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electro moment

All right, so we have two girls here, two women who are pretty experienced in this
definitely know a lot about this subject.
So we just wanted to take this opportunity to kind of look at some random questions
guys like you have sent in to get better and better.
Now, one thing that's interesting is masturbation.
So my guys pointed me to, is this something you should keep hitting your
never bring it up, try to incorporate it, hide all your stuff, never say maybe
girls get
mad at that kind of thing.
About him masturbating about, I think it's sexy.
I think it's sexy too.
However, I don't want it like thrown in my face.
Like I don't want to see lotion and tissues and stuff.
I don't want to like break my face, but I get thinking about it in this sexy.
So a guy doesn't have to totally hide it?
Like, again, like I don't want to, I don't need to know like the last time you do
you don't have to like, well, you know, like, 235.
By the way.
But it is sexy to think about.
Yeah, I think it's like that.
Was that something you would share about yourself with a guy, that part of
or is that something that you keep in?
I mean, I don't, I mean, I think, I think, I don't have to do that.
I think, I don't know.
I think, I don't know.
I think, I don't know.
I think, I don't know.
I think, I don't know.
I think, I don't know.
I mean, there probably some guy that makes that.
But it goes back to the whole thing, the whole thing looks sexy.
It's like, yeah, I get it.
And then it's like, wait a second.
She's not like that.
You know, it's like, oh, girl, do that.
But maybe she doesn't.
You know, it's, we just don't keep short.
I'm not sure.
I think there's some growth.
Right, of course.
I don't know.
It's, I think it's an open.
It's open, something.
I don't, like, I don't want to, like, stop that around the time during my face, but
I enjoy the mystery of it.
Like, sometimes I'm like, I'm wondering if you did today.
What do you think about?
I just stand and think of.
Now, is that something you can incorporate into your look like, or is that like,
my private time?
And I don't really want to talk about that with you.
You really don't point anything.
And incorporate it because, well, especially if a girl thinks that it's sexy.
I mean, they're definitely incorporated.
Like, I don't know, just, especially if I think that he's a kind of guy that, like,
is thinking
about me, then I'm like, it's like, it's sexy and flattering.
You know, like, you can't, you can't.
Can a guy go to a floor?
Like, what if a guy, you're just not, like, a spell and not having sex with
He's just gotten too into a porn, you know, especially nowadays, but it's like,
That's weird.
And that's like, it's like, the kind of weird, and you're doing this, like, way too
It's like, then I'm going to think maybe you're a sex addict.
Like, if we're having regular sex and you're still needing to, like, I'm finding
videos and like, then I'm like, oh, no.
No, you're not having sex.
It's like a story.
Oh, we're not having sex.
Because he's doing that.
Is that like, anything to see, issue, anything that's, you know, it has to.
I don't think that's like, insulting, like, if we're not having sex, like, maybe I
like, a workload in schools.
So what if I know you would do a chance to have sex either?
Oh, he's choosing to have masturbation over sex.
Yeah, then that would be a problem.
That's like, that would be a big problem.
That's something new.
Yeah, you just need to talk about it.
Alright, so porn.
Is this, like, we said, is this a guy's private time?
Can we watch together?
Can we bring things up?
Is there a certain time to do it?
I think you could watch together.
If it's something that would turn him on, like, I wouldn't be opposed to it.
I wouldn't want to do it all the time.
I was just going to say one of those.
I would have wanted to make all the time.
Because I don't think it would really do anything for me.
No, and then, like, it takes away from your own need.
Because, you know, it's a visual media.
You know what I mean?
It doesn't really turn you on now, which is interesting,
whereas a guy, visual stimulus is so pronounced.
Also, it feels like if you're a people much porn,
but you don't watch the scene, you don't watch the scene.
It's not the same style porn that it's like,
I'm not going to be awkward.
I know.
If you're watching, look at gang bang.
You're just like...
I don't think...
I don't think...
So if you have similar tastes, it can work.
You can hear them from time to time, but it's obviously not going to be a good
It can't be like a regular playing.
What about these female romance novels?
What's the deal with this stuff that guys don't understand?
What's going on in these things that...
I can't even tell you.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm sure that they're fine, because, you know,
when you're reading, you visualize it,
and I'm the one in your imagination goes crazy.
But I don't.
Yeah, I can't think of what the girls want to be.
Because it's a girl's movie.
And maybe then some other women that, like, they're just...
We probably have a movie.
I'm making that look.
And they were just living our lives, and maybe some people, like,
lived through other people's experience, like, these characters or something.
I would say, if that's the case, then how can you introduce those types of
characters into your relationship?
Like, what would you do when you were in the movie?
I'd do this romantic thing.
Yeah, totally.
Especially if she likes the book, like, honestly, a lot of people...
Yeah, maybe he needs to go through that book, and then he'll be like,
Oh, I need to do that.
So you should make...
And just sort of gotta read a book like that, or really, there's no point.
I mean, maybe if he's just looking for tips and tricks, but if the girl's not even
reading it,
then he'd have been reading it.
Alright, so let's talk about a different topic, which you guys wrote about four,
like, texting or sex thing.
What's the proper way for the guy to go about it?
Let's start first, when you're not even reading it, like, maybe we're setting up a
What's too much right off the bat is that what I can tell you.
I was like, I'm using dirty as a tool.
Like, I've had guys, and we were just talking, and they sent me a picture of their
and I was like, done.
Yeah, just having a lot.
Yeah, and it's like, I'm not saying...
This is my not... I hate this.
Do you not say if we're, like, not even dating it, send me a picture?
So, that is so frustrating.
Okay, but I'm gonna send you one of me for the quote, smiling.
And I know that that's a lot of dangerousness.
It's the most, like, even...
But you guys are funny at all, and just have a picture of it.
They do?
But guys, we got it all the time, because they take advantage of the fact that
everyone does that today,
so they're like, oh, the name of the picture.
Send me a sexy picture.
Yeah, I've been telling you.
Not even in conversation, just out of nowhere texting me,
hey, send me a picture.
So, we're all on for a little later.
Of course.
It's a great...
What... what... what... what heard you?
She'll send you this sexy picture.
She'll send you her own text.
You know, you don't have to be like, so give me this.
Yeah, I made that mistake.
Not with the... you're sending a picture, but, like, being sexual over text before,
you can actually be hooked up.
Because the governor asked one of you, it's like, oh, well, maybe this will turn
So, I think you think this is the thing we have to do to get you from point A to
point B,
like, to take it to a sexual level.
I think you have to follow our lead.
So, like, you know, like, how far you can go, because she might meet the first,
like, little,
maybe, like, sexual joke.
And also, like, sending pictures and stuff, because guys are visuals.
It's like, you want to see what we're doing right now.
You want to see them.
But we're mental.
So, you know, sending us a photo or asking for a photo, it's like, why?
So, we need to engage your emotional notes.
Yeah, this goes mentally first, and then, you know,
what we go on a date, maybe it's emotional.
But then, we'll start doing it, you know, like, don't, I would say, don't make the
first picture.
Tell me to take a picture of it.
What kind of guy, what text can a guy send, kind of, like, a sexual text that's not
supposed to go to for,
which is kind of...
But after you're already dating?
Because that's a huge for, but today is really...
After you're already involved, I would say just, like, a sexual text, like, I
missed your body.
Or, like, I feel like we...
To touch you or something like that.
I can't wait to feel you.
Like, are you thinking about you all day about, like, about little...
I don't know, like, to say to let them know, because I like sexual texts that don't
come right out and say that...
There's a little, like, meanings behind.
The mental thing again.
The visual thing.
So, okay.
So, a guy can definitely turn one that way.
What if, uh, this is a totally different topic, but...
Grooming for a guy.
Don't care at all.
Oh, gosh.
You can do anything.
Try to stay at least, you know, pick up.
I care, but I think it's like a personal choice.
Definitely think everyone should groove.
You don't want to buy...
The garbage shirt is, like, a bear.
But you don't want to have to, you know, have a...
Have at least an off.
For me.
The guy doesn't have to go schedule waxing, or anything like that.
We got, like, cologne.
Not too strong.
That's just my preference.
I don't like it.
I'm not masculine with nothing, girls.
I don't like masculine, but not too sweet.
Mascaline, not too strong.
Don't bathe in it.
Some guys make that mistake.
Or, like, I want my neighbors.
Like, I can tell he's been in the elevator.
And it's, like, a great scent, but you're in the elevator.
It's trapped within it.
It's like, ahh.
It's like, don't bathe in it.
It'll hold down.
It can go a long way.
All right.
Now, how should a guy bring up that kind of stuff with you?
Female stuff.
Like, oh, I want it shaped.
This way that...
I just do...
It's still, like, time.
It's going to take time.
It's going to take a little time.
But I think it's time...
You will bend down the sky so that it will always go away.
No, like, let's say, you know, in the beginning of the relationship, you were
always completely
And then you decided that you want to have, like, a little bit of hair.
You could always say, you know, I kind of really liked when you were totally
Like, that was my favorite.
You know?
So it's not like, I have to have that.
But it's...
That's my favorite.
So now we store that.
We're like, okay, you prefer this.
And we don't want to, like, have the things, like...
It's going to be desirable, so we probably would.
I'm going to have to have a friend or a girl just refuse to do that at all.
But I know that's not what everyone's going to be.
What do you mean, she used to say that?
I just...
I like it this way and I'm not...
Is this a shame?
Not refuse to shave, but, like, it isn't going to, you know.
It is what it is and I'm not really...
Well, there's...
There's a lot of shame there's like...
So you can't do anything about that.
Alright, so...
This goes into kind of like the fantasy discussion.
Public sex, bathroom sex.
Does this a preference thing like a lot of guys go out like, you know,
Oh, I can't get a home and I'll try to hook up with her in the bathroom.
I think it's situational.
It's fine, but...
I mean, it's hard to say, because it's really...
I feel like it's fine.
It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's really hard.
Yeah, it's just one of my life.
It's really hard to get a good sex in a public bathroom.
Like, I just...
I'm like, I don't know.
It's really...
You can't, like, pre-plan that stuff.
So, I would be totally into it, but it would have to be, like, the right moment.
The right moment and the right bathroom.
It has to be clean.
It has to be, like, there's a lot of things that come into play with that.
So, it's not coming to you every night, but girls are open to it.
Women attracted to other women.
Guys want to know about this.
What is it about women?
That many guys don't understand that sexy, about a woman that she loves.
There's so much, like, harder in the bottom, differently.
Is it all physical?
It's all physical.
So, it doesn't speak to the mental stuff.
You talk about, like, women's with guys.
Well, it depends, because, like, we already know they were mental creatures.
So, we can kind of play on that.
We already know we need certain little things.
We already know what it takes mentally to get to that place.
You know, so, I guess it's easier for us.
It's easier for two women.
And it is for a guy.
Guys, think about so many things.
We can just do it naturally, you know?
So, I think that's appealing.
All right, I think you guys feel like this is a number of times.
It puts a lot of pressure on it.
You need to have sex a week.
And, I mean, people get caught up in numbers and, like...
What's it happens?
I mean, if you don't live together, you don't, like, run your schedules.
There's schedules.
There's schedule.
There's schedule.
I don't think there's a specific number.
No, there's nothing like that.
I mean, I don't think you asked a guy.
He's going to be, like, everyday twice.
Twice a day.
You know, but it's like, it's what your schedules can accommodate.
And also, not every single date needs to be about sex.
You know, like, if that's the end of the date, fine.
If that's what you both want.
But you can't put a number on it.
What was the total however?
Well, because I think that there's no reason why you shouldn't be having sex every
time you're reading out.
This is the matter.
Any reason?
Because I don't want to.
I feel like the relationship of my family wins.
Oh, yeah.
Like, if I was dating someone, it's like, I don't want them to make that the focus.
No, like, if your relationship, like, yeah.
And it's just like, why not?
It's like, he already got the girl.
You don't need to make a word for it anymore.
Like, if you're dating, and it's just, you know, once you start having sex, it's
every time, but there's still no, like, relationship or commitment or whatever,
it's like, then it's just going to become about sex.
So you guys have to initiate sex sometimes, and how does a girl do that?
How did you become comfortable with stuff like that, even when you found an
I think being confident makes you capable of initiating.
It's like knowing myself, knowing that, like, I mean, maybe we've already, maybe we
haven't done it yet, and I'm the one that wants to initiate it.
Like, you do pay yourself at risk for rejection, but we feel all the signs.
Like, this guy's really digging in.
That's not going to make the move.
If I feel comfortable with the person, then I have no problem, like, making the
first move.
I mean, if you talk about rejection, I feel like men and women feel different about
Now, a guy, we can be boyfriend, girlfriend. We can be married, and I can go, like,
you know, on the bed, I'm trying to, like, massage you and get rejected.
That really hurts guys.
No one else feels like that, too.
But that, it hurts me a lot better.
It hurts me, like, I would have an relationship, like, whatever.
This is my, like, last relationship, and I just remember he was just in, like, a
So, like, he, like, didn't feel like doing anything, and it's like the weirdest
Like, I feel like my heart drops.
Yeah, I feel like someone you did, too, which is weird.
I feel like something like, I was like, what is that?
Like, for a while, and it's still what, it's still worse.
I think because girls get rejected less.
Yeah. So then when you do, it's like, ouch.
You know, I think it just hurts more because it happens less frequently.
But that's that thing when I get across the guys in the courses, is that fear of

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