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SECTION 21. Prohibited Acts. - The following shall be guilty of the

election offense of vote-buying and vote-selling:

a. Any person who gives, offers or promises money or anything of value,

gives or promises any office or employment, franchise or grant, public or
private, or makes or offers to make an expenditure, directly or indirectly, or
cause an expenditure to be made to any person, association, corporation,
entity, or community in order to induce anyone or the public in general to
vote for or against any candidate or withhold his vote in the election, or to
vote for or against any aspirant for the nomination or choice of a candidate in
a convention or similar selection process of a political party.

b. Any person, association, corporation, group or community

who solicits or receives, directly or indirectly, any expenditure
or promise of any office or employment, public or private, for
any of the foregoing considerations.

SECTION 22. Other Torms/'Acts of Vote-Buying and Vote-Selling. - The

act of vote-buying and vote-selling includes the giving of money through
digital or online banking transactions or any other mobile wallet applications.

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SECTION 23. Information Campaign Against Vote-Buying and Vote-

Selling. - The EID, in coordination with all member-agencies, shall formulate
comprehensive policies and programs of information campaign to promote
voter's awareness and vigilance against vote-buying and vote-selling, to
promote and provide information about the program of CKB, and to inform
the public about the instances of vote-buying and vote-selling, including the
use of digital wallets and online banking in the commission thereof.

For this purpose, the EID shall ensure that materials for publication in all
forms of media platforms, including social media, illustrate a cohesive
campaign against vote-buying and vote-selling.

SECTION 25. Presumed Vote-Buying and Vote-Selling. - The commission

of the following acts, along with possession of campaign materials and other
corroborative evidence, shall be presumed to be vote-buying and vote-selling:

a. Possessing or delivery of any coins, notes, monies, cards, pay

envelopes, bags, groceries, tokens or anything of value, together
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with sample ballots or other campaign materials in favor of or against a


b. Offering or promising something of value in consideration for

someone's vote;

C. Long lines or queues of registered voters / persons for the

distribution of money, discount, insurance or health cards, grocery
items and such other goods, intended to be used to induce the
persons to vote for or against any candidate or withhold their votes
in the election, or to vote for or against any aspirant for the
nomination or choice of a candidate in a convention or similar
selection process of a political party;

d. House to house election campaigri wluch involves the giving of

money, discount cards, grocery items and such other goods, to
induce the household or the occupants to vote for or against any
candidate or withhold their votes in the election, or to vote for or
against any aspirant for the nomination or choice of a candidate in
a convention or similar selection process of a political party;

e. Holding of bingo games, talent shows or other similar activities

that involves the distribution of prizes by the candidates or their
supporters or by any person in which the names of the candidates
are mentioned, or those conducted in a place where the names or
the pictures of the candidates are displayed or visible;

/. Employing the “hakot” system or the gathering of two (2) or more

registered voters to a specific place before election day and on
election day, for the purpose of distributing money or anything of
value and/or sample filled-out ballots;

g. Possessing, transporting and/or carrying cash exceeding Five

Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00) or its equivalent in any
foreign currency, along with campaign paraphernalia and / or
corroborated evidence during the period of two (2) days before an
election and on election day, except those authorized persons as
stated in Section 28 of this Resolution;

h Causing the splitting of the amount of at least P20,000.00 to smaller

denominations of P200.00, P100.00, P50.00 or P20.00, during the
period of five (5) days before election day and on election day,
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except when necessary to or in connection with the occupation

or business of the possessor;

i. Conducting medical missions, legal aid services, feeding

programs or any caravan offering any or all of these services in a
certain barangay or locality, in which the names of the candidates
are mentioned, or those conducted in a place where the name or
picture of a candidate is visible or displayed;

J. Giving, distributing and receiving any assistance or “ayuda”

except those which are normally given to qualified individuals
such as but not limited to basic needs in the form of food,
transportation, medical, education, burial and such other similar
assistance, during the campaign period, day before election day
and election day;

k. Hiring or appointing more than two (2) watchers per precinct per
candidate, who shall serve alternately;

l. Possessing on election day, indelible ink or any chemical that may

remove indelible ink such as but not limited to acetone, nail polish
remover or paint thinner, except when necessary to the occupation
of the possessor and those authorized by the Commission;

m. Possessing of blank original ballots during election day, except

authorized by the Commission; and

n. Such other analogous circumstances.

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