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caught with one's pants down: "Caught with one's pants down" là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, nghĩa đen
là bị bắt quả tang khi không mặc quần, nhưng trong ngữ cảnh thông thường, nó có nghĩa là bị bắt gặp trong
tình huống không chuẩn bị trước, thường khi đang làm điều gì đó bất hợp lệ hoặc ngượng ngùng.
(have a) card up one's sleeve: have a secret or reserve plan
"Burn a hole in one's pocket": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, thường được sử dụng để miêu tả tình trạng
khi ai đó có một số tiền lớn và cảm thấy muốn tiêu tiền ngay lập tức. Thông thường, người đó cảm thấy
không thể kiểm soát sự cám dỗ tiêu tiền.
"Flying by the seat of one's pants": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, nghĩa đen là lái máy bay chỉ bằng cách
cảm nhận cảm giác từ ghế ngồi mà không cần thiết bất kỳ hướng dẫn nào từ thiết bị hoặc hệ thống đo lường.
Trong ngữ cảnh thông thường, thành ngữ này có nghĩa là làm điều gì đó mà không có kế hoạch cụ thể, dựa
vào cảm nhận và kinh nghiệm cá nhân.
"Handle with kid gloves": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nghĩa bóng của nó là xử lý một tình
huống, một vấn đề hoặc một người một cách cẩn thận, nhẹ nhàng và nhân từ để tránh làm tổn thương hoặc
gây phức tạp thêm. Thông thường, người ta sử dụng thành ngữ này khi cần đối diện với tình huống nhạy
cảm hoặc với người có tính cách nhạy cảm.
"Keep something zipped": (hoặc "keep one's lips zipped"): có nghĩa là giữ bí mật hoặc không tiết
lộ thông tin về một vấn đề cụ thể. Thường được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh việc giữ bí mật hoặc không nói ra
một điều gì đó.
"Off the cuff": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, có nghĩa là nói hoặc làm một điều gì đó mà không cần
chuẩn bị trước, không cần suy nghĩ kỹ lưỡng. Thường thì những gì được nói hoặc thực hiện "off the cuff"
mang tính tự nhiên và không được lập kế hoạch trước.
"Put one's thinking cap on": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó có nghĩa là tập trung và nghiên cứu
một vấn đề một cách cẩn thận để tìm ra giải pháp hoặc ý tưởng sáng tạo. Thành ngữ này thường được sử
dụng khi cần tập trung mạnh mẽ để giải quyết một tình huống khó khăn hoặc đưa ra một quyết định quan
"Put oneself in someone else's shoes": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó có nghĩa là cố gắng hiểu và
đồng cảm với cảm xúc và tình huống của người khác, thường bằng cách cố gắng tưởng tượng mình ở trong
tình hình của họ. Thành ngữ này thường được sử dụng khi khuyên người khác cần phải cân nhắc và hiểu rõ
quan điểm của người khác.
"Take one's hat off to someone": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó có nghĩa là tôn trọng, khen
ngợi hoặc thừa nhận thành công, nỗ lực hoặc tài năng của ai đó. Thành ngữ này thể hiện sự tôn trọng và sự
ngưỡng mộ đối với người khác.
"Roll up one's sleeves": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó nghĩa đen là gập lên áo tay để trở nên ngắn
hơn, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho việc làm việc nặng nhọc hoặc dễ bị dơ bẩn mà không làm vướng tay. Trong
ngữ cảnh bóng ngôn, "roll up one's sleeves" mang nghĩa là chuẩn bị làm việc chăm chỉ và nỗ lực.
Question 1: My students caught me with my ………. down on Monday. I forgot about the field trip.
A. pants B. shirts C. trouserts D. jeans
Question 2: "Ever since John received his bonus, it's been burning a ………….. in his pocket, and he's been
shopping for new gadgets every weekend."
A. hole B. dig C. bury D. tomb
Question 3: "Without any formal training, he had to fly by the …………… of his pants to navigate through
the challenging terrain."
A. desk B. seat C. wheel D. chair
Question 4: After witnessing Sarah's incredible dedication to her work, I have to take my …………… off to
her for achieving such impressive results.
A. hat B. shoes C. shirts D. trouserts
Question 5: Given the recent loss in her family, we need to handle the situation with …………. gloves and
offer her support in a gentle and understanding manner.
A. kid`` B. child C. todler D. baby
Question 6: Before criticizing your friend's decision, try to put yourself in their ……….. and consider the
challenges they may be facing.
A. desk B. seat C. shoes D. chair
Question 7: "Rather than putting in the effort to succeed on her own, Mary tried to ride her colleague's
……… to advance her career."
A. collars B. sleaves C. coattails D. socks
Question 8: "Facing the complex engineering problem, Sarah knew it was time to put her thinking ……….
on and come up with an innovative solution."
A. hat B. cap C. bag D. bonnet
Question 9: I think Josh has a card up his ……….. cause he wants me to wear a dress to the fast-food
A. desk B. coattails C. sleave D. chair
Question 10: Let's go to the mall after school. There's a hundred dollar bill burning a ………… in my
A. hole B. dig C. bury D. tomb
Question 11: Anita's prom dress fits me like a …………….
A. sock B. glove C. shirt D. pants
Question 12: Please handle my grandmother's tea set with ………… gloves.
A. baby B. kid C. child D. toddler
Question 13: "Alright, team, we've got a surprise party planned for Sarah, so let's all make sure to keep
everything ………… until she walks in!"
A. tightened B. zipped C. fastened D. lengthened
Question 14: I had never taught art to kids before. I had to fly by the ……… of my pants.
A. chair B. seat C. wheel D. desk
Question 15: I know you're in a hurry, but please keep your ……….. on.
A. sock B. glove C. shirt D. paints
Question 16: We know we're having a boy, but we're keeping it …….. from the grandparents.
A. tightened B. zipped C. fastened D. lengthened
Question 17: I didn't have a speech prepared. Everything I said was off the ………….
A. sock B. cuff C. shirt D. paints
Question 18: I can't remember where the Christmas decorations are. I'll have to put my thinking ………. on.
A. hat B. cap C. bag D. bonnet
Question 19: We know we're having a boy, but we're keeping it ………… from the grandparents.
A. tightened B. zipped C. fastened D. lengthened
Question 20: It was a group project, but everyone rode Andrew's …………….
A. collars B. sleaves C. coattails D. socks
Question 21: "Tom was caught with his ………. down when his boss unexpectedly asked for the progress
report he hadn't even started yet."
A. pants B. shirts C. trouserts D. jeans
Question 22: The police were baffled by the attack as there seemed to be no apparent .
A. design B. principle C. motive D. plot
Question 23: If you want to be sure of receiving a copy of the magazine, I suggest you ……….an
annual subscription.
A. put down B. take out C. Write off D. send up
Question 24: After feeling off for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. color C. fitness D. balance
Question 25: The runner got a huge blister on his heel where his new shoes .
A. scratched B. rubbed C. scraped D. gripped
Question 26: The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much in the press.
A. doubt B. guessing C. speculation D. wonderment
Question 27: The thick fog out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
Question 28: Looking down at the coral reef, we saw of tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. swarms B. flocks C. teams D. shoals
Question 29: Of all the paintings in the gallery, it was this one that really my eye.
A. grasped B. snatched C. caught D. seized
Question 30: She had made a firm decision and wasn’t by anything I said against it.
A. detracted B. prevailed C. induced D. swayed
Question 31: I was reluctant to the subject because I thought he wouldn’t want to discuss it.
A. raise B. originate C. advance D. provoke
Question 32: My attempts to solve the problem only to make it worse.
A. contributed B. functioned C. served D. attained
Question 33: It is too early in the to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. season C. time D. calendar
Question 34: She took up so many hobbies when she retired that she had hardly any time .
A. on her hands B. in hand C. at her hand D. at hand
Question 35: Please leave this space on the enrolment form.
A. absent B. blank C. missing D. undone
Question 36: After the flash flood, all the drains were over flowing storm water.
A. from B. with C. by D. for
Question 37: I would like to Mr Fukuyama to present the trophy to the victorious team.
A. call over B. call out C. call upon D. call up
Question 38: My neighbor is ; he is always showing that he never cares about his bad behavior.
A. grim-faced B. faceless C. face-saving D. barefaced
Question 39: The teacher doled the chocolates to his students for having done well in the
A. off B. on C. out D. away
Question 40: He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth .
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
Question 41: If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the for it.
A. month B. car C. nose D. teeth
Question 42: Employees who have a are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. disturbance C. disadvantage D. grievance
Question 43: William was as as a cucumber when the harsh punishment was meted out to
him by the judge.
A. cool B. cold C. placid D. impassive
Question 44: Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60's, but now they are the times.
A. behind B. over C. beneath D. under
Question 45. She spent all day looking for her lost keys, but it turned out to be a _________.
A. dark horse, B. wild goose chase, C. different kettle of fish, D. ants in her pants
Question 46. I'm sorry, I can't help you with that, it's a/an__________ issue.
A. bee's knees, B. elephant in the room, C. fly on the wall, D. crocodile tears
Question 47. Whenever he has to speak in public, ___________.
A. cat gets his tongue B. fishy C. dog eats dog, D. a sitting duck
Question 48. Her cooking skills are the ___________.
A. cat's pyjamas, B. horse around, C. smell a rat, D. let sleeping dogs lie
Question 49. I was planning on asking her out, but I ___________ at the last minute.
A. took the bull by the horns, B. went the whole hog,
C. chicken out, D. have bigger fish to fry
Question 50. The teacher said that we have to finish the project by Friday, so let's ___________.
A. make a beeline, B. kill two birds with one stone,
C. hold our horses, D. rain cats and dogs
Question 51. I heard ___________ that they're going to close down the company.
A. straight from the horse's mouth, B. in the doghouse,
C. in two shakes of a lamb's tail, D. a dark horse
Question 52. I don't like this situation, something is ___________.
A. fishy B. a different kettle of fish, C. the bee's knees, D. a sitting duck
Question 53. He always ___________, I wish he could just relax.
A. horses around, B. lets the cat out of the bag, C. holds his horses, D. smells a rat
Question 54. He got a promotion and a big raise, he got ___________.
A. the lion's share, B. a wild goose chase, C. ants in his pants, D. crocodile tears
Question 55. Searching for the lost keys was just a wild ……………… chase.
A. duck B. goose C. bird D. horse
Question 56. I thought the job would be similar to my previous one, but it's a different kettle of ……….
A. duck B. goose C. bird D. fish
Question 57. He's got ………. in his pants and can't sit still for a minute.
A. bee B. worm C. insect D. ants
Question 58. The new restaurant in town is the…………., everyone is talking about it.
A.bee's knees B. bird’s wing C. duck’s leg D. crocodile tears
Question 59. Why are you so quiet? ………….. got your tongue?
A. cat B. dog C. mouse D. bird
Question 60. She shed ………… the funeral, but we all knew she didn't really care.
A. crocodile tears B. shark tears C. whale tears D. donphin tears
Question 61. He was a …………… the competition and surprised everyone by winning.
A. dark horse B. red bull C. green grass shoper D. brown mantis
Question 62. The business world can be ………. eats ……………. sometimes.
A. tiger/tiger B. cat/mouse D. big fish/ small fish D. dog/dog
Question 63. We need to address the ………… in the room before we can move forward with this project.
A. elephant B. giraffe C. bear D. hippo
Question 64. The deal they offered us seemed a little……………., so we declined.
A. fishy B. fish C. squid D. starfish
Question 65. I'd love to be a ………… on the wall at their next meeting and hear what they really think.
A. fly B. snake C. spider D. mosquito
Question 66. He wanted to try bungee jumping, but …………….. out at the last minute.
A. ducked out B. chickened C. dogged D. horsed
Question 67. She decided to go the whole ………………. and run a full marathon instead of just a half.
Question 68. Sorry, I can't go out tonight, I have bigger ………………… to fry.
Question 69. The CEO always takes the ……………….. share of the profits, leaving the rest of the
employees with very little.
Question 70. The kids were …………… around in the playground, laughing and playing tag.
Question 71. By studying at the library, she was able to kill two ………. with one stone - finish her
homework and prepare for the exam.
Question 72. I know you want to confront him, but sometimes it's best to just let sleeping ……………. lie.
Question 73. She accidentally let the …………. out of the bag and told everyone about the surprise party.
Question 74. I'm running late, so I need to make a …………….. to the train station.
Question 75. I smell a ……………. - something doesn't seem right about this deal.
Question 76. Without a security system in place, their store is like a sitting ……………. for burglars.
Question 77. According to the latest news straight from the ……………. mouth, the concert has been
Question 78. The new car she bought is the ……………………. pyjamas - she loves it.
Question 79. Instead of avoiding the problem, he decided to take the ………….. by the horns and confront
it head-on.
Question 80. After forgetting his wife's birthday, he found himself in the …………… for a while.
Question 81. Don't worry, I'll be back in two shakes of a ……………. tail.
Question 82. We couldn't even hear each other over the sound of it raining ………. and dogs outside.
Question 83. Hold your ……………, let's wait for everyone to arrive before we start the meeting.
Question 84. He bought me dinner to make _____________ being so late the day before.
A. up B. up for C. off D. off with
Question 85. My mother started working weekends, so I have to stay home and take care ________ my
A. to B. with C. of D. around
Question 86. When he finally asked her ____________, she readily accepted, and very soon they were dating
on a regular basis.
A. out B. about C. off D. down
Question 87. She never completely got ___________ the loss of her first child.
A. down B. up C. over D. around
Question 88. After months of planning, the launch came ___________ thrillingly.
A. off B. up C. on D. back
Question 89. The drug is still being tested and will not go__________commercial production fo rat least two
A. in for B. through C.into D. back
Question 90. Americans believe that the 50 states make ____________ a union that is greater than the sum of
its parts.
A. off B. up C. on D. in
Question 91. She wondered “Who will bring __________ my children if something happens to me?”
A. off B. up C. on D. back
Question 92. My parents took my video games ____________ for getting an F on my last test.
A. in B. through C.away D. back
Question 93. If the kids aren't hungry, it's probably because your mother filled them __________ with junk
A. off B. up C. on D. in
Question 94. I came ___________ while the meeting was in progress, so I waited in the back.
A. in B. about C. over D. down
Question 95. The building looked as though it was falling __________, because of the strange angles of the
A. down B. out C. over D. about
Question 96. I try to get a word in, but he always just goes ____________ blathering away.
A. upon B. about C. to D. on
Question 97. Would you please pick _______ that book from off the floor?
A. off B. up C. on D. back
Question 98. You'll need to take ____________ a few more plates so we'll have enough for all our guests.
A. out B. about C. off D. down
Question 99. She sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself ___________.
A. down B. out C. about D. back
Question 100. We look __________ the neighbors' cat while they're away.
A. into B. up C. over D. after
Question 101. I went _______________ cycling to work at the beginning of the summer, and I haven't been
A. down with B. ahead C. in for D. through
Question 102. Mary couldn't get ___________ the people standing in the hallway.
A. around B. over C. on with D. down
Question 103. Come ____________, Helen, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone.
A. upon B. about C. to D. on
Question 104. I'm so sorry that you had to go _____________ such a traumatic experience.
A. upon B. down C. through D. over
caught with one's pants down: "Caught with one's pants down" là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, nghĩa đen
là bị bắt quả tang khi không mặc quần, nhưng trong ngữ cảnh thông thường, nó có nghĩa là bị bắt gặp trong
tình huống không chuẩn bị trước, thường khi đang làm điều gì đó bất hợp lệ hoặc ngượng ngùng.
(have a) card up one's sleeve: have a secret or reserve plan
"Burn a hole in one's pocket": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, thường được sử dụng để miêu tả tình trạng
khi ai đó có một số tiền lớn và cảm thấy muốn tiêu tiền ngay lập tức. Thông thường, người đó cảm thấy
không thể kiểm soát sự cám dỗ tiêu tiền.
"Flying by the seat of one's pants": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, nghĩa đen là lái máy bay chỉ bằng cách
cảm nhận cảm giác từ ghế ngồi mà không cần thiết bất kỳ hướng dẫn nào từ thiết bị hoặc hệ thống đo lường.
Trong ngữ cảnh thông thường, thành ngữ này có nghĩa là làm điều gì đó mà không có kế hoạch cụ thể, dựa
vào cảm nhận và kinh nghiệm cá nhân.
"Handle with kid gloves": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nghĩa bóng của nó là xử lý một tình
huống, một vấn đề hoặc một người một cách cẩn thận, nhẹ nhàng và nhân từ để tránh làm tổn thương hoặc
gây phức tạp thêm. Thông thường, người ta sử dụng thành ngữ này khi cần đối diện với tình huống nhạy
cảm hoặc với người có tính cách nhạy cảm.
"Keep something zipped": (hoặc "keep one's lips zipped"): có nghĩa là giữ bí mật hoặc không tiết
lộ thông tin về một vấn đề cụ thể. Thường được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh việc giữ bí mật hoặc không nói ra
một điều gì đó.
"Off the cuff": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh, có nghĩa là nói hoặc làm một điều gì đó mà không cần
chuẩn bị trước, không cần suy nghĩ kỹ lưỡng. Thường thì những gì được nói hoặc thực hiện "off the cuff"
mang tính tự nhiên và không được lập kế hoạch trước.
"Put one's thinking cap on": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó có nghĩa là tập trung và nghiên cứu
một vấn đề một cách cẩn thận để tìm ra giải pháp hoặc ý tưởng sáng tạo. Thành ngữ này thường được sử
dụng khi cần tập trung mạnh mẽ để giải quyết một tình huống khó khăn hoặc đưa ra một quyết định quan
"Put oneself in someone else's shoes": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó có nghĩa là cố gắng hiểu và
đồng cảm với cảm xúc và tình huống của người khác, thường bằng cách cố gắng tưởng tượng mình ở trong
tình hình của họ. Thành ngữ này thường được sử dụng khi khuyên người khác cần phải cân nhắc và hiểu rõ
quan điểm của người khác.
"Take one's hat off to someone": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó có nghĩa là tôn trọng, khen
ngợi hoặc thừa nhận thành công, nỗ lực hoặc tài năng của ai đó. Thành ngữ này thể hiện sự tôn trọng và sự
ngưỡng mộ đối với người khác.
"Roll up one's sleeves": là một thành ngữ tiếng Anh. Nó nghĩa đen là gập lên áo tay để trở nên ngắn
hơn, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho việc làm việc nặng nhọc hoặc dễ bị dơ bẩn mà không làm vướng tay. Trong
ngữ cảnh bóng ngôn, "roll up one's sleeves" mang nghĩa là chuẩn bị làm việc chăm chỉ và nỗ lực.

Question 1: My students caught me with my pants down on Monday. I forgot about the field trip.
A. pants B. shirts C. trouserts D. jeans
Question 2: "Ever since John received his bonus, it's been burning a hole in his pocket, and he's been
shopping for new gadgets every weekend."
A. hole B. dig C. bury D. tomb
Question 3: "Without any formal training, he had to fly by the seat of his pants to navigate through the
challenging terrain."
A. desk B. seat C. wheel D. chair
Question 4: After witnessing Sarah's incredible dedication to her work, I have to take my hat off to her for
achieving such impressive results.
A. hat B. shoes C. shirts D. trouserts
Question 5: Given the recent loss in her family, we need to handle the situation with kid gloves and offer
her support in a gentle and understanding manner.
A. kid`` B. child C. todler D. baby
Question 6: Before criticizing your friend's decision, try to put yourself in their shoes and consider the
challenges they may be facing.
A. desk B. seat C. shoes D. chair
Question 7: "Rather than putting in the effort to succeed on her own, Mary tried to ride her colleague's
coattails to advance her career."
A. collars B. sleaves C. coattails D. socks
Question 8: "Facing the complex engineering problem, Sarah knew it was time to put her thinking cap on
and come up with an innovative solution."
A. hat B. cap C. bag D. bonnet
Question 9: I think Josh has a card up his sleeve cause he wants me to wear a dress to the fast-food
A. desk B. seat C. wheel D. chair
Question 10: Let's go to the mall after school. There's a hundred dollar bill burning a hole in my pocket.
A. hole B. dig C. bury D. tomb
Question 11: Anita's prom dress fits me like a glove.
A. sock B. glove C. shirt D. pants
Question 12: Please handle my grandmother's tea set with kid gloves.
A. baby B. kid C. child D. toddler
Question 13: "Alright, team, we've got a surprise party planned for Sarah, so let's all make sure to keep
everything zipped until she walks in!"
A. tightened B. zipped C. fastened D. lengthened
Question 14: I had never taught art to kids before. I had to fly by the seat of my pants.
A. chair B. seat C. wheel D. desk
Question 15: I know you're in a hurry, but please keep your shirt on.
A. sock B. glove C. shirt D. paints
Question 16: We know we're having a boy, but we're keeping it zipped from the grandparents.
A. tightened B. zipped C. fastened D. lengthened
Question 17: I didn't have a speech prepared. Everything I said was off the cuff.
A. sock B. cuff C. shirt D. paints
Question 18: I can't remember where the Christmas decorations are. I'll have to put my thinking cap on.
A. hat B. cap C. bag D. bonnet
Question 19: We know we're having a boy, but we're keeping it zipped from the grandparents.
A. tightened B. zipped C. fastened D. lengthened
Question 20: It was a group project, but everyone rode Andrew's coattails.
A. collars B. sleaves C. coattails D. socks
Question 21: "Tom was caught with his pants down when his boss unexpectedly asked for the progress
report he hadn't even started yet."
A. pants B. shirts C. trouserts D. jeans
Question 22: The police were baffled by the attack as there seemed to be no apparent .
A. design B. principle C. motive D. plot
Question 23: If you want to be sure of receiving a copy of the magazine, I suggest you ……….an
annual subscription.
A. put down B. take out C. Write off D. send up
Question 24: After feeling off for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. color C. fitness D. balance
Question 25: The runner got a huge blister on his heel where his new shoes .
A. scratched B. rubbed C. scraped D. gripped
Question 26: The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much in the press.
A. doubt B. guessing C. speculation D. wonderment
Question 27: The thick fog out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
Question 28: Looking down at the coral reef, we saw of tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. swarms B. flocks C. teams D. shoals
Question 29: Of all the paintings in the gallery, it was this one that really my eye.
A. grasped B. snatched C. caught D. seized
Question 30: She had made a firm decision and wasn’t by anything I said against it.
A. detracted B. prevailed C. induced D. swayed
Question 31: I was reluctant to the subject because I thought he wouldn’t want to discuss it.
A. raise B. originate C. advance D. provoke
Question 32: My attempts to solve the problem only to make it worse.
A. contributed B. functioned C. served D. attained
Question 33: It is too early in the to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. season C. time D. calendar
Question 34: She took up so many hobbies when she retired that she had hardly any time .
A. on her hands B. in hand C. at her hand D. at hand
Question 35: Please leave this space on the enrolment form.
A. absent B. blank C. missing D. undone
Question 36: After the flash flood, all the drains were over flowing storm water.
A. from B. with C. by D. for
Question 37: I would like to Mr Fukuyama to present the trophy to the victorious team.
A. call over B. call out C. call upon D. call up
Question 38: My neighbor is ; he is always showing that he never cares about his bad behavior.
A. grim-faced B. faceless C. face-saving D. barefaced
Question 39: The teacher doled the chocolates to his students for having done well in the
A. off B. on C. out D. away
Question 40: He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth .
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
Question 41: If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the for it.
A. month B. car C. nose D. teeth
Question 42: Employees who have a are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. disturbance C. disadvantage D. grievance
Question 43: William was as as a cucumber when the harsh punishment was meted out to
him by the judge.
A. cool B. cold C. placid D. impassive
Question 44: Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60's, but now they are the times.
A. behind B. over C. beneath D. under

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