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Every individual, regardless of gender, has advantages and disadvantages
in terms of physical appearance. Lucky women have a physical appearance
characterized by strong and aesthetic skin, while other women have a physical
shape and skin that is relatively less attractive. Proper care is necessary to
maintain the physical appearance of the entire body structure and skin. Her skin
was almost flawless. Aesthetics is an integral aspect of a woman's way of life.
Cosmetology is the practice of beautifying and perfecting one's appearance by
addressing all existing imperfections, with the understanding that beauty is
temporary and not permanent. Over time, the skin will show signs of damage,
such as the appearance of wrinkles and an unhealthy appearance.
Skin, which is the outermost layer of the body, functions as a protective
layer. Skin is a crucial and essential organ that functions as a reflection of a
person's well-being and vitality. Because of its position, the skin is often exposed
to sunlight, free radicals, dust and pollution, so it is more likely to be affected by
various problems and diseases. Epidermis. Healthy skin exhibits characteristics
such as bright pigmentation, a rejuvenated appearance, supple texture, optimal
hydration, and fewer wrinkles. On the other hand, unhealthy skin looks dull,
dehydrated, and dull. Neglecting regular skin care can have a negative impact on a
person's skin tone and overall facial appearance.
Various forms of disorders or diseases can attack a woman's facial skin.
An example of this disease is acne which often interferes with a woman's self-
confidence. Acne is a dermatological disorder characterized by blockage of skin
pores, resulting in the formation of inflamed pus. Acne can be treated effectively
using special cosmetics designed for acne-prone skin. Cosmetics serve a practical
purpose other than enhancing facial appearance; they also provide protection
against the adverse effects of weather on the skin. Cosmetics are substances
specially formulated to beautify, perfect and change a person's physical
Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a disorder characterized by blocked
oil glands in the skin, leading to persistent inflammation of the pilosebaceous
follicles. This disease often attacks teenagers and adults. Although acne may not
pose an immediate danger to a person's life, it significantly reduces the overall
quality of life and may have socioeconomic consequences for those affected
(Yennias, 2011).
Apart from that, free radicals also have an impact on the appearance of
acne. Free radicals can be generated as a result of complex biochemical reactions
in the body, exposure to external contaminants, and radiation emissions from
chemical compounds. Excessive amounts will cause pathological consequences
due to free radicals. These excess free radicals have the ability to target various
substances, especially susceptible substances, such as lipids and proteins, and
have the potential to contribute to the development of degenerative diseases.
Therefore, the emergence of free radicals requires prevention or suppression with
the use of antioxidants. Antioxidants, as defined by Widya et al. (2013), is a
compound that has the ability to eradicate, purify and withstand the effects of
Binahong leaves ( Anredera cordifolia (TEN) steenis ), a member of the
Basellacea family, can be used as a natural component of cosmetics. Binahong
leaves, as stated by Anis Ramadhani in 2013 (p. 113), are a traditional herbal
medicine which is believed to have originated from Korea. The leaves of this
plant specimen have medicinal properties that can effectively relieve kidney
inflammation, pruritus, acne, furuncles, thermal injuries, gingival bleeding, and
postoperative wounds. According to this belief, binahong leaves have a history of
consumption and are efficacious as a natural medicinal herb. The binahong plant
is said to have a large number of antioxidant and antiviral properties.
Based on the information provided, the research question can be stated as
follows: "Does the application of a binahong leaf ( Anredera cordifolia ) mask
have an impact on reducing acne?" This study aims to determine whether the
application of a binahong leaf mask ( Anredera cordifolia ) has a significant
impact or correlation on reducing acne and evaluate the potential effect of using a
binahong leaf mask on acne conditions on the skin.

The research method used in this research is a qualitative method.
Qualitative research is a methodology used to study the condition of natural
entities. In this approach, the researcher takes an important role as the main
instrument, uses triangulation in data collection, carries out analysis through
induction, and places the focus on meaning rather than generalization (Sugiyono,
2020). This research was tested on ourselves and on literature reviews from
books, journals and papers.


Acne ( Acne vulgaris )
Acne ( Acne vulgaris ) is a common skin condition characterized by the
appearance of redness, lumps, blackheads, and sometimes pus on the face, chest
and back. Acne is caused by various factors including excess oil production by the
skin's oil glands, inflammation, bacterial growth, and blockage of skin pores.
Acne treatment may include the use of topical medications, dietary changes, skin
care, and in some cases, medical intervention such as the use of prescription
medications or other medical treatments.
A common dermatological condition that mostly affects teenagers. Almost
80% of teenagers have experienced acne. Typically, acne tends to appear between
the ages of 11 and 20. Acne often decreases after reaching the age of 20 years, but
can appear again after a person reaches the age of 30 years. The medical term for
acne is Acne vulgaris. Acne can appear on several parts of the body, including the
face, back, upper arms, chest and scalp. Acne can be caused by several factors,
such as hormonal imbalances, food choices, environmental factors, cosmetic
products, psychological conditions, and the presence of acne-causing bacteria,
including Propionibacterium acnes. The hormones that cause acne are androgens
in men and estrogen in women. Certain individuals may experience acne due to
consuming certain foods. Typically, this dish consists of oil, chocolate, or sugar.
Cold temperatures are an environmental component that may have an impact on
acne. When the weather is cold, skin pores will narrow.
Acne, also known as closed pores, is characterized by the formation of
pus-filled pockets. Acne can be triggered by cosmetics, especially if your skin is
sensitive and does not suit the substances contained in the product. After using
cosmetics, it is important to clean your face thoroughly. Failure to do so may
result in the development of acne. Psychological situations can interfere with the
synthesis of several hormones in the body, causing the development of acne.
Propionibacterium acnes is a gram-positive bacterium that is known to cause

Binahong, scientifically known as Anredera cordifolia, is a medicinal plant
that is effective in alleviating various diseases. This plant belongs to the
Basellaceae family and is native to mainland China, especially in Dheng Shan
Chi. Binahong is a sprawling vine that can grow up to 5 meters long. The stems
are tender and the tubers have a rough texture along the stem. The leaves have a
heart-shaped morphology, each consisting of one leaf, and are located alternately.
The binahong plant has rhizome-shaped roots. The stem is dark red, the core is
compact, circular and cylindrical in shape. All components of the binahong plant,
including roots, stems, leaves and flowers, can be used. Although often
considered a destructive weed, this plant actually has several beneficial properties.
Binahong is easily accessible because it thrives in a variety of environments such
as lowlands, mountains, cold areas, and damp or gloomy locations. Binahong
contains flavonoid chemicals which function as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
antioxidant. Saponins have antibacterial and antiviral properties. These substances
include oleanolic acid, antioxidants, ascorbic acid, which supports the
maintenance of mucous membranes and accelerates wound healing, as well as
phenolic compounds.
Picture 1. Binahong leaves
Healing Acne with Binahong
Ways to treat acne include reducing sebum production in acne-prone skin,
reducing inflammation in acne-prone skin, reducing the presence of acne-causing
colonies, namely Propionibacterium acnes, and improving follicular irregularities.
Binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia), which belong to the Basellaceae family,
are a natural ingredient that can be used as a raw material for treating acne.
Binahong leaves contain large amounts of antioxidants and antivirals,
which allows it to treat acne effectively, either by curing or inhibiting its
development. According to the scientific literature that we refer to, flavonoids are
active compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic
properties, thereby contributing to healing acne. Flavonoids, the broadest category
of phenolic chemicals, have the feature of effectively inhibiting the proliferation
of viruses and bacteria. Binahong leaves contain protein which helps regenerate
skin damaged by acne. This protein helps smooth skin, hide acne scars, and
reduce the production of sebum that causes acne. Binahong leaves contain
ascorbic acid which functions to improve the body's immune system, speed up the
healing process, and function as an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is very important
for the activation of the prolyl hydroxylase enzyme, which is then used in
collagen synthesis and accelerates wound healing (Darma Susetya, 2014).
The author used binahong as an alternative therapeutic approach to reduce
inflammation in acne ( Acne vulgaris ) in this study. The process of making a
mask from binahong leaves is quite easy. Initially, it is important to select
sufficient quantities of binahong leaves. Next, clean it by rinsing it with clean
water to remove stuck dirt. Next, the binahong leaves are crushed using a mortar
and pestle until they release a thick substance containing these antibacterial
components and elements. Apply the product to acne-prone skin and leave it for
15 to 30 minutes to get optimal results. Next, rinse thoroughly until all dirt and
residue is removed. The experiment lasted for four consecutive days and was
carried out once a day in the evening.

Picture 2. Pureed Binahong Leaves Picture 3. Applying Binahong

Leaves to the Face
Research findings obtained from the first participant who experimented
with using binahong leaves as a facial mask showed that there was no real change
in the condition of acne on the first day. However, on the second and third days,
the pimples started to get smaller and deflated. On the fourth day, the acne had
completely disappeared without leaving any visible scars. During the second
respondent's treatment, on the first day there was no improvement in her acne.
However, on the second day, some of the pimples started to shrink, although there
was a slight pain on the face. On the third day, the acne had shrunk and the
discomfort had subsided. On the fourth day, some of the pimples had disappeared
without leaving a scar. On the first day, the third participant's acne did not change.
On the second day, some of the pimples started to get smaller, and on the third
day, all the pimples started to deflate. On the fourth day, several pimples
disappeared from the facial skin without any scars remaining.
Binahong leaves have the following benefits:
1. Antioxidant Properties
Binahong leaves are rich in antioxidants which play an important role in
maintaining overall skin health. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free
radicals that can damage skin cells and contribute to the development of
acne. According to research by Sari et al. (2018) binahong leaves contain
various antioxidant compounds including phenolic flavonoids and tannins.
These compounds help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, thereby
improving the condition of acne-prone skin.
2. Anti-inflammatory Effect
Inflammation is a key factor in the development and progression of acne.
The anti-inflammatory properties of binahong leaves can help relieve
redness, swelling and discomfort caused by acne. Research conducted by
Prabu et al. (2016) showed that binahong leaf extract showed significant
anti-inflammatory activity in animal models. By reducing inflammation,
binahong leaves can contribute to the reduction of acne lesions and speed
3. Wound Healing Properties
Acne lesions often leave scars and blemishes that can be troublesome for
individuals with acne-prone skin. Binahong leaves have wound healing
properties which can help the recovery process of damaged skin. A study
by Dewi et al. (2019) found that binahong leaf extract increased skin cell
proliferation and accelerated wound healing in mice. These findings show
that binahong leaves can help improve the appearance of acne scars and
make skin smoother and healthier.
4. Antibacterial Activity
Bacterial colonization, especially by Propionibacterium acnes , is a
common characteristic of acne-prone skin. The antibacterial activity of
binahong leaves can help fight these dangerous bacteria and prevent the
formation of new acne lesions. Research conducted by Kusuma et al.
(2017) showed that binahong leaf extract showed significant antibacterial
activity against P. acnes . By reducing bacterial colonization, binahong
leaves can help prevent the increase of acne and make the skin brighter.
5. Regulation of Sebum Production
Excessive sebum production is a contributing factor to acne. Binahong
leaves have been proven to regulate sebum production which can help
prevent clogged pores and reduce the appearance of acne. A study by
Wijayanti et al. (2015) showed that binahong leaf extract reduces sebum
production in sebaceous gland cells. This regulation of sebum production
can contribute to the overall improvement of acne-prone skin.


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