(Preview) Tales From The Gods

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Lead Game Designer and System Adaptation

Jaime Reyes Mondragón

Game Design Consulting

Alator Guzmán

Prompt Writing
Jaime Reyes Mondragón and Courtney Fancil

Daniela Mateos Méndez

Copy Editing
Daniela Mateos Méndez

Project Manager
Sergio Ake

Covert Art
Raque Ramírez “Halcabar el Gato” and Jaime Reyes Mondragón

Irina Gálvez “Kirobin”

Based on “Thousand Year Old Vampire” created by Tim Hutchings

Additional illustrations were taken from public domain images

and edited for the purposes of this book.

Tales from the Gods is a solo role-playing game in which you take the
role of a god over the many centuries of their existence, beginning when
they started to be worshiped and ending with their inevitable oblivion.
This god will have to make decisions that could be difficult and may
sometimes surprise you as you write them. Will your god be one of
mercifulness or become an avatar of destruction?

The game uses the Thousand Year Old Vampire system. Play progresses
semi-randomly through the Prompt section of this book. Answer
Prompts to learn about your god’s wants and needs, to learn what
challenges they face, and to chart their rise or decline. Build up a record
of deeds, known as Sagas, and watch them transform or be forgotten in
the inexorable passage of time.

What is needed to play?

You will need a ten-sided die (d10) and a six-sided die (d6). If you do
not have dice of this type, you can use the random number tables of
Appendix II or any random number generator of your choice.
You will also need a way to record your god’s story. Paper and pencil,
a word processing document, or other digital text tools are all fine.
Consider that while in a Quick Game you will only need a few notes to
maintain a record, in a Chronicle Game you could fill several pages. You
can also write in the spaces provided in this book.

Your God

Five different Traits represent the God whose development you will
record in this game:
• Sagas
• Skills
• Relics
• Characters
• Symbols
Almost every time you receive a Prompt, you will have to modify one
of your traits. For instance, the Prompt may instruct you to check a


Skill. To do so, you place a checkmark next to that Skill. Alternately, the
Prompt may cause you to lose a trait, which is indicated by striking it
out with a line. Ensure that any lost traits stay readable as you may
need to refer back to them later or even restore them. Some Prompts
will give even more dramatic instructions for changing your Traits. At
all times, follow the instructions given in the Prompt.
It is convenient for you to assign an area of your record for each of your
traits. In other words, to keep a separate section where you have a list of
all your skills, another with all your relics, and so forth.


Sagas and Myths are important moments that have shaped your god.
They come from your actions and decisions as a god but also from
events your believers associate with you, and they make up your god’s
core. A Myth relates a particular event; a Saga is an arc of Myths that are
tied together by subject or theme.
Myths cover a particular event, but the amount of time represented by
that event might vary drastically. A Myth might describe a few seconds
of impactful events, or it might cover an epic that lasted hundreds of
Almost every Prompt will create a Myth, and Myths eventually combine
with one another to become Sagas. As time goes on, Sagas and Myths
tend to get distorted or be forgotten. To reflect this, there is a limit on
how many Sagas you can record. Old Sagas will be lost over the course

of the game, making room for new ones. It will be your decision as a
player to choose which Sagas to preserve and which to let be forgotten;
these hard decisions are the core of the game.

h their believers is
Your god’s relationship wit
what your god can or
important. Their beliefs in
ectly. If their believers
cannot do affects them dir
or characteristics with
begin to associate new powers
attain those powers and
your god, then your god will

In game terms, a Myth is a single sentence that describes the resolution

of a Prompt. Sagas are a collection of related Myths built up over time.
Your god begins the game with space for five Sagas, each of which can
contain up to three Myths.
Although a Prompt might ask several questions, a Myth does not need
to address all of them.
A Myth should be a single evocative sentence. A Myth is the distillation
of an event, a single sentence that combines what happened and why
it matters to your god. A good format for a Myth is “[description of the
event]; [how I feel or what I did about it].” If necessary, you can add an
em dash at the end to include more information.
When writing a Myth, be conscious of any Traits that are affected by
the Prompt and try to incorporate them.
Always write in first-person. Even Myths that are made up from their
believers can reshape the core of your god. As a result, your god may
have powers associated with things their believers claim happened
and may lose abilities when their believers forget them.
An example of a Myth could be:
“As an earthquake strikes Utique, my temple is destroyed, all its grandeur
reduced to rubble — I have no proof, nor doubt that this was the work of
Sagas are made up of Myths. A Saga is a section of your record
that contains up to three Myths. Myths are not necessarily linear or
chronological. If a new Myth clearly belongs within an existing Saga,

you can add it to that Saga. If not, record the Myth in a new Saga, which
may require forgetting an earlier Saga, a whole collection of other Myths.
A Saga is a container for Myths that are related in some way.
A Myth must be placed within a Saga as soon as you create it.
We might expand our earlier example with a second Myth like this:
“As an earthquake strikes Utique, my temple is destroyed, all its grandeur
reduced to rubble — I have no proof nor doubt that this was the work of
“My faithful raise their voices in a claim for everything that was lost,
material goods, the lives of loved ones; I send them a signal so that they
see I have not forgotten them, an eagle that rests over the last standing


column of my temple, watching over the repair work.”
A Saga contains up to three Myths. Each Saga should be defined by
a theme, trait, or other subjects that link its component Myths in an
intelligible way. Whenever a new Myth doesn’t fit into an existing Saga,
place it in a new one.
Your god is allowed five Sagas. Older Sagas are lost when new Myths
occur and you have no place to put them. If you have filled all five Sagas
and need to start a new one,
strike out an existing
Saga and all the Myths
it contains. Changing
as the Myths related
to your god change
or are forgotten is a
fundamental mechanic
of the game, so embrace
The decision about which
Sagas are lost belongs to
you as the player. It is not
a decision that your god
or their believers are
consciously making.
Unless instructed
otherwise, you

may strike out any Saga you like to make room for a new Myth.
There is one way to preserve Sagas when you run out of space. Instead
of losing an existing Saga, you can move it into a Codex.


A Codex can hold up to four of your god’s Sagas. Unlike Sagas

themselves, Codices are physical objects you add to your Relic list. You
may freely create a Codex whenever you need to move a Saga into it.
Like any other Relic, you can lose a Codex. When this happens, strike
out the Sagas it held. Your god can have one Codex at a time, and it
must contain at least one Saga.
A Saga in a Codex cannot suffer further modifications and
is accepted by your god’s believers as it is recorded. Once
a Saga has been transferred to a Codex, you may not add
any further Myths to that Saga.
To move a Saga to a Codex, simply indicate that the
Saga is now recorded in the Codex. For example,
you might write “Codex” next to the Saga or draw a
symbol next to it that indicates it is a Codex.
When you create a Codex, give it a short description
and add it to the Relic list. For example, it might say
something like:
Codex – a set of bamboo scrolls adorned with gold
Codex – imposing carvings on a mountain cliff
Codex – pictograms on the walls of an ancient temple


Skills describe the capabilities and characteristics

of your god. They indicate what your god can
do and what they might do. I can see through any
drawing of an eye, blood empowers me, I know how to
brew, I command the winds, or I can talk my way out of
any situation are all acceptable Skills. When a Prompt
indicates to create a new Skill, you should relate it to

the content of the Myth you are writing for that Prompt.
Some Prompts will instruct you to check or lose a Skill. To check a
Skill, place a checkmark next to that Skill on your record. Mechanically,
this indicates that the Skill has been used. Narratively, a checked Skill
gives you something to flavor your answers to later Prompts.
If unchecked Skills are what your god is capable of, checked Skills are
what they have done. They are a part of your god’s being. Of course, it
is entirely possible that your god might have Skills you do not want to
check. Instead of fighting this, use it to spice your story as you witness
your god commit atrocities in the attempt to help their people or while
trying to achieve their goals.
You may only check a Skill once. If you are instructed to lose a Skill,


strike it out; it is gone, people have forgotten those abilities were
attributed to you, and in consequence, you are no longer able to use


Relics are items, places, structures, and even organizations related to

your god. A sword whose blade seems to be made of silver, a golden tiara
with three stars, an order of knights that fight in my name, or even the first
shrine built to adore me; are all acceptable and engaging Relics.
Relics may vary drastically in origin. They could be things you crafted,
things that other supernatural entities gifted you, or offering your
faithful have given you. Some relics may be infused with powers
associated with you, but this does not always have to be the case.
In the Prompts, there will be some occasional references to stationary
Relics. These are things that cannot be physically moved. Examples
might be a sacred mountain where many of the rituals associated with me
are held, a colossal statue of myself, or a palace on the top of a mountain,
where I live.
When a Prompt instructs you to create Relics, be sure to create
contextually appropriate Relics, even if this leads to Relics that aren’t
necessarily the most exciting or useful. When a Prompt causes your
god to lose a Relic, strike it out, it may have been destroyed, or it may
have left your area of direct influence. Leave the entry legible; lost
things might come back in time.

fi fi fi
fi Somet fiimes fi
the loss of
fi fi a relic simply mean
that you have s
fi given fi
to someonfi it
fi fi e to use, or
fi you have assig fi
ned it
to a specific
task, and
fi therefore you
fi fi use it for an
ything else
from now on.

fi fi

fi fi fi
fi fi fi

e fi
fi fi fi fi
fi fi
fi fi fi
fi fi fi fi
fi e fi fi

fi fi fi
fi fi fi fi
fi fi fi
fi fi


Although your god’s existence depends on the belief in them, not all
Characters, whether mortal or immortal, must be their followers. Feel
free to indicate when a Character is a faithful believer of your god,
but also include all kinds of Characters with whom they may have a
connection, whether good or bad, for other reasons.


A Symbol is a recognizable mark, object, or thing that represents your

god and may help others identify them. When creating a Symbol,
account for the feeling and meaning you’re trying to convey with it. A
skull with a coiling snake may not be the best Symbol for a sea-related
god; although there may be exceptions, you may want to keep this in
Sometimes your god might want to conceal their symbols for some
reason or make them especially visible; use this to spice up your
Some examples of Symbols include: A scythe and a raven, a bolt of lightning,
an eagle standing over a staff, I am one-eyed, I have the head of a tiger, and I
only wear clothes made of leaves.

God Creation

Start by imagining a place in the distant past. This is where your worship
will begin to flourish. Think about the people that inhabit that place.
How do they carry their everyday life? What are their needs? What are
things important to them? Understanding this can help you figure why
they would have started worshiping your god. You don’t need to answer
these questions for a huge group of people; you may start with a smaller
scale, maybe with a small town or a group of few individuals.
Then think about how your god came to be and what aspects are
associated with them. Maybe your god was previously a mortal, a ruler
or hero who started to be worshiped for their deeds. Perhaps your god
is the descendant of previously existing divinities or an immortal that
began to be revered by those who noticed their condition. Or it could be
that your god was only a concept and had no self-consciousness before
awakening to godhood.

Don’t be
afraid of
ng aspects
of mythologies
know, but you
weave them
in your uni
que way to
create a ne
w story.


As Ban Xian prepares to charge, he wishes I were there to command him
while clutching the insignia of my former squad in his hand; I can’t leave
him to his luck – He will return to camp with tales of how I and the half-
sun protected him.
Once you have finished creating your god, they will have three Skills,
three Relics, at least one mortal Character, and one Myth in each of their
five Sagas.


T o play Tales from the Gods, you answer a series of Prompts.
Answer these Prompts to learn about your god, experience their
development, and be surprised by their doings. Responding to the
Prompts in satisfying ways is the joy of this game.
You can answer Prompts either in writing, like a journal, or just aloud
to yourself. This book is designed so that you can write your responses
directly onto its pages. Number your entries to keep the chronology
In the process of answering Prompts, you create, lose, and alter your
god’s Traits as instructed. Every time you answer a Prompt you must
create a Myth and add it to a Saga unless instructed otherwise.
Star the game by answering Prompt 1, then roll your d10 and d6, and
subtract the result of the d6 from that of the d10. If the result is a positive
number, move forward that many Prompts; if it is a negative number,
move backward instead. A 0 means you encounter the same Prompt
a second time. You may not move backward from Prompt 1; if this
happens, consider you have come across Prompt 1 again.
Let us imagine that I have just answered Prompt 11. I roll 7 on the d10
and 4 on the d6, which means that I move forward three and end up at
Prompt 14. However, if I rolled 4 on both dice, I would answer Prompt
11 again.
You will notice that most Prompts have second and third entries. These
are encountered the second and third times you land on a Prompt. If you
land on a Prompt and have already responded to all the entries, move
along to the next Prompt.
If you are instructed to check a Skill but have no unchecked Skills
available, lose a Relic instead. Likewise, if you cannot lose a Relic when
instructed to do so, check a Skill. When either of these substitutions
occurs, it indicates that things have gone very badly for your god, narrate
the worst possible outcome. Only Skills and Relics may be substituted
for each other. You may not choose to lose Characters, Sagas, or Symbols
in place of a Skill or Relic. If you must lose a Skill or Relic and you have
none, then your game is over, narrate your god’s demise using the
Prompt for inspiration.

The Game Ends...
...if you are unable to check or lose a Skill or Relic when required to do so,
or if a Prompt tells you that the game has ended.

Two Styles of Play

There are two ways to play Tales from the Gods: As a Quick Game or a
Chronicle Game.
In a Quick Game, the only answer to each Prompt is the Myth you
create from it. This method is fast and gives you greater flexibility in
interpreting your god’s story.


In a Chronicle Game, you will keep a more detailed record. After creating
a Myth, devote a small paragraph, or more, to detailing what happened.
You will end up with a more complete story of the events your god has
In the case of any contradictions or complications, your Sagas and
Myths take precedence over the details you add in your entries in the
Chronicle Game. As you play, you will come to understand aspects of
the story that may not have been clear earlier on. You can modify or
ignore the details you added if needed, but you may never modify Sagas
or Myths unless instructed to do so by a Prompt!

Answering Prompts

Answer Prompts in a way that feels natural. Never force things. If

relationships between existing traits or past events relate to a Prompt,
work them in. Remember you do not need to answer every question in
the Prompt.

You may sometimes find it problematic to

make your god fit a specific mythology you
want to include. This is one of the joys of the
game. Use the aspects you know, investigate
the ones you don’t, and use that information
to imagine how your god may relate to existing
deities, monsters, and heroes.

Prompts will often combine to tell stories. If you introduced a
Character in one Prompt and the following Prompt has your god
acquire a new Relic, find the relationship between them. Any amount
of time can pass between Prompts, so several Prompts might join
together to make a story arc that lasts days or decades.

Cede control to the game. Prompts are sparks for creativity and
connection. Feel free to gently reinterpret answers to earlier Prompts to
better make sense of current situations. But you should not try to tie
everything together, it’s not necessary. Your god will exist for thousands
of years, and many small, unresolved events will occur during their
existence. Sometimes a Character will appear and then leave the game
without accomplishing anything of note, or a Relic will go unused, both
of which are fine, this is how things are.
Overthinking it is unhelpful. Not every Prompt needs to be important.
You do not need to explain every decision you make while answering a
Prompt. You can let some of it wait until later. Let the game bring back
what matters. Prompts are opportunities to learn about history, myths,
and the real world. Turn to Wikipedia and read about the different rites
the Muisca people had, and choose some you could use for inspiration.
The game will wait.

The Passage of Time

This game is about change through centuries. Your god will change and
evolve, pursuing continuous reinvention to keep up with the evolution
of society. Time is very loose, so imagine its progression as you like.
Think about historical events and work them in when it feels right;
world wars and political upheavals are hugely important events that
change the vision of the world of many people and, as a result, of your
believers. The first prompts may take place in a distant past when
things of legend were common everyday occurrences. By contrast, their
final Myths might take place in the early 21st century.
Don’t fret about specific years, but do watch for obvious breaks in the
timeline. A series of Prompts might interrelate to tell a small story, only
for something to interrupt that story. Take the opportunity to jump a
few decades ahead. However, if you reach a game-ending Prompt and
it’s only the Fifteenth Century, that’s fine too.

Belief and Faith

Belief and faith are themes that you will encounter on multiple occasions
throughout the game. Although they may seem to be the same thing,
there is a fundamental difference between the two. While belief refers
to the feeling of something being certain or true, faith has a stronger
meaning, referring to having trust or confidence in something.
Believers in your god are people or other beings who think your god
exists but are not necessarily devotees or followers of them. Believers
can range from those who truly revere your god to those who see it as a
force to be respected and to those who see it as an evil being or a threat.
The faithful to your god, on the other hand, are beings who pay special


reverence to them and trust that they will help them to overcome the
problems they face.
An interesting aspect of the game is to decide and discover how
important faith and belief are to your god. It may be that your god
doesn’t care if everyone believes in him, as long as the non-believers
respect those who do. Conversely, it may be that your god not only
wants people to believe in them but to revere them and follow specific
rituals. It could also be that your god does not
care if their faithful also follow other
gods, even from different pantheons,
or on the contrary, they want to be the
only being that they worship.

Still learning the extent of your authority and power,
1 you perform more harm than good. What do you do that
hurts one Character you were trying to help? Check a
Skill and create a Skill related to your failure.


One of your faithful gets a glimpse of your true self. What do they see?
How do they react? How do you feel about all this? What do you do
about it? Check a Skill

You find or create a new place you can call home. What is this place?
Can mortals access this place? How do you make this place more
comfortable or safer for you? Create a stationary Relic.

You receive an unexpected gift. Who gives it to you?
2 What is it? Over time you become attached to this gift.
Why? Does it have some unique properties or abilities?
If so, which are they? Add this gift to your Relic list.

A precious possession of yours disappears while you are distracted by

other matters. You decide to look for it to no avail. What happened to it?
Do you suspect someone who might have taken it? Lose a Relic

A Relic that you thought lost returns to you unexpectedly. What had
happened to this Relic? How did it find its way back to you? Restore a
Relic you had lost.

You come in conflict with another immortal. Who are
3 they? Why does the conflict arise? What did you do
to them, or them to you? Create an enemy immortal


Even in your divinity, you find you are flawed. Create a Myth that tells
the tale of a weakness you have and create a related Skill.

Someone attacks you while you are unprepared, exploiting a weakness

you have. Who attacks you? What weakness did they exploit? How
did they learn about your weakness? If you don’t have a Character that
could have attacked you, create a new one. Lose a Relic.

A mortal with power that rivals yours stands in your
4 way. Why is this mortal opposing you? Create a mortal

You create a being whose sole purpose is to get rid of this mortal. This
being is intelligent but is just a tool. What are they? How do you create
them? Check a Skill and create a Relic that represents your new servant.

One of your Relics is used against you. How did this happen? How do
you retaliate? You manage to destroy the Relic that was turned against
you. Lose a Relic

A mortal embarks on an adventure favored by a deity you
5 oppose. Who is this mortal? Which deity favors them?
Create a mortal Character. Impulsively, you decide to
stand in this mortal’s way. Check a Skill.


A moral Character you oppose achieves great fame and is lauded as a
hero. Those who acclaim them perceive you as a spiteful deity. How
will the legends of this hero speak of you? Create a Skill.

You reconcile with a Character with whom you had a long-standing

feud. What led to this reconciliation? Who took the first step? Lose a
Relic, surrendered as a peace offering.

An immortal begins to serve you. Who are they? Why
6 are they drawn to you? Create an immortal Character.

Over time you find yourself relying more and more on your immortal
servant. What events have resulted in a bond of companionship
between you? Their company encourages you to explore new ways of
acting. Create a Skill.

An immortal you trust betrays you, causing you great harm. Why did
they do this? What do you do about it? Turn an immortal Character
into an enemy. Lose a Relic.

You fall in love with a mortal. Create a new mortal
7 Character. This mortal returns your affection. Check a
Skill or lose a Relic you give up to be with them.


Your beloved mortal dies through an accident, sickness, or old age.
Why couldn’t you prevent this? Strikeout this Character. Take a Skill
associated with your grief.

Your interactions with mortals create a semi-divine Character who

bears a Relic you thought lost. Create a mortal Character. What is their
connection to you? Check a Skill to guide their way and make them
your ally, or to antagonize them and make them your enemy.

You save a mortal baby from certain death. What made
8 you intervene? Add this infant as a mortal Character.
How do you ensure they will be taken care of?

As the mortal you saved grows into a teenager, it becomes apparent

they are stronger, smarter, and more capable than others their age. Is
this your doing? This teenage mortal bears a mark that resembles one
of your symbols. What is this mark?

This mortal has grown to become a respected leader. Their deeds reflect
your guidance in the eyes of those around them. Create a Skill related to
providing wisdom and guidance.

A monster is sowing destruction, endangering what
9 you have painstakingly built. Yet, you cannot interfere
directly. What prevents you from intervening? What is
this monster? Where did it come from? A mortal hero
rises in your name to confront the beast. Create a mortal


A mortal Character related to you commits atrocities that people will
undoubtedly associate with you. What do you do about it? Check a Skill.

A mortal Character performs heroic deeds, each greater than the last,
intending to gain your favor. What feats do they perform? You decide to
put them to a final test. Check a Skill.

What Skill have you acquired that you would rather not
10 have? How did you learn that Skill? Create a Skill.

A wicked and powerful supernatural entity binds you into servitude.

How did they manage this? Create an immortal Character. This
immortal makes you do terrible things on their behalf. How do you
eventually manage to escape their binding? Check a Skill. Strike out
all mortal Characters, as many time has gone by. Create a terrible Skill
related to your deeds while in servitude of this immortal.

Shame within you propels you on a quest for absolution from some
great guilt. What wrong do you try to mend? How do you fail and make
everything worse? Lose a Relic. Check a Skill.

A mighty ruler starts worshipping you. Add this ruler
11 as a faithful mortal Character. Why do they follow you?
How have you helped them? Create a Skill.


An influent mortal has a Relic and a Symbol created in your honor. Why
are they significant to you?

Create a mortal Character. Your faithful plan to sacrifice this Character

to you. Do you spare the mortal or let them be sacrificed? If you choose
to save the mortal, check a Skill and gain them as a faithful mortal
Character. If you allow your followers to sacrifice them, strike out this
mortal and take the Skill “I Demand Blood Sacrifices.”

You bring an immortal into the world in an
12 unconventional way. What does this mean? Create an
immortal Character. Take an appropriate Skill.

Your scion follows you everywhere. The both of you become inseparable.
How is your relationship in the eyes of your faithful? Create a Symbol
of your bond.

An immortal Character sacrifices themselves to save you. Kill an

immortal Character. Check a Skill. Gain a Skill related to love or trust.

You decide to face an immortal that has become a threat
13 not only to you, but also to other deities. What compels
you to act alone? Create an enemy immortal Character.


An immortal Character outstrips you. They are smarter and more
capable than you initially thought. What have you failed to take into
account? They imprison you. What do they intend to do with you?
What do they take from you? Lose a Relic.

You receive help from an unlikely ally. What enemy Character comes
to your aid when you needed it most? An enemy Character becomes an
ally Character.

You find yourself in an uncomfortable relationship with
14 another immortal. What is the nature of the relation?
Is the other party aware of your discomfort? Create an
immortal Character. Despite the circumstances, you
trust this Character.

You become close to an immortal Character, and they to you. Is your

bond that of friendship, love, or something different? You may create a
new immortal Character.

You have forged bonds stronger than steel. Bonds imperishable to the
passage of time. Create a Skill or Relic that reflects this.

Your believers begin to link a mythological animal
15 with you. What does this being look like? What do you
believers say about it? Create a Myth that associates you
with this creature. Take this animal as a Symbol.


Stories about the mythological creature become more and more twisted
as time goes by. People begin to fear this mythical being, claiming it
brings calamity. Why do they say this? You intervene to convince your
faithful this animal is not to be feared. Check a Skill.

Much of the characteristics attributed to the creature are attributed to

you as well. Turn a Symbol into a Skill.

Your influence reaches a new region, where you start to
16 mix with another deity. Create a new deity following the
rules in the “God Creation” section. Do not add this deity
to your Character list. This is the deity you are mixing
with. Add a Skill from this deity to your Skills list.

You keep blending with this deity, your two identities merging little by
little. Add a Symbol of the deity you are blending with to your Symbol

In the minds of most, you and the deity you mixed with were always
one and the same. Replace at least one of your Sagas with a Saga of this
deity—you can replace as many as you want. Add a Skill of that deity
to your Skill list. Your believers now also call you by that deity’s name.

Create a new Character, either mortal or immortal. They
17 do something deeply meaningful for you. What is it?
Why does it matter so much? How do you show your


You start to care for this Character. Do you show this care openly? Do
you hide it? Thanks to this Character, you learn to appreciate the small
things. Create a Skill related to a Myth that relates to a happy event.

A Character is in grave danger. How is your fault this has befallen

them? You do everything in your power to save them. Check a Skill. Do
you succeed?

Whether unintentionally or deliberately, you create a
18 lineage of monstrous beings. Their kind will ravage
mortals for hundreds or thousands of years. Create the
Relic “Monstruous Progeny.”

The monsters you have created revere you with the same fervor as your
other faithful, if not more. How are you to their eyes? Create a Symbol.

Your monstrous offspring is enthusiastic about proving their worth for

you. They follow your every command, no matter how difficult it may
seem. Create a Skill related to their service.

An immortal comes to you for help. What do they need?
19 What do they offer you in return, or what do you demand
from them in exchange for your service? You accept to
help them. Check a Skill.


In a precarious situation you find yourself in, another immortal comes
to your aid. Why did they help you? How did they help you? You decide
to show your gratitude with a gift, lose a Relic.

You have become someone who helps others, although you may
sometimes ask for a price in return. Who comes to seek your help? Do
you help everyone, or do you have any criteria for choosing who you
aid? Gain two Skills.

A faithful mortal Character is in grave peril. What great
20 purpose have you envisioned for them? You will not let
them get harmed. Check a Skill or lose a Relic to save

A faithful Character gets in the way of your plans while trying to help.
How do you reprimed them? Why can you not bring yourself to be too
hard on them?

A faithful Character has been particularly successful at spreading your

word. They command respect and obedience in others through your
name. Around them, a religious organization begins to form. Create a
Relic that represents this organization.

A mortal comes to you with a pleading, but you turn
21 them away. What were they asking for? Why do you
refuse? You may create a mortal Character.


You bestow a blessing over a small band of faithful mortals, but
something unexpected happens. What unforeseen effect your blessing
has? Strike out a faithful Character or any two Symbols with good
significance for you.

You send a test of faith to one of your followers. What is the reason?
What does this test involve? This test will become a benchmark of what
you expect from all your faithful. Create a Symbol and a Skill related to
the test.

You join a group of other deities. Who are they? What
2 compelled you to join them? Create an immortal
Character. This immortal is your strongest bond within
this group, whether you are friends or enemies.

You become important to the group of deities you have joined, either as
someone trustworthy or a troublemaker. How have you earned your
reputation? How do most of the group perceive you? Create a Skill.

Conflict strikes. Deities turn against each other. Why did the dispute
arise? Do you support any side? Check a Skill you use to end the conflict
for good. Kill an immortal Character, a victim of the debacle.

Create a new immortal Character who is also a deity.
23 The two of you have a lot of irreconcilable differences.
Why is that so? You’re not enemies but consider each
other rivals.


This rival deity is quickly gaining followers. How do you get their
followers to worship you instead? Check a Skill.

Your rival has lost most of their followers. In desperation, they turn to
you for advice. How do you help them or hasten their downfall? Create
a Skill that you use to help or harm them.

An immortal has something in their possession that you
24 desperately need or desire, but they are unwilling to give
it to you or share it. What is it? Who is this immortal?
What do you do to get what you want anyway? Create
an immortal Character and check a Skill. Create a new
Relic or Skill.

You meet an immortal with knowledge so much more profound than

your own. How you did you meet them? What strange appearance do
they have? They share a sliver of their knowledge with you. Gain a Skill.

You get a glimpse of the future, of what things may become. You prepare.
Create the skill “I have seen what is to come.” The next time you would
lose multiple Skills or any other trait, you can lose only this Skill instead.

Your believers build a monument depicting you wrong.
25 Wherein lies their mistake? What new Symbol you
don’t like starts to be associated with you because of this
depiction? Create a new Symbol.


Some of your believers are unsettled about certain depictions of you.
They decide it is necessary to destroy such depictions. Lose a Symbol.

Your believers reach an agreement on how you must be depicted. Create

a new Symbol. Everyone agrees this Symbol is associated with you.
Your believers will create paintings, literature, and monuments over the
years, depicting you as they have agreed. Create a Relic related to this

You offend a powerful immortal. Create a new enemy
26 immortal Character. This immortal will stop at nothing
to see your offense repaid tenfold. Create a Myth about
a time they almost bested you and how you barely
managed to outwit them.

An enemy Character kills you. Or that should be what happened. How

do you barely survive? Check a Skill. You’re terribly weakened, ages will
pass until you recover from this strike. Lose a Symbol. Kill all mortal

You face an old enemy for the last time. Your combat will be worthy to
be counted among the greatest epics. Check one Skill to barely survive,
two to destroy your foe, three to reconcile with them.

Some of your faithful have decided to take up arms in
27 your honor. Who leads them? Against what are they
fighting? Create a faithful mortal Character that leads
the charge. Do you appreciate their efforts? Why? Create
the Relic “Army of Faith.”


People rebel against those fighting in your name. They start talking
against your followers. What leads people to be against them? Your
faithful are attacked, and an object used to worship you is destroyed.
Lose a Relic. Strike out a faithful mortal Character.

A group of your followers is driven out of their homeland. They are

forced to leave with only what they can carry on their backs. Lose a
Stationary Relic. Do you help or forsake them? Why?

You convince another immortal to do your will. Your
28 believers will see this as proof of your wits and cunning.
Take the Skill “Trickster.”

Another deity offers to restore one of your Relics, but they may ask
something from you later on. Who is this immortal? Why do you
accept the offer? Create a new immortal Character and restore one of
your Relics.

An immortal comes to you to claim a debt. What are they asking from
you? Do you comply or refuse? Whether you decide to pay or refuse
and confront this debt collector, the endeavor turns out to be incredible
taxing. Check two Skills.

Create a mortal Character. This mortal has discovered a
29 weakness of yours. How did they found about it? Create
a Skill related to your weakness.


An existing mortal Character fears you. Instead of causing respect, this
fear poisons their heart with hate. Turn any mortal Character into an
enemy Character. If you don’t have any mortal Characters, create a new
one. Why does this mortal turn out to be much more dangerous than
you first thought? This mortal sets in motion an ambitious plan against

An enemy mortal Character finds a forsaken ritual that might take away
your godhood. What preparations have they made to prevent you from
stopping them? Who is in cahoots with this mortal? Check a Skills to
stop them.

You meet a strange, bizarre immortal. Create an immortal
30 Character. They treat you with respect, assuring you they
are your ally. Why can’t you trust them? What troubling
thing do you glimpse through they courtesy? They give
you an unusual gift, “a proof of friendship”. What is this
curious object? Create a Relic.

An unnamable evil imperils you. A great force you cannot leave

unattended. What is this evil? What do you do in an effort to contain
it? Check a Skill.

You discover the existence of forces beyond any mortal or immortal

comprehension, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. If ignored,
these forces could extinguish all that exists. Devouring light and
darkness alike. What do you know about those forces? Do you warn
your allies? Do you work to prevent this debacle or to fasten it? Check
three Skills.

The outcasts of a community turn their prayers to you
31 in search of help. Why are they outcasts? Why do you
decide to help them? Check a Skill.


The former outcasts rise to be the social group in power, claiming they
have your favor. Is this true? Who does not like this change? Create an
enemy mortal Character.

The conflict between new and former groups in power escalates to

bloodshed. Acting as a peacemaker, you try to end the conflict between
the two factions, but both turn against you. Lose a Relic. Kill a mortal

You choose a mortal as your oracle. From now on, they
32 will transmit your will to your faithful. Create a Relic
that represents their assistance.

You have your oracle order your faithful to commit atrocious deeds in
your behalf. Why was this necessary? What do you do when your oracle
starts doubting your methods? Take the Skill “Humans are Tools.”

Knowing how useful mortals can be, you perpetuate a lineage of

religious leaders that teach your believers to follow you blindly. How do
you manage this? Check a Skill and take the Relic “Fanatic Followers.”

You receive a wound that will leave a mark on you.
3 Who wounded you? Do you injure yourself for a great
purpose? Do you bear this mark with pride or shame?
Create a Symbol.


Something precious to you evokes unsavory memories every time you
touch it. Which Relic brings back bad memories? You decide to destroy
it or hide it with great reverence. Lose a Relic

A Character you thought was dead is not. Does this bring you joy or
dread? How do you react when they appear before you? Restore a
Character you had lost.

A plague ravages a prominent city. What is the nature
34 of this plague? Your followers living there raise a prayer,
begging you to save them. Why are you unwilling
or unable to do so? Create a Skill related to their

Your faithful perform various rites to gain your favor, asking for
salvation. Which of these rites convinces you to intervene on their
behalf, despite the difficulties helping them may entail? Check a Skill.

Your faithful have avoided doom thanks to you. They decide to

commemorate the occasion as a holiday. Create the Relic “Sacred

You order your faithful to leave the place they currently
35 occupy. Why is this necessary? What terrible faith
awaits those who stay? Most ready to leave. Lose a
stationary Relic.


As your faithful traverse the land, they spread stories of you. What
challenges have you helped them to overcome in their journey? Those
who hear the stories give you new names and titles. What are some of

Most of your followers have settled in a prosperous land. Was it occupied

when they first arrived? Was it originally an inhospitable place? Check
a skill you used to help them settle there.

Kingdoms and dominions crumble into chaos. This
36 turmoil presents a good opportunity to spread your
influence through the rise of leaders devoted to you. How
do you take advantage of the chaos? Check a Skill.

You manifest in front of a group of your faithful. Why do you do this?

What appearance do you show them? Create a new Symbol.

Those in power are chosen and deposed in your name. Your adoration
is rooted in a significant region. Create the “Well Established Cult” Relic.

A group of immortals rallies against you. Why have they
37 decided to do so? Who are they? How do you answer?
Check a Skill.


You emerge victorious from a difficult challenge. Who stood by your
side? What took of you to succeed? What did you lose? Check a Skill
and lose a Relic.

Mortals and immortals alike have learned to respect and fear you. How
did you accomplish such a feat? Take the Skill “Frightful Entity.”

You murder an immortal you love or respect. Why didn’t
38 you have any other choice? Kill an immortal Character.
Check a Skill.

The last words of an immortal you killed torture you. What where
they? In a futile attempt to atone for your transgression, you destroy
something precious to you. Lose a Relic.

Something you thought you had left in the past comes back to haunt you.
What deed you carried out in the past has unexpected consequences?
How do you push yourself to overcome such challenge? Check a Skill
or lose a Relic.

You stumble upon a source of lost knowledge. You
39 become entranced by it, neglecting all other matters.
Centuries pass without mortals or immortals hearing
of you. Lose all mortal Characters. Lose a Saga. Lose a
Skill. What disturbing and forbidden knowledge did you
learn? Take a Skill.


You come across the artifact of an ancient forgotten immortal. What is
this thing? Who else is seeking it? Create an immortal Character. Add
the artifact as a Relic. If you still have it when you achieve any game
ending result, you may rewrite the ending. You must lose this item first
if you lose Relics in an encounter with an immortal Character.

You try to harness the artifact’s power, but it goes out of control. You
cause a cataclysm of cosmic proportions. The earth shatters, the sky
breaks, and the very fabric of exitance is about to tear. Mortals all
but disappear. Gods wage a brutal war against powers once thought
vanished or sealed away. Create two immortal Characters aligned with
either side of the conflict who are now interested in you.

You must leave on a quest that will not allow you to
40 contact your followers for a while. Why is this quest
necessary? What prevents you from reaching your
followers during this journey?

The quest is taking longer than expected. You feel many of your believers
beginning to forget you. You try to hurry your quest along. Check a Skill.

You took too long. Many have forgotten you. Those who still remember
don’t worship you. Lose all mortal Characters. Lose a Symbol. Lose a

People are disappearing, and rumors arise of supernatural
41 beings that feed off humans. What do people say about
these beings? What do they look like? Your faithful
begin to use something to protect themselves from these
beings. What is it? Create a new Symbol.


A group of your faithful create an organization dedicated to hunting
these beings. They vow to eradicate them and any other dangerous
supernatural beings in your name. Create the Relic “Monster Hunter

With time, the organization is forgotten. Still, descendants of the

original members keep on with the tradition of hunting supernatural
beings in your name. They are among you more faithful believers and
won’t put you aside quickly. Create a mortal Character that represents
this. When this mortal Character dies, you may create a new one that is
their descendant or disciple. And so on.

A mortal who suffered a terrible injustice comes to you.
42 Create a mortal Character. This mortal is willing to offer
his very soul in exchange for the power to get revenge.
What moves you to grant their wish? What do you take
in return? Check a Skill.

This mortal begins to punish wicked people in your name. Why do their
actions please you? Your followers see them a champion of your will.
Change a Character into a Symbol.

When the death of this mortal comes, you decide to turn them into a
being that will continue to serve you. Will they maintain their will or
become a mindless servant? Check a Skill and turn a Symbol into a

A false prophet spreads fabricated mythos and strange
43 ways of worshipping you. Your followers oblige. Create
a false Myth that begins to shape how your followers
perceive you.


You discover someone is trying to undermine your followers’ perception
of you. Who is it? What is in it for them? Your followers begin to dismiss
some of your Myths due to their intervention. Strikeout a Saga. Lose a

The false accounts are getting increasingly outrageous. You have to stop
this once and for all. Check a Skill to stop the lies from spreading further,
and another to stop the culprits for good.

A terrible fire sweeps the homes and belongings of many
44 of your faithful. Several die in the fire, and even more are
injured. Who is behind this? What do they gain from it?
Lose a Relic, destroyed in the deadly flames.

Your followers are just recovering from a difficult situation when a

natural disaster strikes. Looking for someone to blame for their ills, they
wonder if it was you who, wrapped in anger, decided to punish them.
Some even accuse you of being a spiteful and unreasonable god. How
do you appease them? Check a Skill.

Your followers have come to see you as a god who is as likely to give as
to take away. Create a Skill related to this duality.

Those of a specific occupation take you as their patron
45 god. What is the profession you are associated with?
Create a Symbol related to that occupation.


You meditate about how your believers perceive you. Understanding
them allows you to understand better the extent of your abilities. Take a
Skill inspired by one of your Symbols.

Most of your faithful live with ease. It is evident for anyone you take care
of your people. If you have Skills or Symbols representing a weakness,
you may strike one out.

A mortal Character defies you, it can be an existing
46 Character, or you can create a new one. What do they
do to provoke you? How do you respond to this offense?
Check a Skill.

A group of mortals is searching and destroying your Relics, led by a

former follower of yours. They are well prepared and organized. Why
are they doing this? Turn a faithful mortal Character into an enemy
mortal Character. Lose a Codex. If you don’t have a Codex, lose any two

You turn the tide on these heathens. You wreak terrible vengeance upon
them and anyone who helped them, including their loved ones. You
will make an example out of them, so no mortal ever tries to betray you
again. Songs will be sung of their suffering. Theologians will use the
dreadful events you bring upon them to reference the meaning of divine
wrath. Create a mortal Character who was innocent and good until you
exacted your toll.

Create a mortal Character. You choose them before their
47 birth to fulfill a mission on your behalf. From infancy to
adulthood, you shape them for this purpose. What is this
mission? Does your chosen one knows their destiny,
or is it something you keep secret from them? You give
them something to help them fulfill their mission. Lose
a Relic.


You become embedded in manipulating a hundred threads to destroy
your enemies and secure power. Your mind wraps in strange ways,
making it difficult for your believers to understand you. Lose a Saga slot
permanently. Take the Skill “Cold and Cunning.”

A plan you’ve been scheming for a long time is thwarted. What was
your goal? What happened? Lose a Relic. Lose a Skill.

A war breaks among mortals, and your faithful raise
48 prayers for you to help them come on top. What do
you do to help them? Check a Skill and take the Skill
“Warring God”.

You find yourself indirectly confronting other deities. What is the nature
of this conflict? Are you fighting alone or there are others by your side?
What do you do to come on top? Check a Skill.

Using the assistance of a trusted mortal, you manage to strike a decisive

blow against an enemy immortal. Why was this mortal instrumental?
How do you reward them? Check a Skill or lose a Relic.

Under your guidance, your faithful thrive. They develop
49 a unique culture and artistic style. What is something
characteristic of their art? Create a Relic that reflects their
artistic style.


Mortals destroy a place with great significance to you. Do they do
it knowing how important this place is to you? Does it matter? A
stationary Relic is reduced to rubble.

Other mortals slaughter a large number of your faithful. Who are the
aggressors? What prevents you from interfering? Due to imposition or
syncretism, the survivors of the slaughter change their views about you
over time. Lose a Skill.

You wonder about the lifestyle of contemporary mortals.
50 Create a Skill that lets you experience first-hand the ways
of life of common people.

You become close friends with a group of mortals. What has brought
you together? Do they notice something supernatural about you? Create
three mortal Characters. Take a simple, practical Skill you learn while
you are with them.

Decades pass. You see a gray spurt in your friends’ hair, and wrinkles
appear on their once smooth skin. You decide it is time to leave. Do you
announce your departure or simply vanish? Your friends will remember
you fondly for the rest of their lives.

Create a new mortal Character. This mortal expresses
51 their decision to dedicate their entire life to your worship.
How do you have them show their loyalty? What ritual
or offering do you ask from them? Obtain a Relic or Skill
related to their way of worshipping you.


A Character wishes to honor you by writing down your Sagas.
Immediately move at least one of your Sagas to a Codex. You cannot
add additional Sagas later to this Codex. From now on, you can have
this Codex in addition to any other you have. If this Codex is destroyed,
you cannot replace it.

One of your followers is near their death. They have been loyal and
devoted to you throughout their life. They pray to you, asking for
immortality. Do you attempt to grant their wish? If so, what unexpected
consequences arise? If you grant them immortality, check a Skill and
turn a mortal Character into an immortal Character. Otherwise, strike
out a mortal Character.

You work to shape society in a way that pleases you.
52 How does human society change drastically due to your
intervention? Is everyone happy with the way things
are, or are there those who oppose it? Gain one Relic,
Skill, or Symbol.

You end up being associated with a modern concept, such as a field of

science or technology. How does this happen? Create an appropriate

Your worship now includes modern elements. What are those elements?
How were they integrated into your legend? Modify all the Myths in an
existing Saga to accommodate those modern elements.

You discover an immortal close to you has been
53 destroyed. Who or what killed them? How do you grief
them? Lose an immortal Character.


You need something from another immortal, but reaching their domain
is difficult even for you. Who is this immortal? Why do you need their
help? Where do they inhabit? Create an immortal Character. You begin
a perilous journey to meet them. Check a Skill.

An undertaking you embarked on proves as challenging as you

supposed. But in the end, all hardships are worth it. What did you gain
from this adventure that could mark you from now on? Gain a Skill.

Your believers start to highlight a vice you have. What
54 is this vice? How does this vice affect your previous
Myths? Create Myth, Symbol, and a Skill associated
with this vice.

You become associated with something forbidden by the conventions

and morals of society. What is this? Many leave your cult. A faithful
Character turns against you.

As time goes by, morals change. What was shameful becomes prideful.
How does modern society see former taboos associated with you?
Rewrite a Symbol and a Skill in a way that reflects the change.

A famous playwriter writes a play inspired by one of
5 your Sagas. They got it all wrong, but it becomes a hit.
Rewrite all the Myths in a Saga to “make them more
interesting,” whatever that might mean.


Your faithful quarrel among themselves over which of your Myths are
real. The discussion leads to breaks among different groups that begin
to worship you in their unique ways. What knowledge is lost in the
middle of the conflict? Lose a Skill.

Irreconcilable differences between your faithful lead to bloodshed. This

event will go down in history as a dark moment for humanity. Lose a
Relic. Lose a mortal Character. Check a Skill to prevent your followers to
continue killing each other.

Your followers believe the world will end soon if
56 something is not done. Why do they think this? They
pray to you for guidance. Do you answer their prayers?
If you remain silent, what do your followers think about
it? Create a Symbol, Relic, or Skill related to your answer
or silence to their prayers.

Whatever your previous answer, many still believe the apocalypse is

night. Create a new mortal Character. After a long journey, this mortal
reaches you and asks how they can prevent the end of time. How do you
answer them?

You finally convince your followers that the world is not ending. They
claim you stopped the apocalypse. Create a Skill.

A mortal Character becomes immortal using sinister
57 methods. After their transition, you discover they
harbor a deep hatred towards you. Why? Turn a mortal
Character into an enemy immortal Character.


This immortal studies you; they analyze your greatest achievements
and worst failures. But for some reason, they do not try to use this
knowledge against you. How do they act when your paths cross? What
words of warning do they give you? What changed?

This immortal falls into your enemies’ hands, imperiling every bit of
information they possess. Save them by checking three Skills. If you do
not save them, from now on, every mortal enemy you make turns into
an immortal by the same method the Character you didn’t save used.

An unscrupulous mortal takes advantage of your
58 faithful’s loyalty. What do they steal before being
exposed? Lose a Relic. What toll do your followers exact
upon them?

Some of your more fanatic faithful have become a thorn in your side.
What actions have they committed in your name that are not of your
pleasing? You decide to take the matter into your own hands. Check a
Skill and create a Skill related to punishment.

Your followers are numerous and enthusiastic, but sometimes they

lose the way. Create a Skill based on a Myth. This is the Skill you use to
shepherd them.

Doubt grows among your faithful. Many question your
59 very existence and demand a sign. What do you send as
proof of your authority? Instead of accepting your sign,
your faithful grow increasingly doubtful. Why? Lose a


You send a faithful mortal Character to talk to your skeptics, but they
turn against them and kill them. Over time, this Character’s sacrifice
becomes an example of unwavering faith. Turn a mortal Character into
a Symbol.

Tired of skeptics, your patience runs out. What do you do to impose

respect for you by those who doubt? Check a Skill. Create a Skill related
to your rage.

You awake from a long slumber. What got you into it?
60 You feel weakened, many time has passed. Strikeout all
mortal Characters.

There are few that remember your mythos, they become blurry. Swap
around the proper nouns between two Sagas. Do not create a Myth
about this Prompt.

You feel your consciousness drifting. No one worships you. When you
are about to dissapear, a child puts something on a forgotten altar or
shrine. They may have been playing or acting out of curiosity, but it
presents a chance. You may strike out all traits except for one Symbol
and one Skill—you may uncheck it. Then, add the child as a mortal
faithful Character and the thing they unknowingly offered as a Relic,
and return to Prompt 20. Proceed forward from there. If you feel a
Prompt don’t fit the narrative, interpret it from the point of view of the
child. If you choose not to return, the game is over. Narrate your demise
as you appreciate your last offering.

A faithful Character abandons your cult, disappointed.
61 What did you do or not do that made them take this
decision? Why does it weigh heavy on you? One faithful
Character now is not.


Your followers are steadily leaving your worship. You try to salvage the
situation, but your attempt goes sideways. What do you do that makes
more followers leave? Your former faithful begin to destroy every trace
of you. Lose a Relic, a Symbol, and a Codex.

You decide to stop interfering in mortal affairs. You retreat to a quiet

place that brings you a sliver of peace. People continue to forget your
existence. Lose two Skills.

Some of your faithful perform rituals to worship you
62 that most people consider evil. What happens in these
rituals? Why do people deem them evil? Create a Skill
related to such rituals.

Many people consider you an evil and cruel god. What do they say about
you? Create a wicked Symbol that changes your appearance.

Many unsavory mortals worship you. What has attracted them to your
cult? Create a faithful and enthusiastic mortal Character of dubious

Your worship is banned in a vast region. Your faithful
63 become persecuted. What happened? Lose a stationary
Relic, destroyed by the enemies of your cult.


People are reluctant to worship you, but there are those who remain
faithful. Create a faithful mortal Character that leads those who still
follow you despite everything.

A shift of power occurs. Your followers can finally exact their faith in
the open. What happened? Did you intervened somehow? Your faithful
erect a place where they can adore you. Create a stationary Relic.

An expedition to the lands where your cult originated
64 find one of your lost Relics. Yet they act arrogantly,
profaning ancient and sacred sites. What curse do you
place on these intruders using the Relic as a catalyst?
Check a Skill.

Your cult undergoes a revival. However, many of your new followers

know little about you. What new ideas do they bring with them? Create
a new and extravagant Myth. Take a Skill.

Your faithful restore a Relic from your past to its former glory. Recover
a Relic.

Time is unkind with the gods of old. Much knowledge
65 has been lost, and many epics have been forgotten. Strike
out three immortal Characters. If you have immortal
Characters that are also divinities, prioritize them. Check
a Skill you used to escape the same fate as them.


Mortals are quick to forget and forsake. Lose a Skill for which you have
no corresponding Saga. Do not create a new Myth.

You have come to see mortals as unkind children who forget about their
benefactors and deny the help they were given. What havoc do you
unleash as punishment? Check a Skill.

As ages go by, you observe the darkest side of humanity.
66 What horrible events did you observe that made you
reject the actions of humans? Take the Skill “Humanity
Is But A Nuisance.” Lose a checked Skill you have used to
help mortals in the past.

When you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.
You lose faith in all life forms. Take the Skill “Destroyer Of All Living

Without any hope in this universe’s inhabitants, you decide to put an

end to the chain of dreadful events. You bring about the end of time.
Narrate how you start the apocalypse. The game is over.

Modern mortals associate you to a social science. Create
67 a Skill relate to a Myth that could explain the reason.

Institutions related to this social science have incorporated modern


depictions of you in their facilities. Create a stationary Relic.

The faults of those that use you as their device falls on you too. What
social struggle is the world undergoing? Angry protestors rise against
the system. Lose two Relics.

Lost mythos about you have been discovered, but those
68 reconstructing them do not have the complete picture.
Combine any three Traits to fabricate a Myth that your
followers believe to be true.

The era of legends is in the past; any new sacred books can be deemed
fake. Do not create a Myth from this prompt. From now on, you lose the
ability to create Codices.

Your followers stop considering you a supernatural entity with power

and ego. Their idea of you becomes abstract. Slowly but steadily, you
fall into the nothingness of unconsciousness. The game is over.

A mortal Character makes offerings of various kinds
69 to you, seeking to please you. Which one catches your
attention? Add one of the offerings to your Relic list.


A mortal Character performs a heinous act seeking to please you. Their
actions cause both disgust and respect among your faithful. Do you
accept their actions or condemn them? Create a Skill related to your

A Character makes you an offering you do not want but cannot refuse.
How did you end in such a situation? Create a problematic Relic.

The world has evolved in ways difficult for you to grasp,
70 but you know you can’t afford to be left behind. What do
you rip out yourself in exchange to fit in modern times?
Lose two checked Skills and gain a new Skill associated
to modernity.

You reinvent yourself and how you relate to the world. Uncheck a Skill.

Things that were sacred or important don’t matter anymore. Discard

your oldest or most precious Relic.

Your believers do not recognize your older representations.
71 Why? Lose three Symbols.

Your believers consider that what has been written about you in the


past contains errors and should be discarded. Lose a Codex.

Your believers decide to forsake most aspects that make you up, staying
only with the most prominent thing you represent. Lose all but one of
your Skills.

Your faithful are decimated due to war or conquest.
72 The victors systematically destroy your religion. What
terrible deeds do you observe as they wipe out everything
that has to do with you? The game is over.

An old friend returns to you and, unexpectedly, murders
73 you. What is your last thought as you lose consciousness?
The game is over.


Your exploits are famous enough to be part of popular
74 culture forever. Your name will be remembered until all
intelligent beings are gone. Narrate an epilogue about
what you see as time progresses around you and your
role in the development of the world. The game is over.

You take over what mundane and divine realms remain.
75 A new era under your hegemony begins. What does this
mean? How did you achieve it? What will the world
become under your rule? The game is over.


Your religion turns bureaucratic, and you, little more
76 than a pretext. Narrate how those who claim to be your
faithful cast you aside without even realizing it. The
game is over.

Just as stars are born and die, everything that begins
77 comes to an end. Humanity is on the brink of extinction,
and you right along with them. What do you do as you
observe the slow but inevitable end? The game is over.


Fires of unknown origin scorch the Earth. The gods fight
78 for the survival of mankind along with it. Who or what
is the origin of this devastation? How do you struggle
to continue to exist a little longer until you finally reach
your demise? The game is over

An old, forgotten deity returns. Your faithful turn their
79 backs on you in exchange for their favor. Why does your
cult fall short in the eyes of mortals to this revived god?
You are left alone. The game is over.


The world is destroyed, the end of times shrouds
80 everything in darkness. Nothing remains, except you. Do
you know why you remain? What will you do from now
on? The game is over.







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