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Besides humans we must not turn around later.

We might move onto Transition piece,

but we are Railroad hunting.
Maybe it was Sonic Bright...
So we can actually sourcing theotta blades
in blockchain.
Alright, so we want to get into specifics here.
I want to give you like a game plan you can use every time for becoming better in
the bedroom.
And we've really identified kind of six main things that are going to help you that
could just, at a moment to notice just remember and be better.
One of them are really finding the right spot with a secret new position.
These are all again, mental things that you can use anytime to be her best lover.
So the first one I have down here is I'm kind of alluded to before, is being
with yourself, okay?
Like not making go like, I got to have a huge dick.
I got to be the best in bed ever.
It's like those kind of pressures that people right off the bat are just going to
just make
you uncomfortable with the woman.
Alright, being confident is important and just knowing your body and knowing you
this is what I'm working with.
That's not going to change.
Own it because we can tell if you're self-conscious about it.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, I see all these things and I'm just like a really bad guy's uncomfortable
this stuff.
Like, you know, penis pills, all these things for being bigger.
Now maybe it's important in some way, but even if it is, I don't think that should
your whole life.
You're just the way you say you want to be confident with what you have.
Yeah, I think you have to judge out like maybe your past experiences and not what
like the
media is telling you, not the commercials or TV shows.
I mean, the size matters thing is such a like, I don't even believe in that
So now it really is it's cliche, it sounds as to what you do with it.
And if a guy is so self-conscious, maybe he's smaller than he feels he should be,
you know,
he can always research different positions and different things that would make him
So I don't have nothing to do with pills or no or anything.
It's unnatural.
So you don't have to be huge.
What about advice you can do with this body?
You know, I'm taking off for clothes now, getting naked.
I feel like, oh, I'm not, you know, I'm not ripped.
I'm not shacked.
I'm not, you know, I have six pack abs.
Again, we speak into the same thing, it's about being comfortable with what you're
Yeah, great.
You're being, and that goes through, I mean, it's hard to change someone if they're
confident in life in general.
So it's, you know, you're not going to be able to completely change someone's
But you can do little things.
I mean, I've had, you know, heard stories of like guy friends of mine that have
that have sex with their t-shirt on or things about having sex with people.
People can really enjoy this.
But girls really don't care that much about the stuff that guys think they do.
Like if you're an awesome person and you're funny and you have a good heart.
The chemistry is there.
We do not care about your abs and your sides and every else.
By the time you get to the bedroom or, you know, by the time you get to that point,
like we've already been mentally stimulated.
We already think of a great personality.
You make a laugh.
You make a think.
So we're not like, oh, but he doesn't have a six pack.
I'm not doing this.
Like girls don't know that.
And it's actually funny how like guys think I guess.
Yeah, like what do we want?
Why is it still a preventative?
I just think it's the outside world.
I don't think it has anything to do with what we've ever said.
Or if you want to make some money on other people's security.
That's horrible.
All right.
Being comfortable with yourself is important.
I think it makes you feel comfortable.
Now, if you were the guy who's not comfortable with himself, what happens to your
kind of
arousal, your feelings, are you going to give someone, if you're with someone who's
make you feel uncomfortable.
It's like I have to work so much on getting them happy and excited.
It's like, oh, now I'm drained because I just spent so much time trying to keep
your ego
And also like insecurity is like not attractive at all.
So I'm, again, don't be cocky, but just be comfortable.
Like enjoy the moment, get out of your head, stop thinking about like we do not
care about
that stuff if we like you.
All right.
All right.
So being confident is number one.
So we have that on the list.
We're going to be confident.
We're going to make heart feel comfortable with it.
Number two, we alluded to it a little bit before, is patience and going slow and
I feel like if you want to be good and bad, that is the main thing.
It's like you got this beautiful woman in front of you and it's like you just want
to dive
in to being able to be like, all right, I have this, let's relax, let's go slow.
I feel like even if you don't know all that stuff, crazy position, super spots, I
that's going to help you a lot.
Yeah, it's definitely easier said than done because there's, I've even been in
where like I was like so digited to the person that I have to tell myself, okay,
just like
slow down, slow down.
But it's important from if you're with someone one time or 100 times, like I've
been in
relationships where even when we were together for over a year, I had to say like,
can you
just not rush?
Why do you have to rush?
I'm just like, enjoy, I'm in street, I'm saying just take your time.
Like we're going to obviously get to that point.
Everything else in between it is so much fun.
Yeah, don't forget that stuff.
Even though you've been with someone for years, you know, don't forget the little
that it's like, oh, now it's just sex.
Yeah, you know.
Yeah, I feel like savoring it really makes you feel good.
And plus that speaks to the whole foreplay thing.
It's like now you're going slower, everything's better, she's getting more excited.
Yeah, you're getting all like the light flow going.
I think like the longer it takes before you actually have sex, like the better it
the more you're like, don't take it up.
So that's definitely helping you guys.
So patience is so important for that kind of stuff.
Now here's something I think I'm interested to get your thoughts on the vibe
because every
girl is different.
Like some girls like more dominant stuff, some girls like more romantic stuff.
But I feel like it's not more to the other.
I feel like you should kind of incorporate both things into your love making.
So it's like you're a little bit dominant, but sweet at the same time.
You know, maybe you're spanking your girl, but you know, you're whispering, you
it's beautiful.
I love you.
Just mixing up that vibe.
It's attractive.
Yeah, mixing.
I think I like a little bit of both.
But again, you have to listen to like what the girl, like the vibes that she's
Because not every girls are completely different.
And you might try to like pour here a little bit and she might be like, what are
you doing?
What are you doing?
The communication has to be really fluid by that point because otherwise, you know,
might spank the girl or your girlfriend and she might be like, whoa, you know, that
be something that not necessarily, you don't have to talk it out first.
Just think casual conversation, be like, you know, is there something I could do
that maybe,
maybe you think it's a little bit taboo or you want to try it or stuff like that.
Like as long as you can communicate, you can have great sex in any vibe.
So just be a little careful and I would say like sorry, just be a little careful in
beginning though.
With the other stuff.
With the character of that first.
So you brought up the spanking.
You think the best way is to kind of get those things out of the open earlier.
You can talk about it.
And unless you've already had sex a few times and you find that she's becoming a
little bit
more rough, then you can say, okay, she's into this.
But if it's something you're into and you're not sure if she is, there needs to be
before it even happens.
What about like talking during stuff like that?
The same thing, like what's sexy, what's creepy, where's the kind of mind?
It's the same thing.
Like I have girlfriends that when we talk about this stuff that they, there's girls
that I
know that do it all the time and those girls that would never end in the weekend.
You can say it alone, right?
Like I've said some things once and they just blow it.
What did you say?
What did you say?
I know.
I know what I was saying.
You know, sometimes your girl is just a really, really big breath and I just like,
once I
saw them, I just like had to say it.
I was like, whoa.
And then she was just like not happy about it.
I don't know if it.
But I mean, it happens.
So it's another thing like with your girlfriend and stuff, it's something you're
going to want
to talk about.
So it's something you get a feel for with communication.
All right.
So talking dirty, spanking, you know, I get like some dominance left here.
What about like hair pulling?
I think that's like definitely going to be a little more cautious there too, right?
Because not only is it, is she into it?
It's how you feel it, right?
Because you can, even if she's into it, you can do it that it just like hurts or
ripping hair and then it's like, okay, now I'm not into it.
Or if it's a girl that's like wearing like extensions, she like might try to like
You know, because I've had extensions and it's expensive.
And if you guys are going to rip them out, I'm going to punch you.
I think that a little bit of hair pulling or a little bit of like a stringing hands
slight, slight, slight choking or good wiggling to like to test the water that I
mean, very
Are really good ways to test the water to see how far you can push it because even
she doesn't like it, you didn't do anything wrong.
I think start with the hair pull.
That's why like the safe is.
And not from like the ends because that hurts in like a bad way.
At the base of the root, it hurts less.
When did you kind of just like read it first before you kind of pull it?
Hold it first.
Hold it first.
Like there's weeds to do it.
And even like I said, like holding down, like if you're not in the car before and
are going to hold down her hands, like you can kind of feel.
I'll show you guys now.
It's like so great.
Like if she just kind of like freezes up, it's like, okay, back and off.
You know what I mean?
I don't mean to be nominated.
I'm frozen with my girlfriend.
I just, I don't, I never, my whole life.
I didn't like people telling me what to do.
I'm interested.
Like I don't, you know, what do you feel about stuff like that?
Like the different personality types.
Don't like to be dominated.
Why don't people dominate them?
I like being versus the pile.
You know, teach their own.
I like switching it up.
All right.
So now we talked about kind of the more dominant things.
We said we want to mix.
And when it comes to romantic stuff, you probably would not have to talk about this
stuff beforehand.
I think most women are going to kind of like the sweet stuff, you know, the long
gazing at her eyes, caressing that kind of stuff.
So just do that stuff.
You can't believe it wrong with that.
You can't go wrong with it, but if someone that I was with like, believe in real
the next stop and like nothing else that was even a little bit like for skier, I
can see
That could get a little more into you could overdo the romance stuff.
You could.
If you send me flowers, like every day, I'm going to be like, okay, is he going to
like if I were lying and there was petals on the bed all the time, I'm going to be
all right, first of all, it becomes our, it's not special anymore.
I appreciate the romantic things when they're not every day.
I like them when you're completely not expecting it.
I think a guy really has to figure out what kind of girl he's with.
Again, speaking to the communication thing.
So where she kind of falls on that scale.
For me, I was just very dominant.
So I added a little romance to what I was doing, maybe, you know, 25% and then that
kind of
amplifies everything else.
It might be different for different girls.
And I do girls not the same.
She might want 10% dominance, just like a little sprinkle here and there.
Or she might be the dominant one and then you have to, that's a whole nother thing.
And she like.
She doesn't think comfortable with that.
So what would you tell the guy like me to loosen up?
What's my problem?
I think they do.
Yeah, I actually.
But why though?
Because you don't like being told what to do in your...
Yeah, I just don't know.
You're the dumb.
But it's not like you would have to be a tract more than this than a girl.
I mean, you have to let someone take control.
You're just doing everything.
But we're not saying you have to be like chained to the bed and then you have to be
whipped and like...
It has to be bad in your eyes.
It has to be bad in your eyes.
Sometimes you're getting too much in your head.
You're too like with your ego.
Like who cares if she took some male ego into it.
I don't think that's what it means.
And especially with someone that you're comfortable with, you should love the fact
that you can
explore things that maybe you thought you didn't like.
Yeah, like sometimes it's okay to let her lead.
You know, it doesn't like she said, it doesn't have to be whipped and chained.
But sometimes just let her lead if that's what she's into.
Because if it's something you were into and you're in a relationship, she would
try to make that happen for you.
So once in a while, you give her that.
I don't think it's that I don't like it.
It doesn't really turn me on as much as being dominant.
I guess like it's not like I don't do it, but it's kind of like it.
Well if it doesn't turn you on.
But I'm just trying to figure out why.
Just, you know, it's fine, I guess.
But like if it's for her, I would say just once in a while, give her that.
Give her that.
Yeah, I was like asked, I was like, is she into like being more dominant?
Yes, well I just found that out recently.
So I was like, oh, so that could be fun to try.
Think about like a gift.
It's a romantic sexual gift.
You give her once in a while.
Fine, you lead.
Alright guys, so we got three of the main things now.
You're comfortable with yourself.
You're comfortable with your body.
You have patience, you're really savored when you have a girl.
It's like a nice meal, you don't dive in.
But it's stuck in your face.
You're kind of relaxed.
You're in the foreplay going.
You know the vibe and you've got the vibe down.
Obviously you have to understand your girl, what you're doing.
But being, you know, I mean I think some guys are just scared to be dominant at
A little sprinkle on her and you with her and you with her and you girl enjoys it.
Not being too romantic.
Mixing that stuff up.
Alright guys, so we went over three things already that I think are really going to
help you
become better in the bedroom.
But fourth one is being able to communicate and verbalize your pleasure now.
This means just letting your girl know that you're turned on.
Whether that's just being, even if you just make like a grumpy noise.
At least something to let your girl know that you're into it.
And you run into this at all and you see guys that are very vocal or just kind of
like what's going on and you're enjoying this.
Right, it's definitely a preference.
I like communication.
You know, you can over communicate but I like just like moaning, grunting, a little
bit of like, oh I like that, that feels good.
I don't need a whole conversation.
Because then that's weird.
But I like the person to like let me know that that's what I'm doing is good.
No, I feel the same way.
I mean I've been like a guy that's like, hasn't said like anything.
And it almost makes you feel like, at least you feel like you're not turning them
on whatsoever.
Even if they're completely liking it but they're not seeing anything.
First of all, it's awkward that they're like, man I've all of them been with a guy
that was like so over the top.
But it was, I had to like stop and like laugh for a second because like I honestly
thought that it was a joke.
So you have to find like a balance and also just go with the flow.
Like if it feels good, don't you want to like make a moment.
Especially if someone can't handle the line.
I think most people are learning about each other.
That's one of the ways, oh this is what he likes.
Especially if you're scared to come right now and say, hey this is what I like.
I mean you're not taking an opportunity.
I try to make it almost like, lack and wait for a new person.
I like it, you hear it and if I don't I'm like, yeah for that moment.
And then it's like they get it.
They're like, oh I'll go back to that then.
Like yes.
So you know what's working.
So I mean obviously I feel like guys get pleasure or maybe ego pleasure out of
pleasing the girl.
What about from Linda?
You're a pleasing guy, you know you're turning them on.
What kind of motion did you go with?
I think it's totally ego pleasure.
You want to pat ourselves in the back like yeah I did that.
I'm all me.
Yeah, girls don't the same way.
So you should give her that pleasure is what I'm saying.
I'm going to let her know.
They obviously, I mean they feel like you're not having a good time and I'm
I mean this back I got to go like see if I get a bit lower.
I mean.
I mean if it's like the first or second time to like I will give someone the
benefit of the doubt.
Like it's new.
You know so I will be considerate.
I won't judge them if something is like oh that could have been better.
We're still getting to know each other.
But I actually didn't agree with that.
For the first judge I know I'm going to dance.
Not that you only get one chance but I mean if you have sex for the first time and
it's not good.
I'm not going to be excited.
I'm sorry.
Like I'm not going to be thinking about how it's supposed to do again because what
are you going to do that's so different.
I would really like them.
You know I mean the second chance.
I mean.
I'm probably maybe will give like yes I call it like the benefit of the doubt.
Well yeah.
But um.
I'm not moving forward to it.
I can't even.
The things we talked about so far are many of these things that you're judging
people on.
Are we missing something here?
There's something that guys need to do.
It's just no chemistry.
Like I don't have sex for some of there's no chemistry.
That's not something you can find the second time around.
If you have sex the first time it's like awkward.
It's not this chemistry with you guys but it's like it could have been a lot
I'll try again after that second time.
Even though you're completely 100% attracted to someone you were mentally
You feel like you have chemistry even sometimes with like even the kissing is good.
But then you get to the bedroom and it's just like what just happened.
I have to worry.
It's a lot.
Now when you say what's happening I just didn't know what you were doing.
Or it's just what's.
It just turned that on like the same.
It's just a magical thing but that's one thing.
You know we can't put our finger on.
You can try our best.
You can learn all these things like we're learning in this course.
Sometimes if you're not don't have that chemistry.
It's almost like I think you can't figure out.
You can't correct.
It's not something wrong with that.
There's nothing wrong with that.
There's nothing wrong with that.
There's nothing wrong with that.
It's preference.
It's why am I attracted to guy A and not guy B.
You know it's just how it is.
And I'm not saying that you're doing anything wrong.
But you know you maybe go out the next night and have sex with another girl and
they might think it's the most fantastic thing ever.
But it's just it's a lot of all you can do all you can.
I don't know what you can do.
I don't know what you can do.
Sometimes it's not you.
It's not me.
It just isn't.
It's just something like you said.
You can't see it.
You can't pinpoint it.
It's the chemistry.
It's just not there.
It's not there.
That's why it's a huge thing.
In relationships that sexual compatibility is obviously huge.
All right.
So our fifth thing here is have fun.
What I mean by that is don't be so serious.
And just take the pressure off.
They'd be sexual or playful.
This is more a relationship to like I feel like if you could be with somebody where
you could be saying crazy stuff.
You could be spanking or doing all this stuff.
But you look at her and you just like have that kind of laugh.
Not like a clammy like joking but just like we're having fun.
It's kind of old play-ish.
Like we just never encountered that.
What are you doing with some stuff like that?
Like being sexual or playful.
Not a clam.
Not a lazy.
It's like you're a big clam.
So you're being sexual and still.
It's not.
I mean that's a good relationship.
You know when you can be silly and sexy.
That's like that's a perfect balance to me.
And that comes with hanging on time and being confident and comfortable.
So that's just I think just time.
This takes time when you're a salon.
I think getting to that point is really, is really the goal.
Because then you could do all these things and you're just not worrying about it.
You could do like crazier risk of your stuff.
If you're comfortable with it, you feel comfortable with it.
And everything is kind of flowing from that.
So the last one over 60 is variety.
And the reason I bring this stuff is like, you know, because again people just talk
about it.
Different positions, different spots.
But it's also like go slow, but also go fast.
It's like it's not going to answer.
It's like if you just mix things up, I feel like it makes it more interesting.
Fuzzing stuff like that.
Like slowing fast.
You know, we talked about the vibe, diamond and romantic.
So things don't get warmer.
Well, it's it's hard.
It was really not this.
You should do step one.
This way you should do step two.
All women are different.
All men are different.
So it all I mean, really like not to be repetitive, but it all goes back to just
paying attention
to your partner.
And she's going to let you know what you like.
She's going to let you know what she doesn't like.
So it's just like it makes the whole situation just like come together.
And if she doesn't know if she's not being verbal or if she's not giving the signs,
then I want to say stand safe, side, slow, gentle.
So you can't really go wrong.
It's like you don't want to be there in a situation with a guy and you can already
predict every single thing that they're doing.
So I feel like a lot of times you're going to be like, I just like pound girls.
Just kind of like be crazy.
And then you know, like, no, you have to be really sweet the whole time.
And I just feel like slow, fast, this, that it's like just mixing it up.
Variety is really not one way to do it.
So what would you tell me about your product communication?
Like what if a guy is just so scared that he can't tell you?
Well, it'll be like a tip.
What you can do?
Write it down.
Tell me like what specifically?
He wants to know what you like.
What do you do better?
You know, you're in a relationship.
What's the best way to do it?
I love just open communication if he just asked me.
Like, you know, what do you like?
Like how can I make this even better for you or something like that?
I would love that because I would just tell him.
Some people are not that open.
Sometimes it's sort of like a guessing game.
Like, oh, you know, I think maybe I'd really like this.
What do you think?
You know, you have to kind of pull them into the conversation.
Anything you've got to make a guy that will love her?
It's just a little bit.
Oh, totally.
You want to really need another stuff.
You have to want to be open and like want to explore.
Like, guys should want to know every little thing about their girls.
Because I don't think it matters like how long we are together.
You can always make this X better.
You can always make the relationship better.
But you have to want to.
You definitely got to listen.
You can even micro out with this.
Like, I was surprised on the thing she was saying, like, that I hadn't heard
And I was like, wow.
And I never even thought of that.
So even if it wasn't a for a while, it was always new stuff to come and learn.
Yeah, so we kind of talked about the six steps, just these six things guys can do
to get better and better.
What do you kind of think about these things?
Because I'm not, we're not talking about spots here.
We're not talking about positions.
I mean, you really think this can help guys just being more comfortable,
I mean, is this really what works?
It's like the simple stuff that people forget.
Even in a relationship, they still forget the basics.
And this is like reminding them, you need to do these things all the time.
I mean, I agree with what she said, it's the little things.
It's just confidence, it's paying attention to your partner.
I mean, it's really simple, but I think even for women as well, we don't always do
Yeah, like you kind of want to keep her having butterflies sometimes.
You know, even if you just start dating, it's easy for her to get the butterflies
and stomach.
But say you've been together for like five years or you're married, you know, like
doing these little things,
dating and foreplay, that gives that spark back again.
You get those butterflies, it's like it's new all the time.
So taking the time, savoring it, telling them what your life, all the sexual

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