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Mapping US Trotskyism 1928-2023 Foundations of US Trotskyism

Compiled by Amal Samaha. Version 4, June 2023. Email suggestions to

Communist Party USA

Section of Third International
Sept. 1919-Present
Notables: William Z. Foster
James P. Cannon (-28)
Jay Lovestone (-29)

Cannon Faction Independent Communist League

Conference for Progressive Faction in CPUSA Late 1928-Nov. 1928 Lovestone Faction
Labor Action ~Jul. 1928-Oct. 1928 Notables: Antoinette Konikow Faction in CPUSA
May 1929-Dec. 1933 Notables: James Cannon L. Schlossberg ~1920s-Nov. 1929
Notables: A J Muste Max Shachtman Notables: Jay Lovestone
Louis F. Budenz Martin Abern Benjamin Gitlow
Israel Mufson

American Workers Party Communist League of America Communist League of Struggle Lovestoneites
Dec. 1933-Dec. 1934 Oct. 1928-Dec. 1934 March 1931-1937 Section of International
Notables: A J Muste Notables: James Cannon Notables: Albert Weisbord Communist Opposition
J. B. S. Hardman Max Shachtman Vera Buch Nov. 1929-Jan. 1941
James Burnham Martin Abern Notables: Jay Lovestone
Benjamin Gitlow

Bordiga to Dunayevskaya
Workers Party-aligned youth: Workers Party of the United States Anti-Stalinist Microsect Milieu:
The Bordigists in the Italian Left
When the WPUS entered Dec. 1934-Oct. 1935 Italian Left Fraction of
Fraction of Communism stayed
into the Socialist Party, a youth Notables: James Cannon Communism
independent until 1955, when
wing likewise entered into the Max Shachtman Workers Communist League
they joined the News and Letters
youth wing of the SPA, the Young A J Muste League for Revolutionary
People's Socialist League. James Burnham Workers Party Committees
Martin Abern All defunct.
Hugo Oehler Notables: B J Field
Albert Goldman Benjamin Gitlow

Oehlerite Ultraleft
Spartacus Youth League Socialist Appeal Tendency Revolutionary Marxist League Revolutionary Workers League
Youth Faction in YPSL Faction in Socialist Party of America Jan. 1938-1940 Section of PICCNC(F)I (After 1938)
Oct. 1935-Jan. 1938 Oct. 1935-Jan. 1938 Notables: Meldon Joerger Oct. 1935 - ~1946
Notables: James Cannon Attilio Salemme Notables: Hugo Oehler
Albert Goldman Joseph Zack Kornfeder
Tom Stamm
Mid-Century Socialist Youth Scene
Young People's Socialist League Splits of the SWP Youth: Socialist Workers Party Workers Party Marxist Workers League Revolutionary Workers League Leninist League One Big Union Club Post-RWL Microsect Milieu:
Youth Wing of the Socialist Party When Burnham and Shachtman Section of Fourth International 1940 Early 1938-1940 (Revolt) Early 1938-1950 / Equalitarian Society Bordigists (possibly ILFC)
of America split from the SWP, most of the party Jan. 1938-Present Notables: Meldon Joerger Notables: Karl Mienov November 1938-1941 Became Workers League for a ~1936 - unknown Revolutionary Communist Vanguard
1907-Aug. 1958 youth, including the large section won Notables: James Cannon Attilio Salemme Notables: Tom Stamm Revolutionary Party in 1946. Notables:Joseph Zack Kornfeder Marxist Workers League (1936)
over from the YPSL, followed them into Max Shachtman Karl Mienov Notables: George "Marlen" Spiro S L Solon Some rejoined SWP, all defunct.
the Workers Party, which formed its Martin Abern Ellis Rivkin Notables: David Atkins
own youth wing, the SYL, some years James Burnham Possibly a young Noam Chomsky
later. Albert Goldman (Not to be confused with the
C. L. R. James Shachtman group, below)

Splits from the YPSL: Socialist Youth League Remaining notables after 1940:
A substantial faction from the YPSL, Youth Wing of the Workers Party James Cannon
disturbed by the SPA's support for the 1946-Feb. 1954 Farrell Dobbs
Korean war, joined with the SYL, Notables: James Robertson (49-) Albert Goldman
which had a dual defeatist position. Michael Harrington (50-) Felix Morrow
Later even more of the YPSL opted Bogdan Denitch (50-) George Clarke
to join with the SYL in a new group, Tim Wohlforth (53-) Milton Zaslow
the Young Socialist League Shane Mage Bert Cochran
Harry Braverman
Third Campism

SDF Youth Young Socialist League Section of ICFI (1953) Clark-Zaslow Faction and Workers Party
When the Social Democratic Federation Youth Wing of the Workers Party Young Socialist Club Remaining notables: Cochranite Faction Morrow-Goldman Faction April 1940-1949
split from the SPA it was mostly Feb. 1954-Aug. 1958 Briefy Left Wing Caucus in the SYL Factions in SWP Faction in SWP Notables: Max Shachtman
James Cannon
older members, however by 1957 Notables: James Robertson (-57) Youth Aligned with SWP from Oct. 57 1949-1953 1943-1946 James Burnham (-May 40)
Farrell Dobbs
it had some youth who joined the newly Michael Harrington 1957-Apr. 1960 Notables: George Clarke Notables: Felix Morrow C L R James (-47)
merged YPSL when the SDF reunited Bogdan Denitch Notables: James Robertson Milton Zaslow Albert Goldman Raya Dunayevskaya (-47)
with the SPA to form the SP-SDF. Tim Wohlforth (-57) Tim Wohlforth Bert Cochran Jean Van Heijenoort Martin Abern
Shane Mage (-57) Shane Mage Harry Braverman James T Farrell Albert Glotzer
Irving Howe
Albert Goldman (46-49)

Young People's Socialist League Students for a Democratic Society: Young Socialist Alliance ICFI experiences significant Socialist Union of America Johnson-Forest Tendency Post WP Conservatives:
(Merged) 1960-1969 Youth Wing of SWP political convergence with Sympathizer of ISFI 1941-1947 Independent Socialist League Most ex-WP members left as
Youth Wing of the Socialist Party- Individuals from SDS were involved Apr. 1960-1992 ISFI (~1956-1963) 1953-Dec. 1959 Faction in Workers Party 1949- August 1958 individuals, many became
Social Democratic Federation in several groups in the 60s student Notables: James Robertson (-61) Notables: George Clarke Notables: C L R James Notables: Max Shachtman public intellectuals. Some would
Aug. 1958 - Dec 1972 milieu. A fair few joined the YSA Tim Wohlforth (-61) Milton Zaslow Raya Dunayevskaya Martin Abern go on to become prominent in
Notables: Michael Harrington and Spartacists but the great bulk Shane Mage (-61) Bert Cochran Grace Lee Boggs Albert Glotzer the neoconservative movement.
Bogdan Denitch joined the YPSL where they Nora Roberts Harry Braverman Irving Howe (-~55) Notables: James Burnham
Bernie Sanders became prominent in all of the factions, Barry Sheppard (61-) Michael Harrington James T. Farrell
Carl Gershman but especially the left wing. Peter Camejo (61-) B J Widick

YPSL Right Wing Realignment Tendency Youth Labor Party Tendency Revolutionary Tendency Most of ICFI merges with ISFI into Johnson-Forest Tendency Fraser after the FSP:
Global Class War Faction Magazines of the third camp: Realignment Tendency Post-Shachtman Opportunism:
The YPSL appears to have had a Faction in the YPSL Faction in the YPSL Faction inSWP USFI (1963) 1947-1950 Shortly after helping form the
Faction in SWP Several WP members opposed Loose faction in Socialist Party - Many ex-Shachtmanites
wing to the right of realignment, Aug. 1958 - Dec 1972 ~1961- Dec 1972 Apr. 1960-Dec. 1963 Faction in SWP Freedom Socialist Party, Dick
1948-1958 entry into the SP-SDF and instead Social Democratic Federation remained in the SPA-SDF after its
which was important in pushing Notables: Michael Harrington Notables: Hal Draper (-62) Notables: James Robertson (-62) Notables: C L R James Fraser divorced Clara and left to
Notables: Sam Marcy founded the journal New Politics 1957-1972 rightward turn as Social Democrats,
the transformation of the SP-SDF Bogdan Denitch Mike Parker Tim Wohlforth (-63) Raya Dunayevskaya form a group around the journal
Vincent Copeland without forming a political group. Notables: Max Shachtman USA.
into Social Democrats, USA, Shane Mage Grace Lee Boggs Revolutionary Age before joining the
Irving Howe, who left in 1952, Michael Harrington Notables: Albert Glotzer
especially its pro-war stance. Lyndon LaRouche NAM.
Notables: Carl Gershman
likewise founded Dissent magazine. B J Widick
Post-Shachtman Groups
Spartacist Supporters Reorganized Minority Tendency Workers World Party Correspondence Publishing Correspondence Publishing Independent Socialist Clubs New American Movement
Ageing out: Ageing out: Unionists of the third camp: Democratic Socialist Organising
Associated with ICFI (Healyite) Faction inSWP 1958-present Committee Committee 1962 - 1968 1971-1983
Ageing out: Upon ageing out, most realignment Upon ageing out, most laborite IS were unusually successful at gaining Comittee
Dec. 1963-1966 Associated with ICFI (Healyite) (63-) Notables: Sam Marcy (-98) 1950-1962 Later National Organization for an Notables: Hal Draper Notables: Michael Lerner (-~72)
Upon ageing out, most right wing "yipsels" ended up in the "yipsels" ended up in the union fractions through their turn to 1973-1982
Notables: James Robertson 1963-Sept. 1964 Vincent Copeland (-93) Notables: C L R James American Revolution (1979-) Joel Geier Dorothy Ray Healey (75-)
"yipsels" ended up in the Realignment Tendency or Independent Socialist Clubs or industry in the early 70s. These included Notables: Michael Harrington
Shane Mage Notables: Tim Wohlforth Gloria La Riva (-04) Raya Dunayevskaya (-55) 1962 - ~1980s Stan Weir Dick Fraser
Social Democrats, USA or Democratic Socialist Organising International Socialists. This members from the IBT, CWA, UMW, Irving Howe
David North Deirdre Griswold Grace Lee Boggs Notables: James Boggs Kim Moody
Democratic Party. Comittee. was the bulk of the organisation. NMU and ILWU. Most ended up in
Lyndon LaRouche Monica Moorehead Martin Glaberman Grace Lee Boggs
Workers Power

Workers Democracy Network LaRoucheism: Spartacist League American Committee for the Party for Socialism and Liberation Facing Reality News and Letters Committees Marxist Humanist Initiative Democratic Socialists of America
Kirk-Kaye Tendency Notables, late 1960s: International Socialists
1999-~2004 After a brief time in both the ACFI and Section of international Spartacist Fourth International 2004-present 1962-1970 1955-Present ~2008-Present 1983-Present
Faction in SWP James Cannon (-74) 1968-1986
Associated with International SL, Lyndon LaRouche left to pursue a tendency (1979-1989) Section of ICFI (Healyite) Notables: Brian Becker Notables: C L R James Notables: Raya Dunayevskaya (-87) Notables: Andrew Kliman Notables: Michael Harrington
~1950s-1966 Farrell Dobbs (-83) Notables: Hal Draper (-71)
Luxemburgist Network career as an academic, later forming the Section of International Communist Sept. 1964-1966 Gloria La Riva Martin Glaberman Bogdan Denitch
Notables: Dick Fraser Jack Barnes Joel Geier
Notables: Eric Lerner National Caucus of Labour Committees, League (FI) (1989-present) Notables: Tim Wohlforth Michael Prysner George Rawick Dorothy Ray Healey
Clara Fraser Fred Halstead (-88) Stan Weir
a cult which began similarly to other new 1966-present David North Eugene Puryear William Gorman Barbara Ehrenreich
Peter Camejo (-81) Kim Moody
left social democratic groups, but which Notables: James Robertson (-19) Lyndon LaRouche (briefly) Dick Fraser (-88)
gradually adopted elements of
Spartacism & Post-Spartacism conspiracism and fascism.
Shane Mage (-68)
Lyndon LaRouche (briefly) ISO and Solidarity Offshoots
Geoff White (-68)
Harry Turner (-68)
International Group Joseph Seymour Workers League Freedom Socialist Party Marcyite Microsect Milieu: International Marxist Humanists International Socialist Organisation Left Turn
Spartacism to Marcyism: Left Faction
1972 George Foster Section of ICFI (Healyite) Federated in Organization Section of IST (until 2001) Section of IST (until 2003)
After splitting from the SL, the RCL Revolutionary Communist Turnerites and Voix Ouvrière Proletarian Orientation Tendency New York Revolutionary Committee Revolutionary Socialist League Solidarity Regroupments: Faction in International Socialists
Notables: David Cunningham Sept. 1966-1995 Committee for a Revolutionary ~2008-Present Observer in USFI 2001-mid 2000s
undertook several maneuvers, first League Sympathizers Faction in SWP Revolutionary Communist League 1973-1989 Workers Power A lot of micro-groups joined 1976-1977
Judy Stuart Notables: Tim Wohlforth (-74) Socialist Party (1978-1980) Notables: Peter Hudis 1976-2019
into the WWP, then becoming 1968 Factions in Spartacist League ~early 1970s (Internationalist) Notables: Sy Landy ~1980s- Mar. 1985 Solidarity, sometimes from Notables: Cal Winslow
Bill Moore Steve Zeltzer (-74) 1966-present Kevin Anderson Notables: Paul Le Blanc
independent as the NYRC, then 1966-Aug. 1968 Notables: Larry Trainor Communist Workers League Ron Tabor Notables: Peter Camarata quite unrelated tendencies, Barbara Winslow
David North Notables: Dick Fraser (briefly) Jesse Sharkey
entering SA, finally dissolving Notables: Harry Turner Socialist Unity Party such as the Trotskyist League.
Clara Fraser Sharon Smith
into CPUSA. Harold Robins Defunct except CWL and SUP.
Murray Weiss (78-) Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
See also "Spartacism to Marcyism"
Doug Barnes.

Revolutionary Workers Group Turnerite Maneouvers: External Tendency of the iSt Socialist Equality Party Leninist Faction Trotskyist Organization of the Solidarity Marx 21
Associated with L'ettincelle The Spark Vanguard Newsletter Group 1982-1985 Section of ICFI (Northite) Internationalist Tendency Sub-Faction in Proletarian United States Soviet Defencist Minority League for the Revolutionary Party Sympathizer of USFI (in 2011) Section of IST
Faction in Socialist Action Section of Union Communiste Federated into Class Struggle Notables: Bob Edwards 1995-Present Faction in SWP Orientation Tendency (-1972) ~1975-unknown Faction in Revolutionary Socialist Section of COFI (From 1992) (May have been section in 90s) Tempest Collective June 2021-present
(early 2000s-2003) Internationaliste League (1972-1975) Howard Harlan Notables: David North Closer to USFI than SWP Federated into Class Struggle League (-1974) 1989-Present 1986-Present Aug. 2020-present
Unknown-~2003 1971-Present Trotskyist Organising Committee Ursula Jensen ~early 1970s League (1972-) ~early 1973-1975 Notables: Sy Landy (-2007) Notables: Dan La Botz
Notables: David Harding Federated into Committee for a Lisa Sommers Notables: Larry Trainor ~early 1970s-1975 Walter Daum Kim Moody
Juan Rey Revolutionary Socialist Party
(1978-1980) Notables: Harry Turner
Harold Robins

Speak Out Now Revolutionary Workers Front Revolutionary Unity League Bolshevik Tendency Internationalist Group Socialist League (Democratic Camejo's Nonsectarian Search: Revolutionary Marxist Committee Love and Rage Network Bread and Roses Caucus Socialist Core
Unknown-1982 1980-1982 1985-1990 Platypus Affiliated Society Centralist) SWP breaks with the politics of the In 1981 Peter Camejo left the SWP, 1975-1977 1989-1998
Associated with L'ettincelle Section of League for the Fourth Faction in DSA Section of IWU-FI
Notables: Harry Turner Notables: J Cullen Dec. 2006-Present 1974-1981 USFI but remains a member (1982) citing its sectarianism. He then started Notables: Ron Tabor
2003-present International 2019-present Late 2000s-present
Harold Robins Fred Riker Notables: Chris Cutrone Notables: Steve Zeltzer the North Star Network with Maoists
June 1996-Present Notables:Jane Slaughter
Gerald Smith Notables: Jan Norden and Castroites in the Bay Area in 1984. Peter Landon
This didn't last long, and in the 90s Mike Parker
Camejo was working in the CCDS and
eventually the American Greens.
1980s SWP Fragmentation
Struggles United/Luchas Unidad International Bolshevik Tendency LTT to BT to RTL to RTT to WV: Forming the RWL: Revolutionary Workers League SWP leaves the USFI (1990) Weinstein Faction Breitman-Lovell Faction Fourth International Caucus The Utopian International Socialism Project ISO to Marxist Center Independent Branches
Fourth International Tendency
Associated with TF-FI Internationalist Workers Party Left Trotskyist Tendency (US Section) The members of Left Trotskyist None of the members of the initial Section of Trotskyist International Section of the Pathfinder Tendency Faction in SWP Faction in SWP Faction in Solidarity Briefly affiliated with First of May Aug. 2019-present Some ex-ISO members affiliated to When the ISO dissolved, many
(later on) (Fourth Internationalist) Unknown-1987 Section of International Bolshevik Tendency left the BT at some point, RWL had been members of a cadre Liason Committee (-1982) (1990-) ~1980s-1983 Briefly faction in Socialist Action 1995-present Anarchist Alliance (c. 2019) Notables: Ahmed Shawki the Marxist Center regroupment of its branches remained intact
Notables: George Breitman (-86)
2000s-2010s Section of IWLfi (Moreno) Tendency going through various names, but organization before, but a few Section of International Trotskyist Notables: Sylvia Weinstein ~1980s-1983 2000s-present Sharon Smith effort, such as the Red Union in including the Boston, Seattle,
Frank Lovell
June 1982-1988 1990-2018 usually the Revolutionary Trotskyist were fellow travellers of the SL. Committee (1984-) Nat Weinstein Notables: George Breitman Notables: Ron Tabor Adam Shils Seattle. Expelled ISO members Denver and Central Ohio branches.
Paul Le Blanc (c. 1993)
Notables: Harry Turner (-84) Notables: J Cullen Tendency. These merged with a split Notables: Peter Sollenberger 1976-present Frank Lovell Wayne Price were the bulk of DSA Refoundation, All of these are now loosely
Carlos Petroni Gerald Smith (-92) from the Trotskyist League to form Leland Sanderson Notables: Steve Zeltzer (81-) W which started the MC. Austin federated in the Revolutionary
Fred Riker (-92) Workers Voice, however most of the Peter Sollenberger (-91) WWW Socialist Collective was also ex-ISO, Socialist Network along with
former RTT members would later Leland Sanderson hovering around but never actually Workers Voice.
leave to form HWRS. joining the MC.

A split from Morenoism: Bolshevik Tendency Communist Workers Group Trotskyist League Marxist Workers Group Militant in the United States:
Socialist Action
Left Voice In 1989 a faction split 2018-present 1992-unknown United Front Committee for a Labor 1991-unknown AKA Communist Internationalist Supporters of the Committee for a
International Socialist League Sheppard-Miah Group Section of the USFI (-1990s) Socialist Unity
Section of TF-FI from the Morenoite IWLfi, later Notables: Gerald Smith Party Notables: Peter Sollenberger Organizing Committee Workers International, ie. the
(Fourth Internationalist) Faction in SWP Sympathizer of the USFI (1990s-) 1985-1986
2015?-Present forming its own international, the Fred Riker Jan. 2022-Present Briefly Faction in Trotskyist League militant tendency, arrived in the US
Sympathizer of IWLfi (Moreno) Late 1980s 1983-Present
Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth Notables: Steve Zeltzer 1990s-2000s from the UK in the 1980s.
Jul. 1984-unknown Notables: Barry Sheppard Notables: Sylvia Weinstein (-01)
International. This new
Notables: Harry Turner Malik Miah Nat Weinstein (-99)
international gained a US section
Jeff Mackler
some time later, merging with its
other sympathizers in SU/LU.

Militant Imports
How Many? Workers Voice or the RWL?: Sollenberger Departs: Permanent Revolution Faction Socialist Organizer Activists for Independent Socialist Labor's Militant Voice Grant and Woods in the US:
Internationalist Workers Party It has been alleged that no less than Some sources have a couple of Sollenberger and others left the Socialist Resurgence Faction in Socialist Action Socialist Workers Organisation Politics 1996-2008 Labor Militant After the open turn in the
Section of OCRFI
(Petroni's Group) five splits occurred off the Communist Workers Voice members leaving to Workers Voice Trotskyist League to join the Oct. 2019-Mar. 2022 Oct. 2018-Oct. 2019 2001-late 2000s Faction in Committees of Notables: John Throne Section of Committee for a Workers Committee for a Workers
1988-unknown Workers Group despite it having only join the Marxist Workers Group, 1990s-2000s regroupment organization Solidarity. Notables: Nat Weinstein (-14) Correspondence for Democracy International International, supporters of the
Notables: Carlos Petroni a handful of members to begin with. while other sources say they came and Socialism 1986-1998 Committee for a Marxist
Alan Benjamin
The best known of these was from the Revolutionary Workers Ralph Schoenman 1990s International likewise tried
Generic Trotskyist League (40% off) League. Since there were only about Notables: Barry Sheppard to establish a US section.
a spoof split. Gerald Smith later 4 MWG members, it's probably Malik Miah
became a notable member of Red not very important.
Orphans Labor, a DSA faction.

Fifth Internationalism in America: Forment in the US: Petroni after the IWP Communist Workers Group USA Humanist Workers for Workers Voice Workers Voice Hungarian Sympathizers in Detroit: Trotskyist Organization Ex-TO Faction Workers Action Local Offshoots: Socialist Alternative Left Party Workers International League
In 2009 the L5I (formed in 1989) Lulu Schwartz began writing In the 1990s Petroni gave up on Section of International Leninist Revolutionary Socialism Section of IWLfi (post-Moreno) Section of IWLfi (post-Moreno) Sometime in the 70s an orthodox Section of ILRFI Faction in Socialist Action Section of the CRFI Several branches of SAlt have Section of Committee for a Workers 2002-unknown Section of Committee for a
gained its US section. I don't know to Fomento Obrero the post-IWLfi IWP, instead Trotskyist Tendency 2008-June 2014 c. 2010-Mar. 2022 Also federated in Revolutionary group formed in Detroit, sympathetic 1970s-1985 Associated with ILRFI Briefly entered Workers left over the years to form more local- International (-2019) Notables: Carlos Patroni Marxist International
whether this was an import or was Revolutionario in the 1970s, joining Socialist Alternative. Mid 2012-present Socialist Network to the League of Revolutionary Socialists Notables: Margaret Guttshall 1985-late 1980s International League level groups. Cincinnati Socialists Section of International Socialist 2001-2016
connected to a previous group. gathering a small group around Later he would help form the Mar. 2022-present of Hungary led by Michael Varga, during 2000s broke away in August 2021. Another Alternative (2020-)
ultraleft and Trotskyist ideas. Left Party. its faction fight in the ICFI (aka Healyites). group, Rhode Island Socialists Also faction in DSA (2021-)
Varga later left but the International also broke away, later joining the 1998-present
League for the Reconstruction Marxist Center. Notables: Kshama Sawant
of the Fourth International remained,
with its Detroit loyalists. Socialist Action Offshoots
Workers Power USA FOR Organizing Committee in Dissolution of FOCUS: Two sections of the IWLfi?: Corriente Obrera Socialism! Youth splits: CWI to LFI: Reform and Revolution Caucus Independent Socialist Group Socialist Revolution
Section of League for the Fifth the United States FOCUS dissolved itself into In addition to Workers Voice, the Section of IWLfi (post-Moreno) Section of ILRFI (-1995) Around 2018, SA-aligned youth In 2017 a couple of SAlt members Faction in DSA Section of Committee for a Section of International
International Section of Formento Obrero the small anarcho-syndicalist IWLfi has another section, composed unknown Section of IWU-FI (1995-) at a Connecticut university split left to form the short lived Class 2019-present Workers International Marxist Tendency
2009-present Revolutionario unions, the IWW and CNT. of Latin American migrants in the Late 1980s-late 1990s to form the Marxist Student Group, Struggle Education League, which 2020-present 2016-present
1979-1984 Lulu Schwartz became a LA area. The two sections attempted which then joined the youth section existed for a year before joining Notables: Jeff Booth
Notables: Lulu Schwartz neoconservative and a sufi. a merger, but it was unsuccessful. of the Internationalist Group at the the LFI affiliated Internationalist
same time as the Spokane recruits Group. In 2018 the Spokane
from SAlt. Marxist Group also split, joining the
IG youth section the following year.

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