The Game (Young Alpha Kings)

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Published by Young Alpha Kings

What is game? ..............................................................................3
Part 1: Fundamentals
Chapter 1: Abundance mindset ....................................................7
Chapter 2: Be on your purpose...................................................17
Chapter 3: Stop caring ................................................................24
Chapter 4: You’re the prize ........................................................29
Chapter 5: Masculine energy .....................................................34
Part 2: Before/ The Approach
Chapter 6: Confidence ................................................................44
Chapter 7: Eye contact ...............................................................51
Chapter 8:Choosing signals........................................................57
Chapter 9: What to say to women ..............................................62
Part 3: Once you've got her
Chapter 10: Evoke emotions/get in her head .............................69
Chapter 11: Texting ....................................................................78
Chapter 12: Shit tests..................................................................84
Chapter 13: Going on dates ........................................................92
Chapter 14: Escalating ...............................................................95
Chapter 15: Drama, excitement, and romance ........................ 101
Final words .............................................................................. 105

What is game?
“It was time to marry the game, and I said, YEAH I DO!” – Meek
Mill on Dreams and Nightmares
As a general term, game means mission. Life is a game. A 9-5 is a
game. Seducing women is a game. In the game of life, the higher you
climb, the more success (money, power, status) that you will attain. In
the game of a 9-5, the further up the corporate ladder you go, the
more responsibilities you have, as well as the higher your paycheck.
In the game of seducing women, the colder you are, as a man (looks,
money, status, energy etc) the more women you will be able to
For example:
- ‘It was time to marry the game’ means that you must fall in love
with your mission. When you marry the game, you’re tied in for
life. Besides God (if you’re religious), your mission is your
number one priority. You keep pushing and chasing your
mission, regardless of your feelings or any trials or tribulations
that will inevitably come your way.
- ‘Charge it to the game’ means you take a loss or something
hasn’t gone your way, therefore you move on, rather than
dwelling and getting in your feelings. When you charge it to the
game, you understand that certain things happen along the
journey, in the game of life, so you keep pushing and focusing
on your mission.
- ‘The game is the game’ epitomises ‘it is what it is’ mindset.
Somewhat similar to ‘charge it to the game’, you understand
that certain things will happen along your journey, so you
detach from it, rather than allowing yourself to get emotional.

Everything is a game in some way, shape or form. The people who
have ‘game’ know how to operate, in order to beat the game (i.e. get
to the top of the food chain). People with no ‘game’ are clueless and
are typically average in every facet of their life.
There are 2 aspects of the Game.
1. Energy
2. Seduction
The first and most important, energy. Energy is real. Energy is
People with game have an abundance of vibrant energy. Typically,
they excel in social scenarios and are able to get what they want out
of life, because they expect the best. On the other hand, people with
no game, have no concept or understanding of energy. They wonder
through life drearily and expecting the worst.
Think of 2 salesmen. The one who exudes energy is the one who is
consistently at the top of the sales chart, whereas the one who is
lacking energy is at the bottom. Why? Because energy is contagious.
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can be changed from one
form to another”. Ultimately, you could say/do all the wrong things to
someone (man or woman), but if you say/do it with the right energy,
they will love it.
Energy is in:
- Your aura
- Your attitude
- Your charisma
- Your vocal tone
- Your masculinity
- Your body language

Energy encompasses every aspect of your life, whether you’re aware
of it or not. Master and cultivate your energy and you’ll never
struggle in life, let alone with women.
The second part of The Game is seduction.
Seduction is virtually one big game. One person is pursuing (or
chasing), whilst the other person is attracting. Once you view
seduction as a game, rather than as a life-or-death scenario, it
becomes considerably more enjoyable.
When you’re playing PlayStation or Xbox, you’re laid back and
relaxed. You’re carefree, because you know that it is just a game, this
is just the opposite when you view seduction as life or death. When
approaching a woman, you get nervous. On a date, you’re sweating
and wanting to say the ‘perfect’ line.
With video games, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But even
if you do lose, you understand that you will respawn and have a
chance to go again. This is the same with seduction. Rejection is a
part of the game; embarrassment is a part of the game. When you
perceive it as this, you will be a lot more relaxed when dealing with
women. Subsequently, this ‘chilled’ attitude will lead to more women
being attracted to you, because you’re being calm, whereas the
average man is frantic and taking The Game too seriously.
Stop viewing seduction as a job interview and start viewing it as a
game. Once you understand and implement both the game of
seduction and the game of energy, not only is the Game 1000 times
easier, but you will live a blessed life.

This book is split into 3 parts.
Part 1: Fundamentals: These are things that need to be understood to
become a better man in life, as well as with women. Additionally, Part
2 & 3 are futile if Part 1 isn’t implemented.
Part 2: Before/The approach: These are elements that you need to
have locked down, before a word is even spoken. Master these and
part 3 becomes a walk in the park.
Part 3: Once you got her: You’ve approached a woman, now this is
where you learn how to keep her and have her simping for you.
You have bought this book because you either want to improve or
better understand The Game. If you apply what is withheld inside this
book, guaranteed, you will become a cold MF. This can only happen
if you take action on the things inside.
Remember what I said previously, rejection and embarrassment are a
part of the Game. No matter how hard you try, you will eventually
have to jump over this hurdle. When you apply the techniques in the
book, don’t be disheartened if you get rejected initially, as it is better
to be rejected, than to not even try.
I hope you’re ready to be in the 1% of men who understand The
Stay blessed,


Chapter 1: Abundance
“To change your life, you have to change yourself. To change
yourself, you have to change your mindset” – Anonymous
Understand: Mindset is everything. The reason the average remain
average and the superior become superior is because of their mindset.
The reason the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor is because of their
mindset. The reason some people always seem to be ‘lucky’ and other
people always seems to be ‘unlucky’ is because of their mindset.
As human beings, fundamentally, we’re the same. The only difference
is our mindset. Along with most things in life, your mindset can be
changed relatively easily. You can go from a fixed to a growth
mindset, ‘beta’ to an ‘alpha’ mindset or even a scarcity to an
abundance mindset.
For example, you have 2 people. They’re identical in every aspect
other than mindset. Person A has a growth and abundance mindset.
Person B has a scarcity and fixed mindset. In the scenario of being
with a woman, Person A is chill. They’re not bothered if she leaves,
as he knows he can go get another woman without any problems. He
doesn’t fear losing her, which paradoxically, increases her attraction
towards him. On the other hand, person B is scared to lose her,
therefore he panders to her every need in an attempt to ensure that she
doesn’t leave him, which will inevitably result in her moving on from
him. (Female Nature 101: If you’re scared to lose her, you’ve already
lost her).
As Stephen Covey states in The 7 Habits of Highly Successful people,
“An abundance mindset is the idea or worldview that there are enough
resources and successes for all to share. This worldview is contrasted
with a scarcity mindset, or the idea that there isn’t enough to go
around and that each person must guard their accomplishments or
resources from others.”
Abundance mindset is the cornerstone of The Game. Without this
mindset, having good game is virtually impossible. As you will
constantly be in fear that the woman may leave, you’ll get in your
feelings if left on read, get oneitis (When you think a woman is ‘the
one’ so you simp for her) etc. However, an abundance mindset
extends to more than just game, it’s the mindset that you should adopt
for every aspect of your life.
An abundance mindset enables you to never fear losing anything or
anyone. If a woman leaves? You know that you can get a better one.
If you miss out on an opportunity? You know another one will
eventually come your way. If you lose money? You know that you
can make it back plus more.
Abundance mindset is the ultimate mark of fearlessness, self-respect
and self-belief in yourself and your abilities.
Nothing can get in your way; nothing can stop you. You can learn all
the game, 100s of seduction techniques, countless pick-up lines etc,
but if you remain in a scarcity mindset, you have wasted your time
and you will be back at square one, confused and frustrated because
the woman who you thought was ‘the one’ left you.
Once you develop this mindset, I guarantee your life will NEVER BE
THE SAME. You’ll begin to notice that women are constantly drawn
to you and want to be around you. Never forget: Women can sense
energy. They know when a guy is a weak and insecure, as well as
when a man exudes abundance and confidence. Women will begin to
crave you because of this newfound energy that you possess.
This is one of the main reasons why women desire ‘thugs’. Not
because of the ‘thug’ activities that they may do, but due to the
mindset that they have. Thugs couldn’t care less about the woman.
They view her as an additional benefit to her life, rather than as a
necessity, whereas a simp views a woman as the cornerstone of his
life. ‘Thugs’ never tolerate disrespect. Never. If a woman steps out of
line, he immediately checks her. If she continues to disrespect him, he
will cut her off and get a new woman within the week.
Apply this to your life. Have a zero-tolerance policy with women. If
she’s crossed a boundary, check her. Don’t let her get away with
anything, because if you let it slide, she will continue to push this
boundary as well as lose respect for you. If she continually pushes
boundaries and disrespect, she’s gone. This ruthless attitude is what
women secretly desire, but in a world full of effeminate, soft men, it
is rare to come by. Which is precisely why an abundance mindset
naturally attracts women and it’s also why ‘thugs’ attract women with
ease and ‘nice guys’ struggle.
Develop an abundance mindset and both men and women will begin
to respect you. Whereas the average man is constantly in fear, you’re
moving about in the world with a fearlessness that inspires and
motivates people to be the same.
6 ways to develop an abundance mindset:
1. Self-improvement:
This is the basis of transforming into a high-value man. If you want to
become superior? Self-improve. Want higher quality women? Self-
improve. Want millions in your bank account? Self-improve. Want
the Lamborghinini’s, ferrari’s, Rolls Royce’s etc? Self-improve.
Self-improving is the process of working on yourself (whether
mentally, physically, emotionally etc) to improve your value. Never
forget: When we first enter the world, we start at zero. Especially as a
man. Men have to create their value; women are born with value.

You must go and get what is yours. No one is going to do the work
for you, no one is going to give you a handouts, as a man, no one
cares about you. This is the harsh reality. You can either complain or
you can put in the work to self-improve and become a better man.
Linked with this, women are innately hypergamous, which means,
they’re looking for the highest value man that they can lock down.
The higher the value the man, the greater the chances he’ll be able to
protect and provide for her. This is primal for women, and it will
NEVER change. It is in your best interests to self-improve and
become as high value as you possibly can. (Let me preference this by
saying, you self-improve for yourself, not just to get women. If your
main motivator for self-improving is so you can get more women,
you’re a loser).
Use this aspect of female nature to your advantage. Focus on yourself,
whilst increasing your value, and the women will come. Focus on
women, whilst neglecting yourself, the women will run. It’s that
simple, but most men get it wrong.
Focus on self-improving physically: Go to the gym at least 3x a week.
Add in some sort of cardio, whether it’s daily walks, swimming,
cycling etc.
Focus on self-improving financially: Work on a side hustle, scale it up
to eventually become your main source of income. Create additional
income streams.
Focus on self-improving emotionally: Meditate and journal often, to
help you become an emotionally intelligent man, which will result in
you maintaining a solid masculine frame.
Do all of these for 6 months and you’re years ahead of the masses. Do
all of these for the rest of your life and you are destined for limitless
success and riches.

2. Become fearless and stop caring
Fearlessness and careless are best friends. The more fearless you are,
the less you care. The less you care, the more fearless you become.
It’s a cycle that repeats until nothing in this world will phase you.
You become immune to failure, rejection, embarrassment etc. This
makes The Game 100x easier. Whilst everyone else is scared to
approach that woman, as they might get rejected, you say fuck it and
approach her. 9/10 times, you’ll get the number aswell.
The quote “Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless” sums
this up perfectly. A boy becomes a man when he stop listening to any
doubts in his head. Therefore, developing an abundance mindset
pertains more to than just learning The Game. It is without a doubt,
essential if you want to become a high-value/superior man.
How to become fearless with women? In the scenario of approaching
a woman, ask yourself, “what is the worst thing that can happen?”.
You’ll quickly realise that a lot of your fears are nonsensical bullshit.
Because the VERY worst thing that a woman can say to you is this:
‘No’. That’s it. But the best thing that can happen? You’re in her guts
living your best life, she’s simping and buying food for you, she gives
you unlimited back massages etc. The advantages far outweigh the
potential disadvantages.
That’s all your fears with women summed up. ‘No’. Once you truly
understand and acknowledge this, you will become fearless. You will
approach women, be bold, take risks, because you know that the
worst thing she can say is ‘No’. And in the event she does say this,
you don’t care and move on. This is true abundance.
One part of female nature that you need to understand is “If you’re
scared to lose her, you’ve already lost her”. Hence, why you must be
truly fearless with women. When you don’t care if she stays or goes,
she can sense this abundance of masculine energy within you (energy

never lies). On the other hand, if she can sense you’re desperate for
her, she will use and abuse this to her advantage. Be MF fearless!
Once you truly embody this, The Game is easy. If she is causing you
stress, you’ll move on. If she leaves you on read, you couldn’t care
less because you have other options you can hit up. Regardless of
what happens, you stay winning.
3. Have options
Options = Power. This applies to everything in life.
If you have 10 pencils and someone takes one, You don’t care
because you have 9 other pencils that you can write with. However, if
you only have 1 pencil and someone takes it, you will care because
you can no longer write.
You can use this analogy with anything: Women, money,
opportunities etc. When you have options, you hold the power,
because you have an abundance of differing choices to pick from.
In relation to women, when you have options, you truly don’t care if
one leaves you. She’ll write an emotional paragraph on how you’re
being unfair and that she wants to make it work again, but you
couldn’t care less (due to your options).

Even if you don’t have options, keep this abundance mindset with you
and have the energy of a man that has 20 options. Because if she’s
doing all the paragraphs, it shows that she cares (a woman that is no
longer attracted to you will just leave, she won’t invest the time to
write paragraphs) so replying with that ‘ok’ evokes her emotions
(Chapter 10) and she’ll begin to desire you considerably more.
4. Be around like-minded men
Jim Rohn said “You are the average of the five people you spend the
most time with”. If you’re around a bunch of loser men. Men who:
chase, simp or are scared to lose a woman, you will do the exact
same. Whereas, if you’re around men focus on themselves and
couldn’t care less about women, you’ll reciprocate their energy.
You can literally mess up your whole life by being around the wrong
crowds of people. You’ve likely heard the phrase “Your network is
your net-worth” and it is 100% true. Start hanging around like-minded
(superior) men and watch how your mindset shifts and how quickly
you become superior yourself.

5. Go out and get experience

There’s over 3 billion women in this world, go out and get experience
with some. You will quickly come to the realisation that women, on a
primal level, are practically the same. They may have differing
characteristics (due to having different upbringings or being raised in
different cultures) but from a nature perspective, women are virtually
Understanding this will help you understand The Game, but more
importantly, it will help improve your Game. Everyone has slightly
different approaches with women. Some may flirt straight away,
others may keep their intentions to themselves, regardless, knowing

that women are somewhat similar will help you master your Game
and help you become more comfortable in your own sauce when
around women.
There are general guides to follow (such as this book) but you must
develop your own sauce as well. Take pointers from this book and
apply the things that most resonate with you and apply it to your
game. As you get more experience with women, your game will
Reminder: Be fearless. Go out and try different things with women,
don’t fear failure, it’s all a part of the process to mastering your Game
and becoming cold with women.
6. Confidence
Abundance breeds confidence. In a world full of men who are timid
(due to their scarcity mindset), a man who walks in abundance exudes
confidence. You walk like a king: Shoulders back, chin up, chest out.
I will discuss this in depth in chapter 6, but remember this. The more
confident you are in yourself and your game, the stronger your
abundance mindset will be.

Chapter Summary:
- Mindset is everything. Abundance mindset is essential to live a
life of success
- Abundance mindset is the ultimate mark of fearlessness, self-
respect and self-trust in yourself
- Develop an abundance mindset and both men and women will
begin to respect you

How to develop an abundance mindset:

1. Self-improvement
2. Become fearless and stop caring
3. Options
4. Be around like-minded men
5. Go out and get experience
6. Confidence

Chapter 2: Be on
your purpose
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary
project, all of your thoughts breaks their bonds: your mind transcends
limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you
find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces,
faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a
greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be” Yogi Raman in
The Monk who sold his Ferrari.
Everyone was brought into this world for a reason. To add value, in
some way, shape or form, to human civilisation.
To define purpose, it is your life’s work. Your purpose is the reason
you wake up and grind every day, even when you don’t ‘feel’ like it.
Your purpose is the reason you keep moving forward, whilst seeing
no results or experiencing failure. Your purpose is the reason God put
you on this earth.
A man without purpose distracts himself with pleasure. This is the
silent pandemic that we’re facing in modern times. A man with no
purpose is a slave to his vices. He: watches porn, masturbates, plays
hours upon hours of video games, chases women, eats fast food etc.
These types of men have no reason to wake up, no reason to put in
work, no reason to move forward after failure. Hence why so many
men are fast to give up and why so many lack energy.
As a man, purpose is essential, otherwise you WILL live a life of
mediocrity. Linked to this, your purpose MUST come first. It comes
before your friends, your family, your wife (or girlfriend), parties,
having ‘fun’ etc.

Remember this: Everything stems from your purpose. You will attain:
money, power, status, women, happiness, joy, pleasure, fulfilment etc
from your purpose. Everything that you desire, will be yours, when
you’re on your purpose. Hard work + purpose driven = destined for
Think of Michael Jordan and everything he has achieved so far in his
life. How did he win 6 rings? How did he become the greatest player
to ever grace the NBA? How did he become a billionaire and an
owner of an NBA team? Purpose. He put everything else to the side
(in his playing years) to focus solely on perfecting his craft and
striving to be at the top. He is the very definition of purpose driven, a
true winner, and this is the mindset you should apply to your life.
In relation to The Game, women crave a man with purpose. Because
purpose indicates ambition. Ambition indicates winning. And women
want to be with a winner. As Patrice O’Neal said “Women don’t want
to win, they want to be with a winner”. Even if you’re not where you
want to be in life right now, STAY FOCUSED ON YOUR
guarantee, if you truly remain focused on your purpose after 5 years
of work, you will have achieved great success.
In a world full of effeminate men, who have no direction in life,
you’re focused on the bigger picture. You stand out like a sore thumb.
Due to women being more emotional than men, they are more aligned
with their true nature, meaning that they can sense energy (they can
sense their intuition more than men can). A man with a purpose for
his life will have an abundance of women who are naturally drawn to
him. He walks with the energy of a king because he is working
towards a goal and striving to become the best version of himself,
women go crazy for these types of men.

With your purpose, short term you may not see results, regardless
remain persistent and consistent. Eventually, you will begin to start
taking small wins. Maybe you get a win once a month, then this will
turn into a win once a week, then overtime it snowballs into multiple
wins on a daily basis. Keep this quote in mind “If it was easy,
everyone would do it”. The game of life is meant to be hard, don’t
expect it to be a walk in the park. In the long term, this is what
separates the best from the rest. In hard times, the majority quit,
whereas the minority keep pushing forward. Long term, the majority
live a life of mediocrity, whereas the minority (who kept pushing
forward) live a life of superiority.
A major pain point for a lot of men is their ex-girlfriend. They want to
seek revenge on her and prove that she was wrong to leave him.
Immediately eliminate this mindset. This is what weak, insecure men
do. You must understand: The game is the game. Crying over a
woman isn’t going to help you, being on your purpose and improving
your life will. As a man, you will always get the last laugh, as long as
you’re focused (and successful) on your purpose. The same woman
that once rejected or left you, will see you improving and try and
come back to you. Laugh and move on. Success is your best
‘revenge’, not some petty BS.
You now know how important having a purpose is for a man, but how
do you find your purpose? Follow these 4 steps:
1. What do you enjoy doing?
Your purpose MUST be something you love doing. If you don’t love
doing it, you will quit when the going gets tough, you will sleep in
when you should be putting in the work. What do you truly enjoy
doing? Ask yourself this. It can be literally anything: Gaming,
reading, playing a sport etc. Whatever your hobbies/passions are,
there is someone, somewhere, making millions from doing it.

For example:
- You love gaming and decide you want to become a streamer.
You play a few hours everyday, but right now, you’re only
slightly above average (for example: Ninja, KSI, TFue etc)
- You love reading books and decide you want to share your
books notes with the world through Instagram or Twitter
(@getbetterwithbooks and @oneminutebookreview on
- You love skiing and decide to start a TikTok or YouTube
channel where you’re showing people how to ski and the trips
that you go on (Cody Townsend or Hedvig Wessel on YouTube)
Your purpose can genuinely be anything. These are just a few
examples of people who found something which they enjoyed doing
and put it out there for others to view on social media.
In general, social media is either a tool or a distraction. Most use it as
a distraction, few use it as a tool to make a living from.
2. Look at people who are the best (with a similar purpose to
yours) – analyse what they do
In this phase, this is where you do your research and start to create a
plan so you can execute on your purpose.
Using gaming as an example, let’s say you play Fortnite. So, you
would go on Twitch and YouTube and look at the content creators
with the most views. Analyse and take notes as to why so many
people watch that particular content creator. What draws in their
viewers? What keeps them engaged? What makes people consistently
want to come back to watch that person’s content?
I can’t stress this enough, take notes on all this information.
Ultimately, this will help you to formulate a plan of action, to take

you to the top. If you don’t have aspirations/ visions of being in the
top 1% of people at your purpose, you’re wasting your time.
Finally, with all this information that you have collected, you have to
come up with an idea (Unique selling point) that will distinguish your
content from the others. Don’t copy anyone. No one respects a man
that copies someone word for word. But also, don’t try and reinvent
the wheel. Think of Starbucks. If you boil it down to the rue,
Starbucks is a coffee shop. There’s millions of coffee shops and
franchises out there, but Starbucks has identified a USP and that is the
reason why they’re the number 1 coffee shop throughout the world.
Find your own USP for your purpose.
Going back to gaming, your USP could be: Your humour, your high
level of play, your unique takes/personality etc. This is the thing that
will separate you from the rest, which will lead you to seeing
sustained growth month after month.
3. Invest in yourself and master the skill
If you don’t invest in yourself, why would anyone invest in you?
Tim Grover sums it up perfectly in his book Winning:
“Winning is an investment. It's the result of making "selfish" choices
that empower your goals, separate you from limitations and
insecurities, and create distance between where you've been and
where you want to go. Those things don't happen accidentally. They
happen when you make the decision to prioritize your ambitions and
your results. It's the single greatest investment you can make in your
life, and until you're ready to commit to that, you can't even think
about winning”
It’s simple. If you want to be a winner, invest heavily in yourself. If
you want to be a loser, don’t invest in yourself at all.

Again, going back to gaming, this would mean you invest in your
gaming set up. Of course you have to be considerate of your budget,
but you’d go ahead and get yourself the best possible equipment, you
would spend hours upon hours improving your skill at the game and
possibly even invest in a gaming coach to further improve your skills.

4. Monetise and add value

This is where the fun begins. Now, you begin to turn your dreams into
a reality. You’ve done the research, you’ve put in the work to master
your skill, now you’re displaying yourself for the world to see.
In regard to gaming, this is when you’d create a YouTube and Twitch
channel. You’d stream daily, adding value to people’s life, along with
uploading your stream clips onto YouTube (generating 2 streams of
income as opposed to just one).
When you initially start out with your purpose, it will be slow.
DON’T GIVE UP! The journey to a thousand miles starts with one
step, focus less on the views, likes etc and focus on adding value and
a unique perspective.
Provide value and it is a matter of when, rather than if, your success
will come. Stay consistent and think long term, everything will
eventually fall into place.

Chapter Summary
- A man without purpose distracts himself with pleasure
- Hard work + purpose driven = destined for greatness
- As a man, you will always get the last laugh, as long as you’re
focused on your purpose
How to find your purpose?
1. What do you enjoy doing
2. Look at people who are the best
3. Invest in yourself and master the skill
4. Monetise and add value

Chapter 3: Stop
“Stop letting people who do so little for you, control so much of your
mind, feelings and emotions” - Anonymous
Being careless ties directly in with your abundance mindset. The less
you care, the stronger your abundance mindset will be. The more you
care, the stronger your scarcity mindset will be. Similarly, to
abundance mindset, not caring is a principle for life, not just with
The principle of not caring:
Control the things you can control and don’t worry about anything
else. Can you control traffic? No, therefore you shouldn’t care. Can
you control your work ethic? Yes, therefore you should care. Can you
control the weather? No, therefore you shouldn’t care. Can you
control your attitude? Yes, therefore you should care.
The problem with the majority of people is that they care about
anything and everything. They pay so much attention to what’s going
on in the news, the latest gossip, things on social media, when in
reality, none of those things matter. Linked to this, the masses care
about how they’re viewed by others.
If you care about how you’re viewed by others, you will be miserable
for the rest of your life. This is precisely why mental health problems
are so rampant nowadays, people care so much about how they’re
perceived, that they derive their value from other’s opinions of them,
rather than their own opinion of themselves.

Ultimately, your opinion is the only one that matters. Stop caring
what people think of you, they’re irrelevant to your life and are
simply projecting their problems and insecurities onto you.
However, don’t confuse not caring, with not caring about anything at
all. If you go to this extreme, then you’re destined for mediocrity.
You must care for yourself, your health, your future, your family and
friends etc. ‘Not caring’ is a matter of protecting your mental health,
energy and sanity, in order to ‘care’ about things in your life that you
can proactively go about improving.
Understand: Energy is everything (read further in Chapter 5). When
you stop caring about irrelevant, nonsequential things, you’re
protecting your energy. This energy is then used to go hard in the
gym, on your purpose, on your self-improvement journey etc.
Essentially, protecting your energy allows you to reinvest energy into
matters that you can control and that will change your life. ‘Not
caring’ isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity, especially if your goal is to
transform into a superior man.
Envision a king sitting on his throne. Do you think he concerns
himself with the opinion of peasants? No, he completely disregards
their opinion and goes about expanding his kingdom. It should be the
same for you. Their opinions are irrelevant, ignore and continue
building your empire.
A quote from Andrew Tate “Anything that emotionally can affect you,
can steal your power”.
Master the art of not caring and you will possess practically limitless
power and energy. Whilst the average person complains about things
they can’t control (politics, women, weather), you are numb to all of it
and focus solely on the things that you can control. You will run laps
around them whilst they’re crying because someone looked at them
the ‘wrong’ way.

In relation to The Game, young king, STOP CARING ABOUT

Female Nature 101: The less you care, the more she cares.
The reason that men consistently struggle with women, is because
they care so much about women. They lie/change their personality in
the hopes that the woman will like him more (Which is an indication
of lacking self-respect and confidence). If he gets left on read, he’s in
his feelings because he thought she was ‘the one’. Do better king!
Additionally, women can sense when you’re desperate/needy (It’s
easy to tell when you’re lying or faking who you are). Nobody wants
to give you something that you need. If you’re desperate and chasing
a woman, she’s going to run. Women despise neediness and they’ll
move on from you swiftly if you give off this energy.
This links in with rejection. Young king, stop taking rejection
personally. It is what it is. Don’t be that heartbroken simp who gets
rejected and then starts hating women and saying “women are trash”.
If you get rejected, charge it to the game and keep it pushing.
Additionally, if you do get rejected, the worse thing you can do is to
chase a woman in an attempt to change her mind. Let it be. Keep this
in mind: King’s don’t chase, kings attract.
Think of a cat. If you chase a cat, it runs away from you. But if you
don’t care about the cat, it will naturally be drawn to you. The same
applies to women and this is why women crave ‘thugs’. They couldn’t
care less about her, which she loves, due to the challenge that it
represents to women. In modern times, when women have access to
unlimited attention and validation (through social media and dating
apps), the men that stand out the most aren’t the ones who constantly
blow up her phone and showering her with compliments, they are the
men that leave her on read and are a mystery. Women have a
tendency to crave solving mysteries (see chapter 10), hence why they
watch murder mysteries and desire mysterious men. Become a
mysterious man, become a man who doesn’t take women seriously
and you will become a man who women deeply desire.
Let’s zoom out for a second. The woman who you’re stressing over
and care deeply for right now, are you going to marry her? If the
answer is no, why do you care? Ask yourself this question. Because
for 99% of you, the woman you’re stressing over is a woman who you
will forget exists in 1 years’ time. Meaning the time and energy which
you waste caring about her is time and energy which could’ve been
better utilised in the gym or making money.
Always put things in perspective (especially when dealing with
women). Think long term with every action that you consider taking.
If you find yourself caring about something or someone, back away
from the situation and ask yourself: “Is caring about this productive to
my long-term success?”.
Is caring about a woman going to help you become successful? Is
caring about politics going to ensure you make millions? Is caring
about other’s opinions going to help you become superior? Only you
know the answer to these questions.
So, how to stop caring? With everything you do, ask yourself these 3

1. Does it/they help me make money?

2. Does it/they add significant value to my life?
3. In 5 years time, will it/they matter?

If the answer to all 3 questions are ‘NO’, STOP CARING.

In relation to The Game, do you know how many women there are in
the world? Roughly 3,904,727,342.

The same way you didn’t care to read all those numbers, is the same
way you shouldn’t care about women.

Ultimately, women are compliments to your life, not the focus.

They’re a nice extra, not the main course. Stop caring about women
or anything that is irrelevant to your impending success, start caring
about getting to the bag and building your empire.

Chapter summary:

- The less you care, the stronger your abundance mindset will be
- Anything that emotionally can affect you, can steal your power
- The woman who you’re stressing over and care deeply for right
now, are you going to marry her? If the answer is no, why do
you care?

How to stop caring? Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Does it/they help me make money?

2. Does it/they add significant value to my life?
3. In 5 years time, will it matter?

Chapter 4:
the prize
“If the queen runs the relationship, for her to be above me means that
she has to pull me down. That’s the natural order of it. But if I’m
running sh*t and she’s the queen then it’s natural for her to be under
me. She’s happier. We’re going up together, I’m bringing you up. But,
you’re constantly trying to pull me the f*ck down, because you think
you’re ready to be the king and you’re not.” – Patrice O’Neal.
Never forget this: As a man, YOU’RE THE KING, YOU’RE THE
Think in medieval terms. A king can take a random woman from the
street, marry her and instantly she becomes the queen. Immediately,
she becomes the highest possible title a woman can have, simply
because a king decided to marry her. Whereas, if a queen marries a
random guy from the street, he doesn’t become a king, he’s simply
known as ‘the queen’s husband’. Essentially, he’s a loser who is
below his wife.
In today’s day and age, society/the media has brainwashed men to
believe that the woman are the prize. That you’re ‘lucky’ to have the
woman. That ‘A happy wife means a happy life’. That you have to
prioritise your woman ahead of your purpose. Society is setting you
up for failure and this is why divorce rates are skyrocketing.
Society doesn’t want to see you winning. They want you to be weak
and a slave to women, why? Because weak men are easy to control
and abide by the rules. Whereas those men that lead their women and
put themselves first, say ‘Fuck rules’.

Men follow all the BS that society pushes and then wonder why their
woman cheats or leaves them. A woman isn’t built to lead, that’s a
man’s job. A woman can never be put first because everything stems
from YOU. You’re the person who has to provide for your woman.
You’re the person who has to protect your woman. Ultimately, if you
put a woman first and she’ll put you last.
Another Patrice O’Neal quote I love “You have to have the belief in
you head that you can get any woman. If you saw me with a fine chick
then people would think bad of her and they’d think lucky me. No, it’s
lucky HER. That’s how you gotta think”.
As a man, everything trickles down from you. If you’re happy, she’s
happy. If men are strong, women are strong. If men are weak, women
are weak (i.e. promiscuous, and this is where we are in modern
You must truly embody the mindset and character of a king.
Would a king care if a woman left him? No, he would go find a new
Would a king chase a woman? No, he’s number one in the kingdom,
women are attracted to him.
Would a king simp for a woman? No, women simp for him.
Here are 4 ways to become the prize:
1. Become a high value man
You should absolutely believe that you’re a king, but without results
you look delusional. You can’t call yourself a king if you’re broke,
you can’t call yourself a king if you have no tangible results. You
can’t call yourself a king if you don’t have a kingdom.
Everyday, you should be striving to increase your value and get
results. Whether that involves: Working on your physique in the gym,

work on your mindset by reading books, work on your finances by
building a side hustle.
Where you are right now in life is irrelevant. As long as you’re
consistently putting the work in, you’re on the right path and you’re
destined to achieve king status. But you must put the work in, because
no one will give you a handout or help you, no one cares. It is on you
to grind and increase your value. Of course, you don’t have to do
anything. You can keep doing what you’re doing and proceed with
doing the bare minimum, but don’t complain when you’re a loser in
your 30s/40s.
The modern-day narrative that “The top 10% of men sleep with 90%
of the women” is 100% true. Women are hypergamous by nature.
They’re constantly looking to attract the highest value man that they
possibly can. Use hypergamy to your advantage, not solely to get
women, but to increase your options and live the life of a king.
2. Stop putting women on a pedestal
It doesn’t matter how good looking she is or how fat her ass is, NO
As a man, you must unlearn all the nonsense that you’ve been
programmed to believe. Ask yourself “What does a woman provide
that is worthy of being put on a pedestal?”. If you’re struggling to
answer or if it’s anything to do with what is in-between her legs, you
have your answer. She has done nothing, outside of being born a
woman, to be put on a pedestal.
If anything, you should put yourself on a pedestal. You should have a
genuine, deep-routed belief that you’re the prize and you’re the best
man to ever live. You should pedestalise yourself so much that when
a woman leaves you, you believe she lost out on the best thing that
could ever happen to her. Is this cocky? 100%. But this is the mindset

you should have and it’s the mindset that will instantly remove
women from the pedestal that you have them on.

3. Value your time and attention

To be the prize means that your high value. High value means that
your time and attention is heavily valued. Very few people should
have access to you. Very few people should be privileged enough to
get your time and attention.
If you go around sparingly giving your time and attention away, no
one will value it. Whereas, if your time and attention is a scarce
commodity, everyone will value it. It boils down to supply and
demand. Your supply is constant, but as you increase your value (i.e.
view yourself as the prize) your demand will increase, which will lead
to your time and attention being worth more.
Once you have established this dynamic, watch how women flock to
you. Women are backwards, the less attention you give them, the
more attention they give you (since their emotion are more involved).
They will blow up your phone, always ask to meet up, some may even
pull up to your house, simply because you haven’t been giving them
Begin viewing your attention and time as a reward for those that
deserve it (which should be very few people).
4. Walk like a king or like you don’t give a f*ck who’s king
A king doesn’t give a single f*ck. He’s at the top. He’s number one.
He rules over everyone, why would he give a f*ck?
He does what he wants, when he wants, however he wants, because
he is the ruler of the kingdom. In the same way, you’re the ruler of

YOUR own kingdom. You determine your reality and your future. No
one has a say in anything that you do, unless you let them. Disregard
the opinions of 99% of people. Only listen to those who you trust and
have a solid relationship with.
Everywhere you go, exude the confidence and aura of a king. You
must truly internalise and believe this, before you actually become.
Walk like a king, because you rule your own kingdom, whilst also not
caring who is the king, because he can’t and won’t tell you what to
do. This will give you a sense of freedom and pride which will help
you truly become the prize.
Chapter summary:
- Society doesn’t want to see you winning. They want you to be
weak and a slave to women
- As long as you’re consistently putting the work in, you’re on the
right path and you’re destined to achieve king status

How to become the prize

1. Become a high value man
2. Stop putting women on pedestals
3. Value your time and attention
4. Walk like a king or like you don’t give a f*ck who’s king

Chapter 5: Masculine
“Being a male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of
choice”. – Edwin Louis Cole
Understand: As a man, your masculine energy is one of, if not the
most powerful you possess. Your masculine energy is the reason you
can: Create a child, lift heavy weights, remain rational in the presence
of chaos, attract feminine women etc.
A man that possesses an abundance of masculine energy is a man of
significant strength and integrity. These 2 components are the
cornerstones of masculinity, but in today’s day and age have
becoming increasingly rare.
Strength: This is your masculine frame. Your masculine frame is how
you carry yourself as a man. It encompasses many different elements.
Firstly, your ability to be dominant and assertive. A quote from
Jordan Peterson “A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a
very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control”. A man
with a strong masculine frame isn’t necessarily a violent man, but he
is capable and willing to be of great violence if required. A man with
a weak masculine frame is either always violent or not in any way
violent. The former uses his genetic advantage (the fact that he’s a
man) to prey and abuse the weak. These are the bottom-barrel men
who abuse women. The latter believes that ‘being violent = being
bad’ so he allows people to walk all over him.
In regards to the former, if you’re reading this book and are a member
of YAK, we don’t hit women. Let me repeat, WE DON’T HIT
WOMEN. Dominate women mentally, never physically. If she does

something wrong, let her know through the use of checking her
(letting her know that her behaviour isn’t tolerated) or walk away if
you have to, never resort to any form of physical violence with
Next, is your ability to control your emotions. Similar to the above
example, a man with strong masculine frame is in full control of his
emotions. His woman could frustrate him, but he will be able to
control his emotions. Whereas a man with a weak masculine frame
will lash out and display all the emotions he’s feeling. As a man, you
have to develop a poker face, in order to effectively navigate any
situation you find yourself in. If someone makes you angry, it
shouldn’t be shown on your face, because if they see that they’ve
pushed a button, they will continue to push it until you lash out and
lose frame. Be stoic. Be unreactive when anyone (man or woman) is
attempting to provoke your emotions. This requires great strength and
practise, but master this and you’ll go far in life.
Another element of masculine frame is the way you walk, talk and
act. A man with a strong masculine frame embodies the character of a
king. The phrase “Walk like a king or like you don’t give a f**k
who’s king” sums it up perfectly. Everywhere he goes, he walks with
swagger and poise. His shoulders are back, chest out, chin up, facing
the world like a king from early 13th Century. When he speaks, it’s in
a calm, methodical manner, with people listening and taking in every
word that is said. His tone is assured, and he speaks with authentic
confidence. On the other hand, a man with a weak masculine frame is
timid and looks down everywhere he walks. He stutters and lacks
conviction in his voice, aswell as following the masses, rather than
forging his own path.
The final element of masculine frame is the ability to remain cool,
calm and collected in any situation that you face. An excellent
example of this is Tommy Shelby from The Peaky Blinders.

35 (Watch this to get a
better idea of Masculine frame).

Even though it is a fictional character, the way that the screenwriters

displayed Tommy Shelby is Masculine frame in a nutshell. Cold,
stoic, unfazed by any situation he found himself in.
If you watch Peaky Blinders, make notes on his character
development. In the early seasons, he’s a fairly ‘charming’ man, then
as he experiences the cold reality of the world, he grows within his
masculine frame, which transforms into a cold-blooded man.
The other aspect of masculine frame is integrity: This is your
Your character is who you are as a man. This is what separates you
from everyone else. A man with a strong masculine frame has an
immensely strong character. He couldn’t care less about what others
think of him and he stands out in the way that he carries himself,
compared to the average man. Whereas a man with a weak masculine
frame, has effectively no character. He’s your ‘average joe’ or your
‘John Doe’. There is nothing special about these types of men, they’re
mundane and have no substance to them. They blend in with the
masses and live an extraordinarily average life.
Principles, as a man, will be the reason that you either succeed or you
fail. Men with strong masculine frames will die by their principles,
regardless of the situation that they find themselves in, or the outcome
that could potentially occur. If it means that they die by them, they’d
happily do it, knowing that they’d die a man and not a bitch. Men
with weak masculine frames bend their principles depending on the
circumstance they are in. They have no loyalty to themselves, let
alone other people. They will snitch/snake/rat on others, if it means
that they have to save themselves. I can’t stress this enough: NEVER
Now you understand the importance of your masculine frame and
energy, how do you master it?
1. Embrace your masculine energy
Right now, there’s an attack on your masculine energy.
Society/governments are using propaganda through social media and
the news, telling men that ‘Masculinity is toxic’ and that men should
begin to embrace their feminine energy. This seeps into women,
meaning that whenever a man does anything that is even remotely
masculine and doesn’t fit in with the ‘female narrative’, you will get
called toxic or a misogynist.

As Patrice O’Neal said “They want your manhood when they want it.
She wants the gentleman part, but she doesn't want the humility. She
doesn't want the humility in saying 'Sweetie, here's your decision that
I'm giving you as a man’.

Now more than ever, you must embrace your masculine energy. If
you get called ‘toxic’ you’re likely on the right path. Ignore any news
or information that attempts to eradicate your masculine energy and

go out into the world like a king. When you do this, women will begin
to be significantly more attracted to you, as you begin to embrace
more of your masculine energy, which allows her to embrace more of
her feminine energy.
It is within your best interests to use The Game to your advantage and
to truly embrace your masculine energy.
“I think of masculine and feminine energy like two sides to a battery.
There's a plus side and a minus side, and in order to make something
turn on, you need to have opposites touching. It's the same in
relationships.” – Tracy McMillan
2. Retain your masculine energy
The retention of masculine energy is essential in order to be a man
who maintains has a rock-solid masculine frame. If you’re constantly
draining your masculine energy, you will have no desire to work
towards your purpose and improve your life. You will constantly be
in a lackadaisical state, with no motivation to do anything other than
sleep. This is why men who beat their meat and watch porn are
mediocre, as they drain their masculine energy every night to pixels
on their phone screen. Fucking losers.
Understand: Your seed is your life force. With your seed, you can
create life (have a child). Do you understand how powerful that is?
It’s said that 1 drop of semen is equivalent to 40 drops of blood, it’s
not surprising that men who jack off never amount to anything in life.
Imagine a lightbulb. When you’re constantly draining your energy,
the lightbulb will be dim and barely flickering on and off. When you
retain your masculine energy, the lightbulb will be bright and steadily

At the bare minimum, as a man, you should do NoFap. This is when
you completely quit masturbating. You can still have sex whenever,
but you don’t masturbate at all. If you want to truly maximise your
masculine energy, practise semen retention. This is when you quit
fapping and sex, in order to retain your seed and use your excess
energy towards self-improving.
Some of the benefits of Semen retention:
- Increase in energy
- Deeper voice
- Improved memory
- Stronger in the gym
- Less anxiety
- Increase in focus
- More confidence – leads to stronger eye contact (see chapter 6)
These are just to name a few. If you don’t believe me, try it. Go 14
days retaining your seed and see how much better you feel and how
much more productive you are.
Many superior men throughout history and in present times have used
semen retention to their advantage, such as: Napoleon Hill,
Muhammad Ali, Steve Jobs, 50 Cent, Nikola Tesla and Kanye West,
just to name a few.
For a lot of men, doing long periods of SR isn’t viable (having a
girlfriend and wanting to please her needs). Never forget however:
Your purpose always come first. Regardless, go weeks where you’re
retaining, locked in on your purpose and the gym, Then go weeks
where you’re wylin and having fun.
I can’t stress the importance of at least trying SR. If after 14 days you
decide it’s not for you, fair enough, but I guarantee you’ll see
significant benefits within this 2 week.

3. Protect your masculine energy
This is arguably the most important out of the 3. You can embrace
your masculine energy, you can retain your masculine energy, but if
you don’t protect your masculine energy, you’re fucked.

Protecting, or retaining, your masculine energy has been investigated

by researchers from Zhejiang University. The scientists observed the
testosterone levels of a group of abstaining men from ejaculation
every day for a week. During most of the week, the testosterone
fluctuations were minimal at best. However, on day 7, the researchers
found that testosterone levels rocketed to a massive 145% of their
baseline levels.

To protect your masculine energy means to be wary of who you sleep

with. Firstly, what is sex? Sex means Sacred Energy Exchange. Every
time you sleep with a woman, you’re exchanging energy with her.
That’s why, sometimes after you nut, you feel like shit, because the

woman who you’re having fun with has low energy vibrations, and
she’s literally draining your masculine energy.
So, if this woman has mental health issues, you’re going to absorb
that. If this woman is dealing with trauma, you will absorb that. STOP
SLEEPING WITH EVERY WOMAN. Vet women for a period of
time before you sleep with them. Find out her characteristics and
values, her relationship with her father, her childhood etc.
Furthermore, there are women out there whose sole purpose is to steal
your masculine energy (Jezebels and Succubi). These types of women
are masters of The Game. They’re typically very attractive women
who are experts at seduction. They lure men under their spell and
drain them of all their energy. I can’t stress this enough AVOID
losing your energy and peace of mind.

Chapter summary:
- A man that possesses an abundance of masculine energy is a
man of significant strength and integrity
- Men with strong masculine frames will die by their principles
- No woman is worth losing your energy and peace of mind

How to master your masculine energy

1. Embrace
2. Retain
3. Protect


Chapter 6:
“With confidence, you have won before you have started” – Marcus
Confidence is the difference between the life you have now and the
life of your dreams. Right now, there’s someone out there who is the
same age as you, in a 3rd world country, using an iPhone 7 and a 10
year old Macbook, making 6 figures a month. How does that make
you feel?
The only difference between him and you? Confidence. He had the
confidence to start. He had the confidence to fail. He had the
confidence to put all this excuses to the side and to take action.
Confidence is key in life, as well as with women. In a world full of
insecure, docile men, when you’re confident, you stand out like a sore
thumb and this links directly into masculine energy. The more you
embrace your masculine energy, the more confident you will be. This
will seep into every aspect of your life. You will walk different, talk
different, act different, all because you exude confidence. You will
have the balls to take risks that previously would’ve scared you, along
with, being able to approach any woman you want and use your
knowledge of The Game to seduce her with ease.
With confidence, men will instantly respect you and women will
instantly desire you. One thing to be wary of when you exude
confidence, is that people will look at you. When you walk into a
room, people turn around to glance at you. When you walk down the
street, people are staring at you. Don’t be nervous that people are
looking at you, it’s a good sign. No one stares at losers; everyone

stares at winners. Use it as a sign to exude even more confidence
everywhere you go.
Confidence is another reason why women desire ‘thugs’ and are
repulsed by nice guys. A thug is typically a man who has an irrational
amount of self-confidence, and this indicates to women his abundance
of masculine energy and belief in himself. On the other hand, women
are repulsed by a nice man, as he is timid and lacks self-belief. If you
don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect a woman to believe in

“I used to be Mr Poem and write a poem for a bitch. Mr 'Hey wanna

go to do this nice place'. You gotta remember that I'm a fat
motherfucker and I got tired of just fuckin fat girls. I wanted to fuck
hot women. 'Here's your poem, baby and I wanted to know if I could
take you out on a date'. And she would go 'Get your fat, punk ass
outta here' and I would think 'What the fuck. Why can't I get the pussy
I want?'. Eventually after all of the years it's been, not really an anger
thing but a frustration like 'What does it take?' Does it take a nice
car? No. It takes confidence. And it has to be righteous.” – Patrice

With the confidence, women will love you before you even say a
word, but as Patrice said, it has to be righteous. What is righteous
confidence? When it is authentic to your character.

The common notion of “fake it till you make it” is a viable option, but
there quickly becomes a point at which you look idiotic constantly
faking your confidence whilst having nothing to show for yourself.
Here are 6 ways to develop righteous confidence:
1. Get results
This is by far the best way to improve your confidence. The reason
that most men lack confidence is because most men have no tangible

results. They are skinny, barely have any money in the bank, watch
porn every day and take the easy way out.
Understand: Confidence breeds success. Success comes from results.
The best example of this is Conor McGregor. He is a confident
(possibly bordering on arrogant) but it is justified, Why? Because of
the tangible results that he’s achieved in his life. He went from a
broke plumber to arguably the number 1 pound-for-pound fighter in
the world, as well as now having a net worth of over 9 figures.
As stated in the quote by Patrice O’Neal, what Conor has is righteous
confidence. He has gone out and earned his confidence due to the
results that he has. But he didn’t always have these results. If you look
at some of McGregor’s earlier interviews (before the money and the
fame) he still had an air of confidence to himself, but nowhere near
the levels of confidence that he has now.
When you have tangible results, everything that you ever had could
be taken away (The money, fame, cars, houses etc) and you will still
walk like a king due to the things that you’ve accomplished in life.
No-one can take that away from you.

As a man, every day you should be building something (your body,
your mindset, a business, a side hustle etc) and adding value to
yourself. Life as a man is hard, as it should be. Ultimately, you reap
what you sow. If you want results and to be a man that exudes
confidence everywhere he walks: work hard, work smart and work
towards getting results.
2. Hit the gym
As I said earlier, you want to be building your body. This is what the
gym will do, it’ll help you sculpt an elite body which help your
confidence skyrocket. Don’t get caught up in the modern-day
narrative that ‘women like dad bods’ it’s BS and these are the types of
women you avoid (as they are incredibly insecure). Ask anyone who’s
gone from skinny to jacked or fat to jacked and they’ll tell you how
much easier The Game was for them.
One thing that you have to understand with women is that they love to
show off their man. Whether it’s on social media or if it is to their
friends and family, she doesn’t want to show off a skinny dweeb, she
wants to show off a man who’s in excellent shape.
As a man, gym is a must. However, don’t go JUST to improve
yourself so you can get women. Go to the gym because you genuinely
want to improve your physique and your confidence. That applies to
most things in life, don’t do it for the primary reason of attracting
more women, do it to for your own happiness.
3. Semen Retention
As stated in chapter 5, Semen retention is a great way to improve your
confidence. If you possess more masculine energy, you walk with a
different energy/swagger.

Never forget: Women can innately sense energy. Even women who
have no understanding of energy, get inclinations on the energy of a
particular person (hence why a lot of mothers out there say “I have a
feeling that this friend isn’t good for you”). Use this to your
advantage, retain your seed!
4. Get out of your comfort zone
If you want to grow as a man, get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Nothing good ever has or ever will happen when you are in your
comfort zone. Every single day, you should do at least 1 thing that
makes you feel uncomfortable.
Whether it’s: Pushing yourself hard in the gym, approaching a woman
in public, overcoming a phobia etc. It doesn’t matter what it is, just
make sure you’re constantly leaving your comfort zone. Initially,
when you do this, you’ll likely be fearful. Good. That’s how it’s
supposed to be.
The most effective way of overcoming a fear is to face it like a man.
No running. No hiding. Grab your balls and face it. You will realise
whilst facing this ‘fear’ that it is nowhere near as bad as you initially
thought and it’s all in your head. This will lead you to possessing a
power that few have access to, fearlessness.
Constantly push your boundaries, push your
limits and eventually you will become
fearless. Nothing will be able to stop you and
you will be able to achieve anything that you
put your mind to. You’ll put yourself
amongst the top 5-10% of men once you
master consistently leaving your comfort
Remind yourself of this everyday: “Once you become fearless, life
becomes limitless”.
5. Learn how to fight
Picture Mike Tyson. Everywhere he goes he walks like a king. Why?
Because subconsciously, he knows that he could defend himself
against anyone in the world. He has developed his level of fighting to
the point that you could argue that he is in the top 5 boxers of all time.
As a man, it is vital to know how to not only protect yourself, but
your future family. Of course, you don’t have to go to the extremes of
becoming a professional fighter, but at the bare minimum, you need to
know how to throw and dodge punches.
When you know how to defend yourself, your confidence increases
100x. You know, regardless of where you are, you can protect
yourself and those around you from danger.
Ask yourself this:
Do you want to be the dad that is seen as ‘badass’ by his son? Or the
dad that is seen as a ‘dork’ by his son?
Sign up to your local fight club (doesn’t matter which combat sport it
is) and learn the basics of the sport. If you don’t want to do it for
yourself, do it for your future son, your legacy.
6. Abundance Mindset
Reread chapter 1. In short, the stronger your abundance mindset, the
higher your levels of confidence, as you know that there are always
more options and opportunities out there for you.

Chapter summary:
- Confidence is the difference between the life you have now and
the life of your dreams
- With confidence, men will instantly respect you and women will
instantly desire you
- Confidence breeds success. Success comes from results
- As a man, every day you should be building something (your
body, your mindset, a business, a side hustle etc) and adding
value to yourself
How to develop righteous confidence:
1. Get results
2. Hit the gym
3. Get results
4. Get out of your comfort zone
5. Learn how to fight
6. Abundance mindset

Chapter 7: Eye
“Eye contact is way more intimate than words can ever be” -
Eye contact is arguably the most powerful way to communicate with
another person without saying a single word. With simply the power
of eye contact, you can intimidate and put the fear of God into a man
or undress and create immense sexual tension with a woman.
Similar to most things in relation to The Game, mastering eye contact
is a skill needed for life, not just to seduce women. Eye contact
indicates your levels of self-confidence, masculine energy, social
competence, and the fact that you respect the person you’re talking to.
Observe when you’re talking to someone and they’re looking around,
looking at their phone, and doing everything but making eye contact
with you. You feel disrespected as it shows they’re not focused on the
conversation, and you will assume they don’t want to be there. On the
other hand, observe when you’re maintaining eye contact with
someone and notice how much more personal and involved you are in
the conversation.
In a world full of men who stare at screens and watch porn every day,
for women, they rarely, if ever, make solid eye contact with a man.
Which is precisely why you, who is looking to improve your game,
will make eye contact when conversing with a woman. I guarantee
once you master eye contact, you’ll have women dripping like
Niagara Falls. It’s so rare for a man with authentic confidence to
make eye contact with a woman, that she will instantly desire you.

A man who exudes confidence and masculine energy is comfortable
with making eye contact with everyone, whilst a man who is insecure
and lacks masculine energy looks at the ground when eye contact is
A quote you have likely heard before is, “The eyes are window to the
You can judge the character/life of a woman, simply by looking into
her eyes (her soul). ‘Good’ women have eyes full of life and energy.
You can tell they have a youthful elegance to them, whereas
‘damaged’ women look dead within their eyes. It’s almost as if
they’ve lost a piece of their soul.
Spend a few minutes comparing these sets of eyes.
Which one can you see life in? Which one looks dead inside?

I’m sure very quickly, you were able to diagnose that the eyes on the
left appear ‘lifeless’, whereas the eyes on the right appear full of life.
Apply this newly found information the next time you’re conversing
with a woman. Look deep into her eyes and her soul and work out

what type of woman she is. This skill will take time to master, but
once you do, you have an excellent way of assessing the quality of
woman you’re dealing with.
The phrase “thousand-yard stare” is prescribed to men who have been
to war but have become so desensitised to everything that they’ve
witnessed/experienced (the fear, trauma, seeing dead bodies etc), that
their central nervous system breaks down and they appear dead
within. (For example). With women,
they develop a “thousand cock stare”.
This is when a woman has had so
many men inside of her, that her eyes
appear lifeless. There is no way to
manipulate your eyes, if her eyes are
anything similar to those that are on
the left, run away. These women are
damaged and will do you more harm
than good.
Women use eye contact as a way of letting you know they’re
You’re in a car dealership. You’re walking around looking at cars,
glancing over at one then quickly moving on, but suddenly there’s
one of the cars catches your eye. You notice that you spend a
considerable amount of time looking at this one particular car. You
continue walking around the dealership, but constantly glance over at
the car which you really like.
This is precisely what women do. This is one of the many choosing
signals (see chapter 8) that women leave men, indicating that she
wants to be approached. If you notice a woman is consistently looking
over at you or making eye contact with you, approach. If a woman

never looks over in your direction, don’t approach. Women don’t
know how to hide genuine desire, use this tip to know whether she’s
interested in you or not.
Finally, once you’ve made eye contact with a woman, NEVER BE
THE FIRST ONE TO TURN AWAY. You’re a man, assert your
dominance. If a woman looks down whilst making eye contact, that’s
a good sign, she’s essentially ‘submitting’ to you, meaning that you
should approach. If a woman straight stares at you and doesn’t look
down or around, she’s likely a psychopath and you should run away,
With all this information, you’re likely excited to go out and try it on
women. Please note, not everyone is worthy of your eye contact.
Related to chapter 4, you’re the prize, meaning that your eye contact
is a prize. Use it wisely and only with women who you want, not just
any woman. This will give your eye contact 100x more power and
efficiency, overtime you will learn exactly what I mean by this.
Not giving eye contact is just as powerful as giving eye contact. With
the modern woman being so familiar with men staring at her in awe,
when you don’t look in her direction, she is instantly intrigued by
you. She wonders “Why is this guy not staring at me?”. She will
proceed to go out of her way to get your eye contact, leaving you in a
powerful position if you want to approach her.
The best way to master eye contact is to embrace your masculine
energy. The more you embrace, the stronger your eye contact will be.
Try semen retention, definitely do NoFap and you’ll see how many
women begin submitting to you, due to the power that your eye
contact possesses.
How to use eye contact to seduce women?
I call this the ‘STEAK’ technique. Picture you’re at a restaurant in
Dubai and the head chef has brought out a T-Bone steak for you. You
will look at the steak, look at both sides of the ‘T’ and then lick your
lips in anticipation and excitement of how good it is about to taste.
This is essentially how you look at women.
1. Make and hold eye contact
At this stage, you can already tell the woman is interested as she’s
been glancing at you. When you catch her glancing again, make eye
contact with her. Hold it for 2-6 seconds. Don’t make any gestures or
do anything yet.
2. Roll your eyes down her body
This isn’t you ‘breaking’ eye contact, this is you assessing what
you’re dealing with. The same way a lion assesses its prey before
eating it, you’re looking at her body to see if it matches up with the
face. Slim-thick? Good thighs? What kind of shoes? You’re asking
yourself all of these questions whilst doing this. Note, she is noticing
exactly what you’re doing and is starting to feel some type of way.
3. Roll your eyes back up her body and remake eye contact
Slowly work your eyes back up her body until you make eye contact
with her again. You’ve still not made any gestures or uttered a single
word yet, you’ve only used your eyes to see exactly what it is you’re
dealing with.
4. Either smirk or lick your lips
Finally, this is where you’re doing anything other than using your
eyes. These gestures subconsciously let her know ‘I’m intrigued’ ‘I’m
interested’ ‘I like what I see’. After this is when you approach, get her
number etc.
This whole process should last 10-15 seconds. It’s very fast but I’ve
personally found it is the best way to get a woman riled up and ready
for me to approach. She’s never had a man look at her like this before,

she’s not only interested but she’s secretly waiting for you to
approach her.
*WARNING* The steak technique will make woman literally fall in
love with you. The steak technique is for only the top-tier women.
The steak technique works anywhere and anytime. The steak
technique will transform you into an irresistible man.
Chapter summary:
- With simply the power of eye contact, you can intimidate and
put the fear of God into a man or undress and creating immense
sexual tension with a woman
- You can judge the character/life of a woman, simply by looking
into her eyes (her soul)
- The best way to master eye contact is to embrace your
masculine energy
Steak technique
1. Make eye contact
2. Roll your eyes down her body
3. Roll your eyes back up and make eye contact
4. Smirk or lick your lips

Chapter 8: Choosing
Choosing signals are indicators from women that they’re interested in
you and want you to approach. One thing you must understand with
women is that they do everything indirectly. Very rarely will a
woman shoot her shot at you (particularly in today’s day and age).
You might say this is unfair or a double standard, but it’s never going
to change, so work around it.
She will leave subtle clues for you, that you must pick up on. If you
don’t pick up on them, you’ll never be able to get women and will
wonder why none like you. For a lot of men, they don’t even realise
that a woman is interested in them because they don’t pick up on the
choosing signals that a woman will leave.
If you consistently see a choosing signal, approach. She wants you
and as long as you don’t mess up the approach, you’ll be able to get
her number with ease. If you don’t see a choosing signal, she isn’t
interested, so move on. You cannot negotiate with genuine desire. The
same way that when you see a woman, within seconds you know
whether you like her or not, when a woman sees a man, within
seconds she knows whether she is interested or not. The only
difference being that a woman will rarely approach first (the more
feminine she is, the less likely she is to approach first). Again, you
can complain that this is BS, but that’s just the way it is.
There are different levels of approaches. Hot, mild and cold.
A hot approach is when a woman is making is clear and obvious that
she wants you. She’s trying to make it as easy as she can for you to
approach. You will notice that she’s always around or always looking
over at you. Be a man and go approach, 9/10 times you’ve got her
(I’ll discuss why 1/10 times you won’t). These are the types of
women that will typically sleep on the first date, but this doesn’t mean
she’s a hoe. It’s a reflection of you, your looks and your game. Very
few men get hot approaches, because very few men truly love and
care for themselves.
A mild approach is when she occasionally gives you choosing signals.
One minute she’s looking at you, the next she’s looking in the
complete opposite direction. With these types of women, you should
still approach them. A lot of the times, they’re low-key intimidated by
your masculine presence, so they want to seem ‘hard to get’, but these
same women can very quickly fall and submit to you, if your game is
Finally, cold approach. This is something that I see a lot of ‘Red pill’
and ‘PUA’ say that you should do. In my opinion, cold approaching is
a waste of time. Why approach a woman who shows no signs of
interest? Do you think a king would cold approach? Or would he go
for a woman that has shown desire? As I said earlier, you can never
negotiate with desire. No signals = don’t approach. Not every woman
that you see is going to like you, that’s life, only focus on those who
reciprocate your energy.
*Disclaimer* Some women will give you choosing signals, in the
hope that you approach her, so that she can reject you. Remember
chapter 3? DON’T CARE. These women are goofy and insecure.
They think playing games is funny but really, they’re just attention-
seeking women who likely didn’t get the love they felt they deserved
as a child, so they actively go out seeking attention from anyone and
everyone (hence why women post half-naked on social media, they
equate likes to love, the more likes, the more she feels loved) It’s a
sad reality, but it is what it is, don’t take rejection personally. Charge
it to the game and keep it pushing.

There are 2 types of choosing signals: Direct and indirect.
Direct is when she’s physically doing something to herself or to you
to indicate her interest. Indirect is when she’s using body language
cues to indicate her interest.
These are the 3 most common direct choosing signals:
1. Regularly in your proximity
When a woman is frequently in your close proximity, she wants you
to say something to her. An example of this is in the gym. If you’re in
one area of the gym and you notice she is fairly close by, you then
proceed to go to a different area of the gym, and she moves to that
same area. She may even do the ‘pull my pants up in front of you’
trick. With this type of choosing signal, look at how interesting the
ground or the ceiling is. Guaranteed she’ll continue to go out of her
way to get your attention, which is making it easier for you to grab
her number when you eventually approach.
2. ‘Accidently’ brushes past you
Understand: Women don’t do anything by accident. The clothes they
wear, the actions they take, the words they say are all deliberate. An
example of this is in a club (Or any sort of crowded setting). She
brushes past you in a certain way, which is a clear indicator that she
wants you to talk to her, especially if she does this more than once.
She’s physically on you and telling you the vibes she’s on, shoot your
shot king!
3. Touches her hair whilst looking or talking to you
This is one of the biggest indicators that she likes you. Women
subconsciously do this when they’re attracted to a man, as she’s

nervous (in the good sense) so she starts fidgeting and twirling around
with her hair. This can happen anywhere at any time, but you’re most
likely to notice it on dates or when in close contact with her.
These are the 3 most common Indirect choosing signals:
1. Constantly making eye contact
As you’ve read in Chapter 7, eye contact is incredibly powerful. If she
is constantly making eye contact with you, it’s game time. Put on
your boots because you’re about to score a goal.
2. Looks down after making eye contact
This is a sign of a feminine women. Your eye contact possesses so
much power that she must look down (submit) to it. It’s also a cue
that she’s nervous around your energy, which is a good thing. As a
general rule, if a woman is nervous to be around you, that means she’s
incredibly interested in you, never forget this.
3. Laughs whenever you talk
This is a prime example of ‘it doesn’t matter what you say, it’s how
you say it’. When a woman has genuine desire for you, it doesn’t
matter what you say, she will laugh at it. Even if it’s not remotely
funny, she will laugh at it. If you can make her laugh and giggle, you
can make her ass clap and jiggle. As long as you remain in your
masculine frame, you’ve got her with ease.

Chapter summary:
- She will leave subtle clues for you, that you must pick up on
- If you consistently see a choosing signal, approach. If you don’t
see a choosing signal, she isn’t interested, so move on
- Some women will give you choosing signals, so that you
approach her, just so that she can reject you

3 direct choosing signals:

1. Regularly in your proximity
2. ‘Accidently’ brushes past you
3. Touches her hair whilst talking or looking at you

3 indirect choosing signals:

1. Constantly making eye contact
2. Looks down after making eye contact
3. Laughs whenever you talk

Chapter 9: What to
say to women
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya
Firstly, stop putting women on pedestals. Most men don’t even realise
that subconsciously they have placed women on a tier above them.
When you’re with your friends, do you struggle with things to say?
When you’re speaking with family, do you get nervous around them?
Even when you’re speaking to an ‘ugly’ woman, do you struggle with
things to say?
Remove women from this subconscious pedestal that you’ve put them
on. They piss and shit just like you, their breath smells like ass in the
morning like yours, NO WOMEN IS WORTHY OF BEING PUT ON
A PEDESTAL. Regardless of her beauty or body, she should never be
put on a pedestal.
Understand: It doesn’t matter what you say, it’s how you say it. It
doesn’t matter what you wear, it’s how you wear it. It doesn’t matter
what you do, it’s how you do it.
This is the basis of the question I regularly get asked “what do I say to
words that come out of your mouth don’t mean anything. What
matters is how it makes her feel. If you can make her feel something
with the things you say, she will love whatever it is you say to her.
Everyone during high school times had that one ‘average’ guy who
would say a joke and no one laughed, then the ‘popular’ guy repeats

the exact same joke and everyone is laughing and saying how funny
he is. The same thing applies with women. When the ‘average’ guy
speaks to a woman, she responds with boring, one-word replies,
whereas she laughs at anything and everything, when it is the man she
has genuine desire for.
How to do this? Speak with conviction, be bold and master your
masculine energy.
Speak with conviction: Say everything with your chest. Remove terms
such as: “I think”, “maybe”, “I feel like” from your vocabulary.
You’re a grown man, everything you say should be said with
intention and vigour.
Be bold: The average man is timid when it comes to speaking with
women and then will wonder why he ends up in the friendzone. It is
impossible to be friend-zoned by a woman when you make your
intentions known (be covert when you do this). When you’re bold,
she will either reject you, in that case, move on, or she’ll love you. Be
honest with women, say what’s on your mind. Don’t be scared to
throw slight insults at women (My favourite being ‘you’ve got a big
head’). This subliminally indicates to her that you’re willing to insult
her, meaning you don’t care if she leaves or stays, which results in her
being significantly more attracted to you. Compare this to how the
average man converses with women. He walks on eggshells because
he believes he has to say the ‘perfect line’. This is deeper than just
women, be bold in everything you do in life.
Master your masculine energy: Refer back to Chapter 5. In short,
embracing and mastering your masculine energy results in you
exuding aura and confidence, which women loving and she will be
clinging on to every word that you say.

One thing that you need to understand with women, is that they can
sense when you’re desperate. When you’re too pushy/flirty,
particularly in the earlier interactions with her. She knows that all you
want to do is smash, so she rejects you. Even if that’s your aim, it
should never be revealed overtly.
You must balance between getting to know a woman and getting into
her pants. This will take some learning (and initially failing) on your
part to master, but once you do, The Game is simple. What this means
is talking to a woman, because you genuinely want to get to know
what she’s like (this will help reveal her character traits and any
potential red flags) whilst flirting and making your intentions known.
The best way I personally found to do this is to insinuate, see chapter
If you struggle with this balance, here are some ways to have endless
conversations with women:
1. Talk to anyone and everyone
If you struggle with things to say to woman, it shows you lack social
competence. To overcome this, whenever you go out, make it a
conscious effort (leave your comfort zone) and speak to as many
people as possible. Have small talk with the cashier at the
supermarket, ask how their day has been so far. Or the barrister at a

coffee shop, ask them what their favourite drink is to order from the
menu. Get used to speaking to people you don’t know and overtime
you’ll find that you can speak to any woman you see with ease.
2. Listen more than you speak
“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much
as we speak” – Epictetus. A part of The Game is being good at
communicating, this means allowing the other person (but especially
women) to talk far more than you talk. There is nothing more
frustrating to women than a man who never allows her to talk,
because women love talking. Linked to this, the more you talk about
yourself, the more you reveal. You must always have some aspect of
mystery when talking to woman, stop revealing your entire life story.
Instead, listen to her story and ask follow-up questions regarding the
things/information she revealed.
3. Ask questions
As I said previously, women love talking, but particularly about
themselves. Ask her questions about where she’s from, things she
enjoys doing, things she hates, turn ons/offs etc. Get her talking about
herself and make mental notes of the things she says. She will reveal
key pieces of information that will reveal her character/mindset,
which you can use as an opportunity to vet her with in the future.
A tip for this: Repeat the final words of the sentence she says. For
example, a woman says, “I’ve only been in this city for a few weeks,
I’m a transfer student studying marketing, originally I’m from
France”. She gave you a whole bunch of information in this sentence,
so repeat what she says but phrasing it as a question “Oh for real
you’re from France? What’s it like there?” This will lead to endless

4. Don’t be a yes man (disagree)
There’s nothing that repulses women more than a man who agrees
with everything that she says. It shows that you’re conforming to her
frame (A man with a strong masculine frame never does this) and that
you’re afraid to voice your opinion. Disagree with her, say points that
counter things she says, not only will this keep the conversation
flowing but it will evoke her emotions (see Chapter 10).
For example, she says “I like pineapple on pizza”. You respond with
“That’s nasty, I couldn’t think of many things worse than pineapple
on pizza”. Just like that, you’ve got a whole conversation about on a
topic and this can lead into other avenues in which you can talk about
as well.
However, there’s 4 topics which you never bring women (particularly
in the initial interaction).
1. If she’s talking to other men
2. Politics
3. Her body count (How many people she’s slept with)
4. Her ex
Talking about these is the fastest way to guarantee she leaves you.
Although, you can talk to her about these things once you’ve built
rapport with her and she’s comfortable with you, but never within the
first few times of meeting up and speaking to her.

Chapter summary:
- It doesn’t matter what you say, it’s how you say it. It doesn’t
matter what you wear, it’s how you wear it. It doesn’t matter
what you do, it’s how you do it
- The words that come out of your mouth don’t mean anything.
What matters is how it makes her feel
- Say everything with your chest. Remove terms such as: “I
think”, “maybe”, “I feel like” from your vocabulary

- Speak with conviction

- Be bold
- Master your masculine energy

How to have endless conversation

1. Talk to anyone and everyone
2. Listen more than you speak
3. Ask questions
4. Don’t be a yes man (disagree)


Chapter 10: Evoke
emotions/get in her
“The emotions you are trying to arouse should be strong ones. Do not
speak of friendship and disagreement, speak of love and hate” – Art
of Seduction by Robert Greene.
You can do virtually anything with a woman, but you can’t be boring.
This is the basis of The Game. And this is why nice guys always have
and always will finish last.
A ‘thug’ evokes significant emotions in a woman, which excites her,
and this creates a mental attraction to him. On the other hand, the nice
guy does nothing to evoke her emotions, meaning there’s no mental
attraction to him, leading to her moving on quickly from him.
Fundamentally, once you’re able to evoke strong emotions in a
woman, she is yours.
Remember this: Men run on logic. Women run on emotions.
99% of the reasons why women do what they do is because of
emotions, they don’t consider the long-term outcome of what may
happen, they instinctively think short-term and consider how they will
‘feel’ after said thing is done. If you want to be successful with
women, master these 8 ways to evoke emotions:
1. Get other women
Women are innately jealous of each other. Observe how a ‘7’ looks at
a ‘9’. She looks at her with disgust, but truthfully, she’s looking at her
like that because she’s jealous that she doesn’t look as ‘pretty’ as her.
Use this aspect of female nature to your advantage, surround yourself
with good looking women and other women will be drawn towards
Whether you love him or hate him, Dan Bilzerian has this concept
locked down. He always around 9/10s and other women see this, so
they want to be around him as well. They’re intrigued and are jealous
as to why *those* women are around him and they’re not. Which
results in them going out of their way to get his attention and desiring
to find out why so many women want to be in his company. This
leads to a never-ending cycle of women being around him, which will
lead to more women being around him. It sounds wild and goes
against what you’ve been told growing up, but it’s the truth. To get
more women, surround yourself with more women.
In Dan’s book The Setup he says “I understood the importance of
creating jealousy and competition with girl. I knew that showing
something was more powerful than saying it”.
Never forget: Women desire what other women have. When you’re
around women, women want you. When you’re single, women
couldn’t care less about you. Position yourself in a way that you’re
around good-looking women (or she thinks that you are) and you’ll
see just how easy The Game is.
2. Be mysterious
Law 4 in the 48 laws of power: Always say less than necessary.
Mysterious men are like drug to a woman. Become one and you’ll
have her attached for life.
Never reveal everything about yourself to a woman. Picture yourself
as a book. Women crave a book with empty pages everywhere, they
want to work out and put the pieces of the book together. The harder
it is to put the pieces together, the more emotions that are evoked.

There’s no fun for a woman when they know exactly how the book
pans out, they love a mystery, so be that mystery.
For example, if she asks, “What’s your job”, have fun with it. Say
you’re an astronaut, a CEO, a trapper etc. She knows that you’re
joking around with her, but this is what keeps her interested in you.
She’s constantly thinking to herself “I can’t work this guy out” which
plays with her head and increases your attraction levels to her.
I’ll repeat what I initially said: Never reveal everything about yourself
to a woman.
3. Insinuate
This coincides directly with being mysterious. When you insinuate,
everything you say has a double meaning. For example, you’re about
to meet up with a woman and you tell her, ‘You’re in for a good time
tonight’, that has various meanings. It could mean that you have
planned something exciting to do together or it could mean you’re
going to rearrange her guts.
The power of insinuating is that she knows exactly what you mean;
you know exactly what you mean; but you haven’t directly said it;
simply alluded to it. This evokes her emotions and gets in her head as
she will be constantly wondering ‘I wonder what he means by that’.
Following on from this, eventually, it’ll start to annoy her that she
can’t work out what you mean, so she’ll ask you ‘Do you mean this?’.
This is the perfect opportunity to flip it back on her, “Oh, so that’s
how you feel about me?”. Constantly playing with her head, not in a
manipulative way, but as a way to get her thinking about you 24/7.
Additionally, this plants ideas into her head. When you’re with her,
she’ll be thinking about all the wild things you could be doing, simply
because you insinuated.

As an example, look at my texts. (For
context, this is a girl I was chilling with
whilst I was in university in America).
You can see she is trying to play games
with me. I insinuate with my response.
It’s short and sweet (see more texting tips
in Chapter 11). It’s both planting ideas
into her head and flipping it back on her,
because she knows exactly why she was
nice to me, due to the things that she did
for me.
She pulls out the UNO reverse card and
tries to get me to explain. Take notes on
GAME. Always maintain your masculine
frame. She wants me to elaborate and go
into detail, instead, I flip it back on her.
Then the ending is where she admits that I’ve been living rent free in
her head. I was last with her in May, 4 months later and with minimal
contact, I still own free real estate in her head. That shows you the
power of insinuating.
An important point to remember in regard to communication: Women
deal with indirect communication; men deal with direct
communication. With women, rarely answer the things she asks, flip
it back on her in the context of a question. Always keep an element of
mystery about yourself. However, with men, always be direct, tell
them straight up how it is.
Try to be direct with women and you will make them run away, try to
be indirect with men and they’ll lose respect for you.

4. Be bold and spontaneous
The average man is scared to be bold and to speak his mind because
he fears losing the woman. For you, as a man reading this book, you
couldn’t care less about losing a woman because you have an
abundance mindset and you don’t care (chapter 1 and 3).
This gives you the freedom to be bold in the things you say to women.
Whatever you say to a woman, say it with your chest and with
conviction. You must genuinely believe the things you’re saying and
as a result, she will also believe it (Energy never lies). Being bold in a
world full of passive men, gets her constantly thinking about you.
You stand out from the crowd due to the powerful emotions that you
evoke in her. This also applies when you are one on one with a
woman. When you want to make a ‘move’, be bold. If she can sense
that you’re timid, it ruins the moment and she’ll view you as weak.
In terms of being spontaneous, women desire excitement. Pull up on
her at random times, call her at random times, tell her to get ready and
take her out at random times. As I said earlier, you can do anything
with a woman, but be boring. Being boring is having a set routine on
how you do things, instead get her emotions riled up by being
spontaneous. She will constantly asking herself what will surprise her
with next, which results in her thinking about you 24/7.
5. Be honest and authentic
“For a chick to tell you right off the bat that you're not fucking, that's
like you saying right off the bat. 'I'm not talking to you or feeding
you'. You have to match their audacity! So, there's never a time not to
be honest. Ever! Take the L” – Patrice O’Neal
You’re likely noticing how intertwined elements of The Game are.
Being honest is a combination of not caring, abundance mindset and

Understand: A woman can hate you with all her guts, but if she
respects you, she will still desire you. Respect is everything when it
comes to dealing with women. The more honest you are with her, the
more she’ll respect you. Of course, you can’t be honest to the point
where you’re being direct, but be honest in your intentions with her
(i.e. don’t lead her on).
As a general rule, be honest when she asks you a question directly,
but at the same time, leave an element of mystery/insinuation. For
example, a woman says “Are you speaking to other women?”. This is
a shit test (Chapter 12), if you are, don’t lie, tell her something along
the lines of “You know I just be chilling”. She knows exactly what
you mean, but you haven’t directly answered what she asked, but you
were honest with her. Essentially, it’s being careful with your words,
but having integrity with your words.
There’s no exact science for how ‘honest’ you should be, because if
you’re too honest, then she’ll know all your intentions, which ruins
mystery, meaning she loses attraction. Experiment with it, until you
find the formula that best fits you.
Integrity is everything. If you lie to women, you’re weak, you’re
pathetic, you’re not a man, you’re a boy. Men who lie to women do so
because subconsciously they have them on pedestals, so they lie to fit
into her frame, in an attempt to impress her. MAINTAIN YOUR
MASCULINE FRAME. Additionally, you never have to lie to
women. Never. Because if you evoke enough emotions, she will lie to
Authenticity is another important aspect of The Game. Men who lack
self-respect copy superior men, men who are authentic to themselves.
Never change, FOR ANYONE. One of the worst things you can do as
a man is change because you’re with a woman. She will sense that

you’re faking who you are and be repulsed. You’re a king, act like it.
Only peasants change who they are in the presence of a king.
6. Eye contact
Reread chapter 7 to solidify the importance of eye contact when it
comes to interacting with women. In essence, exude masculine energy
and use the ‘STEAK’ technique, this will have you living rent free
inside her head.
7. Push and pull
Modern women care more for attention and validation than they do
for love. Hence why women in relationships post half-naked on social
media. These women equate likes to attention.
More likes = more attention = feel more validation = a boost in their
low self-esteem.
The posts where she’s half naked do better than the ones where she’s
clothed, so even though she is in a relationship and is in ‘love’ she
still seeks this attention from beta orbiters on social media. Avoid
these types of women at all costs.
This is where push and pull comes in. Due to attention being easily
available for women, give her too much and she won’t value it.
Whereas, if you barely give her any, she chases your attention (at the
same time, give her none and she will leave and go to someone else).
Vary how much attention you give a woman. Once you first get to
know her, apply pressure. Text, call, meet up with her fairly often,
you want her to be thinking about you. Then one day, don’t contact
her at all. Now she’s confused and asking herself “Does he even like
me?”. Then apply pressure again (not too much otherwise she won’t
value your attention). Do this cycle for 2-3 months, then pull back
completely. Withdraw ALL attention. Doing this will let you know
how interested she is in you. If she’s interested, she’ll be blowing up

your phone, because she can’t stop thinking about you, if she doesn’t
reach out, she isn’t interested, so move on.
This technique is very effective for knowing which women to take
‘seriously’ and which women to leave. Essentially, it’s your version
of a shit test, but it’s for you advantage, so you know if she’s worthy
of your time or not.
Pull back too early and she will leave, apply too much pressure and
she will leave. Similar to being honest, you have to experiment with
this to find YOUR perfect formula. Once you do, it will become
authentic to you, meaning The Game is easy.
Push and pull also works when you’re in the bedroom. Apply it and
she’ll be dripping like Niagara Falls. For example, apply pressure,
kiss on her, rub on her etc, then pull back completely. Or whilst doing
your thing, go fast, then pull out, kiss on her, then go back in, slow
and steady. Guaranteed she will fall in love with you.
8. Disagree
There is nothing that women despise more than a ‘Yes man’. A man
that agrees with everything she says, never checks her and panders to
her every need is a woman’s worst nightmare. Women desire a man
that is a leader. How can you be a leader if you agree with everything
she says?
Be a ‘yes man’ and she’ll be drier than the Sahara Desert. Men do this
because they fear losing the woman, but as you know after reading
this book, we don’t care about losing a woman.
Disagree with things she says. You don’t have to be a dick about it, it
can be simple things. For example, she says she likes a certain TV
show. Disagree with her. She will be confused, because she’s used to
men agreeing with everything she says, but she’ll try to convince you

that the TV show is a ‘good one’, which shows that her emotions are
However, don’t disagree with everything she says, otherwise she will
never want to speak to you. Mix it in. Agree with some things,
completely disagree with others.
Chapter Summary:
- You can do anything with a woman, but you can’t be boring
- Men run on logic. Women run on emotions
- Women desire what other women have
- Never reveal everything about yourself to a woman

8 Ways to evoke emotions

1. Get other women
2. Be mysterious
3. Insinuate
4. Be bold and spontaneous
5. Be authentic and honest
6. Eye contact
7. Push and pull
8. Disagree

Chapter 11: Texting
Texting can be a great tool if utilised effectively, or texting can be the
reason that women flake and reject you.
As a man, you shouldn’t be texting a woman 24/7. You’re a king,
you’re building something, you have a purpose that you’re working
on. You should not have the time to be constantly texting a woman, if
you do, you need to work harder. Never forget: Money first, ass last.
On the contrary, if you’re never texting a woman, she will move on to
someone else. She needs attention (even if it is just a little bit). Make
your texts scarce in order to keep her intrigued into you. The less
available you are, the harder she will attempt to draw your attention,
therefore the more emotions that you will evoke in her. The more
available you are, the less she will attempt you draw your attention,
therefore the less her emotions are evoked, which will result in her
moving on.
As well as texting, calling or FaceTime is a great way to communicate
with women, as she can feel your energy through the phone, whereas
it’s less obvious over text. However, as previously stated, texting can
be a great tool if you utilised properly. Look at how I used texting to
go from getting a woman’s number to her cooking for me at her house
(aswell as some extracurricular activities) in 4 days:

This isn’t the full conversation, just the gist of it, regardless, notice
the ways in which I evoked her emotions? Notice how I got her name
wrong on purpose? Notice the way I handled her shit tests? Notice
how I asked her questions about herself?
Texting is very simple once you know the things to do. Here are 6
ways to become a better texter:
1. Never reply instantly
As stated in the beginning, you’re a man on your purpose. When
you’re on your purpose, you’re not texting a woman all the time.
Subconsciously, women love this, as it lets her know you’re actively
doing something with your life, rather than being a loser and texting
her immediately. The minute that you begin replying to a woman’s
texts immediately, she’s turned off.
Let me preference this by saying, you should never ‘fake’ being busy.
If you do, you’re goofy. You shouldn’t be replying instantly because
you genuinely have things to do, not because you want to appear a
‘busy man’.
2. Don’t write paragraphs – Keep it short
Reread the conversation above. Not once did I send a paragraph of
information. All those texts you’re seeing took me less than 10
seconds to write out. Do you know who sends paragraphs? Women.
When you send a paragraph to a woman, it reminds her of what her
friends do, and it turns her off. I’ve referenced it a few times
throughout this book, due to how pertinent it is, Law 4 in the 48 Laws
of Power: Always say less than necessary. Small bodies of text incite
mystery and will have women thinking deeply about every word that
is said. I can’t stress this enough, apply this law to every aspect of
your life and watch how much power you begin to obtain.

3. Never double text
Double texting is when you send a text, but don’t get a reply, so send
another text. This is the ultimate mark of low self-esteem and self-
respect. IF SHE DOESN’T REPLY, MOVE ON! You might say “But
you double-texted in your conversation”, if I sent 2 texts, it was to
further the conversation, never hours later because she didn’t reply.
Women are repulsed by neediness. If I had double texted, do you
think I would’ve had food cooked for me only 4 days after getting her
Apply what I did, if you’re sending a second text, it must be
immediately to move the conversation forward and keep it flowing,
never send a second text hours later in the hope that she replies.
4. Text with purpose
There should be a reason that you’re texting a woman. What is your
end goal? Is talking about the weather going to get you there? Is
talking about the latest gossip going to get you there? As a general
principle, you should be texting to either: Meet up or to get to know
her better, to eventually meet up. If it’s none of these reasons, you’re
wasting your time.
Again, go back through my texts above. Every message was sent with
a purpose and a clear reason. Don’t talk about nonsequential things
with women, you’re not evoking emotions which means that she will
get bored very quickly. If in doubt, ask a question about herself, then
with the information she tells you, follow up or ask another question.
This is one of the best ways to have endless conversations with
One thing you should never do (unless she’s exclusively YOUR girl)
is to text her “good morning”. You may think this is courteous to do,
but guaranteed, it’s virtually the fastest way to turn a woman off.

5. Evoke her emotions
Read back through chapter 10. Regardless of the medium through
which you’re talking to a woman, you have to evoke her emotions in
some form. Text, call, in person etc EVOKE EMOTIONS. Think
back to when men had to seduce women before there was any form of
electronics. In the letters they wrote, the words they said were elegant
and provoked a flurry of emotions in women. This aspect of women
has never changed and never will. Generally, the more emotions you
evoke, the more she’s mentally invested into you, meaning the more
she desires you.
6. No goofy emojis
Women use emojis. Every time you send an emoji to women, you
remind her of her friends, not someone who she wants to be with.
Emojis, in general, are feminine. That’s not to say you should never
use them, but don’t use the stupid ones.
As a general guide, avoid any of these emojis you see on the right.
You’re a man, when you’re texting, speak with your chest, not with

Chapter summary:
- As a man, you shouldn’t be texting a woman 24/7
- Money first, ass last
- Law 4 in the 48 Laws of Power: Always say less than necessary

6 ways to text better:

1. Never double text
2. Never reply instantly
3. Don’t write paragraphs – Keep it short
4. Text with purpose
5. Evoke her emotions
6. No goofy emojis

Chapter 12: Shit
“Often people’s resistance is a way of testing you, and if you show
any awkwardness or hesitation, you not only will fail the test, but you
will risk infecting them with your doubts” – Art of seduction by
Robert Greene
Shit tests are a woman’s way of testing a man’s character. Women
innately want to find the strongest, most ‘masculine’ man that they
can attain. And once they find this man, they will throw shit tests at
him, to see if he’s the man that she believes he is. We now live in
times full of men who portray themselves to be ‘alpha’ when in
reality, they’re ‘beta’. Shit tests are how woman decipher between the
‘alphas’ and the betas’.
A lot of the shit tests that women do are subconscious (they don’t
even realise they’re doing it), hence why as a man, once you
understand the way to act when tested, you will pass the test with
flying colours and the woman will begin to desire you even more. The
majority of men are oblivious to these tests, meaning that an
awareness of them will give you an advantage over 99% of men in the
dating market.
Understand: When it comes to dealing with women, you will
inevitably have to deal with shit test.
If she never tests you, she isn’t interested in you. She doesn’t even
consider you as an option, so doesn’t bother testing your character,
whereas, if she constantly tests you, she doesn’t respect you. She’s
attempting to destroy your masculine frame, as she views you as a
man who is weak.

In the former scenario, the best thing to do is move on, because you
can never negotiate with genuine desire (If you have to question
whether or not there’s genuine desire, there isn’t). In the latter
scenario, you must check her (correct her behaviour) immediately. If
she still continues to test, leave.
One thing to note with shit tests: Unless it is flat out disrespect, there
will be a way in which you can flip the test into your advantage. This
could involve flipping it back on her or replying with something
smooth. Doing this comes with experience, the more women you deal
with, the more tests you will face, so the better your responses will
For example:
Firstly, the woman asks me to call.
What does this indicate? I’m the
one in power in this scenario.
She’s coming to me, therefore I’m
able to dictate the terms (Which is
why you never chase women, you
attract them).
At the end, when she says “okay
I’m sure I can fit u in”, she’s
testing me. She’s used to the average guy agreeing with her,
subconsciously, putting her on a pedestal. I don’t play into her games.
I tell her directly what it is. “You always have time for me”, letting
her know, I’m the king, I’m the prize, you make time for me.
This is a simple way in which you can flip the test and increase your
attraction. Now, that she knows the vibes that I am on, she will act
accordingly, as well as respecting me more. It’s a win-win scenario.

This leads on to ways in which you should respond to shit tests.
1. Remain cool, calm and collected
Essentially, maintain your masculine frame. When she tests, she is
trying to see if she can get a reaction out of you. If she does, you’ve
fallen into her frame and you’ve failed the test, this is exactly why
you stay strong in your masculine frame. This could mean that you
completely ignore what she says and move the conversation in a
different direction, or you respond with no emotions whatsoever,
letting her know that she isn’t going to get a reaction from you.
2. Laugh it off
Laughing, when a woman tests you, subconsciously lets her know that
you know what she’s doing. When the average man responds and gets
emotional, you laugh and keep the conversation going. Additionally,
there’s not many better ways to make someone feel goofy, than to
laugh when they test you. Instantly, they regret what they’ve done and
will think twice before pulling the same move on you again.
3. Check her
You check a woman (immediately correct her behaviour) when she
crosses a boundary. Whether it’s disrespect, a snide remark, an insult,
you get onto her immediately. If you let her get away with it, she
loses respect for you. If you continually allow her to get away with
whatever it is, without correcting her, she will emotionally abuse you
and take your manhood. As a man, checking isn’t an option, it’s a
necessity, if you want to have a healthy relationship with a woman.
4. Flip it on her

As you have seen in the above example, when a woman tests, you can
flip it back on her. She is testing you for a reason, use that to your
advantage. Say something smooth and that will increase her attraction
towards you. It doesn’t have to be something elaborate or ‘fancy’ but
be nonchalant and chill (You will get better at this the more you
interact with women. Very few people come out of the womb smooth
talking, it’s something you acquire with experience)
Patrice O’Neal said it perfectly “It’s very difficult for a man to
understand when he needs to check something. It could be as little as
going out to eat and you order steak and rice, but they bring you steak
and potatoes and she feels like she needs to say 'Excuse me. He
ordered rice.' Even that small thing you need to be cognizant of. It
might sound crazy to a some of you but a lot of men out there let that
happen because they are scared to lose the promise of pussy. So, if
you take a woman out and you barely know her and order your food
and they bring the wrong thing back, and she feels like she has to step
in for your food then that means she doesn't respect you right now”.
On the other hand, here’s some things that you should never do when
it comes to a shit test:
• Raise your voice
• Resort to violence
• Put your emotions before logic (You must remain rational)
All of these point to the common denominator, SHOW NO
EMOTION. The minute you show emotion, when it comes to a test,
you lose. If you struggle with this, try meditating and box breathing.
These allow you to think more effectively, so that you can take the
appropriate action, rather than getting emotional and lashing out.

Here are some of the most common tests that you will face and how
to ‘pass them’.
1. “Are you talking to other women?”
How to answer: “I just be chilling”, *laugh* “What do you think?”,
*Make eye contact, then smirk*
What you shouldn’t say: “No, only you” “No, of course not”
This can be asked at any stage of your relationship with a woman. She
is trying to find out whether you’re desirable to other women, why?
Women are innately competitive; they want the best man that they can
attain and brag that they have him and other women don’t. Never
forget: women desire what other women have. You don’t have to be
in her face about it and say “Yeah, I’ve got 100s I’m speaking to”,
that screams insecurity. Be calm with it, don’t answer the question
directly, but let your actions/body language make it known that you
do, she will know from these cues exactly what you mean, without it
being said.
2. “When I come over, we’re not going to be doing anything”
How to answer: *laugh* “For sure”, “Oh, you’ve been thinking about
things we could be doing?”. “Ok”
What you shouldn’t say: “Ok, don’t bother coming then” *Leave on

Look at a woman’s actions, not her words. She’s coming over to your
place, it’s game time as soon as she arrives. Don’t fumble the bag and
get emotional because she said that. Be calm, agree with what she
says or flip it on her. “Look at your imagination going crazy already”,
“You’ve been thinking about things we could be doing?” etc. HER
3. “I have a boyfriend”
How to answer: “Ok, have a nice day” “For sure” *walk away*
What you shouldn’t say: “That’s not a problem” “He doesn’t have to
know” etc
If a woman say she has a boyfriend, she’s not interested. It is that
simple. Because if she was interested, she wouldn’t mention that she
had a man (even if she did have one). Charge it to the game and keep
it pushing. Trying to convince her, after she’s said she’s taken,
screams desperation and low self-respect on your behalf.
Hypothetically, you convinced her and she’s now yours, what makes
you think she won’t jump ship if another man comes along? If she
was willing to screw over her boyfriend in order to be with you, she
will screw you over to be with the next man.
4. “Are you going to buy me ‘x’?” (‘x’ can be anything, depending
on the situation. It could mean a drink in a bar or a gift for her
How to answer: *look at her like she’s got 10 heads* *laugh*
What you shouldn’t say: “Yeah, I got you” “Of course!”
A woman asking a man to buy her something is disrespectful. That’s
the equivalent of a man going up to a woman and saying “Let’s sleep
together right now”. Just as it is that a man isn’t entitled to sleep with

a woman, just because he wants to, a woman isn’t entitled to get
money spent on her, just because she wants you to.
You don’t owe anyone anything. If you want to buy something for a
woman, go crazy. But it should be because you choose to do so, not
because you were asked to do so. You’re a man and you have balls, if
you go buying things for woman (especially drinks in a club), she has
you by the balls. In this situation, just laugh at how goofy she is and
move on. She’s familiar with all the simps pandering to her every
need. Refuse to comply, and paradoxically, this will make her more
attracted to you.
5. Leaving you on read
How to answer: *Do nothing*
What you shouldn’t say: *Send a ‘?’* *Send another text* “Why did
you not reply?”
Leaving you on a read is one of the first tests that a woman will do.
Will you fold and double text, or will you do absolutely nothing?
When you do nothing, it lets a woman know that you don’t care,
meaning that she will start to care. The likelihood is that she will hit
you up saying she “Accidently forgot to reply” (If she doesn’t hit you
back up, move on). Do nothing and go about your business.

Chapter summary:
- Shit tests are a woman’s way of testing a man’s character
- When it comes to dealing with women, you will inevitably have
to deal with shit test
- If she never tests you, she isn’t interested in you. If she
constantly tests you, she doesn’t respect you
- Unless it is flat out disrespect, there will be a way in which you
can flip the test into your advantage

How to respond:
1. Remain cool, calm and collected
2. Laugh it off
3. Check her
4. Flip it on her

5 most common shit tests

1. “Are you talking to other women?”
2. “When I come over, we’re not going to be doing anything”
3. “I have a boyfriend”
4. “Are you going to buy me ‘x’?”
5. Leaving you on read

Chapter 13: Going on
“When you’re taking her out to dinner, spending time with her, that’s
her way of f*cking you. If you take her out 5 times, then she f*cked
you five times” – Patrice O’Neal
You’ve been conditioned to believe that you must take women on a
certain number of dates before you can get some. You’ve been
conditioned to spend considerable amounts of money on a woman in
order for her to like you. You’re doing all this whilst the man she
truly desires is balls deep in her after the first date. GET RID OF
I guarantee, once you’ve read and applied the words said in this book,
you will possess the knowledge on how to get an abundance of
women without going on dates. Personally, I think dates are a finesse
and a way for women to get free food out of you. Many men have
been on dates, paid a bunch of money for drinks and a meal, only for
her to say, “Thank you, but I don’t want to sleep with you”. Leaving
them with a hole in their wallet and their pride.
However, some of you may enjoy going on dates and getting to know
women in this aspect, so I’ll put you on game.
Firstly, you’re a man, you have balls. This means you lead her.
woman where she wants to go instantly turns her off, it indicates that
you’re a follower, not a leader. Never forget: Women desire strong
men that can LEAD her.
If you’re first linking up with a woman, you don’t have to go to a
fancy restaurant all dressed up. Simply, tell her “Let’s grab some food

at ‘x’ at 7pm”. Dressing up to the nines, particularly for a woman
you’ve never met, is the fastest way to get finessed. By going to grab
some food with her, you will be able to get to know her on a deeper
level, whilst saving yourself money (Let me preference this by saying,
you’re not doing this to save yourself money, rather to discover what
type of woman she is. Further down the line and the more serious it
gets, go crazy on going to fancy restaurants and all that good stuff, but
in the initial interaction, just do something chill). This will filter out
the gold diggers and woman looking for a quick meal and story to
show off on their Instagram.
When you’re on the date, HAVE FUN. Don’t take it too seriously, It’s
a date, not a job interview. Apply all aspects of The Game whilst on
the date. Excite her, make her laugh, evoke emotions, ask her
questions, insinuate when speaking, use eye contact etc.
The worst thing you can do is try too hard, as subconsciously, it lets
her know that you’re desperate and faking who you are. BE
YOURSELF. If she doesn’t like you for who you are, it wasn’t meant
to be, and you should move on. A woman who has genuine desire for
you, will take you as you are, NEVER CHANGE FOR A WOMAN.
This is disrespectful to yourself, and she will use this to her advantage
to finesse you.
The whole premise of going on a date is to escalate so you can be
balls deep after. Flirt and run game on her. Read the room before
asking her to come back to your place, but once you do, be bold and
do it with confidence.
You will know if she enjoyed herself, when she asks “When will we
next meet up” or she’s blowing up your phone the day after. From
there, you’ve got her. She’s hooked and will begin to invest into you
(the way it should be). Maintain your masculine frame and always put
your purpose first. Apply all the aspects of The Game and you will

have her on a retainer (Friend with benefits, in your rotation, whatever
you desire).
If she doesn’t show any indication of interest after the date, don’t
chase, replace. Charge it to the game and keep it pushing, she had her
chance to be with a king and fumbled the bag. Don’t get discouraged
or in your feelings, use it as fuel to push you to become a better man.
Chapter summary:
- When you’re on the date, HAVE FUN. Don’t take it too
seriously, It’s a date, not a job interview
- If she doesn’t show any indication of interest after the date,
don’t chase, replace

Chapter 14:
You’ve approached a woman with the right confidence, been texting
her, evoking her emotions, finally, you’re with her one on one. Now,
it’s game time.
Escalating is the cherry on top of the cake. Escalating is an art.
Escalating is a science. Once you master this, it’s game over.
Subconsciously, you know that once you’re one on one with a
woman, you’re about to have a whole bunch of fun.
If you’ve struggled with escalating before, don’t worry, I’ve been
through the exact same problem. When I was 17, I had this one
woman who was crazy for me. I had just passed my driving test, so I
went over to her house. We didn’t end up doing anything, but I didn’t
think much of it as she invited me back over a few days later. Again, I
went over and again, we didn’t do anything. I’m a solider, I never
quit. A week later I’m back over at her house but yet again, we didn’t
do anything.
3 times I went to her house, and I didn’t even get as much as a kiss.
Why? I didn’t know how to escalate. If you end up not doing anything
with a woman, you need to understand it is completely YOUR fault.
Women will never make the first move, as a man, you lead, hence
why you ALWAYS must make the first move (Once you’ve known
the woman for a while this may change, but particularly when you
first meet up, you have to make the first move).
At that age, I didn’t pick up on the subtle clues she left and I didn’t
use eye contact to my advantage. I froze up when it was game time.
I’m telling you this story to let you know, I went through exactly the

same struggle that you have, hence why I am now telling you how to
overcome this and how to have women gagging for you.
Understand this: If a woman is over at your place, or you’re over at
her place, you’re 99% of the way there. As long as you don’t mess it
up, you’ve got her. Women don’t meet up, in a private scenario, with
men that they don’t want to have some fun with.
There’s 4 main points to note when it comes to escalating:
1. Break the touch barrier
Breaking the touch barrier means to get her comfortable with you
touching her body, because consent is key. Let me make this clear:
CONSENT FROM HER FIRST. We’re kings, not r*pists. Always get
consent first. Touching on her is one way in which you’re getting
consent from her (When you’re going to do the do, get consent as
well). If she moves away when you go to touch her, pull back. Don’t
get emotional, it simply means she isn’t turned on enough yet. Read
the room, keep talking and flirting to her, then try again. If she
continually doesn’t want to be touched, leave.
This is the mistake I made when I was 17, not once did I break the
touch barrier with that woman, so I didn’t even give myself an
opportunity to do anything. It’s impossible to go straight from just
chilling with a woman to being balls deep, it’s a gradual process.
To break the touch barrier, do things like pull her towards you (if
you’re watching a movie) or rub on her shoulder or her lap. These are
just little gestures that gets her used to you, which will eventually help
you escalate further.
2. Read the room
Escalating is about biding your time, then striking with boldness. In
order to do this, you need to be able to read the room. This means you

need to develop a sense of how the woman is feeling towards you, so
that you know when you’re going to be bold. If you go to escalate at
the wrong time, she’ll turn you away. Essentially, you need to know
when she’s turned on, so that you can make your move.
To do this you need to take notes of her body language.
- When you touch her body, does she seem relaxed or agitated?
- Is her body turned towards you or away from you? (her
shoulder, hips, head etc)
- How heavy is her breathing? If you can sense her heart rate is
high, make your move
- Notice her eye movement. Is it slow and controlled or erratic?
The slower the better
- What does her general mood convey? Does she seem happy or
From these cues, you’ll know whether to escalate or not. If you’ve
concluded that it’s not time, it simply means she’s not ‘warmed up’
enough yet, continue to talk/flirt with her.
3. Take your time
As I initially said, escalating is an art. Take your time king! Don’t
rush into anything otherwise you will ruin the mood and ruin your
chances to do anything with her. Your movements should be slow and
controlled. When speaking to her, control your tone and the words
that come out of your mouth. When flirting in these kinds of
scenarios, your tone should be deep and crisp, leaving her grasping
onto every single word that you say. You can even whisper into her
ear, subtly implanting your intentions and the things that you’re going
to do with her. If you’re doing this, start off covert, then as you
escalate, begin to be increasingly more overt. When you’re doing
your thing, that’s when you’re all in her ear, letting her know that
you’re that guy.

Speaking to a woman whilst doing the do is one of the fastest ways to
create an experience that she’ll remember for the rest of her life. Few
men do this, which is exactly why you should. However, never forget:
To get to this stage, take your time. There’s no rush whatsoever. It’s
just you and here vibing together.
4. Be bold
The final part of the puzzle is to be bold. Sometimes, you just have to
be a man when it comes to dealing with women. You may have to
physically turn her face towards you to start doing your thing or pick
her up and put her in a particular position to get the interaction
When you’re bold, particularly when it comes to escalating, women
go crazy. Because fundamentally, you’re displaying your masculine
prowess. Unlike all the timid men she’s familiar with, you’re bold and
confident in yourself. That’s one of the main things that women crave
in men, strength. When you’re bold in your actions, you exude
strength, which results in her deeply desiring you in that moment.
The previous 3 points all tie into this. You have to read the room,
break the touch barrier and take your time BEFORE you proceed with
being bold. But when it is time to play, you play with stupendous
boldness and assertiveness.
Side note: If you’re bold and she turns it down, DON’T CONTINUE.
Pull back and return to step one.
These 4 aspects go in unison and as long as you follow them, you will
be able to escalate with ease. I’d recommend you create your own
‘routine’ that you can use, however, if you don’t currently have one or
want to improve, here’s mine:
The scenario will always start with me and the woman in a bed,
typically watching something on Netflix. What you watch doesn’t

particularly matter, but ideally you want something with some
romance or some comedy. I’ve done my thing to shows like: The
Bachelor, Boondocks, Step Brothers, even SpongeBob. The key is to
be watching something which you can talk and laugh about.
Initially, when on the bed, I may not even be close to her, but after a
short time, I’ll put my arm around her and draw her close to me. I
would then just slowly rub on her hair or on her shoulder (Still flirting
and watching what is on TV). By now, I have broken the touch
barrier, read the room and taken my time, so I will go to be bold. I
physically turn her face towards mine with my hand, make eye
contact for a few seconds then go to make out with her. This will go
on for a bit (whilst it’s happening, I have my hand rubbing her thigh).
I’d then pull back and go back to watching the movie. I use push/pull
and mystery to my advantage, as she’s now eagerly waiting for the
next time I make my move, meaning she’s getting wet. After a certain
period of time (it varies), I’d make a similar move to the previous one,
but this time I’d take her top and pants off (so she’s topless but
knickers are on). I’d kiss her lips, then her neck, then her breasts. The
nipples are a very sensitive area for women, so I’d rub on one whilst
sucking the other, at this point she’s dripping wet.
Eventually, I’d kiss from the breast, to her stomach, to her lower
abdomen, then the inside of her thigh. I’d begin to kiss and finger her,
occasionally stopping to whisper in her ear, then going again.
Tip: 2 inches in, 1 inch to the right is where a woman’s G spot is.
I switch up the tempo at which I do this (changing tempo is very
important, whether it’s fingering or fucking). Then I’d tell her to suck
my dick and the rest is history.
Throughout this whole process, I’m push and pulling, going quick and
going slow, constantly keeping her guessing as to what I’m doing
next. You can even tease her aswell. For example, you don’t
immediately go to finger her, you just rub one finger around the outer
lips/clit. Then eventually go in with the fingers, then pull out, kiss on
her, and restart the process.
There are many different ways in which you can do this but I
guarantee, that if you follow this routine, you will have a woman’s
Chapter Summary:
- If a woman is over at your place, or you’re over at her place,
you’re 99% of the way there
- Escalating is about biding your time, then striking with boldness
- Speaking to a woman whilst doing the do is one of the fastest
ways to create an experience that she’ll remember for the rest of
her life
4 ways to escalate:
1. Break the touch barrier
2. Read the room
3. Take your time
4. Be bold

Chapter 15: Drama,
excitement, and
“If it is integration you are after, seduction must never stop.
Otherwise boredom will creep in.” Art of seduction by Robert Greene
Drama, excitement and romance, this is the basis of how you keep a
woman attached to you. Provide these and she will become attached
to you, neglect these and she will become attached to someone else.
Why do you think women stay with their toxic boyfriends? They will
complain and say ‘he ain’t shit’, but she almost always stays. Why?
Because he provides excitement and drama (possibly even a touch of
romance every now and then). Women would rather stay with a toxic
boyfriend than to leave and live comfortable with a goofy square.
There’s nothing impressive about sleeping with a bunch of women.
Anyone with money, looks or status can have one-night stands with
various women. What is impressive, is having a woman who has
genuine desire for you or having a woman simp for you. Why is this
impressive? Because very few have/will ever experience a woman
simping for them.
Most haven’t had a woman buy food for them. Most haven’t had a
woman drive them anywhere they want. Most haven’t had a woman
blow up their phone. Apply these 3 elements to your game and you’re
in the 0.1% of men that will experience king treatment from a woman.
One thing to note, every woman is different, in terms of which aspect,
out of the three, that she craves the most. Some women may need
romance, due to their lack of self-esteem, whereas other women may

need excitement, due to them being an extrovert. It’s on you to
decipher which one she needs the most, so that you can provide it for
Women need some sort of drama in their life, which is why women
love celebrity gossip, watching drama TV (The bachelor, Love Island,
Euphoria etc). Drama evokes their emotions and as you know from
previous chapters, women operate on an emotions first basis.
Creating drama doesn’t mean you have to go out of your way to be a
dick or come up with some BS, it can be as simple as having (or it’s
perceived that you have) women on the side. This will get create
drama for her to get attached to. When she’s worried about what
you’re doing and whether you’re speaking to other women or not, she
is occupied. Meaning she doesn’t have the time to annoy or stress you
out, it’s the contrary, she will try harder to impress you, due to her
jealous nature.
This is the most forgotten area when it comes to women. Women
have seen romantic things their whole life, whether it’s from a young
age watching a Disney movie, or as an adult watching The Titanic or
any other romantic movie.
An element of romance is needed, due to how insecure women are
(generally speaking). If you give them no romance or attention, they
will get in their own heads and think you don’t like them anymore.
This will lead to her entertaining other men and the likelihood of her
leaving you is high.
One of the best ways to keep romance thriving with a woman is to
find out her love language. Love languages are the latest trend for
women to decide on the way they feel the most ‘appreciated’ or

‘loved’. When you’re initially getting to know a woman, ask her
“What is your love language?”. With this information, you now know
exactly how to keep the romance alive.

A point to note, do too much romantic stuff and it will quickly

become boring. Tie in the romance with the excitement, use surprises
and be spontaneous, if you’ve got a ‘schedule’ or ‘routine’ on when to
be romantic, the woman will be able to read through the lines and will
begin looking for the door.
For a lot of modern relationships, initially there is constant excitement
present. Going out to see different places and experience new things,
buying each other gifts and going on fancy dates etc. But after a year
(or even a few months), a routine is in place and the excitement
Don’t ever let this happen. The moment this happens, the relationship
is on a downward spiral. You must make it a conscious effort to
always have excitement available. How to do this:

- Go travelling
- Do ‘fun’ activities (Bowling, crazy golf, spa day etc)
- Go out on dates to different restaurants
- Show an interest in what they’ve got going
- Surprise her in anyways, shape or form
- Try new positions in the bedroom
These are just a few ways to keep the relationship fresh and exciting.
It will vary from woman to woman. Find out what she likes the best
and run with it (Never forget: Don’t do it too often, otherwise it will
get boring fast).

Chapter Summary:
- Drama, excitement and romance, this is the basis of how you
keep a woman attached to you. Provide these and she will
become attached to you, neglect these and she will become
attached to someone else
- Creating drama doesn’t mean you have to go out of your way to
be a dick or come up with some BS, it can be as simple as
having (or it’s perceived that you have) women on the side
- Love languages are the latest trend for women to decide on the
way they feel the most ‘appreciated’ or ‘loved’

Final words
You now possess all the knowledge required to become a king in life
WASTE. Apply the things that are said within this book, and I
guarantee you will become a cold mf.
Read this book, take notes, apply, revisit if you get stuck etc. This
book is eternal. The teachings are for life and should be passed onto
your son.
Remember the fundamentals though. Money first, ass last. Get
yourself together before you bother worrying about women. The
game taught me this.
If you have any questions or want to reach out to let me know your
thoughts on The Game, my Instagram is @youngalphakings or email
me at
Lastly, if you enjoyed The Game, don’t forget to rate it in your
Gumroad library, I’d appreciate it.
Stay blessed,


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