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Social Engagement: Cognizance of Gender-bending Fashion Among the

College Students of Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus

A Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of the College of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department

Batangas State University- The National Engineering University

Alangilan Campus, Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for Ged-104 The Contemporary World


Atienza, Juan Carlos

Kasilag, Clark David V.

Maaño, Kyla A.

Macalalad, Gene Ann K.

Mendoza, Kristina Lyn P.

May 2023












Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 3

Conceptual Framework 4

Hypothesis of the Study 5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 5

Table of Contents Continued …

Significance of the Study 6

Definition of Terms 7


Related Literature 9

Related Studies 11

Synthesis 13


Research Design 15

Subjects of the Study 16

Data Gathering Instrument 17

Data Gathering Procedure 17

Statistical Treatment of Data 18



Table of Contents Continued …

Summary 28

Findings 29

Conclusions 31

Recommendations 32





This action research entitled " Social Engagement: Cognizance of

Gender-bending Fashion Among the College Students of Batangas

State University - Alangilan Campus.” prepared and submitted by Juan

Carlos A Atienza, Clark David V. Kasilag, Kyla A. Maaño, Gene Ann K.

Macalalad, and Kristina Lyn P. Mendoza, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for Ged-104 The Contemporary World, has been evaluated and

approved with a grade of ___________________.

Date: ________________.

Mrs. Marie Gale Agena



The researchers would like to express their utmost gratitude and heartfelt

appreciation to the persons behind the success of their study.

First of all, the researchers are grateful to Almighty God, for his constant

guidance and for giving them knowledge as well as the strength that pushed them

all through their research.

To their Contemporary World instructor, Mrs. Marie Gale Agena, who has

patiently guided them and inspired them to continue working on this study despite

all the hardships. Her invaluable guidance and advice have greatly helped them in

producing an effective and successful research study.

To their friends, for being their cheerleaders and thesis buddies throughout

the research period. The researchers were thankful for their effort to help them find

respondents and for sending words of encouragement.

To their respondents, for being cooperative and patient in answering the

questionnaire used to gather quantitative data. The researchers were thankful for

their enthusiasm to share their opinion concerning this study.

The Authors


After all the struggles, difficulties, and problems concerning the making of

this research, the researchers proudly present to you this study. This includes all

their efforts, cooperation, unity, and their friendship.

This piece of work is humbly and lovingly dedicated to their family, friends,

and instructors whose efforts pushed them forward to overcome countless

challenges. Their moral support greatly contributed to finishing this research study.

This is also dedicated to future researchers who can use this study as a

reference for their projects or upcoming dissertations involving gender-bending.

This materialization of hopes and dreams for a better society is also

dedicated to future mentors, educators, and researchers who will find appreciation

in this work.

Above all, they dedicate this to Almighty God, who has given them never-

ending guidance, strength, power of the mind, protection, and skills to come up

with an effective research study successfully.

The Authors


Number Table Title Page

1 Likert Scale 19

2 Ranking 20

3 Gender Norms and 21


4 Level of Understanding and 23

Awareness of Gender-
bending Fashion

among college students of

Batangas State University -
Alangilan Campus

5 Impact of Gender Bending 24-25

Fashion Towards Social

Engagement and
Interaction among the
College Students of

State University - Alangilan


6 Relationship between 26


Number Table Title Page

1 Relationship between 4




Gender-bending has always been present in society as a controversial topic

concerning a variety of people. What role assigned to a man and a woman was

established to be absolute since the olden times. Anyone who diverged from this

belief was viewed as disrespectful and corrupted. Although time has changed and

perceptions evolved, norms opposing gender-bending left traces to society. Some

generations still can’t accept deviance from the norms due to lack of awareness

and knowledge.

Gender-bending refers to the act of presenting oneself in a way that is

different from the gender assigned at birth (Alberta, 2020). In a modern society,

gender bending was a way for individuals to express themselves, explore their

identities, and push back against oppressive gender norms. This can include

dressing in clothing typically associated with the opposite gender, altering one's

physical appearance through makeup or surgery, and adopting behaviors or

mannerisms that are commonly associated with a different gender.

Gender-bending fashion implies evolving or abstaining from the criteria for

a given gender's dress conventions. For instance, skirts, dresses, and make-up

are reserved for females, however, tuxedos and jeans are designated for males.

Conversely, with gender-bending fashion, one can cross-dress as well as wear

androgynous clothing to express oneself in a sort of gender-fluid fashion. It does

not impede their potential to be their own self and exhibit it in society's customs.

(JD Institute of Fashion Technology, 2022)

Gender-bending fashion is not new to most people, yet it remains in its prior

shifts due to the fact that it requires a long time to become prevalent in mainstream

fashion. Nonetheless, because of gender-bending fashion, the distinctions

between men's and women's fashion are increasingly distorted and difficult to

distinguish. It can bring about an upheaval not solely in the realm of fashion but

additionally in the community. It is disputable that many gender norms may

stimulate and impact cross-dressers as gender-bending fashion persists to


Cross-dressing is practiced for many reasons, including entertainment,

fashion, and self-expression. As defined by Study.com in an article, What is Cross-

Dressing? - Definition & Psychology (2021), it is the act of putting on apparel or

accessories affiliated with an opposing gender. People frequently think of cross-

dressing as an inappropriate behavior since dressing in terms of the other sex is

something thought as disgraceful based on gender norms. Cross-dressing is often

associated with homosexuals and transgender people. This way of thinking,

however, is flawed. Everyone, regardless of gender, is free to dress depending on

what they prefer. Men who are not homosexuals may wear make-up. Women can

also wear tuxedos, trousers, and shoes. Clothing, in a broad sense, has nothing

to do with gender.

Overall, gender-bending fashion pertains to clothing, which is an efficient

nonverbal communication practice that implies artistic expression by displaying the

keys to someone's character, tradition, and other impression indications (Lower,

2018). It might interface with the user's physical appearance, gender norms, and

gender assumptions that may impact their behavioral, cognitive, and social

attributes. People are becoming more aware of issues connected to cross-

dressers as a result of media development and exposure. Because they are

steadily becoming more apparent in society, the researchers wanted to see how

knowledgeable the students are nowadays concerning the recent issue of cross-

dressing in particular schools, including Batangas State University. Gays and

lesbians, and other members of the LGBTQIA+ community may then openly

express themselves in public and simple regulations could be devised to prevent

prejudice and advance equality. This study also strives to develop activities that

could be taken to achieve gender-bending while minimizing the anticipated effects

on various facets.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the possibility of accepting gender bending among

the college students of Batangas State University- Alangilan Campus with the end

view of improving the cognizance of students to further make sense of allowing it.

Specifically, it sought answer to the following questions:

1. What are the gender norms and preconceptions that restrict the

students’ ability to dress however they desire?

2. What is the level of understanding and awareness of gender-bending

fashion among college students of Batangas State University -

Alangilan Campus?

3. How does gender-bending fashion impact social engagement among

college students of Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus?

4. Is there a significance relationship between cognizance of gender-

bending fashion and social engagement among college students of

Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus?

5. Based on the findings of the study, what action could be implemented

in order to achieve gender-bending compromising the anticipated

impacts to different aspects?

Conceptual Framework

Cognizance in
Gender Bending
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1.

Figure 1 shows the relationship between the independent and dependent

variables. This will comprehend and analyze the relationship across different

variables throughout this study and a method for the researchers. It will also allow

the researchers to scrutinize whether the independent variable would influence the

dependent variable.

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant relationship between the variables which concern

gender-bending fashion.

Scope and Delimitation of Study

The study investigated gender-bending fashion awareness among

Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus students. The study included the

gender norms and preconceptions that restrict the students’ ability to dress

however they desire, level of understanding and awareness of gender-bending

fashion among individuals in a specific community or society, and impacts of

gender-bending fashion in social engagement and interactions among individuals.

The study's respondents are 80 randomly chosen students from Batangas State

University's Alangilan Campus.

However, the study was confined to Batangas State University - Alangilan

Campus deans, instructors, faculty and staff, and school employees. Similarly, the

study's respondents are constrained to 80 randomly selected students' parents or


Significance of Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the possibility of accepting gender

bending fashion among college students of Batangas State University-Alangilan

Campus with the goal of improving student cognizance to further make sense of

allowing it.

The information gathered from this research will be of great benefit to the


1. To the Students from the LGBTQIA+ Community

- The study's findings may serve as a reference for them to be heard

regarding current conflicts in their community. It will also gather

diverse viewpoints on gender-bending fashion and welcome them to

better develop a friendly environment inside the university.

2. To the University Faculty and Administrators

- This study will allow them to learn more about the subject, leading to

a better understanding of the conflicts that the LGBTQIA+ community

faces. It may also help them better comprehend the issue so that

they might be able to devise activities that could be taken to achieve

gender-bending fashion while minimizing the anticipated effects on

various facets.

3. To the Future Researchers

- This study can serve as a reference to the students related to the

social engagement of the LGBTQIA+ community in college

universities. This can make their work easier to accomplish and on

schedule. They can also collect additional data to make their

research more efficient and genuine.

Definition of Terms

Terms here are technically and operationally or contently defined for

better understanding of the readers to the content of this study.

Cross-dressing. This refers to the wearing of clothes designed for the

opposite sex (Merriam-Webster, 2023). In this study, this term is used to define an

action of a person who dresses as a member of a gender other than their assigned


Gay. Used in some cultural settings to represent men who are attracted to

men in a romantic, erotic and/or emotional sense (Vanderbilt University, 2022). In

this study, it is used as a subject to describe the sexual orientation toward people

of the same gender particularly men.

Gender-bending Fashion. It simply reveals the rich heritage of fashion

through evolving gender norms and assumptions (Newman, 2021). Throughout

the study, it refers to the key subject that the researchers seek to pursue and

perceive its significance for the students' societal integration.

Gender Norms. These are the social rules and expectations that keep the

gender system intact (Wiley & Sons, 2023). In this study, it refers to the matter that

gender-bending is opposing.

Homosexual. A term to describe a sexual orientation in which a person

feels physically and emotionally attracted to people of the same gender (Lesbian,

Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Resource Center, 2023). In this research study,

it is also known as being gay or lesbian and is when someone is primarily attracted

to individuals of the same sex.

Lesbian. Usually refers to a woman who has a romantic and/or sexual

orientation toward women (Vanderbilt University, 2022). It this study, it is used as

a subject to describe the sexual orientation of woman who is emotionally,

romantically, and sexually drawn to other women

LGBTQIA+. An umbrella term used to refer to the community as a whole

(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Resource Center, 2023). In this

research, it refers to the group that will benefit in conducting this research.



This chapter indicates thorough analysis of relevant literature and studies.

It includes studies conducted by other researchers that support the current

research. The researchers utilized both domestic and international resources in

order to provide background information and examine the relationship between

past and present studies. Theses such as books, periodicals, unpublished

sources, and online mediums are gathered for the study.

Related Literature

In a blog published by an Emeritus professor, Middleton (2022),

circumstances of gender bending are further discussed such as sex and

gender, transsexual and transgender, and gender and identity. The professor

emphasized the importance of awareness regarding gender identity and

transitions to children, especially the growth period where they are being taught

of gender stereotypes. Lack of awareness causes stigma and prejudice against

gender bending fashion which is a major reason for people to fear expressing

themselves. However, it was mentioned that teaching a five-year old these

terminologies and expecting them to understand may be a little far-fetched.

According to the article, age is certainly a factor to determine one’s

understanding of gender-bending, in spite of that, age does not define the

actions indicating gender bending. To further support this claim, a child may feel

attraction to feminine colors despite being born as a male which has the same

possibility to a young girl liking darker colors more suitable to boys based on

gender norms.

Newman (2019) narrated in her article entitled “Gender-bending fashion

rewrites rules who wears what” how clothing used to determine a person’s

standing in the society. However, that has been an old story as gender bending

emerges and takes over fashion. Wearing pants no longer signifies dominance

and has become a comfortable choice for everyone. The author also mentioned

that gender bending in fashion was long established way back 1507-1458 BCE,

at the time when Egypt was ruled by Queen Hatshepsut as a pharaoh, wearing

male regalia and a false beard. Heels are viewed as a type of footwear for

women, however, men used to wear heels in the 18th century. Staying on the

topic, numerous designers and clothing brands had produced various clothing

lines using models of the opposite gender. In line with this information, a dress

from Alessandro Trincone's "Annodami" collection for Spring/Summer 2017 was

worn by a male model. This only shows how gender-bending fashion was more

common, contradictory to how society thought it was. A lot of people, especially

those who question and despise gender-bending fashion famously known as

cross-dressing, were not aware that they also own clothes that showcase such

practice which shows the importance of awareness about gender-bending


Educators have a common belief that clothes affect the behavior of

students that has been used as a justification of having dress codes. An article

by a student, Hodge (2020), expressed his opposition to the implementation of

dress codes in schools. The student enumerated various reasons as to why

dress codes must vanish. Dress codes are inclined to gender norms opposing

gender-bending fashion meaning girls are not supposed to wear clothes

exposing too much skin and boys must not wear anything feminine. He stated

that having dress codes cause discomfort towards the students that results in a

major effect on their performance in school. It restricts them from expressing

themselves which puts a weight on their mental health. Finally, Hodge believed

that there is no proof that how people dress affects their violent behavior just

like how jeans impossibly make children violent and how wearing jogging pants

does not make one instigate murder. It is the same for the students wherein the

way they dress, even if it showcases gender-bending fashion, does not mean

that they are rude or an irresponsible student. They are simply expressing

themselves which is their right to have freedom to do so.

Related Studies

Hao & Zi (2019) conducted a study to explore the Images of Cross-

Dresser from the Perspective of Androgyny. They found out that the

phenomenon of cross-dressing seems to be in a state of long-term aphasia,

either from the perspective of public opinion or cultural studies. As far as public

awareness is concerned, ranging from being kept dark before to nowadays’

being overcorrected, the word 'cross-dressing' has inevitably carried a certain

degree of bias. Undoubtedly, the living conditions of cross-dressers are still

quite difficult. But, the expressions of cross-dressing are also increasingly

diversified. Likewise, they also found out that the coexistence of beauty within

masculinity and femininity in cross-dressers brings the ultimate aesthetic

pleasure; confuses both the individual and the audience's impression of real

gender identification. While enjoying sexual beauty, it also wanders on the

dangerous edge of gender out of control. The ideal crossdressers on stage are

immortal artists who nearly completely synchronize and balance the opposite

two gender forms. It originates from the mysterious magic of changing clothes

physically. By changing the exterior symbol of the wearer’s clothes, they easily

surpass the gender boundary between the two sexes and magically breed the

touching aesthetic of androgyny. They indicate that the study of Androgyny-a

unique aesthetic temperament in cross-dressers breaks the consistency

between male and female in physiological and social gender to a certain extent,

blurs the social differences between the two sexes with strict boundaries, and

increases the public acceptance and tolerance of the phenomenon of cross-


Additionally, Nielson M. G. et al. (2020) study investigated whether gender-

bending helps or hinders friendship. Their study did not end with merely

determining the effect of gender-bending but also the existence of gender

similarity on friendship dissolution following the transition to middle school. The

findings of the study revealed that gender-bending positively affects friendship.

According to their research with 198 participants, gender-bending friendships

did not dissolve more than same-gender friendships. Feeling similar to one's

gender was associated with lower rates of friendship dissolution, whereas

feeling similar to the opposite gender did not lead to higher rates of friendship


Furthermore, the level of openness to homosexual crossdressers was taken

into account. According to the study, both policemen and policewomen of Sto.

Thomas Batangas is open and comfortable to homosexual crossdressers.

Given the fact that the majority of the police respondents are male, it is clear

that despite their masculinity they are open to gay and lesbian crossdressers.

The result of the study turned out to be the opposite. Rather than being open to

gay and lesbian crossdressers, police officers agreed to be comfortable and

open based on the three attributes: physical, social, and emotional. The study

also shows that there is no significant difference in openness between gay and

lesbian crossdressers. On the other hand, in terms of social and emotional

attributes, there is a strong correlation between sex and the level of openness

to lesbian crossdressers. The findings of the study also indicate that age has a

significant relationship with the receptivity of the respondents to lesbian

crossdressers in the aspect of physical attributes. Finally, the study asserts that

in terms of emotional characteristics, age has a substantial association with the

degree of receptivity to both gay and lesbian crossdressers (Tenorio, et.al.,


Synthesis of the Study

The above-mentioned studies shed light on the present study since all of

the studies have concerns about gender differences and gender-bending

fashion. A similar notion about gender-bending fashion can be observed in Hao

& Zi (2019) who study the image of clothing from the perspective of androgyny

and in Tenorio et. at (2018) who give an idea about the level of openness to

homosexual crossdressers. The combined conclusion of the two studies seems

to indicate that gender-bending fashion nowadays as a combination of male and

female clothing is accepted by society as it resulted in bringing the most

beautiful beauty and comfort. Likewise, people seem to understand the true

gender as they have a high level of openness to homosexual crossdressers.

Though one of the related studies focuses on the effect of gender differences

on friendship, still it gives a relevant connection to what the present study is

trying to prove. Despite the differing perspectives of the study cited above, the

study provides clear and relevant insights that can assist researchers in

conducting their study. Results will be useful for researchers to gain an

understanding of existing research and debates on a specific topic. The results

of the study will also be useful to the respondents because their literature is

related to and can be linked to our study.


This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in gathering the

data needed in the study. These include the research design, subjects of the

study, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedures, and statistical

treatment of the data. It will show the coverage and processes on how the

researchers will conduct the study.

Research Design

Quantitative research is a systematic empirical investigation that involves

the collection of data in a structured manner using various research methods,

such as surveys, experiments, and observations. The data collected in

quantitative research is typically analyzed using statistical techniques to

uncover patterns, relationships, and trends. In an attempt by the researchers

to assess the relationship between social engagement and cognizance of

gender-bending among the college students of Batangas State University -

Alangilan Campus, a questionnaire was given to the respondents to assess

their approach towards the certain issue. The researchers used correlational

research design in conducting this study.

Pallister (2023) defines correlational research design as a non-

experimental research method used to identify a relationship between

variables without manipulating them and how they relate to one another. It

involves measuring two or more variables and assessing the degree and

direction of their association. The primary purpose of correlational research is

to determine whether and to what extent changes in one variable are related

to changes in another variable.

The quantitative methodology was effectively used for this study because

this type of methodology focuses on the collection and analysis of statistical

data. It emphasizes the use of statistical techniques to draw objective and

generalizable conclusions from the data. The quantitative method allows

researchers to measure variables using standardized instruments or scales.

The precise measurement of variables in numerical form enables

quantification of their values, which is essential for calculating correlation

coefficients. The quantitative approach enables researchers to draw

generalizable conclusions from correlational research findings. By using

representative samples and statistical techniques, researchers can make

inferences about the broader population from which the sample is drawn. This

enhances the external validity and generalizability of the study's findings.

Subjects of the Study

The researchers chose to conduct this study on assessing the

cognizance of gender-bending fashion among the college students of

Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus in relation to their social

engagement. The participants of this study are college students of different

programs offered in Batangas State University – Alangilan Campus.

Researchers will use a simple random sampling method in choosing the 80

students from different programs as it is the most straightforward of all the

probability sampling methods since it only involves a single random selection.

The researchers believe that these respondents would be enough to

provide sufficient and essential information to answer the questions raised in

this study and whole-heartedly participate in it.

Data Gathering Instrument

This study used a survey-questionnaire as the main gathering

instrument. The questionnaires were given through an online survey where the

respondents will answer it by themselves. Consultation with the panel

members was sought. The researchers drafted a sample of the questions and

presented to the adviser and validators for corrections and suggestions that

were incorporated to the final draft of the questionnaire.

The questionnaire was structured in a way that respondents will be able

to answer it easily. Thus, the set of questionnaires were built using the Likert

Scale with a four-point response scale. In this type of questionnaire, the

respondents were given four-response choices. These options served as the

quantification of the participants’ agreement on each question item.

Data Gathering Procedures

This shows the procedures that will be taken in order to have a successful

data collection that will be followed in doing the research study. This is a

significant stage since it serves as the foundation for the intended outcome.

Construction of the Questionnaire. The researchers consulted several

similar studies or publications about their research study to collect some ideas

and information about the content of the questionnaires that must be created

in order to collect data. It has been constructed around the issue statement.

Validation of the Questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed,

well-reviewed, and underwent a thorough validation process. It has been

reviewed by the research instructor upon checking the construction of

questions. Their comments and suggestions further helped the researcher in

polishing their questionnaire.

Administration of the Questionnaire. The dissemination of

questionnaires must be approved by the research instructor upon succeeding

validation. After the questionnaires have been checked, they will be

disseminated to the chosen respondents. Instructions are included that will

guide them as they answer the questionnaire.

Retrieval of the Questionnaire. The information filled out by

respondents will be collected by the researchers. The gathered data from the

respondents will be tallied and tabulated for the interpretation and analysis of

the study.

Scoring Responses. The questionnaire responses will be graded on a

four-point scale and will be accompanied by a verbal explanation. The table

below represents a rating scale that requires the subject to indicate his or her

degree of agreement or disagreement to a statement.

Table No. 1

Likert Scale

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.5 – 4.0 Strongly Agree

3 2.5 – 3.49 Agree

2 1.5 – 2.49 Disagree

1 1.0 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following are the statistical methods used to gather the anticipated

result of the study.

Frequency. The number of objects in a particular class classified

according to variation in one or more qualities.

Percentage. The numerical analysis to describe or compare the

magnitudes of the given data. It is defined as part per hundred of the total

sampling population.

Ranking. This was used to determine the order of decreasing or

increasing magnitude of variables.

Table No. 2

Scale Range Rank

Verbal Interpretation

3.5 – 4.0 4
Strongly Agree

2.5 – 3.49 3

1.5 – 2.49 2

1.0 – 1.49 1
Strongly Disagree

Weighted Mean. It is the center of gravity of the distribution of scores.

Researchers used this statistical treatment of data to determine the average

of the responses of their respondents.



This chapter presents the tabulation, analysis and interpretation of the data

regarding the cognizance of gender-bending fashion among the college students

of Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus.

1. What are the gender norms and preconceptions that restrict the students’

ability to dress however they desire?

Statement Mean Interpretation Rank

I believe that many cross-dressers are subject to 2.94 Agree 2

harsh social judgements.

Boys should not wear dresses or other clothes 1.96 Disagree 6

typically associated with girl's clothes and vice

Wearing pants still denotes dominance and has 2.36 Disagree 3

not become a comfortable option for all people,
despite their gender.

1.74 Disagree 7
Women who appear less feminine in fashion are
already considered lesbians.

Girls wear pink. Boys wear blue. 1.63 Disagree 9

Men can wear make-up as well. 3.36 Agree 1

People who cross-dress are different from normal 1.59 Disagree 10


Cross-dressing is inappropriate and should not 1.73 Disagree 8

be allowed.

Wearing revealing clothes is unacceptable. 2.15 Disagree 5

The most visible cross-dressers are male. 2.35 Disagree 4


Table 3 . Gender Norms and Preconceptions

Table 3 indicates the gender norms and preconceptions towards cross-

dressing. The statement with the highest weighted mean of 3.36 is "Men can wear

make-up as well.". “I believe that many cross-dressers are subject to harsh social

judgments” has a weighted mean of 2.94. “Wearing pants still denotes dominance

and has not become a comfortable option for all people, despite their gender” has

a weighted mean of 2. 36 which means that the respondents disagree with it. “The

most visible cross-dressers are male” has a weighted mean of 2.35."Wearing

revealing clothes is unacceptable" has a weighted mean of 2.15, suggesting that

respondents disagree with it. The weighted mean of "Boys should not wear

dresses or other clothes typically associated with girl's clothes and vice versa" is

1.96, indicating that the respondents disagree. The weighted mean for "Women

who appear less feminine in fashion are already considered lesbians" is 1.74,

implying that respondents disagree with it. “Cross-dressing is inappropriate and

should not be allowed” has a weighted mean of 1.73. “Girls wear pink. Boys wear

blue” has a weighted mean of 1.63 which means that the respondents disagree

with it. Lastly, the statement “People who cross-dress are different from normal

people” has a weighted mean of 1.59 which means that the respondents disagree

with it.

2. What is the level of understanding and awareness of gender-bending

fashion among individuals in a specific community or society?

Table 4. Level of Understanding and Awareness of Gender-bending Fashion

among college students of Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus

Statement Mean Interpretation Rank

I suppose that not all cross-dressers are 3.18 Agree 9

homosexuals and not all homosexuals

Gender-bending fashion, in my viewpoint, 3.39 Agree 5

is a way of expressing yourself in a variety
of ways.

I believe that everybody may wear 3.4 Agree 4

anything they want as long as they assert
it from the core of their hearts.

Nobody has the authority to tell you how 3.35 Agree 6

you should feel about yourself or how you
ought to express yourself.

Most of the time, I find it weird when 1.94 Disagree 10

people are wearing clothes associated
with their opposite gender.
3.22 Agree 7
Not permitting cross-dressing limits their
ability to express themselves, putting a
strain on an individual's mental health.

3.46 Strongly Agree 2

I can learn regardless of the clothing I'm

I believe cross-dressing has nothing to do 3.52 Strongly Agree 1

with my academic performance.

Refusing gender-bending fashion is 3.19 Agree 8

equivalent to ignoring someone’s freedom

Individuals who embrace gender-bending 3.44 Agree 3

fashion may develop a greater sense of
empathy towards others who may feel
marginalized due to their gender identity
or expression.


Table 4 indicates the level of understanding and awareness of gender-

bending fashion. The statement with the highest weighted mean of 3.52 is "I

believe cross-dressing has nothing to do with my academic performance.". Nine

out of ten statements are all in favor of the respondents. The statement, "Most of

the time, I find it weird when people are wearing clothes associated with their

opposite gender.", has a weighted mean of 1.94, which indicates the disagreement

of the respondents with its statement.

3. How does gender-bending fashion impact social engagement and

interactions among individuals?

Table 5. Impact of Gender Bending Fashion towards Social

Engagement and Interaction among the College Students of Batangas

State University - Alangilan Campus

Statement Mean Interpretation Rank

Making friends with crossdressers at our 3.39 Agree 1

institution is acceptable to me.

It is okay for me to see a person wearing 3.35 Agree 2.5

clothes or accessories which are not typical
to his/her sex inside the campus.

Normalizing cross-dressing can encourage 3.29 Agree 4.5

students' social engagement on the
university premises.

I can interact with other people without any 3.28 Agree 6

doubts to myself when I wear clothes that
reflect my true gender.

I don't mind socializing with crossdressers. 3.35 Agree 2.5

3.19 Agree 8
The lack of awareness of gender-bending
fashion generates stigma and discrimination
in society

3.2 Agree 7
Gender-bending fashion rewrites the norms
about what and how clothing is used to
establish a person's social position.

Cross-dressing provides the finest visual 3.11 Agree 9

pleasure yet also perplexing both the
person's and the public's perception of true
gender identity.

I feel that cross-dressing provides comfort to 3.29 Agree 4.5

cross-dressers and also fosters acceptance
rather than tolerance by society.

Friendships can be jeopardized by cross- 2.01 Disagree 10



Table 5 indicates the level of understanding and awareness of gender-

bending fashion. The statement with the highest weighted mean of 3.39 is "Making

friends with crossdressers at our institution is acceptable to me.". Nine out of ten

statements are being agreed by the respondents. And the statement, "Friendships

can be jeopardized by cross-dressing.", has a weighted mean of 2.01, which

indicates the disagreement of the respondents with its statement.

4. Is there a significance relationship between cognizance of gender-

bending fashion and social engagement among college students of

Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus?

Table 6. Relationship between Variables

Variable R-value Decision Interpretation

Cognizance in
Gender Bending -0.17 Reject Negligible Negative
Fashion and Social Correlation

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Table 6 shows the correlation result between gender bending fashion and

social engagement of the students in Batangas State University- The National

Engineering University, Alangilan Campus.

As can be gleaned from the table, cognizance in gender bending fashion

has negligible negative correlation to the social engagement of the students in

Batangas State University- The National Engineering University, Alangilan

Campus as reflected from the obtained R values of -0.17.

The social engagement of the students is not greatly affected by the

cognizance of gender-bending fashion because its impact may vary among

students. However, it remains a powerful tool for disrupting traditional norms and

promoting greater acceptance of diverse expressions of gender identity.

Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant

relationship between the variables which concern gender-bending fashion is




This chapter presents the summary of the study together with the findings,

conclusions and recommendations. Generally, this chapter aims to cover up the

end result of the study.


This research study aims to find out the possibility of accepting gender

bending fashion among college students of Batangas State University-Alangilan

Campus with the goal of improving student cognizance to further make sense of

allowing it.

Specifically, it sought answer to the following questions:

1. What are the gender norms and preconceptions that restrict the students’

ability to dress however they desire?

2. What is the level of understanding and awareness of gender-bending

fashion among college students of Batangas State University - Alangilan


3. How does gender-bending fashion impact social engagement among

college students of Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus?

4. Is there a significance relationship between cognizance of gender-bending

fashion and social engagement among college students of Batangas State

University - Alangilan Campus?

5. Based on the findings of the study, what action could be implemented in

order to achieve gender-bending compromising the anticipated impacts to

different aspects?

In this study, the researchers used descriptive research as a research

method that describes the characteristics of the population that is being

studied. To collect adequate data, survey questionnaires were used as an

instrument distributed individually to the randomly selected respondents. To

be able to interpret the gathered data, the researchers used statistical tools

such as frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and ranking. Related

studies were used and stated to support the result of this study.


After all the needed data were gathered, the researchers analyzed,

tabulated, and statistically treated it. The following are the findings that will

be disclosed in this study.

1. Gender Norms and Preconceptions

Nowadays, various social rules and expectations are being practiced

to keep the gender system intact. Based on the gathered data, it was

revealed that among the10 factors that described the gender norms and

preconceptions, “Men can wear make-up as well” is the first to get the favor

of the respondents. It has a 3.36 weighted mean and is interpreted as agree.

This discovery validated Waugh's (2023) article, which stated that cosmetic

lines were never created based on gender identity. Even if our culture

prescribes who should use makeup, particularly females, we cannot deny

that there are no boundaries when it comes to cosmetic product use whether

you are a man, woman, or member of the LGBTQIA+ community. It simply

implies that applying cosmetics has nothing to do with one's gender

identification. While the lowest weighted mean which is 1.59 is from “People

who cross-dress are different from normal people”. However, the

respondents disagree with the factors that described the gender norms and


2. Level of Understanding and Awareness of Gender-bending Fashion

among college students of Batangas State University - Alangilan


Everyone knows that this generation expects a lot from each and

everyone. It can be observed that from the 10 factors that measure the level

of understanding and awareness of the college students from BSU-Alangilan

Campus towards gender-bending fashion, the first in the rank is “I believe

cross-dressing has nothing to do with my academic performance’ with a

weighted mean of 3.52 and interpreted as strongly agree. However, the last

to the rank is the “Most of the time, I find it weird when people are wearing

clothes associated with their opposite gender”, gaining a weighted mean of

1.94 and interpreted as disagreeing.

3. Impact of Gender Bending Fashion towards Social Engagement and

Interaction among the College Students of Batangas State

University - Alangilan Campus

In terms of impacts, here are the matters that concern the impact of

Gender Bending Fashion towards Social Engagement and Interaction

among the College Students of Batangas State University - Alangilan

Campus. Almost all of the 10 impacts are interpreted as agreed except

from the last to the rank which is interpreted as disagree. Most of the

respondents agreed on both “Making friends with crossdressers at our

institution is acceptable to me” having a weighted mean of 3.39.

“Friendships can be jeopardized by cross-dressing” were the last on the

rank with a weighted mean of 2.01 indicating that this impact is the least

to happen these days.


After the critical analysis of the gathered data from the selected

respondents, the following conclusions were made:

1. Gender norms and preconceptions among the knowledge of college

students of BSU-Alangilan Campus towards gender norms and

preconceptions indicates breaking the stereotypes that the society

has been used to.

2. The level of understanding and awareness of the college students

from Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus towards gender-

bending fashion shows that they are now open to the issue and accept

the changes to the socially constructed expectations, roles, and

behaviors that are typically associated with individuals based on their


3. Gender-bending fashion impacts social engagement and interaction

in a way that the presence of gender-bending fashion can foster a

culture of acceptance and celebrate diversity among the college

students of Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus.

4. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the

variables. There was a negligible negative correlation between

cognizance of gender-bending fashion and social engagement among

college students of Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus.


From the findings and conclusions, the researchers offer the following


● Creating an inclusive and accepting environment within schools involves

challenging and dismantling the gender norms and preconceptions that

restrict students' ability to dress as they desire. It requires a collective

effort from educational institutions, families, communities, and society as

a whole to promote freedom of expression and respect for diverse gender

identities and expressions.

● Integrate diverse gender representations into educational materials,

textbooks, and media used in schools. Include stories and examples that

challenge traditional gender norms and showcase a range of gender

identities and expressions.

● Advocate for inclusive policies that support diversity in campus dress

codes. Ensure that the policies do not enforce rigid gender expectations

and allow students the freedom to express themselves through clothing

without facing discrimination or judgment.

● Investigate individual stories and experiences of college students who

actively engage with gender-bending fashion and analyze how it

influences their social interactions and engagement on campus.

Consider factors such as self-confidence, acceptance from peers, and

the formation of supportive communities.

● Review and update campus policies, including dress codes, to ensure

they are inclusive and do not reinforce binary gender norms. Create

guidelines that allow for personal expression through clothing choices

while maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment. Consult with

students, faculty, and relevant stakeholders to ensure diverse

perspectives are considered.

● It's important to recognize that achieving compromise and mitigating

potential impacts will require ongoing evaluation, feedback, and

adaptation. By involving stakeholders, fostering dialogue, and

continuously assessing the effectiveness of implemented actions, you

can ensure a more inclusive and supportive environment for gender-

bending fashion while addressing concerns and potential impacts on

various aspects of campus life.


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Dear Respondents:


We are students from BSCE-1201 and we are undertaking a study titled "Social
Engagement: Cognizance of Gender Bending Among the College Students of
Batangas State University Alangilan" as part of our academic requirement.

We would like to encourage you to engage by filling out the questionnaire. You
may feel guaranteed that all data acquired will be utilized solely for scholarly

We are grateful for your time and dedication. Thank you so much, and God bless!

Sincerely yours,
Atienza, Juan Carlos
Kasilag, Clark David V.
Macalalad, Gene Ann K.
Maaño, Kyla A.
Mendoza, Kristina Lyn

Are you willing to participate in this study as a respondent? Fill in the blanks with
your response.
___ Yes
___ No



Direction: Mark (✔) the number next to each statement that pertains to your
response using the scale below as a reference.

4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree


1. I believe that many cross-dressers are

subject to harsh social judgements.

2. Boys should not wear dresses or other

clothes typically associated with girl's clothes
and vice versa.

3. Wearing pants still denotes dominance and

has not become a comfortable option for all
people, despite their gender.

4. Women who appear less feminine in fashion

are already considered lesbians.

5. Girls wear pink. Boys wear blue.

6. Men can wear make-up as well.

7. People who cross-dress are different from

normal people.

8. Cross-dressing is inappropriate and should

not be allowed.

9. Wearing revealing clothes is unacceptable.

10. The most visible cross-dressers are male.




1. I suppose that not all cross-dressers are

homosexuals and not all homosexuals cross-

2. Gender-bending fashion, in my viewpoint, is

a way of expressing yourself in a variety of

3. I believe that everybody may wear anything

they want as long as they assert it from the
core of their hearts.

4. Nobody has the authority to tell you how you

should feel about yourself or how you ought
to express yourself.

5. Most of the time, I find it weird when people

are wearing clothes associated with their
opposite gender.

6. Not permitting cross-dressing limits their

ability to express themselves, putting a strain
on an individual's mental health.

7. I can learn regardless of the clothing I'm


8. I believe cross-dressing has nothing to do

with my academic performance.

9. Refusing gender-bending fashion is

equivalent to ignoring someone’s freedom.

10. Individuals who embrace gender-bending

fashion may develop a greater sense of
empathy towards others who may feel
marginalized due to their gender identity or



1. Making friends with crossdressers at our

institution is acceptable to me.

2. It is okay for me to see a person wearing

clothes or accessories which are not typical

to his/her sex inside the campus.

3. Normalizing cross-dressing can encourage

students' social engagement on the
university premises.

4. I can interact with other people without any

doubts to myself when I wear clothes that
reflect my true gender.

5. I don't mind socializing with crossdressers.

6. The lack of awareness of gender-bending

fashion generates stigma and discrimination
in society.

7. Gender-bending fashion rewrites the norms

about what and how clothing is used to
establish a person's social position.

8. Cross-dressing provides the finest visual

pleasure yet also perplexing both the
person's and the public's perception of true
gender identity.

9. I feel that cross-dressing provides comfort to

cross-dressers and also fosters acceptance
rather than tolerance by society.

10. Friendships can be jeopardized by cross-




Name: Atienza, Juan Carlos A.

Address: Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

Contact Number: 09

Email Address: 22-00017@g.batstate-u.edu.ph



Date of Birth: May 21, 2004

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Language Spoken: English and Filipino

Father’s Name: Jerom A. Gutierrez

Mother’s Name: Maria Charisma Angela A. Gutierrez



Puerto Galera Academy Inc.

Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

A.Y. 2009-2016

Junior High School:

Puerto Galera Academy Inc.

Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro


Senior High School

Puerto Galera Academy Inc.

Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

A.Y. 2020-2022


Batangas State University - The National Engineering University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas


______________ _____________________________________

I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct.




Name: Clark David V. Kasilag

Address: San Marcelino, Taysan, Batangas

Contact Number: 0915-582-1713

Email Address: 22-09286@g.batstate-u.edu.ph



Date of Birth: April 22, 2004

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Deo Medical Clinic Taysan, Batangas

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Language Spoken: English and Filipino

Father’s Name: Joel N. Kasilag

Mother’s Name: Merylin V. Kasilag



San Marcelino Elementary School

San Marcelino, Taysan, Batangas

A.Y. 2009-2016

Junior High School:

Pinagbayanan Integrated National High School

Pinagbayanan, Taysan, Batangas


Senior High School

Our Lady of Mercy Academy

Mahanadiong, Taysan, Batangas

A.Y. 2020-2022


Batangas State University - The National Engineering University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas


______________ _____________________________________

I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct.




Name: Maaño, Kyla A.

Address: Bayuin, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

Contact Number: 09163988978

Email Address: 22-06915@g.batstate-u.edu.ph



Date of Birth: May 27, 2004

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Language Spoken: English and Filipino

Father’s Name: Erwin M. Maaño

Mother’s Name: Jennifer A. Maaño



Bayuin Elementary School

Bayuin, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

A.Y. 2009-2016

Junior High School:

Bayuin National High School

Bayuin, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro


Senior High School

Mindoro Education Company Incorporated, Abada College

Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

A.Y. 2020-2022


Batangas State University - The National Engineering University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas


______________ _____________________________________

I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct.




Name: Macalalad, Gene Ann K.

Address: 254 Sitio Kibkiban, Talumpok West, Batangas City

Contact Number: 09567308637

Email Address: 22-07858@g.batstate-u.edu.ph



Date of Birth: October 07, 2003

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Batangas City

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language Spoken: English and Filipino

Father’s Name: Rosalito A. Macalalad

Mother’s Name: Gina K. Macalalad



Guinto Elementary School

Talumpok West, Batangas City

A.Y. 2010-2016

Junior High School:

Golden Gate Colleges

Lt. Col. D. Atienza St. Batangas City


Senior High School

Golden Gate Colleges

P. Prieto St. Batangas City

A.Y. 2020-2022


Batangas State University - The National Engineering University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas


______________ _____________________________________

I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct.




Name: Mendoza, Kristina Lyn P.

Address: Alupay, Rosario, Batangas

Contact Number: 09058717462

Email Address: 22-05299@g.batstate-u.edu.ph



Date of Birth: July 24, 2004

Age: 19

Place of Birth:

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Language Spoken: English and Filipino

Father’s Name: Lino M. Mendoza

Mother’s Name: Joan B. Parale



Alupay Elementary School

Alupay, Rosario, Batangas

A.Y. 2009-2016

Junior High School:

Santo Rosario Academy

Alupay, Rosario, Batangas


Senior High School:

Santo Rosario Academy

Alupay, Rosario, Batangas



Batangas State University - The National Engineering University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas


______________ _____________________________________

I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct.




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