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Valderrama, Antique
SY 2020 - 2021
Government Recognition No. SR – 002 S. 2014
School Identification No. 403974

St. Luke’s Academy, is a Christ-centered community of excellence in holistic transformation.

To evangelize and empower the Antiqueño Youth.

Summative Assessment 2 in Creative Writing

Grade 12- Bernadette
Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________

I. Identification. Write the correct answer.

1. Has been derived from Latin word “fictus,” which means “to form”
2. Is an extensive prose narrative, a book-length story written in prose usually comprising 75,000 to 100,000 words.
3. A brief artistic form of prose fiction which centers on a single main incident and intends to produce a single
dominant impression.
4. It refers to the narrator in the story, the vantage point from where the readers observe the events of the story.
5. Is a sequence of events that “has a beginning, a middle, and an end”
6. Refers to the place and the time where and when an event happens
7. Is the element that evokes certain feelings or emotion in readers
8. Refers to the central idea, the thesis, the message a story conveys or a generalization or an abstraction from it
9. Is a thing that suggests more than its literal meaning. Writers usually want to send message an important
message to readers but they do not outright what it is.
10. The writer of plays

II. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
1. Tragedy refers to a play that portrays a conflict between human beings and some greater or overwhelming
2. Comedy was originated from the Greek komos which means “a rivalry or cosmos.”
3. Villains are often characterized as evil and opposes the hero.
4. A hero is the main or leading character.
5. The action of the play moves because of the setting.
6. In writing dialogue, characters should use clichés.
7. In writing dialogue, characters should not speechify (Delivering kilometric lines without interruption).
8. In writing dialogue, keep the agenda out of the dialogue.
9. Super hero is a character who is more ordinary than the traditional hero(ine).
10. Basically, a play can be categorized as either realistic, non-realistic or over realistic.

III. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is important that characters are provided by the writer with _____________, which explains why they do
the things they do.
A. Challenge C. Concentration
B. Motivation D. Power
2. Older and more neutral term than hero
A. Protagonist C. Main Character
B. Antagonist D. Foil

3. Serves as a contrast to the major character to highlight the particular qualities of the major character
A. Protagonist C. Main Character
B. Antagonist D. Foil
4. Also called lead characters and we think of them as more than the minor characters
A. Protagonist C. Main Character
B. Antagonist D. Foil
5. Stock characters or stereotyped characters that only has the barest description
A. Flat C. Static
B. Round D. Dynamic
6. Experience changes throughout the development of the story
A. Flat C. Static
B. Round D. Dynamic
7. Do not experience basic character changes through the course of the story
A. Flat C. Static
B. Round D. Dynamic
8. Usually the protagonist, have more than just one trait, complex and complicated
A. Flat C. Static
B. Round D. Dynamic
9. Functions like a camera; it is the frame through which characters, events, and other important details are
A. Focus C. Lens
B. Voice D. Atmosphere
10. refers to the words that embody the story
A. Focus C. Lens
B. Voice D. Atmosphere

IV. Complete the following. (2 points each)

2. 3.

1. 5.

V. Enumeration
1-3 Types of setting- environment
4-6 What to consider in understanding the theme of a story
7-8 Two varieties of comedy
9-10 Principal types of fiction

IV. Matching Type

1. It is what the characters say or do to achieve their objectives. A. Action
2. It is a speech delivered by an actor when he or she is alone to B. Antagonist
express thoughts. C. Arc
3. It is the character or situation that stands against the protagonist D. Backstory
4. It happens when the main character either fails or succeeds.
E. Deus ex Machina
5. Sometimes called spine or through line, it is the play’s story line
F. In medias res
6. It is the main character of the story.
G. Music
7. It pertains to the events that happened in the past.
H. Protagonist
8. It is the mainstay of the musical drama.
I. Reversal
9. It refers to the Greek practice of physically lowering a “god”
to the stage at the end of the play to solve all problems. J. Soliloquy
10. It refers to the opening scene in the middle of the action.

Prepared by: Ms. Ma. Klyden Glydel P. Jauod

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