English 8 Activity Sheets Q1, Week 3

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GRADE 8-ENGLISH Week 3, Quarter 1 SCORE:

Learning Competency Code: EN8SS-IIIg-1.6.4 Activity 1: _____/ _____
Prepared by: GRACE B. MANUEL Activity 2: _____ / _____
English Teacher Activity 3: _____ / _____
Cp#: 0917-7626-781 Activity 4: _____ / _____
Total: _____ / _____

NAME OF STUDENT: __________________________ Section: ____________ Cp#:_______________


Have you experienced this before? It is also the same when you are recognized with a jobhttps://well done in
school. These situations are related to the next lesson which is about giving credits to peoples’ statements or
work. This is also called as CITATION.


 (EN8SS-IIIg-1.6.4) use conventions in citing sources

Before we expound on Citation, let us remember the sources where we get information from. Where do we
usually get or learn information? Write the answer in the concept map below. (15 pts. – 2 pts. each)


Sources of


Getting information from books and recognizing the author is one example of citation. Before you
learn the conventions on citation, recall on the parts of a book by doing this activity. Complete the
crossword puzzle and use the word cloud a clue. (20 pts. – 2 pts. per answer)

Based on your answers, what are our similarities to people from Africa?

Now that you remember the parts of a book, let us learn more on what citation is and how to
cite a book as reference.

A "citation" is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another

source. It also gives your readers the information necessary to find that source again, including:

 information about the author

 the title of the work
 the name and location of the company that published your copy of the source
 the date your copy was published
 the page numbers of the material you are borrowing

Why should I cite sources?

Giving credit to the original author by citing sources is the only way to use other people's work
without plagiarizing. But there are a number of other reasons to cite sources:

 citations are extremely helpful to anyone who wants to find out more about your ideas and
where they came from
 citing sources shows the amount of research you've done
 citing sources strengthens your work by lending outside support to your ideas

Doesn't citing make my work seem less original?

Not at all. On the contrary, citing sources actually helps your reader distinguish your ideas from
those of your sources. This will actually emphasize the originality of your own work.

When do I need to cite?

Whenever you borrow words or ideas, you need to acknowledge their source. The following
situations almost always require citation:

 whenever you use quotes

 whenever you paraphrase
 whenever you use an idea that someone else has already expressed
 whenever you make specific reference to the work of another
 whenever someone else's work has been critical in developing your own ideas.

Before you expound on the lesson about citation, let us have a quick recap of what you have read.


Identify if the statement about Citation is TRUE and FALSE if the statement is Incorrect. Write the
answer on the space before the number. (10 pts.)

____________1. Plagiarizing is a negative word.

____________2. Citing sources makes your work original.

____________3. The more citation you have, the less research you had.

____________4. Citations are helpful because they can lead you to where the ideas came from.

____________5. Citation is needed whenever you use quotes.

____________6. One of the contents of the citation is the contact number of the author.

____________7. Citing sources strengthens your work.

____________8. It is okay if books do not have a title.

____________9. Date of Publication is needed in citation.

____________10. No need to use books in citation.

Your Text

Plagiarism is a form of cheating, but it's a little complicated so a kid might do it without understanding that it's
wrong. Chris should have given the author and the website credit for the information. Why? Because Chris didn't know
this information before he came to the website. These aren't his thoughts or ideas.
Plagiarism Steals Ideas
The word plagiarism comes from a Latin word for kidnapping. You know that kidnapping is stealing a person. Well,
plagiarism is stealing a person's ideas or writing. You wouldn't take someone's lunch money or bike, right? Well,
someone's words and thoughts are personal property, too.
What should Chris have done? He should have written down the name of the website and the name of the person who
wrote the article. Then he could have added it and given credit to the source.
Plagiarism Is Lazy
Though plagiarism can be accidental, it's sometimes done on purpose and that's just being lazy. By copying whole
paragraphs from different places, a kid doesn't have to spend the time thinking about the subject, gathering his or her
own thoughts about it, and then putting it into original words. Cut, paste, and you're done.
Ask yourself, "Am I using this to avoid doing my own work? Is it easier just to copy this?" If the answer is yes, beware.
You just might be plagiarizing.


Since we are talking about recognizing or giving credits to other peoples’ work, what about you also recognize the
efforts of your love ones. What do you like to give to them to recognize their efforts? Draw the gift you would like to
give your love ones then color your work. (50 pts.)


NAME OF STUDENT: __________________________ Section: ____________ Cp#:_______________

Experts seek more restrictions against COVID spread

November 19 – Public and private health practitioners are seeking for the enforcement of stringent restrictions as
part of the proposed ‘2-week timeout’ in the city to prevent the further spread of the dreaded Corona Virus Disease
(COVID) 2019 cases, especially among the vulnerable sectors, such as the elderly.

Members of the city’s health sector recently met with Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong to discuss the appropriate
measures to be undertaken to control the continuous surge in the number of COVID cases in the city over the past
several weeks.

The health sector recommended the restrictions against senior citizens above 65 years old and with co-morbidities
for them to stay at home as they are prone to contract the illness because of their sensitive condition.

Magalong agreed with the aforesaid recommendation with the issuance of Executive Order No. 170, series of 2020,
implementing strict stay-at-home restrictions for persons over the age of 65 on November 17-27, 2020, except for
work, medical purposes and to purchase necessary goods or access necessary services and that they have no other
non-high risk relatives and acquaintances to assist them.

The health sector also pushed for the implementation of strict border controls for La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-
Tublay (LISTT) residents aside from the immediate roll out of inspection teams for compliance to minimum public
health standards.

Moreover, the sector proposed the implementation of regulations on the consumption of alcoholic beverage for dine-
in establishments where service is limited to a maximum of 4 individual servings per diner; barangays should strictly
monitor gatherings in their areas of jurisdiction.

The city is inclined to implement stricter border controls for La Trinidad and Tuba residents similar to what had been
earlier enforced for Itogon residents to help in controlling the surge in the number of COVID cases in the city daily
and to send a clear message for the LISTT local governments to also institute the appropriate measures that will
help in preventing the transmission of the virus in their areas of jurisdiction.

Earlier, the city government required residents who will hold social gatherings, such as birthdays, weddings,
baptisms, wakes, among others, to first secure the approval of the City Mayor’s Office, especially when the same will
be conducted in their residences, for monitoring on compliance to prescribed health and safety protocols by the
concerned barangay officials.

Health workers were alarmed over the continuous surge in the number of confirmed COVID cases over the past
several weeks that caused the city’s critical care capacity to be almost full leading them to propose the
implementation of the ‘2-week time out’ to be able to effectively and efficiently address the said situation.

The proposal also included the conversion of the city’s isolation unit at the former Sto. Niño hospital to a step-down
facility that can accommodate moderate cases that are already recovering from the illness to help in decongesting
the hospitals for the said facilities to be able to accommodate more patients who are being admitted for further
medical treatment. - Dexter A. See


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