Module 6 - Better Hotter Sex

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Alright guys, so you've got to grow on the knee.
You've got to grow for a minute.
You're dating someone consistently.
Things are going good.
You've got a better idea of what to do in a bedroom.
You've got a better idea how to please your woman.
What about the guy that just says, I want to take it to the next level.
I want better sex.
I want hotter experiences.
Everyone has a different idea about what that is.
Let's start with small stuff.
Like a guy who wants to get his girl dressed sexy.
I feel like this is almost a no brain.
It should be pretty easy, right?
Yeah, like just take her to Victoria's Secret and it's like what girl doesn't want
to go
Victoria's Secret.
I think it could be hot that was for like the guy to just buy it on his own.
I wanted to talk about that.
I want to start with that, true, because doing it together, yes, it is something
fun, but I would rather know how to be a surprise.
It's romantic if it's a gift and it's like foreplay to go together.
So it depends on which one you're going for, I think.
All right, so there's different takes on that, but you really can't go wrong.
I think if you're picking it out yourself, even if the guy screws up, like I feel
a guy's going to be like, all right, I've got to go pick out some panties.
I don't really know what's going on.
What should he do?
Find out details.
What sizes?
Yeah, that's not really important.
That would be the best.
You don't want to, I mean, that would be bad.
If you could get it's too small or it's too big, it's just a lose-lose.
Why would I get as a gift is because I would want to know what he thought was sexy.
Like, I don't even care so much about what I think.
Like I want him to be, to speed it and be like, oh my God, my like girl looks so
in that.
So guys, you want to, you know, your girl to dress up.
I think it's pretty simple.
You know, make it a gift thing or make it a shared experience where you can go, I
They would do that now.
If, you know, your girl's dressing sexy, what if he has like specific quests?
Like, I want my real other way.
He'll also do like, that's a basic one or anything like that.
Just come right out and say it.
She'll be honest.
Yeah, yeah.
That's like, those, some guys like, socking.
Take her out to a nice dinner.
She's wearing heels.
You get home and we say, like, leave those on.
That would be like, so old.
You got it.
That would be sexy.
I would run it up to you before, like, if you buy her this lingerie, you go out on
a date,
you could have her wear it underneath.
That's like, major foreplay.
That's like, through the whole dinner.
I mean, like, that's all you'd both probably be thinking about.
So you got your girl, she would dress up for you.
You know, you'd be feeling more sexy.
What about things like props like a guy who was like, alright, like, we talked
about coming
to more than a minute and things before, like, like, blindfolding you.
You would like to introduce, like, hand-cuffs or anything like that.
What's like a sexier way to do it more, you know, to make it more...
Well, going to the sex store together could be fun and sexy and then it eliminates
situation of where you would bring something home and choose a dress with you.
You just would.
What if you're thinking?
So if you go together, you can kind of test the water.
It's like, oh, would you want something like this or do you want something?
And then you totally become a C.B.H.
Or if, like, if you guys are more conservative or if she's more conservative, you
can always
just go online.
Well, I'm not going to sit and go online like her places in your name.
I'm not going to get there.
People go to these things anymore.
I don't want to go to these things anymore.
I'm not going to this side.
I'm actually going to this side.
I'm actually going to this store, too.
But I can imagine, like, like, a guy might be...
Like, let's say it's a girl suggested.
And the guy might be like, I don't want to go to a sex store.
Or maybe he wants to watch the game.
Maybe he wants to do a guy.
Maybe he's intimidating.
He can be intimidating for him.
But, you know, online is probably personal.
You can drop that too.
I like to use this.
I feel like after the suburbs, like, the sex shops, people are a little more
Like, they don't want to see, like, they're not like where the city is.
Yeah, you don't want to see something.
Yeah, it's like, grabbing a little...
It's even a weird sex store.
And then you go walking in and out of sex stores, yeah.
Well, I think that speaks to being comfortable and not thinking that sex is
something weird.
Like, the mindsets we talked about at the beginning.
If you come from a wrong mindset, then all those things, you're going to be like,
oh, well, this is even weird.
You're doing this.
And you're like, again, this is not a big deal.
Like, you know, maybe society kind of feels that way, but, you know, you're just
like, whatever.
Go on this section.
Oh, my God.
So consult you about it.
Just get it.
If you're...
If both people are thinking that together is better, obviously...
I think if you look at it together.
All right, so you kind of figure out which one she would like.
What about stuff like that, like blindfolding, and that stuff's all good, you guys?
It's really a preference.
I mean, it's hard to say what's right.
And there's some stuff that I would see in the sex store that I mean, I would
probably never try,
but maybe it's something like fake-bruhling.
Favorite thing.
I would start with the basics, though.
What's the most basic thing that I can get?
I think the most basic would probably be like, like, special lube or something like
Oh, we made it.
But I find like the most basic.
That's why like, you can get it to the end of the interview.
Yeah, right.
That's like the easiest thing to introduce, I think.
But I like blindfold.
It's also pretty simple, because it's not restraining, you know?
Yeah, I just can't see it.
Like, I wouldn't make the first thing a major bondage kit.
You know?
Because that could freak her out a little bit.
You've put all these books today to shade the gray, it's more out in the public.
Yeah, that's the reason you have to feel her out for a little bit.
And you can kind of ruin it, too, if you go too fast.
Like, all of a sudden you're introducing, you have a little box to bring it out.
And then you might be able to, you might be hurt and secure, like, if you say that
into something, then she's not, she's even like, having it on her mind.
Like, that's what you want.
And maybe you're like, what, she's giving me, like, isn't good enough anymore, and
you might
be hurt and secure.
Girls really feel it, but not.
Yeah, because if I wasn't into something that he was, I would think, okay, does
this mean,
like, eventually something can go to my child and find it somewhere else?
Yeah, those are actually feelings.
I think both ways, like, it's like a guy and he opens up, like, oh, this turns me
and they're like, um, no.
And it's like, we can't help but be like, oh man, that makes me feel bad, too.
You feel bad, you're not living up to so...
It's a delicate situation.
So, that's the way.
Okay, so we've introduced, we've got some dress and sexy, we've got to go to the
store together,
maybe we've got our stuff online, things are going good.
What about things like, and this would be tough when I guess for a relationship,
but what
a guy's like, you know, my fantasy is, I'm going to have to reach them.
I'm here this all the time.
So, we've got to cover this topic.
Like, let's picture not a relationship and a relationship.
What are your thought on things like that?
Or how would you even bring it up and what would you do?
I want to say not in a relationship is easier for that situation because there's
not so much
emotional attachment.
You're not like, when you're not a relationship, you're not in love.
It could just be like, just for the fun of it.
No, I don't think no one's feelings are really getting hurt.
You don't have to necessarily follow the three some rules.
So, how do you bring it up either way?
Like, how would a guy even broach that subject?
Sometimes when you're not in a relationship, I think.
It just might happen.
Like, the first thing you could just throw it out there, you think it's like a
You know what I've never done?
Like, one of those.
You know what I've never done?
I've never done it.
I've never done it.
It's not crazy.
Like, and see what her response is if she's like, well, good.
I would probably not push the topic in for a second.
Or you can just, like, the same little floating techniques, but on, like, maybe her
and her friend.
And try to get them like, balls back with you or balls.
Thinking about it or like, you know, I would try to, and that's like if it's very,
very beginning.
If you're already dating, don't bring up her friend.
You don't do that.
If she brings it up, it's different.
If the girl brings it up, that's different.
No, but you don't say so.
We don't have your friend.
That is like, okay, I'm never speaking to you yet.
Well, she's never going to be invited out when we're out together anymore.
Yeah, could you imagine?
That would suck.
You're all screwed, yeah.
That would suck.
You have to like, vary.
It's so cute.
That's a touchy.
The girl has to be 100% in control of that entire scene.
She has to be the one that brings in the girl.
So maybe it is her friend.
Maybe it's a girl she wants to pick up in a bar.
Like, it has to be all up to her.
You can't say, oh, I want to have this reason, whatever.
She's got more than say.
And I want to do it with this girl.
Like, you don't have to pick out the girl.
Just be happy that she's even accepting it.
Yeah, at that point, she's going to go with it.
It's just like, because it could go really bad, really quick.
So it might not be worth just getting that kind of fantasy.
First, let her know that it's not a deal breaker.
If it's not, you know, if it is a deal breaker, like, I really want to threesome
and you don't, then that's it.
But let her know, like, I'd be interested in something wild, like having a
But if you're not, like, it's totally okay.
That's really the main point in this course, like, not also not pouting if you
don't get this stuff.
Being open about what you like, but not being like, oh, I didn't get that now.
Again, don't make it the goal.
If it's the goal, then you set yourself up for failure.
And you don't know if things could change down the line.
So I think it's not old or nothing, especially in a relationship, you kind of get
out of what you want.
You have to be comfortable.
She definitely has to trust you, because it's a difficult situation.
And if something goes wrong, like, she's, chances are, she'll be thinking about it
all the time.
So speaking of trust, the legend brought up trust.
So here's another thing, like a male fantasy thing.
Like, maybe today it's more just, passé, but making a video.
Now obviously you'd have to trust a person doing that.
You don't want to get out of all this stuff where you thought it was like that.
A lot of trust.
A lot of trust.
And then it's too easy to be faced.
It's hard to say, like, I wouldn't ever want to tell people, like, yes, go ahead
and do it, try it.
I mean, there's ways to get around to real miskilling your filming.
Like, I was just thinking about this the other day, like, if you don't want to
record it and have it, like, plain, like, on your TV, but it never gets recorded.
It never gets recorded.
It's never gets recorded.
So you're like, keep watching.
That's the best.
But it never gets recorded because, I mean, you're filming it, but it's not being
recorded because it's tricky.
I mean, to have that story because even, like, people are, a lot of people do stuff
on their phone and you lose your phone.
There's so many little things.
It's easier now than ever to do it, but it's also easier to have it.
Like, unless you get it out there.
My advice is if you want to, I would say, like, do it, make one, even if you did
record it, watch it, and delete it.
It just doesn't feel like fun of it, but it's tricky these days.
And leave, I would say leave that, like, up to her again, just like the three-
Be like, you know, record it, record it on your computer and your phone, like, let
her have control of it over it so that she can also be the one that deletes it.
Like, she knows it's not going to go anywhere.
So if she feels safe, right, safety is such a big deal.
Is this more male fantasy than female fantasy?
Does it feel like?
I think it's fun.
Yeah, it can be fun.
It's different from trauma.
It's just like trauma.
No, I mean, I think that's what men do understand, because we enjoy the same
We have the same, like, a lot of the same fantasies and a lot of the same thoughts.
And we probably think about it as much as they do, but they don't like we do.
Or also sometimes it's like we kind of almost have to be more conservative about
Otherwise, we're trashy or slutty.
We're like, oh, I think about that.
Yeah, so sometimes...
Guy's final realize how much we think about it or talk about it, because we sort of
to be more conservative about it.
You know, mine's what we want to just...
So, all right, so we got the dress and sex.
We got some props.
Maybe we made a tape.
You know, we made her comfortable.
Here's a pretty easy one.
Just role playing.
I feel like this is the, you know, this is like the easiest one to do.
Because a woman gets to act out of fantasy and you do.
How do you come and get that?
I don't think it's the easiest one.
It's time for people because they have, you're completely taking them out of their
comfort zone.
Saying act like someone else.
Yeah, act like someone else.
Like, go wrong.
It's just, it can...
It's fun, but it's something where you have to be completely on the same page and
like talk
about it ahead of time.
You probably couldn't launch into it.
But what if you found out like what her role play fantasy would be?
Instead of being like, I want to be this.
Finding out what you'd want to be.
But I think like a good way could be just like joking about it at first.
Like finding out what she likes and not even in like a sexual scenario would be
okay, so.
Like, start like, talk like the storytelling thing.
The silly thing like, stop pretending to feel like you're that person.
And see how far it goes and then push it away every time.
No, totally.
Yeah, especially in a relationship if you have that.

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