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f(x) = 1/(x^2-4) - can’t have 0 denominator

g(x) = sqrt(2x+3) - can’t have sqrt of negative

A^2 - B^2 = (A+B)(A-B)

49 - 64x^2 = (7+8x)(7-8x)
irreducible if they have the same sign - 49 + 64x^2 or -49 - 64x^2

graph transformations
stretch/compress - num coefficient (multiplication)
reflections - neg. coefficient
translations (shift) - num added/subtracted

horizontal impact if feature is “with x” (inside function)

vertical impact if feature is outside function

y = -2sqrt(x-3)+4
-3 -> horizontal shift, right 3
4 -> vertical shift, up 4
2 -> stretch vertically, height doubled
(-)2 -> reflect over x axis

y = sqrt(-2x+6)-4
factor it out first: y = sqrt(-2(x+3))-4
6 -> horizontal shift, left 3
-4 -> vertical shift, down 4
2 -> shrink horizontally, length halved
(-)2 -> reflect over y axis

doesn’t matter the order as long as you do the shifting LAST

to turn ax^2+bx+c, when you are completing the square, find the number you split c into by
doing (b^2)/2

when the equation is ax^2+bx+c, parabola opens upwards when a>0 and downwards when a<0

vertex - (h,k)
h = -b/2a
k = f(-b/2a)

graph crosses at odd multiplicity, touches at even

max turning points: one less than degree

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