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‘A very good morning | bid to our honourable judges and fellow contestants. Today, | would like to tell a story entitled, “The Little Mouse Who Became a Hero”. In a cozy meadow near a big, old oak tree, lived a little mouse named Milo. Milo was the smallest mouse in the meadow, and he often felt left out when the other animals played together. But what Milo lacked in size, he made up for with his big heart and clever mind. One sunny morning, the meadow animals gathered to discuss a big problem. A fierce and hungry cat named Whiskers had come to the meadow, and everyone was afraid to venture out of their homes. The meadow had turned quiet, and the animals were scared. Milo listened to their worries and had an idea. He scurried over to the wise old ow, Ollie, who lived in the oak tree. "Mr. Ollie, can you teach me some of your wisdom? | want to help the meadow animals," Milo said earnestly. Ollie smiled kindly. "Of course, Milo. Wisdom comes from observation and understanding. If you pay attention to the world around you, you'll find answers." Milo nodded and set out to learn as much as he could about the cat, Whiskers. He watched from the shadows as Whiskers prowled around, and he noticed that the cat had a soft spot for chasing things that shone and sparkled. With this insight, Milo gathered shiny pebbles, bits of glass, and even a shiny piece of string. He tied them all together to create a dazzling necklace that glittered in the sunlight. Milo's heart raced as he stood in front of Whiskers’ path. When the cat came near, Milo bravely stepped forward, wearing the sparkling necklace around his neck. The sunlight caught the shine, and the necklace twinkled like a treasure. Whiskers' eyes widened in surprise. "Who are you, and what is that beautiful thing you're wearing?" Whiskers asked, his curiosity piqued. Milo took a deep breath and introduced himself. "I'm Milo, the little mouse from the meadow. This necklace is a gift for you, dear cat. | thought you might like something shiny to play with." Whiskers" eyes softened as he gazed at the sparkling necklace. "No one has ever given me a gift before," he admitted. "Thank you, Milo." From that day on, Whiskers and Milo became friends. Whiskers would chase after the sparkling necklace that Milo made, and Milo would share stories of the meadow with Whiskers. The meadow animals were amazed at how Milo had tamed the fierce cat and brought happiness back to the meadow. Milo's bravery and cleverness made him a hero in the meadow, and he was never left out of any games again. He showed everyone that even the smallest among us can make a big difference with kindness, understanding, and a little bit of sparkle. And so, children, the story of Milo, the little mouse who became a hero, reminds us that we all have special qualities that can brighten the lives of others and make the world a better place.

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