La Hipótesis de Neuroprogresión en El TAB

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DOI: 10.1111/bdi.



“The neuroprogression hypothesis in bipolar disorders: Time

for apologies?”

​After almost 15 years since the first publications were released, the on which NP had based its arguments. However, studies designed
main postulates of the neuroprogression (NP) hypothesis in bipolar with the purpose of exploring the causal relationship of this cor-
disorders (BDs) have been virtually debunked. relation have not been able to demonstrate that it is the manic epi-
Over these years, NP has gained noticeable popularity and con- sodes that increase cognitive deterioration, even suggesting that the
sensus, thus challenging the traditional idea of general integrity of causal direction could be the opposite.4 Finally, although the data
the course of BDs and providing a new framework to comprehend regarding an increased risk of dementia in people affected by BD
these disorders. Moreover, this hypothesis, which is in fact an up- have been corroborated (relative risk >3), the absolute risk would be
dated version of a similar one explored 10 years earlier in schizo- limited to less than 10% of these people and, in addition, until now
phrenia, generated such confidence in its promoters that they also it has not been possible to establish that this increase in risk is due
proposed a staging system with the expectation of generating ad- to the mechanisms proposed by the NP hypothesis or by other con-
equate predictions to guide the treatment of all BD patients, inde- current factors such as the increased incidence of metabolic disease
pendently of their clinical-­evolutionary heterogeneity. However, the caused by the treatment of BDs.4 Finally, the NP hypothesis sustains
NP hypothesis was a giant with feet of clay. Despite its potential that neuroinflammatory processes should ultimately produce pro-
academic appeal at the time it was proposed, NP was grounded on a gressive pathologic changes in brain architecture. Although some
weak evidential basis. studies have found data that might show signs of chronicity-­related
In early versions of this hypothesis, inflammatory markers such neurostructural abnormalities in BD, they have run into the same
as brain-­derived neurotrophic factor played a central role to the problems as those conducted in people with schizophrenia 10 years
point of being part of staging systems. However, critical weaknesses ago, in which although chronicity correlated negatively with brain
in the data that supported these proposals have been pointed out.1 volume, exposure to antipsychotics, and metabolic risk correlated
NP sustains that, as a consequence of intrinsic illness mechanisms, twice as strongly.4
an increase in the number of episodes and progressive treatment All these contradictory data and conceptual problems became
resistance should be observed. However, systematic reviews of rapidly available and were pointed out in both editorials and re-
previous data on the clinical evolution of BD and new longitudinal views visibly published. So, why has NP spread so fast from being
studies, including ones with mirror-­image design and comparisons a disruptive hypothesis to one that is a nearly the core concept of
of populations at different ages, show that in individuals with BD, BD? Maybe a point could be the attractiveness of this hypothesis:
as a group, the number of episodes tends to present a static evo- alluring, reasonable, accessible, and combining the latest in neuro-
lution, not an acceleration process. Similar findings were observed science, it allowed us to have the conceptual framework that we
even at the level of subsyndromal symptoms and mood instabil- still lack today. Indeed, we had never seen in our field graphs as
ity. 2 Furthermore, these data are in line with the previously noted charming as those offered by NP. Furthermore, it is also evident
evolutionary heterogeneity in BD, in which a minority group of that the well-­earned academic position of many of the main pro-
approximately 20% of those affected could experience a progres- moters of this hypothesis as well as some academic licenses that
sive increase in their morbidity. Additionally, NP sustains that, as were allowed when discussing this hypothesis was a determining
a consequence of neuroinflammation due to chronicity and mood factor for its rapid and uncritical consolidation. Throughout re-
episodes, progressive cognitive impairment leading to dementia cent years, a noticeable number of nonsystematic reviews about
should happen. However, data from a significant number of longi- NP/ staging have been published, in which in almost all cases the
tudinal studies exploring cognitive functioning in BD patients, with contradictory data and conceptual problems pointed out were sys-
follow-­up periods of up to 10 years, have, once again, consistently tematically avoided or underestimated. This style continued and
found a static evolution of cognitive functioning, which is inde- was evident even in seminars and editorials published in the most
pendent of illness chronicity and the age of the subjects studied.3 important medical journals. In these influential reviews, NP and
Interestingly, these studies corroborated the negative correlation staging are assumed to be a solid part of the state of the art of BD,
between the number of manic episodes and cognitive functioning not a hypothesis.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Bipolar Disorders. 2023;00:1–2. | 1


Then, does this academic behavior, although not strictly fair as therapeutically relevant and determinative as NP is. At this point,
play, deserve apologies? Is an apology necessary for having spent so some apologies and clarifications of the case are required as this
much money and effort on this hypothesis while we still do not know would surely help clinicians and the people under our care to get
what kind of patients will respond to lithium? The answer is no. At out of the conceptual error that has clouded both our therapeutic
the end of the day, we can all be victims of academic or “enthusiasm” paradigms and our hopes.
bias in a field as competitive as science and where mistakes are the
mother of many of our best advances. C O N F L I C T O F I N T E R E S T S TAT E M E N T
However, there is a point where an apology is clearly necessary. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
In the last version of the CANMAT-­ISBD guidelines for the treat-
ment of BDs, NP was incorporated as the conceptual center of these Sergio A. Strejilevich1
disorders, ignoring its hypothetical nature and all the contradictory Cecilia Samamé2
data and claims that existed. Adopting the NP hypothesis, these Danilo Quiroz3
guidelines explain the evolutionary pattern of BD and, therefore, the
way in which we should weigh treatment decisions in our everyday ÁREA, Assistance and Research in Affective Disorders, Buenos
clinical practice. In fact, they are remarkably explicit in doing so by Aires, Argentina
stating that “The course of BD is heterogeneous but, on average, the risk Catholic University of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
of recurrence increases with the number of previous episodes. In addi- Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile
tion, data examining the effect of episodes on the course of illness shows
that the number of previous episodes is associated with increased dura- Correspondence
tion and symptomatic severity of subsequent episodes. Furthermore, the Sergio A. Strejilevich, Juncal 2061 PB Dto. “C” (1116), CABA,
number of episodes is associated with a decreased threshold for devel- Buenos Aires, Argentina.
oping further episodes and with an increased risk of dementia in the long Email:
term.” Therefore, the message was clear: Each episode irreversibly
worsens the course and prognosis of the disorder. Then, everything ORCID
is justified with the objective of preventing episodes and, if some- Sergio A. Strejilevich
thing goes wrong, it is almost certainly the course of the illness itself.
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