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Alright, so guys, we're going to talk real quick about sexual anxiety, what kind of
fears guys have.
There's all different fears.
You might not want to.
You may have several.
And the girls here today are kind of giving you the thoughts on it and maybe make
feel a little better that some of this stuff isn't as important as you may think.
So the first thing being ashamed and guilty of your sexual desires.
I want to pull the tail, I want to spank them, I want to say stuff.
I'm afraid of my freak and my pervert, what's wrong with me?
Can I even bring this stuff up?
I think to every different fetish and freak or anything to have your eyes out
there, there
is your match.
You know, like you can meet a girl that isn't exactly the same thing.
So you definitely shouldn't be self-conscious about it.
If that's your fantasy or that your desire, I would never consider that bad.
Because you feel that for a reason, it's coming out of somewhere.
Even if I don't want it, I know there's a girl out there that does.
You should be ashamed of anything or it's just like yes, that's exactly what I
You know what I get a lot of ideas because especially in the pickup community, a
of people are in experience for their versions.
They've never had sex with a woman, they've never been with a woman.
What should I do in this situation?
Now me personally, when I think about it, it's like I think if I was a girl that
sex with a woman, I would let her take control and guide me to what I should be
I know everyone can't do that.
What would you tell a guy without experience?
Because I think that's a hard thing.
I mean, with that experience, you kind of have no choice but to let the girl take
She's the one with more experience.
I don't think you really have a choice that if she's the one you want to go that
you kind of have to lay back or laugh and let her lead.
And you have to fail to, I think you talked about it a little bit before.
You have to go to a failure process and anything you give to the girl.
That's where everyone goes through failure.
I feel like someone that I'm still learning when I lay back.
It never, your mind is changing.
So your preferences can change.
So would you look down the guy who hadn't had sex or was it experienced or would
congratulate a guy like this guy who squirces, trying, trying to get better.
I would congratulate them for trying because there's the guys that think they know
all and don't try and they fail.
So it's sexy to be, you know, to learn and try and think.
To be honest, you know.
Well, we talked about this a little bit.
Dick's eyes.
I mean, this one stumps me.
I really don't understand it.
But you guys kind of said it's not as important as you guys think.
It's irrelevant.
I mean, as long as you know your body, you know what you like, you're willing to
to her body, figure out what she likes, then it's size really does not matter.
Size matters.
What about, you talked about it, is it wanting to last long or coming too fast?
So the guy comes too fast, is it going to embarrassment?
Is it something like, what's the deal?
Is it flattering?
It's a little flattering.
It is.
I mean, if it happens every time, then I'm sure, you know, you know, you know, you
you're trying to think of like, not that, like, I would be mad, but like, maybe you
should either start like a little slower or like, right, different to change that.
But it is kind of what it is.
It's kind of flattering.
It's a different way to look at it.
It is true.
But the having sex for a long period of time, like for marathon sex, is really not
Like, I don't know where some men got this idea that if they last a really long
that they'll be the best lover, it's like on the contrary.
Like, if you last a long time, let's say I've already climaxed and you're just
to prove how long you could last, like, that is not fun.
That's not fun for me at that point.
So that's kind of become a little peaceful.
Yeah, it's like, you know, we have to kind of be on the same page with it.
It's like, you're going to lose the passion.
You're going to like, start to just not enjoy it.
So don't go for how long you can go.
Just go for it, you know, make her happy, you're happy.
What about this one?
This one really gets you guys.
What about like getting in 18 or rushing?
Very, very scary thing.
Whatever reason you're out drinking, you're not staying hard, or else you're going
be making fun of you.
What's the design say to this guy?
You have to like prepare for that if you're going to get drunk that night, then
make the goal sex.
You're going to get wasted.
I would never like make fun of someone, especially if you're like, okay, maybe
not working properly, but so that's not what you're doing.
It's not a big deal.
It's not a big deal.
But it's something we have to consider earlier in the evening, but it's not like, I
I wouldn't walk out and be like, oh, screw this.
Yeah, it wouldn't.
I think you're like a guy, a finger, a guy's a tommy, I don't think you could do
I feel all these things are concentrated like, oh, I won't say hard.
I won't last long.
You could still please a woman and you can do it all that time working for you,
Yeah, you can still do other things.
So you have that going for you.
Here's a huge one.
Obviously we touched on it earlier, meeting the girl.
Word has been feeling that pressure.
It's been feeling so much.
It shouldn't feel pressure because it goes back to their ego.
And a lot of times we don't even care.
We're just enjoying the whole experience as a whole.
Not only, I know I'm not only thinking about it, it's just not, it's just enjoying
It's not like that big of deal if we don't.
Alright, so what about knowing all the good positions, new positions, knowing all
I think it's important to try to know your way around to a certain degree.
It's coming out on your hand.
You know, I'm looking at an diagram.
I don't know how you want to know.
You should do that, but what about putting pressure on yourself if you have to do
You don't because that's just going back to like, making porn.
You know, you don't need 300 positions.
You just need to know what she's enjoying, what she likes, what you like.
You don't have to say, well I need to learn this and you move and that and you
You can switch it up sometimes and you learn something together, but you don't need
pressure of being like a porn star.
Do you think it's like just everyone has that the same spots that you get easier?
You're good or some girls will vary a little bit differently.
I think every girl is different.
You just have to pay attention, like try to listen to her body or even just what
she's telling you.
Because not all girls are like coming right out and they're not going to come right
and tell you.
You just have to pay attention.
Like this one, I have found that some girls, if they're giving you the world sex,
it's a favor to you.
But some girls really get turned on that.
Do you think that's kind of a counter-at-girl?
I definitely think it's something that can turn a girl on for sure.
But it does depend.
It does depend.
A lot of times it's like if you're a guy's excited and you know you're pleasing
him, it's a
confidence move to us so it's like we want to, we can get into it.
It can also, I mean a guy can also make it seem like a chore, which is not fun.
I think if a guy is always asking for it or always making you, you don't want to
feel like
you're forced to do it.
What would you say is I had a girl from college but just did not want me to blow
jobs at all.
She just, I don't know.
But did you ask her why?
She thought it was like the grading or something.
I don't know.
But what do you think is going on there?
I think maybe she just didn't have an experience to do it.
She needed some armor.
Like, because like you said, you're going to get a pleasure out of pleasure.
You're good at getting into a boot.
You probably see it differently.
I don't know what her issue was but what would you do in a situation like that?
I would try to talk to, I mean if you were close enough to talk to her about it, I
talk to her about it and then maybe you can work it in like little by little.
Like start with, you know, just her hoo.
Yeah, or even just like maybe just using her hands first and then working your way.
You know, it's like oral sex.
It's really because you don't want to keep pushing her too much.
But I would want to know because if you're going to be studying a relationship with
we want to have this experience together and we're doing it to her and it's only
So was the man's job being like, I earned the right correction?
Not really teacher, I don't know.
I mean, what's the right way to go about it?
I was just trying to make her, well first, see if you can find out what the issue
The secret, the real issue.
Yeah, first, find out what the issue is and then try to make her comfortable, don't
her, but maybe slowly, like ease her into it.
Yeah, I think it's like it's a fine line we're talking about here.
It's like, I don't think I should just give up.
Like we're talking about her roles are a certain way.
Just like, oh, she's that way, she can't change.
For the same time, you don't want to pressure her.
You want to see if we're only a little more sexually.
You just can't live, sit, or it's changing, or it's always evolving.
You're trying to get her to do things, you know, they're not putting the pressure
on it or so.
Right, right, you don't want to pressure, it's like, it's such a turn off.
Such a turn off.
Like, don't put the pressure on it. I mean, if you can, communicate about it, ask
your best bet.

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