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Introduction to computing and

1.3 Excel Elements.
A spreadsheet is a very useful tool for people who work with numbers and who need to perform
calculations with them. She allows to work with a great quantity of numbers and incorporates a series of
functions capable of performing mathematical calculations, statistical, technical and financial. The main
structure that this software uses to store and organizing the information is a work area in the form matrix,
as if it were a sheet of graph paper, formed by a certain number of rows and columns, it is what is called

The sheet is the fundamental unit that defines the area of

work, as we have already said.
Several sheets, related to each other, make up a book.
The different cells of the sheets will contain the data or the
information, which may not be
only in numerical form, but also texts (called
labels) and formulas involving the content of other
predefined cells and functions for calculations either
financial, mathematical, statistical, etc.


To enter any formula or function we must always start with

the sign = so that Excel can identify that the data entered is
not text or numeric data.

Formula =(c5+f6+b1+a3)^(1/2)

function= Root(c5+f6+b1+a3)

Functions are special tools that perform calculations of varying complexity in a single
step. Excel contains specialized functions in mathematical and financial calculations,
logical functions, etc.

Formulas in Excel are expressions that are used to perform calculations or value
processing, producing a new value that will be assigned to the cell in which said
formula is entered. A formula typically involves values ​found in one or more cells in a

The use of the functions, in addition to simplifying the development of models on

spreadsheets, allows such calculations to be carried out without knowing the
mathematical procedure, for example, we can calculate the NPV (Net Present Value) of
an investment even if we do not remember the formula, simply using the corresponding

Elements of functions in Excel:

is an abbreviated descriptive term, such as SUM, AVERAGE, NAV,
is the data that the function needs to operate correctly. For
example, the SUM function will have as arguments the range of
values ​to add, in the function that calculates the NPV of an
investment, the arguments will be the interest rate or cost of
capital, as well as the range of returns obtained. Arguments are
placed between parentheses and are separated by "semicolons"(;).

1-. Before recording a macro
VBA macros and tools can be found in the Developer
tab, which is hidden by default, so the first step is to
enable it.
2-. record a macro
On the Developer tab, in the Code group, click Record
Optionally, type a name for the macro in the Macro
Name box, specify a shortcut key in the Shortcut Key
box, and a description in the Description box. Then
click OK to start recording.

3. Perform the actions you want to

automate, such as typing boilerplate text
or filling down a column of data.
4. On the Scheduler tab, click Stop

3-. Examine the macro and test it

By modifying a macro, you can learn a bit about the Visual
Basic programming language.
To modify a macro, in the Code group on the Developer tab,
click Macros, select the name of the macro, and click Edit.
This action will cause the Visual Basic Editor to start.
Take a look at the code and see how the actions you've
recorded appear as code. It is likely that you understand
some of the code well and that another part is a bit
mysterious to you.
Experiment with the code, close the Visual Basic Editor, and
run the macro again. This time see if something different

Alumna: Yhulie Arleth hernández Hernández

Asignatura: Algoritmos y lenguajes de
Fecha de entrega: 02/02/23
Docente: Carmita Castillo Sastre

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