CONTEXT:Deleting object: 190
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 190
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]: NO_CONTEXT:Deleting object: 205
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 205
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 150 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 61 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]:arena_campaign_menu.as: 23: com-wolfire-arena
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][us]:arena_campaign_menu.as: 28: size: 4
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/white_square.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
menu.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:

"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/button-back.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:23 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-navigation.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to:
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
waterfall_arena.xml that is
waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:levelxmlparser.cpp: 107: Image sub element contents for

LoadingScreen is null.
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1777: Checking if we actually allow any
state changes
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1796: Performing a state queue request
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1916: Switching game state
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:1932: Disposing of scriptable menu
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
waterfall_arena.xml that is
waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:levelxmlparser.cpp: 107: Image sub element contents for

LoadingScreen is null.
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
waterfall_arena.xml that is
waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5512: No loading screen image, loading

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5460: Unloading all unreferenced assets
after clearing level [full_level_unload: true]...
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5465: 7 Assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5466: 4 Texture assets were unloaded
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Starting to load
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5386: Load Level:
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading level...
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [w][__]: levelxml.cpp: 228: test:Type
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
waterfall_arena.xml that is
waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is
waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is
waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading terrain object...

2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 582: Loading terrain
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Checking for terrain cache
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading cached terrain...
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 297: Loaded cached terrain:
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 598: *****************
2024/01/20 20:22:26 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 621: Calculating detail textures.
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [w][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 277: Object loaded of type 39 is
changing id from 0 to 1 due to collision.
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Adding loaded objects to
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Prototypes/Common/WaterfallTall.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Prototypes/Common/WaterfallTall_Offset.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144: Data/Prototypes/Common/Splash.xml
is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Prototypes/Common/Waterfall.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Prototypes/Common/Waterfall_Offset.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/Characters/fans/mixed_fans.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144: Data/Objects/water_test.xml is
double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]: objectfile.cpp: 144:
Data/Objects/water_test_waterfall_arena.xml is double sided!
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 118 to 118
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 97 to 97
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 119 to 119
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 42: Comparing 46 to 46
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 53: File exists:
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][us]:hotspots/ambient_sound.as: 58: playing sound
2024/01/20 20:22:27 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading nav mesh...
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for
waterfall_arena.xml that is
waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 977: Found a match for

waterfall_arena.xml that is Data/Levels/arenas/waterfall_arena.xml in
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: filesystem.cpp: 997: Chose

waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:28 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 644: Missing file for navmesh

2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 652: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [e][__]: navmesh.cpp: 669: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 690:
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 695: Missing file for navmesh
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 706: Found
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 716:
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: navmesh.cpp: 836: Navmesh: Adding mesh to sample...
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Nav mesh loaded!
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading ambient sounds and
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Getting path set...
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [e][__]:returnpathutil.cpp: 172: Found no match for the string
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading all data in
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]:LevelLoader.cpp: 167: Finished loading path set
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading assets...
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: engine.cpp:5373: Starting Preloading for:
waterfall_arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1222: GLEW_ARB_texture_cube_map_array

is available
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp:1238: Unassuming that any EBO or VBO is
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: dialogue.as: 326: Clearing editor
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: level.cpp: 202: Calling void Init(string
level_name) for level hook file.
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp:1317: Adding music
arena.xml" (valid)

2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles

2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [e][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 917: Unable to find matching segment
fight1-ver1 in current song: <Song name = "">
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:22:28 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 141 to slot
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 207 to slot
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Loading sky...
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Reinitializing prefabs...
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Level load completed,
initiating game...
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]:widgetframework.cpp: 11: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:22:29 [i][__]: scenegraph.cpp:2805: Preloading shaders...
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:31 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:32 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: shaders.cpp: 701: Binding out color for
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 506: Requesting player-controlled
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: MapEditor.cpp: 509: Request successful...
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 15 sky
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: engine.cpp:4367: Creating cubemaps texture
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/diffusebump.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to

notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:33 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:34 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:

"Data/Textures/diffuse.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:22:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:22:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:22:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:22:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:22:36 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:22:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 204 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:22:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:1
2024/01/20 20:22:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:22:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 81 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 204 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 204 was killed

2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1

2024/01/20 20:22:43 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:44 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:

"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:44 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodsplat_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 81 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:13
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 81 was killed
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 943: There is no loaded profile, not
calculating arena resulting state
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:48 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 72 was cut by 81

2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 141
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 207
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 204
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/IGF_Characters/IGF_GuardActor.xml" 15 ACTOR_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Characters/guard.xml" 10 CHARACTER_ASSET while in load warning mode. State:
Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Objects/IGF_Characters/base_guard.xml" 4 OBJECT_FILE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/IGF_Guard/base_guard_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/IGF_Guard/IGF_Guard_Normal.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Characters/IGF_Guard/base_guard_m.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in
load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 141 to slot
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 207 to slot
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 204 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24

2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:22:53 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:22:56 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 81 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:22:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 72 missed an attack aimed
at 204
2024/01/20 20:22:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:22:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 788: Player 72 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 72 was cut by 204
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 791: Player 81 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 81 was killed
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 864: Player 72 dodged an attack by

player 204
2024/01/20 20:23:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 204 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:23:07 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 860: Player 204 active-blocked an
attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:23:07 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:6
2024/01/20 20:23:08 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 72 was cut by 204
2024/01/20 20:23:08 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:08 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 204 passive-blocked an
attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:23:08 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:7
2024/01/20 20:23:08 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:08 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:09 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message

2024/01/20 20:23:09 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 204 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:23:09 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:8
2024/01/20 20:23:09 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 204 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 204 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 204 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:14
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:10 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment

name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment

2024/01/20 20:23:11 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 207 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:12 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 204 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:23:12 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:8
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 204 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:9
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 204 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:10
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 204 was killed
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received

2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 141
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 207
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 204
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 538:
weaponSpawn.entityPath: Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:13 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 76 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 76 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 207
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 207, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 204
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 204: Character:
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity

2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:23:14 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:23:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:23:17 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 81 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:18 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 72 missed an attack aimed
at 76
2024/01/20 20:23:18 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:23:18 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 788: Player 72 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:23:22 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:22 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 76 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:23:22 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:9
2024/01/20 20:23:22 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight3-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:22 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight3-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop2.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip

2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 76 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:23 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match

2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:23 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received

2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 76
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/Weapons/DogWeapons/DogBroadSword/DogBroadSword_s.tga" 18
IMAGE_SAMPLER_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][__]:image_sampler.cpp: 88: Loaded cache file
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 343 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 345 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:27 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 347 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 353 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 346 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 346 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19

2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:23:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:23:29 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:23:29 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:23:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:23:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:23:31 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 352 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:23:31 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 72 missed an attack aimed
at 81
2024/01/20 20:23:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:23:32 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 788: Player 72 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:23:33 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_medium_wood.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:23:33 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_medium_wood.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:23:46 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:23:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 344 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:23:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:1
2024/01/20 20:23:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:23:47 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 344 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:23:47 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:23:47 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:23:47 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 3

2024/01/20 20:23:47 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:47 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 72 missed an attack aimed

at 346
2024/01/20 20:23:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:23:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight3-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:54 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight3-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop2.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment

2024/01/20 20:23:56 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:23:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 72 was cut by 346
2024/01/20 20:23:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 72 was killed
2024/01/20 20:23:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 816: Player got mortally wounded
2024/01/20 20:23:57 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:23:57 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 3
2024/01/20 20:23:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:23:57 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:23:57 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:

"Data/Animations/r_actionidle_footshake.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:23:58 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_c.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:23:58 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/bloodspatter_n.tga" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 343
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 345
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 344
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 347
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 346
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 353
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 352
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:01 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 343 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 345 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 347 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 353 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 346 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 346 and 352 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:02 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 352 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 81 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:1
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 81 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 3

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 81 was killed

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip

2024/01/20 20:24:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 864: Player 72 dodged an attack by
player 352
2024/01/20 20:24:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 352 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:24:12 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:12 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 352 passive-blocked an
attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:24:12 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:13
2024/01/20 20:24:12 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 352 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:24:12 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:14
2024/01/20 20:24:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 352 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:24:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:15
2024/01/20 20:24:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 352 was killed
2024/01/20 20:24:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:24:13 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2

2024/01/20 20:24:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 344 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:24:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:16
2024/01/20 20:24:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 344 was killed
2024/01/20 20:24:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:24:14 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 791: Player 346 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 346 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_medium_dirt.xml" 19 SOUND_GROUP_ASSET
while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Sounds/weapon_foley/impact/weapon_drop_medium_dirt.xml" 9
SOUND_GROUP_INFO_ASSET while in load warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:19 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received

2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:24:23 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 343
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 345
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 344
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 347
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 346
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 34
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 35
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 353
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 352
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 36
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 37
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 343 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 345 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 347 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 344 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 344 and 346 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 352
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 352: Character:
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 353
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 353, Object from _item_object
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity

2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:24:24 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 346 was cut by 344
2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 346 was killed
2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 2

2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:26 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message

2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 81
2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:7
2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 72 was knocked out

2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:27 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 81 started a flip

2024/01/20 20:24:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:24:28 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:24:33 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_dogswordthrow.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning mode.
State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:24:34 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Animations/r_dogswordparryleft.anm" 3 ANIMATION_ASSET while in load warning
mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:24:35 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:35 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 344 was knocked over by
player 81
2024/01/20 20:24:35 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:13
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 344 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 344 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 344 was knocked over by
player 81
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:14
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:37 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 81 started a flip

2024/01/20 20:24:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 344 was killed
2024/01/20 20:24:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received

2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 26
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 27
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 343
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 28
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 29
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 345
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 344
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 33
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 32
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 347
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 346
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 31
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 30
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:41 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 344
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 344: Character:
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21

2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:24:42 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 791: Player 81 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 81 was killed
2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:44 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message

2024/01/20 20:24:45 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 343 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:24:45 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:7
2024/01/20 20:24:45 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:45 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:45 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 343 started a roll

2024/01/20 20:24:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6803: GrabWeaponFromBody
2024/01/20 20:24:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:24:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:50 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message

2024/01/20 20:24:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 343 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:24:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:7
2024/01/20 20:24:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:24:51 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:24:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 72 passive-blocked an

attack by player 343
2024/01/20 20:24:52 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 343 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:24:52 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:8
2024/01/20 20:24:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 72 passive-blocked an
attack by player 343
2024/01/20 20:24:54 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:24:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 343 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:24:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:9
2024/01/20 20:24:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 343
2024/01/20 20:24:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 72 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:24:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:24:59 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:25:01 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 343 passive-blocked an
attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:25:01 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:9
2024/01/20 20:25:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 343 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:25:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:10
2024/01/20 20:25:03 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 343 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 343 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 343 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:14
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1

2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 343 was killed
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:25:05 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment

name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip

2024/01/20 20:25:07 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 788: Player 72 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 343
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:10 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:13 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message

2024/01/20 20:25:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 343 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:25:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:7
2024/01/20 20:25:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight3-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:13 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight3-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop2.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 72 passive-blocked an

attack by player 81
2024/01/20 20:25:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 72 missed an attack aimed
at 81
2024/01/20 20:25:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 343
2024/01/20 20:25:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 343 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:25:17 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 880: Player 81 was cut by 72
2024/01/20 20:25:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:7
2024/01/20 20:25:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:17 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by

player 81
2024/01/20 20:25:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 72 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 81 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:8
2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 81 was knocked out

2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:19 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip

2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 791: Player 343 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 343 was killed
2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:25:26 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:26 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received

2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 343
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 538:
weaponSpawn.entityPath: Data/Items/DogWeapons/DogKnife.xml
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 76 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 76 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 343
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 343: Character:
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:25:30 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:31 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21

2024/01/20 20:25:31 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:25:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 76 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:25:33 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 76 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:25:34 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 788: Player 76 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:25:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:25:38 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 81 to slot
2024/01/20 20:25:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 76 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:25:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 76 started a flip
2024/01/20 20:25:38 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 788: Player 76 failed a flip
2024/01/20 20:25:43 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 76
2024/01/20 20:25:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:3
2024/01/20 20:25:43 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight3-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:43 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight3-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop2.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:45 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message

2024/01/20 20:25:45 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 76
2024/01/20 20:25:45 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:4
2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 72 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight5-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:25:46 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight5-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop4.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1

2024/01/20 20:25:46 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received

2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 76
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6745: Handling editor attachment
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:6763: Requested attach item 76 to slot
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:50 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 81 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 81 and 343 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19

2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:25:51 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 791: Player 81 was hit by an item
2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 81 was killed
2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 1

2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:25:53 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:25:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 864: Player 72 dodged an attack by

player 343
2024/01/20 20:25:54 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 871: Player 343 missed an attack aimed
at 72
2024/01/20 20:25:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 860: Player 343 active-blocked an
attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:25:55 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:6
2024/01/20 20:25:56 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 72 passive-blocked an
attack by player 343
2024/01/20 20:25:56 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 72 passive-blocked an
attack by player 343
2024/01/20 20:25:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 343
2024/01/20 20:25:57 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 72 started a roll
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 343 was knocked over by
player 72
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:6
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 343 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 0
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [e][us]: multi_arena.as: 959: Ending match
2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight1-ver1

2024/01/20 20:26:02 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 256: Queueing segment <Segment
name="fight1-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop0.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:26:03 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 782: Player 72 started a flip

2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 701: new_match received
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 496: Battle Setup Found, saving to:
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 504: Found 9 battles
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2knifes
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v2
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4all
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: free4allswords
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 1v1 knife race
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 2v4
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4all
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 510: Adding battle: 3free4allknifes
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 512: Done adding battles
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 517: Done adding all battles
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 571: Running level without active
arena session, going into fallback mode
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_battle.as: 147: Starting
initialize battle
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 36: Deleting
attached object: 76
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 72
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 81
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 21
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 22
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:multi_arena/multi_arena_base_spawn.as: 41: Deleting
object: 343
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 24
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 25
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:1808: Caching skeleton info
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 76 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 460: Telling characters 72 and 76 to
notice each other.
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 81
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 81: Character:
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 81
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 81: Character:
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 343
but found none. Last info known of this id is: 343: Character:
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight2-ver1
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13180: FixDiscontinuity
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][us]: aschar.as:13186: *****ApplyCameraControls
2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight2-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop1.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 17

2024/01/20 20:26:06 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:26:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:26:07 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 247: Created framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:26:09 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 860: Player 76 active-blocked an
attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:26:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 877: Player 72 was thrown by 76
2024/01/20 20:26:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 860: Player 72 active-blocked an
attack by player 76
2024/01/20 20:26:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:6
2024/01/20 20:26:10 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight3-ver1
2024/01/20 20:26:10 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight3-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop2.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:26:11 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 856: Player 76 passive-blocked an

attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:26:12 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 860: Player 76 active-blocked an
attack by player 72
2024/01/20 20:26:13 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 877: Player 72 was thrown by 76
2024/01/20 20:26:14 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:26:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 76
2024/01/20 20:26:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:7
2024/01/20 20:26:14 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight4-ver1
2024/01/20 20:26:14 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight4-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop3.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 785: Player 72 started a roll

2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]:enemycontrol.as:1029: Received notice message
2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 779: Player 72 was knocked out
2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 836: Player got a ko

2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: aschar.as:6615: Num_threats: 0

2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 852: Player 72 was knocked over by
player 76
2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 240: Aggro:14
2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 104: Setting Segment to fight6-ver1
2024/01/20 20:26:15 [i][us]: multi_arena.as:1007: Last round winner: 1
2024/01/20 20:26:16 [i][__]: Soundtrack.cpp: 279: Transitioning into segment
<Segment name="fight6-ver1" Data/Music/SubArena/SubArenaLoop9.ogg"/>

2024/01/20 20:26:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 776: Player 72 was killed

2024/01/20 20:26:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 211: PlayerKilledCharacter
2024/01/20 20:26:17 [i][us]: multi_arena.as: 809: Player got a kill

2024/01/20 20:26:19 [w][__]: engine.cpp:6161: Got a callback to switch to: back

2024/01/20 20:26:19 [i][__]: engine.cpp:6318: Ignoring request to back
2024/01/20 20:26:19 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/brushStroke.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:26:19 [w][__]: assetmanager.h: 127: Loading asset:
"Data/Textures/ui/menus/main/icon-flower.png" 26 TEXTURE_ASSET while in load
warning mode. State: Main Game Mode
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: main.cpp: 219: Final check if savefile needs to
be written...
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: main.cpp: 222: Cleanly disposing of loaded
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][us]: aschar.as: 799: Clearing shadow objects
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 60: Disposing of terrain
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 62: Clearing color path
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 64: Clearing detail texture ref
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 66: Clearing detail normal texture
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 68: Clearing detail texture color
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 70: Clearing texture color srgb
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 72: Clearing detail maps
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 74: Clearing detail object surfaces
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: terrain.cpp: 82: Done with Dispose()
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 20
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 19
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 17
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 18
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 4
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][us]: NO_CONTEXT:Deleting object: 72
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 72
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][us]: NO_CONTEXT:Deleting object: 76
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [w][__]: scenegraph.cpp: 974: Requested an object with id 76
but found none. Last info known of this id is:
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 5 bake_sky_1
2024/01/20 20:26:20 [i][__]: graphics.cpp: 256: Deleted framebuffer: 6 bake_sky_2
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 427: Dumping asset manager warning
data to asset_manager_warnings.xml
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 162: Releasing hold on all preloaded
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [i][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 164: Disposing asset manager
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 168: Following assets are still
loaded after assetmanager is called for disposal
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 4 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 171: References: 1 path:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [w][__]:assetmanager.cpp: 174: Marking them as orphans
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [i][__]: IMsupport.cpp: 233: No live IMGUI elements
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [i][__]: engine.cpp: 612: Saving the configuration because
we're disposing the engine and there are unsaved changes
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [i][__]: config.cpp: 440: Saving config to:
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [e][__]: assetbase.cpp: 57: This asset was orphaned before it
was destroyed, someone was holding a reference too long
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [e][__]: assetbase.cpp: 57: This asset was orphaned before it
was destroyed, someone was holding a reference too long
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [e][__]: assetbase.cpp: 57: This asset was orphaned before it
was destroyed, someone was holding a reference too long
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [e][__]: assetbase.cpp: 57: This asset was orphaned before it
was destroyed, someone was holding a reference too long
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [e][__]: assetbase.cpp: 57: This asset was orphaned before it
was destroyed, someone was holding a reference too long
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [e][__]: assetbase.cpp: 57: This asset was orphaned before it
was destroyed, someone was holding a reference too long
2024/01/20 20:26:22 [i][__]: main.cpp: 230: Program terminated successfully.

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