Book Review Power Souces For Electric Vehicles

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Book review

Power sources for electric vehicles: studies in differ fundamentally in that the storage battery requires a
electrical and electronic engineering supply of electricity, whereas the fuel cell requires a fuel
B.D. McNicol and D.A.J. Rand (Eds.) supply.
Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1984, 1066 pp., It is possible that batteries were in use as early as 2000
$211.50 BC in the electroplating of metals. However, the first
ISBN 0-444-42315X
recorded observation of battery activity comes from Pro-
The book is a large and comprehensive work with contri- fessor Luigi Galvani who stumbled across the electro-
butions from 21 authors who are clearly experts in the chemical battery when experimenting with frogs' legs. He
subject matter covered. incorrectly interpreted what he observed and it was left to
The whole technology of electrochemical power sources Professor Allessandro Volta to correctly reason that elec-
suitable for electric road vehicles is covered in this one tricity flowed between two dissimilar metals when placed
volume. Balance and perspective is added to what is a in a suitable conducting liquid. Thus, the primary cell was
specialist subject by chapters covering the arguments for discovered.
electric vehicles, their history and potential future. This Michael Faraday placed the then new phenomenon of
volume is an essential 'read' for the scientist/engineer electrochemistry firmly on a quantitative basis and intro-
seeking a detailed knowledge of one or more of the multi- duced the terms electrolyte, electrode, anode and cathode.
tude of alternative electrochemical systems that have been Batteries quickly increased in sophistication until, in 1860,
researched. Plante demonstrated the first useful rechargable cell based
Interest in battery-powered electric vehicles has been re- on lead electrodes and sulphuric acid electrolyte. Theory
awakened by factors such as the desire to reduce air pol- followed practice in 1880.
lution in industrialised countries and the increasing need Developments in the lead/acid battery system have con-
to conserve valuable liquid fuels. tinued since that time and given us the efficient lead/acid
The book starts with a consideration of all the elements batteries that are in use today. Alkaline electrolyte systems
that have been raised in the electric vehicle debate, and followed, leading to the commercial introduction of nickel/
development initiatives that have been taken place around iron and nickel/cadmium cells from 1900 and 1909, respec-
the world in recent years are described. tively. Thomas Edison was much in evidence in the early
The world resource of primary energy and alternative development of nickel/iron batteries.
liquid fuels for transport is considered. It is concluded that For traction applications, energy density and specific
fuels which can be used in conventional motor vehicles will rate of discharge are the important parameters. Thus,
be with us at a reasonable price, for many years to come. materials which favour these parameters are of major
However, the methanol fuel cell, if successfully developed, interest for traction battery systems. These include nickel/
may prove an attractive proposition for widescale use, zinc, aluminium/air, iron/air, zinc/air, zinc/bromine, zinc/
though there are practical snags. It is recognised that the chlorine, lithium/sulphur and sodium/sulphur. Over 30
existing internal combustion based infrastructure is enor- different systems have been proposed for electric road
mous and this alone will make the acceptance of alterna- vehicles. However, only a few use materials that are plenti-
tives slow. Change may likely be faster in commercial ful and low in cost.
transport where the economic advantages of electric vehi- Fuel cell operation was known as early as 1839 and
cles are thought to be clear. evolved from experiments by William Grove. Oxidation of
Electric vehicles have been with us for longer than one fuel at one electrode (anode) releases electrons which can
might think. Robert Davidson built a primary cell driven, perform work via an external conductor circuit connected
reciprocating electric motor vehicle in 1837. Surprisingly to a second electrode (cathode) at the surface of which an
large quantities of electric vehicles were built before 1900. oxidant is reduced. The electrodes operate in an ion-
Even more surprisingly, the first hybrid or mixed electric conducting electrolyte.
and internal combustion engined vehicle (ICEV) was con- The electrodes serve simply as conductor-electrolyte
structed in 1905. interfaces and do not take part in electrochemical reac-
The increased range offered by ICEVs, the introduction tions in the manner of battery electrodes. Power is gener-
of electric starters and the high cost of providing battery ated, not stored, as long as fuel is supplied.
charging networks, it is claimed, hastened the demise of F.T. Bacon is considered to be the pioneer of modern
the battery electric vehicle in favour of ICEVs for general fuel-cell research and he demonstrated 5 kW fuel-cell
public use. Only in recent times have the major advances systems for traction in 1979. Major growth in research
made in electrochemical systems, combined with political came as a result of the US Gemini and Apollo prog-
threats to oil supplies, changed the economic scene and, rammes.
once again, made electric vehicles an attractive proposi- Four types of fuel cell are currently under development
tion. for energy conversion applications. Acid-electrolyte cells
Since 1970, many countries have undertaken major appear good candidates for road vehicle applications.
research programmes leading to the significant develop- They operate in temperature range 6O-200°C.
ment of new electric drives and improved electrochemical The detailed treatment of specific secondary battery
sources. 15 Chapters of this book, representing about 80% types starts with aqueous electrolyte batteries by D.
of the contents, are given to a detailed consideration of all Pavlov. A very detailed coverage of lead/acid battery tech-
types of battery and fuel cell which may be candidates as nology and traction cell design is covered in about 400
traction power sources. A whole chapter is given to the pages of text with 342 references.
introduction, history and general characteristics of electro- L. Ojefors presents nickel/zinc technology and J.
chemical cells as a precusor for the more detailed chapters McBreen, nickel/zinc. 'Metal/air systems' by F.G. Will
that follow. The rechargable storage battery and the fuel reviews the major alternatives and presents details of zinc/
cell are the basic electrochemical energy sources. They air, iron/air and aluminium/air batteries. Zinc/halogen
346 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1985
systems, covered by R.J. Bellows and P.G. Grimes, of drive elements to be made. The reader can see broadly
includes zinc/bromine and zinc/chlorine batteries. that he needs a controlled rectifier, chopper, inverter or
R.W. Glazebrook reviews non-aqueous, high tem- cycloconvertor before he investigates the detail of the
perature electrolyte technology including lithium alloy/ power electronic system.
metal sulphide and sodium/sulphur types. B.C.H. Steele DC power electronic equipment is developed very com-
presents organoelectrolyte and solid state systems. prehensively. The reader is led point by point through
In the concluding chapter on secondary cell technology, separately excited drives, series excited drives, full and half-
D.A.J. Rand considers all the candidate systems. He con- wave conversion in controlled rectifiers to the nature of the
cludes that it is not easy to pick a winner that would be motor, its time constants and ratings. Controlled rectifiers
the optimum system for widespread use at this time with motor loads are discussed in single- and 3-phase
because significant developments are still to be expected. input terms. Regeneration and dynamic braking, electrical
Fuel-cell systems are introduced with a chapter by P. power considerations, the generation of harmonics and the
Stonehart on acid systems. The direct methanol/air fuel- associated heating of the motor are analysed.
cell is reviewed by B.D. McNicol. E. Jennings Taylor and Basic control system theory is briefly revised and block
Supramaniam Spinivasin cover alkaline fuel-cell systems. diagrams of motor and power electronics developed
An overview of candidate fuel-cell systems by A.J. leading to the system transfer functions. Rectifier transfer
Appleby and P.N. Ross concludes that the most likely functions allowing for 'dead time' allow mathematical
future cells will be methanol and hydrogen based, but that models of the whole system to be derived.
major breakthroughs are needed before fuel-cells can be The controlled rectifier DC drives lead into chopper
considered for general transport use. controlled DC drives. Class A and Class B choppers are
Hybrid fuel-cell/battery vehicles are considered by K.V. presented leading into four quadrant DC chopper drives.
Kordesch and C.H. Fabjan. DC links and source-filter requirements broaden the
The last three chapters of this major reference work picture.
cover laboratory testing of electric vehicle batteries (A.F. The latter part of the book on AC drives lacks the com-
Burke), vehicle testing (A.F. Burke) and consideration of prehensiveness of the DC drive sections. A rather idealised
what the future might hold (R.M. Dell). lumped parameter induction motor model is presented and
an impression can be gained that harmonics are more of a
G.B. SMITH problem in DC drives than AC drives. However, power
semiconductor control in induction motor pump and fan
4183B drives with the comparison and contrast of voltage- and
current-source inverters is clear. An added bonus of com-
Power semiconductor drives prehensiveness is the discussion of slip-energy recovery
SB. Dewar, G.R. Sleman and A. Straughen
Wiley Interscience, 1985, 354 pp., £57.75 systems, synchronous and reluctance drives. The brushless
ISBN 0-471-89831-7 DC motor is an omission, but it might be derived from the
synchronous system.
A power semiconductor drive is a complex combination of The analysis of voltage and current waveforms of
power conditioning equipment, electromechanical energy power-electronic convertors operating with rotating
conversion and external loading. The art of successfully machines is well developed and comprehensive. It may not
implementing a drive appropriate to a particular situation allow individual devices to be selected but it allows the
is the interfacing of the three areas. This interfacing is a system to be studied in depth.
particular strength of the present volume. The style is Overall, this is not a book on power-electronic systems
readily assimilated and resembles the integrated presen- as such. The reader will not be able to design a convertor
tation of the well-established volume, 'Electric machines' or an inverter from the material presented. Pulse and
by Professors Sleman and Straughen. Prof. Dewar's exper- timing circuitry and protection is not discussed. It is pos-
tise in power electronics lifts this book into the unique sible, however, to select an appropriate convertor related
category for comprehensiveness. to the load requirement and to select the motor. This book
The book lays a firm foundation of basic dynamics is unique, in my experience, in its comprehensiveness, and
related to electrical drives. It is good to see the four- I commend it to professional engineers working in rotating
quadrant speed-torque diagram presented as a mechanical drives. As a reference book for drive selection, it is invalu-
system related to the dynamics of rotating systems. Load able. I commend it to all libraries, public and personal and
dynamics are classified into typical systems, e.g. compres- to all final year electrical engineering students working in
sors, pumps, fans and traction (transportation) loads, this area, if they can afford it.
winches and hoists. The required drive characteristics are Finally, the worked examples are based on real engin-
used to define required speed changes and the system eering situations, clearly presented and backed by many
speed-time characteristic. Overall, this early Section is of other examples to which numerical answers are given.
immense value on its own. It presents simply and concisely
one of the 'grey' areas in the minds of many electrical engi-
This fundamental system basis enables the power con-
version function to be defined and an appropriate selection 4184B

IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1985 347

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