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4;ifpweirop ooaoidfoiodoisaorwierrjteg

skdfjixelalui procedure text, para pembaca akan lebih mudah dalam mengetahui dan memahami
sebuah petunjuk melakukan sesuatu dengan urutan yang benar.

Procedure text biasanya diawali dengan frasa "How to…" Contohnya, "How to make a cup of tea"
atau "How to operate an oven".

Setelah mengetahui apa itu procedure text, kamu bisa mengerjakan contoh-contoh soalnya untuk
mengasah pengetahuanmu.

Berikut ini referensi contoh-contoh soal materi procedure text, lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya,
dikutip dari laman Bahasainggris dan Sekolahbahasainggris, Jumat (9/12/2022).
2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Soal Materi Procedure Text

Choose the best answer based on the text above for questions 1 to 7!

How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:

 150 g tempe
 1 tablespoon flour
 1 egg
 1 spoon seasoning stock
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying

Here are the instructions:

 Mash the tempe with a fork.

 Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and seasoning stock, followed by an
 Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten it a little with a fork.
 Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil,
five or six at a time.
 Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper, and serve hot with chili or

1. Which statement is TRUE about the instruction?

A. We need a big fire to make the oil become hot.

B. We bought to drop the tempe around ten or twelve at two times.

C. We fork to flatten the shape of tempe.

D. We fry the tempe before golden brown.

2. What is the main ingredient of the bregedel tempe?

A. Tempe

B. Bregedel Tempe

C. Tempe and egg

D. Tempe, flour, and seasoning stock

3. When we add the egg in making bregedel tempe?

A. Between we mask the tempe and shape the tempe.

B. After we shape the tempe and before we mask the tempe.

C. Before we shape the tempe and mix the tempe with seasoning stock.

D. While we shape the tempe.

4. What is the generic structure of the text?

A. Goal – equipment – steps

B. Goal – materials – resolution

C. Goal – materials – steps

D. Goal – ingredients – resolution

5. What is the social function of this text?

A. To inform the readers about Bregedel Tempe.

B. To retell about Bregedel Tempe.

C. To describe Bregedel Tempe.

D. To describe how to make Bregedel Tempe.


VIDEO: Keren! Haas F1 Team Rilis Mobil Baru Mereka, VdF 24 untuk Formula 1 Musim
3 dari 5 halaman

Selanjutnya: Contoh Soal Materi Procedure Text


Lirik Lagu Nothing - Bruno Major

Lirik Lagu Lamunan - Esa Risty feat. Wahyu F Giri

40 Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek 2024

Artikel Bola







4;ifpweirop ooaoidfoiodoisaorwierrjteg

skdfjixelalui procedure text, para pembaca akan lebih mudah dalam mengetahui dan memahami
sebuah petunjuk melakukan sesuatu dengan urutan yang benar.
Procedure text biasanya diawali dengan frasa "How to…" Contohnya, "How to make a cup of tea"
atau "How to operate an oven".

Setelah mengetahui apa itu procedure text, kamu bisa mengerjakan contoh-contoh soalnya untuk
mengasah pengetahuanmu.

Berikut ini referensi contoh-contoh soal materi procedure text, lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya,
dikutip dari laman Bahasainggris dan Sekolahbahasainggris, Jumat (9/12/2022).
2 dari 5 halaman

Contoh Soal Materi Procedure Text

Choose the best answer based on the text above for questions 1 to 7!

How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:

 150 g tempe
 1 tablespoon flour
 1 egg
 1 spoon seasoning stock
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying

Here are the instructions:

 Mash the tempe with a fork.

 Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and seasoning stock, followed by an
 Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten it a little with a fork.
 Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil,
five or six at a time.
 Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper, and serve hot with chili or
1. Which statement is TRUE about the instruction?

A. We need a big fire to make the oil become hot.

B. We bought to drop the tempe around ten or twelve at two times.

C. We fork to flatten the shape of tempe.

D. We fry the tempe before golden brown.

2. What is the main ingredient of the bregedel tempe?

A. Tempe

B. Bregedel Tempe

C. Tempe and egg

D. Tempe, flour, and seasoning stock

3. When we add the egg in making bregedel tempe?

A. Between we mask the tempe and shape the tempe.

B. After we shape the tempe and before we mask the tempe.

C. Before we shape the tempe and mix the tempe with seasoning stock.

D. While we shape the tempe.

4. What is the generic structure of the text?

A. Goal – equipment – steps

B. Goal – materials – resolution

C. Goal – materials – steps

D. Goal – ingredients – resolution

5. What is the social function of this text?

A. To inform the readers about Bregedel Tempe.

B. To retell about Bregedel Tempe.

C. To describe Bregedel Tempe.

D. To describe how to make Bregedel Tempe.


VIDEO: Keren! Haas F1 Team Rilis Mobil Baru Mereka, VdF 24 untuk Formula 1 Musim
3 dari 5 halaman

Selanjutnya: Contoh Soal Materi Procedure Text


Lirik Lagu Nothing - Bruno Major

Lirik Lagu Lamunan - Esa Risty feat. Wahyu F Giri

40 Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek 2024

Artikel Bola




 Rqx3dtwera


Contoh Soal


Procedure Text










40 Ucapan Selamat Isra Miraj 2024

4 Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Kelas 9 yang Mudah Dihafal

15 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Future Perfect Continuous Tense dan Kunci Jawabannya

 10 Contoh Surat Undangan Isra Miraj 2024

 Asal Usul Mitos Makan Sayap Ayam Bisa Bikin Jauh Jodoh

 35 Nama Bayi Laki-Laki Lahir Bulan Februari Awalan Huruf A-V beserta Maknanya

 5 Hadis tentang Syirik yang Penting Umat Muslim Renungkan

 Bacaan Doa agar Orang Segera Membayar Utang, Lengkap dalam Tulisan Arab dan Latin

 6 Macam Amalan Isra Mikraj yang Bisa Dikerjakan

 Mengetahui Kisah Peristiwa Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad saw.


Masa Tenang Pemilu, CFD Jakarta Ditiadakan pada 11 Februari 2024

20 menit yang lalu

uestions and Answers

 1.
Apa yang diaksud dengan teks prosedur kompleks ?

o A.

Teks yang berisi langkah-langkah dan tujuan

o B.

Teks yang berisi langkah-langkah

o C.

Teks yang berisi tujuan

o D.

Teks yang terbuat dari lelucon yang lucu

Correct Answer
A. Teks yang berisi langkah-langkah dan tujuan
Teks prosedur kompleks mengacu pada teks yang berisi langkah-langkah yang
harus diikuti serta tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Dalam teks ini, tidak hanya ada
daftar langkah-langkah, tetapi juga ada penjelasan mengenai tujuan dari langkah-
langkah tersebut.
Rate this question:

 2.
Jawaban yang tepat untuk struktur teks prosedur komlpeks adalah...

o A.


o B.

o C.

Langkah-langkah dan tujuan

o D.

Tujuan dan langkah-langkah

Correct Answer
D. Tujuan dan langkah-langkah
The correct answer is "Tujuan dan langkah-langkah" because in a complex
procedural text, it is important to state the objectives or goals that need to be
achieved, as well as the steps or actions that need to be taken in order to
accomplish those goals. This helps to provide a clear and organized structure to
the text, allowing the reader to understand the purpose of the procedure and
follow the steps effectively.
Rate this question:

 3.
Biasanya struktur tujuan ada di barisan..

o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.
Correct Answer
A. Pertama
The correct answer is "Pertama" because the question states that the structure of
the objective is usually found in a line. Among the given options, "Pertama" is
the first option in the line, making it the most likely correct answer.
Rate this question:

 4.
Contoh ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat di teks prosedur kompleks

o A.


o B.


o C.

Singkat padat dan jelas

o D.

Artisipan manusia
Correct Answer
D. Artisipan manusia
 Explanation
The correct answer is "Artisipan manusia" because it is the only option that is
related to language features. "Sopan" means polite, "santun" Correct Answer
A. Cara-cara
The correct answer is "Cara-cara". The term "langkah-langkah" in the question
indicates that the question is asking for "cara-cara" or steps in the procedural
structure. Therefore, "Cara-cara" is the most appropriate answer as it directly
relates to the concept of steps or procedures.
Rate this question:

 10.
Syarat-syarat dan pilihan dalam teks prosedur adalah

o A.

Siapa dimana. Kapan

o B.

Jika apabila seandainya

o C.

Sedang dengan apa

o D.

Dan dengan
Correct Answer
B. Jika apabila seandainya
The given answer suggests that the conditions and options in a procedural text
include the words "jika" (if), "apabila" (when), and "seandainya" (suppose).
These words indicate that the text provides instructions or steps based on
certain conditions or assumptions. Additionally, the answer mentions that the
text includes the words "sedang" (while) and "dengan" (with), which imply that
the text may also include information about the tools or materials needed for
the procedure.
Rate this question:

 11.
Konjungsi pertanyaan contohnya adalah

o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

Correct Answer
D. Kapan
The given answer "Kapan" is the correct answer because it is the only word
among the options that functions as a question conjunction. The other options
"Tetapi," "Dan," and "Dengan" are not question conjunctions but rather serve
as connectors or conjunctions for different purposes in a sentence. Therefore,
"Kapan" is the appropriate answer as it is the only option that fits the given
question category.
Rate this question:

 12.
Contoh konjungsi tujuan yang benar adalah...

o A.


o B.

o C.


o D.

Correct Answer
D. Agar
Agar merupakan konjungsi tujuan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tujuan
atau maksud dari suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan. Dalam kalimat, kata "agar"
biasanya diikuti oleh klausa yang menyatakan tujuan. Contohnya, "Saya belajar
dengan giat agar bisa mendapatkan nilai yang baik." Dalam kalimat ini, "agar"
digunakan untuk menyatakan tujuan belajar yang dilakukan dengan giat, yaitu
untuk mendapatkan nilai yang baik.
Rate this question:

 13.
Verba material adalah

o A.

Yang mengacu pada sikap

o B.

Yang mengacu pada fisik

o C.

Yang mengacu pada sifat

o D.
Yang mengacu pada karateristik
Correct Answer
B. Yang mengacu pada fisik
The correct answer is "Yang mengacu pada fisik". This is because "verba
material" refers to action verbs that involve physical actions or movements.
These verbs describe activities or actions that can be seen or physically
performed, such as running, jumping, eating, or writing. It is different from
verbs that describe attitudes, characteristics, or traits.
Rate this question:

 14.
Verba tingkah laku adalah

o A.

Yang mengacu pada fisik

o B.

Yang mengacu pada sikap

o C.

Yang mengacu ada sifat

o D.

Yang mengacu pada manusia

Correct Answer
B. Yang mengacu pada sikap
The correct answer is "Yang mengacu pada sikap" because the term "verba
tingkah laku" refers to behavior, and behavior is often associated with attitudes
or actions, which are reflected in one's attitude or demeanor. Thus, the answer
choice "Yang mengacu pada sikap" is the most appropriate explanation for the
term "verba tingkah laku."
Rate this question:

 15.
Ciri bahasa yang digunakan dalam prosedur kompleks adalah..

o A.

Singkat padat dan jelas

o B.

Komunikatif dan baku

o C.

Baik dan sopan

o D.

Correct Answer
B. Komunikatif dan baku
The language used in complex procedures should be both communicative and
formal. This means that the language should be clear and concise, allowing for
effective communication of the steps involved in the procedure. Additionally,
the language should adhere to formal standards and conventions to ensure
professionalism and accuracy in conveying the information.
Rate this question:

 16.
Contoh kalimat imperatif..

o A.

o B.


o C.

Berhentilah !

o D.

Correct Answer
C. Berhentilah !
The given correct answer "Berhentilah!" is an example of an imperative
sentence. Imperative sentences are used to give commands or make requests. In
this case, the word "Berhentilah!" is a command that translates to "Stop!" in
English. It is a direct and forceful statement telling someone to cease their
current activity or behavior.
Rate this question:

 17.
Teks yang berisi langkah-langkah/tahap-tahap yang harus ditempuh
untuk mencapai suatu tujuan disebut...

o A.


o B.


o C.
Prosedur kompleks

o D.

Correct Answer
C. Prosedur kompleks
A text that contains the steps/stages that must be taken to achieve a goal is
called "Prosedur kompleks" (complex procedure). This term accurately
describes the content of the text, as it suggests that the steps involved are not
simple or straightforward, but rather intricate and detailed. It implies that the
process requires careful planning and execution in order to reach the desired
Rate this question:

 18.
Struktur teks prosedur yaitu...

o A.


o B.

Tujuan, Langkah-langkah, Penutup

o C.

Pernyataan pendapat^argumentasi^penegasan ulang pendapat

o D.

Pernyataan pendapat^argumentasi^penegasan ulang pendapat

Correct Answer
B. Tujuan, Langkah-langkah, Penutup
The correct answer is "Tujuan, Langkah-langkah, Penutup". This is because the
structure of a procedural text typically includes an introduction that states the
goal or objective (Tujuan), followed by a series of steps or instructions
(Langkah-langkah), and finally a conclusion or closing statement (Penutup) to
summarize the procedure. This structure helps to organize the information and
guide the reader through the process effectively.
Rate this question:

 19.
Konjungsi yang mengacu pada urutan waktu disebut kinjungsi

o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

Correct Answer
D. Temporal
The correct answer is "Temporal" because the question is asking for a
conjunction that refers to a time sequence. The word "konjungsi" means
conjunction in Indonesian, and "mengacu pada urutan waktu" means "refers to
a time sequence." Therefore, the conjunction that fits this description is
"Temporal," which means relating to time or indicating a time sequence.
Rate this question:

 20.
Cara-cara yang ditempuh agar tujuan itu tercapai pada teks
prosedur ...

o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

Correct Answer
A. Langkah-lamgkah
The correct answer is "Langkah-langkah." This answer is correct because the
question is asking for the ways or methods (cara-cara) that are taken in order to
achieve a goal (tujuan) in a procedural text. "Langkah-langkah" translates to
"steps" or "procedures" in English, which refers to the specific actions or
instructions that need to be followed in order to achieve the desired outcome.
Rate this question:

o D.


 Rqx3dtwera


Contoh Soal


Procedure Text











40 Ucapan Selamat Isra Miraj 2024

4 Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Kelas 9 yang Mudah Dihafal

15 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Future Perfect Continuous Tense dan Kunci Jawabannya

 10 Contoh Surat Undangan Isra Miraj 2024

 Asal Usul Mitos Makan Sayap Ayam Bisa Bikin Jauh Jodoh

 35 Nama Bayi Laki-Laki Lahir Bulan Februari Awalan Huruf A-V beserta Maknanya

 5 Hadis tentang Syirik yang Penting Umat Muslim Renungkan

 Bacaan Doa agar Orang Segera Membayar Utang, Lengkap dalam Tulisan Arab dan Latin
 6 Macam Amalan Isra Mikraj yang Bisa Dikerjakan

 Mengetahui Kisah Peristiwa Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad saw.


Masa Tenang Pemilu, CFD Jakarta Ditiadakan pada 11 Februari 2024

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