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This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.

1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at

reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at
Author: Pyram King Arseniy Ginnoir Obed Serrano
Maps: DM Andy Bernardo Pinho Gremoire Oreius
Edited by: Jesse Winter (Duo Storytelling)
Drodinn Grise Phil König
Tokens: Tixu
Art: AI-generated by Pyram King Nija Nikolic Hellborg pmurph89
Aaron Henrik Lycke Thomsen Raphael Verdier
Adrian Woodhart Hugo Dominguez Raz84952
Campaign Guides
Campaign & Player Guides Alasdair Botting i5trahd Roadog
Fey Quest Albeor Jacob Sutter Roger Penny
Strahd von Zarovich Andi Schipelbaum Jashalas -Roleplay Legends-
Andrea M Chandler Jeffrey Reynolds Rune Christensen
Location Guides
#1 Count’s Manor (Alternative to Death House)
Andrew Martinez Jeramie Ritchie Ryker
#2 Village of Barovia Atomesque Jeremy Ruiz S41ph3r
#3 The Crossroads Balinaeri Jimbus340 Sage Huseas
#4 The Tser Pool Barron Joel bourdon SageRylander
#5 Tser Falls
Beau Bramblett Josh Barker Samadhi Fugita
#6 The Old Windmill
#7 Village of Vallaki Bill Boyea JoyfulDemon01 Samhain
#8 Blue Water Inn Brigonos Kaitlyn H schwobynature
#9 Arasek Stockyard Bryan Casler Kateesh SleepyPillz
#10 St. Andral CamronPagett kblooie Sliverspell
#11 Coffin Maker’s Shop
Carsten Köhr Kevin Rutherford Smashskull
#12 Vallaki burgomaster Mansion
#13 Wachterhaus Chad Bounous Ko-fi Supporter SMBTD
#14 Vistani Camp Chris Kristofor Meek Steadychaos
#15 Lake Zarovich Chris McCullough LadyKamille StrayWrath
ChrisBlain Lionheart Taggz
cmarmor Luis Carlos Santos Tetragramaton
Conor Madden Macey J. Reynolds ThisDan
Criz markensign03 Trouble
Dean Logan Wood Martin Gales Trouqe
dgrabhorn Marzipanic Tuefel
DM Highstorm Masemo1234 Tyrants Bane
DocPixel Matthew Cox Vector
Duke of Vandals Matthew J Hartman VitekN
Dungeon of Terra MER_L1N Wade Schriner
EmmaD Mestre Misto Wade Tripp
eragon4994 Mr PinkL Whelan
garyarm9 Mr. Kroquettos Wintersun
Gerardo Zaragoza Nick Wolfdog288
GharrethAdekyn Nicko Zan
ghwatson Niko Tackian
GigawattWarlock Noel Lim

Table of Contents
Credits....................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents ................................................................... 2
Lake Zarovich ......................................................................... 3
Lake Shore ........................................................................................ 4
Saving Arabelle .......................................................................... 4
Returning Arabelle ................................................................... 4
Cave Map ........................................................................................... 5
Cave .......................................................................................... 6
Toxic Pool .................................................................................... 6
West Cave (The Pit) .................................................................. 6
East Cave (Nest and Lair) ........................................................ 6
Gitrog ................................................................................................. 7
Swallowed Creature .................................................................. 7
Baby Gitrog ....................................................................................... 7
Treasure Mound .............................................................................. 8
Appendix ................................................................................. 9

Lake Zarovich Some Vallakians bravely—or perhaps foolishly—risk
their lives each day to fish the waters of Lake Zarovich.
Nestled between the foot of Mount Baratok and the
While the fish may not be abundant throughout, certain
northern gate of Vallaki lies the enigmatic Lake Zarovich—
coves and other secret spots harbor sizable specimens. For
a vast lake with a glassy black that conceals the unknown
those daring or desperate enough, a successful haul can
yield a decent payment within the town, compensating for
The shores of Lake Zarovich are not to be taken lightly.
the hazards endured.
Packs of wolves and other elusive beasts roam near the
Lake Zarovich, with its shrouded mysteries, lurking
lake, making it a place of potential peril.
dangers, and whispered tales, is a focal point for both
Legends shared among children tell of a fearsome lake
intrigue and livelihood. Its dark allure draws adventurers,
monster—a colossal frog capable of devouring a person
fishermen, and dreamers alike, each finding their own
whole. Though dismissed as mere fantasy by most, the
reasons to brave its depths and uncover the secrets held
eerie charm of the story lingers in the minds of those who
venture near the lake.
Occasionally, Vallakians claim to witness peculiar
occurrences north of the lake—mysterious lights, bolts of
lightning, and sudden bursts of fire. Tales circulate of a
deranged mage who appeared from the mists, hailing from
another world. Supposedly, he engaged in a legendary
battle against the dark lord, narrowly escaping with his life
before finding refuge on the slopes of Mount Baratok.
Despite the allure of these accounts, most doubt their

Lake Shore
Nestled in a misty forest, at the mountain’s base, lies a vast, still,
and dark lake. It mirrors the ominous clouds overhead while veiled
in a delicate mist. Three boats rest on the shore, while a lone figure
fishes from a fourth boat in the middle of the lake.

Bluto Krogarov (CN male human commoner), a destitute

drunkard, finds himself desperate to catch fish and trade
them for wine at the Blackwater Tavern.
Recently, however, Bluto was charmed by the gitrog to
bring it food, and so he has kidnapped and tied up in the
boat a seven-year-old Vistani child named Arabelle (LN
female commoner with 2 hit points). She is bound with
hempen rope, wrapped in a burlap sack, and lying prone so
that she can’t be seen or heard from the shore.
If the characters observe Bluto from the shore for
several minutes or approach him on a boat, he callously
tosses the burlap sack into the water. As soon as Arabelle
hits the water, he is no longer charmed. He sits and
resumes his fishing as if nothing happened.
If confronted, he will not know what they are talking
about. It is apparent he was charmed or hypnotized. Bluto
is disconnected from his own actions, his comprehension
of the situation diminished. He is unarmed and remains
passive, neither assisting nor hindering the characters in
any way and is drunk and generally confused.

Saving Arabelle
Characters who attempt to save Arabelle must succeed on
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check if they are swimming (DC
10 if they are in a rowboat) to rescue her in time. Each
character can make an attempt if they are swimming. If
they are in a boat, only one character can roll, as the others
must steady the boat.
The gitrog is underwater and will move to collect the
sack containing Arabelle as soon as she is in the water.

Fail Saving Arabelle

If the characters fail, they see gitrog take the sack with
Arabelle across the lake and disappear into a cave. Arabelle
will be alive in the cave (in the pit).

Saving Arabelle
If the characters rescue Arabelle, the gitrog will surface in
the distance and make a resonant croaking noise. The
characters will see it disappear into a cave on the other side
of the lake.

During the rescue attempt, the gitrog could snatch one of
the PCs instead of Arabelle, taking them back to the cave
and into the pit. The characters would then have to mount
a rescue.

Returning Arabelle
Returning Arabelle to Luvash, the Vallaki Vistani leader
results in valuable rewards. For further details, please refer
to the “Vistani Camp Guide.”

Cave Map

At the lake’s northern shore, an obscured cave entrance comes West Cave (The Pit)
into view, nestled at the water’s edge amid overgrown weeds and The western cave features a deep pit where the gitrog
foliage. From within the cave, a putrid odor permeates the air, a imprisons its unfortunate victims. Plunging 20 feet down,
noxious combination of toxic gas and decay that stings your eyes. the pit emits a repugnant odor. Any characters who fall
into the pit suffer 2d10 bludgeoning damage.
At the northern edge of Lake Zarovich, the gitrog has made Within the pit, the remains of victims who perished
its dwelling within a burrow crafted entirely from tightly while trapped have been left to decay. The gitrog, not
packed mud. The cavernous lair rests partially submerged, inclined to consume deceased creatures, allows those who
with water seeping in when the water levels rise, ensuring have died from injuries or malnourishment to rot in the
a perpetually wet and muddy environment. pit.
Concealed by the surrounding weeds and foliage, the If Anabelle or a PC was captured by the gitrog, they will
entrance to the gitrog’s lair remains obscured. However, if still be found at the pit’s bottom. The creature has
a character had the fortune of witnessing the gitrog abandoned them there temporarily to attend to its
entering the cave after the encounter with Bluto, they offspring.
should be able to locate it. For characters actively
searching for a cave but lacking prior knowledge of the
gitrog’s presence, succeeding on a DC 18 Wisdom
Muddy Ceiling
(Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check is Adding to the cave’s unsettling nature, the muddy ceiling
necessary to locate the cave. poses a constant threat. Every 5 minutes, mud drips down,
The gitrog shelters and nurtures its offspring in the creating an unpredictable hazard. Roll a 1d4, and on a
eastern section of the cave. While typically a solitary result of 1, mud falls onto a random party member. The
hunter, the gitrog has employed its Hypnotic Gaze on affected character must then make a DC 13 Dexterity
Bluto to secure a reliable food source, affording the saving throw. Characters who fail take 1d6 + 1 bludgeoning
creature more time to safeguard its young. damage and are knocked prone.
Notably, Bluto’s recent interaction with the gitrog
marked his initial attempt at both kidnapping and feeding East Cave (Nest and Lair)
the creature. The gitrog possesses an innate awareness of
The eastern cave serves as both the nesting area and lair
any creature entering its cave, even those employing
for the gitrog. It is where the creature chooses to dwell and
stealth. As soon as the party ventures into the cavern, the
protect its young. Should the characters enter the east cave
gitrog unleashes a thunderous roar—its echoing croak
through the toxic pool, the gitrog will react immediately,
serving as a warning for visitors to depart hastily.
unleashing a fearsome roar and launching an attack to
safeguard its offspring.
Toxic Pool A treasure mound awaits in the northern section of this
The toxic pool stands as a deterrent to trespassers and part of the lair (see “Treasure Mound”).
prevents prey from escaping. Composed of putrid water In the southern part of the cave, the gitrog nurtures
and noxious gases emitted from the foul excrement of the young. However, the nest holds no valuable items or
gitrog, the pool poses a danger to any who enter it. possessions, providing no worthwhile spoils to be
Characters must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw discovered.
when entering the pool. Failure results in being poisoned
by the toxic substances present.

When the first party member enters the eastern cave from
the toxic pool, the gitrog unleashes its roaring croak once
more. Any creature within 60 feet of the gitrog must
succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened for 1 minute as their courage falters in the face
of the creature’s imposing presence.

Swallowed Creature
The gitrog can swallow only one Large or Medium target at
a time. When the gitrog has a creature engulfed within its
gullet, it focuses on digesting its prey, as the presence of a
live creature within the gitrog inhibits its mobility,
preventing it from jumping, reducing its movement speed
to 10 feet, and restricting its actions to Bite. In this state,
the gitrog retreats into its nest, defending itself and its
young while attempting to digest the swallowed creature.
In the event of the gitrog’s demise, a creature held
within its belly is no longer restrained and can escape the
corpse by using 10 feet of movement, exiting the creature’s
body in a prone state.
In the presence of an attack directed at its young, the
gitrog promptly regurgitates any swallowed creature and
swiftly rushes to defend its offspring, prioritizing their
protection above all else.

Baby Gitrog
As combat progresses into the fourth round, the baby
gitrog will enter the fray, actively attacking. If the gitrog
has previously swallowed a creature, it will swiftly
regurgitate the unfortunate victim to defend the baby
gitrog. In this scenario, the gitrog takes a protective
stance, positioning itself between the party and its
offspring, ensuring the safety of its young at all costs.

Treasure Mound Treasure
Amount Money
Nestled within an alcove languishes a heap of coins and 1d100 + 300 copper pieces
miscellaneous items. The pile exudes a nauseating stench, as it has 2d20 + 200 silver pieces
become infused with the repulsive excrement of the gitrog.
2d10 + 100 gold pieces
The gitrog tends to consume its prey in its entirety,
swallowing it whole. However, certain indigestible objects,
such as metal items, can be found in a mound located in
the north corner of the eastern cave. # Loot # Loot
When sifting through the repugnant pile of excrement
6 daggers 1 handaxe
and treasure, a character must succeed on a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 10 3 darts 1 hourglass
minutes, during which time they become too ill to search 1 bell 1 flask (metal)
the pile. Characters who successfully pass the Constitution
1 grappling hook 5 iron spikes
saving throw find the items listed on the Treasure, Loot,
and Magic Item tables. 1 amulet (25 gp) 1 lantern
It is strongly advised that all player characters cleanse 1 caltrops 1 miner’s pike
themselves thoroughly after being in the gitrog cave and
rummaging through the pile of excrement. Failure to do so
1 chain (10’) 1 hammer
will result in a foul stench lingering on their person, 19 fishing tackle 1 glass bottle
rendering them unwelcome in town and barred from
entering establishments. Any character who makes checks
during social encounters while emitting the repulsive odor Magic Items
does so with disadvantage. Roll 1d6 to determine a random magic item.
1d6 Magic Item
Fey Blue Gem 1 arrow +3
If the Fey Quest is part of your campaign, the Blue Fey Gem
is concealed within the treasure mound. See “Fey Quest 2 vicious dagger
Guide” for more information.
3 crossbow bolt +2
4 ring of cold resistance
5 ring of fire resistance
6 handaxe +2

time. While a creature is in its gullet, the gitrog’s speed reduces to 10
Huge Monstrosity, Unaligned feet, it can’t jump, and it can only make Bite attacks.
If the girtrog takes 20 damage or more on a single turn from a creature
Armor Class 12 inside it, the gitrog must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw
Hit Points 149 (13d12 + 65) at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, each of
Speed 20 ft. (swim 40 ft.) which falls prone in a space within 10 feet of the gitrog. If the gitrog dies,
any swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the corpse using 10 feet of movement, exiting prone.
18 (+4) 8 (−1) 20 (+5) 4 (−3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Roaring Croak (Recharge 5–6). Each creature within 60 ft. that can hear
the gitrog must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become
Damage Immunities poison
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Damage Resistances acid, cold, psychic
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a crea-
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
ture’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
immune to the gitrog’s Roaring Croak for the next 24 hours.
Languages —
Hypnotic Gaze (Recharge 5–6). The gitrog targets one humanoid it can
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the gitrog, the target must
Proficiency Bonus +3
succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be charmed by the gitrog.
The target may repeat this save after taking damage. Otherwise, the
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the gitrog fails a saving throw, it may charm persists for 24 hours or until the gitrog is killed, uses Roaring
choose to succeed instead. Croak, or does not see the charmed target for more than 24 hours.
When the charm effect ends, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom
saving throw or gain a long-term madness that persists for 1d10 × 10
Multiattack. The gitrog makes one Tongue Lash and one Bite attack. hours.
Tongue Lash. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 4 (1d8) poison damage. If this
attack hits, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or The gitrog can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
be pulled 15 ft. toward the gitrog. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 at the end of another creature’s turn. The gitrog regains spent legendary
+ 4) piercing damage, plus 4 (1d8) poison damage, and and the target is actions at the start of its turn.
swallowed if it is a Medium or smaller creature. A swallowed creature is Tongue Lash. The gitrog makes one Tongue Lash attack.
blinded and restrained, has total cover against attacks and other effects
Bite. The gitrog makes one Bite attack.
outside the gitrog, and takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of each of
the girtrog’s turns. The gitrog’s gullet can hold one Medium creature at a Roaring Croak. The gitrog uses Roaring Croak

Large Monstrosity, Unaligned

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 +
Armor Class 9 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) poison damage, and the target is grap-
Hit Points 39 (6d10 + 6) pled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is considered re-
Speed 20 ft. (swim 40 ft.) strained.


14 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Immunities poison

Damage Resistances psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages —
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2



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